blob: d309796261ccebe56753e53268d5df526a6415f9 [file] [log] [blame]
; The general section contains settings of nfd process.
; Specify a user and/or group for NFD to drop privileges to
; when not performing privileged tasks. NFD does not drop
; privileges by default.
user ndn
group ndn
; default_level specifies the logging level for modules
; that are not explicitly named. All debugging levels
; listed above the selected value are enabled.
; Valid values:
; NONE ; no messages
; ERROR ; error messages
; WARN ; warning messages
; INFO ; informational messages (default)
; DEBUG ; debugging messages
; TRACE ; trace messages (most verbose)
; ALL ; all messages
default_level INFO
; You may override default_level by assigning a logging level
; to the desired module name. Module names can be found in two ways:
; Run:
; nfd --modules
; Or look for NFD_LOG_INIT(<module name>) statements in source files.
; Note that the "nfd." prefix can be omitted.
; Example module-level settings:
; FibManager DEBUG
; Forwarder INFO
; The tables section configures the CS, PIT, FIB, Strategy Choice, and Measurements
; ContentStore size limit in number of packets
; default is 65536, about 500MB with 8KB packet size
cs_max_packets 65536
; Set the CS replacement policy.
; Available policies are: priority_fifo, lru
cs_policy lru
; Set a policy to decide whether to cache or drop unsolicited Data.
; Available policies are: drop-all, admit-local, admit-network, admit-all
cs_unsolicited_policy drop-all
; Set the forwarding strategy for the specified prefixes:
; <prefix> <strategy>
/ /localhost/nfd/strategy/best-route
/localhost /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast
/localhost/nfd /localhost/nfd/strategy/best-route
/ndn/broadcast /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast
; Declare network region names
; These are used for mobility support. An Interest carrying a Link object is
; assumed to have reached the producer region if any delegation name in the
; Link object is a prefix of any region name.
; /example/region1
; /example/region2
; The face_system section defines what faces and channels are created.
; This section contains options that apply to multiple face protocols.
; Set to 'no' to disable congestion marking on supported faces, default 'yes'
enable_congestion_marking yes
; The unix section contains settings for Unix stream faces and channels.
; A Unix channel is always listening; delete the unix section to disable
; Unix stream faces and channels.
; The ndn-cxx library expects unix:///var/run/nfd.sock to be used as
; the default transport option. Please change the "transport" field
; in client.conf to an appropriate tcp4 FaceUri if you want to
; disable Unix sockets and use TCP instead.
path /var/run/nfd.sock ; Unix stream listener path
; The tcp section contains settings for TCP faces and channels.
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable TCP listener, default 'yes'
port 6363 ; TCP listener port number
enable_v4 yes ; set to 'no' to disable IPv4 channels, default 'yes'
enable_v6 yes ; set to 'no' to disable IPv6 channels, default 'yes'
; A TCP face has local scope if the local and remote IP addresses match the whitelist but not the blacklist
subnet ::1/128
; The udp section contains settings for UDP faces and channels.
; UDP unicast settings.
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable UDP listener, default 'yes'
port 6363 ; UDP listener port number
enable_v4 yes ; set to 'no' to disable IPv4 channels, default 'yes'
enable_v6 yes ; set to 'no' to disable IPv6 channels, default 'yes'
; Time (in seconds) before closing an idle UDP unicast face.
; The actual timeout will occur anytime between idle_timeout and 2*idle_timeout.
; The default is 600 (10 minutes).
idle_timeout 600
; UDP multicast settings.
; By default, NFD creates one UDP multicast face per NIC.
mcast yes ; set to 'no' to disable UDP multicast, default 'yes'
mcast_group ; UDP multicast group (IPv4)
mcast_port 56363 ; UDP multicast port number (IPv4)
mcast_group_v6 ff02::1234 ; UDP multicast group (IPv6)
mcast_port_v6 56363 ; UDP multicast port number (IPv6)
mcast_ad_hoc no ; set to 'yes' to make all UDP multicast faces "ad hoc", default 'no'
; Whitelist and blacklist can contain, in no particular order:
; - interface names, including wildcard patterns (e.g., 'ifname eth0', 'ifname en*', 'ifname wlp?s0')
; - MAC addresses (e.g., 'ether 85:3b:4d:d3:5f:c2')
; - IPv4 subnets (e.g., 'subnet')
; - IPv6 subnets (e.g., 'subnet 2001:db8::/32')
; - a single asterisk ('*') that matches all interfaces
; By default, all interfaces are whitelisted.
; The ether section contains settings for Ethernet faces and channels.
; Ethernet unicast settings.
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable Ethernet listener, default 'yes'
; Time (in seconds) before closing an idle Ethernet unicast face.
; The actual timeout will occur anytime between idle_timeout and 2*idle_timeout.
; The default is 600 (10 minutes).
idle_timeout 600
; Ethernet multicast settings.
