blob: 9c6ccb0d941ffc9934f7615887ddf599a1b17d35 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#ifndef NDN_FACE_HPP
#define NDN_FACE_HPP
#include "common.hpp"
#include "name.hpp"
#include "interest.hpp"
#include "interest-filter.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"
#include "security/signing-info.hpp"
#include "security/identity-certificate.hpp"
namespace boost {
namespace asio {
class io_service;
namespace ndn {
class Transport;
class PendingInterestId;
class RegisteredPrefixId;
class InterestFilterId;
namespace security {
class KeyChain;
using security::KeyChain;
namespace nfd {
class Controller;
* @brief Callback called when expressed Interest gets satisfied with Data packet
typedef function<void(const Interest&, Data&)> OnData;
* @brief Callback called when expressed Interest times out
typedef function<void(const Interest&)> OnTimeout;
* @brief Callback called when incoming Interest matches the specified InterestFilter
typedef function<void (const InterestFilter&, const Interest&)> OnInterest;
* @brief Callback called when registerPrefix or setInterestFilter command succeeds
typedef function<void(const Name&)> RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback;
* @brief Callback called when registerPrefix or setInterestFilter command fails
typedef function<void(const Name&, const std::string&)> RegisterPrefixFailureCallback;
* @brief Callback called when unregisterPrefix or unsetInterestFilter command succeeds
typedef function<void()> UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback;
* @brief Callback called when unregisterPrefix or unsetInterestFilter command fails
typedef function<void(const std::string&)> UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback;
* @brief Abstraction to communicate with local or remote NDN forwarder
class Face : noncopyable
class Error : public std::runtime_error
Error(const std::string& what)
: std::runtime_error(what)
public: // constructors
* @brief Create a new Face using the default transport (UnixTransport)
* @throws ConfigFile::Error on configuration file parse failure
* @throws Face::Error on unsupported protocol
* @brief Create a new Face using the default transport (UnixTransport)
* @par Usage examples:
* Face face1;
* Face face2(face1.getIoService());
* // Now the following ensures that events on both faces are processed
* face1.processEvents();
* // or face1.getIoService().run();
* @par or
* boost::asio::io_service ioService;
* Face face1(ioService);
* Face face2(ioService);
* ...
* @param ioService A reference to boost::io_service object that should control all
* IO operations.
* @throws ConfigFile::Error on configuration file parse failure
* @throws Face::Error on unsupported protocol
Face(boost::asio::io_service& ioService);
public: // consumer
* @brief Express Interest
* @param interest An Interest to be expressed
* @param onData Callback to be called when a matching data packet is received
* @param onTimeout (optional) A function object to call if the interest times out
* @return The pending interest ID which can be used with removePendingInterest
* @throws Error when Interest size exceeds maximum limit (MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE)
const PendingInterestId*
expressInterest(const Interest& interest,
const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout = OnTimeout());
* @brief Express Interest using name and Interest template
* @param name Name of the Interest
* @param tmpl Interest template to fill parameters
* @param onData Callback to be called when a matching data packet is received
* @param onTimeout (optional) A function object to call if the interest times out
* @return Opaque pending interest ID which can be used with removePendingInterest
* @throws Error when Interest size exceeds maximum limit (MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE)
const PendingInterestId*
expressInterest(const Name& name,
const Interest& tmpl,
const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout = OnTimeout());
* @brief Cancel previously expressed Interest
* @param pendingInterestId The ID returned from expressInterest.
removePendingInterest(const PendingInterestId* pendingInterestId);
* @brief Get number of pending Interests
getNPendingInterests() const;
public: // producer
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @param signingInfo (optional) Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters
* used in the signature will be used.
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with unsetInterestFilter or
* removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @param signingInfo (optional) Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters
* used in the signature will be used.
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with unsetInterestFilter or
* removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest callback
* @param interestFilter Interest
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* This method modifies library's FIB only, and does not register the prefix with the
* forwarder. It will always succeed. To register prefix with the forwarder, use
* registerPrefix, or use the setInterestFilter overload taking two callbacks.
