src: Updating code style to conform (more or less) to ndn-cxx style

Also, adding .clang-format that describes the applied style. Note that
this style requires a slightly customized version of clang-format.
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5011d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This style requires customized clang-format from
+BasedOnStyle: GNU
+Language: Cpp
+AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: true
+AlwaysBreakAfterDeclarationReturnType: true
+ColumnLimit: 100
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
+BreakBeforeBraces: Stroustrup
+PointerAlignment: Left
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 0
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+# AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
+NamespaceIndentation: None
+Standard: Cpp11
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
+IndentWidth: 2
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 500
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+UseTab: Never
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 2
+SpaceBetweenTemplateAndOpeningAngle: false
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/ndn-app.cpp b/apps/ndn-app.cpp
index 1c62745..f353e62 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-app.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-app.cpp
@@ -30,137 +30,135 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-app-face.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-forwarding-strategy.hpp"
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-App::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::App")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Application> ()
-    .AddConstructor<App> ()
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::App")
+                        .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+                        .SetParent<Application>()
+                        .AddConstructor<App>()
-    .AddTraceSource ("ReceivedInterests", "ReceivedInterests",
-                    MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&App::m_receivedInterests))
-    .AddTraceSource ("ReceivedNacks", "ReceivedNacks",
-                    MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&App::m_receivedNacks))
-    .AddTraceSource ("ReceivedDatas", "ReceivedDatas",
-                    MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&App::m_receivedDatas))
+                        .AddTraceSource("ReceivedInterests", "ReceivedInterests",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&App::m_receivedInterests))
-    .AddTraceSource ("TransmittedInterests", "TransmittedInterests",
-                    MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&App::m_transmittedInterests))
+                        .AddTraceSource("ReceivedNacks", "ReceivedNacks",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&App::m_receivedNacks))
-    .AddTraceSource ("TransmittedDatas", "TransmittedDatas",
-                    MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&App::m_transmittedDatas))
-    ;
+                        .AddTraceSource("ReceivedDatas", "ReceivedDatas",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&App::m_receivedDatas))
+                        .AddTraceSource("TransmittedInterests", "TransmittedInterests",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&App::m_transmittedInterests))
+                        .AddTraceSource("TransmittedDatas", "TransmittedDatas",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&App::m_transmittedDatas));
   return tid;
-App::App ()
-  : m_active (false)
-  , m_face (0)
+  : m_active(false)
+  , m_face(0)
-App::~App ()
-App::DoDispose (void)
   // Unfortunately, this causes SEGFAULT
   // The best reason I see is that apps are freed after ndn stack is removed
-  // StopApplication ();  
-  Application::DoDispose ();
+  // StopApplication ();
+  Application::DoDispose();
-App::GetId () const
+App::GetId() const
   if (m_face == 0)
     return (uint32_t)-1;
-    return m_face->GetId ();
+    return m_face->GetId();
-App::OnInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+App::OnInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interest);
-  m_receivedInterests (interest, this, m_face);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << interest);
+  m_receivedInterests(interest, this, m_face);
-App::OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+App::OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interest);
-  m_receivedNacks (interest, this, m_face);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << interest);
+  m_receivedNacks(interest, this, m_face);
-App::OnData (Ptr<const Data> contentObject)
+App::OnData(Ptr<const Data> contentObject)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << contentObject);
-  m_receivedDatas (contentObject, this, m_face);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << contentObject);
+  m_receivedDatas(contentObject, this, m_face);
 // Application Methods
-App::StartApplication () // Called at time specified by Start
+App::StartApplication() // Called at time specified by Start
-  NS_ASSERT (m_active != true);
+  NS_ASSERT(m_active != true);
   m_active = true;
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (GetNode ()->GetObject<L3Protocol> () != 0,
-                 "Ndn stack should be installed on the node " << GetNode ());
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(GetNode()->GetObject<L3Protocol>() != 0,
+                "Ndn stack should be installed on the node " << GetNode());
   // step 1. Create a face
-  m_face = CreateObject<AppFace> (/*Ptr<App> (this)*/this);
+  m_face = CreateObject<AppFace>(/*Ptr<App> (this)*/ this);
   // step 2. Add face to the Ndn stack
-  GetNode ()->GetObject<L3Protocol> ()->AddFace (m_face);
+  GetNode()->GetObject<L3Protocol>()->AddFace(m_face);
   // step 3. Enable face
-  m_face->SetUp (true);
+  m_face->SetUp(true);
-App::StopApplication () // Called at time specified by Stop
-  if (!m_active) return; //don't assert here, just return
-  NS_ASSERT (GetNode ()->GetObject<L3Protocol> () != 0);
+App::StopApplication() // Called at time specified by Stop
+  if (!m_active)
+    return; // don't assert here, just return
+  NS_ASSERT(GetNode()->GetObject<L3Protocol>() != 0);
   m_active = false;
   // step 1. Disable face
-  m_face->SetUp (false);
+  m_face->SetUp(false);
   // step 2. Remove face from Ndn stack
-  GetNode ()->GetObject<L3Protocol> ()->RemoveFace (m_face);
+  GetNode()->GetObject<L3Protocol>()->RemoveFace(m_face);
   // step 3. Destroy face
-  if (m_face->GetReferenceCount () != 1)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Please a bug report on");
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("At this point, nobody else should have referenced this face, but we have "
-                    << m_face->GetReferenceCount () << " references");
-    }
+  if (m_face->GetReferenceCount() != 1) {
+    NS_LOG_ERROR("Please a bug report on");
+    NS_LOG_ERROR("At this point, nobody else should have referenced this face, but we have "
+                 << m_face->GetReferenceCount() << " references");
+  }
   // NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_face->GetReferenceCount ()==2,
   //               "At this point, nobody else should have referenced this face, but we have "
   //               << m_face->GetReferenceCount () << " references");
diff --git a/apps/ndn-app.hpp b/apps/ndn-app.hpp
index 2157a7f..edede34 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-app.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-app.hpp
@@ -44,83 +44,86 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
  * @brief Base class that all NDN applications should be derived from.
- * 
+ *
  * The class implements virtual calls onInterest, onNack, and onData
-class App: public Application
+class App : public Application {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default constructor
-  App ();
-  virtual ~App ();
+  App();
+  virtual ~App();
    * @brief Get application ID (ID of applications face)
-  GetId () const;
+  GetId() const;
    * @brief Method that will be called every time new Interest arrives
    * @param interest Interest header
-   * @param packet   "Payload" of the interests packet. The actual payload should be zero, but packet itself
+   * @param packet   "Payload" of the interests packet. The actual payload should be zero, but
+   * packet itself
    *                 may be useful to get packet tags
   virtual void
-  OnInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  OnInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
    * @brief Method that will be called every time new NACK arrives
    * @param interest Interest header
   virtual void
-  OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
    * @brief Method that will be called every time new Data arrives
    * @param contentObject Data header
-   * @param payload payload (potentially virtual) of the Data packet (may include packet tags of original packet)
+   * @param payload payload (potentially virtual) of the Data packet (may include packet tags of
+   * original packet)
   virtual void
-  OnData (Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
+  OnData(Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
    * @brief Do cleanup when application is destroyed
   virtual void
-  DoDispose ();
+  DoDispose();
   // inherited from Application base class. Originally they were private
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();    ///< @brief Called at time specified by Start
+  StartApplication(); ///< @brief Called at time specified by Start
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();     ///< @brief Called at time specified by Stop
+  StopApplication(); ///< @brief Called at time specified by Stop
-  bool m_active;  ///< @brief Flag to indicate that application is active (set by StartApplication and StopApplication)
-  Ptr<Face> m_face;   ///< @brief automatically created application face through which application communicates
+  bool m_active; ///< @brief Flag to indicate that application is active (set by StartApplication
+  /// and StopApplication)
+  Ptr<Face> m_face; ///< @brief automatically created application face through which application
+  /// communicates
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>,
-                 Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face> > m_receivedInterests; ///< @brief App-level trace of received Interests
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face>>
+    m_receivedInterests; ///< @brief App-level trace of received Interests
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>,
-                 Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face> > m_receivedNacks; ///< @brief App-level trace of received NACKs
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face>>
+    m_receivedNacks; ///< @brief App-level trace of received NACKs
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Data>,
-                 Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face> > m_receivedDatas; ///< @brief App-level trace of received Data
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face>>
+    m_receivedDatas; ///< @brief App-level trace of received Data
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face>>
+    m_transmittedInterests; ///< @brief App-level trace of transmitted Interests
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>,
-                 Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face> > m_transmittedInterests; ///< @brief App-level trace of transmitted Interests
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Data>,
-                 Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face> > m_transmittedDatas; ///< @brief App-level trace of transmitted Data
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<App>, Ptr<Face>>
+    m_transmittedDatas; ///< @brief App-level trace of transmitted Data
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.cpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.cpp
index db158c5..b7406ae 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.cpp
@@ -30,69 +30,70 @@
 #include "../utils/batches.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.ConsumerBatches");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-ConsumerBatches::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerBatches")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Consumer> ()
-    .AddConstructor<ConsumerBatches> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("Batches", "Batches to schedule. Should be vector, containing pairs of time and amount",
-                   // TypeId::ATTR_SET, 
-                   StringValue (""),
-                   MakeBatchesAccessor (&ConsumerBatches::m_batches),
-                   MakeBatchesChecker ())
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::ConsumerBatches")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Consumer>()
+      .AddConstructor<ConsumerBatches>()
+      .AddAttribute("Batches",
+                    "Batches to schedule. Should be vector, containing pairs of time and amount",
+                    // TypeId::ATTR_SET,
+                    StringValue(""), MakeBatchesAccessor(&ConsumerBatches::m_batches),
+                    MakeBatchesChecker());
   return tid;
-ConsumerBatches::ConsumerBatches ()
-  : m_initial (true)
+  : m_initial(true)
-ConsumerBatches::StartApplication ()
-  Consumer::StartApplication ();
+  Consumer::StartApplication();
   // std::cout << "Batches: " << batches << "\n";
-  for (Batches::const_iterator i = m_batches.begin (); i != m_batches.end (); i++)
-    {
-      Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (GetNode ()->GetId (), i->get<0> (), &ConsumerBatches::AddBatch, this, i->get<1> ());
-    }
+  for (Batches::const_iterator i = m_batches.begin(); i != m_batches.end(); i++) {
+    Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(GetNode()->GetId(), i->get<0>(), &ConsumerBatches::AddBatch,
+                                   this, i->get<1>());
+  }
-ConsumerBatches::AddBatch (uint32_t amount)
+ConsumerBatches::AddBatch(uint32_t amount)
   // std::cout << Simulator::Now () << " adding batch of " << amount << "\n";
   m_seqMax += amount;
-  m_rtt->ClearSent (); // this is important, otherwise RTT estimation for the new batch will be affected by previous batch history
+  m_rtt->ClearSent(); // this is important, otherwise RTT estimation for the new batch will be
+                      // affected by previous batch history
   m_initial = true;
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-ConsumerBatches::ScheduleNextPacket ()
-  if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning ())
-    {
-      Time delay = Seconds (0);
-      if (!m_initial) delay = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ();
-      m_initial = false;
-      m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (delay, &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
-    }
+  if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning()) {
+    Time delay = Seconds(0);
+    if (!m_initial)
+      delay = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout();
+    m_initial = false;
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule(delay, &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+  }
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.hpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.hpp
index 979108e..0c7c25d 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-batches.hpp
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
  * \brief Ndn application for sending out Interest packets in batches
-class ConsumerBatches: public Consumer
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+class ConsumerBatches : public Consumer {
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
-   * \brief Default constructor 
+   * \brief Default constructor
-  ConsumerBatches ();
+  ConsumerBatches();
   // From App
   // virtual void
@@ -58,16 +58,18 @@
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();    ///< @brief Called at time specified by Start
+  StartApplication(); ///< @brief Called at time specified by Start
-  AddBatch (uint32_t amount);
+  AddBatch(uint32_t amount);
-   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN protocol
+   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN
+   * protocol
   virtual void
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
   bool m_initial;
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.cpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.cpp
index 90e46d5..c9c81b9 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.cpp
@@ -34,105 +34,95 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-interest.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-data.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.ConsumerCbr");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-ConsumerCbr::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Consumer> ()
-    .AddConstructor<ConsumerCbr> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Consumer>()
+      .AddConstructor<ConsumerCbr>()
-    .AddAttribute ("Frequency", "Frequency of interest packets",
-                   StringValue ("1.0"),
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&ConsumerCbr::m_frequency),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("Randomize", "Type of send time randomization: none (default), uniform, exponential",
-                   StringValue ("none"),
-                   MakeStringAccessor (&ConsumerCbr::SetRandomize, &ConsumerCbr::GetRandomize),
-                   MakeStringChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("Frequency", "Frequency of interest packets", StringValue("1.0"),
+                    MakeDoubleAccessor(&ConsumerCbr::m_frequency), MakeDoubleChecker<double>())
-    .AddAttribute ("MaxSeq",
-                   "Maximum sequence number to request",
-                   IntegerValue (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ()),
-                   MakeIntegerAccessor (&ConsumerCbr::m_seqMax),
-                   MakeIntegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
+      .AddAttribute("Randomize",
+                    "Type of send time randomization: none (default), uniform, exponential",
+                    StringValue("none"),
+                    MakeStringAccessor(&ConsumerCbr::SetRandomize, &ConsumerCbr::GetRandomize),
+                    MakeStringChecker())
+      .AddAttribute("MaxSeq", "Maximum sequence number to request",
+                    IntegerValue(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()),
+                    MakeIntegerAccessor(&ConsumerCbr::m_seqMax), MakeIntegerChecker<uint32_t>())
   return tid;
-ConsumerCbr::ConsumerCbr ()
-  : m_frequency (1.0)
-  , m_firstTime (true)
-  , m_random (0)
+  : m_frequency(1.0)
+  , m_firstTime(true)
+  , m_random(0)
-  m_seqMax = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ();
+  m_seqMax = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
-ConsumerCbr::~ConsumerCbr ()
   if (m_random)
     delete m_random;
-ConsumerCbr::ScheduleNextPacket ()
   // double mean = 8.0 * m_payloadSize / m_desiredRate.GetBitRate ();
   // std::cout << "next: " << Simulator::Now().ToDouble(Time::S) + mean << "s\n";
-  if (m_firstTime)
-    {
-      m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0),
-                                         &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
-      m_firstTime = false;
-    }
-  else if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning ())
-    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (
-                                       (m_random == 0) ?
-                                         Seconds(1.0 / m_frequency)
-                                       :
-                                         Seconds(m_random->GetValue ()),
-                                       &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+  if (m_firstTime) {
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0.0), &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+    m_firstTime = false;
+  }
+  else if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning())
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule((m_random == 0) ? Seconds(1.0 / m_frequency)
+                                                      : Seconds(m_random->GetValue()),
+                                      &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
-ConsumerCbr::SetRandomize (const std::string &value)
+ConsumerCbr::SetRandomize(const std::string& value)
   if (m_random)
     delete m_random;
-  if (value == "uniform")
-    {
-      m_random = new UniformVariable (0.0, 2 * 1.0 / m_frequency);
-    }
-  else if (value == "exponential")
-    {
-      m_random = new ExponentialVariable (1.0 / m_frequency, 50 * 1.0 / m_frequency);
-    }
+  if (value == "uniform") {
+    m_random = new UniformVariable(0.0, 2 * 1.0 / m_frequency);
+  }
+  else if (value == "exponential") {
+    m_random = new ExponentialVariable(1.0 / m_frequency, 50 * 1.0 / m_frequency);
+  }
     m_random = 0;
-  m_randomType = value;  
+  m_randomType = value;
-ConsumerCbr::GetRandomize () const
+ConsumerCbr::GetRandomize() const
   return m_randomType;
 //          Process incoming packets             //
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.hpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.hpp
index ebe015f..47134b6 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-cbr.hpp
@@ -31,17 +31,17 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
  * @brief Ndn application for sending out Interest packets at a "constant" rate (Poisson process)
-class ConsumerCbr: public Consumer
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+class ConsumerCbr : public Consumer {
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
-   * \brief Default constructor 
+   * \brief Default constructor
    * Sets up randomizer function and packet sequence number
-  ConsumerCbr ();
-  virtual ~ConsumerCbr ();
+  ConsumerCbr();
+  virtual ~ConsumerCbr();
   // From NdnApp
   // virtual void
@@ -56,25 +56,26 @@
-   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN protocol
+   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN
+   * protocol
   virtual void
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
    * @brief Set type of frequency randomization
    * @param value Either 'none', 'uniform', or 'exponential'
-  SetRandomize (const std::string &value);
+  SetRandomize(const std::string& value);
    * @brief Get type of frequency randomization
    * @returns either 'none', 'uniform', or 'exponential'
-  GetRandomize () const;
+  GetRandomize() const;
   // void
   // UpdateMean ();
@@ -87,12 +88,12 @@
   // DataRate
   // GetDesiredRate () const;
-  double              m_frequency; // Frequency of interest packets (in hertz)
-  bool                m_firstTime;
-  RandomVariable      *m_random;
-  std::string         m_randomType;
+  double m_frequency; // Frequency of interest packets (in hertz)
+  bool m_firstTime;
+  RandomVariable* m_random;
+  std::string m_randomType;
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-window.cpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-window.cpp
index a4a6ad5..595842c 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-window.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-window.cpp
@@ -30,93 +30,92 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-data.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-interest.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.ConsumerWindow");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-ConsumerWindow::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerWindow")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Consumer> ()
-    .AddConstructor<ConsumerWindow> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::ConsumerWindow")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Consumer>()
+      .AddConstructor<ConsumerWindow>()
-    .AddAttribute ("Window", "Initial size of the window",
-                   StringValue ("1"),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::GetWindow, &ConsumerWindow::SetWindow),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
+      .AddAttribute("Window", "Initial size of the window", StringValue("1"),
+                    MakeUintegerAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::GetWindow, &ConsumerWindow::SetWindow),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
-    .AddAttribute ("PayloadSize", "Average size of content object size (to calculate interest generation rate)",
-                   UintegerValue (1040),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::GetPayloadSize, &ConsumerWindow::SetPayloadSize),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
+      .AddAttribute("PayloadSize",
+                    "Average size of content object size (to calculate interest generation rate)",
+                    UintegerValue(1040), MakeUintegerAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::GetPayloadSize,
+                                                              &ConsumerWindow::SetPayloadSize),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
-    .AddAttribute ("Size",
-                   "Amount of data in megabytes to request, relying on PayloadSize parameter (alternative to MaxSeq attribute)",
-                   DoubleValue (-1), // don't impose limit by default
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::GetMaxSize, &ConsumerWindow::SetMaxSize),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
+      .AddAttribute("Size", "Amount of data in megabytes to request, relying on PayloadSize "
+                            "parameter (alternative to MaxSeq attribute)",
+                    DoubleValue(-1), // don't impose limit by default
+                    MakeDoubleAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::GetMaxSize, &ConsumerWindow::SetMaxSize),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>())
-    .AddAttribute ("MaxSeq",
-                   "Maximum sequence number to request (alternative to Size attribute, would activate only if Size is -1). "
-                   "The parameter is activated only if Size negative (not set)",
-                   IntegerValue (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ()),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::GetSeqMax, &ConsumerWindow::SetSeqMax),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
+      .AddAttribute("MaxSeq", "Maximum sequence number to request (alternative to Size attribute, "
+                              "would activate only if Size is -1). "
+                              "The parameter is activated only if Size negative (not set)",
+                    IntegerValue(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()),
+                    MakeUintegerAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::GetSeqMax, &ConsumerWindow::SetSeqMax),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
-    .AddAttribute ("InitialWindowOnTimeout", "Set window to initial value when timeout occurs",
-                   BooleanValue (true),
-                   MakeBooleanAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::m_setInitialWindowOnTimeout),
-                   MakeBooleanChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("InitialWindowOnTimeout", "Set window to initial value when timeout occurs",
+                    BooleanValue(true),
+                    MakeBooleanAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::m_setInitialWindowOnTimeout),
+                    MakeBooleanChecker())
-    .AddTraceSource ("WindowTrace",
-                     "Window that controls how many outstanding interests are allowed",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::m_window))
-    .AddTraceSource ("InFlight",
-                     "Current number of outstanding interests",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ConsumerWindow::m_inFlight))
-    ;
+      .AddTraceSource("WindowTrace",
+                      "Window that controls how many outstanding interests are allowed",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::m_window))
+      .AddTraceSource("InFlight", "Current number of outstanding interests",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ConsumerWindow::m_inFlight));
   return tid;
-ConsumerWindow::ConsumerWindow ()
-  : m_payloadSize (1040)
-  , m_inFlight (0)
+  : m_payloadSize(1040)
+  , m_inFlight(0)
-ConsumerWindow::SetWindow (uint32_t window)
+ConsumerWindow::SetWindow(uint32_t window)
   m_initialWindow = window;
   m_window = m_initialWindow;
-ConsumerWindow::GetWindow () const
+ConsumerWindow::GetWindow() const
   return m_initialWindow;
-ConsumerWindow::GetPayloadSize () const
+ConsumerWindow::GetPayloadSize() const
   return m_payloadSize;
-ConsumerWindow::SetPayloadSize (uint32_t payload)
+ConsumerWindow::SetPayloadSize(uint32_t payload)
   m_payloadSize = payload;
-ConsumerWindow::GetMaxSize () const
+ConsumerWindow::GetMaxSize() const
   if (m_seqMax == 0)
     return -1.0;
@@ -125,28 +124,27 @@
-ConsumerWindow::SetMaxSize (double size)
+ConsumerWindow::SetMaxSize(double size)
   m_maxSize = size;
-  if (m_maxSize < 0)
-    {
-      m_seqMax = 0;
-      return;
-    }
+  if (m_maxSize < 0) {
+    m_seqMax = 0;
+    return;
+  }
   m_seqMax = floor(1.0 + m_maxSize * 1024.0 * 1024.0 / m_payloadSize);
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("MaxSeqNo: " << m_seqMax);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("MaxSeqNo: " << m_seqMax);
   // std::cout << "MaxSeqNo: " << m_seqMax << "\n";
-ConsumerWindow::GetSeqMax () const
+ConsumerWindow::GetSeqMax() const
   return m_seqMax;
-ConsumerWindow::SetSeqMax (uint32_t seqMax)
+ConsumerWindow::SetSeqMax(uint32_t seqMax)
   if (m_maxSize < 0)
     m_seqMax = seqMax;
@@ -154,31 +152,30 @@
   // ignore otherwise
-ConsumerWindow::ScheduleNextPacket ()
-  if (m_window == static_cast<uint32_t> (0))
-    {
-      Simulator::Remove (m_sendEvent);
+  if (m_window == static_cast<uint32_t>(0)) {
+    Simulator::Remove(m_sendEvent);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Next event in " << (std::min<double> (0.5, m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ().ToDouble (Time::S))) << " sec");
-      m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (std::min<double> (0.5, m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ().ToDouble (Time::S))),
-                                         &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+      "Next event in " << (std::min<double>(0.5, m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout().ToDouble(Time::S)))
+                       << " sec");
+    m_sendEvent =
+      Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(
+                            std::min<double>(0.5, m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout().ToDouble(Time::S))),
+                          &Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+  }
+  else if (m_inFlight >= m_window) {
+    // simply do nothing
+  }
+  else {
+    if (m_sendEvent.IsRunning()) {
+      Simulator::Remove(m_sendEvent);
-  else if (m_inFlight >= m_window)
-    {
-      // simply do nothing
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (m_sendEvent.IsRunning ())
-        {
-          Simulator::Remove (m_sendEvent);
-        }
-      m_sendEvent = Simulator::ScheduleNow (&Consumer::SendPacket, this);
-    }
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::ScheduleNow(&Consumer::SendPacket, this);
+  }
@@ -186,58 +183,58 @@
-ConsumerWindow::OnData (Ptr<const Data> contentObject)
+ConsumerWindow::OnData(Ptr<const Data> contentObject)
-  Consumer::OnData (contentObject);
+  Consumer::OnData(contentObject);
   m_window = m_window + 1;
-  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t> (0)) m_inFlight--;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
+  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t>(0))
+    m_inFlight--;
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-ConsumerWindow::OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+ConsumerWindow::OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  Consumer::OnNack (interest);
+  Consumer::OnNack(interest);
-  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t> (0)) m_inFlight--;
+  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t>(0))
+    m_inFlight--;
-  if (m_window > static_cast<uint32_t> (0))
-    {
-      // m_window = 0.5 * m_window;//m_window - 1;
-      m_window = std::max<uint32_t> (0, m_window - 1);
-    }
+  if (m_window > static_cast<uint32_t>(0)) {
+    // m_window = 0.5 * m_window;//m_window - 1;
+    m_window = std::max<uint32_t>(0, m_window - 1);
+  }
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-ConsumerWindow::OnTimeout (uint32_t sequenceNumber)
+ConsumerWindow::OnTimeout(uint32_t sequenceNumber)
-  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t> (0)) m_inFlight--;
+  if (m_inFlight > static_cast<uint32_t>(0))
+    m_inFlight--;
-  if (m_setInitialWindowOnTimeout)
-    {
-      // m_window = std::max<uint32_t> (0, m_window - 1);
-      m_window = m_initialWindow;
-    }
+  if (m_setInitialWindowOnTimeout) {
+    // m_window = std::max<uint32_t> (0, m_window - 1);
+    m_window = m_initialWindow;
+  }
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
-  Consumer::OnTimeout (sequenceNumber);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Window: " << m_window << ", InFlight: " << m_inFlight);
+  Consumer::OnTimeout(sequenceNumber);
-ConsumerWindow::WillSendOutInterest (uint32_t sequenceNumber)
+ConsumerWindow::WillSendOutInterest(uint32_t sequenceNumber)
-  m_inFlight ++;
-  Consumer::WillSendOutInterest (sequenceNumber);
+  m_inFlight++;
+  Consumer::WillSendOutInterest(sequenceNumber);
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-window.hpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-window.hpp
index 886621e..923cae0 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-window.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-window.hpp
@@ -32,70 +32,72 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
  * \brief Ndn application for sending out Interest packets (window-based)
- * !!! ATTENTION !!! This is highly experimental and relies on experimental features of the simulator.
+ * !!! ATTENTION !!! This is highly experimental and relies on experimental features of the
+ *simulator.
  * Behavior may be unpredictable if used incorrectly.
-class ConsumerWindow: public Consumer
+class ConsumerWindow : public Consumer {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Default constructor
-  ConsumerWindow ();
+  ConsumerWindow();
   // From App
   // virtual void
   // OnInterest (const Ptr<const Interest> &interest);
   virtual void
-  OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   virtual void
-  OnData (Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
+  OnData(Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
   virtual void
-  OnTimeout (uint32_t sequenceNumber);
+  OnTimeout(uint32_t sequenceNumber);
   virtual void
-  WillSendOutInterest (uint32_t sequenceNumber);
+  WillSendOutInterest(uint32_t sequenceNumber);
-   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN protocol
+   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN
+   * protocol
   virtual void
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
   virtual void
-  SetWindow (uint32_t window);
+  SetWindow(uint32_t window);
-  GetWindow () const;
+  GetWindow() const;
   virtual void
-  SetPayloadSize (uint32_t payload);
+  SetPayloadSize(uint32_t payload);
-  GetPayloadSize () const;
+  GetPayloadSize() const;
-  GetMaxSize () const;
+  GetMaxSize() const;
-  SetMaxSize (double size);
+  SetMaxSize(double size);
-  GetSeqMax () const;
+  GetSeqMax() const;
-  SetSeqMax (uint32_t seqMax);
+  SetSeqMax(uint32_t seqMax);
   uint32_t m_payloadSize; // expected payload size
-  double   m_maxSize; // max size to request
+  double m_maxSize;       // max size to request
   uint32_t m_initialWindow;
   bool m_setInitialWindowOnTimeout;
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
index a88befb..806b8e3 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
@@ -28,47 +28,45 @@
 #include <math.h>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.ConsumerZipfMandelbrot");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED (ConsumerZipfMandelbrot);
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerZipfMandelbrot")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<ConsumerCbr> ()
-    .AddConstructor<ConsumerZipfMandelbrot> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::ConsumerZipfMandelbrot")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<ConsumerCbr>()
+      .AddConstructor<ConsumerZipfMandelbrot>()
-    .AddAttribute ("NumberOfContents", "Number of the Contents in total",
-                   StringValue ("100"),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetNumberOfContents, &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNumberOfContents),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
+      .AddAttribute("NumberOfContents", "Number of the Contents in total", StringValue("100"),
+                    MakeUintegerAccessor(&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetNumberOfContents,
+                                         &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNumberOfContents),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
-    .AddAttribute ("q", "parameter of improve rank",
-                   StringValue ("0.7"),
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetQ, &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetQ),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("s", "parameter of power",
-                   StringValue ("0.7"),
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetS, &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetS),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-    ;
+      .AddAttribute("q", "parameter of improve rank", StringValue("0.7"),
+                    MakeDoubleAccessor(&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetQ,
+                                       &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetQ),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>())
+      .AddAttribute("s", "parameter of power", StringValue("0.7"),
+                    MakeDoubleAccessor(&ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetS,
+                                       &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetS),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>());
   return tid;
-  : m_N (100) // needed here to make sure when SetQ/SetS are called, there is a valid value of N
-  , m_q (0.7)
-  , m_s (0.7)
-  , m_SeqRng (0.0, 1.0)
+  : m_N(100) // needed here to make sure when SetQ/SetS are called, there is a valid value of N
+  , m_q(0.7)
+  , m_s(0.7)
+  , m_SeqRng(0.0, 1.0)
   // SetNumberOfContents is called by NS-3 object system during the initialization
@@ -78,135 +76,133 @@
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetNumberOfContents (uint32_t numOfContents)
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetNumberOfContents(uint32_t numOfContents)
   m_N = numOfContents;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG (m_q << " and " << m_s << " and " << m_N);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG(m_q << " and " << m_s << " and " << m_N);
-  m_Pcum = std::vector<double> (m_N + 1);
+  m_Pcum = std::vector<double>(m_N + 1);
   m_Pcum[0] = 0.0;
-  for (uint32_t i=1; i<=m_N; i++)
-    {
-      m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i-1] + 1.0 / std::pow(i+m_q, m_s);
-    }
+  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= m_N; i++) {
+    m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i - 1] + 1.0 / std::pow(i + m_q, m_s);
+  }
-  for (uint32_t i=1; i<=m_N; i++)
-    {
-      m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i] / m_Pcum[m_N];
-      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Cumulative probability [" << i << "]=" << m_Pcum[i]);
+  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= m_N; i++) {
+    m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i] / m_Pcum[m_N];
+    NS_LOG_LOGIC("Cumulative probability [" << i << "]=" << m_Pcum[i]);
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNumberOfContents () const
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNumberOfContents() const
   return m_N;
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetQ (double q)
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetQ(double q)
   m_q = q;
-  SetNumberOfContents (m_N);
+  SetNumberOfContents(m_N);
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetQ () const
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetQ() const
   return m_q;
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetS (double s)
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SetS(double s)
   m_s = s;
-  SetNumberOfContents (m_N);
+  SetNumberOfContents(m_N);
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetS () const
+ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetS() const
   return m_s;
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SendPacket() {
-  if (!m_active) return;
+  if (!m_active)
+    return;
-  uint32_t seq=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max (); //invalid
+  uint32_t seq = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); // invalid
   // std::cout << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s max -> " << m_seqMax << "\n";
-  while (m_retxSeqs.size ())
-    {
-      seq = *m_retxSeqs.begin ();
-      m_retxSeqs.erase (m_retxSeqs.begin ());
+  while (m_retxSeqs.size()) {
+    seq = *m_retxSeqs.begin();
+    m_retxSeqs.erase(m_retxSeqs.begin());
-      // NS_ASSERT (m_seqLifetimes.find (seq) != m_seqLifetimes.end ());
-      // if (m_seqLifetimes.find (seq)->time <= Simulator::Now ())
-      //   {
+    // NS_ASSERT (m_seqLifetimes.find (seq) != m_seqLifetimes.end ());
+    // if (m_seqLifetimes.find (seq)->time <= Simulator::Now ())
+    //   {
-      //     NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Expire " << seq);
-      //     m_seqLifetimes.erase (seq); // lifetime expired. Trying to find another unexpired sequence number
-      //     continue;
-      //   }
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG("=interest seq "<<seq<<" from m_retxSeqs");
-      break;
+    //     NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Expire " << seq);
+    //     m_seqLifetimes.erase (seq); // lifetime expired. Trying to find another unexpired
+    //     sequence number
+    //     continue;
+    //   }
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("=interest seq " << seq << " from m_retxSeqs");
+    break;
+  }
+  if (seq == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) // no retransmission
+  {
+    if (m_seqMax != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
+      if (m_seq >= m_seqMax) {
+        return; // we are totally done
+      }
-  if (seq == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ()) //no retransmission
-    {
-      if (m_seqMax != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ())
-        {
-          if (m_seq >= m_seqMax)
-            {
-              return; // we are totally done
-            }
-        }
-      seq = ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNextSeq();
-      m_seq ++;
-    }
+    seq = ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::GetNextSeq();
+    m_seq++;
+  }
   // std::cout << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s -> " << seq << "\n";
-  Ptr<Name> nameWithSequence = Create<Name> (m_interestName);
-  nameWithSequence->appendSeqNum (seq);
+  Ptr<Name> nameWithSequence = Create<Name>(m_interestName);
+  nameWithSequence->appendSeqNum(seq);
-  Ptr<Interest> interest = Create<Interest> ();
-  interest->SetNonce (m_rand.GetValue ());
-  interest->SetName  (nameWithSequence);
+  Ptr<Interest> interest = Create<Interest>();
+  interest->SetNonce(m_rand.GetValue());
+  interest->SetName(nameWithSequence);
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("Requesting Interest: \n" << *interest);
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("> Interest for " << seq<<", Total: "<<m_seq<<", face: "<<m_face->GetId());
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Trying to add " << seq << " with " << Simulator::Now () << ". already " << m_seqTimeouts.size () << " items");
+  NS_LOG_INFO("> Interest for " << seq << ", Total: " << m_seq << ", face: " << m_face->GetId());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Trying to add " << seq << " with " << Simulator::Now() << ". already "
+                                << m_seqTimeouts.size() << " items");
-  m_seqTimeouts.insert (SeqTimeout (seq, Simulator::Now ()));
-  m_seqFullDelay.insert (SeqTimeout (seq, Simulator::Now ()));
+  m_seqTimeouts.insert(SeqTimeout(seq, Simulator::Now()));
+  m_seqFullDelay.insert(SeqTimeout(seq, Simulator::Now()));
-  m_seqLastDelay.erase (seq);
-  m_seqLastDelay.insert (SeqTimeout (seq, Simulator::Now ()));
+  m_seqLastDelay.erase(seq);
+  m_seqLastDelay.insert(SeqTimeout(seq, Simulator::Now()));
-  m_seqRetxCounts[seq] ++;
+  m_seqRetxCounts[seq]++;
-  m_rtt->SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 (seq), 1);
+  m_rtt->SentSeq(SequenceNumber32(seq), 1);
   FwHopCountTag hopCountTag;
-  interest->GetPayload ()->AddPacketTag (hopCountTag);
+  interest->GetPayload()->AddPacketTag(hopCountTag);
-  m_transmittedInterests (interest, this, m_face);
-  m_face->ReceiveInterest (interest);
+  m_transmittedInterests(interest, this, m_face);
+  m_face->ReceiveInterest(interest);
-  ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::ScheduleNextPacket();
@@ -214,42 +210,36 @@
   double p_sum = 0;
   double p_random = m_SeqRng.GetValue();
-  while (p_random == 0)
-    {
-      p_random = m_SeqRng.GetValue();
-    }
-  //if (p_random == 0)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC("p_random="<<p_random);
-  for (uint32_t i=1; i<=m_N; i++)
-    {
-      p_sum = m_Pcum[i];   //m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i-1] + p[i], p[0] = 0;   e.g.: p_cum[1] = p[1], p_cum[2] = p[1] + p[2]
-      if (p_random <= p_sum)
-        {
-          content_index = i;
-          break;
-        } //if
-    } //for
-  //content_index = 1;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG("RandomNumber="<<content_index);
+  while (p_random == 0) {
+    p_random = m_SeqRng.GetValue();
+  }
+  // if (p_random == 0)
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("p_random=" << p_random);
+  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= m_N; i++) {
+    p_sum = m_Pcum[i]; // m_Pcum[i] = m_Pcum[i-1] + p[i], p[0] = 0;   e.g.: p_cum[1] = p[1],
+                       // p_cum[2] = p[1] + p[2]
+    if (p_random <= p_sum) {
+      content_index = i;
+      break;
+    } // if
+  }   // for
+  // content_index = 1;
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("RandomNumber=" << content_index);
   return content_index;
-ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::ScheduleNextPacket() {
-  if (m_firstTime)
-    {
-      m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0),
-                                         &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SendPacket, this);
-      m_firstTime = false;
-    }
-  else if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning ())
-    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule (
-                                       (m_random == 0) ?
-                                       Seconds(1.0 / m_frequency)
-                                       :
-                                       Seconds(m_random->GetValue ()),
-                                       &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SendPacket, this);
+  if (m_firstTime) {
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0.0), &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SendPacket, this);
+    m_firstTime = false;
+  }
+  else if (!m_sendEvent.IsRunning())
+    m_sendEvent = Simulator::Schedule((m_random == 0) ? Seconds(1.0 / m_frequency)
+                                                      : Seconds(m_random->GetValue()),
+                                      &ConsumerZipfMandelbrot::SendPacket, this);
 } /* namespace ndn */
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.hpp b/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.hpp
index 302427b..ee192db 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.hpp
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
  * Author: Xiaoke Jiang <>
@@ -42,54 +41,57 @@
  * @brief NDN app requesting contents following Zipf-Mandelbrot Distbituion
  * The class implements an app which requests contents following Zipf-Mandelbrot Distribution
- * Here is the explaination of Zipf-Mandelbrot Distribution:
+ * Here is the explaination of Zipf-Mandelbrot Distribution:
+ *
-class ConsumerZipfMandelbrot: public ConsumerCbr
+class ConsumerZipfMandelbrot : public ConsumerCbr {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Default constructor
    * Sets up randomized Number Generator (RNG)
    * Note: m_seq of its parent class ConsumerCbr here is used to record the interest number
-  ConsumerZipfMandelbrot ();
-  virtual ~ConsumerZipfMandelbrot ();
+  ConsumerZipfMandelbrot();
+  virtual ~ConsumerZipfMandelbrot();
-  virtual void SendPacket();
-  uint32_t GetNextSeq();
+  virtual void
+  SendPacket();
+  uint32_t
+  GetNextSeq();
   virtual void
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-  SetNumberOfContents (uint32_t numOfContents);
+  SetNumberOfContents(uint32_t numOfContents);
-  GetNumberOfContents () const;
+  GetNumberOfContents() const;
-  SetQ (double q);
+  SetQ(double q);
-  GetQ () const;
+  GetQ() const;
-  SetS (double s);
+  SetS(double s);
-  GetS () const;
+  GetS() const;
-  uint32_t m_N;  //number of the contents
-  double m_q;  //q in (k+q)^s
-  double m_s;  //s in (k+q)^s
-  std::vector<double> m_Pcum;  //cumulative probability
+  uint32_t m_N;               // number of the contents
+  double m_q;                 // q in (k+q)^s
+  double m_s;                 // s in (k+q)^s
+  std::vector<double> m_Pcum; // cumulative probability
-  UniformVariable m_SeqRng; //RNG
+  UniformVariable m_SeqRng; // RNG
 } /* namespace ndn */
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer.cpp b/apps/ndn-consumer.cpp
index e94f751..fabbe95 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer.cpp
@@ -40,286 +40,276 @@
 #include "ns3/names.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.Consumer");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-Consumer::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Consumer")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<App> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("StartSeq", "Initial sequence number",
-                   IntegerValue (0),
-                   MakeIntegerAccessor(&Consumer::m_seq),
-                   MakeIntegerChecker<int32_t>())
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::Consumer")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<App>()
+      .AddAttribute("StartSeq", "Initial sequence number", IntegerValue(0),
+                    MakeIntegerAccessor(&Consumer::m_seq), MakeIntegerChecker<int32_t>())
-    .AddAttribute ("Prefix","Name of the Interest",
-                   StringValue ("/"),
-                   MakeNameAccessor (&Consumer::m_interestName),
-                   MakeNameChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("LifeTime", "LifeTime for interest packet",
-                   StringValue ("2s"),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&Consumer::m_interestLifeTime),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("Prefix", "Name of the Interest", StringValue("/"),
+                    MakeNameAccessor(&Consumer::m_interestName), MakeNameChecker())
+      .AddAttribute("LifeTime", "LifeTime for interest packet", StringValue("2s"),
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&Consumer::m_interestLifeTime), MakeTimeChecker())
-    .AddAttribute ("RetxTimer",
-                   "Timeout defining how frequent retransmission timeouts should be checked",
-                   StringValue ("50ms"),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&Consumer::GetRetxTimer, &Consumer::SetRetxTimer),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("RetxTimer",
+                    "Timeout defining how frequent retransmission timeouts should be checked",
+                    StringValue("50ms"),
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&Consumer::GetRetxTimer, &Consumer::SetRetxTimer),
+                    MakeTimeChecker())
-    .AddTraceSource ("LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay", "Delay between last retransmitted Interest and received Data",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&Consumer::m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay))
+      .AddTraceSource("LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay",
+                      "Delay between last retransmitted Interest and received Data",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&Consumer::m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay))
-    .AddTraceSource ("FirstInterestDataDelay", "Delay between first transmitted Interest and received Data",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&Consumer::m_firstInterestDataDelay))
-    ;
+      .AddTraceSource("FirstInterestDataDelay",
+                      "Delay between first transmitted Interest and received Data",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&Consumer::m_firstInterestDataDelay));
   return tid;
-Consumer::Consumer ()
-  : m_rand (0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ())
-  , m_seq (0)
-  , m_seqMax (0) // don't request anything
+  : m_rand(0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+  , m_seq(0)
+  , m_seqMax(0) // don't request anything
-  m_rtt = CreateObject<RttMeanDeviation> ();
+  m_rtt = CreateObject<RttMeanDeviation>();
-Consumer::SetRetxTimer (Time retxTimer)
+Consumer::SetRetxTimer(Time retxTimer)
   m_retxTimer = retxTimer;
-  if (m_retxEvent.IsRunning ())
-    {
-      // m_retxEvent.Cancel (); // cancel any scheduled cleanup events
-      Simulator::Remove (m_retxEvent); // slower, but better for memory
-    }
+  if (m_retxEvent.IsRunning()) {
+    // m_retxEvent.Cancel (); // cancel any scheduled cleanup events
+    Simulator::Remove(m_retxEvent); // slower, but better for memory
+  }
   // schedule even with new timeout
-  m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_retxTimer,
-                                     &Consumer::CheckRetxTimeout, this);
+  m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_retxTimer, &Consumer::CheckRetxTimeout, this);
-Consumer::GetRetxTimer () const
+Consumer::GetRetxTimer() const
   return m_retxTimer;
-Consumer::CheckRetxTimeout ()
-  Time now = Simulator::Now ();
+  Time now = Simulator::Now();
-  Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ();
+  Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout();
   // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Current RTO: " << rto.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s");
-  while (!m_seqTimeouts.empty ())
+  while (!m_seqTimeouts.empty()) {
+    SeqTimeoutsContainer::index<i_timestamp>::type::iterator entry =
+      m_seqTimeouts.get<i_timestamp>().begin();
+    if (entry->time + rto <= now) // timeout expired?
-      SeqTimeoutsContainer::index<i_timestamp>::type::iterator entry =
-        m_seqTimeouts.get<i_timestamp> ().begin ();
-      if (entry->time + rto <= now) // timeout expired?
-        {
-          uint32_t seqNo = entry->seq;
-          m_seqTimeouts.get<i_timestamp> ().erase (entry);
-          OnTimeout (seqNo);
-        }
-      else
-        break; // nothing else to do. All later packets need not be retransmitted
+      uint32_t seqNo = entry->seq;
+      m_seqTimeouts.get<i_timestamp>().erase(entry);
+      OnTimeout(seqNo);
+    else
+      break; // nothing else to do. All later packets need not be retransmitted
+  }
-  m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_retxTimer,
-                                     &Consumer::CheckRetxTimeout, this);
+  m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_retxTimer, &Consumer::CheckRetxTimeout, this);
 // Application Methods
-Consumer::StartApplication () // Called at time specified by Start
+Consumer::StartApplication() // Called at time specified by Start
   // do base stuff
-  App::StartApplication ();
+  App::StartApplication();
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-Consumer::StopApplication () // Called at time specified by Stop
+Consumer::StopApplication() // Called at time specified by Stop
   // cancel periodic packet generation
-  Simulator::Cancel (m_sendEvent);
+  Simulator::Cancel(m_sendEvent);
   // cleanup base stuff
-  App::StopApplication ();
+  App::StopApplication();
-Consumer::SendPacket ()
-  if (!m_active) return;
+  if (!m_active)
+    return;
-  uint32_t seq=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max (); //invalid
+  uint32_t seq = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); // invalid
-  while (m_retxSeqs.size ())
-    {
-      seq = *m_retxSeqs.begin ();
-      m_retxSeqs.erase (m_retxSeqs.begin ());
-      break;
+  while (m_retxSeqs.size()) {
+    seq = *m_retxSeqs.begin();
+    m_retxSeqs.erase(m_retxSeqs.begin());
+    break;
+  }
+  if (seq == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
+    if (m_seqMax != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
+      if (m_seq >= m_seqMax) {
+        return; // we are totally done
+      }
-  if (seq == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ())
-    {
-      if (m_seqMax != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ())
-        {
-          if (m_seq >= m_seqMax)
-            {
-              return; // we are totally done
-            }
-        }
-      seq = m_seq++;
-    }
+    seq = m_seq++;
+  }
-  Ptr<Name> nameWithSequence = Create<Name> (m_interestName);
-  nameWithSequence->appendSeqNum (seq);
+  Ptr<Name> nameWithSequence = Create<Name>(m_interestName);
+  nameWithSequence->appendSeqNum(seq);
-  Ptr<Interest> interest = Create<Interest> ();
-  interest->SetNonce               (m_rand.GetValue ());
-  interest->SetName                (nameWithSequence);
-  interest->SetInterestLifetime    (m_interestLifeTime);
+  Ptr<Interest> interest = Create<Interest>();
+  interest->SetNonce(m_rand.GetValue());
+  interest->SetName(nameWithSequence);
+  interest->SetInterestLifetime(m_interestLifeTime);
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("Requesting Interest: \n" << *interest);
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("> Interest for " << seq);
+  NS_LOG_INFO("> Interest for " << seq);
-  WillSendOutInterest (seq);  
+  WillSendOutInterest(seq);
   FwHopCountTag hopCountTag;
-  interest->GetPayload ()->AddPacketTag (hopCountTag);
+  interest->GetPayload()->AddPacketTag(hopCountTag);
-  m_transmittedInterests (interest, this, m_face);
-  m_face->ReceiveInterest (interest);
+  m_transmittedInterests(interest, this, m_face);
+  m_face->ReceiveInterest(interest);
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
 //          Process incoming packets             //
-Consumer::OnData (Ptr<const Data> data)
+Consumer::OnData(Ptr<const Data> data)
-  if (!m_active) return;
+  if (!m_active)
+    return;
-  App::OnData (data); // tracing inside
+  App::OnData(data); // tracing inside
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << data);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << data);
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("Received content object: " << boost::cref(*data));
-  uint32_t seq = data->GetName ().get (-1).toSeqNum ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("< DATA for " << seq);
+  uint32_t seq = data->GetName().get(-1).toSeqNum();
+  NS_LOG_INFO("< DATA for " << seq);
   int hopCount = -1;
   FwHopCountTag hopCountTag;
-  if (data->GetPayload ()->PeekPacketTag (hopCountTag))
-    {
-      hopCount = hopCountTag.Get ();
-    }
+  if (data->GetPayload()->PeekPacketTag(hopCountTag)) {
+    hopCount = hopCountTag.Get();
+  }
-  SeqTimeoutsContainer::iterator entry = m_seqLastDelay.find (seq);
-  if (entry != m_seqLastDelay.end ())
-    {
-      m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay (this, seq, Simulator::Now () - entry->time, hopCount);
-    }
+  SeqTimeoutsContainer::iterator entry = m_seqLastDelay.find(seq);
+  if (entry != m_seqLastDelay.end()) {
+    m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay(this, seq, Simulator::Now() - entry->time, hopCount);
+  }
-  entry = m_seqFullDelay.find (seq);
-  if (entry != m_seqFullDelay.end ())
-    {
-      m_firstInterestDataDelay (this, seq, Simulator::Now () - entry->time, m_seqRetxCounts[seq], hopCount);
-    }
+  entry = m_seqFullDelay.find(seq);
+  if (entry != m_seqFullDelay.end()) {
+    m_firstInterestDataDelay(this, seq, Simulator::Now() - entry->time, m_seqRetxCounts[seq],
+                             hopCount);
+  }
-  m_seqRetxCounts.erase (seq);
-  m_seqFullDelay.erase (seq);
-  m_seqLastDelay.erase (seq);
+  m_seqRetxCounts.erase(seq);
+  m_seqFullDelay.erase(seq);
+  m_seqLastDelay.erase(seq);
-  m_seqTimeouts.erase (seq);
-  m_retxSeqs.erase (seq);
+  m_seqTimeouts.erase(seq);
+  m_retxSeqs.erase(seq);
-  m_rtt->AckSeq (SequenceNumber32 (seq));
+  m_rtt->AckSeq(SequenceNumber32(seq));
-Consumer::OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+Consumer::OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  if (!m_active) return;
+  if (!m_active)
+    return;
-  App::OnNack (interest); // tracing inside
+  App::OnNack(interest); // tracing inside
   // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Nack type: " << interest->GetNack ());
   // NS_LOG_FUNCTION (interest->GetName ());
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("Received NACK: " << boost::cref(*interest));
-  uint32_t seq = interest->GetName ().get (-1).toSeqNum ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("< NACK for " << seq);
+  uint32_t seq = interest->GetName().get(-1).toSeqNum();
+  NS_LOG_INFO("< NACK for " << seq);
   // std::cout << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s -> " << "NACK for " << seq << "\n";
   // put in the queue of interests to be retransmitted
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("Before: " << m_retxSeqs.size ());
-  m_retxSeqs.insert (seq);
+  m_retxSeqs.insert(seq);
   // NS_LOG_INFO ("After: " << m_retxSeqs.size ());
-  m_seqTimeouts.erase (seq);
+  m_seqTimeouts.erase(seq);
-  m_rtt->IncreaseMultiplier ();             // Double the next RTO ??
