table: NameTree optimization

This commit adds platform-specific hash function selection and hash
table shrink function.

Change-Id: Iaaa0e5b86842d4e0582d3523f0a6b6836e152239
Refs: #1305
diff --git a/daemon/core/city-hash.cpp b/daemon/core/city-hash.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0bebb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/core/city-hash.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// CityHash, by Geoff Pike and Jyrki Alakuijala
+// This file provides CityHash64() and related functions.
+// It's probably possible to create even faster hash functions by
+// writing a program that systematically explores some of the space of
+// possible hash functions, by using SIMD instructions, or by
+// compromising on hash quality.
+//#include "config.h"
+#include "city-hash.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string.h>  // for memcpy and memset
+using namespace std;
+static uint64 UNALIGNED_LOAD64(const char *p) {
+  uint64 result;
+  memcpy(&result, p, sizeof(result));
+  return result;
+static uint32 UNALIGNED_LOAD32(const char *p) {
+  uint32 result;
+  memcpy(&result, p, sizeof(result));
+  return result;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define bswap_32(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
+#define bswap_64(x) _byteswap_uint64(x)
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+// Mac OS X / Darwin features
+#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
+#define bswap_32(x) OSSwapInt32(x)
+#define bswap_64(x) OSSwapInt64(x)
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <machine/bswap.h>
+#if defined(__BSWAP_RENAME) && !defined(__bswap_32)
+#define bswap_32(x) bswap32(x)
+#define bswap_64(x) bswap64(x)
+#include <byteswap.h>
+#define uint32_in_expected_order(x) (bswap_32(x))
+#define uint64_in_expected_order(x) (bswap_64(x))
+#define uint32_in_expected_order(x) (x)
+#define uint64_in_expected_order(x) (x)
+#if !defined(LIKELY)
+#define LIKELY(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))
+#define LIKELY(x) (x)
+static uint64 Fetch64(const char *p) {
+  return uint64_in_expected_order(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(p));
+static uint32 Fetch32(const char *p) {
+  return uint32_in_expected_order(UNALIGNED_LOAD32(p));
+// Some primes between 2^63 and 2^64 for various uses.
+static const uint64 k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL;
+static const uint64 k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273ULL;
+static const uint64 k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fULL;
+// Magic numbers for 32-bit hashing.  Copied from Murmur3.
+static const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
+static const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
+// A 32-bit to 32-bit integer hash copied from Murmur3.
+static uint32 fmix(uint32 h)
+  h ^= h >> 16;
+  h *= 0x85ebca6b;
+  h ^= h >> 13;
+  h *= 0xc2b2ae35;
+  h ^= h >> 16;
+  return h;
+static uint32 Rotate32(uint32 val, int shift) {
+  // Avoid shifting by 32: doing so yields an undefined result.
+  return shift == 0 ? val : ((val >> shift) | (val << (32 - shift)));
+#undef PERMUTE3
+#define PERMUTE3(a, b, c) do { std::swap(a, b); std::swap(a, c); } while (0)
+static uint32 Mur(uint32 a, uint32 h) {
+  // Helper from Murmur3 for combining two 32-bit values.
+  a *= c1;
+  a = Rotate32(a, 17);
+  a *= c2;
+  h ^= a;
+  h = Rotate32(h, 19);
+  return h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+static uint32 Hash32Len13to24(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  uint32 a = Fetch32(s - 4 + (len >> 1));
+  uint32 b = Fetch32(s + 4);
+  uint32 c = Fetch32(s + len - 8);
+  uint32 d = Fetch32(s + (len >> 1));
+  uint32 e = Fetch32(s);
+  uint32 f = Fetch32(s + len - 4);
+  uint32 h = len;
+  return fmix(Mur(f, Mur(e, Mur(d, Mur(c, Mur(b, Mur(a, h)))))));
+static uint32 Hash32Len0to4(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  uint32 b = 0;
+  uint32 c = 9;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    signed char v = s[i];
+    b = b * c1 + v;
+    c ^= b;
+  }
+  return fmix(Mur(b, Mur(len, c)));
+static uint32 Hash32Len5to12(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  uint32 a = len, b = len * 5, c = 9, d = b;
+  a += Fetch32(s);
+  b += Fetch32(s + len - 4);
+  c += Fetch32(s + ((len >> 1) & 4));
+  return fmix(Mur(c, Mur(b, Mur(a, d))));
+uint32 CityHash32(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  if (len <= 24) {
+    return len <= 12 ?
