blob: dafec47956a69797fe7f52c02a608b24eadc08be [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2014 Named Data Networking Project
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#include "pit.hpp"
namespace nfd {
Pit::Pit(NameTree& nameTree) : m_nameTree(nameTree), m_nItems(0)
static inline bool
predicate_NameTreeEntry_hasPitEntry(const name_tree::Entry& entry)
return entry.hasPitEntries();
static inline bool
operator==(const Exclude& a, const Exclude& b)
const Block& aBlock = a.wireEncode();
const Block& bBlock = b.wireEncode();
return aBlock.size() == bBlock.size() &&
0 == memcmp(aBlock.wire(), bBlock.wire(), aBlock.size());
static inline bool
predicate_PitEntry_similar_Interest(shared_ptr<pit::Entry> entry,
const Interest& interest)
const Interest& pi = entry->getInterest();
return pi.getName().equals(interest.getName()) &&
pi.getMinSuffixComponents() == interest.getMinSuffixComponents() &&
pi.getMaxSuffixComponents() == interest.getMaxSuffixComponents() &&
// TODO PublisherPublicKeyLocator (ndn-cpp-dev #1157)
pi.getExclude() == interest.getExclude() &&
pi.getChildSelector() == interest.getChildSelector() &&
pi.getMustBeFresh() == interest.getMustBeFresh();
std::pair<shared_ptr<pit::Entry>, bool>
Pit::insert(const Interest& interest)
// - first lookup() the Interest Name in the NameTree, which will creates all
// the intermedia nodes, starting from the shortest prefix.
// - if it is guaranteed that this Interest already has a NameTree Entry, we
// could use findExactMatch() instead.
// - Alternatively, we could try to do findExactMatch() first, if not found,
// then do lookup().
shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> nameTreeEntry = m_nameTree.lookup(interest.getName());
std::vector<shared_ptr<pit::Entry> >& pitEntries = nameTreeEntry->getPitEntries();
// then check if this Interest is already in the PIT entries
std::vector<shared_ptr<pit::Entry> >::iterator it = std::find_if(pitEntries.begin(), pitEntries.end(), bind(&predicate_PitEntry_similar_Interest, _1, interest));
if (it != pitEntries.end())
return std::make_pair(*it, false);
shared_ptr<pit::Entry> entry = make_shared<pit::Entry>(interest);
// Increase m_nItmes only if we create a new PIT Entry
return std::make_pair(entry, true);
Pit::findAllDataMatches(const Data& data) const
shared_ptr<pit::DataMatchResult> result = make_shared<pit::DataMatchResult>();
for (NameTree::const_iterator it =
m_nameTree.findAllMatches(data.getName(), &predicate_NameTreeEntry_hasPitEntry);
it != m_nameTree.end(); it++)
std::vector<shared_ptr<pit::Entry> >& pitEntries = it->getPitEntries();
for (size_t i = 0; i < pitEntries.size(); i++)
if (pitEntries[i]->getInterest().matchesName(data.getName()))
return result;
Pit::erase(shared_ptr<pit::Entry> pitEntry)
// first get the NPE
// If pit-entry.hpp stores a NameTree Entry for each PIT, we could also use the get() method
// directly, saving one hash computation.
shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> nameTreeEntry = m_nameTree.findExactMatch(pitEntry->getName());
// erase this PIT entry
if (static_cast<bool>(nameTreeEntry))
} // namespace nfd