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  m_rtt->IncreaseMultiplier(); // Double the next RTO ??
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-Consumer::OnTimeout (uint32_t sequenceNumber)
+Consumer::OnTimeout(uint32_t sequenceNumber)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (sequenceNumber);
-  // std::cout << Simulator::Now () << ", TO: " << sequenceNumber << ", current RTO: " << m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s\n";
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(sequenceNumber);
+  // std::cout << Simulator::Now () << ", TO: " << sequenceNumber << ", current RTO: " <<
+  // m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s\n";
-  m_rtt->IncreaseMultiplier ();             // Double the next RTO
-  m_rtt->SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 (sequenceNumber), 1); // make sure to disable RTT calculation for this sample
-  m_retxSeqs.insert (sequenceNumber);
-  ScheduleNextPacket ();
+  m_rtt->IncreaseMultiplier(); // Double the next RTO
+  m_rtt->SentSeq(SequenceNumber32(sequenceNumber),
+                 1); // make sure to disable RTT calculation for this sample
+  m_retxSeqs.insert(sequenceNumber);
+  ScheduleNextPacket();
-Consumer::WillSendOutInterest (uint32_t sequenceNumber)
+Consumer::WillSendOutInterest(uint32_t sequenceNumber)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Trying to add " << sequenceNumber << " with " << Simulator::Now () << ". already " << m_seqTimeouts.size () << " items");
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Trying to add " << sequenceNumber << " with " << Simulator::Now() << ". already "
+                                << m_seqTimeouts.size() << " items");
-  m_seqTimeouts.insert (SeqTimeout (sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now ()));
-  m_seqFullDelay.insert (SeqTimeout (sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now ()));
+  m_seqTimeouts.insert(SeqTimeout(sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now()));
+  m_seqFullDelay.insert(SeqTimeout(sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now()));
-  m_seqLastDelay.erase (sequenceNumber);
-  m_seqLastDelay.insert (SeqTimeout (sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now ()));
+  m_seqLastDelay.erase(sequenceNumber);
+  m_seqLastDelay.insert(SeqTimeout(sequenceNumber, Simulator::Now()));
-  m_seqRetxCounts[sequenceNumber] ++;
+  m_seqRetxCounts[sequenceNumber]++;
-  m_rtt->SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 (sequenceNumber), 1);
+  m_rtt->SentSeq(SequenceNumber32(sequenceNumber), 1);
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/apps/ndn-consumer.hpp b/apps/ndn-consumer.hpp
index d0f82cc..83ece12 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-consumer.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-consumer.hpp
@@ -44,158 +44,168 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
  * \brief NDN application for sending out Interest packets
-class Consumer: public App
+class Consumer : public App {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Default constructor
    * Sets up randomizer function and packet sequence number
-  Consumer ();
-  virtual ~Consumer () {};
+  Consumer();
+  virtual ~Consumer(){};
   // From App
   // virtual void
   // OnInterest (const Ptr<const Interest> &interest);
   virtual void
-  OnNack (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  OnNack(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   virtual void
-  OnData (Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
+  OnData(Ptr<const Data> contentObject);
    * @brief Timeout event
    * @param sequenceNumber time outed sequence number
   virtual void
-  OnTimeout (uint32_t sequenceNumber);
+  OnTimeout(uint32_t sequenceNumber);
    * @brief Actually send packet
-  SendPacket ();
+  SendPacket();
-   * @brief An event that is fired just before an Interest packet is actually send out (send is inevitable)
+   * @brief An event that is fired just before an Interest packet is actually send out (send is
+   *inevitable)
-   * The reason for "before" even is that in certain cases (when it is possible to satisfy from the local cache),
-   * the send call will immediately return data, and if "after" even was used, this after would be called after
+   * The reason for "before" even is that in certain cases (when it is possible to satisfy from the
+   *local cache),
+   * the send call will immediately return data, and if "after" even was used, this after would be
+   *called after
    * all processing of incoming data, potentially producing unexpected results.
   virtual void
-  WillSendOutInterest (uint32_t sequenceNumber);
+  WillSendOutInterest(uint32_t sequenceNumber);
   // from App
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();
+  StartApplication();
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();
+  StopApplication();
-   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN protocol
+   * \brief Constructs the Interest packet and sends it using a callback to the underlying NDN
+   * protocol
   virtual void
-  ScheduleNextPacket () = 0;
+  ScheduleNextPacket() = 0;
    * \brief Checks if the packet need to be retransmitted becuase of retransmission timer expiration
-  CheckRetxTimeout ();
+  CheckRetxTimeout();
    * \brief Modifies the frequency of checking the retransmission timeouts
    * \param retxTimer Timeout defining how frequent retransmission timeouts should be checked
-  SetRetxTimer (Time retxTimer);
+  SetRetxTimer(Time retxTimer);
    * \brief Returns the frequency of checking the retransmission timeouts
    * \return Timeout defining how frequent retransmission timeouts should be checked
-  GetRetxTimer () const;
+  GetRetxTimer() const;
   UniformVariable m_rand; ///< @brief nonce generator
-  uint32_t        m_seq;  ///< @brief currently requested sequence number
-  uint32_t        m_seqMax;    ///< @brief maximum number of sequence number
-  EventId         m_sendEvent; ///< @brief EventId of pending "send packet" event
-  Time            m_retxTimer; ///< @brief Currently estimated retransmission timer
-  EventId         m_retxEvent; ///< @brief Event to check whether or not retransmission should be performed
+  uint32_t m_seq;      ///< @brief currently requested sequence number
+  uint32_t m_seqMax;   ///< @brief maximum number of sequence number
+  EventId m_sendEvent; ///< @brief EventId of pending "send packet" event
+  Time m_retxTimer;    ///< @brief Currently estimated retransmission timer
+  EventId m_retxEvent; ///< @brief Event to check whether or not retransmission should be performed
   Ptr<RttEstimator> m_rtt; ///< @brief RTT estimator
-  Time               m_offTime;             ///< \brief Time interval between packets
-  Name     m_interestName;        ///< \brief NDN Name of the Interest (use Name)
-  Time               m_interestLifeTime;    ///< \brief LifeTime for interest packet
+  Time m_offTime;          ///< \brief Time interval between packets
+  Name m_interestName;     ///< \brief NDN Name of the Interest (use Name)
+  Time m_interestLifeTime; ///< \brief LifeTime for interest packet
-/// @cond include_hidden
+  /// @cond include_hidden
    * \struct This struct contains sequence numbers of packets to be retransmitted
-  struct RetxSeqsContainer :
-    public std::set<uint32_t> { };
+  struct RetxSeqsContainer : public std::set<uint32_t> {
+  };
-  RetxSeqsContainer m_retxSeqs;             ///< \brief ordered set of sequence numbers to be retransmitted
+  RetxSeqsContainer m_retxSeqs; ///< \brief ordered set of sequence numbers to be retransmitted
    * \struct This struct contains a pair of packet sequence number and its timeout
-  struct SeqTimeout
-  {
-    SeqTimeout (uint32_t _seq, Time _time) : seq (_seq), time (_time) { }
+  struct SeqTimeout {
+    SeqTimeout(uint32_t _seq, Time _time)
+      : seq(_seq)
+      , time(_time)
+    {
+    }
     uint32_t seq;
     Time time;
-/// @endcond
+  /// @endcond
-/// @cond include_hidden
-  class i_seq { };
-  class i_timestamp { };
-/// @endcond
+  /// @cond include_hidden
+  class i_seq {
+  };
+  class i_timestamp {
+  };
+  /// @endcond
-/// @cond include_hidden
+  /// @cond include_hidden
    * \struct This struct contains a multi-index for the set of SeqTimeout structs
-  struct SeqTimeoutsContainer :
-    public boost::multi_index::multi_index_container<
-    SeqTimeout,
-    boost::multi_index::indexed_by<
-      boost::multi_index::ordered_unique<
-        boost::multi_index::tag<i_seq>,
-        boost::multi_index::member<SeqTimeout, uint32_t, &SeqTimeout::seq>
-        >,
-      boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique<
-        boost::multi_index::tag<i_timestamp>,
-        boost::multi_index::member<SeqTimeout, Time, &SeqTimeout::time>
-        >
-      >
-    > { } ;
+  struct SeqTimeoutsContainer
+    : public boost::multi_index::
+        multi_index_container<SeqTimeout,
+                              boost::multi_index::
+                                indexed_by<boost::multi_index::
+                                             ordered_unique<boost::multi_index::tag<i_seq>,
+                                                            boost::multi_index::
+                                                              member<SeqTimeout, uint32_t,
+                                                                     &SeqTimeout::seq>>,
+                                           boost::multi_index::
+                                             ordered_non_unique<boost::multi_index::
+                                                                  tag<i_timestamp>,
+                                                                boost::multi_index::
+                                                                  member<SeqTimeout, Time,
+                                                                         &SeqTimeout::time>>>> {
+  };
-  SeqTimeoutsContainer m_seqTimeouts;       ///< \brief multi-index for the set of SeqTimeout structs
+  SeqTimeoutsContainer m_seqTimeouts; ///< \brief multi-index for the set of SeqTimeout structs
   SeqTimeoutsContainer m_seqLastDelay;
   SeqTimeoutsContainer m_seqFullDelay;
   std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> m_seqRetxCounts;
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<App> /* app */, uint32_t /* seqno */,
-                 Time /* delay */, int32_t /*hop count*/> m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay;
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<App> /* app */, uint32_t /* seqno */,
-                 Time /* delay */, uint32_t /*retx count*/,
-                 int32_t /*hop count*/> m_firstInterestDataDelay;
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<App> /* app */, uint32_t /* seqno */, Time /* delay */, int32_t /*hop count*/>
+    m_lastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay;
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<App> /* app */, uint32_t /* seqno */, Time /* delay */,
+                 uint32_t /*retx count*/, int32_t /*hop count*/> m_firstInterestDataDelay;
-/// @endcond
+  /// @endcond
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/apps/ndn-producer.cpp b/apps/ndn-producer.cpp
index 605b082..67a5043 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-producer.cpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-producer.cpp
@@ -38,119 +38,114 @@
 #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
 namespace ll = boost::lambda;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.Producer");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-Producer::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Producer")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<App> ()
-    .AddConstructor<Producer> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("Prefix","Prefix, for which producer has the data",
-                   StringValue ("/"),
-                   MakeNameAccessor (&Producer::m_prefix),
-                   MakeNameChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("Postfix", "Postfix that is added to the output data (e.g., for adding producer-uniqueness)",
-                   StringValue ("/"),
-                   MakeNameAccessor (&Producer::m_postfix),
-                   MakeNameChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("PayloadSize", "Virtual payload size for Content packets",
-                   UintegerValue (1024),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&Producer::m_virtualPayloadSize),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("Freshness", "Freshness of data packets, if 0, then unlimited freshness",
-                   TimeValue (Seconds (0)),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&Producer::m_freshness),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("Signature", "Fake signature, 0 valid signature (default), other values application-specific",
-                   UintegerValue (0),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&Producer::m_signature),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("KeyLocator", "Name to be used for key locator.  If root, then key locator is not used",
-                   NameValue (),
-                   MakeNameAccessor (&Producer::m_keyLocator),
-                   MakeNameChecker ())
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::Producer")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<App>()
+      .AddConstructor<Producer>()
+      .AddAttribute("Prefix", "Prefix, for which producer has the data", StringValue("/"),
+                    MakeNameAccessor(&Producer::m_prefix), MakeNameChecker())
+      .AddAttribute(
+         "Postfix",
+         "Postfix that is added to the output data (e.g., for adding producer-uniqueness)",
+         StringValue("/"), MakeNameAccessor(&Producer::m_postfix), MakeNameChecker())
+      .AddAttribute("PayloadSize", "Virtual payload size for Content packets", UintegerValue(1024),
+                    MakeUintegerAccessor(&Producer::m_virtualPayloadSize),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
+      .AddAttribute("Freshness", "Freshness of data packets, if 0, then unlimited freshness",
+                    TimeValue(Seconds(0)), MakeTimeAccessor(&Producer::m_freshness),
+                    MakeTimeChecker())
+      .AddAttribute(
+         "Signature",
+         "Fake signature, 0 valid signature (default), other values application-specific",
+         UintegerValue(0), MakeUintegerAccessor(&Producer::m_signature),
+         MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
+      .AddAttribute("KeyLocator",
+                    "Name to be used for key locator.  If root, then key locator is not used",
+                    NameValue(), MakeNameAccessor(&Producer::m_keyLocator), MakeNameChecker());
   return tid;
-Producer::Producer ()
 // inherited from Application base class.
-Producer::StartApplication ()
-  NS_ASSERT (GetNode ()->GetObject<Fib> () != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(GetNode()->GetObject<Fib>() != 0);
-  App::StartApplication ();
+  App::StartApplication();
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("NodeID: " << GetNode ()->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("NodeID: " << GetNode()->GetId());
-  Ptr<Fib> fib = GetNode ()->GetObject<Fib> ();
+  Ptr<Fib> fib = GetNode()->GetObject<Fib>();
-  Ptr<fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add (m_prefix, m_face, 0);
+  Ptr<fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add(m_prefix, m_face, 0);
-  fibEntry->UpdateStatus (m_face, fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
+  fibEntry->UpdateStatus(m_face, fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
   // // make face green, so it will be used primarily
   // StaticCast<fib::FibImpl> (fib)->modify (fibEntry,
   //                                        ll::bind (&fib::Entry::UpdateStatus,
-  //                                                  ll::_1, m_face, fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN));
+  //                                                  ll::_1, m_face,
+  //                                                  fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN));
-Producer::StopApplication ()
-  NS_ASSERT (GetNode ()->GetObject<Fib> () != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(GetNode()->GetObject<Fib>() != 0);
-  App::StopApplication ();
+  App::StopApplication();
-Producer::OnInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+Producer::OnInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  App::OnInterest (interest); // tracing inside
+  App::OnInterest(interest); // tracing inside
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interest);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << interest);
-  if (!m_active) return;
+  if (!m_active)
+    return;
-  Ptr<Data> data = Create<Data> (Create<Packet> (m_virtualPayloadSize));
-  Ptr<Name> dataName = Create<Name> (interest->GetName ());
-  dataName->append (m_postfix);
-  data->SetName (dataName);
-  data->SetFreshness (m_freshness);
-  data->SetTimestamp (Simulator::Now());
+  Ptr<Data> data = Create<Data>(Create<Packet>(m_virtualPayloadSize));
+  Ptr<Name> dataName = Create<Name>(interest->GetName());
+  dataName->append(m_postfix);
+  data->SetName(dataName);
+  data->SetFreshness(m_freshness);
+  data->SetTimestamp(Simulator::Now());
-  data->SetSignature (m_signature);
-  if (m_keyLocator.size () > 0)
-    {
-      data->SetKeyLocator (Create<Name> (m_keyLocator));
-    }
+  data->SetSignature(m_signature);
+  if (m_keyLocator.size() > 0) {
+    data->SetKeyLocator(Create<Name>(m_keyLocator));
+  }
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("node("<< GetNode()->GetId() <<") respodning with Data: " << data->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_INFO("node(" << GetNode()->GetId() << ") respodning with Data: " << data->GetName());
   // Echo back FwHopCountTag if exists
   FwHopCountTag hopCountTag;
-  if (interest->GetPayload ()->PeekPacketTag (hopCountTag))
-    {
-      data->GetPayload ()->AddPacketTag (hopCountTag);
-    }
+  if (interest->GetPayload()->PeekPacketTag(hopCountTag)) {
+    data->GetPayload()->AddPacketTag(hopCountTag);
+  }
-  m_face->ReceiveData (data);
-  m_transmittedDatas (data, this, m_face);
+  m_face->ReceiveData(data);
+  m_transmittedDatas(data, this, m_face);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/apps/ndn-producer.hpp b/apps/ndn-producer.hpp
index 7905b9b..11ebc56 100644
--- a/apps/ndn-producer.hpp
+++ b/apps/ndn-producer.hpp
@@ -40,24 +40,24 @@
  * size and name same as in Interest.cation, which replying every incoming Interest
  * with Data packet with a specified size and name same as in Interest.
-class Producer : public App
+class Producer : public App {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId (void);
+  GetTypeId(void);
-  Producer ();
+  Producer();
   // inherited from NdnApp
-  void OnInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  void
+  OnInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   // inherited from Application base class.
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();    // Called at time specified by Start
+  StartApplication(); // Called at time specified by Start
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();     // Called at time specified by Stop
+  StopApplication(); // Called at time specified by Stop
   Name m_prefix;
diff --git a/docs/doxygen.hpp b/docs/doxygen.hpp
index 02d45c1..008ebdb 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen.hpp
+++ b/docs/doxygen.hpp
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@
  * @brief ContentStore with FIFO cache replacement policy
 template class ContentStoreImpl<fifo_policy_traits>;
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.cpp b/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.cpp
index 71ca87e..001c440 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.cpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.cpp
@@ -33,112 +33,110 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-fib.hpp"
 #include "ns3/random-variable.h"
 namespace ns3 {
 // register NS-3 type
-CustomApp::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("CustomApp")
-    .SetParent<ndn::App> ()
-    .AddConstructor<CustomApp> ()
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("CustomApp").SetParent<ndn::App>().AddConstructor<CustomApp>();
   return tid;
 // Processing upon start of the application
-CustomApp::StartApplication ()
   // initialize ndn::App
-  ndn::App::StartApplication ();
+  ndn::App::StartApplication();
   // Create a name components object for name ``/prefix/sub``
-  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name> (); // now prefix contains ``/``
-  prefix->append ("prefix"); // now prefix contains ``/prefix``
-  prefix->append ("sub"); // now prefix contains ``/prefix/sub``
+  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name>(); // now prefix contains ``/``
+  prefix->append("prefix");                    // now prefix contains ``/prefix``
+  prefix->append("sub");                       // now prefix contains ``/prefix/sub``
   // Creating FIB entry that ensures that we will receive incoming Interests //
   // Get FIB object
-  Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode ()->GetObject<ndn::Fib> ();
+  Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode()->GetObject<ndn::Fib>();
   // Add entry to FIB
   // Note that ``m_face`` is cretaed by ndn::App
-  Ptr<ndn::fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add (*prefix, m_face, 0);
+  Ptr<ndn::fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add(*prefix, m_face, 0);
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &CustomApp::SendInterest, this);
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &CustomApp::SendInterest, this);
 // Processing when application is stopped
-CustomApp::StopApplication ()
   // cleanup ndn::App
-  ndn::App::StopApplication ();
+  ndn::App::StopApplication();
-CustomApp::SendInterest ()
   // Sending one Interest packet out //
-  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name> ("/prefix/sub"); // another way to create name
+  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name>("/prefix/sub"); // another way to create name
   // Create and configure ndn::Interest
-  Ptr<ndn::Interest> interest = Create<ndn::Interest> ();
-  UniformVariable rand (0,std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ());
-  interest->SetNonce            (rand.GetValue ());
-  interest->SetName             (prefix);
-  interest->SetInterestLifetime (Seconds (1.0));
+  Ptr<ndn::Interest> interest = Create<ndn::Interest>();
+  UniformVariable rand(0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+  interest->SetNonce(rand.GetValue());
+  interest->SetName(prefix);
+  interest->SetInterestLifetime(Seconds(1.0));
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Sending Interest packet for " << *prefix);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Sending Interest packet for " << *prefix);
   // Call trace (for logging purposes)
-  m_transmittedInterests (interest, this, m_face);
+  m_transmittedInterests(interest, this, m_face);
-  m_face->ReceiveInterest (interest);
+  m_face->ReceiveInterest(interest);
 // Callback that will be called when Interest arrives
-CustomApp::OnInterest (Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest)
+CustomApp::OnInterest(Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest)
-  ndn::App::OnInterest (interest);
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Received Interest packet for " << interest->GetName ());
+  ndn::App::OnInterest(interest);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Received Interest packet for " << interest->GetName());
   // Create and configure ndn::Data and ndn::DataTail
   // (header is added in front of the packet, tail is added at the end of the packet)
   // Note that Interests send out by the app will not be sent back to the app !
-  Ptr<ndn::Data> data = Create<ndn::Data> (Create<Packet> (1024));
-  data->SetName (Create<ndn::Name> (interest->GetName ())); // data will have the same name as Interests
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Sending Data packet for " << data->GetName ());  
+  Ptr<ndn::Data> data = Create<ndn::Data>(Create<Packet>(1024));
+  data->SetName(
+    Create<ndn::Name>(interest->GetName())); // data will have the same name as Interests
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Sending Data packet for " << data->GetName());
   // Call trace (for logging purposes)
-  m_transmittedDatas (data, this, m_face);
+  m_transmittedDatas(data, this, m_face);
-  m_face->ReceiveData (data); 
+  m_face->ReceiveData(data);
 // Callback that will be called when Data arrives
-CustomApp::OnData (Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject)
+CustomApp::OnData(Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Receiving Data packet for " << contentObject->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Receiving Data packet for " << contentObject->GetName());
-  std::cout << "DATA received for name " << contentObject->GetName () << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "DATA received for name " << contentObject->GetName() << std::endl;
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.hpp b/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.hpp
index 86f7bb4..5d05e99 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.hpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/custom-app.hpp
@@ -37,32 +37,31 @@
  * When an Interest is received, it is replied with a Data with 1024-byte fake payload
-class CustomApp : public ndn::App
+class CustomApp : public ndn::App {
   // register NS-3 type "CustomApp"
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Processing upon start of the application
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();
+  StartApplication();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Processing when application is stopped
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();
+  StopApplication();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Callback that will be called when Interest arrives
   virtual void
-  OnInterest (Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest);
+  OnInterest(Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest);
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Callback that will be called when Data arrives
   virtual void
-  OnData (Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject);
+  OnData(Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject);
-  SendInterest ();
+  SendInterest();
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.cpp b/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.cpp
index eca1cf2..f81548f 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.cpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.cpp
@@ -32,88 +32,85 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-interest.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-data.hpp"
 namespace ns3 {
 // register NS-3 type
-DumbRequester::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("DumbRequester")
-    .SetParent<ndn::App> ()
-    .AddConstructor<DumbRequester> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("DumbRequester")
+      .SetParent<ndn::App>()
+      .AddConstructor<DumbRequester>()
-    .AddAttribute ("Prefix", "Requested name",
-                   StringValue ("/dumb-interest"),
-                   ndn::MakeNameAccessor (&DumbRequester::m_name),
-                   ndn::MakeNameChecker ())
-    ;
+      .AddAttribute("Prefix", "Requested name", StringValue("/dumb-interest"),
+                    ndn::MakeNameAccessor(&DumbRequester::m_name), ndn::MakeNameChecker());
   return tid;
-DumbRequester::DumbRequester ()
-  : m_isRunning (false)
+  : m_isRunning(false)
 // Processing upon start of the application
-DumbRequester::StartApplication ()
   // initialize ndn::App
-  ndn::App::StartApplication ();
+  ndn::App::StartApplication();
   m_isRunning = true;
-  Simulator::ScheduleNow (&DumbRequester::SendInterest, this);
+  Simulator::ScheduleNow(&DumbRequester::SendInterest, this);
 // Processing when application is stopped
-DumbRequester::StopApplication ()
   m_isRunning = false;
   // cleanup ndn::App
-  ndn::App::StopApplication ();
+  ndn::App::StopApplication();
-DumbRequester::SendInterest ()
-  if (!m_isRunning) return;
+  if (!m_isRunning)
+    return;
   // Sending one Interest packet out //
-  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name> (m_name); // another way to create name
+  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name>(m_name); // another way to create name
   // Create and configure ndn::Interest
-  Ptr<ndn::Interest> interest = Create<ndn::Interest> ();
-  UniformVariable rand (0,std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ());
-  interest->SetNonce            (rand.GetValue ());
-  interest->SetName             (prefix);
-  interest->SetInterestLifetime (Seconds (1.0));
+  Ptr<ndn::Interest> interest = Create<ndn::Interest>();
+  UniformVariable rand(0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+  interest->SetNonce(rand.GetValue());
+  interest->SetName(prefix);
+  interest->SetInterestLifetime(Seconds(1.0));
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Sending Interest packet for " << *prefix);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Sending Interest packet for " << *prefix);
   // Call trace (for logging purposes)
-  m_transmittedInterests (interest, this, m_face);
+  m_transmittedInterests(interest, this, m_face);
   // Forward packet to lower (network) layer
-  m_face->ReceiveInterest (interest);
+  m_face->ReceiveInterest(interest);
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &DumbRequester::SendInterest, this);
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &DumbRequester::SendInterest, this);
-DumbRequester::OnData (Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject)
+DumbRequester::OnData(Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Receiving Data packet for " << contentObject->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Receiving Data packet for " << contentObject->GetName());
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.hpp b/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.hpp
index 7a1272d..55bdace 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.hpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/dumb-requester.hpp
@@ -31,32 +31,31 @@
  * @brief A dumb requester application
- * This app keeps requesting every second the same content object 
+ * This app keeps requesting every second the same content object
-class DumbRequester : public ndn::App
+class DumbRequester : public ndn::App {
   // register NS-3 type "DumbRequester"
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
-  DumbRequester ();
+  DumbRequester();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Processing upon start of the application
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();
+  StartApplication();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Processing when application is stopped
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();
+  StopApplication();
   // (overridden from ndn::App) Callback that will be called when Data arrives
   virtual void
-  OnData (Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject);
+  OnData(Ptr<const ndn::Data> contentObject);
-  SendInterest ();
+  SendInterest();
   bool m_isRunning;
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.cpp b/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.cpp
index f1852d4..bcff26a 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.cpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.cpp
@@ -23,53 +23,49 @@
 #include "hijacker.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-name.hpp"
 namespace ns3 {
 // Necessary if you are planning to use ndn::AppHelper
-Hijacker::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("Hijacker")
-    .SetParent<ndn::App> ()
-    .AddConstructor<Hijacker> ()
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("Hijacker").SetParent<ndn::App>().AddConstructor<Hijacker>();
   return tid;
-Hijacker::Hijacker ()
-Hijacker::OnInterest (Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest)
+Hijacker::OnInterest(Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest)
-  ndn::App::OnInterest (interest); // forward call to perform app-level tracing
+  ndn::App::OnInterest(interest); // forward call to perform app-level tracing
   // do nothing else (hijack interest)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Do nothing for incoming interest for" << interest->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Do nothing for incoming interest for" << interest->GetName());
-Hijacker::StartApplication ()
-  App::StartApplication ();
+  App::StartApplication();
   // equivalent to setting interest filter for "/" prefix
-  Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode ()->GetObject<ndn::Fib> ();
-  Ptr<ndn::fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add (ndn::Name ("/"), m_face, 0);
-  fibEntry->UpdateStatus (m_face, ndn::fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
+  Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode()->GetObject<ndn::Fib>();
+  Ptr<ndn::fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add(ndn::Name("/"), m_face, 0);
+  fibEntry->UpdateStatus(m_face, ndn::fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
-Hijacker::StopApplication ()
-  App::StopApplication ();
+  App::StopApplication();
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.hpp b/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.hpp
index a90166d..a794f12 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.hpp
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/hijacker.hpp
@@ -29,25 +29,24 @@
 namespace ns3 {
-class Hijacker : public ndn::App
+class Hijacker : public ndn::App {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
-  Hijacker ();
+  Hijacker();
   // Receive all Interests but do nothing in response
-  OnInterest (Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest);
+  OnInterest(Ptr<const ndn::Interest> interest);
   // inherited from Application base class.
   virtual void
-  StartApplication ();
+  StartApplication();
   virtual void
-  StopApplication ();
+  StopApplication();
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/examples/ndn-congestion-alt-topo-plugin.cpp b/examples/ndn-congestion-alt-topo-plugin.cpp
index b591250..9491be4 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-congestion-alt-topo-plugin.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-congestion-alt-topo-plugin.cpp
@@ -31,25 +31,25 @@
  *   /------\ 0                                                 0 /------\
  *   |  c1  |<-----+                                       +----->|  p1  |
  *   \------/       \                                     /       \------/
- *                   \              /-----\              /        
+ *                   \              /-----\              /
  *   /------\ 0       \         +==>| r12 |<==+         /       0 /------\
  *   |  c2  |<--+      \       /    \-----/    \       /      +-->|  p2  |
  *   \------/    \      \     |                 |     /      /    \------/
- *                \      |    |   1Mbps links   |    |      /     
- *                 \  1  v0   v5               1v   2v  3  /      
- *                  +->/------\                 /------\<-+       
- *                    2|  r1  |<===============>|  r2  |4         
- *                  +->\------/4               0\------/<-+       
- *                 /    3^                           ^5    \      
- *                /      |                           |      \     
+ *                \      |    |   1Mbps links   |    |      /
+ *                 \  1  v0   v5               1v   2v  3  /
+ *                  +->/------\                 /------\<-+
+ *                    2|  r1  |<===============>|  r2  |4
+ *                  +->\------/4               0\------/<-+
+ *                 /    3^                           ^5    \
+ *                /      |                           |      \
  *   /------\ 0  /      /                             \      \  0 /------\
  *   |  c3  |<--+      /                               \      +-->|  p3  |
  *   \------/         /                                 \         \------/
- *                   /     "All consumer-router and"     \        
+ *                   /     "All consumer-router and"     \
  *   /------\ 0     /      "router-producer links are"    \    0 /------\
  *   |  c4  |<-----+       "10Mbps"                        +---->|  p4  |
  *   \------/                                                    \------/
- *                                                               
+ *
  *   "Numbers near nodes denote face IDs. Face ID is assigned based on the order of link"
  *   "definitions in the topology file"
@@ -59,81 +59,81 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 1);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 1);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::CustomStrategy");
-  ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru",
-                              "MaxSize", "1"); // ! Attention ! If set to 0, then MaxSize is infinite
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::CustomStrategy");
+  ndnHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize",
+                            "1"); // ! Attention ! If set to 0, then MaxSize is infinite
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = { Names::Find<Node> ("c1"), Names::Find<Node> ("c2"), Names::Find<Node> ("c3"), Names::Find<Node> ("c4") };
-  Ptr<Node> producers[4] = { Names::Find<Node> ("p1"), Names::Find<Node> ("p2"), Names::Find<Node> ("p3"), Names::Find<Node> ("p4") };
+  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = {Names::Find<Node>("c1"), Names::Find<Node>("c2"),
+                            Names::Find<Node>("c3"), Names::Find<Node>("c4")};
+  Ptr<Node> producers[4] = {Names::Find<Node>("p1"), Names::Find<Node>("p2"),
+                            Names::Find<Node>("p3"), Names::Find<Node>("p4")};
-  if (consumers[0] == 0 || consumers[1] == 0 || consumers[2] == 0 || consumers[3] == 0 ||
-      producers[0] == 0 || producers[1] == 0 || producers[2] == 0 || producers[3] == 0)
-    {
-      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Error in topology: one nodes c1, c2, c3, c4, p1, p2, p3, or p4 is missing");
-    }
+  if (consumers[0] == 0 || consumers[1] == 0 || consumers[2] == 0 || consumers[3] == 0
+      || producers[0] == 0 || producers[1] == 0 || producers[2] == 0 || producers[3] == 0) {
+    NS_FATAL_ERROR("Error in topology: one nodes c1, c2, c3, c4, p1, p2, p3, or p4 is missing");
+  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-    {
-      std::string prefix = "/data/"+Names::FindName (producers[i]);
-      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // install consumer app on consumer node c_i to request data from producer p_i //
-      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    std::string prefix = "/data/" + Names::FindName(producers[i]);
-      ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 100 interests a second
-      consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-      ApplicationContainer consumer = consumerHelper.Install (consumers[i]);
-      consumer.Start (Seconds (i));    // start consumers at 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s
-      consumer.Stop  (Seconds (19-i)); // stop consumers at 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s
-      ///////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // install producer app on producer node p_i //
-      ///////////////////////////////////////////////
-      ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-      producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));  
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // install consumer app on consumer node c_i to request data from producer p_i //
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /dst1 namespace
-      producerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-      ApplicationContainer producer = producerHelper.Install (producers[i]);
-      // when Start/Stop time is not specified, the application is running throughout the simulation
-    }
+    ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+    consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 100 interests a second
+    consumerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+    ApplicationContainer consumer = consumerHelper.Install(consumers[i]);
+    consumer.Start(Seconds(i));     // start consumers at 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s
+    consumer.Stop(Seconds(19 - i)); // stop consumers at 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // install producer app on producer node p_i //
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+    producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+    // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /dst1 namespace
+    producerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+    ApplicationContainer producer = producerHelper.Install(producers[i]);
+    // when Start/Stop time is not specified, the application is running throughout the simulation
+  }
   // Manually configure FIB routes
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("c1", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("c2", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("c3", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("c4", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("c1", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("c2", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("c3", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("c4", "/data", "n1", 1); // link to n1
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n1", "/data", "n2", 1); // link to n2
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n1", "/data", "n12", 2); // link to n12
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n1", "/data", "n2", 1);  // link to n2
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n1", "/data", "n12", 2); // link to n12
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n12", "/data", "n2", 1); // link to n2
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n12", "/data", "n2", 1); // link to n2
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n2", "/data/p1", "p1", 1); // link to p1
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n2", "/data/p2", "p2", 1); // link to p2
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n2", "/data/p3", "p3", 1); // link to p3
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute	("n2", "/data/p4", "p4", 1); // link to p4
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n2", "/data/p1", "p1", 1); // link to p1
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n2", "/data/p2", "p2", 1); // link to p2
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n2", "/data/p3", "p3", 1); // link to p3
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute("n2", "/data/p4", "p4", 1); // link to p4
   // Schedule simulation time and run the simulation
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-congestion-topo-plugin.cpp b/examples/ndn-congestion-topo-plugin.cpp
index 77069ee..0a6a58b 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-congestion-topo-plugin.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-congestion-topo-plugin.cpp
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
  *   /------\	                                                 /------\
  *   | Src1 |<--+                                            +-->| Dst1 |
  *   \------/    \                                          /    \------/
- *            	 \                                        /     
- *                 +-->/------\   "bottleneck"  /------\<-+      
- *                     | Rtr1 |<===============>| Rtr2 |         
- *                 +-->\------/                 \------/<-+      
+ *            	 \                                        /
+ *                 +-->/------\   "bottleneck"  /------\<-+
+ *                     | Rtr1 |<===============>| Rtr2 |
+ *                 +-->\------/                 \------/<-+
  *                /                                        \
  *   /------\    /                                          \    /------\
  *   | Src2 |<--+                                            +-->| Dst2 |
@@ -45,68 +45,67 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 25);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-6-node.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 25);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-6-node.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru",
-                              "MaxSize", "10000");
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "10000");
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ndnGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumer1 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src1");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer2 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src2");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer1 = Names::Find<Node>("Src1");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer2 = Names::Find<Node>("Src2");
-  Ptr<Node> producer1 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst1");
-  Ptr<Node> producer2 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst2");
+  Ptr<Node> producer1 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst1");
+  Ptr<Node> producer2 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst2");
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("100")); // 100 interests a second
   // on the first consumer node install a Consumer application
   // that will express interests in /dst1 namespace
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst1");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer1);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst1");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer1);
   // on the second consumer node install a Consumer application
   // that will express interests in /dst2 namespace
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst2");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer2);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));  
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst2");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer2);
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
   // Register /dst1 prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /dst1 namespace
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst1", producer1);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst1");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer1);
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst1", producer1);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst1");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer1);
   // Register /dst2 prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /dst2 namespace
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst2", producer2);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst2");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer2);
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst2", producer2);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst2");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer2);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes ();
+  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-csma.cpp b/examples/ndn-csma.cpp
index cafddd5..71d1cfb 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-csma.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-csma.cpp
@@ -48,51 +48,51 @@
  *     NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer:ndn.Producer ./waf --run=ndn-csma
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CsmaChannel::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CsmaChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::CsmaChannel::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::CsmaChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("20"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (3);
+  nodes.Create(3);
   // Connecting nodes using two links
   CsmaHelper csma;
-  csma.Install (nodes);
+  csma.Install(nodes);
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
   // Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0)); // first node
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 10 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));                        // first node
   // Producer
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
   // Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2)); // last node
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2)); // last node
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-grid-topo-plugin.cpp b/examples/ndn-grid-topo-plugin.cpp
index bbb8e86..84f5f17 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-grid-topo-plugin.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-grid-topo-plugin.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
  *     |          |         |
  *    ( ) ------ ( ) -- (producer)
- * All links are 1Mbps with propagation 10ms delay. 
+ * All links are 1Mbps with propagation 10ms delay.
  * FIB is populated using NdnGlobalRoutingHelper.
@@ -49,52 +49,52 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 25);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-grid-3x3.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 25);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-grid-3x3.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ndnGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node> ("Node8");
+  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node>("Node8");
   NodeContainer consumerNodes;
-  consumerNodes.Add (Names::Find<Node> ("Node0"));
+  consumerNodes.Add(Names::Find<Node>("Node0"));
   // Install NDN applications
   std::string prefix = "/prefix";
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes);
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("100")); // 100 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumerNodes);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (producer);
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(producer);
   // Add /prefix origins to ndn::GlobalRouter
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins (prefix, producer);
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins(prefix, producer);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes ();
+  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-grid.cpp b/examples/ndn-grid.cpp
index 8b75165..d475dfd 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-grid.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-grid.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
  *     |          |         |
  *    ( ) ------ ( ) -- (producer)
- * All links are 1Mbps with propagation 10ms delay. 
+ * All links are 1Mbps with propagation 10ms delay.
  * FIB is populated using NdnGlobalRoutingHelper.
@@ -51,59 +51,59 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // Setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("10"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("10"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating 3x3 topology
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  PointToPointGridHelper grid (3, 3, p2p);
-  grid.BoundingBox(100,100,200,200);
+  PointToPointGridHelper grid(3, 3, p2p);
+  grid.BoundingBox(100, 100, 200, 200);
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ndnGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> producer = grid.GetNode (2, 2);
+  Ptr<Node> producer = grid.GetNode(2, 2);
   NodeContainer consumerNodes;
-  consumerNodes.Add (grid.GetNode (0,0));
+  consumerNodes.Add(grid.GetNode(0, 0));
   // Install NDN applications
   std::string prefix = "/prefix";
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes);
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("100")); // 100 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumerNodes);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (producer);
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(producer);
   // Add /prefix origins to ndn::GlobalRouter
-  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins (prefix, producer);
+  ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins(prefix, producer);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes ();
+  ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple-wifi.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple-wifi.cpp
index db54c93..a2b083f 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple-wifi.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple-wifi.cpp
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
 using namespace std;
 using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.WifiExample");
-// DISCLAIMER:  Note that this is an extremely simple example, containing just 2 wifi nodes communicating
+// DISCLAIMER:  Note that this is an extremely simple example, containing just 2 wifi nodes
+// communicating
 //              directly over AdHoc channel.
@@ -47,90 +48,89 @@
 // }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // disable fragmentation
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::FragmentationThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RtsCtsThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NonUnicastMode", StringValue ("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::FragmentationThreshold", StringValue("2200"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RtsCtsThreshold", StringValue("2200"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NonUnicastMode",
+                     StringValue("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc,argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  WifiHelper wifi = WifiHelper::Default ();
+  WifiHelper wifi = WifiHelper::Default();
   // wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::AarfWifiManager");
-  wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a);
-  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
-                                "DataMode", StringValue ("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
+  wifi.SetStandard(WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a);
+  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode",
+                               StringValue("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
-  YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel;// = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
-  wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay ("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
-  wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss ("ns3::ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel");
-  wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss ("ns3::NakagamiPropagationLossModel");
+  YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel; // = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
+  wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
+  wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss("ns3::ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel");
+  wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss("ns3::NakagamiPropagationLossModel");
-  //YansWifiPhy wifiPhy = YansWifiPhy::Default();
-  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhyHelper = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
-  wifiPhyHelper.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
+  // YansWifiPhy wifiPhy = YansWifiPhy::Default();
+  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhyHelper = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default();
+  wifiPhyHelper.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create());
   wifiPhyHelper.Set("TxPowerStart", DoubleValue(5));
   wifiPhyHelper.Set("TxPowerEnd", DoubleValue(5));
-  NqosWifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper = NqosWifiMacHelper::Default ();
+  NqosWifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper = NqosWifiMacHelper::Default();
-  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> randomizer = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
-  randomizer->SetAttribute ("Min", DoubleValue (10));
-  randomizer->SetAttribute ("Max", DoubleValue (100));
+  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> randomizer = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>();
+  randomizer->SetAttribute("Min", DoubleValue(10));
+  randomizer->SetAttribute("Max", DoubleValue(100));
   MobilityHelper mobility;
-  mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocator",
-                                 "X", PointerValue (randomizer),
-                                 "Y", PointerValue (randomizer),
-                                 "Z", PointerValue (randomizer));
+  mobility.SetPositionAllocator("ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocator", "X", PointerValue(randomizer),
+                                "Y", PointerValue(randomizer), "Z", PointerValue(randomizer));
-  mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
+  mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (2);
+  nodes.Create(2);
   // 1. Install Wifi
-  NetDeviceContainer wifiNetDevices = wifi.Install (wifiPhyHelper, wifiMacHelper, nodes);
+  NetDeviceContainer wifiNetDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhyHelper, wifiMacHelper, nodes);
   // 2. Install Mobility model
-  mobility.Install (nodes);
+  mobility.Install(nodes);
   // 3. Install NDN stack
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing NDN stack");
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Installing NDN stack");
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  // ndnHelper.AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (WifiNetDevice::GetTypeId (), MakeCallback (MyNetDeviceFaceCallback));
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "1000");
-  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+  // ndnHelper.AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (WifiNetDevice::GetTypeId (), MakeCallback
+  // (MyNetDeviceFaceCallback));
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "1000");
+  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
+  ndnHelper.Install(nodes);
   // 4. Set up applications
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing Applications");
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Installing Applications");
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/test/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", DoubleValue (10.0));
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0));
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/test/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", DoubleValue(10.0));
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1200"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (1));
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1200"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(1));
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (30.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(30.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple-with-cs-lfu.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple-with-cs-lfu.cpp
index 4025763..d22a549 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple-with-cs-lfu.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple-with-cs-lfu.cpp
@@ -36,32 +36,40 @@
  *      | consumer | <------------> | router | <------------> | producer |
  *      +----------+         10ms   +--------+          10ms  +----------+
- * This scenario demonstrates how to use content store that responds to Freshness parameter set in Datas.
- * That is, if producer set Freshness field to 2 seconds, the corresponding content object will not be cached
+ * This scenario demonstrates how to use content store that responds to Freshness parameter set in
+ *Datas.
