blob: de7809bea3cd768e94b0527ad3ce7085e911bc02 [file] [log] [blame]
SMTP_SERVER = localhost or remote smtp server
SMTP_PORT = port number, usually one from 25 465 587
ENCRYPT_MODE = select one from ssl/starttls/none
SMTP_USER = leave it empty if you do not have one
SMTP_PASSWORD = leave it empty if you do not have one
from = NDN Certificate Robot <>
subject = Your NDNCERT verification code
text_template = Your email was recently used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT.
Here is the verification code to enter into your application and complete the certificate issuance process. Do not share this code with anyone else.
Your verification code is: ${secret}
CA name: ${ca_name}
Certificate name: ${cert_name}
If you do not know what is going on, please ignore this message.
html_template = <!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Your email was recently used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT.<br>
Here is the verification code to enter into your application and complete the certificate issuance process. Do not share this code with anyone else.</p>
<p><strong>Your verification code is: <code>${secret}</code></strong><br>
CA name: <code>${ca_name}</code><br>
Certificate name: <code>${cert_name}</code></p>
<p>If you do not know what is going on, please ignore this message.</p>