+        (len <= 4 ? Hash32Len0to4(s, len) : Hash32Len5to12(s, len)) :
+        Hash32Len13to24(s, len);
+  }
+  // len > 24
+  uint32 h = len, g = c1 * len, f = g;
+  uint32 a0 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + len - 4) * c1, 17) * c2;
+  uint32 a1 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + len - 8) * c1, 17) * c2;
+  uint32 a2 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + len - 16) * c1, 17) * c2;
+  uint32 a3 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + len - 12) * c1, 17) * c2;
+  uint32 a4 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + len - 20) * c1, 17) * c2;
+  h ^= a0;
+  h = Rotate32(h, 19);
+  h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  h ^= a2;
+  h = Rotate32(h, 19);
+  h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  g ^= a1;
+  g = Rotate32(g, 19);
+  g = g * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  g ^= a3;
+  g = Rotate32(g, 19);
+  g = g * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  f += a4;
+  f = Rotate32(f, 19);
+  f = f * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  size_t iters = (len - 1) / 20;
+  do {
+    uint32 a0 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s) * c1, 17) * c2;
+    uint32 a1 = Fetch32(s + 4);
+    uint32 a2 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + 8) * c1, 17) * c2;
+    uint32 a3 = Rotate32(Fetch32(s + 12) * c1, 17) * c2;
+    uint32 a4 = Fetch32(s + 16);
+    h ^= a0;
+    h = Rotate32(h, 18);
+    h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+    f += a1;
+    f = Rotate32(f, 19);
+    f = f * c1;
+    g += a2;
+    g = Rotate32(g, 18);
+    g = g * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+    h ^= a3 + a1;
+    h = Rotate32(h, 19);
+    h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+    g ^= a4;
+    g = bswap_32(g) * 5;
+    h += a4 * 5;
+    h = bswap_32(h);
+    f += a0;
+    PERMUTE3(f, h, g);
+    s += 20;
+  } while (--iters != 0);
+  g = Rotate32(g, 11) * c1;
+  g = Rotate32(g, 17) * c1;
+  f = Rotate32(f, 11) * c1;
+  f = Rotate32(f, 17) * c1;
+  h = Rotate32(h + g, 19);
+  h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  h = Rotate32(h, 17) * c1;
+  h = Rotate32(h + f, 19);
+  h = h * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+  h = Rotate32(h, 17) * c1;
+  return h;
+// Bitwise right rotate.  Normally this will compile to a single
+// instruction, especially if the shift is a manifest constant.
+static uint64 Rotate(uint64 val, int shift) {
+  // Avoid shifting by 64: doing so yields an undefined result.
+  return shift == 0 ? val : ((val >> shift) | (val << (64 - shift)));
+static uint64 ShiftMix(uint64 val) {
+  return val ^ (val >> 47);
+static uint64 HashLen16(uint64 u, uint64 v) {
+  return Hash128to64(uint128(u, v));
+static uint64 HashLen16(uint64 u, uint64 v, uint64 mul) {
+  // Murmur-inspired hashing.
+  uint64 a = (u ^ v) * mul;
+  a ^= (a >> 47);
+  uint64 b = (v ^ a) * mul;
+  b ^= (b >> 47);
+  b *= mul;
+  return b;
+static uint64 HashLen0to16(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  if (len >= 8) {
+    uint64 mul = k2 + len * 2;
+    uint64 a = Fetch64(s) + k2;
+    uint64 b = Fetch64(s + len - 8);
+    uint64 c = Rotate(b, 37) * mul + a;
+    uint64 d = (Rotate(a, 25) + b) * mul;
+    return HashLen16(c, d, mul);
+  }
+  if (len >= 4) {
+    uint64 mul = k2 + len * 2;
+    uint64 a = Fetch32(s);
+    return HashLen16(len + (a << 3), Fetch32(s + len - 4), mul);
+  }
+  if (len > 0) {
+    uint8 a = s[0];
+    uint8 b = s[len >> 1];
+    uint8 c = s[len - 1];
+    uint32 y = static_cast<uint32>(a) + (static_cast<uint32>(b) << 8);
+    uint32 z = len + (static_cast<uint32>(c) << 2);
+    return ShiftMix(y * k2 ^ z * k0) * k2;
+  }
+  return k2;
+// This probably works well for 16-byte strings as well, but it may be overkill
+// in that case.