+ * That is, if producer set Freshness field to 2 seconds, the corresponding content object will not
+ *be cached
  * more than 2 seconds (can be cached for a shorter time, if entry is evicted earlier)
  *     NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer ./waf --run ndn-simple-with-cs-lfu
-void PrintCsMemStatsHeader (std::ostream &os)
+PrintCsMemStatsHeader(std::ostream& os)
-  os << "SimulationTime" << "\t"
-     << "RealTime" << "\t"
+  os << "SimulationTime"
+     << "\t"
+     << "RealTime"
+     << "\t"
      // << "NumberOfProcessedData" << "\t"
      // << "NumberOfProcessedInterests" << "\t"
-     << "NumberPitEntries" << "\t"
-     << "NumberCsEntries" << "\t"
-     << "MemUsage" << "\n";
+     << "NumberPitEntries"
+     << "\t"
+     << "NumberCsEntries"
+     << "\t"
+     << "MemUsage"
+     << "\n";
-PrintCsMemStats (std::ostream &os, Time nextPrintTime, double beginRealTime)
+PrintCsMemStats(std::ostream& os, Time nextPrintTime, double beginRealTime)
   ::timeval t;
   gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
   double realTime = t.tv_sec + (0.000001 * (unsigned)t.tv_usec) - beginRealTime;
-  os << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t";
+  os << Simulator::Now().ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t";
   os << realTime << "\t";
   // os << ndn::L3Protocol::GetDataCounter () << "\t";
@@ -69,91 +77,90 @@
   uint64_t pitCount = 0;
   uint64_t csCount = 0;
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<ndn::Pit> pit = (*node)->GetObject<ndn::Pit> ();
-      Ptr<ndn::ContentStore> cs = (*node)->GetObject<ndn::ContentStore> ();
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<ndn::Pit> pit = (*node)->GetObject<ndn::Pit>();
+    Ptr<ndn::ContentStore> cs = (*node)->GetObject<ndn::ContentStore>();
-      if (pit != 0)
-        pitCount += pit->GetSize ();
+    if (pit != 0)
+      pitCount += pit->GetSize();
-      if (cs != 0)
-        csCount += cs->GetSize ();
-    }
+    if (cs != 0)
+      csCount += cs->GetSize();
+  }
   os << pitCount << "\t";
   os << csCount << "\t";
-  os << MemUsage::Get () / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << "\n";
+  os << MemUsage::Get() / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << "\n";
-  Simulator::Schedule (nextPrintTime, PrintCsMemStats, boost::ref (os), nextPrintTime, beginRealTime);
+  Simulator::Schedule(nextPrintTime, PrintCsMemStats, boost::ref(os), nextPrintTime, beginRealTime);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("20"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (3);
+  nodes.Create(3);
   // Connecting nodes using two links
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (1), nodes.Get (2));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2));
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
+  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
   // node 0: disable cache completely
-  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache"); // disable cache
-  ccnxHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0));
+  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache"); // disable cache
+  ccnxHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));
   // node 1 and 2: set cache with Lfu policy
-  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Lfu", "MaxSize", "2"); // can set cache size this way
-  ccnxHelper.Install (nodes.Get (1));
-  ccnxHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2));
+  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Lfu", "MaxSize",
+                             "2"); // can set cache size this way
+  ccnxHelper.Install(nodes.Get(1));
+  ccnxHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2));
   // alternative way to configure cache size
   // [number after nodeList is global ID of the node (= node->GetId ())]
-  Config::Set ("/NodeList/2/$ns3::ndn::ContentStore/MaxSize", UintegerValue (100000));
+  Config::Set("/NodeList/2/$ns3::ndn::ContentStore/MaxSize", UintegerValue(100000));
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
   // Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0)); // first node
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 10 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));                        // first node
   // Producer
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
   // Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2)); // last node
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2)); // last node
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (200000.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(200000.0));
   struct ::timeval t;
   gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
   double beginRealTime = t.tv_sec + (0.000001 * (unsigned)t.tv_usec);
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0), PrintCsMemStatsHeader, boost::ref (std::cout));
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (100), PrintCsMemStats, boost::ref (std::cout), Seconds (100), beginRealTime);
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0), PrintCsMemStatsHeader, boost::ref(std::cout));
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(100), PrintCsMemStats, boost::ref(std::cout), Seconds(100),
+                      beginRealTime);
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple-with-custom-app.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple-with-custom-app.cpp
index 2c9d1b9..c10ceaa 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple-with-custom-app.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple-with-custom-app.cpp
@@ -29,41 +29,43 @@
  * This scenario simulates a one-node two-app scenario:
- *      +------+ <-----> (CustomApp1) 
- *      | Node | 
+ *      +------+ <-----> (CustomApp1)
+ *      | Node |
  *      +------+ <-----> (CustomApp2)
  *     NS_LOG=CustomApp ./waf --run=ndn-simple-with-custom-app
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
-  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> ();
+  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node>();
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("CustomApp");
-  ApplicationContainer app1 = consumerHelper.Install (node); 
-  ApplicationContainer app2 = consumerHelper.Install (node);
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("CustomApp");
+  ApplicationContainer app1 = consumerHelper.Install(node);
+  ApplicationContainer app2 = consumerHelper.Install(node);
-  app1.Start (Seconds (1.0)); // will send out Interest, which nobody will receive (Interests generated by an app will not got back to the app)
-  app2.Start (Seconds (2.0)); // will send out an Interests, which will be received and satisfied by app1
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (3.0));
+  app1.Start(Seconds(1.0)); // will send out Interest, which nobody will receive (Interests
+                            // generated by an app will not got back to the app)
+  app2.Start(
+    Seconds(2.0)); // will send out an Interests, which will be received and satisfied by app1
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(3.0));
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple-with-link-failure.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple-with-link-failure.cpp
index c96103d..c020a36 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple-with-link-failure.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple-with-link-failure.cpp
@@ -49,56 +49,56 @@
  *     NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer:ndn.Producer ./waf --run=ndn-simple
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("20"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (3);
+  nodes.Create(3);
   // Connecting nodes using two links
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (1), nodes.Get (2));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2));
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
   // Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0)); // first node
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 10 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));                        // first node
   // Producer
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
   // Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2)); // last node
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2)); // last node
   // The failure of the link connecting consumer and router will start from seconds 10.0 to 15.0
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), ndn::LinkControlHelper::FailLink, nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.0), ndn::LinkControlHelper::UpLink,   nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));   
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(10.0), ndn::LinkControlHelper::FailLink, nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(15.0), ndn::LinkControlHelper::UpLink, nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple-with-pcap.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple-with-pcap.cpp
index 1e35fb0..ecbc8eb 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple-with-pcap.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple-with-pcap.cpp
@@ -25,84 +25,81 @@
 using namespace ns3;
-class PcapWriter
+class PcapWriter {
-  PcapWriter (const std::string &file)
+  PcapWriter(const std::string& file)
     PcapHelper helper;
-    m_pcap = helper.CreateFile (file, std::ios::out, PcapHelper::DLT_PPP);
+    m_pcap = helper.CreateFile(file, std::ios::out, PcapHelper::DLT_PPP);
-  TracePacket (Ptr<const Packet> packet)
+  TracePacket(Ptr<const Packet> packet)
     static PppHeader pppHeader;
-    pppHeader.SetProtocol (0x0077);
+    pppHeader.SetProtocol(0x0077);
-    m_pcap->Write (Simulator::Now (), pppHeader, packet);
+    m_pcap->Write(Simulator::Now(), pppHeader, packet);
   Ptr<PcapFileWrapper> m_pcap;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("20"));
-  Config::SetGlobal ("ndn::WireFormat", StringValue ("1"));
+  Config::SetGlobal("ndn::WireFormat", StringValue("1"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (3);
+  nodes.Create(3);
   // Connecting nodes using two links
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (1), nodes.Get (2));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2));
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
   // Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0)); // first node
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 10 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));                        // first node
   // Producer
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
   // Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("Signature", UintegerValue (100));
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("KeyLocator", StringValue ("/unique/key/locator"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2)); // last node
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("Signature", UintegerValue(100));
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("KeyLocator", StringValue("/unique/key/locator"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2)); // last node
-  PcapWriter trace ("ndn-simple-trace.pcap");
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::PointToPointNetDevice/MacTx",
-				 MakeCallback (&PcapWriter::TracePacket, &trace));
+  PcapWriter trace("ndn-simple-trace.pcap");
+  Config::ConnectWithoutContext("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::PointToPointNetDevice/MacTx",
+                                MakeCallback(&PcapWriter::TracePacket, &trace));
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-simple.cpp b/examples/ndn-simple.cpp
index dea70a0..b7755e8 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-simple.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-simple.cpp
@@ -45,52 +45,52 @@
  *     NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer:ndn.Producer ./waf --run=ndn-simple
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("10ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("20"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating nodes
   NodeContainer nodes;
-  nodes.Create (3);
+  nodes.Create(3);
   // Connecting nodes using two links
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (0), nodes.Get (1));
-  p2p.Install (nodes.Get (1), nodes.Get (2));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(1));
+  p2p.Install(nodes.Get(1), nodes.Get(2));
   // Install NDN stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing applications
   // Consumer
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
   // Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0)); // first node
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 10 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(0));                        // first node
   // Producer
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
   // Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/prefix");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2)); // last node
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/prefix");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  producerHelper.Install(nodes.Get(2)); // last node
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-tree-app-delay-tracer.cpp b/examples/ndn-tree-app-delay-tracer.cpp
index b4563a9..b503843 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-tree-app-delay-tracer.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-tree-app-delay-tracer.cpp
@@ -32,21 +32,21 @@
  *    /------\      /------\      /------\      /------\
  *    |leaf-1|      |leaf-2|      |leaf-3|      |leaf-4|
  *    \------/      \------/      \------/      \------/
- *         ^          ^                ^           ^	
+ *         ^          ^                ^           ^
  *         |          |                |           |
- *    	    \        /                  \         / 
+ *    	    \        /                  \         /
  *           \      /  			 \  	 /    10Mbps / 1ms
  *            \    /  			  \ 	/
- *             |  |  			   |   | 
- *    	       v  v                        v   v     
+ *             |  |  			   |   |
+ *    	       v  v                        v   v
  *          /-------\                    /-------\
  *          | rtr-1 |                    | rtr-2 |
  *          \-------/                    \-------/
- *                ^                        ^                      
+ *                ^                        ^
  *      	  |	 		   |
- *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
- *      	    +--------+  +--------+ 
- *      		     |  |      
+ *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms
+ *      	    +--------+  +--------+
+ *      		     |  |
  *                           v  v
  *      		  /--------\
  *      		  |  root  |
@@ -59,59 +59,58 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 1);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 1);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = { Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-2"),
-                             Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-4") };
-  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node> ("root");
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerBatches");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue ("1s 1 10s 1"));
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumers[0]);
+  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = {Names::Find<Node>("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-2"),
+                            Names::Find<Node>("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-4")};
+  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node>("root");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue ("11s 1")); 
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumers[1]);
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue ("11s 1")); 
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumers[2]);
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerBatches");
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/root");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Batches", StringValue("1s 1 10s 1"));
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumers[0]);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));  
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Batches", StringValue("11s 1"));
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumers[1]);
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Batches", StringValue("11s 1"));
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumers[2]);
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
   // Register /root prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /root namespace
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/root", producer);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer)
-    .Start (Seconds (9));
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/root", producer);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/root");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer).Start(Seconds(9));
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  ndn::AppDelayTracer::InstallAll ("app-delays-trace.txt");
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  ndn::AppDelayTracer::InstallAll("app-delays-trace.txt");
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-tree-cs-tracers.cpp b/examples/ndn-tree-cs-tracers.cpp
index eaa5bf9..ce27888 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-tree-cs-tracers.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-tree-cs-tracers.cpp
@@ -32,21 +32,21 @@
  *    /------\      /------\      /------\      /------\
  *    |leaf-1|      |leaf-2|      |leaf-3|      |leaf-4|
  *    \------/      \------/      \------/      \------/
- *         ^          ^                ^           ^	
+ *         ^          ^                ^           ^
  *         |          |                |           |
- *    	    \        /                  \         / 
+ *    	    \        /                  \         /
  *           \      /  			 \  	 /    10Mbps / 1ms
  *            \    /  			  \ 	/
- *             |  |  			   |   | 
- *    	       v  v                        v   v     
+ *             |  |  			   |   |
+ *    	       v  v                        v   v
  *          /-------\                    /-------\
  *          | rtr-1 |                    | rtr-2 |
  *          \-------/                    \-------/
- *                ^                        ^                      
+ *                ^                        ^
  *      	  |	 		   |
- *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
- *      	    +--------+  +--------+ 
- *      		     |  |      
+ *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms
+ *      	    +--------+  +--------+
+ *      		     |  |
  *                           v  v
  *      		  /--------\
  *      		  |  root  |
@@ -59,59 +59,59 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 1);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 1);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ndnHelper;
-  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "100"); // default ContentStore parameters
-  ndnHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ndnHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize",
+                            "100"); // default ContentStore parameters
+  ndnHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = { Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-2"),
-                             Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-4") };
-  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node> ("root");
+  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = {Names::Find<Node>("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-2"),
+                            Names::Find<Node>("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-4")};
+  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node>("root");
-  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-    {
-      ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 100 interests a second
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+    consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("10")); // 100 interests a second
-      // Each consumer will express the same data /root/<seq-no>
-      consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root");
-      ApplicationContainer app = consumerHelper.Install (consumers[i]);
-      app.Start (Seconds (0.01 * i));
-    }
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));  
+    // Each consumer will express the same data /root/<seq-no>
+    consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/root");
+    ApplicationContainer app = consumerHelper.Install(consumers[i]);
+    app.Start(Seconds(0.01 * i));
+  }
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
   // Register /root prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /root namespace
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/root", producer);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/root", producer);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/root");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  ndn::CsTracer::InstallAll ("cs-trace.txt", Seconds (1));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  ndn::CsTracer::InstallAll("cs-trace.txt", Seconds(1));
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-tree-tracers.cpp b/examples/ndn-tree-tracers.cpp
index aeb65f9..29772f7 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-tree-tracers.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-tree-tracers.cpp
@@ -32,21 +32,21 @@
  *    /------\      /------\      /------\      /------\
  *    |leaf-1|      |leaf-2|      |leaf-3|      |leaf-4|
  *    \------/      \------/      \------/      \------/
- *         ^          ^                ^           ^	
+ *         ^          ^                ^           ^
  *         |          |                |           |
- *    	    \        /                  \         / 
+ *    	    \        /                  \         /
  *           \      /  			 \  	 /    10Mbps / 1ms
  *            \    /  			  \ 	/
- *             |  |  			   |   | 
- *    	       v  v                        v   v     
+ *             |  |  			   |   |
+ *    	       v  v                        v   v
  *          /-------\                    /-------\
  *          | rtr-1 |                    | rtr-2 |
  *          \-------/                    \-------/
- *                ^                        ^                      
+ *                ^                        ^
  *      	  |	 		   |
- *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
- *      	    +--------+  +--------+ 
- *      		     |  |      
+ *      	   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms
+ *      	    +--------+  +--------+
+ *      		     |  |
  *                           v  v
  *      		  /--------\
  *      		  |  root  |
@@ -59,58 +59,57 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 1);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 1);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ccnxHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = { Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-2"),
-                             Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node> ("leaf-4") };
-  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node> ("root");
+  Ptr<Node> consumers[4] = {Names::Find<Node>("leaf-1"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-2"),
+                            Names::Find<Node>("leaf-3"), Names::Find<Node>("leaf-4")};
+  Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node>("root");
-  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-    {
-      ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+    consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("100")); // 100 interests a second
-      // Each consumer will express unique interests /root/<leaf-name>/<seq-no>
-      consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root/" + Names::FindName (consumers[i]));
-      consumerHelper.Install (consumers[i]);
-    }
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));  
+    // Each consumer will express unique interests /root/<leaf-name>/<seq-no>
+    consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/root/" + Names::FindName(consumers[i]));
+    consumerHelper.Install(consumers[i]);
+  }
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
   // Register /root prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /root namespace
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/root", producer);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/root");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/root", producer);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/root");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(20.0));
-  ndn::L3AggregateTracer::InstallAll ("aggregate-trace.txt", Seconds (0.5));
-  ndn::L3RateTracer::InstallAll ("rate-trace.txt", Seconds (0.5));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  ndn::L3AggregateTracer::InstallAll("aggregate-trace.txt", Seconds(0.5));
+  ndn::L3RateTracer::InstallAll("rate-trace.txt", Seconds(0.5));
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-tree-with-l2tracer.cpp b/examples/ndn-tree-with-l2tracer.cpp
index 19ba3a2..8d5e3e0 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-tree-with-l2tracer.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-tree-with-l2tracer.cpp
@@ -7,135 +7,135 @@
 using namespace ns3;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 10);
-  topologyReader.SetFileName ("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree-25-node.txt");
-  topologyReader.Read ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader("", 10);
+  topologyReader.SetFileName("src/ndnSIM/examples/topologies/topo-tree-25-node.txt");
+  topologyReader.Read();
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "1000");
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "1000");
+  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::BestRoute");
+  ccnxHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> consumer1 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src1");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer2 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src2");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer3 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src3");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer4 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src4");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer5 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src5");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer6 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src6");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer7 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src7");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer8 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src8");
-  Ptr<Node> consumer9 = Names::Find<Node> ("Src9");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer1 = Names::Find<Node>("Src1");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer2 = Names::Find<Node>("Src2");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer3 = Names::Find<Node>("Src3");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer4 = Names::Find<Node>("Src4");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer5 = Names::Find<Node>("Src5");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer6 = Names::Find<Node>("Src6");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer7 = Names::Find<Node>("Src7");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer8 = Names::Find<Node>("Src8");
+  Ptr<Node> consumer9 = Names::Find<Node>("Src9");
-  Ptr<Node> producer1 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst1");
-  Ptr<Node> producer2 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst2");
-  Ptr<Node> producer3 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst3");
-  Ptr<Node> producer4 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst4");
-  Ptr<Node> producer5 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst5");
-  Ptr<Node> producer6 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst6");
-  Ptr<Node> producer7 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst7");
-  Ptr<Node> producer8 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst8");
-  Ptr<Node> producer9 = Names::Find<Node> ("Dst9");
+  Ptr<Node> producer1 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst1");
+  Ptr<Node> producer2 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst2");
+  Ptr<Node> producer3 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst3");
+  Ptr<Node> producer4 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst4");
+  Ptr<Node> producer5 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst5");
+  Ptr<Node> producer6 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst6");
+  Ptr<Node> producer7 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst7");
+  Ptr<Node> producer8 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst8");
+  Ptr<Node> producer9 = Names::Find<Node>("Dst9");
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("1000"));//interests per Second
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("uniform"));
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("1000")); // interests per Second
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Randomize", StringValue("uniform"));
   // on the first to ninth consumer node install a Consumer application
   // that will express interests in /dst1 to /dst9 namespace
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst9");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer1);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst9");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer1);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst8");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer2);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst8");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer2);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst7");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer3);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst7");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer3);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst6");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer4);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst6");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer4);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst5");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer5);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst5");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer5);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst4");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer6);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst4");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer6);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst3");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer7);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst3");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer7);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst2");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer8);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst2");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer8);
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst1");
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumer9);
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst1");
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumer9);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
   // Register /dst1 to /dst9 prefix with global routing controller and
   // install producer that will satisfy Interests in /dst1 to /dst9 namespace
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst1", producer1);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst1");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer1);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst1", producer1);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst1");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer1);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst2", producer2);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst2");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer2);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst2", producer2);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst2");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer2);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst3", producer3);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst3");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer3);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst3", producer3);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst3");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer3);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst4", producer4);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst4");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer4);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst4", producer4);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst4");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer4);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst5", producer5);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst5");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer5);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst5", producer5);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst5");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer5);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst6", producer6);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst6");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer6);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst6", producer6);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst6");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer6);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst7", producer7);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst7");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer7);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst7", producer7);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst7");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer7);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst8", producer8);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst8");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer8);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst8", producer8);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst8");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer8);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins ("/dst9", producer9);
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/dst9");
-  producerHelper.Install (producer9);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins("/dst9", producer9);
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix("/dst9");
+  producerHelper.Install(producer9);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(10.0));
-  //Tracer:
+  // Tracer:
-  L2RateTracer::InstallAll ("drop-trace.txt", Seconds (0.5));
+  L2RateTracer::InstallAll("drop-trace.txt", Seconds(0.5));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ndn-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp b/examples/ndn-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
index 64e385c..4bec18e 100644
--- a/examples/ndn-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
+++ b/examples/ndn-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp
@@ -51,63 +51,63 @@
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
-  //LogComponentEnable("ndn.CbisGlobalRoutingHelper", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
+  // LogComponentEnable("ndn.CbisGlobalRoutingHelper", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
   // Setting default parameters for PointToPoint links and channels
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("1ms"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("10"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue("1Mbps"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue("1ms"));
+  Config::SetDefault("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue("10"));
   // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
   CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
   // Creating 3x3 topology
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  PointToPointGridHelper grid (3, 3, p2p);
-  grid.BoundingBox(100,100,200,200);
+  PointToPointGridHelper grid(3, 3, p2p);
+  grid.BoundingBox(100, 100, 200, 200);
   // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
   ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndn::fw::SmartFlooding");
-  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "10");
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy("ns3::ndn::fw::SmartFlooding");
+  ccnxHelper.SetContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "10");
+  ccnxHelper.InstallAll();
   // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
-  //ndn::CbisGlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
+  // ndn::CbisGlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
   ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll();
   // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
-  Ptr<Node> producer = grid.GetNode (2, 2);
+  Ptr<Node> producer = grid.GetNode(2, 2);
   NodeContainer consumerNodes;
-  consumerNodes.Add (grid.GetNode (0,0));
+  consumerNodes.Add(grid.GetNode(0, 0));
   // Install CCNx applications
   std::string prefix = "/prefix";
-  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerZipfMandelbrot");
-  //ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("NumberOfContents", StringValue ("100")); // 10 different contents
-  //consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("uniform")); // 100 interests a second
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes);
+  ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerZipfMandelbrot");
+  // ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+  consumerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("100"));        // 100 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.SetAttribute("NumberOfContents", StringValue("100")); // 10 different contents
+  // consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("uniform")); // 100 interests a second
+  consumerHelper.Install(consumerNodes);
-  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("100"));
-  producerHelper.Install (producer);
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins (prefix, producer);
+  ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+  producerHelper.SetPrefix(prefix);
+  producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("100"));
+  producerHelper.Install(producer);
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins(prefix, producer);
   // Calculate and install FIBs
-  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+  ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes();
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10.0));
+  Simulator::Stop(Seconds(10.0));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  Simulator::Run();
+  Simulator::Destroy();
   return 0;
diff --git a/helper/boost-graph-ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp b/helper/boost-graph-ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
index e615494..85bac72 100644
--- a/helper/boost-graph-ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
+++ b/helper/boost-graph-ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
  * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
@@ -38,51 +37,45 @@
 namespace boost {
-class NdnGlobalRouterGraph
+class NdnGlobalRouterGraph {
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > Vertice;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> Vertice;
   typedef uint16_t edge_property_type;
   typedef uint32_t vertex_property_type;
-  NdnGlobalRouterGraph ()
-  {
-    for (ns3::NodeList::Iterator node = ns3::NodeList::Begin (); node != ns3::NodeList::End (); node++)
-      {
-        ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> ();
-	if (gr != 0)
-	  m_vertices.push_back (gr);
-      }
-    for (ns3::ChannelList::Iterator channel = ns3::ChannelList::Begin (); channel != ns3::ChannelList::End (); channel++)
-      {
-        ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> gr = (*channel)->GetObject<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> ();
-	if (gr != 0)
-	  m_vertices.push_back (gr);
-      }
+  NdnGlobalRouterGraph()
+  {
+    for (ns3::NodeList::Iterator node = ns3::NodeList::Begin(); node != ns3::NodeList::End();
+         node++) {
+      ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>();
+      if (gr != 0)
+        m_vertices.push_back(gr);
+    }
+    for (ns3::ChannelList::Iterator channel = ns3::ChannelList::Begin();
+         channel != ns3::ChannelList::End(); channel++) {
+      ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> gr = (*channel)->GetObject<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>();
+      if (gr != 0)
+        m_vertices.push_back(gr);
+    }
-  const std::list< Vertice > &
-  GetVertices () const
+  const std::list<Vertice>&
+  GetVertices() const
     return m_vertices;
-  std::list< Vertice > m_vertices;
+  std::list<Vertice> m_vertices;
-class ndn_global_router_graph_category :
-    public virtual vertex_list_graph_tag,
-    public virtual incidence_graph_tag
+class ndn_global_router_graph_category : public virtual vertex_list_graph_tag,
+                                         public virtual incidence_graph_tag {
-struct graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >
+struct graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph> {
   // Graph concept
   typedef NdnGlobalRouterGraph::Vertice vertex_descriptor;
   typedef ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter::Incidency edge_descriptor;
@@ -91,7 +84,7 @@
   typedef ndn_global_router_graph_category traversal_category;
   // VertexList concept
-  typedef std::list< vertex_descriptor >::const_iterator vertex_iterator;
+  typedef std::list<vertex_descriptor>::const_iterator vertex_iterator;
   typedef size_t vertices_size_type;
   // AdjacencyGraph concept
@@ -103,265 +96,223 @@
 } // namespace boost
-namespace boost
+namespace boost {
-graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor
-       graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::edge_descriptor e,
-       const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
+inline graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_descriptor
+source(graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::edge_descriptor e, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return e.get<0> ();
+  return e.get<0>();
-graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor
-       graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::edge_descriptor e,
-       const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
+inline graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_descriptor
+target(graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::edge_descriptor e, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return e.get<2> ();
+  return e.get<2>();
-std::pair< graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_iterator,
-	   graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_iterator >
-vertices (const NdnGlobalRouterGraph&g)
+inline std::pair<graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_iterator,
+                 graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_iterator>
+vertices(const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return make_pair (g.GetVertices ().begin (), g.GetVertices ().end ());
+  return make_pair(g.GetVertices().begin(), g.GetVertices().end());
-graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertices_size_type
-num_vertices(const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &g)
+inline graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertices_size_type
+num_vertices(const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return g.GetVertices ().size ();
-std::pair< graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::out_edge_iterator,
-	   graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::out_edge_iterator >  
-	  graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, 
-	  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return std::make_pair(u->GetIncidencies ().begin (),
-			u->GetIncidencies ().end ());
+  return g.GetVertices().size();
-graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::degree_size_type
-	  graph_traits< NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, 
-	  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
+inline std::pair<graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::out_edge_iterator,
+                 graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::out_edge_iterator>
+out_edges(graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_descriptor u, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return u->GetIncidencies ().size ();
+  return std::make_pair(u->GetIncidencies().begin(), u->GetIncidencies().end());
+inline graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::degree_size_type
+out_degree(graph_traits<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>::vertex_descriptor u, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
+  return u->GetIncidencies().size();
 // Property maps
-struct EdgeWeights
-  EdgeWeights (const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &graph)
-  : m_graph (graph)
-  { 
+struct EdgeWeights {
+  EdgeWeights(const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& graph)
+    : m_graph(graph)
+  {
-  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &m_graph;
+  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& m_graph;
-struct VertexIds
-  VertexIds (const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &graph)
-  : m_graph (graph)
-  { 
+struct VertexIds {
+  VertexIds(const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& graph)
+    : m_graph(graph)
+  {
-  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &m_graph;
+  const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& m_graph;
-struct property_map< NdnGlobalRouterGraph, edge_weight_t >
+struct property_map<NdnGlobalRouterGraph, edge_weight_t> {
   typedef const EdgeWeights const_type;
   typedef EdgeWeights type;
-struct property_map< NdnGlobalRouterGraph, vertex_index_t >
+struct property_map<NdnGlobalRouterGraph, vertex_index_t> {
   typedef const VertexIds const_type;
   typedef VertexIds type;
-struct property_traits< EdgeWeights >
+struct property_traits<EdgeWeights> {
   // Metric property map
-  typedef tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint16_t, double > value_type;
-  typedef tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint16_t, double > reference;
+  typedef tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint16_t, double> value_type;
+  typedef tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint16_t, double> reference;
   typedef ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter::Incidency key_type;
   typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
-const property_traits< EdgeWeights >::value_type WeightZero (0, 0, 0.0);
-const property_traits< EdgeWeights >::value_type WeightInf (0, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max (), 0.0);
+const property_traits<EdgeWeights>::value_type WeightZero(0, 0, 0.0);
+const property_traits<EdgeWeights>::value_type
+  WeightInf(0, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(), 0.0);
-struct WeightCompare :
-    public std::binary_function<property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference,
-                                property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference,
-                                bool>
+struct WeightCompare : public std::binary_function<property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference,
+                                                   property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference, bool> {
-  operator () (tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > a,
-               tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > b) const
+  operator()(tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double> a,
+             tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double> b) const
-    return a.get<1> () < b.get<1> ();
+    return a.get<1>() < b.get<1>();
-  operator () (property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference a,
-               uint32_t b) const
+  operator()(property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference a, uint32_t b) const
-    return a.get<1> () < b;
+    return a.get<1>() < b;
-  operator () (uint32_t a,
-               uint32_t b) const
+  operator()(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) const
     return a < b;
-struct WeightCombine :
-    public std::binary_function<uint32_t,
-                                property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference,
-                                uint32_t>
+struct WeightCombine
+  : public std::binary_function<uint32_t, property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference, uint32_t> {
-  operator () (uint32_t a, property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference b) const
+  operator()(uint32_t a, property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference b) const
-    return a + b.get<1> ();
+    return a + b.get<1>();
-  tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double >
-  operator () (tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > a,
-               property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference b) const
+  tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double>
+  operator()(tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double> a,
+             property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference b) const
-    if (a.get<0> () == 0)
-      return make_tuple (b.get<0> (), a.get<1> () + b.get<1> (), a.get<2> () + b.get<2> ());
+    if (a.get<0>() == 0)
+      return make_tuple(b.get<0>(), a.get<1>() + b.get<1>(), a.get<2>() + b.get<2>());
-      return make_tuple (a.get<0> (), a.get<1> () + b.get<1> (), a.get<2> () + b.get<2> ());
+      return make_tuple(a.get<0>(), a.get<1>() + b.get<1>(), a.get<2>() + b.get<2>());
-struct property_traits< VertexIds >
+struct property_traits<VertexIds> {
   // Metric property map
   typedef uint32_t value_type;
   typedef uint32_t reference;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > key_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> key_type;
   typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
 inline EdgeWeights
-    const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &g)
+get(edge_weight_t, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return EdgeWeights (g);
+  return EdgeWeights(g);
 inline VertexIds
-    const NdnGlobalRouterGraph &g)
+get(vertex_index_t, const NdnGlobalRouterGraph& g)
-  return VertexIds (g);
+  return VertexIds(g);
 template<class M, class K, class V>
 inline void
-put (reference_wrapper< M > mapp,
-     K a, V p)
+put(reference_wrapper<M> mapp, K a, V p)
-  mapp.get ()[a] = p;
+  mapp.get()[a] = p;
 // void
 // put (cref< std::map< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> > > map,
 inline uint32_t
-get (const boost::VertexIds&, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> &gr)
+get(const boost::VertexIds&, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>& gr)
-  return gr->GetId ();
+  return gr->GetId();
-inline property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference
-get(const boost::EdgeWeights&, ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter::Incidency &edge)
+inline property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference
+get(const boost::EdgeWeights&, ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter::Incidency& edge)
-  if (edge.get<1> () == 0)
-    return property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference (0, 0, 0.0);
-  else
+  if (edge.get<1>() == 0)
+    return property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference(0, 0, 0.0);
+  else {
+    ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Limits> limits = edge.get<1>()->GetObject<ns3::ndn::Limits>();
+    double delay = 0.0;
+    if (limits != 0) // valid limits object
-      ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Limits> limits = edge.get<1> ()->GetObject<ns3::ndn::Limits> ();
-      double delay = 0.0;
-      if (limits != 0) // valid limits object
-        {
-          delay = limits->GetLinkDelay ();
-        }
-      return property_traits< EdgeWeights >::reference (edge.get<1> (), edge.get<1> ()->GetMetric (), delay);
+      delay = limits->GetLinkDelay();
+    return property_traits<EdgeWeights>::reference(edge.get<1>(), edge.get<1>()->GetMetric(),
+                                                   delay);
+  }
-struct PredecessorsMap :
-    public std::map< ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter >, ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > >
+struct PredecessorsMap
+  : public std::map<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>> {
-struct property_traits< reference_wrapper<PredecessorsMap> >
+struct property_traits<reference_wrapper<PredecessorsMap>> {
   // Metric property map
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > value_type;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > reference;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > key_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> value_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> reference;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> key_type;
   typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;
-struct DistancesMap :
-  public std::map< ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter >, tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > >
+struct DistancesMap : public std::map<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter>,
+                                      tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double>> {
-struct property_traits< reference_wrapper<DistancesMap> >
+struct property_traits<reference_wrapper<DistancesMap>> {
   // Metric property map
-  typedef tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > value_type;
-  typedef tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > reference;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr< ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter > key_type;
+  typedef tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double> value_type;
+  typedef tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double> reference;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> key_type;
   typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;
-inline tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double >
-get (DistancesMap &map, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> key)
+inline tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double>
+get(DistancesMap& map, ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter> key)
-  boost::DistancesMap::iterator i = map.find (key);
-  if (i == map.end ())
-    return tuple< ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double > (0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max (), 0.0);
+  boost::DistancesMap::iterator i = map.find(key);
+  if (i == map.end())
+    return tuple<ns3::Ptr<ns3::ndn::Face>, uint32_t, double>(0,
+                                                             std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
+                                                             0.0);
     return i->second;
diff --git a/helper/ndn-app-helper.cpp b/helper/ndn-app-helper.cpp
index b181f3b..f1f4381 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-app-helper.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-app-helper.cpp
@@ -28,75 +28,72 @@
 #include "ns3/mpi-interface.h"
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-AppHelper::AppHelper (const std::string &app)
+AppHelper::AppHelper(const std::string& app)
-  m_factory.SetTypeId (app);
+  m_factory.SetTypeId(app);
-AppHelper::SetPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
+AppHelper::SetPrefix(const std::string& prefix)
-  m_factory.Set ("Prefix", StringValue(prefix));
+  m_factory.Set("Prefix", StringValue(prefix));
-AppHelper::SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
+AppHelper::SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue& value)
-  m_factory.Set (name, value);
+  m_factory.Set(name, value);
-AppHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node)
+AppHelper::Install(Ptr<Node> node)
   ApplicationContainer apps;
-  Ptr<Application> app = InstallPriv (node);
+  Ptr<Application> app = InstallPriv(node);
   if (app != 0)
-    apps.Add (app);
+    apps.Add(app);
   return apps;
-AppHelper::Install (std::string nodeName)
+AppHelper::Install(std::string nodeName)
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  return Install (node);
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  return Install(node);
-AppHelper::Install (NodeContainer c)
+AppHelper::Install(NodeContainer c)
   ApplicationContainer apps;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
-    {
-      Ptr<Application> app = InstallPriv (*i);
-      if (app != 0)
-        apps.Add (app);
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin(); i != c.End(); ++i) {
+    Ptr<Application> app = InstallPriv(*i);
+    if (app != 0)
+      apps.Add(app);
+  }
   return apps;
-AppHelper::InstallPriv (Ptr<Node> node)
+AppHelper::InstallPriv(Ptr<Node> node)
 #ifdef NS3_MPI
-  if (MpiInterface::IsEnabled () &&
-      node->GetSystemId () != MpiInterface::GetSystemId ())
-    {
-      // don't create an app if MPI is enabled and node is not in the correct partition
-      return 0;
-    }
+  if (MpiInterface::IsEnabled() && node->GetSystemId() != MpiInterface::GetSystemId()) {
+    // don't create an app if MPI is enabled and node is not in the correct partition
+    return 0;
+  }
-  Ptr<Application> app = m_factory.Create<Application> ();        
-  node->AddApplication (app);
+  Ptr<Application> app = m_factory.Create<Application>();
+  node->AddApplication(app);
   return app;
diff --git a/helper/ndn-app-helper.hpp b/helper/ndn-app-helper.hpp
index e559260..63fa705 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-app-helper.hpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-app-helper.hpp
@@ -35,69 +35,72 @@
  * \brief A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::NdnConsumer Application
  * on a set of nodes.
-class AppHelper
+class AppHelper {
    * \brief Create an NdnAppHelper to make it easier to work with Ndn apps
    * \param app Class of the application
-  AppHelper (const std::string &prefix);
+  AppHelper(const std::string& prefix);
    * @brief Set the prefix consumer will be requesting
-  SetPrefix (const std::string &prefix);
+  SetPrefix(const std::string& prefix);
    * \brief Helper function used to set the underlying application attributes.
    * \param name the name of the application attribute to set
    * \param value the value of the application attribute to set
-  void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value);
+  void
+  SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue& value);
    * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on each node of the input container
    * configured with all the attributes set with SetAttribute.
-   * \param c NodeContainer of the set of nodes on which an NdnConsumer 
+   * \param c NodeContainer of the set of nodes on which an NdnConsumer
    * will be installed.
    * \returns Container of Ptr to the applications installed.
-  ApplicationContainer Install (NodeContainer c);
+  ApplicationContainer
+  Install(NodeContainer c);
-   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the 
+   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the
    * attributes set with SetAttribute.
    * \param node The node on which an NdnConsumer will be installed.
    * \returns Container of Ptr to the applications installed.
-  ApplicationContainer Install (Ptr<Node> node);
+  ApplicationContainer
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node);
-   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the 
+   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the
    * attributes set with SetAttribute.
    * \param nodeName The node on which an NdnConsumer will be installed.
    * \returns Container of Ptr to the applications installed.
-  ApplicationContainer Install (std::string nodeName);
+  ApplicationContainer
+  Install(std::string nodeName);
    * \internal
-   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the 
+   * Install an ns3::NdnConsumer on the node configured with all the
    * attributes set with SetAttribute.
    * \param node The node on which an NdnConsumer will be installed.
    * \returns Ptr to the application installed.
-  Ptr<Application> InstallPriv (Ptr<Node> node);
+  Ptr<Application>
+  InstallPriv(Ptr<Node> node);
   ObjectFactory m_factory;
@@ -105,4 +108,3 @@
 } // namespace ns3
 #endif // NDN_APP_HELPER_H
diff --git a/helper/ndn-face-container.cpp b/helper/ndn-face-container.cpp
index 69e90c9..150eea3 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-face-container.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-face-container.cpp
@@ -27,57 +27,55 @@
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-FaceContainer::FaceContainer ()
-FaceContainer::FaceContainer (const FaceContainer &other)
+FaceContainer::FaceContainer(const FaceContainer& other)
-  AddAll (other);
+  AddAll(other);
 FaceContainer::operator= (const FaceContainer &other)
-  m_faces.clear ();
-  AddAll (other);
+  m_faces.clear();
+  AddAll(other);
   return *this;
-FaceContainer::AddAll (Ptr<FaceContainer> other)
+FaceContainer::AddAll(Ptr<FaceContainer> other)
-  AddAll (*other);
+  AddAll(*other);
-FaceContainer::AddAll (const FaceContainer &other)
+FaceContainer::AddAll(const FaceContainer& other)
-  m_faces.insert (m_faces.end (),
-                  other.m_faces.begin (), other.m_faces.end ());
+  m_faces.insert(m_faces.end(), other.m_faces.begin(), other.m_faces.end());
-FaceContainer::Begin (void) const
+FaceContainer::Begin(void) const
-  return m_faces.begin ();
+  return m_faces.begin();
-FaceContainer::End (void) const
+FaceContainer::End(void) const
-  return m_faces.end ();
+  return m_faces.end();
-FaceContainer::GetN (void) const
+FaceContainer::GetN(void) const
-  return m_faces.size ();
+  return m_faces.size();
-// void 
+// void
 // FaceContainer::SetMetricToAll (uint16_t metric)
 // {
 //   for (FaceContainer::iterator it=m_faces.begin ();
@@ -88,14 +86,14 @@
 //     }
 // }
-FaceContainer::Add (const Ptr<Face> &face)
+FaceContainer::Add(const Ptr<Face>& face)
-  m_faces.push_back (face);
+  m_faces.push_back(face);
-FaceContainer::Get (FaceContainer::Iterator i) const
+FaceContainer::Get(FaceContainer::Iterator i) const
   return *i;
diff --git a/helper/ndn-face-container.hpp b/helper/ndn-face-container.hpp
index f430c96..776a5ec 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-face-container.hpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-face-container.hpp
@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-helpers
  * \brief A pool for Ndn faces
- * 
+ *
  * Provides tools to perform basic manipulation on faces, such as
  * setting metrics and states on faces
  * \see NdnStackHelper
-class FaceContainer : public SimpleRefCount<FaceContainer>
+class FaceContainer : public SimpleRefCount<FaceContainer> {
-  typedef std::vector< Ptr<Face> > Container;
+  typedef std::vector<Ptr<Face>> Container;
   typedef Container::const_iterator Iterator; ///< \brief Iterator over FaceContainer
    * \brief Create an empty FaceContainer.
-  FaceContainer ();
+  FaceContainer();
    * \brief Copy constructor for FaceContainer. Calls AddAll method
    * \see FaceContainer::AddAll
-  FaceContainer (const FaceContainer &other);
+  FaceContainer(const FaceContainer& other);
    * \brief Copy operator for FaceContainer. Empties vector and calls AddAll method
@@ -66,21 +66,24 @@
    * \see FaceContainer::AddAll
-  FaceContainer& operator= (const FaceContainer &other);
+  FaceContainer&
+  operator=(const FaceContainer& other);
    * \brief Add all entries from other container
    * \param other smart pointer to a container
-  void AddAll (Ptr<FaceContainer> other);
+  void
+  AddAll(Ptr<FaceContainer> other);
    * \brief Add all entries from other container
    * \param other container
-  void AddAll (const FaceContainer &other);
+  void
+  AddAll(const FaceContainer& other);
    * \brief Get an iterator which refers to the first pair in the
@@ -88,22 +91,25 @@
    * \returns an iterator which refers to the first pair in the container.
-  Iterator Begin () const;
+  Iterator
+  Begin() const;
-   * \brief Get an iterator which indicates past-the-last Node in the 
+   * \brief Get an iterator which indicates past-the-last Node in the
    * container.
    * \returns an iterator which indicates an ending condition for a loop.
-  Iterator End () const;
+  Iterator
+  End() const;
    * \brief Get the number of faces stored in this container
    * \returns the number of faces stored in this container
-  uint32_t GetN () const;
+  uint32_t
+  GetN() const;
   // /**
   //  * \brief Set a metric for all faces in the container
@@ -119,7 +125,8 @@
    * @see Face
-  void Add (const Ptr<Face> &face);
+  void
+  Add(const Ptr<Face>& face);
    * Get a smart pointer to Face-derived object stored in the container
@@ -130,7 +137,8 @@
    * @see Face
-  Ptr<Face> Get (Iterator i) const;
+  Ptr<Face>
+  Get(Iterator i) const;
   Container m_faces;
diff --git a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
index ac462c0..0528be3 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 #include <math.h>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.GlobalRoutingHelper");
 using namespace std;
 using namespace boost;
@@ -63,398 +63,352 @@
 namespace ndn {
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(Ptr<Node> node)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Cannot install GlobalRoutingHelper before Ndn is installed on a node");
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ndn != 0, "Cannot install GlobalRoutingHelper before Ndn is installed on a node");
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  if (gr != 0)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("GlobalRouter is already installed: " << gr);
-      return; // already installed
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  if (gr != 0) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("GlobalRouter is already installed: " << gr);
+    return; // already installed
+  }
+  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  node->AggregateObject(gr);
+  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+    Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace>(ndn->GetFace(faceId));
+    if (face == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Skipping non-netdevice face");
+      continue;
-  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  node->AggregateObject (gr);
-  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace> (ndn->GetFace (faceId));
-      if (face == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Skipping non-netdevice face");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<NetDevice> nd = face->GetNetDevice ();
-      if (nd == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Not a NetDevice associated with NetDeviceFace");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<Channel> ch = nd->GetChannel ();
-      if (ch == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Channel is not associated with NetDevice");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (ch->GetNDevices () == 2) // e.g., point-to-point channel
-	{
-	  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < ch->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
-	    {
-	      Ptr<NetDevice> otherSide = ch->GetDevice (deviceId);
-	      if (nd == otherSide) continue;
-	      Ptr<Node> otherNode = otherSide->GetNode ();
-	      NS_ASSERT (otherNode != 0);
-	      Ptr<GlobalRouter> otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	      if (otherGr == 0)
-		{
-		  Install (otherNode);
-		}
-	      otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	      NS_ASSERT (otherGr != 0);
-	      gr->AddIncidency (face, otherGr);
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  Ptr<GlobalRouter> grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	  if (grChannel == 0)
-	    {
-	      Install (ch);
-	    }
-	  grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	  gr->AddIncidency (face, grChannel);
-	}
+    Ptr<NetDevice> nd = face->GetNetDevice();
+    if (nd == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Not a NetDevice associated with NetDeviceFace");
+      continue;
+    Ptr<Channel> ch = nd->GetChannel();
+    if (ch == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Channel is not associated with NetDevice");
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (ch->GetNDevices() == 2) // e.g., point-to-point channel
+    {
+      for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < ch->GetNDevices(); deviceId++) {
+        Ptr<NetDevice> otherSide = ch->GetDevice(deviceId);
+        if (nd == otherSide)
+          continue;
+        Ptr<Node> otherNode = otherSide->GetNode();
+        NS_ASSERT(otherNode != 0);
+        Ptr<GlobalRouter> otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+        if (otherGr == 0) {
+          Install(otherNode);
+        }
+        otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+        NS_ASSERT(otherGr != 0);
+        gr->AddIncidency(face, otherGr);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      Ptr<GlobalRouter> grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+      if (grChannel == 0) {
+        Install(ch);
+      }
+      grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+      gr->AddIncidency(face, grChannel);
+    }
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (Ptr<Channel> channel)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(Ptr<Channel> channel)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Channel: " << channel->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Channel: " << channel->GetId());
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = channel->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = channel->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
   if (gr != 0)
-  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  channel->AggregateObject (gr);
+  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  channel->AggregateObject(gr);
-  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < channel->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDevice> dev = channel->GetDevice (deviceId);
+  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < channel->GetNDevices(); deviceId++) {
+    Ptr<NetDevice> dev = channel->GetDevice(deviceId);
-      Ptr<Node> node = dev->GetNode ();
-      NS_ASSERT (node != 0);
+    Ptr<Node> node = dev->GetNode();
+    NS_ASSERT(node != 0);
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (grOther == 0)
-	{
-	  Install (node);
-	}
-      grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      NS_ASSERT (grOther != 0);
-      gr->AddIncidency (0, grOther);
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (grOther == 0) {
+      Install(node);
+    grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    NS_ASSERT(grOther != 0);
+    gr->AddIncidency(0, grOther);
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node ++)
-    {
-      Install (*node);
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Install(*node);
+  }
+  Install(NodeContainer::GetGlobal());
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Node> node)
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(gr != 0, "GlobalRouter is not installed on the node");
+  Ptr<Name> name = Create<Name>(boost::lexical_cast<Name>(prefix));
+  gr->AddLocalPrefix(name);
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigins(const std::string& prefix, const NodeContainer& nodes)
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    AddOrigin(prefix, *node);
+  }
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& nodeName)
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(node != 0, nodeName << "is not a Node");
+  AddOrigin(prefix, node);
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    string name = Names::FindName(*node);
+    if (gr != 0 && !name.empty()) {
+      AddOrigin("/" + name, *node);
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::InstallAll ()
-  Install (NodeContainer::GetGlobal ());
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> node)
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (gr != 0,
-		 "GlobalRouter is not installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Name> name = Create<Name> (boost::lexical_cast<Name> (prefix));
-  gr->AddLocalPrefix (name);
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigins (const std::string &prefix, const NodeContainer &nodes)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      AddOrigin (prefix, *node);
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &nodeName)
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, nodeName << "is not a Node");
-  AddOrigin (prefix, node);
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOriginsForAll ()
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      string name = Names::FindName (*node);
-      if (gr != 0 && !name.empty ())
-        {
-          AddOrigin ("/"+name, *node);
-        }
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes/* = true*/)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes /* = true*/)
    * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
    * See for more details
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( VertexListGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( IncidenceGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
   NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
   // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
   // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
-  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by the graph, which
+  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by
+  // the graph, which
   // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (source == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node " << (*node)->GetId () << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
-	  continue;
-	}
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (source == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node " << (*node)->GetId() << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
+      continue;
+    }
-      DistancesMap    distances;
+    DistancesMap distances;
-      dijkstra_shortest_paths (graph, source,
-			       // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
-			       // .
-			       distance_map (boost::ref(distances))
-			       .
-			       distance_inf (WeightInf)
-			       .
-			       distance_zero (WeightZero)
-			       .
-			       distance_compare (boost::WeightCompare ())
-			       .
-			       distance_combine (boost::WeightCombine ())
-			       );
+    dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, source,
+                            // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
+                            // .
+                            distance_map(boost::ref(distances))
+                              .distance_inf(WeightInf)
+                              .distance_zero(WeightZero)
+                              .distance_compare(boost::WeightCompare())
+                              .distance_combine(boost::WeightCombine()));
+    // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
+    Ptr<Fib> fib = source->GetObject<Fib>();
+    if (invalidatedRoutes) {
+      fib->InvalidateAll();
+    }
+    NS_ASSERT(fib != 0);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node>()->GetId());
+    for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin(); i != distances.end(); i++) {
+      if (i->first == source)
+        continue;
+      else {
+        // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
+        if (i->second.get<0>() == 0) {
+          // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
+        }
+        else {
+          BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name>& prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes()) {
+            NS_LOG_DEBUG(" prefix " << prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0>()
+                                    << " with distance " << i->second.get<1>() << " with delay "
+                                    << i->second.get<2>());
+            Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add(prefix, i->second.get<0>(), i->second.get<1>());
+            entry->SetRealDelayToProducer(i->second.get<0>(), Seconds(i->second.get<2>()));
+            Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0>()->GetObject<Limits>();
+            Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits>();
+            if (fibLimits != 0) {
+              // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
+              fibLimits->SetLimits(faceLimits->GetMaxRate(), 2 * i->second.get<2>() /*exact RTT*/);
+              NS_LOG_DEBUG("Set limit for prefix "
+                           << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() << " / "
+                           << 2 * i->second.get<2>() << "s ("
+                           << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() * 2 * i->second.get<2>() << ")");
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateAllPossibleRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes /* = true*/)
+  /**
+   * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
+   * See for more details
+   */
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
+  // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
+  // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
+  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by
+  // the graph, which
+  // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (source == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node " << (*node)->GetId() << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
+      continue;
+    }
+    Ptr<Fib> fib = source->GetObject<Fib>();
+    if (invalidatedRoutes) {
+      fib->InvalidateAll();
+    }
+    NS_ASSERT(fib != 0);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("===========");
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node>()->GetId() << " ("
+                                            << Names::FindName(source->GetObject<Node>()) << ")");
+    Ptr<L3Protocol> l3 = source->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+    NS_ASSERT(l3 != 0);
+    // remember interface statuses
+    std::vector<uint16_t> originalMetric(l3->GetNFaces());
+    for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+      originalMetric[faceId] = l3->GetFace(faceId)->GetMetric();
+      l3->GetFace(faceId)
+        ->SetMetric(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()
+                    - 1); // value std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max () MUST NOT be used (reserved)
+    }
+    for (uint32_t enabledFaceId = 0; enabledFaceId < l3->GetNFaces(); enabledFaceId++) {
+      if (DynamicCast<ndn::NetDeviceFace>(l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)) == 0)
+        continue;
+      // enabling only faceId
+      l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)->SetMetric(originalMetric[enabledFaceId]);
+      DistancesMap distances;
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("-----------");
+      dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, source,
+                              // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
+                              // .
+                              distance_map(boost::ref(distances))
+                                .distance_inf(WeightInf)
+                                .distance_zero(WeightZero)
+                                .distance_compare(boost::WeightCompare())
+                                .distance_combine(boost::WeightCombine()));
       // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
-      Ptr<Fib>  fib  = source->GetObject<Fib> ();
-      if (invalidatedRoutes)
-        {
-          fib->InvalidateAll ();
-        }
-      NS_ASSERT (fib != 0);
+      for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin(); i != distances.end(); i++) {
+        if (i->first == source)
+          continue;
+        else {
+          // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
+          if (i->second.get<0>() == 0) {
+            // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
+          }
+          else {
+            BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name>& prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes()) {
+              NS_LOG_DEBUG(" prefix " << *prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0>()
+                                      << " with distance " << i->second.get<1>() << " with delay "
+                                      << i->second.get<2>());
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ());
-      for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin ();
-	   i != distances.end ();
-	   i++)
-	{
-	  if (i->first == source)
-	    continue;
-	  else
-	    {
-	      // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
-	      if (i->second.get<0> () == 0)
-		{
-		  // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-                  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name> &prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes ())
-                    {
-                      NS_LOG_DEBUG (" prefix " << prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0> ()
-                                    << " with distance " << i->second.get<1> ()
-                                    << " with delay " << i->second.get<2> ());
-                      Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add (prefix, i->second.get<0> (), i->second.get<1> ());
-                      entry->SetRealDelayToProducer (i->second.get<0> (), Seconds (i->second.get<2> ()));
-                      Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0> ()->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                      Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                      if (fibLimits != 0)
-                        {
-                          // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
-                          fibLimits->SetLimits (faceLimits->GetMaxRate (), 2 * i->second.get<2> () /*exact RTT*/);
-                          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Set limit for prefix " << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () << " / " <<
-                                        2*i->second.get<2> () << "s (" << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () * 2 * i->second.get<2> () << ")");
-                        }
-                    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateAllPossibleRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes/* = true*/)
-  /**
-   * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
-   * See for more details
-   */
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( VertexListGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( IncidenceGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
-  // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
-  // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
-  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by the graph, which
-  // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (source == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node " << (*node)->GetId () << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<Fib>  fib  = source->GetObject<Fib> ();
-      if (invalidatedRoutes)
-        {
-          fib->InvalidateAll ();
-        }
-      NS_ASSERT (fib != 0);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("===========");
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId () << " (" << Names::FindName (source->GetObject<Node> ()) << ")");
-      Ptr<L3Protocol> l3 = source->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-      NS_ASSERT (l3 != 0);
-      // remember interface statuses
-      std::vector<uint16_t> originalMetric (l3->GetNFaces ());
-      for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-        {
-          originalMetric[faceId] = l3->GetFace (faceId)->GetMetric ();
-          l3->GetFace (faceId)->SetMetric (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1); // value std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max () MUST NOT be used (reserved)
-        }
-      for (uint32_t enabledFaceId = 0; enabledFaceId < l3->GetNFaces (); enabledFaceId++)
-        {
-          if (DynamicCast<ndn::NetDeviceFace> (l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)) == 0)
-            continue;
-          // enabling only faceId
-          l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)->SetMetric (originalMetric[enabledFaceId]);
-          DistancesMap    distances;
-          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("-----------");
-          dijkstra_shortest_paths (graph, source,
-                                   // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
-                                   // .
