blob: ba28424594bb24302975448f992417478be574ac [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# Generate ndncert config file
echo 'Please enter the /ndn certificate:(end with Ctrl-D)'
ROOT_CERT=$(cat | tr -d '\n')
cat > ndncert-site-client.conf << ~EOF
"ca-prefix": "/ndn",
"ca-info": "NDN Testbed Root Trust Anchor",
"max-validity-period": "1296000",
"max-suffix-length": "3",
{"probe-parameter-key": "pin"}
"certificate": "$ROOT_CERT"
echo 'Please enter the /ndn certificate:(end with Ctrl-D)'
ROOT_CERT=$(cat | tr -d '\n')
# compile and install ndncert
git clone
cd ndncert
git checkout origin/v0.3
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
sudo cp ./build/systemd/ndncert-ca.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/ndncert-ca.service
# prepare CA configuration file
echo -e "{\n\"ca-prefix\": \"/ndn\",\n\"ca-info\": \"NDN testbed root CA\",\n\"max-validity-period\": \"1296000\",\n\"max-suffix-length\": \"2\",\n\"supported-challenges\":\n[\n{ \"challenge\": \"pin\" }\n]\n}" > /usr/local/etc/ndncert/ca.conf
# run the CA
sudo systemctl start ndncert-ca
# check the status to make sure everything is correct
sudo systemctl status ndncert-server