+static uint64 HashLen17to32(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  uint64 mul = k2 + len * 2;
+  uint64 a = Fetch64(s) * k1;
+  uint64 b = Fetch64(s + 8);
+  uint64 c = Fetch64(s + len - 8) * mul;
+  uint64 d = Fetch64(s + len - 16) * k2;
+  return HashLen16(Rotate(a + b, 43) + Rotate(c, 30) + d,
+                   a + Rotate(b + k2, 18) + c, mul);
+// Return a 16-byte hash for 48 bytes.  Quick and dirty.
+// Callers do best to use "random-looking" values for a and b.
+static pair<uint64, uint64> WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(
+    uint64 w, uint64 x, uint64 y, uint64 z, uint64 a, uint64 b) {
+  a += w;
+  b = Rotate(b + a + z, 21);
+  uint64 c = a;
+  a += x;
+  a += y;
+  b += Rotate(a, 44);
+  return make_pair(a + z, b + c);
+// Return a 16-byte hash for s[0] ... s[31], a, and b.  Quick and dirty.
+static pair<uint64, uint64> WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(
+    const char* s, uint64 a, uint64 b) {
+  return WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(Fetch64(s),
+                                Fetch64(s + 8),
+                                Fetch64(s + 16),
+                                Fetch64(s + 24),
+                                a,
+                                b);
+// Return an 8-byte hash for 33 to 64 bytes.
+static uint64 HashLen33to64(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  uint64 mul = k2 + len * 2;
+  uint64 a = Fetch64(s) * k2;
+  uint64 b = Fetch64(s + 8);
+  uint64 c = Fetch64(s + len - 24);
+  uint64 d = Fetch64(s + len - 32);
+  uint64 e = Fetch64(s + 16) * k2;
+  uint64 f = Fetch64(s + 24) * 9;
+  uint64 g = Fetch64(s + len - 8);
+  uint64 h = Fetch64(s + len - 16) * mul;
+  uint64 u = Rotate(a + g, 43) + (Rotate(b, 30) + c) * 9;
+  uint64 v = ((a + g) ^ d) + f + 1;
+  uint64 w = bswap_64((u + v) * mul) + h;
+  uint64 x = Rotate(e + f, 42) + c;
+  uint64 y = (bswap_64((v + w) * mul) + g) * mul;
+  uint64 z = e + f + c;
+  a = bswap_64((x + z) * mul + y) + b;
+  b = ShiftMix((z + a) * mul + d + h) * mul;
+  return b + x;
+uint64 CityHash64(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  if (len <= 32) {
+    if (len <= 16) {
+      return HashLen0to16(s, len);
+    } else {
+      return HashLen17to32(s, len);
+    }
+  } else if (len <= 64) {
+    return HashLen33to64(s, len);
+  }
+  // For strings over 64 bytes we hash the end first, and then as we
+  // loop we keep 56 bytes of state: v, w, x, y, and z.
+  uint64 x = Fetch64(s + len - 40);
+  uint64 y = Fetch64(s + len - 16) + Fetch64(s + len - 56);
+  uint64 z = HashLen16(Fetch64(s + len - 48) + len, Fetch64(s + len - 24));
+  pair<uint64, uint64> v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - 64, len, z);
+  pair<uint64, uint64> w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - 32, y + k1, x);
+  x = x * k1 + Fetch64(s);
+  // Decrease len to the nearest multiple of 64, and operate on 64-byte chunks.
+  len = (len - 1) & ~static_cast<size_t>(63);
+  do {
+    x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + Fetch64(s + 8), 37) * k1;
+    y = Rotate(y + v.second + Fetch64(s + 48), 42) * k1;
+    x ^= w.second;
+    y += v.first + Fetch64(s + 40);
+    z = Rotate(z + w.first, 33) * k1;
+    v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first);
+    w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y + Fetch64(s + 16));
+    std::swap(z, x);
+    s += 64;
+    len -= 64;
+  } while (len != 0);
+  return HashLen16(HashLen16(v.first, w.first) + ShiftMix(y) * k1 + z,
+                   HashLen16(v.second, w.second) + x);
+uint64 CityHash64WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint64 seed) {
+  return CityHash64WithSeeds(s, len, k2, seed);
+uint64 CityHash64WithSeeds(const char *s, size_t len,
+                           uint64 seed0, uint64 seed1) {
+  return HashLen16(CityHash64(s, len) - seed0, seed1);
+// A subroutine for CityHash128().  Returns a decent 128-bit hash for strings
+// of any length representable in signed long.  Based on City and Murmur.