-                                   distance_map (boost::ref(distances))
-                                   .
-                                   distance_inf (WeightInf)
-                                   .
-                                   distance_zero (WeightZero)
-                                   .
-                                   distance_compare (boost::WeightCompare ())
-                                   .
-                                   distance_combine (boost::WeightCombine ())
-                                   );
-          // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
-          for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin ();
-               i != distances.end ();
-               i++)
-            {
-              if (i->first == source)
+              if (i->second.get<0>()->GetMetric() == std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1)
-              else
-                {
-                  // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
-                  if (i->second.get<0> () == 0)
-                    {
-                      // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
-                    }
-                  else
-                    {
-                      BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name> &prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes ())
-                        {
-                          NS_LOG_DEBUG (" prefix " << *prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0> ()
-                                        << " with distance " << i->second.get<1> ()
-                                        << " with delay " << i->second.get<2> ());
-                          if (i->second.get<0> ()->GetMetric () == std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1)
-                            continue;
+              Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add(prefix, i->second.get<0>(), i->second.get<1>());
+              entry->SetRealDelayToProducer(i->second.get<0>(), Seconds(i->second.get<2>()));
-                          Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add (prefix, i->second.get<0> (), i->second.get<1> ());
-                          entry->SetRealDelayToProducer (i->second.get<0> (), Seconds (i->second.get<2> ()));
+              Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0>()->GetObject<Limits>();
-                          Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0> ()->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                          Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                          if (fibLimits != 0)
-                            {
-                              // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
-                              fibLimits->SetLimits (faceLimits->GetMaxRate (), 2 * i->second.get<2> () /*exact RTT*/);
-                              NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Set limit for prefix " << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () << " / " <<
-                                            2*i->second.get<2> () << "s (" << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () * 2 * i->second.get<2> () << ")");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+              Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits>();
+              if (fibLimits != 0) {
+                // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
+                fibLimits->SetLimits(faceLimits->GetMaxRate(),
+                                     2 * i->second.get<2>() /*exact RTT*/);
+                NS_LOG_DEBUG("Set limit for prefix "
+                             << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() << " / "
+                             << 2 * i->second.get<2>() << "s ("
+                             << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() * 2 * i->second.get<2>() << ")");
+              }
-          // disabling the face again
-          l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)->SetMetric (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1);
+          }
+      }
-      // recover original interface statuses
-      for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-        {
-          l3->GetFace (faceId)->SetMetric (originalMetric[faceId]);
-        }
+      // disabling the face again
+      l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)->SetMetric(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1);
+    // recover original interface statuses
+    for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+      l3->GetFace(faceId)->SetMetric(originalMetric[faceId]);
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
index fa7dabd..a765ebf 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-helpers
  * @brief Helper for GlobalRouter interface
-class GlobalRoutingHelper
+class GlobalRoutingHelper {
    * @brief Install GlobalRouter interface on a node
@@ -46,8 +45,7 @@
    * @param node Node to install GlobalRouter interface
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node);
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Install GlobalRouter interface on nodes
@@ -57,13 +55,13 @@
    * @param nodes NodeContainer to install GlobalRouter interface
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes);
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes);
    * @brief Install GlobalRouter interface on all nodes
-  InstallAll ();
+  InstallAll();
    * @brief Add `prefix' as origin on `node'
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@
    * @param node   Pointer to a node
-  AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> node);
+  AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Add `prefix' as origin on all `nodes'
@@ -79,7 +77,7 @@
    * @param nodes NodeContainer
-  AddOrigins (const std::string &prefix, const NodeContainer &nodes);
+  AddOrigins(const std::string& prefix, const NodeContainer& nodes);
    * @brief Add `prefix' as origin on node `nodeName'
@@ -87,37 +85,40 @@
    * @param nodeName   Name of the node that is associated with Ptr<Node> using ns3::Names
-  AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &nodeName);
+  AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& nodeName);
    * @brief Add origin to each node based on the node's name (using Names class)
-  AddOriginsForAll ();
+  AddOriginsForAll();
    * @brief Calculate for every node shortest path trees and install routes to all prefix origins
-   * @param invalidatedRoutes flag indicating whether existing routes should be invalidated or keps as is
+   * @param invalidatedRoutes flag indicating whether existing routes should be invalidated or keps
+   *as is
   static void
-  CalculateRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes = true);
+  CalculateRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes = true);
    * @brief Calculate all possible next-hop independent alternative routes
-   * @param invalidatedRoutes flag indicating whether existing routes should be invalidated or keps as is
+   * @param invalidatedRoutes flag indicating whether existing routes should be invalidated or keps
+   *as is
    * Refer to the implementation for more details.
-   * Note that this method is highly experimental and should be used with caution (very time consuming).
+   * Note that this method is highly experimental and should be used with caution (very time
+   *consuming).
   static void
-  CalculateAllPossibleRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes = true);
+  CalculateAllPossibleRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes = true);
-  Install (Ptr<Channel> channel);
+  Install(Ptr<Channel> channel);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.cpp b/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.cpp
index 1c43666..524ba46 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.cpp
@@ -31,109 +31,110 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp"
 #include "ns3/ndn-net-device-face.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.LinkControlHelper");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-LinkControlHelper::FailLink (Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2)
+LinkControlHelper::FailLink(Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (node1 << node2);
-  NS_ASSERT (node1 != 0);
-  NS_ASSERT (node2 != 0);
-  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn1 = node1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
-  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn2 = node2->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(node1 << node2);
-  NS_ASSERT (ndn1 != 0);
-  NS_ASSERT (ndn2 != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(node1 != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(node2 != 0);
+  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn1 = node1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn2 = node2->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT(ndn1 != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(ndn2 != 0);
   // iterate over all faces to find the right one
-  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn1->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-    {
-      Ptr<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ndFace = ndn1->GetFace (faceId)->GetObject<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ();
-      if (ndFace == 0) continue;
+  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn1->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+    Ptr<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ndFace = ndn1->GetFace(faceId)->GetObject<ndn::NetDeviceFace>();
+    if (ndFace == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice ()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
-      if (nd1 == 0) continue;
+    Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice>();
+    if (nd1 == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel ();
-      if (channel == 0) continue;
+    Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel();
+    if (channel == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel> (channel);
+    Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel>(channel);
-      Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (0);
-      if (nd2->GetNode () == node1)
-        nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (1);
+    Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice(0);
+    if (nd2->GetNode() == node1)
+      nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice(1);
-      if (nd2->GetNode () == node2)
-        {
-          Ptr<ndn::Face> face1 = ndn1->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd1);
-          Ptr<ndn::Face> face2 = ndn2->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd2);
+    if (nd2->GetNode() == node2) {
+      Ptr<ndn::Face> face1 = ndn1->GetFaceByNetDevice(nd1);
+      Ptr<ndn::Face> face2 = ndn2->GetFaceByNetDevice(nd2);
-          face1->SetUp (false);
-          face2->SetUp (false);
-          break;
-        }
+      face1->SetUp(false);
+      face2->SetUp(false);
+      break;
+  }
-LinkControlHelper::FailLinkByName (const std::string &node1, const std::string &node2)
+LinkControlHelper::FailLinkByName(const std::string& node1, const std::string& node2)
-  FailLink (Names::Find<Node> (node1), Names::Find<Node> (node2));
+  FailLink(Names::Find<Node>(node1), Names::Find<Node>(node2));
-LinkControlHelper::UpLink (Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2)
+LinkControlHelper::UpLink(Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (node1 << node2);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(node1 << node2);
-  NS_ASSERT (node1 != 0);
-  NS_ASSERT (node2 != 0);
-  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn1 = node1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
-  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn2 = node2->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
+  NS_ASSERT(node1 != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(node2 != 0);
-  NS_ASSERT (ndn1 != 0);
-  NS_ASSERT (ndn2 != 0);
+  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn1 = node1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn2 = node2->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT(ndn1 != 0);
+  NS_ASSERT(ndn2 != 0);
   // iterate over all faces to find the right one
-  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn1->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-    {
-      Ptr<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ndFace = ndn1->GetFace (faceId)->GetObject<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ();
-      if (ndFace == 0) continue;
+  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn1->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+    Ptr<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ndFace = ndn1->GetFace(faceId)->GetObject<ndn::NetDeviceFace>();
+    if (ndFace == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice ()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
-      if (nd1 == 0) continue;
+    Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice>();
+    if (nd1 == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel ();
-      if (channel == 0) continue;
+    Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel();
+    if (channel == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel> (channel);
+    Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel>(channel);
-      Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (0);
-      if (nd2->GetNode () == node1)
-        nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (1);
+    Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice(0);
+    if (nd2->GetNode() == node1)
+      nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice(1);
-      if (nd2->GetNode () == node2)
-        {
-          Ptr<ndn::Face> face1 = ndn1->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd1);
-          Ptr<ndn::Face> face2 = ndn2->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd2);
+    if (nd2->GetNode() == node2) {
+      Ptr<ndn::Face> face1 = ndn1->GetFaceByNetDevice(nd1);
+      Ptr<ndn::Face> face2 = ndn2->GetFaceByNetDevice(nd2);
-          face1->SetUp (true);
-          face2->SetUp (true);
-          break;
-        }
+      face1->SetUp(true);
+      face2->SetUp(true);
+      break;
+  }
-LinkControlHelper::UpLinkByName (const std::string &node1, const std::string &node2)
+LinkControlHelper::UpLinkByName(const std::string& node1, const std::string& node2)
-  UpLink (Names::Find<Node> (node1), Names::Find<Node> (node2));
+  UpLink(Names::Find<Node>(node1), Names::Find<Node>(node2));
diff --git a/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.hpp b/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.hpp
index 1fb3251..6411a39 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.hpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-link-control-helper.hpp
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-helpers
- * @brief Helper class to control the up or down statuss of an NDN link connecting two specific nodes
+ * @brief Helper class to control the up or down statuss of an NDN link connecting two specific
+ * nodes
-class LinkControlHelper
+class LinkControlHelper {
    * @brief Fail NDN link between two nodes
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
    * @param node2 another node
   static void
-  FailLink (Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2);
+  FailLink(Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2);
    * @brief Fail NDN link between two nodes
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
    * @param node2 another node's name
   static void
-  FailLinkByName (const std::string &node1, const std::string &node2);
+  FailLinkByName(const std::string& node1, const std::string& node2);
    * @brief Re-enable NDN link between two nodes
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
    * @param node2 another node
   static void
-  UpLink (Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2);
+  UpLink(Ptr<Node> node1, Ptr<Node> node2);
    * @brief Re-enable NDN link between two nodes
@@ -93,10 +93,9 @@
    * @param node2 another node's name
   static void
-  UpLinkByName (const std::string &node1, const std::string &node2);
+  UpLinkByName(const std::string& node1, const std::string& node2);
 }; // end: LinkControlHelper
 } // ndn
 } // ns3
diff --git a/helper/ndn-stack-helper.cpp b/helper/ndn-stack-helper.cpp
index fe736b3..d1c2577 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-stack-helper.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-stack-helper.cpp
@@ -58,131 +58,129 @@
 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.StackHelper");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-StackHelper::StackHelper ()
-  : m_limitsEnabled (false)
-  , m_needSetDefaultRoutes (false)
+  : m_limitsEnabled(false)
+  , m_needSetDefaultRoutes(false)
-  m_ndnFactory.         SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::L3Protocol");
-  m_strategyFactory.    SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::fw::Flooding");
-  m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru");
-  m_fibFactory.         SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::fib::Default");
-  m_pitFactory.         SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::pit::Persistent");
+  m_ndnFactory.SetTypeId("ns3::ndn::L3Protocol");
+  m_strategyFactory.SetTypeId("ns3::ndn::fw::Flooding");
+  m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru");
+  m_fibFactory.SetTypeId("ns3::ndn::fib::Default");
+  m_pitFactory.SetTypeId("ns3::ndn::pit::Persistent");
-  m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back (std::make_pair (PointToPointNetDevice::GetTypeId (), MakeCallback (&StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback, this)));
+  m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back(
+    std::make_pair(PointToPointNetDevice::GetTypeId(),
+                   MakeCallback(&StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback, this)));
   // default callback will be fired if non of others callbacks fit or did the job
-StackHelper::~StackHelper ()
-StackHelper::SetStackAttributes (const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
-                                 const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
-                                 const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
-                                 const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
+StackHelper::SetStackAttributes(const std::string& attr1, const std::string& value1,
+                                const std::string& attr2, const std::string& value2,
+                                const std::string& attr3, const std::string& value3,
+                                const std::string& attr4, const std::string& value4)
   if (attr1 != "")
-      m_ndnFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
+    m_ndnFactory.Set(attr1, StringValue(value1));
   if (attr2 != "")
-      m_ndnFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
+    m_ndnFactory.Set(attr2, StringValue(value2));
   if (attr3 != "")
-      m_ndnFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
+    m_ndnFactory.Set(attr3, StringValue(value3));
   if (attr4 != "")
-      m_ndnFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
+    m_ndnFactory.Set(attr4, StringValue(value4));
-StackHelper::SetForwardingStrategy (const std::string &strategy,
-                                    const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
-                                    const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
-                                    const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
-                                    const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
+StackHelper::SetForwardingStrategy(const std::string& strategy, const std::string& attr1,
+                                   const std::string& value1, const std::string& attr2,
+                                   const std::string& value2, const std::string& attr3,
+                                   const std::string& value3, const std::string& attr4,
+                                   const std::string& value4)
-  m_strategyFactory.SetTypeId (strategy);
+  m_strategyFactory.SetTypeId(strategy);
   if (attr1 != "")
-      m_strategyFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
+    m_strategyFactory.Set(attr1, StringValue(value1));
   if (attr2 != "")
-      m_strategyFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
+    m_strategyFactory.Set(attr2, StringValue(value2));
   if (attr3 != "")
-      m_strategyFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
+    m_strategyFactory.Set(attr3, StringValue(value3));
   if (attr4 != "")
-      m_strategyFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
+    m_strategyFactory.Set(attr4, StringValue(value4));
-StackHelper::SetContentStore (const std::string &contentStore,
-                              const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
-                              const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
-                              const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
-                              const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
+StackHelper::SetContentStore(const std::string& contentStore, const std::string& attr1,
+                             const std::string& value1, const std::string& attr2,
+                             const std::string& value2, const std::string& attr3,
+                             const std::string& value3, const std::string& attr4,
+                             const std::string& value4)
-  m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId (contentStore);
+  m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId(contentStore);
   if (attr1 != "")
-      m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
+    m_contentStoreFactory.Set(attr1, StringValue(value1));
   if (attr2 != "")
-      m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
+    m_contentStoreFactory.Set(attr2, StringValue(value2));
   if (attr3 != "")
-      m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
+    m_contentStoreFactory.Set(attr3, StringValue(value3));
   if (attr4 != "")
-      m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
+    m_contentStoreFactory.Set(attr4, StringValue(value4));
-StackHelper::SetPit (const std::string &pitClass,
-                     const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
-                     const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
-                     const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
-                     const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
+StackHelper::SetPit(const std::string& pitClass, const std::string& attr1,
+                    const std::string& value1, const std::string& attr2, const std::string& value2,
+                    const std::string& attr3, const std::string& value3, const std::string& attr4,
+                    const std::string& value4)
-  m_pitFactory.SetTypeId (pitClass);
+  m_pitFactory.SetTypeId(pitClass);
   if (attr1 != "")
-      m_pitFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
+    m_pitFactory.Set(attr1, StringValue(value1));
   if (attr2 != "")
-      m_pitFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
+    m_pitFactory.Set(attr2, StringValue(value2));
   if (attr3 != "")
-      m_pitFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
+    m_pitFactory.Set(attr3, StringValue(value3));
   if (attr4 != "")
-      m_pitFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
+    m_pitFactory.Set(attr4, StringValue(value4));
-StackHelper::SetFib (const std::string &fibClass,
-                     const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
-                     const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
-                     const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
-                     const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
+StackHelper::SetFib(const std::string& fibClass, const std::string& attr1,
+                    const std::string& value1, const std::string& attr2, const std::string& value2,
+                    const std::string& attr3, const std::string& value3, const std::string& attr4,
+                    const std::string& value4)
-  m_fibFactory.SetTypeId (fibClass);
+  m_fibFactory.SetTypeId(fibClass);
   if (attr1 != "")
-      m_fibFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
+    m_fibFactory.Set(attr1, StringValue(value1));
   if (attr2 != "")
-      m_fibFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
+    m_fibFactory.Set(attr2, StringValue(value2));
   if (attr3 != "")
-      m_fibFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
+    m_fibFactory.Set(attr3, StringValue(value3));
   if (attr4 != "")
-      m_fibFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
+    m_fibFactory.Set(attr4, StringValue(value4));
-StackHelper::SetDefaultRoutes (bool needSet)
+StackHelper::SetDefaultRoutes(bool needSet)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << needSet);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << needSet);
   m_needSetDefaultRoutes = needSet;
-StackHelper::EnableLimits (bool enable/* = true*/,
-                           Time avgRtt/*=Seconds(0.1)*/,
-                           uint32_t avgData/*=1100*/,
-                           uint32_t avgInterest/*=40*/)
+StackHelper::EnableLimits(bool enable /* = true*/, Time avgRtt /*=Seconds(0.1)*/,
+                          uint32_t avgData /*=1100*/, uint32_t avgInterest /*=40*/)
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("EnableLimits: " << enable);
+  NS_LOG_INFO("EnableLimits: " << enable);
   m_limitsEnabled = enable;
   m_avgRtt = avgRtt;
   m_avgDataSize = avgData;
@@ -190,276 +188,277 @@
-StackHelper::Install (const NodeContainer &c) const
+StackHelper::Install(const NodeContainer& c) const
-  Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer> ();
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
-    {
-      faces->AddAll (Install (*i));
-    }
+  Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer>();
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin(); i != c.End(); ++i) {
+    faces->AddAll(Install(*i));
+  }
   return faces;
-StackHelper::InstallAll () const
+StackHelper::InstallAll() const
-  return Install (NodeContainer::GetGlobal ());
+  return Install(NodeContainer::GetGlobal());
-StackHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node) const
+StackHelper::Install(Ptr<Node> node) const
-  // NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_forwarding, "SetForwardingHelper() should be set prior calling Install() method");
-  Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer> ();
+  // NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_forwarding, "SetForwardingHelper() should be set prior calling Install()
+  // method");
+  Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer>();
-  if (node->GetObject<L3Protocol> () != 0)
-    {
-      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("StackHelper::Install (): Installing "
-                      "a NdnStack to a node with an existing Ndn object");
-      return 0;
-    }
+  if (node->GetObject<L3Protocol>() != 0) {
+    NS_FATAL_ERROR("StackHelper::Install (): Installing "
+                   "a NdnStack to a node with an existing Ndn object");
+    return 0;
+  }
   // Create L3Protocol
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_ndnFactory.Create<L3Protocol> ();
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_ndnFactory.Create<L3Protocol>();
   // Create and aggregate FIB
-  Ptr<Fib> fib = m_fibFactory.Create<Fib> ();
-  ndn->AggregateObject (fib);
+  Ptr<Fib> fib = m_fibFactory.Create<Fib>();
+  ndn->AggregateObject(fib);
   // Create and aggregate PIT
-  ndn->AggregateObject (m_pitFactory.Create<Pit> ());
+  ndn->AggregateObject(m_pitFactory.Create<Pit>());
   // Create and aggregate forwarding strategy
-  ndn->AggregateObject (m_strategyFactory.Create<ForwardingStrategy> ());
+  ndn->AggregateObject(m_strategyFactory.Create<ForwardingStrategy>());
   // Create and aggregate content store
-  ndn->AggregateObject (m_contentStoreFactory.Create<ContentStore> ());
+  ndn->AggregateObject(m_contentStoreFactory.Create<ContentStore>());
   // Aggregate L3Protocol on node
-  node->AggregateObject (ndn);
+  node->AggregateObject(ndn);
-  for (uint32_t index=0; index < node->GetNDevices (); index++)
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDevice> device = node->GetDevice (index);
-      // This check does not make sense: LoopbackNetDevice is installed only if IP stack is installed,
-      // Normally, ndnSIM works without IP stack, so no reason to check
-      // if (DynamicCast<LoopbackNetDevice> (device) != 0)
-      //   continue; // don't create face for a LoopbackNetDevice
+  for (uint32_t index = 0; index < node->GetNDevices(); index++) {
+    Ptr<NetDevice> device = node->GetDevice(index);
+    // This check does not make sense: LoopbackNetDevice is installed only if IP stack is installed,
+    // Normally, ndnSIM works without IP stack, so no reason to check
+    // if (DynamicCast<LoopbackNetDevice> (device) != 0)
+    //   continue; // don't create face for a LoopbackNetDevice
-      Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face;
+    Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face;
-      for (std::list< std::pair<TypeId, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback> >::const_iterator item = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin ();
-           item != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end ();
-           item++)
-        {
-          if (device->GetInstanceTypeId () == item->first ||
-              device->GetInstanceTypeId ().IsChildOf (item->first))
-            {
-              face = item->second (node, ndn, device);
-              if (face != 0)
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-      if (face == 0)
-        {
-          face = DefaultNetDeviceCallback (node, ndn, device);
-        }
-      if (m_needSetDefaultRoutes)
-        {
-          // default route with lowest priority possible
-          AddRoute (node, "/", StaticCast<Face> (face), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max ());
-        }
-      face->SetUp ();
-      faces->Add (face);
+    for (std::list<std::pair<TypeId, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback>>::const_iterator item =
+           m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin();
+         item != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end(); item++) {
+      if (device->GetInstanceTypeId() == item->first
+          || device->GetInstanceTypeId().IsChildOf(item->first)) {
+        face = item->second(node, ndn, device);
+        if (face != 0)
+          break;
+      }
+    if (face == 0) {
+      face = DefaultNetDeviceCallback(node, ndn, device);
+    }
+    if (m_needSetDefaultRoutes) {
+      // default route with lowest priority possible
+      AddRoute(node, "/", StaticCast<Face>(face), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+    }
+    face->SetUp();
+    faces->Add(face);
+  }
   return faces;
-StackHelper::AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, StackHelper::NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
+StackHelper::AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType,
+                                            StackHelper::NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
-  m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back (std::make_pair (netDeviceType, callback));
+  m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back(std::make_pair(netDeviceType, callback));
-StackHelper::UpdateNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
+StackHelper::UpdateNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType,
+                                               NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
-  for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin (); i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end (); i++)
-    {
-      if (i->first == netDeviceType)
-        {
-          i->second = callback;
-          return;
-        }
+  for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin();
+       i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end(); i++) {
+    if (i->first == netDeviceType) {
+      i->second = callback;
+      return;
+  }
-StackHelper::RemoveNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
+StackHelper::RemoveNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType,
+                                               NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
-  for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin (); i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end (); i++)
-    {
-      if (i->first == netDeviceType)
-        {
-          m_netDeviceCallbacks.erase (i);
-          return;
-        }
+  for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin();
+       i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end(); i++) {
+    if (i->first == netDeviceType) {
+      m_netDeviceCallbacks.erase(i);
+      return;
+  }
-StackHelper::DefaultNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
+StackHelper::DefaultNetDeviceCallback(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn,
+                                      Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Creating default NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Creating default NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace> (node, netDevice);
+  Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace>(node, netDevice);
-  ndn->AddFace (face);
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node " << node->GetId () << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
+  ndn->AddFace(face);
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Node " << node->GetId() << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
   return face;
-StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> device) const
+StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn,
+                                           Ptr<NetDevice> device) const
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Creating point-to-point NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Creating point-to-point NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace> (node, device);
+  Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace>(node, device);
-  ndn->AddFace (face);
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node " << node->GetId () << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
+  ndn->AddFace(face);
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Node " << node->GetId() << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
-  if (m_limitsEnabled)
-    {
-      Ptr<Limits> limits = face->GetObject<Limits> ();
-      if (limits == 0)
-        {
-          NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Limits are enabled, but the selected forwarding strategy does not support limits. Please revise your scenario");
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      NS_LOG_INFO ("Limits are enabled");
-      Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2p = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (device);
-      if (p2p != 0)
-        {
-          // Setup bucket filtering
-          // Assume that we know average data packet size, and this size is equal default size
-          // Set maximum buckets (averaging over 1 second)
-          DataRateValue dataRate; device->GetAttribute ("DataRate", dataRate);
-          TimeValue linkDelay;   device->GetChannel ()->GetAttribute ("Delay", linkDelay);
-          NS_LOG_INFO("DataRate for this link is " << dataRate.Get());
-          double maxInterestPackets = 1.0  * dataRate.Get ().GetBitRate () / 8.0 / (m_avgDataSize + m_avgInterestSize);
-          // NS_LOG_INFO ("Max packets per second: " << maxInterestPackets);
-          // NS_LOG_INFO ("Max burst: " << m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) * maxInterestPackets);
-          NS_LOG_INFO ("MaxLimit: " << (int)(m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) * maxInterestPackets));
-          // Set max to BDP
-          limits->SetLimits (maxInterestPackets, m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S));
-          limits->SetLinkDelay (linkDelay.Get ().ToDouble (Time::S));
-        }
+  if (m_limitsEnabled) {
+    Ptr<Limits> limits = face->GetObject<Limits>();
+    if (limits == 0) {
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("Limits are enabled, but the selected forwarding strategy does not support "
+                     "limits. Please revise your scenario");
+      exit(1);
+    NS_LOG_INFO("Limits are enabled");
+    Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2p = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(device);
+    if (p2p != 0) {
+      // Setup bucket filtering
+      // Assume that we know average data packet size, and this size is equal default size
+      // Set maximum buckets (averaging over 1 second)
+      DataRateValue dataRate;
+      device->GetAttribute("DataRate", dataRate);
+      TimeValue linkDelay;
+      device->GetChannel()->GetAttribute("Delay", linkDelay);
+      NS_LOG_INFO("DataRate for this link is " << dataRate.Get());
+      double maxInterestPackets =
+        1.0 * dataRate.Get().GetBitRate() / 8.0 / (m_avgDataSize + m_avgInterestSize);
+      // NS_LOG_INFO ("Max packets per second: " << maxInterestPackets);
+      // NS_LOG_INFO ("Max burst: " << m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) * maxInterestPackets);
+      NS_LOG_INFO("MaxLimit: " << (int)(m_avgRtt.ToDouble(Time::S) * maxInterestPackets));
+      // Set max to BDP
+      limits->SetLimits(maxInterestPackets, m_avgRtt.ToDouble(Time::S));
+      limits->SetLinkDelay(linkDelay.Get().ToDouble(Time::S));
+    }
+  }
   return face;
-StackHelper::Install (const std::string &nodeName) const
+StackHelper::Install(const std::string& nodeName) const
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  return Install (node);
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  return Install(node);
-StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Face> face, int32_t metric)
+StackHelper::AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Face> face, int32_t metric)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("[" << node->GetId () << "]$ route add " << prefix << " via " << *face << " metric " << metric);
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("[" << node->GetId() << "]$ route add " << prefix << " via " << *face << " metric "
+                   << metric);
-  Ptr<Fib>  fib  = node->GetObject<Fib> ();
+  Ptr<Fib> fib = node->GetObject<Fib>();
   NameValue prefixValue;
-  prefixValue.DeserializeFromString (prefix, MakeNameChecker ());
-  fib->Add (prefixValue.Get (), face, metric);
+  prefixValue.DeserializeFromString(prefix, MakeNameChecker());
+  fib->Add(prefixValue.Get(), face, metric);
-StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric)
+StackHelper::AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric)
-  Ptr<L3Protocol>     ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace (faceId);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node [" << node->GetId () << "]");
+  Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace(faceId);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node ["
+                                            << node->GetId() << "]");
-  AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
+  AddRoute(node, prefix, face, metric);
-StackHelper::AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric)
+StackHelper::AddRoute(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& prefix, uint32_t faceId,
+                      int32_t metric)
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
-  Ptr<L3Protocol>     ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace (faceId);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node [" << nodeName << "]");
+  Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace(faceId);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node [" << nodeName
+                                            << "]");
-  AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
+  AddRoute(node, prefix, face, metric);
-StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> otherNode, int32_t metric)
+StackHelper::AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Node> otherNode,
+                      int32_t metric)
-  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < node->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> netDevice = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (node->GetDevice (deviceId));
-      if (netDevice == 0)
-        continue;
+  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < node->GetNDevices(); deviceId++) {
+    Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> netDevice =
+      DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(node->GetDevice(deviceId));
+    if (netDevice == 0)
+      continue;
-      Ptr<Channel> channel = netDevice->GetChannel ();
-      if (channel == 0)
-        continue;
+    Ptr<Channel> channel = netDevice->GetChannel();
+    if (channel == 0)
+      continue;
-      if (channel->GetDevice (0)->GetNode () == otherNode ||
-          channel->GetDevice (1)->GetNode () == otherNode)
-        {
-          Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-          NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
+    if (channel->GetDevice(0)->GetNode() == otherNode
+        || channel->GetDevice(1)->GetNode() == otherNode) {
+      Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG(ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
-          Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice (netDevice);
-          NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "There is no face associated with the p2p link");
+      Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice(netDevice);
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG(face != 0, "There is no face associated with the p2p link");
-          AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
+      AddRoute(node, prefix, face, metric);
-          return;
-        }
+      return;
+  }
-  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Cannot add route: Node# " << node->GetId () << " and Node# " << otherNode->GetId () << " are not connected");
+  NS_FATAL_ERROR("Cannot add route: Node# " << node->GetId() << " and Node# " << otherNode->GetId()
+                                            << " are not connected");
-StackHelper::AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &otherNodeName, int32_t metric)
+StackHelper::AddRoute(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& prefix,
+                      const std::string& otherNodeName, int32_t metric)
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
-  Ptr<Node> otherNode = Names::Find<Node> (otherNodeName);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (otherNode != 0, "Node [" << otherNodeName << "] does not exist");
+  Ptr<Node> otherNode = Names::Find<Node>(otherNodeName);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(otherNode != 0, "Node [" << otherNodeName << "] does not exist");
-  AddRoute (node, prefix, otherNode, metric);
+  AddRoute(node, prefix, otherNode, metric);
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/helper/ndn-stack-helper.hpp b/helper/ndn-stack-helper.hpp
index dc11bcf..155c22d 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-stack-helper.hpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-stack-helper.hpp
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@
  * attribute or a set of functionality that may be of interest to many other
  * classes.
-class StackHelper
+class StackHelper {
    * \brief Create a new NdnStackHelper with a default NDN_FLOODING forwarding stategy
@@ -70,17 +69,16 @@
    * \brief Destroy the NdnStackHelper
-  virtual ~StackHelper ();
+  virtual ~StackHelper();
    * @brief Set parameters of NdnL3Protocol
-  SetStackAttributes (const std::string &attr1 = "", const std::string &value1 = "",
-                      const std::string &attr2 = "", const std::string &value2 = "",
-                      const std::string &attr3 = "", const std::string &value3 = "",
-                      const std::string &attr4 = "", const std::string &value4 = "");
+  SetStackAttributes(const std::string& attr1 = "", const std::string& value1 = "",
+                     const std::string& attr2 = "", const std::string& value2 = "",
+                     const std::string& attr3 = "", const std::string& value3 = "",
+                     const std::string& attr4 = "", const std::string& value4 = "");
    * @brief Set forwarding strategy class and its attributes
@@ -91,75 +89,79 @@
    * Other strategies can be implemented, inheriting ns3::NdnForwardingStrategy class
-  SetForwardingStrategy (const std::string &forwardingStrategyClass,
-                         const std::string &attr1 = "", const std::string &value1 = "",
-                         const std::string &attr2 = "", const std::string &value2 = "",
-                         const std::string &attr3 = "", const std::string &value3 = "",
-                         const std::string &attr4 = "", const std::string &value4 = "");
+  SetForwardingStrategy(const std::string& forwardingStrategyClass, const std::string& attr1 = "",
+                        const std::string& value1 = "", const std::string& attr2 = "",
+                        const std::string& value2 = "", const std::string& attr3 = "",
+                        const std::string& value3 = "", const std::string& attr4 = "",
+                        const std::string& value4 = "");
    * @brief Set content store class and its attributes
    * @param contentStoreClass string, representing class of the content store
-  SetContentStore (const std::string &contentStoreClass,
-                   const std::string &attr1 = "", const std::string &value1 = "",
-                   const std::string &attr2 = "", const std::string &value2 = "",
-                   const std::string &attr3 = "", const std::string &value3 = "",
-                   const std::string &attr4 = "", const std::string &value4 = "");
+  SetContentStore(const std::string& contentStoreClass, const std::string& attr1 = "",
+                  const std::string& value1 = "", const std::string& attr2 = "",
+                  const std::string& value2 = "", const std::string& attr3 = "",
+                  const std::string& value3 = "", const std::string& attr4 = "",
+                  const std::string& value4 = "");
    * @brief Set PIT class and its attributes
    * @param pitClass string, representing class of PIT
-  SetPit (const std::string &pitClass,
-          const std::string &attr1 = "", const std::string &value1 = "",
-          const std::string &attr2 = "", const std::string &value2 = "",
-          const std::string &attr3 = "", const std::string &value3 = "",
-          const std::string &attr4 = "", const std::string &value4 = "");
+  SetPit(const std::string& pitClass, const std::string& attr1 = "", const std::string& value1 = "",
+         const std::string& attr2 = "", const std::string& value2 = "",
+         const std::string& attr3 = "", const std::string& value3 = "",
+         const std::string& attr4 = "", const std::string& value4 = "");
    * @brief Set FIB class and its attributes
    * @param pitClass string, representing class of FIB
-  SetFib (const std::string &fibClass,
-          const std::string &attr1 = "", const std::string &value1 = "",
-          const std::string &attr2 = "", const std::string &value2 = "",
-          const std::string &attr3 = "", const std::string &value3 = "",
-          const std::string &attr4 = "", const std::string &value4 = "");
+  SetFib(const std::string& fibClass, const std::string& attr1 = "", const std::string& value1 = "",
+         const std::string& attr2 = "", const std::string& value2 = "",
+         const std::string& attr3 = "", const std::string& value3 = "",
+         const std::string& attr4 = "", const std::string& value4 = "");
-  typedef Callback< Ptr<NetDeviceFace>, Ptr<Node>, Ptr<L3Protocol>, Ptr<NetDevice> > NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback;
+  typedef Callback<Ptr<NetDeviceFace>, Ptr<Node>, Ptr<L3Protocol>, Ptr<NetDevice>>
+    NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback;
-   * @brief Add callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied Ptr<Node> and Ptr<NetDevice>
+   * @brief Add callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied Ptr<Node>
+   *and Ptr<NetDevice>
    * It is possible to set up several callbacks for different NetDevice types.
-   * Currently, there is only one specialized callback for PointToPointNetDevice, which creates face and sets limits (if enabled)
+   * Currently, there is only one specialized callback for PointToPointNetDevice, which creates face
+   *and sets limits (if enabled)
    * based on PointToPoint link parameters
-   * If none of the callbacks fit the TypeId of NetDevice, a default callback is used (DefaultNetDeviceCallback)
+   * If none of the callbacks fit the TypeId of NetDevice, a default callback is used
+   *(DefaultNetDeviceCallback)
-  AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
+  AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
-   * @brief Update callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied Ptr<Node> and Ptr<NetDevice>
+   * @brief Update callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied
+   *Ptr<Node> and Ptr<NetDevice>
    * It is possible to set up several callbacks for different NetDevice types.
    * Using this method, it is possible to override Face creation for PointToPointNetDevices
-  UpdateNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
+  UpdateNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
-   * @brief Remove callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied Ptr<Node> and Ptr<NetDevice>
+   * @brief Remove callback to create and configure instance of the face, based on supplied
+   * Ptr<Node> and Ptr<NetDevice>
-  RemoveNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
+  RemoveNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback(TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback);
    * @brief Enable Interest limits (disabled by default)
@@ -170,7 +172,8 @@
    * @param avgInterest      Average size of interest packets (including all headers)
-  EnableLimits (bool enable = true, Time avgRtt=Seconds(0.1), uint32_t avgData=1100, uint32_t avgInterest=40);
+  EnableLimits(bool enable = true, Time avgRtt = Seconds(0.1), uint32_t avgData = 1100,
+               uint32_t avgInterest = 40);
    * \brief Install Ndn stack on the node
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@
    * to NdnFaceContainer object
-  Install (const std::string &nodeName) const;
+  Install(const std::string& nodeName) const;
    * \brief Install Ndn stack on the node
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@
    * to FaceContainer object
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node) const;
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node) const;
    * \brief Install Ndn stack on each node in the input container
@@ -213,7 +216,7 @@
    * to FaceContainer object
-  Install (const NodeContainer &c) const;
+  Install(const NodeContainer& c) const;
    * \brief Install Ndn stack on all nodes in the simulation
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@
    * to FaceContainer object
-  InstallAll () const;
+  InstallAll() const;
    * \brief Add forwarding entry to FIB
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@
    * \param metric Routing metric
   static void
-  AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric);
+  AddRoute(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric);
    * \brief Add forwarding entry to FIB
@@ -244,7 +247,7 @@
    * \param metric Routing metric
   static void
-  AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric);
+  AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric);
    * \brief Add forwarding entry to FIB
@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@
    * \param metric Routing metric
   static void
-  AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Face> face, int32_t metric);
+  AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Face> face, int32_t metric);
    * @brief Add forwarding entry to FIB (work only with point-to-point links)
@@ -266,35 +269,39 @@
    * \param metric Routing metric
   static void
-  AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> otherNode, int32_t metric);
+  AddRoute(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Node> otherNode, int32_t metric);
    * @brief Add forwarding entry to FIB (work only with point-to-point links)
    * \param nodeName Node name (refer to ns3::Names)
    * \param prefix Routing prefix
-   * \param otherNode The other node name, to which interests (will be used to infer face id (refer to ns3::Names)
+   * \param otherNode The other node name, to which interests (will be used to infer face id (refer
+   *to ns3::Names)
    * \param metric Routing metric
   static void
-  AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &otherNodeName, int32_t metric);
+  AddRoute(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& otherNodeName,
+           int32_t metric);
    * \brief Set flag indicating necessity to install default routes in FIB
-  SetDefaultRoutes (bool needSet);
+  SetDefaultRoutes(bool needSet);
-  DefaultNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
+  DefaultNetDeviceCallback(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
-  PointToPointNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
+  PointToPointNetDeviceCallback(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn,
+                                Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
-  StackHelper (const StackHelper &);
-  StackHelper &operator = (const StackHelper &o);
+  StackHelper(const StackHelper&);
+  StackHelper&
+  operator=(const StackHelper& o);
   ObjectFactory m_ndnFactory;
@@ -303,13 +310,13 @@
   ObjectFactory m_pitFactory;
   ObjectFactory m_fibFactory;
-  bool     m_limitsEnabled;
-  Time     m_avgRtt;
+  bool m_limitsEnabled;
+  Time m_avgRtt;
   uint32_t m_avgDataSize;
   uint32_t m_avgInterestSize;
-  bool     m_needSetDefaultRoutes;
+  bool m_needSetDefaultRoutes;
-  typedef std::list< std::pair<TypeId, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback> > NetDeviceCallbackList;
+  typedef std::list<std::pair<TypeId, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback>> NetDeviceCallbackList;
   NetDeviceCallbackList m_netDeviceCallbacks;
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-impl.cpp b/model/cs/content-store-impl.cpp
index 225d137..b4d2eae 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-impl.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-impl.cpp
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
 #include "../../utils/trie/multi-policy.hpp"
 #include "../../utils/trie/aggregate-stats-policy.hpp"
-#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)  \
-  static struct X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass \
-  {                                                     \
-    X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass () {        \
-      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId ();      \
-      tid.GetParent ();                                 \
-    }                                                   \
-  } x_ ## type ## templ ## RegistrationVariable
+#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)                                             \
+  static struct X##type##templ##RegistrationClass {                                                \
+    X##type##templ##RegistrationClass()                                                            \
+    {                                                                                              \
+      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId();                                                  \
+      tid.GetParent();                                                                             \
+    }                                                                                              \
+  } x_##type##templ##RegistrationVariable
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreImpl, fifo_policy_traits);
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreImpl, lfu_policy_traits);
-typedef multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< lru_policy_traits,
-                                                  aggregate_stats_policy_traits > > LruWithCountsTraits;
-typedef multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< random_policy_traits,
-                                                  aggregate_stats_policy_traits > > RandomWithCountsTraits;
-typedef multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< fifo_policy_traits,
-                                                  aggregate_stats_policy_traits > > FifoWithCountsTraits;
-typedef multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< lfu_policy_traits,
-                                                  aggregate_stats_policy_traits > > LfuWithCountsTraits;
+typedef multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::vector2<lru_policy_traits, aggregate_stats_policy_traits>>
+  LruWithCountsTraits;
+typedef multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::vector2<random_policy_traits,
+                                                aggregate_stats_policy_traits>>
+  RandomWithCountsTraits;
+typedef multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::vector2<fifo_policy_traits, aggregate_stats_policy_traits>>
+  FifoWithCountsTraits;
+typedef multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::vector2<lfu_policy_traits, aggregate_stats_policy_traits>>
+  LfuWithCountsTraits;
 template class ContentStoreImpl<LruWithCountsTraits>;
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreImpl, LruWithCountsTraits);
@@ -95,25 +95,28 @@
 // /**
 //  * \brief Content Store implementing LRU cache replacement policy
 //  */
-class Lru : public ContentStoreImpl<lru_policy_traits> { };
+class Lru : public ContentStoreImpl<lru_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store implementing FIFO cache replacement policy
-class Fifo : public ContentStoreImpl<fifo_policy_traits> { };
+class Fifo : public ContentStoreImpl<fifo_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store implementing Random cache replacement policy
-class Random : public ContentStoreImpl<random_policy_traits> { };
+class Random : public ContentStoreImpl<random_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy
-class Lfu : public ContentStoreImpl<lfu_policy_traits> { };
+class Lfu : public ContentStoreImpl<lfu_policy_traits> {
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-impl.hpp b/model/cs/content-store-impl.hpp
index 1254bb2..b35fdb4 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-impl.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-impl.hpp
@@ -43,292 +43,293 @@
  * @brief Cache entry implementation with additional references to the base container
 template<class CS>
-class EntryImpl : public Entry
+class EntryImpl : public Entry {
   typedef Entry base_type;
-  EntryImpl (Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data)
-    : Entry (cs, data)
-    , item_ (0)
+  EntryImpl(Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data)
+    : Entry(cs, data)
+    , item_(0)
-  SetTrie (typename CS::super::iterator item)
+  SetTrie(typename CS::super::iterator item)
     item_ = item;
-  typename CS::super::iterator to_iterator () { return item_; }
-  typename CS::super::const_iterator to_iterator () const { return item_; }
+  typename CS::super::iterator
+  to_iterator()
+  {
+    return item_;
+  }
+  typename CS::super::const_iterator
+  to_iterator() const
+  {
+    return item_;
+  }
   typename CS::super::iterator item_;
  * @ingroup ndn-cs
  * @brief Base implementation of NDN content store
 template<class Policy>
-class ContentStoreImpl : public ContentStore,
-                         protected ndnSIM::trie_with_policy< Name,
-                                                             ndnSIM::smart_pointer_payload_traits< EntryImpl< ContentStoreImpl< Policy > >, Entry >,
-                                                             Policy >
+class ContentStoreImpl
+  : public ContentStore,
+    protected ndnSIM::
+      trie_with_policy<Name,
+                       ndnSIM::smart_pointer_payload_traits<EntryImpl<ContentStoreImpl<Policy>>,
+                                                            Entry>,
+                       Policy> {
-  typedef ndnSIM::trie_with_policy< Name,
-                                    ndnSIM::smart_pointer_payload_traits< EntryImpl< ContentStoreImpl< Policy > >, Entry >,
-                                    Policy > super;
+  typedef ndnSIM::
+    trie_with_policy<Name, ndnSIM::smart_pointer_payload_traits<EntryImpl<ContentStoreImpl<Policy>>,
+                                                                Entry>,
+                     Policy> super;
-  typedef EntryImpl< ContentStoreImpl< Policy > > entry;
+  typedef EntryImpl<ContentStoreImpl<Policy>> entry;
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
-  ContentStoreImpl () { };
-  virtual ~ContentStoreImpl () { };
+  ContentStoreImpl(){};
+  virtual ~ContentStoreImpl(){};
   // from ContentStore
   virtual inline Ptr<Data>
-  Lookup (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  Lookup(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   virtual inline bool
-  Add (Ptr<const Data> data);
+  Add(Ptr<const Data> data);
   // virtual bool
   // Remove (Ptr<Interest> header);
   virtual inline void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetSize () const;
+  GetSize() const;
   virtual Ptr<Entry>
-  Begin ();
+  Begin();
   virtual Ptr<Entry>
-  End ();
+  End();
-  virtual Ptr<Entry>
-  Next (Ptr<Entry>);
+  virtual Ptr<Entry> Next(Ptr<Entry>);
-  const typename super::policy_container &
-  GetPolicy () const { return super::getPolicy (); }
+  const typename super::policy_container&
+  GetPolicy() const
+  {
+    return super::getPolicy();
+  }
-  typename super::policy_container &
-  GetPolicy () { return super::getPolicy (); }
+  typename super::policy_container&
+  GetPolicy()
+  {
+    return super::getPolicy();
+  }
-  SetMaxSize (uint32_t maxSize);
+  SetMaxSize(uint32_t maxSize);
-  GetMaxSize () const;
+  GetMaxSize() const;
   static LogComponent g_log; ///< @brief Logging variable
-  /// @brief trace of for entry additions (fired every time entry is successfully added to the cache): first parameter is pointer to the CS entry
-  TracedCallback< Ptr<const Entry> > m_didAddEntry;
+  /// @brief trace of for entry additions (fired every time entry is successfully added to the
+  /// cache): first parameter is pointer to the CS entry
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Entry>> m_didAddEntry;
 ////////// Implementation ////////////////
 template<class Policy>
-LogComponent ContentStoreImpl< Policy >::g_log = LogComponent (("ndn.cs." + Policy::GetName ()).c_str ());
+  ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::g_log = LogComponent(("ndn.cs." + Policy::GetName()).c_str());
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl< Policy >::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId (("ns3::ndn::cs::"+Policy::GetName ()).c_str ())
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<ContentStore> ()
-    .AddConstructor< ContentStoreImpl< Policy > > ()
-    .AddAttribute ("MaxSize",
-                   "Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced",
-                   StringValue ("100"),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&ContentStoreImpl< Policy >::GetMaxSize,
-                                         &ContentStoreImpl< Policy >::SetMaxSize),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId(("ns3::ndn::cs::" + Policy::GetName()).c_str())
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<ContentStore>()
+      .AddConstructor<ContentStoreImpl<Policy>>()
+      .AddAttribute("MaxSize",
+                    "Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced",
+                    StringValue("100"), MakeUintegerAccessor(&ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::GetMaxSize,
+                                                             &ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::SetMaxSize),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>())
-    .AddTraceSource ("DidAddEntry", "Trace fired every time entry is successfully added to the cache",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ContentStoreImpl< Policy >::m_didAddEntry))
-    ;
+      .AddTraceSource("DidAddEntry",
+                      "Trace fired every time entry is successfully added to the cache",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::m_didAddEntry));
   return tid;
-struct isNotExcluded
-  inline
-  isNotExcluded (const Exclude &exclude)
-    : m_exclude (exclude)
+struct isNotExcluded {
+  inline isNotExcluded(const Exclude& exclude)
+    : m_exclude(exclude)
-  operator () (const name::Component &comp) const
+  operator()(const name::Component& comp) const
-    return !m_exclude.isExcluded (comp);
+    return !m_exclude.isExcluded(comp);
-  const Exclude &m_exclude;
+  const Exclude& m_exclude;
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Lookup (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Lookup(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interest->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << interest->GetName());
   typename super::const_iterator node;
-  if (interest->GetExclude () == 0)
-    {
-      node = this->deepest_prefix_match (interest->GetName ());
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      node = this->deepest_prefix_match_if_next_level (interest->GetName (),
-                                                       isNotExcluded (*interest->GetExclude ()));
-    }
+  if (interest->GetExclude() == 0) {
+    node = this->deepest_prefix_match(interest->GetName());
+  }
+  else {
+    node = this->deepest_prefix_match_if_next_level(interest->GetName(),
+                                                    isNotExcluded(*interest->GetExclude()));
+  }
-  if (node != this->end ())
-    {
-      this->m_cacheHitsTrace (interest, node->payload ()->GetData ());
+  if (node != this->end()) {
+    this->m_cacheHitsTrace(interest, node->payload()->GetData());
-      Ptr<Data> copy = Create<Data> (*node->payload ()->GetData ());
-      ConstCast<Packet> (copy->GetPayload ())->RemoveAllPacketTags ();
-      return copy;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      this->m_cacheMissesTrace (interest);
-      return 0;
-    }
+    Ptr<Data> copy = Create<Data>(*node->payload()->GetData());
+    ConstCast<Packet>(copy->GetPayload())->RemoveAllPacketTags();
+    return copy;
+  }
+  else {
+    this->m_cacheMissesTrace(interest);
+    return 0;
+  }
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Add (Ptr<const Data> data)
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Add(Ptr<const Data> data)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << data->GetName ());
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << data->GetName());
-  Ptr< entry > newEntry = Create< entry > (this, data);
-  std::pair< typename super::iterator, bool > result = super::insert (data->GetName (), newEntry);
+  Ptr<entry> newEntry = Create<entry>(this, data);
+  std::pair<typename super::iterator, bool> result = super::insert(data->GetName(), newEntry);
-  if (result.first != super::end ())
-    {
-      if (result.second)
-        {
-          newEntry->SetTrie (result.first);
+  if (result.first != super::end()) {
+    if (result.second) {
+      newEntry->SetTrie(result.first);
-          m_didAddEntry (newEntry);
-          return true;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          // should we do anything?
