blob: ed8356e0968f6710831b57a2981a3139829f1512 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2012 University of California, Los Angeles
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/ndnSIM-module.h"
#include "ndnSIM-trie.h"
#include "../utils/trie/trie-with-policy.h"
#include "../utils/trie/lru-policy.h"
#include "../utils/trie/random-policy.h"
#include "../utils/trie/fifo-policy.h"
#include "../utils/trie/multi-policy.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace ns3;
using namespace ndn::ndnSIM;
using namespace boost;
// class Integer : public ns3::SimpleRefCount<Integer>
// {
// public:
// ::Integer (int value) : value_ (value) {}
// operator int () const { return value_; }
// private:
// int value_;
// };
// std::ostream &
// operator << (std::ostream &os, const ::Integer &i)
// {
// os << (int)i;
// return os;
// }
TrieTest::DoRun ()
cerr << "TrieTest is temporarily broken" << endl;
// typedef trie_with_policy<
// ns3::NdnNameComponents,
// smart_pointer_payload_traits<Integer>,
// multi_policy_traits<
// mpl::vector2<lru_policy_traits,random_policy_traits>
// > > trie;
// trie x;
// x.getPolicy ().get<0> ().set_max_size (100);
// x.getPolicy ().get<1> ().set_max_size (3);
// // // x.getPolicy ().get<1> ().set_max_size (3);
// // // // x.getPolicy ().get1 ().set_max_size (10);
// // // // x.getPolicy ().get2 ().set_max_size (3);
// // // // x.getTrie ().PrintStat (std::cout);
// ns3::NdnNameComponents n1,n2,n3,n4;
// // // // n1("a")("b")("c");
// // // // n2("a")("b")("d");
// // // // n3("a")("b")("f");
// // // // n4("a")("b");
// n1("a");
// n2("b");
// n3("c");
// n4("d");
// x.insert (n1, ns3::Create<Integer> (1));
// x.insert (n2, ns3::Create<Integer> (2));
// // // // x.longest_prefix_match (n1);
// x.insert (n3, ns3::Create<Integer> (3));
// x.insert (n4, ns3::Create<Integer> (4));
// x.insert (n4, ns3::Create<Integer> (4));
// std::cout << "digraph trie {\n";
// std::cout << x.getTrie ();
// std::cout << "}\n";
// Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> ();
// Names::Add ("TestNode", node);
// Ptr<ndn::App> app = CreateObject<ndn::App> ();
// node->AddApplication (app);
// ObjectFactory factory ("ns3::ndn::fib::Default");
// Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = factory.Create<ndn::Fib> ();
// node->AggregateObject (fib);
// Ptr<ndn::Face> face = CreateObject<ndn::AppFace> (app);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla"), face, 1);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla/1"), face, 1);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla/2"), face, 1);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla/3"), face, 1);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla/1/1"), face, 1);
// fib->Add (lexical_cast<ndn::NameComponents> ("/bla/1/2"), face, 1);
// cout << *fib << endl;
// fib->RemoveFromAll (face);
// cout << *fib << endl;
// BOOST_FOREACH (const trie::parent_trie &item, x.getPolicy ())
// {
// std::cout << *item.payload () << " " << std::endl;
// }
// ns3::NdnNameComponents n4;
// n4("a")("c");
// // std::cout << *x->find (n4).get<0> ();
// x->prune ();
// // x->find (n5).get<0> ()->erase ();
// x->find (n1).get<0> ()->erase ();
// std::cout << "digraph trie {\n";
// std::cout << *x;
// std::cout << "}\n";
// x->PrintStat (std::cout);
// delete x;