+static uint128 CityMurmur(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed) {
+  uint64 a = Uint128Low64(seed);
+  uint64 b = Uint128High64(seed);
+  uint64 c = 0;
+  uint64 d = 0;
+  signed long l = len - 16;
+  if (l <= 0) {  // len <= 16
+    a = ShiftMix(a * k1) * k1;
+    c = b * k1 + HashLen0to16(s, len);
+    d = ShiftMix(a + (len >= 8 ? Fetch64(s) : c));
+  } else {  // len > 16
+    c = HashLen16(Fetch64(s + len - 8) + k1, a);
+    d = HashLen16(b + len, c + Fetch64(s + len - 16));
+    a += d;
+    do {
+      a ^= ShiftMix(Fetch64(s) * k1) * k1;
+      a *= k1;
+      b ^= a;
+      c ^= ShiftMix(Fetch64(s + 8) * k1) * k1;
+      c *= k1;
+      d ^= c;
+      s += 16;
+      l -= 16;
+    } while (l > 0);
+  }
+  a = HashLen16(a, c);
+  b = HashLen16(d, b);
+  return uint128(a ^ b, HashLen16(b, a));
+uint128 CityHash128WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed) {
+  if (len < 128) {
+    return CityMurmur(s, len, seed);
+  }
+  // We expect len >= 128 to be the common case.  Keep 56 bytes of state:
+  // v, w, x, y, and z.
+  pair<uint64, uint64> v, w;
+  uint64 x = Uint128Low64(seed);
+  uint64 y = Uint128High64(seed);
+  uint64 z = len * k1;
+  v.first = Rotate(y ^ k1, 49) * k1 + Fetch64(s);
+  v.second = Rotate(v.first, 42) * k1 + Fetch64(s + 8);
+  w.first = Rotate(y + z, 35) * k1 + x;
+  w.second = Rotate(x + Fetch64(s + 88), 53) * k1;
+  // This is the same inner loop as CityHash64(), manually unrolled.
+  do {
+    x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + Fetch64(s + 8), 37) * k1;
+    y = Rotate(y + v.second + Fetch64(s + 48), 42) * k1;
+    x ^= w.second;
+    y += v.first + Fetch64(s + 40);
+    z = Rotate(z + w.first, 33) * k1;
+    v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first);
+    w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y + Fetch64(s + 16));
+    std::swap(z, x);
+    s += 64;
+    x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + Fetch64(s + 8), 37) * k1;
+    y = Rotate(y + v.second + Fetch64(s + 48), 42) * k1;
+    x ^= w.second;
+    y += v.first + Fetch64(s + 40);
+    z = Rotate(z + w.first, 33) * k1;
+    v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first);
+    w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y + Fetch64(s + 16));
+    std::swap(z, x);
+    s += 64;
+    len -= 128;
+  } while (LIKELY(len >= 128));
+  x += Rotate(v.first + z, 49) * k0;
+  y = y * k0 + Rotate(w.second, 37);
+  z = z * k0 + Rotate(w.first, 27);
+  w.first *= 9;
+  v.first *= k0;
+  // If 0 < len < 128, hash up to 4 chunks of 32 bytes each from the end of s.
+  for (size_t tail_done = 0; tail_done < len; ) {
+    tail_done += 32;
+    y = Rotate(x + y, 42) * k0 + v.second;
+    w.first += Fetch64(s + len - tail_done + 16);
+    x = x * k0 + w.first;
+    z += w.second + Fetch64(s + len - tail_done);
+    w.second += v.first;
+    v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - tail_done, v.first + z, v.second);
+    v.first *= k0;
+  }
+  // At this point our 56 bytes of state should contain more than
+  // enough information for a strong 128-bit hash.  We use two
+  // different 56-byte-to-8-byte hashes to get a 16-byte final result.
+  x = HashLen16(x, v.first);
+  y = HashLen16(y + z, w.first);
+  return uint128(HashLen16(x + v.second, w.second) + y,
+                 HashLen16(x + w.second, y + v.second));
+uint128 CityHash128(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  return len >= 16 ?
+      CityHash128WithSeed(s + 16, len - 16,
+                          uint128(Fetch64(s), Fetch64(s + 8) + k0)) :
+      CityHash128WithSeed(s, len, uint128(k0, k1));
+#ifdef __SSE4_2__
+#include <citycrc.h>
+#include <nmmintrin.h>
+// Requires len >= 240.