-          // update payload? add new payload?
-          return false;
-        }
+      m_didAddEntry(newEntry);
+      return true;
+    else {
+      // should we do anything?
+      // update payload? add new payload?
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
     return false; // cannot insert entry
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy ().begin ();
-       item != this->getPolicy ().end ();
-       item++)
-    {
-      os << item->payload ()->GetName () << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy().begin();
+       item != this->getPolicy().end(); item++) {
+    os << item->payload()->GetName() << std::endl;
+  }
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::SetMaxSize (uint32_t maxSize)
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::SetMaxSize(uint32_t maxSize)
-  this->getPolicy ().set_max_size (maxSize);
+  this->getPolicy().set_max_size(maxSize);
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::GetMaxSize () const
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::GetMaxSize() const
-  return this->getPolicy ().get_max_size ();
+  return this->getPolicy().get_max_size();
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::GetSize () const
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::GetSize() const
-  return this->getPolicy ().size ();
+  return this->getPolicy().size();
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Begin ()
-  typename super::parent_trie::recursive_iterator item (super::getTrie ()), end (0);
-  for (; item != end; item++)
-    {
-      if (item->payload () == 0) continue;
-      break;
-    }
+  typename super::parent_trie::recursive_iterator item(super::getTrie()), end(0);
+  for (; item != end; item++) {
+    if (item->payload() == 0)
+      continue;
+    break;
+  }
   if (item == end)
-    return End ();
+    return End();
-    return item->payload ();
+    return item->payload();
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::End ()
   return 0;
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Next (Ptr<Entry> from)
+ContentStoreImpl<Policy>::Next(Ptr<Entry> from)
-  if (from == 0) return 0;
+  if (from == 0)
+    return 0;
-  typename super::parent_trie::recursive_iterator
-    item (*StaticCast< entry > (from)->to_iterator ()),
-    end (0);
+  typename super::parent_trie::recursive_iterator item(*StaticCast<entry>(from)->to_iterator()),
+    end(0);
-  for (item++; item != end; item++)
-    {
-      if (item->payload () == 0) continue;
-      break;
-    }
+  for (item++; item != end; item++) {
+    if (item->payload() == 0)
+      continue;
+    break;
+  }
   if (item == end)
-    return End ();
+    return End();
-    return item->payload ();
+    return item->payload();
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-nocache.cpp b/model/cs/content-store-nocache.cpp
index 61515c1..85505d1 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-nocache.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-nocache.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
  *         Ilya Moiseenko <>
- *         
+ *
 #include "content-store-nocache.hpp"
@@ -25,72 +25,70 @@
 #include "ns3/log.h"
 #include "ns3/packet.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.cs.Nocache");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
 namespace cs {
-Nocache::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<ContentStore> ()
-    .AddConstructor< Nocache > ()
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache")
+                        .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+                        .SetParent<ContentStore>()
+                        .AddConstructor<Nocache>();
   return tid;
-Nocache::Nocache ()
-Nocache::~Nocache () 
-Nocache::Lookup (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+Nocache::Lookup(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  this->m_cacheMissesTrace (interest);
+  this->m_cacheMissesTrace(interest);
   return 0;
-Nocache::Add (Ptr<const Data> data)
+Nocache::Add(Ptr<const Data> data)
   return false;
-Nocache::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+Nocache::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-Nocache::GetSize () const
+Nocache::GetSize() const
   return 0;
-Nocache::Begin ()
   return 0;
-Nocache::End ()
   return 0;
-Nocache::Next (Ptr<cs::Entry>)
+Ptr<cs::Entry> Nocache::Next(Ptr<cs::Entry>)
   return 0;
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-nocache.hpp b/model/cs/content-store-nocache.hpp
index ac7ced7..5745821 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-nocache.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-nocache.hpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "ns3/ndnSIM/model/cs/ndn-content-store.hpp"
@@ -32,49 +32,45 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-cs
  * @brief Implementation of ContentStore that completely disables caching
-class Nocache : public ContentStore
+class Nocache : public ContentStore {
    * \brief Interface ID
    * \return interface ID
-  static
-  TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default constructor
-  Nocache ();
+  Nocache();
    * @brief Virtual destructor
-  virtual
-  ~Nocache ();
+  virtual ~Nocache();
   virtual Ptr<Data>
-  Lookup (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  Lookup(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   virtual bool
-  Add (Ptr<const Data> data);
+  Add(Ptr<const Data> data);
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetSize () const;
+  GetSize() const;
   virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  Begin ();
+  Begin();
   virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  End ();
+  End();
-  virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  Next (Ptr<cs::Entry>);
+  virtual Ptr<cs::Entry> Next(Ptr<cs::Entry>);
 } // namespace cs
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.cpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.cpp
index e132a78..3fa39b9 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.cpp
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 #include "../../utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp"
 #include "../../utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp"
-#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)  \
-  static struct X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass \
-  {                                                     \
-    X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass () {        \
-      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId ();      \
-      tid.GetParent ();                                 \
-    }                                                   \
-  } x_ ## type ## templ ## RegistrationVariable
+#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)                                             \
+  static struct X##type##templ##RegistrationClass {                                                \
+    X##type##templ##RegistrationClass()                                                            \
+    {                                                                                              \
+      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId();                                                  \
+      tid.GetParent();                                                                             \
+    }                                                                                              \
+  } x_##type##templ##RegistrationVariable
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
 template class ContentStoreWithFreshness<lfu_policy_traits>;
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithFreshness, lru_policy_traits);
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithFreshness, random_policy_traits);
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithFreshness, fifo_policy_traits);
@@ -73,26 +72,29 @@
 // /**
 //  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing LRU cache replacement policy
 //  */
-class Freshness::Lru : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<lru_policy_traits> { };
+class Freshness::Lru : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<lru_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing FIFO cache replacement policy
-class Freshness::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<fifo_policy_traits> { };
+class Freshness::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<fifo_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing Random cache replacement policy
-class Freshness::Random : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<random_policy_traits> { };
+class Freshness::Random : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<random_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy
-class Freshness::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<lfu_policy_traits> { };
+class Freshness::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithFreshness<lfu_policy_traits> {
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.hpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.hpp
index 2bd74de..07aa56f 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-freshness.hpp
@@ -37,29 +37,34 @@
  * @brief Special content store realization that honors Freshness parameter in Data packets
 template<class Policy>
-class ContentStoreWithFreshness :
-    public ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< Policy, ndnSIM::freshness_policy_traits > > >
+class ContentStoreWithFreshness
+  : public ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::
+                              multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                    vector2<Policy,
+                                                            ndnSIM::freshness_policy_traits>>> {
-  typedef ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< Policy, ndnSIM::freshness_policy_traits > > > super;
+  typedef ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                         vector2<Policy,
+                                                                 ndnSIM::freshness_policy_traits>>>
+    super;
   typedef typename super::policy_container::template index<1>::type freshness_policy_container;
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
   virtual inline void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual inline bool
-  Add (Ptr<const Data> data);
+  Add(Ptr<const Data> data);
   inline void
-  CleanExpired ();
+  CleanExpired();
   inline void
-  RescheduleCleaning ();
+  RescheduleCleaning();
   static LogComponent g_log; ///< @brief Logging variable
@@ -72,20 +77,18 @@
 ////////// Implementation ////////////////
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::g_log = LogComponent (("ndn.cs.Freshness." + Policy::GetName ()).c_str ());
+LogComponent ContentStoreWithFreshness<Policy>::g_log = LogComponent(("ndn.cs.Freshness."
+                                                                      + Policy::GetName()).c_str());
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId (("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::"+Policy::GetName ()).c_str ())
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<super> ()
-    .template AddConstructor< ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy > > ()
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId(("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::" + Policy::GetName()).c_str())
+                        .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+                        .SetParent<super>()
+                        .template AddConstructor<ContentStoreWithFreshness<Policy>>()
     // trace stuff here
@@ -93,95 +96,93 @@
   return tid;
 template<class Policy>
 inline bool
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::Add (Ptr<const Data> data)
+ContentStoreWithFreshness<Policy>::Add(Ptr<const Data> data)
-  bool ok = super::Add (data);
-  if (!ok) return false;
+  bool ok = super::Add(data);
+  if (!ok)
+    return false;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG (data->GetName () << " added to cache");
-  RescheduleCleaning ();
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG(data->GetName() << " added to cache");
+  RescheduleCleaning();
   return true;
 template<class Policy>
 inline void
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::RescheduleCleaning ()
-  const freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template get<freshness_policy_container> ();
+  const freshness_policy_container& freshness =
+    this->getPolicy().template get<freshness_policy_container>();
-  if (freshness.size () > 0)
+  if (freshness.size() > 0) {
+    Time nextStateTime =
+      freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness(&(*freshness.begin()));
+    if (m_scheduledCleaningTime.IsZero() ||      // if not yet scheduled
+        m_scheduledCleaningTime > nextStateTime) // if new item expire sooner than already scheduled
-      Time nextStateTime = freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness (&(*freshness.begin ()));
+      if (m_cleanEvent.IsRunning()) {
+        Simulator::Remove(m_cleanEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
+      }
-      if (m_scheduledCleaningTime.IsZero () || // if not yet scheduled
-          m_scheduledCleaningTime > nextStateTime) // if new item expire sooner than already scheduled
-        {
-          if (m_cleanEvent.IsRunning ())
-            {
-              Simulator::Remove (m_cleanEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
-            }
-          // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Next event in: " << (nextStateTime - Now ()).ToDouble (Time::S) << "s");
-          m_cleanEvent = Simulator::Schedule (nextStateTime - Now (), &ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::CleanExpired, this);
-          m_scheduledCleaningTime = nextStateTime;
-        }
+      // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Next event in: " << (nextStateTime - Now ()).ToDouble (Time::S) << "s");
+      m_cleanEvent = Simulator::Schedule(nextStateTime - Now(),
+                                         &ContentStoreWithFreshness<Policy>::CleanExpired, this);
+      m_scheduledCleaningTime = nextStateTime;
-  else
-    {
-      if (m_cleanEvent.IsRunning ())
-        {
-          Simulator::Remove (m_cleanEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
-        }
+  }
+  else {
+    if (m_cleanEvent.IsRunning()) {
+      Simulator::Remove(m_cleanEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
+  }
 template<class Policy>
 inline void
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::CleanExpired ()
-  freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template get<freshness_policy_container> ();
+  freshness_policy_container& freshness =
+    this->getPolicy().template get<freshness_policy_container>();
-  // NS_LOG_LOGIC (">> Cleaning: Total number of items:" << this->getPolicy ().size () << ", items with freshness: " << freshness.size ());
-  Time now = Simulator::Now ();
+  // NS_LOG_LOGIC (">> Cleaning: Total number of items:" << this->getPolicy ().size () << ", items
+  // with freshness: " << freshness.size ());
+  Time now = Simulator::Now();
-  while (!freshness.empty ())
+  while (!freshness.empty()) {
+    typename freshness_policy_container::iterator entry = freshness.begin();
+    if (freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness(&(*entry))
+        <= now) // is the record stale?
-      typename freshness_policy_container::iterator entry = freshness.begin ();
-      if (freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness (&(*entry)) <= now) // is the record stale?
-        {
-          super::erase (&(*entry));
-        }
-      else
-        break; // nothing else to do. All later records will not be stale
+      super::erase(&(*entry));
-  // NS_LOG_LOGIC ("<< Cleaning: Total number of items:" << this->getPolicy ().size () << ", items with freshness: " << freshness.size ());
+    else
+      break; // nothing else to do. All later records will not be stale
+  }
+  // NS_LOG_LOGIC ("<< Cleaning: Total number of items:" << this->getPolicy ().size () << ", items
+  // with freshness: " << freshness.size ());
-  m_scheduledCleaningTime = Time ();
-  RescheduleCleaning ();
+  m_scheduledCleaningTime = Time();
+  RescheduleCleaning();
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithFreshness< Policy >::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+ContentStoreWithFreshness<Policy>::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  // const freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template get<freshness_policy_container> ();
+  // const freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template
+  // get<freshness_policy_container> ();
-  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy ().begin ();
-       item != this->getPolicy ().end ();
-       item++)
-    {
-      Time ttl = freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness (&(*item)) - Simulator::Now ();
-      os << item->payload ()->GetName () << "(left: " << ttl.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s)" << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy().begin();
+       item != this->getPolicy().end(); item++) {
+    Time ttl = freshness_policy_container::policy_base::get_freshness(&(*item)) - Simulator::Now();
+    os << item->payload()->GetName() << "(left: " << ttl.ToDouble(Time::S) << "s)" << std::endl;
+  }
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.cpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.cpp
index bf5c181..313cb36 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.cpp
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 #include "../../utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp"
 #include "../../utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp"
-#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)  \
-  static struct X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass \
-  {                                                     \
-    X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass () {        \
-      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId ();      \
-      tid.GetParent ();                                 \
-    }                                                   \
-  } x_ ## type ## templ ## RegistrationVariable
+#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)                                             \
+  static struct X##type##templ##RegistrationClass {                                                \
+    X##type##templ##RegistrationClass()                                                            \
+    {                                                                                              \
+      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId();                                                  \
+      tid.GetParent();                                                                             \
+    }                                                                                              \
+  } x_##type##templ##RegistrationVariable
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
 template class ContentStoreWithProbability<lfu_policy_traits>;
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithProbability, lru_policy_traits);
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithProbability, random_policy_traits);
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithProbability, fifo_policy_traits);
@@ -73,26 +72,29 @@
 // /**
 //  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing LRU cache replacement policy
 //  */
-class Probability::Lru : public ContentStoreWithProbability<lru_policy_traits> { };
+class Probability::Lru : public ContentStoreWithProbability<lru_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing FIFO cache replacement policy
-class Probability::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithProbability<fifo_policy_traits> { };
+class Probability::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithProbability<fifo_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing Random cache replacement policy
-class Probability::Random : public ContentStoreWithProbability<random_policy_traits> { };
+class Probability::Random : public ContentStoreWithProbability<random_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with freshness implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy
-class Probability::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithProbability<lfu_policy_traits> { };
+class Probability::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithProbability<lfu_policy_traits> {
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.hpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.hpp
index 55266e8..cca50c1 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-probability.hpp
@@ -39,34 +39,33 @@
  * @brief Special content store realization that honors Freshness parameter in Data packets
 template<class Policy>
-class ContentStoreWithProbability :
-    public ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< ndnSIM::probability_policy_traits, Policy > > >
+class ContentStoreWithProbability
+  : public ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                          vector2<ndnSIM::probability_policy_traits,
+                                                                  Policy>>> {
-  typedef ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< ndnSIM::probability_policy_traits, Policy > > > super;
+  typedef ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                         vector2<ndnSIM::probability_policy_traits,
+                                                                 Policy>>> super;
   typedef typename super::policy_container::template index<0>::type probability_policy_container;
-  ContentStoreWithProbability () {};
-  static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  ContentStoreWithProbability(){};
-  void SetCacheProbability (double probability)
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
+  void
+  SetCacheProbability(double probability)
-    this->getPolicy ()
-      .template get<probability_policy_container> ()
-      .set_probability (probability);
+    this->getPolicy().template get<probability_policy_container>().set_probability(probability);
-  GetCacheProbability () const
+  GetCacheProbability() const
-    return 
-      this->getPolicy ()
-      .template get<probability_policy_container> ()
-      .get_probability ();
+    return this->getPolicy().template get<probability_policy_container>().get_probability();
@@ -76,26 +75,25 @@
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithProbability< Policy >::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId (("ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::"+Policy::GetName ()).c_str ())
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<super> ()
-    .template AddConstructor< ContentStoreWithProbability< Policy > > ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId(("ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::" + Policy::GetName()).c_str())
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<super>()
+      .template AddConstructor<ContentStoreWithProbability<Policy>>()
-    .AddAttribute ("CacheProbability",
-                   "Set probability of caching in ContentStore. "
-                   "If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.",
-                   DoubleValue (1.0),//(+)
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&ContentStoreWithProbability< Policy >::GetCacheProbability,
-                                       &ContentStoreWithProbability< Policy >::SetCacheProbability),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-    ;
+      .AddAttribute("CacheProbability",
+                    "Set probability of caching in ContentStore. "
+                    "If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.",
+                    DoubleValue(1.0), //(+)
+                    MakeDoubleAccessor(&ContentStoreWithProbability<Policy>::GetCacheProbability,
+                                       &ContentStoreWithProbability<Policy>::SetCacheProbability),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>());
   return tid;
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.cpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.cpp
index 7d6e567..1a44e37 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.cpp
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 #include "../../utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp"
 #include "../../utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp"
-#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)  \
-  static struct X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass \
-  {                                                     \
-    X ## type ## templ ## RegistrationClass () {        \
-      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId ();      \
-      tid.GetParent ();                                 \
-    }                                                   \
-  } x_ ## type ## templ ## RegistrationVariable
+#define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(type, templ)                                             \
+  static struct X##type##templ##RegistrationClass {                                                \
+    X##type##templ##RegistrationClass()                                                            \
+    {                                                                                              \
+      ns3::TypeId tid = type<templ>::GetTypeId();                                                  \
+      tid.GetParent();                                                                             \
+    }                                                                                              \
+  } x_##type##templ##RegistrationVariable
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -68,31 +68,33 @@
 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED_TEMPL(ContentStoreWithStats, lfu_policy_traits);
 #ifdef DOXYGEN
 // /**
 //  * \brief Content Store with stats implementing LRU cache replacement policy
 //  */
-class Stats::Lru : public ContentStoreWithStats<lru_policy_traits> { };
+class Stats::Lru : public ContentStoreWithStats<lru_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with stats implementing FIFO cache replacement policy
-class Stats::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithStats<fifo_policy_traits> { };
+class Stats::Fifo : public ContentStoreWithStats<fifo_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with stats implementing Random cache replacement policy
-class Stats::Random : public ContentStoreWithStats<random_policy_traits> { };
+class Stats::Random : public ContentStoreWithStats<random_policy_traits> {
  * \brief Content Store with stats implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy
-class Stats::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithStats<lfu_policy_traits> { };
+class Stats::Lfu : public ContentStoreWithStats<lfu_policy_traits> {
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.hpp b/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.hpp
index 542b88c..b5f7540 100644
--- a/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/content-store-with-stats.hpp
@@ -37,54 +37,62 @@
  * @brief Special content store realization that provides ability to track stats of CS operations
 template<class Policy>
-class ContentStoreWithStats :
-    public ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< Policy, ndnSIM::lifetime_stats_policy_traits > > >
+class ContentStoreWithStats
+  : public ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::
+                              multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                    vector2<Policy,
+                                                            ndnSIM::
+                                                              lifetime_stats_policy_traits>>> {
-  typedef ContentStoreImpl< ndnSIM::multi_policy_traits< boost::mpl::vector2< Policy, ndnSIM::lifetime_stats_policy_traits > > > super;
+  typedef ContentStoreImpl<ndnSIM::
+                             multi_policy_traits<boost::mpl::
+                                                   vector2<Policy,
+                                                           ndnSIM::lifetime_stats_policy_traits>>>
+    super;
   typedef typename super::policy_container::template index<1>::type lifetime_stats_container;
-  ContentStoreWithStats ()
+  ContentStoreWithStats()
     // connect traceback to the policy
-    super::getPolicy ().template get<1> ().set_traced_callback (&m_willRemoveEntry);
+    super::getPolicy().template get<1>().set_traced_callback(&m_willRemoveEntry);
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
   virtual inline void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   static LogComponent g_log; ///< @brief Logging variable
-  /// @brief trace of for entry removal: first parameter is pointer to the CS entry, second is how long entry was in the cache
-  TracedCallback< Ptr<const Entry>, Time > m_willRemoveEntry;
+  /// @brief trace of for entry removal: first parameter is pointer to the CS entry, second is how
+  /// long entry was in the cache
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Entry>, Time> m_willRemoveEntry;
 ////////// Implementation ////////////////
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithStats< Policy >::g_log = LogComponent (("ndn.cs.Stats." + Policy::GetName ()).c_str ());
+LogComponent ContentStoreWithStats<Policy>::g_log = LogComponent(("ndn.cs.Stats."
+                                                                  + Policy::GetName()).c_str());
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithStats< Policy >::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId (("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::"+Policy::GetName ()).c_str ())
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<super> ()
-    .template AddConstructor< ContentStoreWithStats< Policy > > ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId(("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::" + Policy::GetName()).c_str())
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<super>()
+      .template AddConstructor<ContentStoreWithStats<Policy>>()
-    .AddTraceSource ("WillRemoveEntry", "Trace called just before content store entry will be removed",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ContentStoreWithStats< Policy >::m_willRemoveEntry))
+      .AddTraceSource("WillRemoveEntry",
+                      "Trace called just before content store entry will be removed",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ContentStoreWithStats<Policy>::m_willRemoveEntry))
     // trace stuff here
@@ -94,21 +102,18 @@
 template<class Policy>
-ContentStoreWithStats< Policy >::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+ContentStoreWithStats<Policy>::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  // const freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template get<freshness_policy_container> ();
+  // const freshness_policy_container &freshness = this->getPolicy ().template
+  // get<freshness_policy_container> ();
-  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy ().begin ();
-       item != this->getPolicy ().end ();
-       item++)
-    {
-      Time alive = lifetime_stats_container::policy_base::get_time (&(*item)) - Simulator::Now ();
-      os << item->payload ()->GetName () << "(alive: " << alive.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s)" << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (typename super::policy_container::const_iterator item = this->getPolicy().begin();
+       item != this->getPolicy().end(); item++) {
+    Time alive = lifetime_stats_container::policy_base::get_time(&(*item)) - Simulator::Now();
+    os << item->payload()->GetName() << "(alive: " << alive.ToDouble(Time::S) << "s)" << std::endl;
+  }
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/custom-policies/freshness-policy.hpp b/model/cs/custom-policies/freshness-policy.hpp
index b85635e..999c61d 100644
--- a/model/cs/custom-policies/freshness-policy.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/custom-policies/freshness-policy.hpp
@@ -35,126 +35,127 @@
  * @brief Traits for freshness policy
-struct freshness_policy_traits
+struct freshness_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Freshness"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> { Time timeWhenShouldExpire; };
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Freshness";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> {
+    Time timeWhenShouldExpire;
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy
-  {
-    static Time& get_freshness (typename Container::iterator item)
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    static Time&
+    get_freshness(typename Container::iterator item)
-      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenShouldExpire;
+      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenShouldExpire;
-    static const Time& get_freshness (typename Container::const_iterator item)
+    static const Time&
+    get_freshness(typename Container::const_iterator item)
-      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenShouldExpire;
+      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenShouldExpire;
     template<class Key>
-    struct MemberHookLess
-    {
-      bool operator () (const Key &a, const Key &b) const
+    struct MemberHookLess {
+      bool
+      operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const
-        return get_freshness (&a) < get_freshness (&b);
+        return get_freshness(&a) < get_freshness(&b);
-    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset< Container,
-                                   boost::intrusive::compare< MemberHookLess< Container > >,
-                                   Hook > policy_container;
+    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset<Container,
+                                       boost::intrusive::compare<MemberHookLess<Container>>,
+                                       Hook> policy_container;
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_freshness methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // get_time (item) = Simulator::Now ();
-        Time freshness = item->payload ()->GetData ()->GetFreshness ();
-        if (!freshness.IsZero ())
-          {
-            get_freshness (item) = Simulator::Now () + freshness;
+        Time freshness = item->payload()->GetData()->GetFreshness();
+        if (!freshness.IsZero()) {
+          get_freshness(item) = Simulator::Now() + freshness;
-            // push item only if freshness is non zero. otherwise, this payload is not controlled by the policy
-            // note that .size() on this policy would return only number of items with non-infinite freshness policy
-            policy_container::insert (*item);
-          }
+          // push item only if freshness is non zero. otherwise, this payload is not controlled by
+          // the policy
+          // note that .size() on this policy would return only number of items with non-infinite
+          // freshness policy
+          policy_container::insert(*item);
+        }
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (!item->payload ()->GetData ()->GetFreshness ().IsZero ())
-          {
-            // erase only if freshness is non zero (otherwise an item is not in the policy
-            policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
-          }
+        if (!item->payload()->GetData()->GetFreshness().IsZero()) {
+          // erase only if freshness is non zero (otherwise an item is not in the policy
+          policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
+        }
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/model/cs/custom-policies/lifetime-stats-policy.hpp b/model/cs/custom-policies/lifetime-stats-policy.hpp
index 905f532..1102ef1 100644
--- a/model/cs/custom-policies/lifetime-stats-policy.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/custom-policies/lifetime-stats-policy.hpp
@@ -35,119 +35,122 @@
  * @brief Traits for lifetime stats policy
-struct lifetime_stats_policy_traits
+struct lifetime_stats_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "LifetimeStats"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> { Time timeWhenAdded; };
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "LifetimeStats";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
+    Time timeWhenAdded;
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
-    static Time& get_time (typename Container::iterator item)
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
+    static Time&
+    get_time(typename Container::iterator item)
-      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenAdded;
-    }
-    static const Time& get_time (typename Container::const_iterator item)
-    {
-      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenAdded;
+      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenAdded;
-    class type : public policy_container
+    static const Time&
+    get_time(typename Container::const_iterator item)
+      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->timeWhenAdded;
+    }
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_time methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
-        , m_willRemoveEntry (0)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
+        , m_willRemoveEntry(0)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
-      inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        get_time (item) = Simulator::Now ();
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+      inline bool
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      {
+        get_time(item) = Simulator::Now();
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
-      inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        Time lifetime = Simulator::Now () - get_time (item);
-        if (m_willRemoveEntry != 0)
-          {
-            (*m_willRemoveEntry) (item->payload (), lifetime);
-          }
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+      inline void
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      {
+        Time lifetime = Simulator::Now() - get_time(item);
+        if (m_willRemoveEntry != 0) {
+          (*m_willRemoveEntry)(item->payload(), lifetime);
+        }
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      set_traced_callback (TracedCallback< typename parent_trie::payload_traits::const_base_type, Time > *callback)
+      set_traced_callback(
+        TracedCallback<typename parent_trie::payload_traits::const_base_type, Time>* callback)
         m_willRemoveEntry = callback;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
-      TracedCallback< typename parent_trie::payload_traits::const_base_type, Time > *m_willRemoveEntry;
+      TracedCallback<typename parent_trie::payload_traits::const_base_type, Time>*
+        m_willRemoveEntry;
diff --git a/model/cs/custom-policies/probability-policy.hpp b/model/cs/custom-policies/probability-policy.hpp
index 0c3088c..57d6835 100644
--- a/model/cs/custom-policies/probability-policy.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/custom-policies/probability-policy.hpp
@@ -33,109 +33,106 @@
  * @brief Traits for freshness policy
-struct probability_policy_traits
-  static std::string GetName () { return "ProbabilityImpl"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+struct probability_policy_traits {
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "ProbabilityImpl";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_freshness methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
-        , probability_ (1.0)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
+        , probability_(1.0)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (ns3_rand_.GetValue () < probability_)
-          {
-            policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        if (ns3_rand_.GetValue() < probability_) {
+          policy_container::push_back(*item);
-            // allow caching
-            return true;
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            // don't allow caching
-            return false;
-          }
+          // allow caching
+          return true;
+        }
+        else {
+          // don't allow caching
+          return false;
+        }
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
       inline void
-      set_probability (double probability)
+      set_probability(double probability)
         probability_ = probability;
       inline double
-      get_probability () const
+      get_probability() const
         return probability_;
-      }      
+      }
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
       double probability_;
       UniformVariable ns3_rand_;
diff --git a/model/cs/ndn-content-store.cpp b/model/cs/ndn-content-store.cpp
index 4d3bb65..3588eb9 100644
--- a/model/cs/ndn-content-store.cpp
+++ b/model/cs/ndn-content-store.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
  *         Ilya Moiseenko <>
- *         
+ *
 #include "ndn-content-store.hpp"
@@ -25,32 +25,31 @@
 #include "ns3/log.h"
 #include "ns3/packet.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.cs.ContentStore");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-ContentStore::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::ContentStore")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::ContentStore")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Object>()
-    .AddTraceSource ("CacheHits", "Trace called every time there is a cache hit",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ContentStore::m_cacheHitsTrace))
+      .AddTraceSource("CacheHits", "Trace called every time there is a cache hit",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ContentStore::m_cacheHitsTrace))
-    .AddTraceSource ("CacheMisses", "Trace called every time there is a cache miss",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&ContentStore::m_cacheMissesTrace))
-    ;
+      .AddTraceSource("CacheMisses", "Trace called every time there is a cache miss",
+                      MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&ContentStore::m_cacheMissesTrace));
   return tid;
-ContentStore::~ContentStore () 
@@ -58,31 +57,30 @@
-Entry::Entry (Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data)
-  : m_cs (cs)
-  , m_data (data)
+Entry::Entry(Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data)
+  : m_cs(cs)
+  , m_data(data)
 const Name&
-Entry::GetName () const
+Entry::GetName() const
-  return m_data->GetName ();
+  return m_data->GetName();
 Ptr<const Data>
-Entry::GetData () const
+Entry::GetData() const
   return m_data;
-Entry::GetContentStore ()
   return m_cs;
 } // namespace cs
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/cs/ndn-content-store.hpp b/model/cs/ndn-content-store.hpp
index ae7c059..23266c4 100644
--- a/model/cs/ndn-content-store.hpp
+++ b/model/cs/ndn-content-store.hpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "ns3/object.h"
 #include "ns3/ptr.h"
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-cs
  * @brief NDN content store entry
-class Entry : public SimpleRefCount<Entry>
+class Entry : public SimpleRefCount<Entry> {
    * \brief Construct content store entry
@@ -66,27 +65,27 @@
    * The constructor will make a copy of the supplied packet and calls
    * RemoveHeader and RemoveTail on the copy.
-  Entry (Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data);
+  Entry(Ptr<ContentStore> cs, Ptr<const Data> data);
    * \brief Get prefix of the stored entry
    * \returns prefix of the stored entry
   const Name&
-  GetName () const;
+  GetName() const;
    * \brief Get Data of the stored entry
    * \returns Data of the stored entry
   Ptr<const Data>
-  GetData () const;
+  GetData() const;
    * @brief Get pointer to access store, to which this entry is added
-  GetContentStore ();
+  GetContentStore();
   Ptr<ContentStore> m_cs; ///< \brief content store to which entry is added
@@ -95,29 +94,26 @@
 } // namespace cs
  * @ingroup ndn-cs
  * \brief Base class for NDN content store
  * Particular implementations should implement Lookup, Add, and Print methods
-class ContentStore : public Object
+class ContentStore : public Object {
    * \brief Interface ID
    * \return interface ID
-  static
-  TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Virtual destructor
-  virtual
-  ~ContentStore ();
+  virtual ~ContentStore();
    * \brief Find corresponding CS entry for the given interest
@@ -129,7 +125,7 @@
    * used entries index, \see m_contentStore
   virtual Ptr<Data>
-  Lookup (Ptr<const Interest> interest) = 0;
+  Lookup(Ptr<const Interest> interest) = 0;
    * \brief Add a new content to the content store.
@@ -140,7 +136,7 @@
    * @returns true if an existing entry was updated, false otherwise
   virtual bool
-  Add (Ptr<const Data> data) = 0;
+  Add(Ptr<const Data> data) = 0;
   // /*
   //  * \brief Add a new content to the content store.
@@ -155,32 +151,30 @@
    * \brief Print out content store entries
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
    * @brief Get number of entries in content store
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetSize () const = 0;
+  GetSize() const = 0;
    * @brief Return first element of content store (no order guaranteed)
   virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  Begin () = 0;
+  Begin() = 0;
    * @brief Return item next after last (no order guaranteed)
   virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  End () = 0;
+  End() = 0;
    * @brief Advance the iterator
-  virtual Ptr<cs::Entry>
-  Next (Ptr<cs::Entry>) = 0;
+  virtual Ptr<cs::Entry> Next(Ptr<cs::Entry>) = 0;
@@ -190,29 +184,28 @@
    * @brief Static call to cheat python bindings
   static inline Ptr<ContentStore>
-  GetContentStore (Ptr<Object> node);
+  GetContentStore(Ptr<Object> node);
   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>,
-                 Ptr<const Data> > m_cacheHitsTrace; ///< @brief trace of cache hits
+                 Ptr<const Data>> m_cacheHitsTrace; ///< @brief trace of cache hits
-  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest> > m_cacheMissesTrace; ///< @brief trace of cache misses
+  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Interest>> m_cacheMissesTrace; ///< @brief trace of cache misses
 inline std::ostream&
-operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ContentStore &cs)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ContentStore& cs)
-  cs.Print (os);
+  cs.Print(os);
   return os;
 inline Ptr<ContentStore>
-ContentStore::GetContentStore (Ptr<Object> node)
+ContentStore::GetContentStore(Ptr<Object> node)
-  return node->GetObject<ContentStore> ();
+  return node->GetObject<ContentStore>();
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/ndn-app-face.cpp b/model/ndn-app-face.cpp
index 9125e2c..d267f6b 100644
--- a/model/ndn-app-face.cpp
+++ b/model/ndn-app-face.cpp
@@ -34,45 +34,42 @@
 #include "ndn-interest.hpp"
 #include "ndn-data.hpp"
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-AppFace::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::AppFace")
-    .SetParent<Face> ()
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::AppFace").SetParent<Face>().SetGroupName("Ndn");
   return tid;
-AppFace::AppFace (Ptr<App> app)
-  : Face (app->GetNode ())
-  , m_app (app)
+AppFace::AppFace(Ptr<App> app)
+  : Face(app->GetNode())
+  , m_app(app)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << app);
-  NS_ASSERT (m_app != 0);
-  SetFlags (Face::APPLICATION);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << app);
+  NS_ASSERT(m_app != 0);
+  SetFlags(Face::APPLICATION);
-AppFace::~AppFace ()
-AppFace::AppFace ()
-  : Face (0)
+  : Face(0)
-AppFace::AppFace (const AppFace &)
-  : Face (0)
+AppFace::AppFace(const AppFace&)
+  : Face(0)
@@ -83,39 +80,37 @@
-AppFace::SendInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
+AppFace::SendInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interest);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << interest);
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    return false;
+  }
-  if (interest->GetNack () > 0)
-    m_app->OnNack (interest);
+  if (interest->GetNack() > 0)
+    m_app->OnNack(interest);
-    m_app->OnInterest (interest);
+    m_app->OnInterest(interest);
   return true;
-AppFace::SendData (Ptr<const Data> data)
+AppFace::SendData(Ptr<const Data> data)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << data);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << data);
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    return false;
+  }
-  m_app->OnData (data);
+  m_app->OnData(data);
   return true;
-AppFace::Print (std::ostream& os) const
+AppFace::Print(std::ostream& os) const
   os << "dev=local(" << GetId() << ")";
   return os;
@@ -123,4 +118,3 @@
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/ndn-app-face.hpp b/model/ndn-app-face.hpp
index 3663be0..6d8be19 100644
--- a/model/ndn-app-face.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-app-face.hpp
@@ -49,35 +49,35 @@
  * \see AppFace, NdnNetDeviceFace, NdnIpv4Face, NdnUdpFace
-class AppFace  : public Face
+class AppFace : public Face {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Default constructor
-  AppFace (Ptr<App> app);
+  AppFace(Ptr<App> app);
   virtual ~AppFace();
   // methods overloaded from Face
   virtual bool
-  SendInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  SendInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
   virtual bool
-  SendData (Ptr<const Data> data);
+  SendData(Ptr<const Data> data);
   virtual std::ostream&
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
-  AppFace ();
-  AppFace (const AppFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
-  AppFace& operator= (const AppFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
+  AppFace();
+  AppFace(const AppFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
+  AppFace&
+  operator=(const AppFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
   Ptr<App> m_app;
diff --git a/model/ndn-common.hpp b/model/ndn-common.hpp
index 8bfc4f9..f5da38b 100644
--- a/model/ndn-common.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-common.hpp
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 /** -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
  * Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
  *                     Alexander Afanasyev
- * 
+ *
  * BSD license, See the doc/LICENSE file for more information
- * 
+ *
  * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@
 #define NDNSIM_MODE 1
-#define NDN_NAMESPACE_BEGIN  namespace ns3 { namespace ndn {
-#define NDN_NAMESPACE_END    } /*ndn*/ } /*ns3*/ 
+#define NDN_NAMESPACE_BEGIN                                                                        \
+  namespace ns3 {                                                                                  \
+  namespace ndn {
+#define NDN_NAMESPACE_END                                                                          \
+  } /*ndn*/                                                                                        \
+  } /*ns3*/
  * @brief NS-3 namespace
@@ -29,22 +33,19 @@
 namespace ndn {
 typedef Time TimeInterval;
-namespace time
+namespace time {
 inline Time
-NowUnixTimestamp ()
-  return Simulator::Now ();
+  return Simulator::Now();
diff --git a/model/ndn-face.cpp b/model/ndn-face.cpp
index 6b23dd7..505c2b4 100644
--- a/model/ndn-face.cpp
+++ b/model/ndn-face.cpp
@@ -39,25 +39,24 @@
 #include <boost/ref.hpp>
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-Face::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Face")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .AddAttribute ("Id", "Face id (unique integer for the Ndn stack on this node)",
-                   TypeId::ATTR_GET, // allow only getting it.
-                   UintegerValue (0),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&Face::m_id),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::Face")
+      .SetParent<Object>()
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .AddAttribute("Id", "Face id (unique integer for the Ndn stack on this node)",
+                    TypeId::ATTR_GET, // allow only getting it.
+                    UintegerValue(0), MakeUintegerAccessor(&Face::m_id),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>());
   return tid;
@@ -66,26 +65,26 @@
  *  with no IP addresses.  Before becoming useable, the user must
  * invoke SetUp on them once an Ndn address and mask have been set.
-Face::Face (Ptr<Node> node)
-  : m_node (node)
-  , m_upstreamInterestHandler (MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest> > ())
-  , m_upstreamDataHandler (MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data> > ())
-  , m_ifup (false)
-  , m_id ((uint32_t)-1)
-  , m_metric (0)
-  , m_flags (0)
+Face::Face(Ptr<Node> node)
+  : m_node(node)
+  , m_upstreamInterestHandler(MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest>>())
+  , m_upstreamDataHandler(MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data>>())
+  , m_ifup(false)
+  , m_id((uint32_t)-1)
+  , m_metric(0)
+  , m_flags(0)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << node);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << node);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, "node cannot be NULL. Check the code");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(node != 0, "node cannot be NULL. Check the code");
-Face::~Face ()
-Face::Face (const Face &)
+Face::Face(const Face&)
@@ -95,152 +94,146 @@
-Face::GetNode () const
+Face::GetNode() const
   return m_node;
-Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler)
+Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler,
+                               const DataHandler& dataHandler)
   m_upstreamInterestHandler = interestHandler;
   m_upstreamDataHandler = dataHandler;
-Face::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ()
-  m_upstreamInterestHandler = MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest> > ();
-  m_upstreamDataHandler = MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data> > ();
-Face::SendInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << boost::cref (*this) << interest->GetName ());
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  return Send (Wire::FromInterest (interest));
+  m_upstreamInterestHandler = MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest>>();
+  m_upstreamDataHandler = MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data>>();
-Face::SendData (Ptr<const Data> data)
+Face::SendInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << data);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << boost::cref(*this) << interest->GetName());
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    return false;
+  }
-  return Send (Wire::FromData (data));
+  return Send(Wire::FromInterest(interest));
-Face::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet)
+Face::SendData(Ptr<const Data> data)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << data);
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return Send(Wire::FromData(data));
+Face::Send(Ptr<Packet> packet)
   FwHopCountTag hopCount;
-  bool tagExists = packet->RemovePacketTag (hopCount);
-  if (tagExists)
-    {
-      hopCount.Increment ();
-      packet->AddPacketTag (hopCount);
-    }
+  bool tagExists = packet->RemovePacketTag(hopCount);
+  if (tagExists) {
+    hopCount.Increment();
+    packet->AddPacketTag(hopCount);
+  }
   return true;
-Face::Receive (Ptr<const Packet> p)
+Face::Receive(Ptr<const Packet> p)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << p->GetSize ());
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << p << p->GetSize());
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was there
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was
+    // there
+    return false;
+  }
+  Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy(); // give upper layers a rw copy of the packet
+  try {
+    HeaderHelper::Type type = HeaderHelper::GetNdnHeaderType(packet);
+    switch (type) {
+    case HeaderHelper::INTEREST_NDNSIM:
+      return ReceiveInterest(Wire::ToInterest(packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_NDNSIM));
+    case HeaderHelper::INTEREST_CCNB:
+      return ReceiveInterest(Wire::ToInterest(packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_CCNB));
+    case HeaderHelper::CONTENT_OBJECT_NDNSIM:
+      return ReceiveData(Wire::ToData(packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_NDNSIM));
+    case HeaderHelper::CONTENT_OBJECT_CCNB:
+      return ReceiveData(Wire::ToData(packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_CCNB));
+    default:
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("Not supported NDN header");
       return false;
-  Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy (); // give upper layers a rw copy of the packet
-  try
-    {
-      HeaderHelper::Type type = HeaderHelper::GetNdnHeaderType (packet);
-      switch (type)
-        {
-        case HeaderHelper::INTEREST_NDNSIM:
-          return ReceiveInterest (Wire::ToInterest (packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_NDNSIM));
-        case HeaderHelper::INTEREST_CCNB:
-          return ReceiveInterest (Wire::ToInterest (packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_CCNB));
-        case HeaderHelper::CONTENT_OBJECT_NDNSIM:
-          return ReceiveData (Wire::ToData (packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_NDNSIM));
-        case HeaderHelper::CONTENT_OBJECT_CCNB:
-          return ReceiveData (Wire::ToData (packet, Wire::WIRE_FORMAT_CCNB));
-        default:
-          NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Not supported NDN header");
-          return false;
-        }
-      // exception will be thrown if packet is not recognized
-    }
-  catch (UnknownHeaderException)
-    {
-      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Unknown NDN header. Should not happen");
-      return false;
-    }
+    // exception will be thrown if packet is not recognized
+  }
+  catch (UnknownHeaderException) {
+    NS_FATAL_ERROR("Unknown NDN header. Should not happen");
+    return false;
+  }
   return false;
-Face::ReceiveInterest (Ptr<Interest> interest)
+Face::ReceiveInterest(Ptr<Interest> interest)
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was there
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was
+    // there
+    return false;
+  }
-  m_upstreamInterestHandler (this, interest);
+  m_upstreamInterestHandler(this, interest);
   return true;
-Face::ReceiveData (Ptr<Data> data)
+Face::ReceiveData(Ptr<Data> data)
-  if (!IsUp ())
-    {
-      // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was there
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (!IsUp()) {
+    // no tracing here. If we were off while receiving, we shouldn't even know that something was
+    // there
+    return false;
+  }
-  m_upstreamDataHandler (this, data);
+  m_upstreamDataHandler(this, data);
   return true;
-Face::SetMetric (uint16_t metric)
+Face::SetMetric(uint16_t metric)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (metric);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(metric);
   m_metric = metric;
-Face::GetMetric (void) const
+Face::GetMetric(void) const
   return m_metric;
-Face::SetFlags (uint32_t flags)
+Face::SetFlags(uint32_t flags)
   m_flags = flags;
@@ -248,8 +241,9 @@
 Face::operator== (const Face &face) const
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_node->GetId () == face.m_node->GetId (),
-                 "Faces of different nodes should not be compared to each other: " << *this << " == " << face);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_node->GetId() == face.m_node->GetId(),
+                "Faces of different nodes should not be compared to each other: " << *this << " == "
+                                                                                  << face);
   return (m_id == face.m_id);
@@ -257,26 +251,26 @@
 Face::operator< (const Face &face) const
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_node->GetId () == face.m_node->GetId (),
-                 "Faces of different nodes should not be compared to each other: " << *this << " == " << face);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_node->GetId() == face.m_node->GetId(),
+                "Faces of different nodes should not be compared to each other: " << *this << " == "
+                                                                                  << face);
   return (m_id < face.m_id);
-Face::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+Face::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "id=" << GetId ();
+  os << "id=" << GetId();
   return os;
-operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Face &face)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Face& face)
-  face.Print (os);
+  face.Print(os);
   return os;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/ndn-face.hpp b/model/ndn-face.hpp
index bf0a9b2..b8cd098 100644
--- a/model/ndn-face.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-face.hpp
@@ -55,12 +55,10 @@
  * \see ndn::AppFace, ndn::NetDeviceFace
-class Face :
-    public Object
+class Face : public Object {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief NDN protocol handlers
@@ -68,20 +66,20 @@
    * \param face Face from which packet has been received
    * \param packet Original packet
-  typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest> > InterestHandler;
-  typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data> > DataHandler;
+  typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Interest>> InterestHandler;
+  typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<Data>> DataHandler;
    * \brief Default constructor
-  Face (Ptr<Node> node);
+  Face(Ptr<Node> node);
   virtual ~Face();
    * @brief Get node to which this face is associated
-  GetNode () const;
+  GetNode() const;
@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@
    * This method should call protocol-dependent registration function
   virtual void
-  RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler);
+  RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler, const DataHandler& dataHandler);
    * \brief Un-Register callback to call when new packet arrives on the face
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@
    * This method should call protocol-dependent registration function
   virtual void
-  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
+  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
    * @brief Send out interest through the face
@@ -109,7 +107,7 @@
    * @returns true if interest is considered to be send out (enqueued)
   virtual bool
-  SendInterest (Ptr<const Interest> interest);
+  SendInterest(Ptr<const Interest> interest);
    * @brief Send out Dat packet through the face
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@
    * @returns true if Data packet is considered to be send out (enqueued)
   virtual bool
-  SendData (Ptr<const Data> data);
+  SendData(Ptr<const Data> data);
    * \brief Receive interest from application or another node and forward it up to the NDN stack
@@ -127,7 +125,7 @@
    * By default it is called from inside Receive method, but can be used directly, if appropriate
   virtual bool
-  ReceiveInterest (Ptr<Interest> interest);
+  ReceiveInterest(Ptr<Interest> interest);
    * \brief Receive Data packet from application or another node and forward it up to the NDN stack
@@ -135,7 +133,7 @@
    * By default it is called from inside Receive method, but can be used directly, if appropriate
   virtual bool
-  ReceiveData (Ptr<Data> data);
+  ReceiveData(Ptr<Data> data);
@@ -144,7 +142,7 @@
    * \param metric configured routing metric (cost) of this face
   virtual void
-  SetMetric (uint16_t metric);
+  SetMetric(uint16_t metric);
    * \brief Get routing/forwarding metric assigned to the face
@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@
    * \returns configured routing/forwarding metric (cost) of this face
   virtual uint16_t
-  GetMetric (void) const;
+  GetMetric(void) const;
    * These are face states and may be distinct from actual lower-layer
@@ -164,39 +162,39 @@
    * \brief Enable or disable this face
   inline void
-  SetUp (bool up = true);
+  SetUp(bool up = true);
    * \brief Returns true if this face is enabled, false otherwise.
   inline bool
-  IsUp () const;
+  IsUp() const;
    * @brief Get face flags
-   * Face flags may indicate various properties of the face.  For example, if the face is an application face,
+   * Face flags may indicate various properties of the face.  For example, if the face is an
+   *application face,
    * than the returned flags have Face::APPLICATION bit set.
