blob: c465aa42e3cd781c6204745d5dc9844762467ae4 [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Jeff Thompson
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#include <vector>
namespace ndn {
class Face;
class Transport {
* @param face Not a shared_ptr because we assume that it will remain valid during the life of this Transport object.
virtual void connect(Face &face);
virtual void send(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLength);
void send(const std::vector<unsigned char> &data)
send(&data[0], data.size());
* Make one pass to receive any data waiting on the connection.
* @deprecated
virtual void tempReceive() = 0;
* Close the connection. This base class implementation does nothing, but your derived class can override.
virtual void close();