blob: ce1966fe68ce56bc50f2aaf2c988ffb75d1c1f85 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019, The University of Memphis
# This file is part of Mini-NDN.
# See for a complete list of Mini-NDN authors and contributors.
# Mini-NDN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mini-NDN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mini-NDN, e.g., in file.
# If not, see <>.
This module will compute link state, hyperbolic and geohyperbolic
routes and their costs from the given Mini-NDN topology
import heapq
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from math import sin, cos, sinh, cosh, acos, acosh
import json
import operator
from mininet.log import info, debug, error
class CalculateRoutes():
Creates a route calculation object, which is used to compute routes from a node to
every other nodes in a given topology topology using hyperbolic or geohyperbolic
routing algorithm
:param NetObject netObj: Mininet net object
:param RoutingType routingType: (optional) Routing algorithm, link-state or hr etc
def __init__(self, netObj, routingType):
self.adjacenctMatrix = defaultdict(dict)
self.nodeDict = defaultdict(dict)
self.routingType = routingType
for host in netObj.hosts:
radius = float(host.params['params']['radius'])
angles = [float(x) for x in host.params['params']['angle'].split(',')]
self.nodeDict[][radius] = angles
for link in netObj.topo.links_conf:
linkDelay = int(link.linkDict['delay'].replace("ms", ""))
self.adjacenctMatrix[link.h1][link.h2] = linkDelay
self.adjacenctMatrix[link.h2][link.h1] = linkDelay
def getNestedDictionary(self):
return defaultdict(self.getNestedDictionary)
def getRoutes(self, nFaces):
resultMatrix = self.getNestedDictionary()
routes = defaultdict(list)
if self.routingType == "link-state":
if nFaces == 1:
resultMatrix = self.computeDijkastra() # only best routes.
resultMatrix = self.computeDijkastraAll() # all possible routes
elif self.routingType == "hr":
# Note: For hyperbolic, only way to find the best routes is by computing all possible
# routes and getting the best one.
resultMatrix = self.computeHyperbolic()
info("Routing type not supported\n")
return []
for node in resultMatrix:
for destinationNode in resultMatrix[node]:
# Sort node - destination via neighbor based on their cost
tempDict = resultMatrix[node][destinationNode]
shortedTempDict = sorted(tempDict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
# nFaces option gets n-best faces based on shortest distance, default is all
if nFaces == 0:
for item in shortedTempDict:
viaNeighbor = item[0]
cost = item[1]
routes[node].append([destinationNode, str(cost), viaNeighbor])
for index, item in enumerate(shortedTempDict):
if index >= nFaces:
viaNeighbor = item[0]
cost = item[1]
routes[node].append([destinationNode, str(cost), viaNeighbor])
debug("-routes----", routes)
return routes
def getNodeNames(self):
return [k for k in self.nodeDict]
def computeHyperbolic(self):
paths = self.getNestedDictionary()
nodeNames = self.getNodeNames()
for node in self.nodeDict:
neighbors = [k for k in self.adjacenctMatrix[node]]
for viaNeighbor in neighbors:
others = list(set(nodeNames) - set(viaNeighbor) - set(node))
paths[node][viaNeighbor][viaNeighbor] = 0
# Compute distance from neighbors to no-neighbors
for destinationNode in others:
hyperbolicDistance = getHyperbolicDistance(self.nodeDict[viaNeighbor],
* round(hyperbolicDistance, 6))
paths[node][destinationNode][viaNeighbor] = hyperbolicCost
debug("Shortest Distance Matrix: {}".format(json.dumps(paths)))
return paths
def computeDijkastra(self):
Dijkstra computation: Compute all the shortest paths from nodes to the destinations.
