blob: 71e26a24325de8d3112bc59452c136fbefb8d3d2 [file] [log] [blame]
; dbFile /usr/local/var/ndns/ndns.db
; name / ; name of the zone
; KeyChain must have a identity with this name
; cert /KEY/dsk-123/ID-CERT/%FD00 ; certificate to sign data
; omit cert to select the default certificate of above identity
; zone
; {
; name /ndn ; name of the zone, zone should not have the same name
; KeyChain must have a identity with this name
; cert /ndn/KEY/dsk-234/ID-CERT/%FD00 ; certificate to sign data
; omit cert to select the default certificate of above identity
; }
; hint /ucla
; hint /att