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  1. 31ae15f build+tests: Fixing compilation of unit tests by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago master
  2. 5e97420 util: Adding regex support. by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  3. 28fd32f security: Adding delete methods in KeyChain by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  4. c6d795f build: On my 12.04 Linux box librt required linking against pthread library by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  5. 59efe10 build: Disabling shared library (only static library is compiled) and disabling installation of tests and examples by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago

NDN-CPP-dev: A dev version of Named Data Networking client library for C++

NDN-CPP is a new implementation of a Named Data Networking client library written in C++.

NDN-CPP is open source under a license described in the file COPYING. While the license does not require it, we really would appreciate it if others would share their contributions to the library if they are willing to do so under the same license.

See the file INSTALL for build and install instructions.

Please submit any bugs or issues to the NDN-CPP issue tracker: