| * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information. |
| #include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLDecoder.h" |
| * A BinaryXmlDecoder extends a C ndn_BinaryXmlDecoder struct and wraps related functions. |
| class BinaryXmlDecoder : public ndn_BinaryXmlDecoder { |
| * Initialize the base ndn_BinaryXmlDecoder struct with the input. |
| BinaryXmlDecoder(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength) |
| ndn_BinaryXmlDecoder_init(this, (unsigned char *)input, inputLength); |
| * Decode the header from the input starting at offset, and if it is a DTAG where the value is the expectedTag, |
| * then return true, else false. Do not update offset, including if throwing an exception. |
| * @param expectedTag the expected value for DTAG |
| * @return true if got the expected tag, else false |
| bool peekDTag(unsigned int expectedTag) |
| if (error = ndn_BinaryXmlDecoder_peekDTag(this, expectedTag, &gotExpectedTag)) |
| throw std::runtime_error(ndn_getErrorString(error)); |