| NDNS: Domain Name Service for Named Data Networking |
| =================================================== |
| NDNS is a completely distributed database system that largely mimics the structure of the |
| DNS system in today's Internet but operates within the NDN architecture. Although the |
| design of NDNS was primarily driven with a desire to provide support for cryptographic key |
| distribution and routing scalability management, we believe that NDNS can also serve a |
| number of other purposes during the development and deployment of the NDN architecture in |
| * `API documentation (doxygen) <doxygen/annotated.html>`_ |
| * `Addressing Operational Challenges in Named Data Networking Through NDNS Distributed |
| Database <http://lasr.cs.ucla.edu/afanasyev/data/files/Afanasyev/afanasyev-phd-thesis.pdf>`_ |
| (PhD Thesis, outlining purpose and overall design of the NDNS system) |
| * `Source code git repository <https://github.com/named-data/ndns>`_ |
| NDNS is an open and free software package licensed under GPL 3.0 license and is the |
| centerpiece of our committement to making NDN's core technology open and free to all |
| Internet users and developers. For more information about the licensing details and |
| limitation, refer to `COPYING.md <https://github.com/named-data/ndns/blob/master/COPYING.md>`_. |