blob: 3cd540aeb1ee922f9de89e474d895fad8e3b6d02 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Regents of the University of California,
* Arizona Board of Regents,
* Colorado State University,
* University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
* Washington University in St. Louis,
* Beijing Institute of Technology,
* The University of Memphis.
* This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon).
* See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.
* NFD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* NFD, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "available-commands.hpp"
#include "help.hpp"
#include "status-report.hpp"
#include "status-main.hpp"
#include "legacy-nfdc.hpp"
namespace nfd {
namespace tools {
namespace nfdc {
static int
statusReport(ExecuteContext& ctx)
ReportFormat fmt = ctx.args.get<ReportFormat>("format", ReportFormat::TEXT);
switch (fmt) {
case ReportFormat::XML:
return statusMain(std::vector<std::string>{"-x"}, ctx.face, ctx.keyChain);
case ReportFormat::TEXT:
return statusMain(std::vector<std::string>{}, ctx.face, ctx.keyChain);
return 1;
static int
statusList(ExecuteContext& ctx, const std::string& option)
return statusMain(std::vector<std::string>{option}, ctx.face, ctx.keyChain);
static int
legacyNfdStatus(ExecuteContext& ctx)
auto args = ctx.args.get<std::vector<std::string>>("args");
return statusMain(args, ctx.face, ctx.keyChain);
registerCommands(CommandParser& parser)
CommandDefinition defStatusReport("status", "report");
.setTitle("print NFD status report")
.addArg("format", ArgValueType::REPORT_FORMAT, Required::NO, Positional::YES);
parser.addCommand(defStatusReport, &statusReport);
struct StatusCommandDefinition
std::string noun;
std::string verb;
std::string legacyOption;
std::string title;
const std::vector<StatusCommandDefinition> statusCommands{
{"status", "show", "-v", "print general status"},
{"face", "list", "-f", "print face list"},
{"channel", "list", "-c", "print channel list"},
{"strategy", "list", "-s", "print strategy choices"},
{"fib", "list", "-b", "print FIB entries"},
{"route", "list", "-r", "print RIB routes"}
for (const StatusCommandDefinition& scd : statusCommands) {
CommandDefinition def(scd.noun, scd.verb);
parser.addCommand(def, bind(&statusList, _1, scd.legacyOption));
parser.addAlias("status", "show", "list");
CommandDefinition defLegacyNfdStatus("legacy-nfd-status", "");
.addArg("args", ArgValueType::ANY, Required::NO, Positional::YES);
parser.addCommand(defLegacyNfdStatus, &legacyNfdStatus, AVAILABLE_IN_ALL & ~AVAILABLE_IN_HELP);
struct LegacyNfdcCommandDefinition
std::string subcommand;
std::string title;
const std::vector<LegacyNfdcCommandDefinition> legacyNfdcSubcommands{
{"register", "register a prefix"},
{"unregister", "unregister a prefix"},
{"create", "create a face"},
{"destroy", "destroy a face"},
{"set-strategy", "set strategy choice on namespace"},
{"unset-strategy", "unset strategy choice on namespace"},
{"add-nexthop", "add FIB nexthop"},
{"remove-nexthop", "remove FIB nexthop"}
for (const LegacyNfdcCommandDefinition& lncd : legacyNfdcSubcommands) {
CommandDefinition def(lncd.subcommand, "");
def.addArg("args", ArgValueType::ANY, Required::NO, Positional::YES);
parser.addCommand(def, &legacyNfdcMain);
} // namespace nfdc
} // namespace tools
} // namespace nfd