* @return Opaque interest filter ID which can be used with unsetInterestFilter
const InterestFilterId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @param certificate (optional) A certificate under which the prefix registration
* command is signed. When omitted, a default certificate of
* the default identity is used to sign the registration command
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with unsetInterestFilter or
* removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const IdentityCertificate& certificate,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @param certificate (optional) A certificate under which the prefix registration
* command is signed. When omitted, a default certificate of
* the default identity is used to sign the registration command
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with unsetInterestFilter or
* removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const IdentityCertificate& certificate,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param identity A signing identity. A prefix registration command is signed
* under the default certificate of this identity
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const Name& identity,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param interestFilter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param identity A signing identity. A prefix registration command is signed
* under the default certificate of this identity
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @return Opaque registered prefix ID which can be used with removeRegisteredPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& interestFilter,
const OnInterest& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const Name& identity,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Register prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This method only modifies forwarder's RIB and does not associate any
* onInterest callbacks. Use setInterestFilter method to dispatch incoming Interests to
* the right callbacks.
* @param prefix A prefix to register with the connected NDN forwarder
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param signingInfo (optional) Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters
* used in the signature will be used.
* @return The registered prefix ID which can be used with unregisterPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
registerPrefix(const Name& prefix,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Register prefix with the connected NDN forwarder
* This method only modifies forwarder's RIB and does not associate any
* onInterest callbacks. Use setInterestFilter method to dispatch incoming Interests to
* the right callbacks.
* @param prefix A prefix to register with the connected NDN forwarder
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param certificate (optional) A certificate under which the prefix registration
* command is signed. When omitted, a default certificate of
* the default identity is used to sign the registration command
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @return The registered prefix ID which can be used with unregisterPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
registerPrefix(const Name& prefix,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const IdentityCertificate& certificate,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @deprecated Use override with SigningInfo instead of this function
* @brief Register prefix with the connected NDN forwarder and call onInterest when a matching
* interest is received.
* This method only modifies forwarder's RIB and does not associate any
* onInterest callbacks. Use setInterestFilter method to dispatch incoming Interests to
* the right callbacks.
* @param prefix A prefix to register with the connected NDN forwarder
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param identity A signing identity. A prefix registration command is signed
* under the default certificate of this identity
* @param flags (optional) RIB flags
* @return The registered prefix ID which can be used with unregisterPrefix
const RegisteredPrefixId*
registerPrefix(const Name& prefix,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const Name& identity,
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Remove the registered prefix entry with the registeredPrefixId
* This does not affect another registered prefix with a different registeredPrefixId,
* even it if has the same prefix name. If there is no entry with the
* registeredPrefixId, do nothing.
* unsetInterestFilter will use the same credentials as original
* setInterestFilter/registerPrefix command
* @param registeredPrefixId The ID returned from registerPrefix
unsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId* registeredPrefixId);
* @brief Remove previously set InterestFilter from library's FIB
* This method always succeeds and will **NOT** send any request to the connected
* forwarder.
* @param interestFilterId The ID returned from setInterestFilter.
unsetInterestFilter(const InterestFilterId* interestFilterId);
* @brief Unregister prefix from RIB
* unregisterPrefix will use the same credentials as original
* setInterestFilter/registerPrefix command
* If registeredPrefixId was obtained using setInterestFilter, the corresponding
* InterestFilter will be unset too.
* @param registeredPrefixId The ID returned from registerPrefix
* @param onSuccess Callback to be called when operation succeeds
* @param onFailure Callback to be called when operation fails
unregisterPrefix(const RegisteredPrefixId* registeredPrefixId,
const UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure);
* @brief Publish data packet
* This method can be called to satisfy the incoming Interest or to put Data packet into
* the cache of the local NDN forwarder.
* @param data Data packet to publish. It is highly recommended to use Data packet that
* was created using make_shared<Data>(...). Otherwise, put() will make an
* extra copy of the Data packet to ensure validity of published Data until
* asynchronous put() operation finishes.
* @throws Error when Data size exceeds maximum limit (MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE)
put(const Data& data);
public: // IO routine
* @brief Noop (kept for compatibility)
processEvents(const time::milliseconds& timeout = time::milliseconds::zero(),
bool keepThread = false);
* @brief Shutdown face operations
* This method cancels all pending operations and closes connection to NDN Forwarder.
* Note that this method does not stop IO service and if the same IO service is shared
* between multiple Faces or with other IO objects (e.g., Scheduler).
* @brief Return nullptr (kept for compatibility)
return *static_cast<boost::asio::io_service*>(nullptr);
class Impl;
/** @brief if not null, a pointer to an internal KeyChain owned by Face
* @note if a KeyChain is supplied to constructor, this pointer will be null,
* and the passed KeyChain is given to nfdController;
* currently Face does not keep the KeyChain passed in constructor
* because it's not needed, but this may change in the future
unique_ptr<KeyChain> m_internalKeyChain;
unique_ptr<nfd::Controller> m_nfdController;
unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
} // namespace ndn
#endif // NDN_FACE_HPP