    * @see ndn::Face::Flags for the list of currently defined face flags
   inline uint32_t
-  GetFlags () const;
+  GetFlags() const;
    * @brief List of currently defined face flags
-  enum Flags
-    {
-      APPLICATION = 1 ///< @brief An application face
-    };
+  enum Flags {
+    APPLICATION = 1 ///< @brief An application face
+  };
    * @brief Print information about the face into the stream
    * @param os stream to write information to
   virtual std::ostream&
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
    * \brief Set face Id
@@ -206,7 +204,7 @@
    * \param id id to set
   inline void
-  SetId (uint32_t id);
+  SetId(uint32_t id);
    * \brief Get face Id
@@ -216,7 +214,7 @@
    * \returns id id to set
   inline uint32_t
-  GetId () const;
+  GetId() const;
    * \brief Compare two faces. Only two faces on the same node could be compared.
@@ -224,7 +222,7 @@
    * Internal index is used for comparison.
-  operator== (const Face &face) const;
+  operator==(const Face& face) const;
    * \brief Compare two faces. Only two faces on the same node could be compared.
@@ -232,7 +230,7 @@
    * Internal index is used for comparison.
   inline bool
-  operator!= (const Face &face) const;
+  operator!=(const Face& face) const;
    * \brief Compare two faces. Only two faces on the same node could be compared.
@@ -240,30 +238,31 @@
    * Internal index is used for comparison.
-  operator< (const Face &face) const;
+  operator<(const Face& face) const;
    * @brief Send packet down to the stack (towards app or network)
   virtual bool
-  Send (Ptr<Packet> packet);
+  Send(Ptr<Packet> packet);
    * @brief Send packet up to the stack (towards forwarding strategy)
   virtual bool
-  Receive (Ptr<const Packet> p);
+  Receive(Ptr<const Packet> p);
    * @brief Set face flags
-  SetFlags (uint32_t flags);
+  SetFlags(uint32_t flags);
-  Face (const Face &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
-  Face& operator= (const Face &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
+  Face(const Face&); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
+  Face&
+  operator=(const Face&); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
   Ptr<Node> m_node; ///< \brief Smart pointer to Node
@@ -272,46 +271,46 @@
   InterestHandler m_upstreamInterestHandler;
   DataHandler m_upstreamDataHandler;
   bool m_ifup;
-  uint32_t m_id; ///< \brief id of the interface in NDN stack (per-node uniqueness)
+  uint32_t m_id;     ///< \brief id of the interface in NDN stack (per-node uniqueness)
   uint16_t m_metric; ///< \brief metric of the face
-  uint32_t m_flags; ///< @brief faces flags (e.g., APPLICATION)
+  uint32_t m_flags;  ///< @brief faces flags (e.g., APPLICATION)
-operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Face &face);
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Face& face);
 inline bool
-Face::IsUp (void) const
+Face::IsUp(void) const
   return m_ifup;
 inline void
-Face::SetUp (bool up/* = true*/)
+Face::SetUp(bool up /* = true*/)
   m_ifup = up;
 inline uint32_t
-Face::GetFlags () const
+Face::GetFlags() const
   return m_flags;
 inline bool
-operator < (const Ptr<Face> &lhs, const Ptr<Face> &rhs)
+operator<(const Ptr<Face>& lhs, const Ptr<Face>& rhs)
   return *lhs < *rhs;
-Face::SetId (uint32_t id)
+Face::SetId(uint32_t id)
   m_id = id;
-Face::GetId () const
+Face::GetId() const
   return m_id;
diff --git a/model/ndn-global-router.cpp b/model/ndn-global-router.cpp
index e29c055..f44a088 100644
--- a/model/ndn-global-router.cpp
+++ b/model/ndn-global-router.cpp
@@ -33,66 +33,62 @@
 uint32_t GlobalRouter::m_idCounter = 0;
-GlobalRouter::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
-  ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::GlobalRouter").SetGroupName("Ndn").SetParent<Object>();
   return tid;
-GlobalRouter::GlobalRouter ()
   m_id = m_idCounter;
-  m_idCounter ++;
+  m_idCounter++;
-GlobalRouter::NotifyNewAggregate ()
-  if (m_ndn == 0)
-    {
-      m_ndn = GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-    }
-  Object::NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  if (m_ndn == 0) {
+    m_ndn = GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  }
+  Object::NotifyNewAggregate();
-GlobalRouter::GetId () const
+GlobalRouter::GetId() const
   return m_id;
-GlobalRouter::GetL3Protocol () const
+GlobalRouter::GetL3Protocol() const
   return m_ndn;
-GlobalRouter::AddLocalPrefix (Ptr< Name > prefix)
+GlobalRouter::AddLocalPrefix(Ptr<Name> prefix)
-  m_localPrefixes.push_back (prefix);
+  m_localPrefixes.push_back(prefix);
-GlobalRouter::AddIncidency (Ptr< Face > face, Ptr< GlobalRouter > gr)
+GlobalRouter::AddIncidency(Ptr<Face> face, Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr)
-  m_incidencies.push_back (make_tuple (this, face, gr));
+  m_incidencies.push_back(make_tuple(this, face, gr));
-GlobalRouter::IncidencyList &
-GlobalRouter::GetIncidencies ()
   return m_incidencies;
-const GlobalRouter::LocalPrefixList &
-GlobalRouter::GetLocalPrefixes () const
+const GlobalRouter::LocalPrefixList&
+GlobalRouter::GetLocalPrefixes() const
   return m_localPrefixes;
diff --git a/model/ndn-global-router.hpp b/model/ndn-global-router.hpp
index dad2180..f680db7 100644
--- a/model/ndn-global-router.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-global-router.hpp
@@ -43,53 +43,52 @@
  * @ingroup ndn
  * @brief Class representing global router interface for ndnSIM
-class GlobalRouter : public Object
+class GlobalRouter : public Object {
    * @brief Graph edge
-  typedef boost::tuple< Ptr< GlobalRouter >, Ptr< Face >, Ptr< GlobalRouter > > Incidency;
+  typedef boost::tuple<Ptr<GlobalRouter>, Ptr<Face>, Ptr<GlobalRouter>> Incidency;
    * @brief List of graph edges
-  typedef std::list< Incidency > IncidencyList;
+  typedef std::list<Incidency> IncidencyList;
    * @brief List of locally exported prefixes
-  typedef std::list< Ptr<Name> > LocalPrefixList;
+  typedef std::list<Ptr<Name>> LocalPrefixList;
    * \brief Interface ID
    * \return interface ID
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default constructor
-  GlobalRouter ();
+  GlobalRouter();
    * @brief Get numeric ID of the node (internally assigned)
-  GetId () const;
+  GetId() const;
    * @brief Helper function to get smart pointer to ndn::L3Protocol object (basically, self)
-  GetL3Protocol () const;
+  GetL3Protocol() const;
    * @brief Add new locally exported prefix
    * @param prefix Prefix
-  AddLocalPrefix (Ptr< Name > prefix);
+  AddLocalPrefix(Ptr<Name> prefix);
    * @brief Add edge to the node
@@ -97,28 +96,29 @@
    * @param ndn GlobalRouter of another node
-  AddIncidency (Ptr< Face > face, Ptr< GlobalRouter > ndn);
+  AddIncidency(Ptr<Face> face, Ptr<GlobalRouter> ndn);
    * @brief Get list of edges that are connected to this node
-  IncidencyList &
-  GetIncidencies ();
+  IncidencyList&
+  GetIncidencies();
    * @brief Get list of locally exported prefixes
-  const LocalPrefixList &
-  GetLocalPrefixes () const;
+  const LocalPrefixList&
+  GetLocalPrefixes() const;
   // ??
   virtual void
-  NotifyNewAggregate (); ///< @brief Notify when the object is aggregated to another object (e.g., Node)
+  NotifyNewAggregate(); ///< @brief Notify when the object is aggregated to another object (e.g.,
+  /// Node)
   uint32_t m_id;
   Ptr<L3Protocol> m_ndn;
   LocalPrefixList m_localPrefixes;
   IncidencyList m_incidencies;
@@ -127,19 +127,15 @@
 inline bool
-operator == (const GlobalRouter::Incidency &a,
-             const GlobalRouter::Incidency &b)
+operator==(const GlobalRouter::Incidency& a, const GlobalRouter::Incidency& b)
-  return a.get<0> () == b.get<0> () &&
-    a.get<1> () == b.get<1> () &&
-    a.get<2> () == b.get<2> ();
+  return a.get<0>() == b.get<0>() && a.get<1>() == b.get<1>() && a.get<2>() == b.get<2>();
 inline bool
-operator != (const GlobalRouter::Incidency &a,
-             const GlobalRouter::Incidency &b)
+operator!=(const GlobalRouter::Incidency& a, const GlobalRouter::Incidency& b)
-  return ! (a == b);
+  return !(a == b);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/model/ndn-l3-protocol.cpp b/model/ndn-l3-protocol.cpp
index 5ab8cba..d7505e7 100644
--- a/model/ndn-l3-protocol.cpp
+++ b/model/ndn-l3-protocol.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.L3Protocol");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -51,32 +51,31 @@
 const uint16_t L3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE = 0x7777;
 const uint16_t L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT = 9695;
-L3Protocol::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::L3Protocol")
-    .SetGroupName ("ndn")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
-    .AddConstructor<L3Protocol> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("FaceList", "List of faces associated with ndn stack",
-                   ObjectVectorValue (),
-                   MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&L3Protocol::m_faces),
-                   MakeObjectVectorChecker<Face> ())
-  ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::L3Protocol")
+      .SetGroupName("ndn")
+      .SetParent<Object>()
+      .AddConstructor<L3Protocol>()
+      .AddAttribute("FaceList", "List of faces associated with ndn stack", ObjectVectorValue(),
+                    MakeObjectVectorAccessor(&L3Protocol::m_faces),
+                    MakeObjectVectorChecker<Face>());
   return tid;
-L3Protocol::L3Protocol ()
-: m_faceCounter (0)
+  : m_faceCounter(0)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-L3Protocol::~L3Protocol ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
@@ -84,137 +83,135 @@
  * by setting the node in the ndn stack
-L3Protocol::NotifyNewAggregate ()
   // not really efficient, but this will work only once
-  if (m_node == 0)
-    {
-      m_node = GetObject<Node> ();
-      if (m_node != 0)
-        {
-          NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_forwardingStrategy != 0,
-                         "Forwarding strategy should be aggregated before L3Protocol");
-        }
+  if (m_node == 0) {
+    m_node = GetObject<Node>();
+    if (m_node != 0) {
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_forwardingStrategy != 0,
+                    "Forwarding strategy should be aggregated before L3Protocol");
-  if (m_forwardingStrategy == 0)
-    {
-      m_forwardingStrategy = GetObject<ForwardingStrategy> ();
-    }
+  }
+  if (m_forwardingStrategy == 0) {
+    m_forwardingStrategy = GetObject<ForwardingStrategy>();
+  }
-  Object::NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  Object::NotifyNewAggregate();
-L3Protocol::DoDispose (void)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   // for (FaceList::iterator i = m_faces.begin (); i != m_faces.end (); ++i)
   //   {
   //     *i = 0;
   //   }
-  m_faces.clear ();
+  m_faces.clear();
   m_node = 0;
   // Force delete on objects
   m_forwardingStrategy = 0; // there is a reference to PIT stored in here
-  Object::DoDispose ();
+  Object::DoDispose();
-L3Protocol::AddFace (const Ptr<Face> &face)
+L3Protocol::AddFace(const Ptr<Face>& face)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << &face);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << &face);
-  face->SetId (m_faceCounter); // sets a unique ID of the face. This ID serves only informational purposes
+  face->SetId(
+    m_faceCounter); // sets a unique ID of the face. This ID serves only informational purposes
   // ask face to register in lower-layer stack
-  face->RegisterProtocolHandlers (MakeCallback (&ForwardingStrategy::OnInterest, m_forwardingStrategy),
-                                  MakeCallback (&ForwardingStrategy::OnData, m_forwardingStrategy));
+  face->RegisterProtocolHandlers(MakeCallback(&ForwardingStrategy::OnInterest,
+                                              m_forwardingStrategy),
+                                 MakeCallback(&ForwardingStrategy::OnData, m_forwardingStrategy));
-  m_faces.push_back (face);
+  m_faces.push_back(face);
-  m_forwardingStrategy->AddFace (face); // notify that face is added
-  return face->GetId ();
+  m_forwardingStrategy->AddFace(face); // notify that face is added
+  return face->GetId();
-L3Protocol::RemoveFace (Ptr<Face> face)
+L3Protocol::RemoveFace(Ptr<Face> face)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << boost::cref (*face));
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << boost::cref(*face));
   // ask face to register in lower-layer stack
-  face->UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
-  Ptr<Pit> pit = GetObject<Pit> ();
+  face->UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
+  Ptr<Pit> pit = GetObject<Pit>();
   // just to be on a safe side. Do the process in two steps
-  std::list< Ptr<pit::Entry> > entriesToRemoves;
-  for (Ptr<pit::Entry> pitEntry = pit->Begin (); pitEntry != 0; pitEntry = pit->Next (pitEntry))
-    {
-      pitEntry->RemoveAllReferencesToFace (face);
+  std::list<Ptr<pit::Entry>> entriesToRemoves;
+  for (Ptr<pit::Entry> pitEntry = pit->Begin(); pitEntry != 0; pitEntry = pit->Next(pitEntry)) {
+    pitEntry->RemoveAllReferencesToFace(face);
-      // If this face is the only for the associated FIB entry, then FIB entry will be removed soon.
-      // Thus, we have to remove the whole PIT entry
-      if (pitEntry->GetFibEntry ()->m_faces.size () == 1 &&
-          pitEntry->GetFibEntry ()->m_faces.begin ()->GetFace () == face)
-        {
-          entriesToRemoves.push_back (pitEntry);
-        }
+    // If this face is the only for the associated FIB entry, then FIB entry will be removed soon.
+    // Thus, we have to remove the whole PIT entry
+    if (pitEntry->GetFibEntry()->m_faces.size() == 1
+        && pitEntry->GetFibEntry()->m_faces.begin()->GetFace() == face) {
+      entriesToRemoves.push_back(pitEntry);
-  BOOST_FOREACH (Ptr<pit::Entry> removedEntry, entriesToRemoves)
-    {
-      pit->MarkErased (removedEntry);
-    }
+  }
+  BOOST_FOREACH (Ptr<pit::Entry> removedEntry, entriesToRemoves) {
+    pit->MarkErased(removedEntry);
+  }
-  FaceList::iterator face_it = find (m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end(), face);
-  if (face_it == m_faces.end ())
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-  m_faces.erase (face_it);
+  FaceList::iterator face_it = find(m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end(), face);
+  if (face_it == m_faces.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  m_faces.erase(face_it);
-  GetObject<Fib> ()->RemoveFromAll (face);
-  m_forwardingStrategy->RemoveFace (face); // notify that face is removed
+  GetObject<Fib>()->RemoveFromAll(face);
+  m_forwardingStrategy->RemoveFace(face); // notify that face is removed
-L3Protocol::GetFace (uint32_t index) const
+L3Protocol::GetFace(uint32_t index) const
-  NS_ASSERT (0 <= index && index < m_faces.size ());
+  NS_ASSERT(0 <= index && index < m_faces.size());
   return m_faces[index];
-L3Protocol::GetFaceById (uint32_t index) const
+L3Protocol::GetFaceById(uint32_t index) const
-  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<Face> &face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called often, so linear search is fine
-    {
-      if (face->GetId () == index)
-        return face;
-    }
+  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<Face>& face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called
+                                                 // often, so linear search is fine
+  {
+    if (face->GetId() == index)
+      return face;
+  }
   return 0;
-L3Protocol::GetFaceByNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
+L3Protocol::GetFaceByNetDevice(Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
-  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<Face> &face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called often, so linear search is fine
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDeviceFace> netDeviceFace = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace> (face);
-      if (netDeviceFace == 0) continue;
+  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<Face>& face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called
+                                                 // often, so linear search is fine
+  {
+    Ptr<NetDeviceFace> netDeviceFace = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace>(face);
+    if (netDeviceFace == 0)
+      continue;
-      if (netDeviceFace->GetNetDevice () == netDevice)
-        return face;
-    }
+    if (netDeviceFace->GetNetDevice() == netDevice)
+      return face;
+  }
   return 0;
-L3Protocol::GetNFaces (void) const
+L3Protocol::GetNFaces(void) const
-  return m_faces.size ();
+  return m_faces.size();
-} //namespace ndn
-} //namespace ns3
+} // namespace ndn
+} // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp b/model/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp
index 552bd19..5b71e3a 100644
--- a/model/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
  * the NDN stack implementation:
  * -# register a face (Face-derived object) for use by the NDN
  *    layer
- * 
+ *
  * Each Face-derived object has conceptually a single NDN
  * interface associated with it.
@@ -61,18 +61,17 @@
  * \see Face, ForwardingStrategy
-class L3Protocol :
-    public Object
+class L3Protocol : public Object {
-  typedef std::vector<Ptr<Face> > FaceList;
+  typedef std::vector<Ptr<Face>> FaceList;
    * \brief Interface ID
    * \return interface ID
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
   static const uint16_t ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE; ///< @brief Ethernet Frame Type of Ndn
   static const uint16_t IP_STACK_PORT;       ///< @brief TCP/UDP port for NDN stack
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@
    * \brief Default constructor. Creates an empty stack without forwarding strategy set
-  virtual ~L3Protocol ();
+  virtual ~L3Protocol();
    * \brief Add face to Ndn stack
@@ -90,19 +89,19 @@
    * \param face smart pointer to NdnFace-derived object
    * (NdnLocalFace, NdnNetDeviceFace, NdnUdpFace) \returns the
    * index of the Ndn interface added.
-   * 
+   *
    * \see NdnLocalFace, NdnNetDeviceFace, NdnUdpFace
   virtual uint32_t
-  AddFace (const Ptr<Face> &face);
+  AddFace(const Ptr<Face>& face);
    * \brief Get current number of faces added to Ndn stack
    * \returns the number of faces
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetNFaces () const;
+  GetNFaces() const;
    * \brief Get face by face index
@@ -110,48 +109,55 @@
    * \returns The NdnFace associated with the Ndn face number.
   virtual Ptr<Face>
-  GetFace (uint32_t face) const;
+  GetFace(uint32_t face) const;
    * \brief Get face by face ID
    * \param face The face ID number
    * \returns The NdnFace associated with the Ndn face number.
   virtual Ptr<Face>
-  GetFaceById (uint32_t face) const;
+  GetFaceById(uint32_t face) const;
    * \brief Remove face from ndn stack (remove callbacks)
   virtual void
-  RemoveFace (Ptr<Face> face);
+  RemoveFace(Ptr<Face> face);
    * \brief Get face for NetDevice
   virtual Ptr<Face>
-  GetFaceByNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
+  GetFaceByNetDevice(Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
-  virtual void DoDispose (void); ///< @brief Do cleanup
+  virtual void
+  DoDispose(void); ///< @brief Do cleanup
-   * This function will notify other components connected to the node that a new stack member is now connected
-   * This will be used to notify Layer 3 protocol of layer 4 protocol stack to connect them together.
+   * This function will notify other components connected to the node that a new stack member is now
+   * connected
+   * This will be used to notify Layer 3 protocol of layer 4 protocol stack to connect them
+   * together.
-  virtual void NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  virtual void
+  NotifyNewAggregate();
-  L3Protocol(const L3Protocol &); ///< copy constructor is disabled
-  L3Protocol &operator = (const L3Protocol &); ///< copy operator is disabled
+  L3Protocol(const L3Protocol&); ///< copy constructor is disabled
+  L3Protocol&
+  operator=(const L3Protocol&); ///< copy operator is disabled
-  uint32_t m_faceCounter; ///< \brief counter of faces. Increased every time a new face is added to the stack
+  uint32_t m_faceCounter; ///< \brief counter of faces. Increased every time a new face is added to
+  /// the stack
   FaceList m_faces; ///< \brief list of faces that belongs to ndn stack on this node
   // These objects are aggregated, but for optimization, get them here
   Ptr<Node> m_node; ///< \brief node on which ndn stack is installed
-  Ptr<ForwardingStrategy> m_forwardingStrategy; ///< \brief smart pointer to the selected forwarding strategy
+  Ptr<ForwardingStrategy>
+    m_forwardingStrategy; ///< \brief smart pointer to the selected forwarding strategy
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/model/ndn-net-device-face.cpp b/model/ndn-net-device-face.cpp
index af4baa0..31d57fc 100644
--- a/model/ndn-net-device-face.cpp
+++ b/model/ndn-net-device-face.cpp
@@ -33,20 +33,17 @@
 #include "ns3/channel.h"
 #include "ns3/ndn-name.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.NetDeviceFace");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-NetDeviceFace::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::NetDeviceFace")
-    .SetParent<Face> ()
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::NetDeviceFace").SetParent<Face>().SetGroupName("Ndn");
   return tid;
@@ -54,20 +51,20 @@
  * By default, Ndn face are created in the "down" state.  Before
  * becoming useable, the user must invoke SetUp on the face
-NetDeviceFace::NetDeviceFace (Ptr<Node> node, const Ptr<NetDevice> &netDevice)
-  : Face (node)
-  , m_netDevice (netDevice)
+NetDeviceFace::NetDeviceFace(Ptr<Node> node, const Ptr<NetDevice>& netDevice)
+  : Face(node)
+  , m_netDevice(netDevice)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << netDevice);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << netDevice);
-  SetMetric (1); // default metric
+  SetMetric(1); // default metric
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_netDevice != 0, "NetDeviceFace needs to be assigned a valid NetDevice");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_netDevice != 0, "NetDeviceFace needs to be assigned a valid NetDevice");
-NetDeviceFace::~NetDeviceFace ()
 NetDeviceFace& NetDeviceFace::operator= (const NetDeviceFace &)
@@ -76,84 +73,85 @@
-NetDeviceFace::GetNetDevice () const
+NetDeviceFace::GetNetDevice() const
   return m_netDevice;
-NetDeviceFace::RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler)
+NetDeviceFace::RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler,
+                                        const DataHandler& dataHandler)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers (interestHandler, dataHandler);
+  Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers(interestHandler, dataHandler);
-  m_node->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice, this),
-                                   L3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE, m_netDevice, true/*promiscuous mode*/);
+  m_node->RegisterProtocolHandler(MakeCallback(&NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice, this),
+                                  L3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE, m_netDevice,
+                                  true /*promiscuous mode*/);
-NetDeviceFace:: UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ()
-  m_node->UnregisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice, this));
-  Face::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
+  m_node->UnregisterProtocolHandler(MakeCallback(&NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice, this));
+  Face::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
-NetDeviceFace::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet)
+NetDeviceFace::Send(Ptr<Packet> packet)
-  if (!Face::Send (packet))
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet);
+  if (!Face::Send(packet)) {
+    return false;
+  }
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (packet->GetSize () <= m_netDevice->GetMtu (),
-                 "Packet size " << packet->GetSize () << " exceeds device MTU "
-                 << m_netDevice->GetMtu ()
-                 << " for Ndn; fragmentation not supported");
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << packet);
-  bool ok = m_netDevice->Send (packet, m_netDevice->GetBroadcast (),
-                               L3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(packet->GetSize() <= m_netDevice->GetMtu(),
+                "Packet size " << packet->GetSize() << " exceeds device MTU "
+                               << m_netDevice->GetMtu() << " for Ndn; fragmentation not supported");
+  bool ok = m_netDevice->Send(packet, m_netDevice->GetBroadcast(), L3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE);
   return ok;
 // callback
-NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> device,
-                                     Ptr<const Packet> p,
-                                     uint16_t protocol,
-                                     const Address &from,
-                                     const Address &to,
-                                     NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
+NetDeviceFace::ReceiveFromNetDevice(Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p, uint16_t protocol,
+                                    const Address& from, const Address& to,
+                                    NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (device << p << protocol << from << to << packetType);
-  Receive (p);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(device << p << protocol << from << to << packetType);
+  Receive(p);
-NetDeviceFace::Print (std::ostream& os) const
+NetDeviceFace::Print(std::ostream& os) const
 #ifdef NS3_LOG_ENABLE
-  os << "dev[" << GetNode ()->GetId () << "]=net(" << GetId ();
+  os << "dev[" << GetNode()->GetId() << "]=net(" << GetId();
-  if (DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (m_netDevice))
-    {
-      // extra debugging information which available ONLY for PointToPointNetDevice's
-      os << ",";
-      os << DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (m_netDevice)->GetChannel ()->GetDevice (0)->GetNode ()->GetId ();
-      os << "-";
-      os << DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (m_netDevice)->GetChannel ()->GetDevice (1)->GetNode ()->GetId ();
-    }
+  if (DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(m_netDevice)) {
+    // extra debugging information which available ONLY for PointToPointNetDevice's
+    os << ",";
+    os << DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(m_netDevice)
+            ->GetChannel()
+            ->GetDevice(0)
+            ->GetNode()
+            ->GetId();
+    os << "-";
+    os << DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(m_netDevice)
+            ->GetChannel()
+            ->GetDevice(1)
+            ->GetNode()
+            ->GetId();
+  }
   os << ")";
-  os << "dev=net(" << GetId () << ")";
+  os << "dev=net(" << GetId() << ")";
   return os;
 } // namespace ndnsim
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/model/ndn-net-device-face.hpp b/model/ndn-net-device-face.hpp
index 6bf231c..5bc8e3a 100644
--- a/model/ndn-net-device-face.hpp
+++ b/model/ndn-net-device-face.hpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
  * \ingroup ndn-face
  * \brief Implementation of layer-2 (Ethernet) Ndn face
@@ -41,11 +41,10 @@
  * \see NdnAppFace, NdnNetDeviceFace, NdnIpv4Face, NdnUdpFace
-class NetDeviceFace  : public Face
+class NetDeviceFace : public Face {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Constructor
@@ -54,27 +53,27 @@
    * @param netDevice a smart pointer to NetDevice object to which
    * this face will be associate
-  NetDeviceFace (Ptr<Node> node, const Ptr<NetDevice> &netDevice);
+  NetDeviceFace(Ptr<Node> node, const Ptr<NetDevice>& netDevice);
   virtual ~NetDeviceFace();
   // methods overloaded from NdnFace
   virtual void
-  RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler);
+  RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler, const DataHandler& dataHandler);
   virtual void
-  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
+  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
   virtual bool
-  Send (Ptr<Packet> p);
+  Send(Ptr<Packet> p);
    * @brief Print out name of the NdnFace to the stream
   virtual std::ostream&
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
@@ -82,19 +81,18 @@
    * \returns smart pointer to NetDevice associated with the face
-  Ptr<NetDevice> GetNetDevice () const;
+  Ptr<NetDevice>
+  GetNetDevice() const;
-  NetDeviceFace (const NetDeviceFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
-  NetDeviceFace& operator= (const NetDeviceFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
+  NetDeviceFace(const NetDeviceFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
+  NetDeviceFace&
+  operator=(const NetDeviceFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
   /// \brief callback from lower layers
-  void ReceiveFromNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> device,
-                             Ptr<const Packet> p,
-                             uint16_t protocol,
-                             const Address &from,
-                             const Address &to,
-                             NetDevice::PacketType packetType);
+  void
+  ReceiveFromNetDevice(Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p, uint16_t protocol,
+                       const Address& from, const Address& to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType);
   Ptr<NetDevice> m_netDevice; ///< \brief Smart pointer to NetDevice
@@ -103,4 +101,4 @@
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.cpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.cpp
index 17a0253..3481b94 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.cpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.cpp
@@ -34,192 +34,186 @@
 #include "ns3/udp-socket-factory.h"
 #include "ns3/simulator.h"
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-const Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > IpFaceStack::NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK = MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Face> > ();
+const Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> IpFaceStack::NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK =
+  MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Face>>();
-IpFaceStack::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::IpFaceStack")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
-    .AddConstructor<IpFaceStack> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::IpFaceStack")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Object>()
+      .AddConstructor<IpFaceStack>()
-    .AddAttribute ("EnableTCP", "Enable ability to create TCP faces",
-                   BooleanValue (true),
-                   MakeBooleanAccessor (&IpFaceStack::m_enableTcp),
-                   MakeBooleanChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("EnableTCP", "Enable ability to create TCP faces", BooleanValue(true),
+                    MakeBooleanAccessor(&IpFaceStack::m_enableTcp), MakeBooleanChecker())
-    .AddAttribute ("EnableUDP", "Enable ability to create UDP faces",
-                   BooleanValue (true),
-                   MakeBooleanAccessor (&IpFaceStack::m_enableUdp),
-                   MakeBooleanChecker ())
-    ;
+      .AddAttribute("EnableUDP", "Enable ability to create UDP faces", BooleanValue(true),
+                    MakeBooleanAccessor(&IpFaceStack::m_enableUdp), MakeBooleanChecker());
   return tid;
-IpFaceStack::IpFaceStack ()
-IpFaceStack::~IpFaceStack ()
-IpFaceStack::NotifyNewAggregate ()
-  if (m_node == 0)
-    {
-      m_node = GetObject<Node> ();
-      if (m_node != 0)
-        {
-          Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (m_node->GetId (), Seconds (0.1), &IpFaceStack::StartServer, this);
-        }
+  if (m_node == 0) {
+    m_node = GetObject<Node>();
+    if (m_node != 0) {
+      Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(m_node->GetId(), Seconds(0.1), &IpFaceStack::StartServer,
+                                     this);
+  }
 // Application Methods
-IpFaceStack::StartServer () // Called at time specified by Start
+IpFaceStack::StartServer() // Called at time specified by Start
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  if (m_enableTcp)
-    {
-      m_tcpServer = Socket::CreateSocket (m_node, TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());
+  if (m_enableTcp) {
+    m_tcpServer = Socket::CreateSocket(m_node, TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId());
-      m_tcpServer->Bind (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
-      m_tcpServer->Listen ();
+    m_tcpServer->Bind(InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address::GetAny(), L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
+    m_tcpServer->Listen();
-      m_tcpServer->SetAcceptCallback (MakeCallback (&IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionRequest, this),
-                                      MakeCallback (&IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionAccept, this));
-    }
+    m_tcpServer->SetAcceptCallback(MakeCallback(&IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionRequest, this),
+                                   MakeCallback(&IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionAccept, this));
+  }
-  if (m_enableUdp)
-    {
-      m_udpServer = Socket::CreateSocket (m_node, UdpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());
-      m_udpServer->Bind (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
+  if (m_enableUdp) {
+    m_udpServer = Socket::CreateSocket(m_node, UdpSocketFactory::GetTypeId());
+    m_udpServer->Bind(InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address::GetAny(), L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
-      m_udpServer->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&IpFaceStack::OnUdpPacket, this));
-    }
+    m_udpServer->SetRecvCallback(MakeCallback(&IpFaceStack::OnUdpPacket, this));
+  }
-IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionRequest (Ptr< Socket > sock, const Address &addr)
+IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionRequest(Ptr<Socket> sock, const Address& addr)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << sock << InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr));
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << sock << InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom(addr));
   return true; // accept all connections from anybody
-IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionAccept (Ptr<Socket> socket, const Address &addr)
+IpFaceStack::OnTcpConnectionAccept(Ptr<Socket> socket, const Address& addr)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket << InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr));
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket << InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom(addr));
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  Ptr<TcpFace> face = CreateObject<TcpFace> (m_node, socket, InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr).GetIpv4 ());
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  Ptr<TcpFace> face =
+    CreateObject<TcpFace>(m_node, socket, InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom(addr).GetIpv4());
-  ndn->AddFace (face);
-  face->SetUp (true);
+  ndn->AddFace(face);
+  face->SetUp(true);
-  socket->SetCloseCallbacks (MakeCallback (&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, face),
-                             MakeCallback (&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, face));
+  socket->SetCloseCallbacks(MakeCallback(&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, face),
+                            MakeCallback(&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, face));
-IpFaceStack::OnUdpPacket (Ptr< Socket > socket)
+IpFaceStack::OnUdpPacket(Ptr<Socket> socket)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket);
   Ptr<Packet> packet;
   Address from;
-  while ((packet = socket->RecvFrom (from)))
-    {
-      Ptr<UdpFace> face = CreateOrGetUdpFace (InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (from).GetIpv4 ());
-      face->ReceiveFromUdp (packet);
-    }
+  while ((packet = socket->RecvFrom(from))) {
+    Ptr<UdpFace> face = CreateOrGetUdpFace(InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom(from).GetIpv4());
+    face->ReceiveFromUdp(packet);
+  }
-IpFaceStack::GetTcpFaceByAddress (const Ipv4Address &address)
+IpFaceStack::GetTcpFaceByAddress(const Ipv4Address& address)
-  TcpFaceMap::iterator i = m_tcpFaceMap.find (address);
-  if (i != m_tcpFaceMap.end ())
+  TcpFaceMap::iterator i = m_tcpFaceMap.find(address);
+  if (i != m_tcpFaceMap.end())
     return i->second;
     return 0;
-IpFaceStack::DestroyTcpFace (Ptr<TcpFace> face)
+IpFaceStack::DestroyTcpFace(Ptr<TcpFace> face)
-  m_tcpFaceMap.erase (face->GetAddress ());
+  m_tcpFaceMap.erase(face->GetAddress());
-IpFaceStack::GetUdpFaceByAddress (const Ipv4Address &address)
+IpFaceStack::GetUdpFaceByAddress(const Ipv4Address& address)
-  UdpFaceMap::iterator i = m_udpFaceMap.find (address);
-  if (i != m_udpFaceMap.end ())
+  UdpFaceMap::iterator i = m_udpFaceMap.find(address);
+  if (i != m_udpFaceMap.end())
     return i->second;
     return 0;
-IpFaceStack::CreateOrGetTcpFace (Ipv4Address address, Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > onCreate)
+IpFaceStack::CreateOrGetTcpFace(Ipv4Address address, Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> onCreate)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (address);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(address);
-  TcpFaceMap::iterator i = m_tcpFaceMap.find (address);
-  if (i != m_tcpFaceMap.end ())
+  TcpFaceMap::iterator i = m_tcpFaceMap.find(address);
+  if (i != m_tcpFaceMap.end())
     return i->second;
-  Ptr<Socket> socket = Socket::CreateSocket (m_node, TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());
-  Ptr<TcpFace> face = CreateObject<TcpFace> (m_node, socket, address);
+  Ptr<Socket> socket = Socket::CreateSocket(m_node, TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId());
+  Ptr<TcpFace> face = CreateObject<TcpFace>(m_node, socket, address);
-  face->SetCreateCallback (onCreate);
+  face->SetCreateCallback(onCreate);
-  socket->SetConnectCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpFace::OnConnect, face),
-                              MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr< Socket > > ());
-  socket->Connect (InetSocketAddress (address, L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
+  socket->SetConnectCallback(MakeCallback(&TcpFace::OnConnect, face),
+                             MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket>>());
+  socket->Connect(InetSocketAddress(address, L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
-  m_tcpFaceMap.insert (std::make_pair (address, face));
+  m_tcpFaceMap.insert(std::make_pair(address, face));
   return face;
-IpFaceStack::CreateOrGetUdpFace (Ipv4Address address)
+IpFaceStack::CreateOrGetUdpFace(Ipv4Address address)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (address);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(address);
-  UdpFaceMap::iterator i = m_udpFaceMap.find (address);
-  if (i != m_udpFaceMap.end ())
+  UdpFaceMap::iterator i = m_udpFaceMap.find(address);
+  if (i != m_udpFaceMap.end())
     return i->second;
-  Ptr<Socket> socket = Socket::CreateSocket (m_node, UdpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());
-  socket->Bind (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT)); // not sure if it going to work...
+  Ptr<Socket> socket = Socket::CreateSocket(m_node, UdpSocketFactory::GetTypeId());
+  socket->Bind(InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address::GetAny(),
+                                 L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT)); // not sure if it going to work...
   // socket->Bind ();
-  socket->Connect (InetSocketAddress (address, L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
+  socket->Connect(InetSocketAddress(address, L3Protocol::IP_STACK_PORT));
-  Ptr<UdpFace> face = CreateObject<UdpFace> (m_node, socket, address);
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
+  Ptr<UdpFace> face = CreateObject<UdpFace>(m_node, socket, address);
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
-  ndn->AddFace (face);
-  face->SetUp (true);
+  ndn->AddFace(face);
+  face->SetUp(true);
-  m_udpFaceMap.insert (std::make_pair (address, face));
+  m_udpFaceMap.insert(std::make_pair(address, face));
   return face;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.hpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.hpp
index 6eb6ff3..a9322c6 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.hpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-face-stack.hpp
@@ -46,74 +46,76 @@
  * The class implements virtual calls onInterest, onNack, and onData
-class IpFaceStack: public Object
+class IpFaceStack : public Object {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId ();
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default constructor
-  IpFaceStack ();
-  virtual ~IpFaceStack ();
+  IpFaceStack();
+  virtual ~IpFaceStack();
    * @brief Lookup TcpFace for a given address
-  GetTcpFaceByAddress (const Ipv4Address &addr);
+  GetTcpFaceByAddress(const Ipv4Address& addr);
    * @brief Destroy TcpFace, e.g., after TCP connection got dropped
-  DestroyTcpFace (Ptr<TcpFace> face);
+  DestroyTcpFace(Ptr<TcpFace> face);
    * @brief Lookup UdpFace for a given address
-  GetUdpFaceByAddress (const Ipv4Address &addr);
+  GetUdpFaceByAddress(const Ipv4Address& addr);
    * @brief Method allowing creation and lookup of faces
-   * All created UDP faces are stored internally in the map, and if the same face is created, it will simply be looked up
+   * All created UDP faces are stored internally in the map, and if the same face is created, it
+   *will simply be looked up
-  CreateOrGetTcpFace (Ipv4Address address,
-                      Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > onCreate = NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK);
+  CreateOrGetTcpFace(Ipv4Address address,
+                     Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> onCreate = NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK);
    * @brief Method allowing creation and lookup of faces
-   * All created TCP faces are stored internally in the map, and if the same face is created, it will simply be looked up
+   * All created TCP faces are stored internally in the map, and if the same face is created, it
+   *will simply be looked up
-  CreateOrGetUdpFace (Ipv4Address address);
+  CreateOrGetUdpFace(Ipv4Address address);
-  NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  NotifyNewAggregate();
-  StartServer ();
+  StartServer();
-  OnTcpConnectionRequest (Ptr< Socket > sock, const Address &addr);
+  OnTcpConnectionRequest(Ptr<Socket> sock, const Address& addr);
-  OnTcpConnectionAccept (Ptr< Socket > sock, const Address &addr);
+  OnTcpConnectionAccept(Ptr<Socket> sock, const Address& addr);
-  OnTcpConnectionClosed (Ptr< Socket > sock);
+  OnTcpConnectionClosed(Ptr<Socket> sock);
-  OnUdpPacket (Ptr< Socket > sock);
+  OnUdpPacket(Ptr<Socket> sock);
-  const static Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK;
+  const static Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK;
   Ptr<Node> m_node;
@@ -124,8 +126,8 @@
   Ptr<Socket> m_tcpServer;
   Ptr<Socket> m_udpServer;
-  typedef std::map< Ipv4Address, Ptr<TcpFace> > TcpFaceMap;
-  typedef std::map< Ipv4Address, Ptr<UdpFace> > UdpFaceMap;
+  typedef std::map<Ipv4Address, Ptr<TcpFace>> TcpFaceMap;
+  typedef std::map<Ipv4Address, Ptr<UdpFace>> UdpFaceMap;
   TcpFaceMap m_tcpFaceMap;
   UdpFaceMap m_udpFaceMap;
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.cpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.cpp
index 4194b68..f265262 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.cpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include "ndn-tcp-face.hpp"
 #include "ndn-udp-face.hpp"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.IpFacesHelper");
 using namespace std;
@@ -37,44 +37,40 @@
 namespace ndn {
-IpFacesHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node)
+IpFacesHelper::Install(Ptr<Node> node)
-  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = CreateObject<IpFaceStack> ();
-  node->AggregateObject (stack);
+  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = CreateObject<IpFaceStack>();
+  node->AggregateObject(stack);
-IpFacesHelper::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes)
+IpFacesHelper::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node ++)
-    {
-      Install (*node);
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Install(*node);
+  }
-IpFacesHelper::InstallAll ()
-  Install (NodeContainer::GetGlobal ());
+  Install(NodeContainer::GetGlobal());
-struct TcpPrefixRegistrator : SimpleRefCount<TcpPrefixRegistrator>
-  TcpPrefixRegistrator (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric)
-    : m_node (node)
-    , m_prefix (prefix)
-    , m_metric (metric)
+struct TcpPrefixRegistrator : SimpleRefCount<TcpPrefixRegistrator> {
+  TcpPrefixRegistrator(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& prefix, int16_t metric)
+    : m_node(node)
+    , m_prefix(prefix)
+    , m_metric(metric)
-  Run (Ptr<Face> face)
+  Run(Ptr<Face> face)
-    ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute (m_node, m_prefix, face, m_metric);
+    ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute(m_node, m_prefix, face, m_metric);
   Ptr<Node> m_node;
   std::string m_prefix;
@@ -82,43 +78,45 @@
 static void
-ScheduledCreateTcp (Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric)
+ScheduledCreateTcp(Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string& prefix, int16_t metric)
-  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = node->GetObject<IpFaceStack> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (stack != 0, "ndn::IpFaceStack needs to be installed on the node");
+  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = node->GetObject<IpFaceStack>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(stack != 0, "ndn::IpFaceStack needs to be installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Face> face = stack->GetTcpFaceByAddress (address);
-  if (face == 0)
-    {
-      Ptr<TcpPrefixRegistrator> registrator = Create<TcpPrefixRegistrator> (node, prefix, metric);
-      stack->CreateOrGetTcpFace (address, MakeCallback (&TcpPrefixRegistrator::Run, registrator));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
-    }
+  Ptr<Face> face = stack->GetTcpFaceByAddress(address);
+  if (face == 0) {
+    Ptr<TcpPrefixRegistrator> registrator = Create<TcpPrefixRegistrator>(node, prefix, metric);
+    stack->CreateOrGetTcpFace(address, MakeCallback(&TcpPrefixRegistrator::Run, registrator));
+  }
+  else {
+    ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute(node, prefix, face, metric);
+  }
-IpFacesHelper::CreateTcpFace (const Time &when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric/* = 1*/)
+IpFacesHelper::CreateTcpFace(const Time& when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address,
+                             const std::string& prefix, int16_t metric /* = 1*/)
-  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (node->GetId (), when, ScheduledCreateTcp, node, address, prefix, metric);
+  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(node->GetId(), when, ScheduledCreateTcp, node, address, prefix,
+                                 metric);
 static void
-ScheduledCreateUdp (Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric)
+ScheduledCreateUdp(Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string& prefix, int16_t metric)
-  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = node->GetObject<IpFaceStack> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (stack != 0, "ndn::IpFaceStack needs to be installed on the node");
+  Ptr<IpFaceStack> stack = node->GetObject<IpFaceStack>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(stack != 0, "ndn::IpFaceStack needs to be installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Face> face = stack->CreateOrGetUdpFace (address);
-  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
+  Ptr<Face> face = stack->CreateOrGetUdpFace(address);
+  ndn::StackHelper::AddRoute(node, prefix, face, metric);
-IpFacesHelper::CreateUdpFace (const Time &when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric/* = 1*/)
+IpFacesHelper::CreateUdpFace(const Time& when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address,
+                             const std::string& prefix, int16_t metric /* = 1*/)
-  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (node->GetId (), when, ScheduledCreateUdp, node, address, prefix, metric);
+  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(node->GetId(), when, ScheduledCreateUdp, node, address, prefix,
+                                 metric);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.hpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.hpp
index 873fd8e..928a766 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.hpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-ip-faces-helper.hpp
@@ -38,32 +38,32 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-helpers
  * @brief Helper for NDN IP-based face creation
-class IpFacesHelper
+class IpFacesHelper {
    * @brief Install IpFaceStack interface on a node
    * @param node Node to install IpFaceStack interface
   static void
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node);
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Install IpFaceStack interface on nodes
    * @param nodes NodeContainer to install IpFaceStack interface
   static void
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes);
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes);
    * @brief Install IpFaceStack interface on all nodes
   static void
-  InstallAll ();
+  InstallAll();
    * @brief Create TCP face
-   * @param when    Time when to create face (use `Seconds (0)' if face should be created right away)
+   * @param when    Time when to create face (use `Seconds (0)' if face should be created right
+   *away)
    * @param node    Node to add TCP face (will initiate connection)
    * @param address IP address to connect (using standard 9695 port)
    * @param prefix  Prefix to associate with the face
@@ -76,13 +76,15 @@
    * update FIB with requested prefix
   static void
-  CreateTcpFace (const Time &when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric = 1);
+  CreateTcpFace(const Time& when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string& prefix,
+                int16_t metric = 1);
    * @brief Create TCP face
   static void
-  CreateUdpFace (const Time &when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string &prefix, int16_t metric = 1);
+  CreateUdpFace(const Time& when, Ptr<Node> node, Ipv4Address address, const std::string& prefix,
+                int16_t metric = 1);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.cpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.cpp
index 27e58b8..701ad64 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.cpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.cpp
@@ -34,73 +34,70 @@
 using namespace std;
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-class TcpBoundaryHeader : public Header
+class TcpBoundaryHeader : public Header {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId(void)
-    static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::TcpFace::BoundaryHeader")
-      .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-      .SetParent<Header> ()
-      ;
+    static TypeId tid =
+      TypeId("ns3::ndn::TcpFace::BoundaryHeader").SetGroupName("Ndn").SetParent<Header>();
     return tid;
-  TcpBoundaryHeader ()
-    : m_length (0)
+  TcpBoundaryHeader()
+    : m_length(0)
-  TcpBoundaryHeader (Ptr<Packet> packet)
-    : m_length (packet->GetSize ())
-  {
-  }
-  TcpBoundaryHeader (uint32_t length)
-    : m_length (length)
+  TcpBoundaryHeader(Ptr<Packet> packet)
+    : m_length(packet->GetSize())
+  {
+  }
+  TcpBoundaryHeader(uint32_t length)
+    : m_length(length)
-  GetLength () const
+  GetLength() const
     return m_length;
   virtual TypeId
-  GetInstanceTypeId (void) const
+  GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
-    return TcpBoundaryHeader::GetTypeId ();
+    return TcpBoundaryHeader::GetTypeId();
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const
     os << "[" << m_length << "]";
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetSerializedSize (void) const
+  GetSerializedSize(void) const
     return 4;
   virtual void
-  Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const
+  Serialize(Buffer::Iterator start) const
-    start.WriteU32 (m_length);
+    start.WriteU32(m_length);
   virtual uint32_t
-  Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start)
+  Deserialize(Buffer::Iterator start)
-    m_length = start.ReadU32 ();
+    m_length = start.ReadU32();
     return 4;
@@ -108,15 +105,12 @@
   uint32_t m_length;
-TcpFace::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::TcpFace")
-    .SetParent<Face> ()
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::TcpFace").SetParent<Face>().SetGroupName("Ndn");
   return tid;
@@ -124,18 +118,18 @@
  * By default, Ndn face are created in the "down" state.  Before
  * becoming useable, the user must invoke SetUp on the face
-TcpFace::TcpFace (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address)
-  : Face (node)
-  , m_socket (socket)
-  , m_address (address)
-  , m_pendingPacketLength (0)
+TcpFace::TcpFace(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address)
+  : Face(node)
+  , m_socket(socket)
+  , m_address(address)
+  , m_pendingPacketLength(0)
-  SetMetric (1); // default metric
+  SetMetric(1); // default metric
-TcpFace::~TcpFace ()
 TcpFace& TcpFace::operator= (const TcpFace &)
@@ -144,143 +138,137 @@
-TcpFace::RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler)
+TcpFace::RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler,
+                                  const DataHandler& dataHandler)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers (interestHandler, dataHandler);
-  m_socket->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpFace::ReceiveFromTcp, this));
+  Face::RegisterProtocolHandlers(interestHandler, dataHandler);
+  m_socket->SetRecvCallback(MakeCallback(&TcpFace::ReceiveFromTcp, this));
-TcpFace::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ()
-  m_socket->SetRecvCallback (MakeNullCallback< void, Ptr<Socket> > ());
-  Face::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
+  m_socket->SetRecvCallback(MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket>>());
+  Face::UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
-TcpFace::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet)
+TcpFace::Send(Ptr<Packet> packet)
-  if (!Face::Send (packet))
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet);
+  if (!Face::Send(packet)) {
+    return false;
+  }
-  Ptr<Packet> boundary = Create<Packet> ();
-  TcpBoundaryHeader hdr (packet);
-  boundary->AddHeader (hdr);
-  m_socket->Send (boundary);
-  m_socket->Send (packet);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << packet);
+  Ptr<Packet> boundary = Create<Packet>();
+  TcpBoundaryHeader hdr(packet);
+  boundary->AddHeader(hdr);
+  m_socket->Send(boundary);
+  m_socket->Send(packet);
   return true;
-TcpFace::ReceiveFromTcp (Ptr< Socket > clientSocket)
+TcpFace::ReceiveFromTcp(Ptr<Socket> clientSocket)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << clientSocket);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << clientSocket);
   TcpBoundaryHeader hdr;
-  if (m_pendingPacketLength > 0)
-    {
-      if (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable () >= m_pendingPacketLength)
-        {
-          Ptr<Packet> realPacket = clientSocket->Recv (m_pendingPacketLength, 0);
-          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("+++ Expected " << m_pendingPacketLength << " bytes, got " << realPacket->GetSize () << " bytes");
-          if (realPacket == 0)
-            return;
-          Receive (realPacket);
-        }
-      else
-        return; // still not ready
+  if (m_pendingPacketLength > 0) {
+    if (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable() >= m_pendingPacketLength) {
+      Ptr<Packet> realPacket = clientSocket->Recv(m_pendingPacketLength, 0);
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("+++ Expected " << m_pendingPacketLength << " bytes, got "
+                                   << realPacket->GetSize() << " bytes");
+      if (realPacket == 0)
+        return;
+      Receive(realPacket);
+    else
+      return; // still not ready
+  }
   m_pendingPacketLength = 0;
-  while (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable () >= hdr.GetSerializedSize ())
-    {
-      Ptr<Packet> boundary = clientSocket->Recv (hdr.GetSerializedSize (), 0);
-      if (boundary == 0)
-        return; // no idea why it would happen...