And fills the distance matrix with the corresponding source to destination cost
distanceMatrix = self.getNestedDictionary()
nodeNames = self.getNodeNames()
for node in nodeNames:
others = list(set(nodeNames) - set(node))
for destinationNode in others:
cost, path = dijkstra(self.adjacenctMatrix, node, destinationNode)
viaNeighbor = path[1]
distanceMatrix[node][destinationNode][viaNeighbor] = cost
debug("Shortest Distance Matrix: {}".format(json.dumps(distanceMatrix)))
return distanceMatrix
def computeDijkastraAll(self):
Multi-path Dijkastra computation: Compute all the shortest paths from nodes to the
destinations via all of its neighbors individually. And fills the distanceMatrixViaNeighbor
with a corresponding source to its destination cost
Important: distanceMatrixViaNeighbor represents the shortest distance from a source to a
destination via specific neighbors
distanceMatrixViaNeighbor = self.getNestedDictionary()
nodeNames = self.getNodeNames()
for node in nodeNames:
neighbors = [k for k in self.adjacenctMatrix[node]]
for viaNeighbor in neighbors:
directCost = self.adjacenctMatrix[node][viaNeighbor]
distanceMatrixViaNeighbor[node][viaNeighbor][viaNeighbor] = directCost
others = list(set(nodeNames) - set(viaNeighbor) - set(node))
for destinationNode in others:
nodeNeighborCost = self.adjacenctMatrix[node][viaNeighbor]
# path variable is not used for now
cost, path = dijkstra(self.adjacenctMatrix, viaNeighbor, destinationNode, node)
if cost != 0 and path != None:
totalCost = cost + nodeNeighborCost
distanceMatrixViaNeighbor[node][destinationNode][viaNeighbor] = totalCost
debug("Shortest Distance Matrix: {}".format(json.dumps(distanceMatrixViaNeighbor)))
return distanceMatrixViaNeighbor
def dijkstra(graph, start, end, ignoredNode = None):
Compute shortest path and cost from a given source to a destination
using Dijkstra algorithm
:param Graph graph: given network topology/graph
:param Start start: source node in a given network graph/topology
:end End end: destination node in a given network graph/topology
:param Node ignoredNode: node to ignore computing shortest path from
queue = [(0, start, [])]
seen = set()
while True:
(cost, v, path) = heapq.heappop(queue)
if v not in seen:
path = path + [v]
if v == end:
debug("Distance from {} to {} is {}".format(start, end, cost))
return cost, path
for (_next, c) in graph[v].iteritems():
if _next != ignoredNode: # Ignore path going via ignoreNode
heapq.heappush(queue, (cost + c, _next, path))
if not queue: # return if no path exist from source - destination except via ignoreNode
debug("Distance from {} to {} is {}".format(start, end, cost))
return cost, None
def calculateAngularDistance(angleVectorI, angleVectorJ):
For hyperbolic/geohyperbolic routing algorithm, this function computes angular distance between
two nodes. A node can have two or more than two angular coordinates.
:param AngleVectorI angleVectorI: list of angular coordinate of a give node I
:param AngleVectorJ angleVectorJ: list of angular coordinate of a give node J
innerProduct = 0.0
if len(angleVectorI) != len(angleVectorJ):
error("Angle vector sizes do not match")
# Calculate x0 of the vectors
x0i = cos(angleVectorI[0])
x0j = cos(angleVectorJ[0])
# Calculate xn of the vectors
xni = sin(angleVectorI[len(angleVectorI) - 1])
xnj = sin(angleVectorJ[len(angleVectorJ) - 1])
# Do the aggregation of the (n-1) coordinates (if there is more than one angle)
# i.e contraction of all (n-1)-dimensional angular coordinates to one variable
for k in range(0, len(angleVectorI)-1):
xni *= sin(angleVectorI[k])
xnj *= sin(angleVectorJ[k])
innerProduct += (x0i * x0j) + (xni * xnj)
if (len(angleVectorI) > 1):
for m in range(1, len(angleVectorI)):
# Calculate euclidean coordinates given the angles and assuming R_sphere = 1
xmi = cos(angleVectorI[m])
xmj = cos(angleVectorJ[m])
for l in range (0, m):
xmi *= sin(angleVectorI[l])
xmj *= sin(angleVectorJ[l])
innerProduct += xmi * xmj
# ArcCos of the inner product gives the angular distance
# between two points on a d-dimensional sphere
angularDist = acos(innerProduct)
debug("Angular distance from {} to {} is {}".format(angleVectorI, angleVectorJ, angularDist))
return angularDist
def getHyperbolicDistance(sourceNode, destNode):
Return hyperbolic or geohyperbolic distance between two nodes. The distance is computed
on the basis of following algorithm/mathematics
r1 = [key for key in sourceNode][0]
r2 = [key for key in destNode][0]
zeta = 1.0
dtheta = calculateAngularDistance(sourceNode[r1], destNode[r2])
hyperbolicDistance = (1./zeta) * acosh(cosh(zeta * r1) * cosh(zeta * r2) -\
sinh(zeta * r1) * sinh(zeta * r2) * cos(dtheta))
debug("Distance from {} to {} is {}".format(sourceNode, destNode, hyperbolicDistance))
return hyperbolicDistance