blob: ae85a8cd181e06a7146d18fed986274a390cfe78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
* ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
* ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
* See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
#include "challenge-possession.hpp"
#include <ndn-cxx/security/signing-helpers.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/security/transform/public-key.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/security/verification-helpers.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/logger.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/random.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
namespace ndncert {
NDNCERT_REGISTER_CHALLENGE(ChallengePossession, "possession");
const std::string ChallengePossession::PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT = "issued-cert";
const std::string ChallengePossession::PARAMETER_KEY_NONCE = "nonce";
const std::string ChallengePossession::PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF = "proof";
const std::string ChallengePossession::NEED_PROOF = "need-proof";
ChallengePossession::ChallengePossession(const std::string& configPath)
: ChallengeModule("Possession", 1, time::seconds(60))
if (configPath.empty()) {
m_configFile = NDNCERT_SYSCONFDIR "/ndncert/challenge-credential.conf";
else {
m_configFile = configPath;
JsonSection config;
try {
boost::property_tree::read_json(m_configFile, config);
catch (const boost::property_tree::file_parser_error& error) {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Failed to parse configuration file " + m_configFile + ": " +
error.message() + " on line " + std::to_string(error.line())));
if (config.begin() == config.end()) {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Error processing configuration file " + m_configFile + ": no data"));
auto anchorList = config.get_child("anchor-list");
auto it = anchorList.begin();
for (; it != anchorList.end(); it++) {
std::istringstream ss(it->second.get("certificate", ""));
auto cert = ndn::io::load<Certificate>(ss);
if (cert == nullptr) {
NDN_LOG_ERROR("Cannot load certificate from configuration file");
// For CA
std::tuple<ErrorCode, std::string>
ChallengePossession::handleChallengeRequest(const Block& params, ca::RequestState& request)
if (m_trustAnchors.empty()) {
Certificate credential;
const uint8_t* signature = nullptr;
size_t signatureLen = 0;
const auto& elements = params.elements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < elements.size() - 1; i++) {
if (elements[i].type() == tlv::ParameterKey && elements[i + 1].type() == tlv::ParameterValue) {
if (readString(elements[i]) == PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT) {
try {
credential.wireDecode(elements[i + 1].blockFromValue());
catch (const std::exception& e) {
NDN_LOG_ERROR("Cannot decode credential: " << e.what());
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::INVALID_PARAMETER, "Malformed credential.");
else if (readString(elements[i]) == PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF) {
signature = elements[i + 1].value();
signatureLen = elements[i + 1].value_size();
// verify the credential and the self-signed cert
if (request.status == Status::BEFORE_CHALLENGE) {
NDN_LOG_TRACE("Begin challenge");
// check the certificate
if (!credential.hasContent() || signatureLen != 0) {
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::BAD_INTEREST_FORMAT, "Cannot find certificate.");
auto keyLocator = credential.getSignatureInfo().getKeyLocator().getName();
ndn::security::transform::PublicKey key;
bool checkOK = std::any_of(m_trustAnchors.begin(), m_trustAnchors.end(), [&] (const auto& anchor) {
return (anchor.getKeyName() == keyLocator || anchor.getName() == keyLocator) &&
ndn::security::verifySignature(credential, anchor);
if (!checkOK) {
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::INVALID_PARAMETER, "Certificate cannot be verified.");
// for the first time, init the challenge
std::array<uint8_t, 16> secretCode{};
JsonSection secretJson;
secretJson.add(PARAMETER_KEY_NONCE, ndn::toHex(secretCode));
secretJson.add(PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT, ndn::toHex(credential.wireEncode()));
NDN_LOG_TRACE("Secret for request " << ndn::toHex(request.requestId) << " is " << ndn::toHex(secretCode));
return returnWithNewChallengeStatus(request, NEED_PROOF, std::move(secretJson), m_maxAttemptTimes, m_secretLifetime);
else if (request.challengeState && request.challengeState->challengeStatus == NEED_PROOF) {
NDN_LOG_TRACE("Checking proof");
// check the format and load credential
if (credential.hasContent() || signatureLen == 0) {
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::BAD_INTEREST_FORMAT, "Cannot find certificate.");
credential = Certificate(Block(ndn::fromHex(request.challengeState->secrets.get(PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT, ""))));
auto secretCode = *ndn::fromHex(request.challengeState->secrets.get(PARAMETER_KEY_NONCE, ""));
// check the proof
ndn::security::transform::PublicKey key;
if (ndn::security::verifySignature({secretCode}, {signature, signatureLen}, key)) {
return returnWithSuccess(request);
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::INVALID_PARAMETER,
"Cannot verify the proof of private key against credential.");
NDN_LOG_TRACE("Bad state");
return returnWithError(request, ErrorCode::INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot recognize the request.");
// For Client
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>
ChallengePossession::getRequestedParameterList(Status status, const std::string& challengeStatus)
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> result;
if (status == Status::BEFORE_CHALLENGE) {
result.emplace(PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT, "Please provide the certificate issued by a trusted CA.");
return result;
else if (status == Status::CHALLENGE && challengeStatus == NEED_PROOF) {
result.emplace(PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF, "Please sign a Data packet with request ID as the content.");
else {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Unexpected challenge status"));
return result;
ChallengePossession::genChallengeRequestTLV(Status status, const std::string& challengeStatus,
const std::multimap<std::string, std::string>& params)
Block request(tlv::EncryptedPayload);
if (status == Status::BEFORE_CHALLENGE) {
if (params.size() != 1) {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Wrong parameter provided"));
request.push_back(ndn::makeStringBlock(tlv::SelectedChallenge, CHALLENGE_TYPE));
for (const auto& item : params) {
if (std::get<0>(item) == PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT) {
request.push_back(ndn::makeStringBlock(tlv::ParameterKey, PARAMETER_KEY_CREDENTIAL_CERT));
Block valueBlock(tlv::ParameterValue);
auto& certTlvStr = std::get<1>(item);
valueBlock.push_back(Block(ndn::make_span(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
else {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Wrong parameter provided"));
else if (status == Status::CHALLENGE && challengeStatus == NEED_PROOF) {
if (params.size() != 1) {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Wrong parameter provided"));
for (const auto& item : params) {
if (std::get<0>(item) == PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF) {
request.push_back(ndn::makeStringBlock(tlv::ParameterKey, PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF));
request.push_back(ndn::makeStringBlock(tlv::ParameterValue, std::get<1>(item)));
else {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Wrong parameter provided"));
else {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Unexpected challenge status"));
return request;
ChallengePossession::fulfillParameters(std::multimap<std::string, std::string>& params,
ndn::KeyChain& keyChain, const Name& issuedCertName,
ndn::span<const uint8_t, 16> nonce)
auto keyName = ndn::security::extractKeyNameFromCertName(issuedCertName);
auto id = keyChain.getPib().getIdentity(ndn::security::extractIdentityFromCertName(issuedCertName));
auto issuedCert = id.getKey(keyName).getCertificate(issuedCertName);
const auto& issuedCertTlv = issuedCert.wireEncode();
auto signature = keyChain.getTpm().sign({nonce}, keyName, ndn::DigestAlgorithm::SHA256);
for (auto& [key, val] : params) {
val = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, issuedCertTlv.size());
else if (key == PARAMETER_KEY_PROOF) {
val = std::string(signature->get<char>(), signature->size());
} // namespace ndncert