; By default, NFD creates one Ethernet multicast face per NIC.
mcast yes ; set to 'no' to disable Ethernet multicast, default 'yes'
mcast_group 01:00:5E:00:17:AA ; Ethernet multicast group
mcast_ad_hoc no ; set to 'yes' to make all Ethernet multicast faces "ad hoc", default 'no'
; Whitelist and blacklist can contain, in no particular order:
; - interface names, including wildcard patterns (e.g., 'ifname eth0', 'ifname en*', 'ifname wlp?s0')
; - MAC addresses (e.g., 'ether 85:3b:4d:d3:5f:c2')
; - IPv4 subnets (e.g., 'subnet')
; - IPv6 subnets (e.g., 'subnet 2001:db8::/32')
; - a single asterisk ('*') that matches all interfaces
; By default, all interfaces are whitelisted.
; The websocket section contains settings for WebSocket faces and channels.
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable WebSocket listener, default 'yes'
port 9696 ; WebSocket listener port number
enable_v4 yes ; set to 'no' to disable listening on IPv4 socket, default 'yes'
enable_v6 yes ; set to 'no' to disable listening on IPv6 socket, default 'yes'
; The authorizations section grants privileges to authorized keys.
; An authorize section grants privileges to a NDN certificate.
certfile certs/localhost_daemons_nfd.ndncert
certfile any ; "any" authorizes command interests signed under any certificate,
; i.e., no actual validation.
; You may have multiple authorize sections that specify additional
; certificates and their privileges.
; authorize
; {
; certfile keys/this_cert_does_not_exist.ndncert
; authorize
; privileges
; {
; faces
; }
; }
; The following localhost_security allows anyone to register routing entries in local RIB
type any
; localhop_security should be enabled when NFD runs on a hub.
; "/localhop/nfd/fib" command prefix will be disabled when localhop_security section is missing.
; localhop_security
; {
; ; This section defines the trust model for NFD RIB Management. It consists of rules and
; ; trust-anchors, which are briefly defined in this file. For more information refer to
; ; validator configuration file format documentation:
; ;
; ;
; ;
; ; A trust-anchor is a pre-trusted certificate. This can be any certificate that is the
; ; root of certification chain (e.g., NDN testbed root certificate) or an existing
; ; default system certificate `default.ndncert`.
; ;
; ; A rule defines conditions a valid packet MUST have. A packet must satisfy one of the
; ; rules defined here. A rule can be broken into two parts: matching & checking. A packet
; ; will be matched against rules from the first to the last until a matched rule is
; ; encountered. The matched rule will be used to check the packet. If a packet does not
; ; match any rule, it will be treated as invalid. The matching part of a rule consists
; ; of `for` and `filter` sections. They collectively define which packets can be checked
; ; with this rule. `for` defines packet type (data or interest) and `filter` defines
; ; conditions on other properties of a packet. Right now, you can only define conditions
; ; on packet name, and you can only specify ONLY ONE filter for packet name. The
; ; checking part of a rule consists of `checker`, which defines the conditions that a
; ; VALID packet MUST have. See comments in checker section for more details.
; rule
; {
; id "RIB Registration Command Rule"
; for interest ; rule for Interests (to validate CommandInterests)
; filter
; {
; type name ; condition on interest name (w/o SignatureInfo/SignatureValue)
; regex ^[<localhop><localhost>]<nfd><rib>[<register><unregister>]<><><>$
; }
; checker
; {
; type customized
; sig-type rsa-sha256 ; interest must have a rsa-sha256 signature
; key-locator
; {
; type name ; key locator must be the certificate name of the
; ; signing key
; regex ^<>*<KEY><>$
; }
; }
; }
; rule
; {
; id "NDN Testbed Hierarchy Rule"
; for data ; rule for Data (to validate NDN certificates)
; filter
; {
; type name ; condition on data name
; regex ^<>*<KEY><><><>$
; }
; checker
; {
; type hierarchical ; the certificate name of the signing key and
; ; the data name must follow the hierarchical model
; sig-type rsa-sha256 ; data must have a rsa-sha256 signature
; }
; }
; trust-anchor
; {
; type file
; file-name keys/default.ndncert ; the file name, by default this file should be placed in the
; ; same folder as this config file.
; }
; ; trust-anchor ; Can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple trust anchors
; ; {
; ; type file
; ; file-name keys/ndn-testbed.ndncert
; ; }
; }
; The following localhop_security should be enabled when NFD runs on a hub,
; which accepts all remote registrations and is a short-term solution.
; localhop_security
; {
; trust-anchor
; {
; type any
; }
; }
cost 15 ; forwarding cost of prefix registered on remote router
timeout 10000 ; timeout (in milliseconds) of prefix registration command for propagation
refresh_interval 300 ; interval (in seconds) before refreshing the propagation
; This setting should be less than face_system.udp.idle_time,
; so that the face is kept alive on the remote router.
base_retry_wait 50 ; base wait time (in seconds) before retrying propagation
max_retry_wait 3600 ; maximum wait time (in seconds) before retrying propagation
; for consequent retries, the wait time before each retry is calculated based on the back-off
; policy. Initially, the wait time is set to base_retry_wait, then it will be doubled for every
; retry unless beyond the max_retry_wait, in which case max_retry_wait is set as the wait time.
; If enabled, routes registered with origin=client (typically from auto_prefix_propagate)
; will be readvertised into local NLSR daemon.
readvertise_nlsr no