+static void CityHashCrc256Long(const char *s, size_t len,
+                               uint32 seed, uint64 *result) {
+  uint64 a = Fetch64(s + 56) + k0;
+  uint64 b = Fetch64(s + 96) + k0;
+  uint64 c = result[0] = HashLen16(b, len);
+  uint64 d = result[1] = Fetch64(s + 120) * k0 + len;
+  uint64 e = Fetch64(s + 184) + seed;
+  uint64 f = 0;
+  uint64 g = 0;
+  uint64 h = c + d;
+  uint64 x = seed;
+  uint64 y = 0;
+  uint64 z = 0;
+  // 240 bytes of input per iter.
+  size_t iters = len / 240;
+  len -= iters * 240;
+  do {
+#undef CHUNK
+#define CHUNK(r)                                \
+    PERMUTE3(x, z, y);                          \
+    b += Fetch64(s);                            \
+    c += Fetch64(s + 8);                        \
+    d += Fetch64(s + 16);                       \
+    e += Fetch64(s + 24);                       \
+    f += Fetch64(s + 32);                       \
+    a += b;                                     \
+    h += f;                                     \
+    b += c;                                     \
+    f += d;                                     \
+    g += e;                                     \
+    e += z;                                     \
+    g += x;                                     \
+    z = _mm_crc32_u64(z, b + g);                \
+    y = _mm_crc32_u64(y, e + h);                \
+    x = _mm_crc32_u64(x, f + a);                \
+    e = Rotate(e, r);                           \
+    c += e;                                     \
+    s += 40
+    CHUNK(0); PERMUTE3(a, h, c);
+    CHUNK(33); PERMUTE3(a, h, f);
+    CHUNK(0); PERMUTE3(b, h, f);
+    CHUNK(42); PERMUTE3(b, h, d);
+    CHUNK(0); PERMUTE3(b, h, e);
+    CHUNK(33); PERMUTE3(a, h, e);
+  } while (--iters > 0);
+  while (len >= 40) {
+    CHUNK(29);
+    e ^= Rotate(a, 20);
+    h += Rotate(b, 30);
+    g ^= Rotate(c, 40);
+    f += Rotate(d, 34);
+    PERMUTE3(c, h, g);
+    len -= 40;
+  }
+  if (len > 0) {
+    s = s + len - 40;
+    CHUNK(33);
+    e ^= Rotate(a, 43);
+    h += Rotate(b, 42);
+    g ^= Rotate(c, 41);
+    f += Rotate(d, 40);
+  }
+  result[0] ^= h;
+  result[1] ^= g;
+  g += h;
+  a = HashLen16(a, g + z);
+  x += y << 32;
+  b += x;
+  c = HashLen16(c, z) + h;
+  d = HashLen16(d, e + result[0]);
+  g += e;
+  h += HashLen16(x, f);
+  e = HashLen16(a, d) + g;
+  z = HashLen16(b, c) + a;
+  y = HashLen16(g, h) + c;
+  result[0] = e + z + y + x;
+  a = ShiftMix((a + y) * k0) * k0 + b;
+  result[1] += a + result[0];
+  a = ShiftMix(a * k0) * k0 + c;
+  result[2] = a + result[1];
+  a = ShiftMix((a + e) * k0) * k0;
+  result[3] = a + result[2];
+// Requires len < 240.
+static void CityHashCrc256Short(const char *s, size_t len, uint64 *result) {
+  char buf[240];
+  memcpy(buf, s, len);
+  memset(buf + len, 0, 240 - len);
+  CityHashCrc256Long(buf, 240, ~static_cast<uint32>(len), result);
+void CityHashCrc256(const char *s, size_t len, uint64 *result) {
+  if (LIKELY(len >= 240)) {
+    CityHashCrc256Long(s, len, 0, result);
+  } else {
+    CityHashCrc256Short(s, len, result);
+  }
+uint128 CityHashCrc128WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed) {
+  if (len <= 900) {
+    return CityHash128WithSeed(s, len, seed);
+  } else {
+    uint64 result[4];
+    CityHashCrc256(s, len, result);
+    uint64 u = Uint128High64(seed) + result[0];
+    uint64 v = Uint128Low64(seed) + result[1];
+    return uint128(HashLen16(u, v + result[2]),
+                   HashLen16(Rotate(v, 32), u * k0 + result[3]));
+  }
+uint128 CityHashCrc128(const char *s, size_t len) {
+  if (len <= 900) {
+    return CityHash128(s, len);
+  } else {
+    uint64 result[4];
+    CityHashCrc256(s, len, result);
+    return uint128(result[2], result[3]);
+  }