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Expected 4 bytes, got " << boundary->GetSize () << " bytes");
-      boundary->RemoveHeader (hdr);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Header specifies length: " << hdr.GetLength ());
-      m_pendingPacketLength = hdr.GetLength ();
-      if (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable () >= hdr.GetLength ())
-        {
-          Ptr<Packet> realPacket = clientSocket->Recv (hdr.GetLength (), 0);
-          if (realPacket == 0)
-            {
-              NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Got nothing, but requested at least " << hdr.GetLength ());
-              return;
-            }
-          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Receiving data " << hdr.GetLength () << " bytes, got " << realPacket->GetSize () << " bytes");
+  while (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable() >= hdr.GetSerializedSize()) {
+    Ptr<Packet> boundary = clientSocket->Recv(hdr.GetSerializedSize(), 0);
+    if (boundary == 0)
+      return; // no idea why it would happen...
-          Receive (realPacket);
-          m_pendingPacketLength = 0;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          return;
-        }
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Expected 4 bytes, got " << boundary->GetSize() << " bytes");
+    boundary->RemoveHeader(hdr);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Header specifies length: " << hdr.GetLength());
+    m_pendingPacketLength = hdr.GetLength();
+    if (clientSocket->GetRxAvailable() >= hdr.GetLength()) {
+      Ptr<Packet> realPacket = clientSocket->Recv(hdr.GetLength(), 0);
+      if (realPacket == 0) {
+        NS_LOG_DEBUG("Got nothing, but requested at least " << hdr.GetLength());
+        return;
+      }
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Receiving data " << hdr.GetLength() << " bytes, got " << realPacket->GetSize()
+                                     << " bytes");
+      Receive(realPacket);
+      m_pendingPacketLength = 0;
+    else {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
-TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed (Ptr<Socket> socket)
+TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed(Ptr<Socket> socket)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
-  GetNode ()->GetObject<IpFaceStack> ()->DestroyTcpFace (this);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket);
+  GetNode()->GetObject<IpFaceStack>()->DestroyTcpFace(this);
-TcpFace::GetAddress () const
+TcpFace::GetAddress() const
   return m_address;
-TcpFace::SetCreateCallback (Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > callback)
+TcpFace::SetCreateCallback(Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> callback)
   m_onCreateCallback = callback;
-TcpFace::OnConnect (Ptr<Socket> socket)
+TcpFace::OnConnect(Ptr<Socket> socket)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket);
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = GetNode ()->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  ndn->AddFace (this);
-  this->SetUp (true);
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = GetNode()->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
-  socket->SetCloseCallbacks (MakeCallback (&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, this),
-                             MakeCallback (&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, this));
+  ndn->AddFace(this);
+  this->SetUp(true);
-  if (!m_onCreateCallback.IsNull ())
-    {
-      m_onCreateCallback (this);
-      m_onCreateCallback = IpFaceStack::NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK;
-    }
+  socket->SetCloseCallbacks(MakeCallback(&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, this),
+                            MakeCallback(&TcpFace::OnTcpConnectionClosed, this));
+  if (!m_onCreateCallback.IsNull()) {
+    m_onCreateCallback(this);
+    m_onCreateCallback = IpFaceStack::NULL_CREATE_CALLBACK;
+  }
-TcpFace::Print (std::ostream& os) const
+TcpFace::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "dev=tcp(" << GetId () << ", " << m_address << ")";
+  os << "dev=tcp(" << GetId() << ", " << m_address << ")";
   return os;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.hpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.hpp
index 249fd6a..0543bd5 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.hpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-tcp-face.hpp
@@ -30,70 +30,70 @@
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
  * \ingroup ndn-face
  * \brief Implementation of TCP/IP NDN face
  * \see NdnAppFace, NdnNetDeviceFace, NdnIpv4Face, NdnUdpFace
-class TcpFace : public Face
+class TcpFace : public Face {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Constructor
    * @param node Node associated with the face
-  TcpFace (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address);
+  TcpFace(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address);
   virtual ~TcpFace();
-  OnTcpConnectionClosed (Ptr<Socket> socket);
+  OnTcpConnectionClosed(Ptr<Socket> socket);
-  GetAddress () const;
+  GetAddress() const;
   static Ptr<TcpFace>
-  GetFaceByAddress (const Ipv4Address &addr);
+  GetFaceByAddress(const Ipv4Address& addr);
-  SetCreateCallback (Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > callback);
+  SetCreateCallback(Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> callback);
-  OnConnect (Ptr<Socket> socket);
+  OnConnect(Ptr<Socket> socket);
   // methods overloaded from ndn::Face
   virtual void
-  RegisterProtocolHandlers (const InterestHandler &interestHandler, const DataHandler &dataHandler);
+  RegisterProtocolHandlers(const InterestHandler& interestHandler, const DataHandler& dataHandler);
   virtual void
-  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers ();
+  UnRegisterProtocolHandlers();
   virtual std::ostream&
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   // also from ndn::Face
   virtual bool
-  Send (Ptr<Packet> p);
+  Send(Ptr<Packet> p);
-  TcpFace (const TcpFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
-  TcpFace& operator= (const TcpFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
+  TcpFace(const TcpFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
+  TcpFace&
+  operator=(const TcpFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
-  ReceiveFromTcp (Ptr< Socket > clientSocket);
+  ReceiveFromTcp(Ptr<Socket> clientSocket);
   Ptr<Socket> m_socket;
   Ipv4Address m_address;
   uint32_t m_pendingPacketLength;
-  Callback< void, Ptr<Face> > m_onCreateCallback;
+  Callback<void, Ptr<Face>> m_onCreateCallback;
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.cpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.cpp
index 03d8ee4..fed972c 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.cpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.cpp
@@ -32,20 +32,17 @@
 using namespace std;
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-UdpFace::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::UdpFace")
-    .SetParent<Face> ()
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::UdpFace").SetParent<Face>().SetGroupName("Ndn");
   return tid;
@@ -53,17 +50,17 @@
  * By default, Ndn face are created in the "down" state.  Before
  * becoming useable, the user must invoke SetUp on the face
-UdpFace::UdpFace (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address)
-  : Face (node)
-  , m_socket (socket)
-  , m_address (address)
+UdpFace::UdpFace(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address)
+  : Face(node)
+  , m_socket(socket)
+  , m_address(address)
-  SetMetric (1); // default metric
+  SetMetric(1); // default metric
-UdpFace::~UdpFace ()
 UdpFace& UdpFace::operator= (const UdpFace &)
@@ -72,35 +69,34 @@
-UdpFace::ReceiveFromUdp (Ptr<const Packet> p)
+UdpFace::ReceiveFromUdp(Ptr<const Packet> p)
-  return Face::Receive (p);
+  return Face::Receive(p);
-UdpFace::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet)
+UdpFace::Send(Ptr<Packet> packet)
-  if (!Face::Send (packet))
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet);
-  m_socket->Send (packet);
+  if (!Face::Send(packet)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << packet);
+  m_socket->Send(packet);
   return true;
-UdpFace::GetAddress () const
+UdpFace::GetAddress() const
   return m_address;
-UdpFace::Print (std::ostream& os) const
+UdpFace::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "dev=udp(" << GetId () << "," << GetAddress () << ")";
+  os << "dev=udp(" << GetId() << "," << GetAddress() << ")";
   return os;
diff --git a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.hpp b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.hpp
index 207eac0..f0c3293 100644
--- a/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.hpp
+++ b/plugins/ip-faces/ndn-udp-face.hpp
@@ -29,46 +29,46 @@
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
  * \ingroup ndn-face
  * \brief Implementation of UDP/IP NDN face
  * \see ndn::AppFace, ndn::NetDeviceFace, ndn::Ipv4Face, ndn::TcpFace
-class UdpFace : public Face
+class UdpFace : public Face {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Constructor
    * @param node Node associated with the face
-  UdpFace (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address);
+  UdpFace(Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address address);
   virtual ~UdpFace();
-  GetAddress () const;
+  GetAddress() const;
   virtual bool
-  ReceiveFromUdp (Ptr<const Packet> p);
+  ReceiveFromUdp(Ptr<const Packet> p);
   // methods overloaded from ndn::Face
   virtual std::ostream&
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   // also from ndn::Face
   virtual bool
-  Send (Ptr<Packet> p);
+  Send(Ptr<Packet> p);
-  UdpFace (const UdpFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
-  UdpFace& operator= (const UdpFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
+  UdpFace(const UdpFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
+  UdpFace&
+  operator=(const UdpFace&); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
   Ptr<Socket> m_socket;
diff --git a/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.cpp b/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.cpp
index 7160dab..c64d823 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.cpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.cpp
@@ -62,520 +62,500 @@
 namespace ns3 {
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("AnnotatedTopologyReader");
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::AnnotatedTopologyReader (const std::string &path, double scale/*=1.0*/)
-  : m_path (path)
-  , m_randX (0, 100.0)
-  , m_randY (0, 100.0)
-  , m_scale (scale)
-  , m_requiredPartitions (1)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::AnnotatedTopologyReader(const std::string& path, double scale /*=1.0*/)
+  : m_path(path)
+  , m_randX(0, 100.0)
+  , m_randY(0, 100.0)
+  , m_scale(scale)
+  , m_requiredPartitions(1)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
+  SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetBoundingBox (double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetBoundingBox(double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ulx << uly << lrx << lry);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << ulx << uly << lrx << lry);
-  m_randX = UniformVariable (ulx, lrx);
-  m_randY = UniformVariable (uly, lry);
+  m_randX = UniformVariable(ulx, lrx);
+  m_randY = UniformVariable(uly, lry);
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetMobilityModel (const std::string &model)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetMobilityModel(const std::string& model)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << model);
-  m_mobilityFactory.SetTypeId (model);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << model);
+  m_mobilityFactory.SetTypeId(model);
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::~AnnotatedTopologyReader ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode (const std::string name, uint32_t systemId)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode(const std::string name, uint32_t systemId)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << name);
-  m_requiredPartitions = std::max (m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << name);
+  m_requiredPartitions = std::max(m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
-  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> (systemId);
+  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node>(systemId);
-  Names::Add (m_path, name, node);
-  m_nodes.Add (node);
+  Names::Add(m_path, name, node);
+  m_nodes.Add(node);
   return node;
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode (const std::string name, double posX, double posY, uint32_t systemId)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode(const std::string name, double posX, double posY,
+                                    uint32_t systemId)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << name << posX << posY);
-  m_requiredPartitions = std::max (m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << name << posX << posY);
+  m_requiredPartitions = std::max(m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
-  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> (systemId);
-  Ptr<MobilityModel> loc = DynamicCast<MobilityModel> (m_mobilityFactory.Create ());
-  node->AggregateObject (loc);
+  Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node>(systemId);
+  Ptr<MobilityModel> loc = DynamicCast<MobilityModel>(m_mobilityFactory.Create());
+  node->AggregateObject(loc);
-  loc->SetPosition (Vector (posX, posY, 0));
+  loc->SetPosition(Vector(posX, posY, 0));
-  Names::Add (m_path, name, node);
-  m_nodes.Add (node);
+  Names::Add(m_path, name, node);
+  m_nodes.Add(node);
   return node;
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetNodes () const
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetNodes() const
   return m_nodes;
 const std::list<TopologyReader::Link>&
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetLinks () const
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetLinks() const
   return m_linksList;
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::Read (void)
   ifstream topgen;
- (GetFileName ().c_str ());
-  if ( !topgen.is_open () || !topgen.good () )
-    {
-      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Cannot open file " << GetFileName () << " for reading");
-      return m_nodes;
+  if (!topgen.is_open() || !topgen.good()) {
+    NS_FATAL_ERROR("Cannot open file " << GetFileName() << " for reading");
+    return m_nodes;
+  }
+  while (!topgen.eof()) {
+    string line;
+    getline(topgen, line);
+    if (line == "router")
+      break;
+  }
+  if (topgen.eof()) {
+    NS_FATAL_ERROR("Topology file " << GetFileName() << " does not have \"router\" section");
+    return m_nodes;
+  }
+  while (!topgen.eof()) {
+    string line;
+    getline(topgen, line);
+    if (line[0] == '#')
+      continue; // comments
+    if (line == "link")
+      break; // stop reading nodes
+    istringstream lineBuffer(line);
+    string name, city;
+    double latitude = 0, longitude = 0;
+    uint32_t systemId = 0;
+    lineBuffer >> name >> city >> latitude >> longitude >> systemId;
+    if (name.empty())
+      continue;
+    Ptr<Node> node;
+    if (abs(latitude) > 0.001 && abs(latitude) > 0.001)
+      node = CreateNode(name, m_scale * longitude, -m_scale * latitude, systemId);
+    else {
+      UniformVariable var(0, 200);
+      node = CreateNode(name, var.GetValue(), var.GetValue(), systemId);
+      // node = CreateNode (name, systemId);
+  }
-  while (!topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      string line;
-      getline (topgen, line);
+  map<string, set<string>> processedLinks; // to eliminate duplications
-      if (line == "router") break;
-    }
-  if (topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Topology file " << GetFileName () << " does not have \"router\" section");
-      return m_nodes;
-    }
-  while (!topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      string line;
-      getline (topgen,line);
-      if (line[0] == '#') continue; // comments
-      if (line=="link") break; // stop reading nodes
-      istringstream lineBuffer (line);
-      string name, city;
-      double latitude = 0, longitude = 0;
-      uint32_t systemId = 0;
-      lineBuffer >> name >> city >> latitude >> longitude >> systemId;
-      if (name.empty ()) continue;
-      Ptr<Node> node;
-      if (abs(latitude) > 0.001 && abs(latitude) > 0.001)
-        node = CreateNode (name, m_scale*longitude, -m_scale*latitude, systemId);
-      else
-        {
-          UniformVariable var (0,200);
-          node = CreateNode (name, var.GetValue (), var.GetValue (), systemId);
-          // node = CreateNode (name, systemId);
-        }
-    }
-  map<string, set<string> > processedLinks; // to eliminate duplications
-  if (topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Topology file " << GetFileName () << " does not have \"link\" section");
-      return m_nodes;
-    }
+  if (topgen.eof()) {
+    NS_LOG_ERROR("Topology file " << GetFileName() << " does not have \"link\" section");
+    return m_nodes;
+  }
   // SeekToSection ("link");
-  while (!topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      string line;
-      getline (topgen,line);
-      if (line == "") continue;
-      if (line[0] == '#') continue; // comments
+  while (!topgen.eof()) {
+    string line;
+    getline(topgen, line);
+    if (line == "")
+      continue;
+    if (line[0] == '#')
+      continue; // comments
-      // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Input: [" << line << "]");
+    // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Input: [" << line << "]");
-      istringstream lineBuffer (line);
-      string from, to, capacity, metric, delay, maxPackets, lossRate;
+    istringstream lineBuffer(line);
+    string from, to, capacity, metric, delay, maxPackets, lossRate;
-      lineBuffer >> from >> to >> capacity >> metric >> delay >> maxPackets >> lossRate;
+    lineBuffer >> from >> to >> capacity >> metric >> delay >> maxPackets >> lossRate;
-      if (processedLinks[to].size () != 0 &&
-          processedLinks[to].find (from) != processedLinks[to].end ())
-        {
-          continue; // duplicated link
-        }
-      processedLinks[from].insert (to);
-      Ptr<Node> fromNode = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, from);
-      NS_ASSERT_MSG (fromNode != 0, from << " node not found");
-      Ptr<Node> toNode   = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, to);
-      NS_ASSERT_MSG (toNode != 0, to << " node not found");
-      Link link (fromNode, from, toNode, to);
-      link.SetAttribute ("DataRate", capacity);
-      link.SetAttribute ("OSPF", metric);
-      if (!delay.empty ())
-          link.SetAttribute ("Delay", delay);
-      if (!maxPackets.empty ())
-        link.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", maxPackets);
-      // Saran Added lossRate
-      if (!lossRate.empty ())
-        link.SetAttribute ("LossRate", lossRate);
-      AddLink (link);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("New link " << from << " <==> " << to << " / " << capacity << " with " << metric << " metric (" << delay << ", " << maxPackets << ", " << lossRate << ")");
+    if (processedLinks[to].size() != 0
+        && processedLinks[to].find(from) != processedLinks[to].end()) {
+      continue; // duplicated link
+    processedLinks[from].insert(to);
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Annotated topology created with " << m_nodes.GetN () << " nodes and " << LinksSize () << " links");
-  topgen.close ();
+    Ptr<Node> fromNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, from);
+    NS_ASSERT_MSG(fromNode != 0, from << " node not found");
+    Ptr<Node> toNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, to);
+    NS_ASSERT_MSG(toNode != 0, to << " node not found");
-  ApplySettings ();
+    Link link(fromNode, from, toNode, to);
+    link.SetAttribute("DataRate", capacity);
+    link.SetAttribute("OSPF", metric);
+    if (!delay.empty())
+      link.SetAttribute("Delay", delay);
+    if (!maxPackets.empty())
+      link.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", maxPackets);
+    // Saran Added lossRate
+    if (!lossRate.empty())
+      link.SetAttribute("LossRate", lossRate);
+    AddLink(link);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("New link " << from << " <==> " << to << " / " << capacity << " with " << metric
+                             << " metric (" << delay << ", " << maxPackets << ", " << lossRate
+                             << ")");
+  }
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Annotated topology created with " << m_nodes.GetN() << " nodes and " << LinksSize()
+                                                 << " links");
+  topgen.close();
+  ApplySettings();
   return m_nodes;
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address base)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::AssignIpv4Addresses(Ipv4Address base)
-  Ipv4AddressHelper address (base, Ipv4Mask ("/24"));
+  Ipv4AddressHelper address(base, Ipv4Mask("/24"));
-  BOOST_FOREACH (const Link &link, m_linksList)
-    {
-      address.Assign (NetDeviceContainer (link.GetFromNetDevice (),
-                                          link.GetToNetDevice ()));
+  BOOST_FOREACH (const Link& link, m_linksList) {
+    address.Assign(NetDeviceContainer(link.GetFromNetDevice(), link.GetToNetDevice()));
-      base = Ipv4Address (base.Get () + 256);
-      address.SetBase (base, Ipv4Mask ("/24"));
-    }
+    base = Ipv4Address(base.Get() + 256);
+    address.SetBase(base, Ipv4Mask("/24"));
+  }
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::ApplyOspfMetric ()
-  BOOST_FOREACH (const Link &link, m_linksList)
+  BOOST_FOREACH (const Link& link, m_linksList) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("OSPF: " << link.GetAttribute("OSPF"));
+    uint16_t metric = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(link.GetAttribute("OSPF"));
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("OSPF: " << link.GetAttribute ("OSPF"));
-      uint16_t metric = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t> (link.GetAttribute ("OSPF"));
+      Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetFromNode()->GetObject<Ipv4>();
+      if (ipv4 != 0) {
+        int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice(link.GetFromNetDevice());
+        NS_ASSERT(interfaceId >= 0);
-      {
-        Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetFromNode ()->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-        if (ipv4 != 0)
-          {
-            int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice (link.GetFromNetDevice ());
-            NS_ASSERT (interfaceId >= 0);
-            ipv4->SetMetric (interfaceId,metric);
-          }
-        Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetFromNode ()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
-        if (ndn != 0)
-          {
-            Ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice (link.GetFromNetDevice ());
-            NS_ASSERT (face != 0);
-            face->SetMetric (metric);
-          }
+        ipv4->SetMetric(interfaceId, metric);
-      {
-        Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetToNode ()->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-        if (ipv4 != 0)
-          {
-            int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice (link.GetToNetDevice ());
-            NS_ASSERT (interfaceId >= 0);
+      Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetFromNode()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+      if (ndn != 0) {
+        Ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice(link.GetFromNetDevice());
+        NS_ASSERT(face != 0);
-            ipv4->SetMetric (interfaceId,metric);
-          }
-        Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetToNode ()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol> ();
-        if (ndn != 0)
-          {
-            Ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice (link.GetToNetDevice ());
-            NS_ASSERT (face != 0);
-            face->SetMetric (metric);
-          }
+        face->SetMetric(metric);
+    {
+      Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetToNode()->GetObject<Ipv4>();
+      if (ipv4 != 0) {
+        int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice(link.GetToNetDevice());
+        NS_ASSERT(interfaceId >= 0);
+        ipv4->SetMetric(interfaceId, metric);
+      }
+      Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetToNode()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
+      if (ndn != 0) {
+        Ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice(link.GetToNetDevice());
+        NS_ASSERT(face != 0);
+        face->SetMetric(metric);
+      }
+    }
+  }
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::ApplySettings ()
 #ifdef NS3_MPI
-  if (MpiInterface::IsEnabled () &&
-      MpiInterface::GetSize () != m_requiredPartitions)
-    {
-      std::cerr << "MPI interface is enabled, but number of partitions (" << MpiInterface::GetSize ()
-                << ") is not equal to number of partitions in the topology (" << m_requiredPartitions << ")";
-      exit (-1);
-    }
+  if (MpiInterface::IsEnabled() && MpiInterface::GetSize() != m_requiredPartitions) {
+    std::cerr << "MPI interface is enabled, but number of partitions (" << MpiInterface::GetSize()
+              << ") is not equal to number of partitions in the topology (" << m_requiredPartitions
+              << ")";
+    exit(-1);
+  }
   PointToPointHelper p2p;
-  BOOST_FOREACH (Link &link, m_linksList)
-    {
-      // cout << "Link: " << Findlink.GetFromNode () << ", " << link.GetToNode () << endl;
-      string tmp;
+  BOOST_FOREACH (Link& link, m_linksList) {
+    // cout << "Link: " << Findlink.GetFromNode () << ", " << link.GetToNode () << endl;
+    string tmp;
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("MaxPackets", tmp))
-        {
-          NS_LOG_INFO ("MaxPackets = " + link.GetAttribute ("MaxPackets"));
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("MaxPackets", tmp)) {
+      NS_LOG_INFO("MaxPackets = " + link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets"));
-          try
-            {
-              uint32_t maxPackets = boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t> (link.GetAttribute ("MaxPackets"));
+      try {
+        uint32_t maxPackets = boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t>(link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets"));
-              // compatibility mode. Only DropTailQueue is supported
-              p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue",
-                            "MaxPackets", UintegerValue (maxPackets));
-            }
-          catch (...)
-            {
-              typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char> > tokenizer;
-              tokenizer tok (link.GetAttribute ("MaxPackets"));
+        // compatibility mode. Only DropTailQueue is supported
+        p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxPackets", UintegerValue(maxPackets));
+      }
+      catch (...) {
+        typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char>> tokenizer;
+        tokenizer tok(link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets"));
-              tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin ();
-              p2p.SetQueue (*token);
+        tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin();
+        p2p.SetQueue(*token);
-              for (token ++; token != tok.end (); token ++)
-                {
-                  boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator ('\\', '=', '\"');
-                  tokenizer attributeTok (*token, separator);
+        for (token++; token != tok.end(); token++) {
+          boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator('\\', '=', '\"');
+          tokenizer attributeTok(*token, separator);
-                  tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin ();
+          tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin();
-                  string attribute = *attributeToken;
-                  attributeToken++;
+          string attribute = *attributeToken;
+          attributeToken++;
-                  if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end ())
-                    {
-                      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Queue attribute [" << *token << "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
-                      continue;
-                    }
+          if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end()) {
+            NS_LOG_ERROR("Queue attribute [" << *token
+                                             << "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
+            continue;
+          }
-                  string value = *attributeToken;
+          string value = *attributeToken;
-                  p2p.SetQueueAttribute (attribute, StringValue (value));
-                }
-            }
+          p2p.SetQueueAttribute(attribute, StringValue(value));
-      if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("DataRate", tmp))
-        {
-          NS_LOG_INFO ("DataRate = " + link.GetAttribute("DataRate"));
-          p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue (link.GetAttribute ("DataRate")));
-        }
-      if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("Delay", tmp))
-        {
-          NS_LOG_INFO ("Delay = " + link.GetAttribute("Delay"));
-          p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (link.GetAttribute ("Delay")));
-        }
-      NetDeviceContainer nd = p2p.Install(link.GetFromNode (), link.GetToNode ());
-      link.SetNetDevices (nd.Get (0), nd.Get (1));
-      ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("LossRate", tmp))
-        {
-          NS_LOG_INFO ("LinkError = " + link.GetAttribute("LossRate"));
-          typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char> > tokenizer;
-          tokenizer tok (link.GetAttribute("LossRate"));
-          tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin ();
-          ObjectFactory factory (*token);
-          for (token ++; token != tok.end (); token ++)
-            {
-              boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator ('\\', '=', '\"');
-              tokenizer attributeTok (*token, separator);
-              tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin ();
-              string attribute = *attributeToken;
-              attributeToken++;
-              if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end ())
-                {
-                  NS_LOG_ERROR ("ErrorModel attribute [" << *token << "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
-                  continue;
-                }
-              string value = *attributeToken;
-              factory.Set (attribute, StringValue (value));
-            }
-          nd.Get (0)->SetAttribute ("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue (factory.Create<ErrorModel> ()));
-          nd.Get (1)->SetAttribute ("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue (factory.Create<ErrorModel> ()));
-        }
+      }
+    if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("DataRate", tmp)) {
+      NS_LOG_INFO("DataRate = " + link.GetAttribute("DataRate"));
+      p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", StringValue(link.GetAttribute("DataRate")));
+    }
+    if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("Delay", tmp)) {
+      NS_LOG_INFO("Delay = " + link.GetAttribute("Delay"));
+      p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", StringValue(link.GetAttribute("Delay")));
+    }
+    NetDeviceContainer nd = p2p.Install(link.GetFromNode(), link.GetToNode());
+    link.SetNetDevices(nd.Get(0), nd.Get(1));
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("LossRate", tmp)) {
+      NS_LOG_INFO("LinkError = " + link.GetAttribute("LossRate"));
+      typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char>> tokenizer;
+      tokenizer tok(link.GetAttribute("LossRate"));
+      tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin();
+      ObjectFactory factory(*token);
+      for (token++; token != tok.end(); token++) {
+        boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator('\\', '=', '\"');
+        tokenizer attributeTok(*token, separator);
+        tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin();
+        string attribute = *attributeToken;
+        attributeToken++;
+        if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end()) {
+          NS_LOG_ERROR("ErrorModel attribute [" << *token
+                                                << "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
+          continue;
+        }
+        string value = *attributeToken;
+        factory.Set(attribute, StringValue(value));
+      }
+      nd.Get(0)->SetAttribute("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue(factory.Create<ErrorModel>()));
+      nd.Get(1)->SetAttribute("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue(factory.Create<ErrorModel>()));
+    }
+  }
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveTopology (const std::string &file)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveTopology(const std::string& file)
-  ofstream os (file.c_str (), ios::trunc);
+  ofstream os(file.c_str(), ios::trunc);
   os << "# any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored\n"
      << "\n"
-     << "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the corresponding keyword\n"
+     << "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the "
+        "corresponding keyword\n"
      << "\n"
-     << "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in visualizer)\n"
+     << "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in "
+        "visualizer)\n"
      << "router\n"
      << "\n"
      << "# each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data\n"
      << "# node  comment     yPos    xPos\n";
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin ();
-       node != m_nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      std::string name = Names::FindName (*node);
-      Ptr<MobilityModel> mobility = (*node)->GetObject<MobilityModel> ();
-      Vector position = mobility->GetPosition ();
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin(); node != m_nodes.End(); node++) {
+    std::string name = Names::FindName(*node);
+    Ptr<MobilityModel> mobility = (*node)->GetObject<MobilityModel>();
+    Vector position = mobility->GetPosition();
-      os << name << "\t" << "NA" << "\t" << -position.y << "\t" << position.x << "\n";
-    }
+    os << name << "\t"
+       << "NA"
+       << "\t" << -position.y << "\t" << position.x << "\n";
+  }
-  os << "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these links\n"
-     << "\n"
-     << "link\n"
-     << "\n"
-     << "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can be omitted)\n"
-     << "# srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue\n"
-     << "# bandwidth: link bandwidth\n"
-     << "# metric: routing metric\n"
-     << "# delay:  link delay\n"
-     << "# queue:  MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)\n"
-     << "# error:  comma-separated list, specifying class for ErrorModel and necessary attributes\n";
+  os
+    << "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these "
+       "links\n"
+    << "\n"
+    << "link\n"
+    << "\n"
+    << "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can "
+       "be omitted)\n"
+    << "# srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue\n"
+    << "# bandwidth: link bandwidth\n"
+    << "# metric: routing metric\n"
+    << "# delay:  link delay\n"
+    << "# queue:  MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)\n"
+    << "# error:  comma-separated list, specifying class for ErrorModel and necessary attributes\n";
-  for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin ();
-       link != m_linksList.end ();
-       link ++)
-    {
-      os << Names::FindName (link->GetFromNode ()) << "\t";
-      os << Names::FindName (link->GetToNode ()) << "\t";
+  for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin(); link != m_linksList.end();
+       link++) {
+    os << Names::FindName(link->GetFromNode()) << "\t";
+    os << Names::FindName(link->GetToNode()) << "\t";
-      string tmp;
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("DataRate", tmp))
-        os << link->GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
-      else
-        NS_FATAL_ERROR ("DataRate must be specified for the link");
+    string tmp;
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("DataRate", tmp))
+      os << link->GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
+    else
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("DataRate must be specified for the link");
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("OSPF", tmp))
-        os << link->GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
-      else
-        os << "1\t";
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("OSPF", tmp))
+      os << link->GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
+    else
+      os << "1\t";
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("Delay", tmp))
-        {
-          os << link->GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("Delay", tmp)) {
+      os << link->GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
-          if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("MaxPackets", tmp))
-            {
-              os << link->GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
+      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("MaxPackets", tmp)) {
+        os << link->GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
-              if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("LossRate", tmp))
-                {
-                  os << link->GetAttribute ("LossRate") << "\t";
-                }
-            }
+        if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("LossRate", tmp)) {
+          os << link->GetAttribute("LossRate") << "\t";
-      os << "\n";
+      }
+    os << "\n";
+  }
-template <class Names>
+template<class Names>
 class name_writer {
-  name_writer(Names _names) : names(_names) {}
+  name_writer(Names _names)
+    : names(_names)
+  {
+  }
-  template <class VertexOrEdge>
-  void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const {
+  template<class VertexOrEdge>
+  void
+  operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const
+  {
     // out << "[label=\"" << names[v] << "\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
     out << "[shape=\"circle\",width=0.1,label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"green\"]";
   Names names;
-template <class Names>
+template<class Names>
 inline name_writer<Names>
-make_name_writer(Names n) {
+make_name_writer(Names n)
   return name_writer<Names>(n);
-AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveGraphviz (const std::string &file)
+AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveGraphviz(const std::string& file)
   typedef boost::adjacency_list_traits<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS> Traits;
-  typedef boost::property< boost::vertex_name_t, std::string, boost::property
-                           < boost::vertex_index_t, uint32_t > > nodeProperty;
+  typedef boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::string,
+                          boost::property<boost::vertex_index_t, uint32_t>> nodeProperty;
   typedef boost::no_property edgeProperty;
-  typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS,
-                                 nodeProperty, edgeProperty > Graph;
+  typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS, nodeProperty,
+                                edgeProperty> Graph;
   typedef map<string, Traits::vertex_descriptor> node_map_t;
   node_map_t graphNodes;
-  Graph      graph;
+  Graph graph;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin ();
-       node != m_nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-       std::pair<node_map_t::iterator, bool>
-         retval = graphNodes.insert (make_pair (Names::FindName (*node),
-                                                add_vertex (nodeProperty (Names::FindName (*node)), graph)));
-       // NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin(); node != m_nodes.End(); node++) {
+    std::pair<node_map_t::iterator, bool> retval = graphNodes.insert(
+      make_pair(Names::FindName(*node), add_vertex(nodeProperty(Names::FindName(*node)), graph)));
+    // NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
-       put (boost::vertex_index, graph, retval.first->second, (*node)->GetId ());
-    }
+    put(boost::vertex_index, graph, retval.first->second, (*node)->GetId());
+  }
-  for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin ();
-       link != m_linksList.end ();
-       link ++)
-    {
-      node_map_t::iterator from = graphNodes.find (Names::FindName (link->GetFromNode ()));
-      node_map_t::iterator to   = graphNodes.find (Names::FindName (link->GetToNode ()));
+  for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin(); link != m_linksList.end();
+       link++) {
+    node_map_t::iterator from = graphNodes.find(Names::FindName(link->GetFromNode()));
+    node_map_t::iterator to = graphNodes.find(Names::FindName(link->GetToNode()));
-      // add_edge (node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
-      boost::add_edge (from->second, to->second, graph);
-    }
+    // add_edge (node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
+    boost::add_edge(from->second, to->second, graph);
+  }
-  ofstream of (file.c_str ());
-  boost::property_map<Graph, boost::vertex_name_t>::type names = get (boost::vertex_name, graph);
-  write_graphviz (of, graph, make_name_writer (names));
+  ofstream of(file.c_str());
+  boost::property_map<Graph, boost::vertex_name_t>::type names = get(boost::vertex_name, graph);
+  write_graphviz(of, graph, make_name_writer(names));
diff --git a/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.hpp b/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.hpp
index 27815fa..d8679ed 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.hpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/annotated-topology-reader.hpp
@@ -25,15 +25,14 @@
 #include "ns3/random-variable.h"
 #include "ns3/object-factory.h"
-namespace ns3 
+namespace ns3 {
- * \brief This class reads annotated topology and apply settings to the corresponding nodes and links
+ * \brief This class reads annotated topology and apply settings to the corresponding nodes and
+ *links
-class AnnotatedTopologyReader : public TopologyReader
+class AnnotatedTopologyReader : public TopologyReader {
    * \brief Constructor
@@ -43,9 +42,9 @@
    * \see ns3::Names class
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader (const std::string &path="", double scale=1.0);
-  virtual ~AnnotatedTopologyReader ();
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader(const std::string& path = "", double scale = 1.0);
+  virtual ~AnnotatedTopologyReader();
    * \brief Main annotated topology reading function.
@@ -54,20 +53,20 @@
    * \return the container of the nodes created (or empty container if there was an error)
   virtual NodeContainer
-  Read ();
+  Read();
    * \brief Get nodes read by the reader
   virtual NodeContainer
-  GetNodes () const;
+  GetNodes() const;
    * \brief Get links read by the reader
-   */  
+   */
   virtual const std::list<Link>&
-  GetLinks () const;
+  GetLinks() const;
    * \brief Assign IPv4 addresses to all links
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@
    * \param base Starting IPv4 address (second link will have base+256)
   virtual void
-  AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address base);
+  AssignIpv4Addresses(Ipv4Address base);
    * \brief Set bounding box where nodes will be randomly places (if positions are unspecified)
@@ -88,55 +87,57 @@
    * \param lry Lower right y coordinate
   virtual void
-  SetBoundingBox (double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry);
+  SetBoundingBox(double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry);
    * \brief Set mobility model to be used on nodes
    * \param model class name of the model
   virtual void
-  SetMobilityModel (const std::string &model);
+  SetMobilityModel(const std::string& model);
    * \brief Apply OSPF metric on Ipv4 (if exists) and Ccnx (if exists) stacks
   virtual void
-  ApplyOspfMetric ();
+  ApplyOspfMetric();
    * \brief Save positions (e.g., after manual modification using visualizer)
   virtual void
-  SaveTopology (const std::string &file);
+  SaveTopology(const std::string& file);
    * \brief Save topology in graphviz format (.dot file)
   virtual void
-  SaveGraphviz (const std::string &file);
+  SaveGraphviz(const std::string& file);
-  CreateNode (const std::string name, uint32_t systemId);
+  CreateNode(const std::string name, uint32_t systemId);
-  CreateNode (const std::string name, double posX, double posY, uint32_t systemId);
+  CreateNode(const std::string name, double posX, double posY, uint32_t systemId);
    * \brief This method applies setting to corresponding nodes and links
    * NetDeviceContainer must be allocated
    * NodeContainer from Read method
-  void ApplySettings ();
+  void
+  ApplySettings();
   std::string m_path;
   NodeContainer m_nodes;
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader (const AnnotatedTopologyReader&);
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader& operator= (const AnnotatedTopologyReader&);
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader(const AnnotatedTopologyReader&);
+  AnnotatedTopologyReader&
+  operator=(const AnnotatedTopologyReader&);
   UniformVariable m_randX;
   UniformVariable m_randY;
@@ -146,9 +147,6 @@
   uint32_t m_requiredPartitions;
diff --git a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.cpp b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.cpp
index c9949d8..774ce8f 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.cpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.cpp
@@ -59,28 +59,28 @@
 using namespace std;
 using namespace boost;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("RocketfuelMapReader");
 namespace ns3 {
-RocketfuelMapReader::RocketfuelMapReader (const std::string &path/*=""*/, double scale/*=1.0*/, const std::string &referenceOspfRate)
-  : AnnotatedTopologyReader (path, scale)
-  , m_referenceOspfRate (boost::lexical_cast<DataRate> (referenceOspfRate))
+RocketfuelMapReader::RocketfuelMapReader(const std::string& path /*=""*/, double scale /*=1.0*/,
+                                         const std::string& referenceOspfRate)
+  : AnnotatedTopologyReader(path, scale)
+  , m_referenceOspfRate(boost::lexical_cast<DataRate>(referenceOspfRate))
-RocketfuelMapReader::~RocketfuelMapReader ()
-RocketfuelMapReader::Read ()
-  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Deprecated call. Use the other overloaded method instead");
-  return NodeContainer ();
+  NS_FATAL_ERROR("Deprecated call. Use the other overloaded method instead");
+  return NodeContainer();
 /* uid @loc [+] [bb] (num_neigh) [&ext] -> <nuid-1> <nuid-2> ... {-euid} ... =name[!] rn */
 #define REGMATCH_MAX 16
@@ -90,49 +90,46 @@
 #define SPACE "[ \t]+"
 #define MAYSPACE "[ \t]*"
-START "(-*[0-9]+)" SPACE "(@[?A-Za-z0-9,+]+)" SPACE \
-"(\\+)*" MAYSPACE "(bb)*" MAYSPACE \
-"\\(([0-9]+)\\)" SPACE "(&[0-9]+)*" MAYSPACE \
-"->" MAYSPACE "(<[0-9 \t<>]+>)*" MAYSPACE \
-"(\\{-[0-9\\{\\} \t-]+\\})*" SPACE \
-"=([A-Za-z0-9.!-]+)" SPACE "r([0-9])" \
+#define ROCKETFUEL_MAPS_LINE                                                                       \
+  START "(-*[0-9]+)" SPACE "(@[?A-Za-z0-9,+]+)" SPACE "(\\+)*" MAYSPACE "(bb)*" MAYSPACE           \
+        "\\(([0-9]+)\\)" SPACE "(&[0-9]+)*" MAYSPACE "->" MAYSPACE "(<[0-9 \t<>]+>)*" MAYSPACE     \
+        "(\\{-[0-9\\{\\} \t-]+\\})*" SPACE "=([A-Za-z0-9.!-]+)" SPACE "r([0-9])" MAYSPACE END
-RocketfuelMapReader::CreateLink (string nodeName1, string nodeName2,
-                                 double averageRtt,
-                                 const string &minBw, const string &maxBw,
-                                 const string &minDelay, const string &maxDelay)
+RocketfuelMapReader::CreateLink(string nodeName1, string nodeName2, double averageRtt,
+                                const string& minBw, const string& maxBw, const string& minDelay,
+                                const string& maxDelay)
-  Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, nodeName1);
-  Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, nodeName2);
-  Link link (node1, nodeName1, node2, nodeName2);
+  Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, nodeName1);
+  Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, nodeName2);
+  Link link(node1, nodeName1, node2, nodeName2);
-  DataRate randBandwidth
-    (m_randVar.GetInteger (static_cast<uint32_t> (lexical_cast<DataRate> (minBw).GetBitRate ()),
-                           static_cast<uint32_t> (lexical_cast<DataRate> (maxBw).GetBitRate ())));
+  DataRate randBandwidth(
+    m_randVar.GetInteger(static_cast<uint32_t>(lexical_cast<DataRate>(minBw).GetBitRate()),
+                         static_cast<uint32_t>(lexical_cast<DataRate>(maxBw).GetBitRate())));
-  int32_t metric = std::max (1, static_cast<int32_t> (1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate () / randBandwidth.GetBitRate ()));
+  int32_t metric = std::max(1, static_cast<int32_t>(1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate()
+                                                    / randBandwidth.GetBitRate()));
   Time randDelay =
-    Time::FromDouble ((m_randVar.GetValue (lexical_cast<Time> (minDelay).ToDouble (Time::US),
-                                           lexical_cast<Time> (maxDelay).ToDouble (Time::US))),
-                      Time::US);
+    Time::FromDouble((m_randVar.GetValue(lexical_cast<Time>(minDelay).ToDouble(Time::US),
+                                         lexical_cast<Time>(maxDelay).ToDouble(Time::US))),
+                     Time::US);
-  uint32_t queue = ceil (averageRtt * (randBandwidth.GetBitRate () / 8.0 / 1100.0));
+  uint32_t queue = ceil(averageRtt * (randBandwidth.GetBitRate() / 8.0 / 1100.0));
-  link.SetAttribute ("DataRate",   boost::lexical_cast<string> (randBandwidth));
-  link.SetAttribute ("OSPF",       boost::lexical_cast<string> (metric));
-  link.SetAttribute ("Delay",      boost::lexical_cast<string> (ceil (randDelay.ToDouble (Time::US)))+"us");
-  link.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", boost::lexical_cast<string> (queue));
+  link.SetAttribute("DataRate", boost::lexical_cast<string>(randBandwidth));
+  link.SetAttribute("OSPF", boost::lexical_cast<string>(metric));
+  link.SetAttribute("Delay",
+                    boost::lexical_cast<string>(ceil(randDelay.ToDouble(Time::US))) + "us");
+  link.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", boost::lexical_cast<string>(queue));
-  AddLink (link);
+  AddLink(link);
 // NodeContainer
-RocketfuelMapReader::GenerateFromMapsFile (int argc, char *argv[])
+RocketfuelMapReader::GenerateFromMapsFile(int argc, char* argv[])
   string uid;
   string loc;
@@ -144,7 +141,7 @@
   int num_neigh_s = 0;
   unsigned int num_neigh = 0;
   int radius = 0;
-  vector <string> neigh_list;
+  vector<string> neigh_list;
   uid = argv[0];
   loc = argv[1];
@@ -159,136 +156,125 @@
   //   bb = true;
   // }
-  num_neigh_s = ::atoi (argv[4]);
-  if (num_neigh_s < 0)
-  {
+  num_neigh_s = ::atoi(argv[4]);
+  if (num_neigh_s < 0) {
     num_neigh = 0;
-    NS_LOG_WARN ("Negative number of neighbors given");
+    NS_LOG_WARN("Negative number of neighbors given");
-  else
-  {
+  else {
     num_neigh = num_neigh_s;
   /* neighbors */
-  if (argv[6])
-  {
-    char *nbr;
-    char *stringp = argv[6];
-    while ((nbr = strsep (&stringp, " \t")) != NULL)
-    {
-      nbr[strlen (nbr) - 1] = '\0';
-      neigh_list.push_back (nbr + 1);
+  if (argv[6]) {
+    char* nbr;
+    char* stringp = argv[6];
+    while ((nbr = strsep(&stringp, " \t")) != NULL) {
+      nbr[strlen(nbr) - 1] = '\0';
+      neigh_list.push_back(nbr + 1);
-  if (num_neigh != neigh_list.size ())
-  {
-    NS_LOG_WARN ("Given number of neighbors = " << num_neigh << " != size of neighbors list = " << neigh_list.size ());
+  if (num_neigh != neigh_list.size()) {
+    NS_LOG_WARN("Given number of neighbors = " << num_neigh << " != size of neighbors list = "
+                                               << neigh_list.size());
   /* externs */
-  if (argv[7])
-  {
+  if (argv[7]) {
     //      euid = argv[7];
   /* name */
-  if (argv[8])
-  {
+  if (argv[8]) {
     name = argv[8];
-  radius = ::atoi (&argv[9][1]);
-  if (radius > 0)
-  {
+  radius = ::atoi(&argv[9][1]);
+  if (radius > 0) {
   // Create node and link
-  if (uid.empty ())
+  if (uid.empty())
+  node_map_t::iterator node = m_graphNodes.find(uid);
+  if (node == m_graphNodes.end()) {
+    bool ok;
+    tie(node, ok) = m_graphNodes.insert(make_pair(uid, add_vertex(nodeProperty(uid), m_graph)));
+    NS_ASSERT(ok == true);
-  node_map_t::iterator node = m_graphNodes.find (uid);
-  if (node == m_graphNodes.end ())
-    {
+    put(vertex_index, m_graph, node->second, m_maxNodeId);
+    m_maxNodeId++;
+  }
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < neigh_list.size(); ++i) {
+    nuid = neigh_list[i];
+    if (nuid.empty()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    node_map_t::iterator otherNode = m_graphNodes.find(nuid);
+    if (otherNode == m_graphNodes.end()) {
       bool ok;
-      tie (node, ok) = m_graphNodes.insert (make_pair (uid, add_vertex (nodeProperty (uid), m_graph)));
-      NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
+      tie(otherNode, ok) =
+        m_graphNodes.insert(make_pair(nuid, add_vertex(nodeProperty(nuid), m_graph)));
+      NS_ASSERT(ok == true);
-      put (vertex_index, m_graph, node->second, m_maxNodeId);
-      m_maxNodeId ++;
+      put(vertex_index, m_graph, otherNode->second, m_maxNodeId);
+      m_maxNodeId++;
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < neigh_list.size (); ++i)
-    {
-      nuid = neigh_list[i];
-      if (nuid.empty ())
-        {
-          continue;
-        }
-      node_map_t::iterator otherNode = m_graphNodes.find (nuid);
-      if (otherNode == m_graphNodes.end ())
-        {
-          bool ok;
-          tie (otherNode, ok) = m_graphNodes.insert (make_pair (nuid, add_vertex(nodeProperty (nuid), m_graph)));
-          NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
-          put (vertex_index, m_graph, otherNode->second, m_maxNodeId);
-          m_maxNodeId ++;
-        }
-      // cout << node->second << " <-> " << otherNode->second << endl;
-      // parallel edges are disabled in the graph, so no need to worry
-      add_edge (node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
-    }
+    // cout << node->second << " <-> " << otherNode->second << endl;
+    // parallel edges are disabled in the graph, so no need to worry
+    add_edge(node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
+  }
-void RocketfuelMapReader::assignGw (Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex, uint32_t degree, node_type_t nodeType)
+RocketfuelMapReader::assignGw(Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex, uint32_t degree,
+                              node_type_t nodeType)
   graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator u, endu;
-  for (tie (u, endu) = adjacent_vertices (vertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++)
-    {
-      if (get (vertex_rank,  m_graph, *u) != UNKNOWN)
-        continue;
+  for (tie(u, endu) = adjacent_vertices(vertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++) {
+    if (get(vertex_rank, m_graph, *u) != UNKNOWN)
+      continue;
-      put (vertex_rank,  m_graph, *u, nodeType);
-      put (vertex_color, m_graph, *u, "green");
+    put(vertex_rank, m_graph, *u, nodeType);
+    put(vertex_color, m_graph, *u, "green");
-      uint32_t u_degree = out_degree (*u, m_graph);
-      if (u_degree < degree)
-        assignGw (*u, degree, BACKBONE);
-    }
+    uint32_t u_degree = out_degree(*u, m_graph);
+    if (u_degree < degree)
+      assignGw(*u, degree, BACKBONE);
+  }
-RocketfuelMapReader::AssignClients (uint32_t clientDegree, uint32_t gwDegree)
+RocketfuelMapReader::AssignClients(uint32_t clientDegree, uint32_t gwDegree)
   graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      uint32_t degree = out_degree (*v, m_graph);
-      if (degree == clientDegree)
-        {
-          put (vertex_rank,  m_graph, *v, CLIENT);
-          put (vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "red");
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    uint32_t degree = out_degree(*v, m_graph);
+    if (degree == clientDegree) {
+      put(vertex_rank, m_graph, *v, CLIENT);
+      put(vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "red");
-          assignGw (*v, gwDegree+1, GATEWAY);
-        }
+      assignGw(*v, gwDegree + 1, GATEWAY);
+  }
-RocketfuelMapReader::Read (RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent/*=true*/, bool connectBackbones/*=true*/)
+RocketfuelMapReader::Read(RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent /*=true*/,
+                          bool connectBackbones /*=true*/)
   m_maxNodeId = 0;
   ifstream topgen;
- (GetFileName ().c_str ());
-  //NodeContainer nodes;
+  // NodeContainer nodes;
   UniformVariable var;
   istringstream lineBuffer;
@@ -296,42 +282,38 @@
   int lineNumber = 0;
   char errbuf[512];
-  if (!topgen.is_open ())
-  {
-    NS_LOG_WARN ("Couldn't open the file " << GetFileName ());
+  if (!topgen.is_open()) {
+    NS_LOG_WARN("Couldn't open the file " << GetFileName());
     return m_nodes;
-  while (!topgen.eof ())
-  {
+  while (!topgen.eof()) {
     int ret;
     int argc;
-    char *argv[REGMATCH_MAX];
-    char *buf;
+    char* argv[REGMATCH_MAX];
+    char* buf;
-    line.clear ();
-    lineBuffer.clear ();
+    line.clear();
+    lineBuffer.clear();
-    getline (topgen, line);
-    buf = (char *)line.c_str ();
+    getline(topgen, line);
+    buf = (char*)line.c_str();
     regmatch_t regmatch[REGMATCH_MAX];
     regex_t regex;
-    ret = regcomp (&regex, ROCKETFUEL_MAPS_LINE, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE);
-    if (ret != 0)
-    {
-      regerror (ret, &regex, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf));
-      regfree (&regex);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+      regerror(ret, &regex, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
+      regfree(&regex);
-    ret = regexec (&regex, buf, REGMATCH_MAX, regmatch, 0);
-    if (ret == REG_NOMATCH)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_WARN ("match failed (maps file): %s" << buf);
-      regfree (&regex);
+    ret = regexec(&regex, buf, REGMATCH_MAX, regmatch, 0);
+    if (ret == REG_NOMATCH) {
+      NS_LOG_WARN("match failed (maps file): %s" << buf);
+      regfree(&regex);
@@ -339,345 +321,304 @@
     argc = 0;
     /* regmatch[0] is the entire strings that matched */
-    for (int i = 1; i < REGMATCH_MAX; i++)
-    {
-      if (regmatch[i].rm_so == -1)
-      {
+    for (int i = 1; i < REGMATCH_MAX; i++) {
+      if (regmatch[i].rm_so == -1) {
         argv[i - 1] = NULL;
-      else
-      {
+      else {
         line[regmatch[i].rm_eo] = '\0';
         argv[i - 1] = &line[regmatch[i].rm_so];
         argc = i;
-    GenerateFromMapsFile (argc, argv);
-    regfree (&regex);
+    GenerateFromMapsFile(argc, argv);
+    regfree(&regex);
-  if (keepOneComponent)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Before eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
-      KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ();
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("After eliminating disconnected nodes:  " << num_vertices(m_graph));
-    }
+  if (keepOneComponent) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Before eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
+    KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent();
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("After eliminating disconnected nodes:  " << num_vertices(m_graph));
+  }
-  for (int clientDegree = 1; clientDegree <= params.clientNodeDegrees; clientDegree++)
-    {
-      AssignClients (clientDegree, std::min (clientDegree, 3));
-    }
+  for (int clientDegree = 1; clientDegree <= params.clientNodeDegrees; clientDegree++) {
+    AssignClients(clientDegree, std::min(clientDegree, 3));
+  }
   graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
-      if (type == UNKNOWN)
-        {
-          put (vertex_rank,  m_graph, *v, BACKBONE);
-          put (vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "blue");
-        }
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    node_type_t type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
+    if (type == UNKNOWN) {
+      put(vertex_rank, m_graph, *v, BACKBONE);
+      put(vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "blue");
+  }
-  if (connectBackbones)
-    {
-      ConnectBackboneRouters ();
-    }
+  if (connectBackbones) {
+    ConnectBackboneRouters();
+  }
   graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator e, ende;
-  for (tie (e, ende) = edges (m_graph); e != ende; )
-    {
-      Traits::vertex_descriptor
-        u = source (*e, m_graph),
-        v = target (*e, m_graph);
+  for (tie(e, ende) = edges(m_graph); e != ende;) {
+    Traits::vertex_descriptor u = source(*e, m_graph), v = target(*e, m_graph);
-      node_type_t
-        u_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, u),
-        v_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
+    node_type_t u_type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, u), v_type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
-      if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE)
-        {
-          // ok
-        }
-      else if ((u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == BACKBONE) ||
-               (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY ))
-        {
-          // ok
-        }
-      else if (u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == GATEWAY)
-        {
-          // ok
-        }
-      else if ((u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == CLIENT) ||
-               (u_type == CLIENT   && v_type == GATEWAY ))
-        {
-          // ok
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          // not ok
-          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type << " (deleting the link)");
-          graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator tmp = e;
-          tmp++;
-          remove_edge (*e, m_graph);
-          e = tmp;
-          continue;
-        }
-      e++;
+    if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE) {
+      // ok
-  if (keepOneComponent)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Before 2 eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
-      KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ();
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("After 2 eliminating disconnected nodes:  " << num_vertices(m_graph));
+    else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == BACKBONE)
+             || (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY)) {
+      // ok
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      string nodeName = get (vertex_name, m_graph, *v);
-      Ptr<Node> node = CreateNode (nodeName, 0);
-      node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
-      switch (type)
-        {
-        case BACKBONE:
-          Names::Rename (nodeName, "bb-" + nodeName);
-          put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "bb-" + nodeName);
-          m_backboneRouters.Add (node);
-          break;
-        case CLIENT:
-          Names::Rename (nodeName, "leaf-" + nodeName);
-          put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "leaf-" + nodeName);
-          m_customerRouters.Add (node);
-          break;
-        case GATEWAY:
-          Names::Rename (nodeName, "gw-" + nodeName);
-          put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "gw-" + nodeName);
-          m_gatewayRouters.Add (node);
-          break;
-        case UNKNOWN:
-          NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Should not happen");
-          break;
-        }
+    else if (u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == GATEWAY) {
+      // ok
-  for (tie (e, ende) = edges (m_graph); e != ende; e++)
-    {
-      Traits::vertex_descriptor
-        u = source (*e, m_graph),
-        v = target (*e, m_graph);
-      node_type_t
-        u_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, u),
-        v_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
-      string
-        u_name = get (vertex_name, m_graph, u),
-        v_name = get (vertex_name, m_graph, v);
-      if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE)
-        {
-          CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
-                      params.averageRtt,
-                      params.minb2bBandwidth, params.maxb2bBandwidth,
-                      params.minb2bDelay,     params.maxb2bDelay);
-        }
-      else if ((u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == BACKBONE) ||
-               (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY ))
-        {
-          CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
-                      params.averageRtt,
-                      params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
-                      params.minb2gDelay,     params.maxb2gDelay);
-        }
-      else if (u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == GATEWAY)
-        {
-          CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
-                      params.averageRtt,
-                      params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
-                      params.minb2gDelay,     params.maxb2gDelay);
-        }
-      else if ((u_type == GATEWAY  && v_type == CLIENT) ||
-               (u_type == CLIENT   && v_type == GATEWAY ))
-        {
-          CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
-                      params.averageRtt,
-                      params.ming2cBandwidth, params.maxg2cBandwidth,
-                      params.ming2cDelay,     params.maxg2cDelay);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type);
-        }
+    else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == CLIENT) || (u_type == CLIENT && v_type == GATEWAY)) {
+      // ok
+    else {
+      // not ok
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type
+                                                     << " (deleting the link)");
-  ApplySettings ();
+      graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator tmp = e;
+      tmp++;
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Clients:   " << m_customerRouters.GetN ());
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Gateways:  " << m_gatewayRouters.GetN ());
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Backbones: " << m_backboneRouters.GetN ());
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Links:     " << GetLinks ().size ());
+      remove_edge(*e, m_graph);
+      e = tmp;
+      continue;
+    }
+    e++;
+  }
+  if (keepOneComponent) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Before 2 eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
+    KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent();
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("After 2 eliminating disconnected nodes:  " << num_vertices(m_graph));
+  }
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    string nodeName = get(vertex_name, m_graph, *v);
+    Ptr<Node> node = CreateNode(nodeName, 0);
+    node_type_t type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
+    switch (type) {
+    case BACKBONE:
+      Names::Rename(nodeName, "bb-" + nodeName);
+      put(vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "bb-" + nodeName);
+      m_backboneRouters.Add(node);
+      break;
+    case CLIENT:
+      Names::Rename(nodeName, "leaf-" + nodeName);
+      put(vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "leaf-" + nodeName);
+      m_customerRouters.Add(node);
+      break;
+    case GATEWAY:
+      Names::Rename(nodeName, "gw-" + nodeName);
+      put(vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "gw-" + nodeName);
+      m_gatewayRouters.Add(node);
+      break;
+    case UNKNOWN:
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("Should not happen");
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (tie(e, ende) = edges(m_graph); e != ende; e++) {
+    Traits::vertex_descriptor u = source(*e, m_graph), v = target(*e, m_graph);
+    node_type_t u_type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, u), v_type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
+    string u_name = get(vertex_name, m_graph, u), v_name = get(vertex_name, m_graph, v);
+    if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE) {
+      CreateLink(u_name, v_name, params.averageRtt, params.minb2bBandwidth, params.maxb2bBandwidth,
+                 params.minb2bDelay, params.maxb2bDelay);
+    }
+    else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == BACKBONE)
+             || (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY)) {
+      CreateLink(u_name, v_name, params.averageRtt, params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
+                 params.minb2gDelay, params.maxb2gDelay);
+    }
+    else if (u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == GATEWAY) {
+      CreateLink(u_name, v_name, params.averageRtt, params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
+                 params.minb2gDelay, params.maxb2gDelay);
+    }
+    else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == CLIENT) || (u_type == CLIENT && v_type == GATEWAY)) {
+      CreateLink(u_name, v_name, params.averageRtt, params.ming2cBandwidth, params.maxg2cBandwidth,
+                 params.ming2cDelay, params.maxg2cDelay);
+    }
+    else {
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type);
+    }
+  }
+  ApplySettings();
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Clients:   " << m_customerRouters.GetN());
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Gateways:  " << m_gatewayRouters.GetN());
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Backbones: " << m_backboneRouters.GetN());
+  NS_LOG_INFO("Links:     " << GetLinks().size());
   return m_nodes;
-const NodeContainer &
-RocketfuelMapReader::GetBackboneRouters () const
+const NodeContainer&
+RocketfuelMapReader::GetBackboneRouters() const
   return m_backboneRouters;
-const NodeContainer &
-RocketfuelMapReader::GetGatewayRouters () const
+const NodeContainer&
+RocketfuelMapReader::GetGatewayRouters() const
   return m_gatewayRouters;
-const NodeContainer &
-RocketfuelMapReader::GetCustomerRouters () const
+const NodeContainer&
+RocketfuelMapReader::GetCustomerRouters() const
   return m_customerRouters;
-void nodeWriter (std::ostream &os, NodeContainer& m)
+static void
+nodeWriter(std::ostream& os, NodeContainer& m)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m.Begin ();
-       node != m.End ();
-       node ++)
-    {
-      std::string name = Names::FindName (*node);
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m.Begin(); node != m.End(); node++) {
+    std::string name = Names::FindName(*node);
-      os << name << "\t" << "NA" << "\t" << 0 << "\t" << 0 << "\n";
-    }
+    os << name << "\t"
+       << "NA"
+       << "\t" << 0 << "\t" << 0 << "\n";
+  }
-RocketfuelMapReader::SaveTopology (const std::string &file)
+RocketfuelMapReader::SaveTopology(const std::string& file)
-  ofstream os (file.c_str (), ios::trunc);
+  ofstream os(file.c_str(), ios::trunc);
   os << "# any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored\n"
      << "\n"
-     << "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the corresponding keyword\n"
+     << "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the "
+        "corresponding keyword\n"
      << "\n"
-     << "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in visualizer)\n"
+     << "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in "
+        "visualizer)\n"
      << "router\n"
      << "\n"
      << "# each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data\n"
      << "# node  comment     yPos    xPos\n";
-  nodeWriter (os, m_backboneRouters);
-  nodeWriter (os, m_gatewayRouters);
-  nodeWriter (os, m_customerRouters);
+  nodeWriter(os, m_backboneRouters);
+  nodeWriter(os, m_gatewayRouters);
+  nodeWriter(os, m_customerRouters);
-  os << "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these links\n"
+  os << "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these "
+        "links\n"
      << "\n"
      << "link\n"
      << "\n"
-     << "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can be omitted)\n"
+     << "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can "
+        "be omitted)\n"
      << "# srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue\n"
      << "# bandwidth: link bandwidth\n"
      << "# metric: routing metric\n"
      << "# delay:  link delay\n"
      << "# queue:  MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)\n";
-  for (std::list<Link>::iterator link = m_linksList.begin ();
-       link != m_linksList.end ();
-       link ++)
-    {
-      string src = Names::FindName (link->GetFromNode ());
-      string dst = Names::FindName (link->GetToNode ());
-      os << src << "\t";
-      os << dst << "\t";
+  for (std::list<Link>::iterator link = m_linksList.begin(); link != m_linksList.end(); link++) {
+    string src = Names::FindName(link->GetFromNode());
+    string dst = Names::FindName(link->GetToNode());
+    os << src << "\t";
+    os << dst << "\t";
-      string tmp;
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("DataRate", tmp))
-        os << link->GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
-      else
-        NS_FATAL_ERROR ("DataRate must be specified for the link");
+    string tmp;
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("DataRate", tmp))
+      os << link->GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
+    else
+      NS_FATAL_ERROR("DataRate must be specified for the link");
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("OSPF", tmp))
-        os << link->GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
-      else
-        {
-          DataRate rate = boost::lexical_cast<DataRate> (link->GetAttribute("DataRate"));
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("OSPF", tmp))
+      os << link->GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
+    else {
+      DataRate rate = boost::lexical_cast<DataRate>(link->GetAttribute("DataRate"));
-          int32_t cost = std::max (1, static_cast<int32_t> (1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate () / rate.GetBitRate ()));
+      int32_t cost = std::max(1, static_cast<int32_t>(1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate()
+                                                      / rate.GetBitRate()));
-          os << cost << "\t";
-        }
-      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("Delay", tmp))
-        {
-          os << link->GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
-          if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe ("MaxPackets", tmp))
-            {
-              os << link->GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
-            }
-        }
-      os << "\n";
+      os << cost << "\t";
+    if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("Delay", tmp)) {
+      os << link->GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
+      if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("MaxPackets", tmp)) {
+        os << link->GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
+      }
+    }
+    os << "\n";
+  }
-template <class Names, class Colors>
+template<class Names, class Colors>
 class name_color_writer {
-  name_color_writer(Names _names, Colors _colors) : names(_names), colors(_colors) {}
+  name_color_writer(Names _names, Colors _colors)
+    : names(_names)
+    , colors(_colors)
+  {
+  }
-  template <class VertexOrEdge>
-  void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const {
+  template<class VertexOrEdge>
+  void
+  operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const
+  {
     // out << "[label=\"" << names[v] << "\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
     out << "[shape=\"circle\",width=0.1,label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
   Names names;
   Colors colors;
-template <class Names, class Colors>
+template<class Names, class Colors>
 inline name_color_writer<Names, Colors>
-make_name_color_writer(Names n, Colors c) {
+make_name_color_writer(Names n, Colors c)
   return name_color_writer<Names, Colors>(n, c);
-RocketfuelMapReader::SaveGraphviz (const std::string &file)
+RocketfuelMapReader::SaveGraphviz(const std::string& file)
-  ofstream of (file.c_str ());
-  property_map<Graph, vertex_name_t>::type names = get (vertex_name, m_graph);
-  property_map<Graph, vertex_color_t>::type colors = get (vertex_color, m_graph);
-  write_graphviz(of, m_graph, make_name_color_writer (names, colors));
+  ofstream of(file.c_str());
+  property_map<Graph, vertex_name_t>::type names = get(vertex_name, m_graph);
+  property_map<Graph, vertex_color_t>::type colors = get(vertex_color, m_graph);
+  write_graphviz(of, m_graph, make_name_color_writer(names, colors));
-RocketfuelMapReader::KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ()
   std::map<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, int> temp;
-  associative_property_map< std::map<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, int> > components (temp);
+  associative_property_map<std::map<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, int>> components(temp);
   // //check if topology has breaks in its structure and trim it if yes
   // property_map<Graph, vertex_index1_t>::type components = get (vertex_index1, m_graph);
-  int num = connected_components (m_graph, components);
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Topology has " << num << " components");
+  int num = connected_components(m_graph, components);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Topology has " << num << " components");
-  vector<int> sizes (num, 0);
+  vector<int> sizes(num, 0);
   graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      sizes[ get (components, *v) ] ++;
-    }
-  int largestComponent = max_element (sizes.begin (), sizes.end ()) - sizes.begin ();
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    sizes[get(components, *v)]++;
+  }
+  int largestComponent = max_element(sizes.begin(), sizes.end()) - sizes.begin();
   // cout << "Largest: " << largestComponent << endl;
   // for (int i =0 ; i < num; i++) cout << sizes[i] << " ";
@@ -686,111 +627,99 @@
   // remove nodes and edges from smaller components //
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      if (get (components, *v) == largestComponent)
-        continue;
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    if (get(components, *v) == largestComponent)
+      continue;
-      clear_vertex (*v, m_graph);
+    clear_vertex(*v, m_graph);
+  }
+  // this works only if vertices are organized in listS or setS (iterator is not invalidated on
+  // remove)
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv;) {
+    if (get(components, *v) == largestComponent) {
+      v++;
+      continue;
-  // this works only if vertices are organized in listS or setS (iterator is not invalidated on remove)
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; )
-    {
-      if (get (components, *v) == largestComponent)
-        {
-          v++;
-          continue;
-        }
+    graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator tmp = v;
+    tmp++;
-      graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator tmp = v;
-      tmp++;
-      remove_vertex (*v, m_graph);
-      v = tmp;
-    }
+    remove_vertex(*v, m_graph);
+    v = tmp;
+  }
   int index = 0;
   // renumber nodes
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      put (vertex_index, m_graph, *v, index++);
-    }
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    put(vertex_index, m_graph, *v, index++);
+  }
-RocketfuelMapReader::ConnectBackboneRouters ()
   // not the tricky part.  we want backbone to be a fully connected component,
   // so traffic doesn't bounce from backbone to gateway and back
-  typedef adjacency_list< setS, setS, boost::undirectedS,
-                          property<vertex_name_t, Traits::vertex_descriptor, property
-                                   < vertex_index_t, int, property
-                                     < vertex_index1_t, int > > > > BbGraph;
+  typedef adjacency_list<setS, setS, boost::undirectedS,
+                         property<vertex_name_t, Traits::vertex_descriptor,
+                                  property<vertex_index_t, int, property<vertex_index1_t, int>>>>
+    BbGraph;
   BbGraph bbGraph;
   map<Traits::vertex_descriptor, graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor> nodeMap;
   int index = 0;
   graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
-  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
-    {
-      node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
-      if (type == BACKBONE)
-        {
-          graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor newv = add_vertex (*v, bbGraph);
-          put (vertex_index, bbGraph, newv, index++);
-          nodeMap[*v] = newv;
-        }
+  for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++) {
+    node_type_t type = get(vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
+    if (type == BACKBONE) {
+      graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor newv = add_vertex(*v, bbGraph);
+      put(vertex_index, bbGraph, newv, index++);
+      nodeMap[*v] = newv;
+  }
   graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_iterator bb, endBb;
-  for (tie (bb, endBb) = vertices (bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++)
-    {
-      Traits::vertex_descriptor actualVertex = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, *bb);
+  for (tie(bb, endBb) = vertices(bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++) {
+    Traits::vertex_descriptor actualVertex = get(vertex_name, bbGraph, *bb);
-      graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator u, endu;
-      for (tie (u, endu) = adjacent_vertices (actualVertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++)
-        {
-          if (nodeMap.find (*u) != nodeMap.end ())
-            {
-              add_edge (nodeMap [actualVertex], nodeMap[*u], bbGraph);
-            }
-        }
+    graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator u, endu;
+    for (tie(u, endu) = adjacent_vertices(actualVertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++) {
+      if (nodeMap.find(*u) != nodeMap.end()) {
+        add_edge(nodeMap[actualVertex], nodeMap[*u], bbGraph);
+      }
+  }
-  property_map<BbGraph, vertex_index1_t>::type components = get (vertex_index1, bbGraph);
+  property_map<BbGraph, vertex_index1_t>::type components = get(vertex_index1, bbGraph);
-  int num = connected_components (bbGraph, components);
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Backbone has " << num << " components");
+  int num = connected_components(bbGraph, components);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Backbone has " << num << " components");
   if (num == 1)
     return; // nothing to do
-  vector< vector<graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor> > subgraphs (num);
-  for (tie (bb, endBb) = vertices (bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++)
-    {
-      int component = get (vertex_index1, bbGraph, *bb);
-      subgraphs [component].push_back (*bb);
-    }
+  vector<vector<graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor>> subgraphs(num);
+  for (tie(bb, endBb) = vertices(bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++) {
+    int component = get(vertex_index1, bbGraph, *bb);
+    subgraphs[component].push_back(*bb);
+  }
   UniformVariable randVar;
-  for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
-    {
-      int node1 = randVar.GetInteger (0, subgraphs[i-1].size ()-1);
-      int node2 = randVar.GetInteger (0, subgraphs[i].size ()-1);
+  for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) {
+    int node1 = randVar.GetInteger(0, subgraphs[i - 1].size() - 1);
+    int node2 = randVar.GetInteger(0, subgraphs[i].size() - 1);
-      Traits::vertex_descriptor
-        v1 = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i-1][node1]),
-        v2 = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i  ][node2]);
+    Traits::vertex_descriptor v1 = get(vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i - 1][node1]),
+                              v2 = get(vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i][node2]);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Connecting " << get (vertex_name, m_graph, v1) << "[" << node1 << "] with "
-                    << get (vertex_name, m_graph, v2) << "[" << node2 << "]");
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Connecting " << get(vertex_name, m_graph, v1) << "[" << node1 << "] with "
+                               << get(vertex_name, m_graph, v2) << "[" << node2 << "]");
-      add_edge (v1, v2, m_graph);
-    }
+    add_edge(v1, v2, m_graph);
+  }
 } /* namespace ns3 */
diff --git a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.hpp b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.hpp
index 99336fc..59879d9 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.hpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-map-reader.hpp
@@ -35,26 +35,25 @@
 namespace ns3 {
-struct RocketfuelParams
+struct RocketfuelParams {
   double averageRtt;
-  int    clientNodeDegrees;
+  int clientNodeDegrees;
-  //parameters for links Backbone <->Backbone
+  // parameters for links Backbone <->Backbone
   string minb2bBandwidth;
   string minb2bDelay;
   string maxb2bBandwidth;
   string maxb2bDelay;
-  //parameters for links Backbone<->Gateway and Gateway <-> Gateway
+  // parameters for links Backbone<->Gateway and Gateway <-> Gateway
   string minb2gBandwidth;
   string minb2gDelay;
   string maxb2gBandwidth;
   string maxb2gDelay;
-  //parameters for links Gateway <-> Customer
+  // parameters for links Gateway <-> Customer
   string ming2cBandwidth;
   string ming2cDelay;
@@ -69,33 +68,37 @@
  * Only map file (.cch) is supported
- * In addition to reading specified topology from the .cch file, this class divides nodes into three categories:
+ * In addition to reading specified topology from the .cch file, this class divides nodes into three
+ *categories:
  * - client nodes (nodes with degrees less or equal to RocketfuelParams.clientNodeDegrees
  * - gateway nodes (nodes that directly connected to client nodes)
  * - backbone nodes (all the rest)
- * As some of the .cch files do not give a connected network graph, this reader also allows to keep only the largest connected
+ * As some of the .cch files do not give a connected network graph, this reader also allows to keep
+ *only the largest connected
  * network graph component.
-class RocketfuelMapReader : public AnnotatedTopologyReader
+class RocketfuelMapReader : public AnnotatedTopologyReader {
-  RocketfuelMapReader (const std::string &path="", double scale=1.0, const string &referenceOspfRate="100Mbps");
-  virtual ~RocketfuelMapReader ();
+  RocketfuelMapReader(const std::string& path = "", double scale = 1.0,
+                      const string& referenceOspfRate = "100Mbps");
+  virtual ~RocketfuelMapReader();
-   * @brief Deprecated call. Read (RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent=true, bool connectBackbones=true) should be used instead
+   * @brief Deprecated call. Read (RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent=true, bool
+   * connectBackbones=true) should be used instead
-  virtual
-  NodeContainer
-  Read ();
+  virtual NodeContainer
+  Read();
    * \brief Main topology reading function.
-   * @param params parameters specifying range from which link bandwidths and delays should be assigned
+   * @param params parameters specifying range from which link bandwidths and delays should be
+   *assigned
    * @param keepOneComponent if true, then only the largest connected component will be kept
-   * @param connectBackbones if true, then extra links will be added to ensure connectivity of estimated backbone
+   * @param connectBackbones if true, then extra links will be added to ensure connectivity of
+   *estimated backbone
    * This method opens an input stream and reads the Rocketfuel-format file.
    * Every row represents a topology link (the ids of a couple of nodes),
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@
    * \return the container of the nodes created (or empty container if there was an error)
   virtual NodeContainer
-  Read (RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent=true, bool connectBackbones=true);
+  Read(RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent = true, bool connectBackbones = true);
   const NodeContainer&
   GetBackboneRouters() const;
@@ -117,31 +120,31 @@
   GetCustomerRouters() const;
   virtual void
-  SaveTopology (const std::string &file);
+  SaveTopology(const std::string& file);
   virtual void
-  SaveGraphviz (const std::string &file);
+  SaveGraphviz(const std::string& file);
-  RocketfuelMapReader (const RocketfuelMapReader&);
-  RocketfuelMapReader& operator= (const RocketfuelMapReader&);
+  RocketfuelMapReader(const RocketfuelMapReader&);
+  RocketfuelMapReader&
+  operator=(const RocketfuelMapReader&);
   // NodeContainer
-  GenerateFromMapsFile (int argc, char *argv[]);
+  GenerateFromMapsFile(int argc, char* argv[]);
-  CreateLink (string nodeName1, string nodeName2,
-              double averageRtt,
-              const string &minBw, const string &maxBw,
-              const string &minDelay, const string &maxDelay);
+  CreateLink(string nodeName1, string nodeName2, double averageRtt, const string& minBw,
+             const string& maxBw, const string& minDelay, const string& maxDelay);
-  KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ();
-  void AssignClients(uint32_t clientDegree, uint32_t gwDegree);
+  KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent();
-  ConnectBackboneRouters ();
+  AssignClients(uint32_t clientDegree, uint32_t gwDegree);
+  void
+  ConnectBackboneRouters();
   UniformVariable m_randVar;
@@ -152,33 +155,33 @@
   typedef boost::adjacency_list_traits<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS> Traits;
-  enum node_type_t {UNKNOWN = 0, CLIENT = 1, GATEWAY = 2, BACKBONE = 3};
+  enum node_type_t { UNKNOWN = 0, CLIENT = 1, GATEWAY = 2, BACKBONE = 3 };
-  typedef boost::property< boost::vertex_name_t, std::string, boost::property
-                           < boost::vertex_index_t, uint32_t, boost::property
-                             < boost::vertex_rank_t, node_type_t, boost::property
-                               < boost::vertex_color_t, std::string > > > > nodeProperty;
+  typedef boost::
+    property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::string,
+             boost::property<boost::vertex_index_t, uint32_t,
+                             boost::property<boost::vertex_rank_t, node_type_t,
+                                             boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, std::string>>>>
+      nodeProperty;
   typedef boost::no_property edgeProperty;
-  typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS,
-                                 nodeProperty, edgeProperty > Graph;
+  typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS, nodeProperty,
+                                edgeProperty> Graph;
   typedef map<string, Traits::vertex_descriptor> node_map_t;
   node_map_t m_graphNodes;
-  Graph      m_graph;
-  uint32_t     m_maxNodeId;
+  Graph m_graph;
+  uint32_t m_maxNodeId;
   const DataRate m_referenceOspfRate; // reference rate of OSPF metric calculation
-  assignGw (Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex, uint32_t degree, node_type_t nodeType);
+  assignGw(Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex, uint32_t degree, node_type_t nodeType);
 }; // end class RocketfuelMapReader
 }; // end namespace ns3
diff --git a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.cpp b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.cpp
index 4decb69..8f6f0e0 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.cpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.cpp
@@ -51,15 +51,16 @@
 using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("RocketfuelWeightsReader");
 namespace ns3 {
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::RocketfuelWeightsReader (const std::string &path/*=""*/, double scale/*=1.0*/)
-  : AnnotatedTopologyReader (path, scale)
-  , m_defaultBandwidth ("100Mbps")
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::RocketfuelWeightsReader(const std::string& path /*=""*/,
+                                                 double scale /*=1.0*/)
+  : AnnotatedTopologyReader(path, scale)
+  , m_defaultBandwidth("100Mbps")
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   // TypeId tid;
   // bool ok = TypeId::LookupByNameFailSafe ("ns3::SpringMobilityModel", &tid);
@@ -68,133 +69,124 @@
   // else
   //   Use default mobility model (supplied by AnnotatedTopologyReader)
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::~RocketfuelWeightsReader ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetFileType (uint8_t inputType)
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetFileType(uint8_t inputType)
   m_inputType = inputType;
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::Read ()
   if (m_inputType == POSITIONS)
-    return AnnotatedTopologyReader::Read ();
+    return AnnotatedTopologyReader::Read();
   ifstream topgen;
- (GetFileName ().c_str ());
-  if ( !topgen.is_open () )
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot open file " << GetFileName () << " for reading");
-      return m_nodes;
+  if (!topgen.is_open()) {
+    NS_LOG_ERROR("Cannot open file " << GetFileName() << " for reading");
+    return m_nodes;
+  }
+  map<string, set<string>> processedLinks; // to eliminate duplications
+  bool repeatedRun = LinksSize() > 0;
+  std::list<Link>::iterator linkIterator = m_linksList.begin();
+  while (!topgen.eof()) {
+    string line;
+    getline(topgen, line);
+    if (line == "")
+      continue;
+    if (line[0] == '#')
+      continue; // comments
+    // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Input: [" << line << "]");
+    istringstream lineBuffer(line);
+    string from, to, attribute;
+    lineBuffer >> from >> to >> attribute;
+    if (processedLinks[to].size() != 0
+        && processedLinks[to].find(from) != processedLinks[to].end()) {
+      continue; // duplicated link
+    }
+    processedLinks[from].insert(to);
+    Ptr<Node> fromNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, from);
+    if (fromNode == 0) {
+      fromNode = CreateNode(from, 0);
-  map<string, set<string> > processedLinks; // to eliminate duplications
-  bool repeatedRun = LinksSize () > 0;
-  std::list<Link>::iterator linkIterator = m_linksList.begin ();
-  while (!topgen.eof ())
-    {
-      string line;
-      getline (topgen,line);
-      if (line == "") continue;
-      if (line[0] == '#') continue; // comments
-      // NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Input: [" << line << "]");
-      istringstream lineBuffer (line);
-      string from, to, attribute;
-      lineBuffer >> from >> to >> attribute;
-      if (processedLinks[to].size () != 0 &&
-          processedLinks[to].find (from) != processedLinks[to].end ())
-        {
-          continue; // duplicated link
-        }
-      processedLinks[from].insert (to);
-      Ptr<Node> fromNode = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, from);
-      if (fromNode == 0)
-        {
-          fromNode = CreateNode (from, 0);
-        }
-      Ptr<Node> toNode   = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, to);
-      if (toNode == 0)
-        {
-          toNode = CreateNode (to, 0);
-        }
-      Link *link;
-      if (!repeatedRun)
-        link = new Link (fromNode, from, toNode, to);
-      else
-        {
-          NS_ASSERT (linkIterator != m_linksList.end ());
-          link = &(*linkIterator);
-          linkIterator++;
-        }
-      switch (m_inputType)
-        {
-        case LINKS:
-          {
-            // links only
-            // do nothing
-            break;
-          }
-        case WEIGHTS:
-          {
-            if (attribute == "")
-              attribute = "1";
-            uint16_t metric = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t> (attribute);
-            link->SetAttribute ("OSPF", boost::lexical_cast<string> (metric));
-            break;
-          }
-        case LATENCIES:
-          if (attribute == "")
-            attribute = "1";
-          link->SetAttribute ("DataRate", m_defaultBandwidth);
-          link->SetAttribute ("Delay", attribute+"ms");
-          if (!m_queue.empty ())
-            {
-              link->SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", m_queue);
-            }
-          break;
-        default:
-          ; //
-        }
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Link " << from << " <==> " << to << " / " << attribute);
-      if (!repeatedRun)
-        {
-          AddLink (*link);
-          delete link;
-        }
+    Ptr<Node> toNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, to);
+    if (toNode == 0) {
+      toNode = CreateNode(to, 0);
-  topgen.close ();
-  if (!repeatedRun)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_INFO ("Rocketfuel topology created with " << m_nodes.GetN () << " nodes and " << LinksSize () << " links");
+    Link* link;
+    if (!repeatedRun)
+      link = new Link(fromNode, from, toNode, to);
+    else {
+      NS_ASSERT(linkIterator != m_linksList.end());
+      link = &(*linkIterator);
+      linkIterator++;
+    switch (m_inputType) {
+    case LINKS: {
+      // links only
+      // do nothing
+      break;
+    }
+    case WEIGHTS: {
+      if (attribute == "")
+        attribute = "1";
+      uint16_t metric = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(attribute);
+      link->SetAttribute("OSPF", boost::lexical_cast<string>(metric));
+      break;
+    }
+    case LATENCIES:
+      if (attribute == "")
+        attribute = "1";
+      link->SetAttribute("DataRate", m_defaultBandwidth);
+      link->SetAttribute("Delay", attribute + "ms");
+      if (!m_queue.empty()) {
+        link->SetAttribute("MaxPackets", m_queue);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      ; //
+    }
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Link " << from << " <==> " << to << " / " << attribute);
+    if (!repeatedRun) {
+      AddLink(*link);
+      delete link;
+    }
+  }
+  topgen.close();
+  if (!repeatedRun) {
+    NS_LOG_INFO("Rocketfuel topology created with " << m_nodes.GetN() << " nodes and "
+                                                    << LinksSize() << " links");
+  }
   return m_nodes;
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::Commit ()
-  ApplySettings ();
+  ApplySettings();
   // SpringMobilityHelper::InstallSprings (LinksBegin (), LinksEnd ());
diff --git a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.hpp b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.hpp
index 0026311..85f6ab7 100644
--- a/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.hpp
+++ b/plugins/topology/rocketfuel-weights-reader.hpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "ns3/net-device-container.h"
 namespace ns3 {
 // ------------------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------
@@ -36,15 +36,14 @@
  * Only weights and latencies file is supported
-class RocketfuelWeightsReader : public AnnotatedTopologyReader
+class RocketfuelWeightsReader : public AnnotatedTopologyReader {
-  RocketfuelWeightsReader (const std::string &path="", double scale=1.0);
-  virtual ~RocketfuelWeightsReader ();
+  RocketfuelWeightsReader(const std::string& path = "", double scale = 1.0);
+  virtual ~RocketfuelWeightsReader();
-  SetFileType (uint8_t inputType);
+  SetFileType(uint8_t inputType);
    * \brief Main topology reading function.
@@ -55,69 +54,62 @@
    * \return the container of the nodes created (or empty container if there was an error)
-  virtual NodeContainer 
-  Read (void);
+  virtual NodeContainer
+  Read(void);
-  Commit ();
+  Commit();
-  enum
-    {
-      LINKS,
-      WEIGHTS,
-    };
   inline void
-  SetDefaultBandwidth (const std::string &bw);
+  SetDefaultBandwidth(const std::string& bw);
   inline std::string
-  GetDefaultBandwidth () const;
+  GetDefaultBandwidth() const;
   inline void
-  SetDefaultQueue (const std::string &queue);
+  SetDefaultQueue(const std::string& queue);
   inline std::string
-  GetDefaultQueue () const;
+  GetDefaultQueue() const;
-  RocketfuelWeightsReader (const RocketfuelWeightsReader&);
-  RocketfuelWeightsReader& operator= (const RocketfuelWeightsReader&);
+  RocketfuelWeightsReader(const RocketfuelWeightsReader&);
+  RocketfuelWeightsReader&
+  operator=(const RocketfuelWeightsReader&);
   uint8_t m_inputType;
   std::string m_defaultBandwidth; // since the topology files don't provide bandwidth parameter
   std::string m_queue;
 }; // end class RocketfuelWeightsReader
 inline void
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetDefaultBandwidth (const std::string &bw)
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetDefaultBandwidth(const std::string& bw)
   m_defaultBandwidth = bw;
 inline std::string
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::GetDefaultBandwidth () const
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::GetDefaultBandwidth() const
   return m_defaultBandwidth;
 inline void
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetDefaultQueue (const std::string &queue)
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::SetDefaultQueue(const std::string& queue)
   m_queue = queue;
 inline std::string
-RocketfuelWeightsReader::GetDefaultQueue () const
+RocketfuelWeightsReader::GetDefaultQueue() const
   return m_queue;
 }; // end namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/batches.cpp b/utils/batches.cpp
index 9eb92b3..6f593e3 100644
--- a/utils/batches.cpp
+++ b/utils/batches.cpp
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 namespace ns3 {
-std::ostream &
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const Batches &batch)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Batches& batch)
-  for (Batches::const_iterator i = batch.begin (); i != batch.end (); i++)
-    os << i->get<0> () << " " << i->get<1> () << " ";
+  for (Batches::const_iterator i = batch.begin(); i != batch.end(); i++)
+    os << i->get<0>() << " " << i->get<1>() << " ";
   return os;
@@ -37,21 +37,18 @@
  * \brief Read components from input and add them to components. Will read input stream till eof
  * Substrings separated by slashes will become separate components
-std::istream &
-operator >> (std::istream &is, Batches &batch)
+operator>>(std::istream& is, Batches& batch)
   Time time;
   uint32_t amount;
-  while (!is.eof ())
-    {
-      is >> time >> amount;
-      batch.Add (time, amount);
-      // std::cout << time << ", " << amount << ". \n";
-    }
-  is.clear ();
+  while (!is.eof()) {
+    is >> time >> amount;
+    batch.Add(time, amount);
+    // std::cout << time << ", " << amount << ". \n";
+  }
+  is.clear();
   return is;
diff --git a/utils/batches.hpp b/utils/batches.hpp
index 526ae29..457210f 100644
--- a/utils/batches.hpp
+++ b/utils/batches.hpp
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-apps
- * @brief Class representing sets of (time, number) tuples with support of reading writing to streams
+ * @brief Class representing sets of (time, number) tuples with support of reading writing to
+ * streams
-class Batches : public std::list<boost::tuple<Time, uint32_t> >
+class Batches : public std::list<boost::tuple<Time, uint32_t>> {
    * @brief Default constructor
-  Batches () { };
+  Batches(){};
    * @brief Add tuple
@@ -47,28 +47,28 @@
    * @param amount number for the tuple
-  Add (const Time &when, uint32_t amount)
+  Add(const Time& when, uint32_t amount)
-    push_back (boost::make_tuple<Time, uint32_t> (when, amount));
+    push_back(boost::make_tuple<Time, uint32_t>(when, amount));
  * @brief Output contents of the Batches to the std::ostream
  * @param os reference to std::ostream
  * @param batch constant reference to Batch object
-std::ostream &
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const Batches &batch);
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Batches& batch);
  * \brief Read components from input and add them to components. Will read input stream till eof
  * Substrings separated by slashes will become separate components
-std::istream &
-operator >> (std::istream &is, Batches &batch);
+operator>>(std::istream& is, Batches& batch);
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/mem-usage.hpp b/utils/mem-usage.hpp
index a18448a..e58b9ad 100644
--- a/utils/mem-usage.hpp
+++ b/utils/mem-usage.hpp
@@ -42,58 +42,53 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-helpers
  * @brief Utility class to evaluate current usage of RAM
-class MemUsage
+class MemUsage {
    * @brief Get memory utilization in bytes
-  static inline
-  int64_t
-  Get ()
+  static inline int64_t
+  Get()
 #if defined(__linux__)
-              Provides information about memory usage, measured in pages.  The
-              columns are:
+    /*
+    /proc/[pid]/statm
+                  Provides information about memory usage, measured in pages.  The
+                  columns are:
-                  size       (1) total program size
-                             (same as VmSize in /proc/[pid]/status)
-                  resident   (2) resident set size
-                             (same as VmRSS in /proc/[pid]/status)
-                  share      (3) shared pages (i.e., backed by a file)
-                  text       (4) text (code)
-                  lib        (5) library (unused in Linux 2.6)
-                  data       (6) data + stack
-                  dt         (7) dirty pages (unused in Linux 2.6)
+                      size       (1) total program size
+                                 (same as VmSize in /proc/[pid]/status)
+                      resident   (2) resident set size
+                                 (same as VmRSS in /proc/[pid]/status)
+                      share      (3) shared pages (i.e., backed by a file)
+                      text       (4) text (code)
+                      lib        (5) library (unused in Linux 2.6)
+                      data       (6) data + stack
+                      dt         (7) dirty pages (unused in Linux 2.6)
-    std::ifstream is ("/proc/self/statm");
-    if (!is.bad () && !is.eof ())
-      {
-        unsigned long vm;
-	unsigned long rss;
-        is >> vm   // the first number: virtual memory
-           >> rss; // the second number: resident set size
-        return rss * getpagesize ();
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        return -1;
-      }
+    Reference:
+    */
+    std::ifstream is("/proc/self/statm");
+    if (!is.bad() && !is.eof()) {
+      unsigned long vm;
+      unsigned long rss;
+      is >> vm  // the first number: virtual memory
+        >> rss; // the second number: resident set size
+      return rss * getpagesize();
+    }
+    else {
+      return -1;
+    }
 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
     struct task_basic_info t_info;
     mach_msg_type_number_t t_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
-    if (KERN_SUCCESS != task_info (mach_task_self (),
-                                   TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&t_info, &t_info_count))
-      {
-        return -1; // something is wrong
-      }
+        != task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&t_info, &t_info_count)) {
+      return -1; // something is wrong
+    }
     return t_info.resident_size;
diff --git a/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.cpp b/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.cpp
index f4d65db..027bdfe 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.cpp
@@ -24,41 +24,39 @@
 namespace ndn {
-FwHopCountTag::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::FwHopCountTag")
-    .SetParent<Tag>()
-    .AddConstructor<FwHopCountTag>()
-    ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::FwHopCountTag").SetParent<Tag>().AddConstructor<FwHopCountTag>();
   return tid;
-FwHopCountTag::GetInstanceTypeId () const
+FwHopCountTag::GetInstanceTypeId() const
-  return FwHopCountTag::GetTypeId ();
+  return FwHopCountTag::GetTypeId();
-FwHopCountTag::GetSerializedSize () const
+FwHopCountTag::GetSerializedSize() const
   return sizeof(uint32_t);
-FwHopCountTag::Serialize (TagBuffer i) const
+FwHopCountTag::Serialize(TagBuffer i) const
-  i.WriteU32 (m_hopCount);
-FwHopCountTag::Deserialize (TagBuffer i)
-  m_hopCount = i.ReadU32 ();
+  i.WriteU32(m_hopCount);
-FwHopCountTag::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+FwHopCountTag::Deserialize(TagBuffer i)
+  m_hopCount = i.ReadU32();
+FwHopCountTag::Print(std::ostream& os) const
   os << m_hopCount;
diff --git a/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.hpp b/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.hpp
index f530961..6b4920c 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-fw-hop-count-tag.hpp
@@ -30,56 +30,64 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-fw
  * @brief Packet tag that is used to track hop count for Interest-Data pairs
-class FwHopCountTag : public Tag
+class FwHopCountTag : public Tag {
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId (void);
+  GetTypeId(void);
    * @brief Default constructor
-  FwHopCountTag () : m_hopCount (0) { };
+  FwHopCountTag()
+    : m_hopCount(0){};
    * @brief Destructor
-  ~FwHopCountTag () { }
+  ~FwHopCountTag()
+  {
+  }
    * @brief Increment hop count
-  Increment () { m_hopCount ++; }
+  Increment()
+  {
+    m_hopCount++;
+  }
    * @brief Get value of hop count
-  Get () const { return m_hopCount; }
+  Get() const
+  {
+    return m_hopCount;
+  }
   // from ObjectBase
   virtual TypeId
-  GetInstanceTypeId () const;
+  GetInstanceTypeId() const;
   // from Tag
   virtual uint32_t
-  GetSerializedSize () const;
+  GetSerializedSize() const;
   virtual void
-  Serialize (TagBuffer i) const;
-  virtual void
-  Deserialize (TagBuffer i);
+  Serialize(TagBuffer i) const;
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Deserialize(TagBuffer i);
+  virtual void
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   uint32_t m_hopCount;
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits-rate.cpp b/utils/ndn-limits-rate.cpp
index 3d2ebc7..8729231 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits-rate.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits-rate.cpp
@@ -26,134 +26,131 @@
 #include "ns3/ndn-face.hpp"
 #include "ns3/node.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.Limits.Rate");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-LimitsRate::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Limits::Rate")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent <Limits> ()
-    .AddConstructor <LimitsRate> ()
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::Limits::Rate")
+      .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+      .SetParent<Limits>()
+      .AddConstructor<LimitsRate>()
-    .AddAttribute ("RandomizeLeak", "Randomize start time for token bucket leakage. May be helpful to prevent leak synchronizations",
-                   TimeValue (Seconds (0.001)),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&LimitsRate::m_leakRandomizationInteral),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
+      .AddAttribute("RandomizeLeak", "Randomize start time for token bucket leakage. May be "
+                                     "helpful to prevent leak synchronizations",
+                    TimeValue(Seconds(0.001)),
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&LimitsRate::m_leakRandomizationInteral), MakeTimeChecker())
   return tid;
-LimitsRate::NotifyNewAggregate ()
-  super::NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  super::NotifyNewAggregate();
-  if (!m_isLeakScheduled)
-    {
-      if (GetObject<Face> () != 0)
-        {
-          NS_ASSERT_MSG (GetObject<Face> ()->GetNode () != 0, "Node object should exist on the face");
+  if (!m_isLeakScheduled) {
+    if (GetObject<Face>() != 0) {
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG(GetObject<Face>()->GetNode() != 0, "Node object should exist on the face");
-          m_isLeakScheduled = true;
+      m_isLeakScheduled = true;
-          if (!m_leakRandomizationInteral.IsZero ())
-            {
-              UniformVariable r (0.0, m_leakRandomizationInteral.ToDouble (Time::S));
-              Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (GetObject<Face> ()->GetNode ()->GetId (),
-                                              Seconds (r.GetValue ()), &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, 0.0);
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (GetObject<Face> ()->GetNode ()->GetId (),
-                                              Seconds (0), &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, 0.0);
-            }
-        }
+      if (!m_leakRandomizationInteral.IsZero()) {
+        UniformVariable r(0.0, m_leakRandomizationInteral.ToDouble(Time::S));
+        Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(GetObject<Face>()->GetNode()->GetId(), Seconds(r.GetValue()),
+                                       &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, 0.0);
+      }
+      else {
+        Simulator::ScheduleWithContext(GetObject<Face>()->GetNode()->GetId(), Seconds(0),
+                                       &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, 0.0);
+      }
+  }
-LimitsRate::SetLimits (double rate, double delay)
+LimitsRate::SetLimits(double rate, double delay)
-  super::SetLimits (rate, delay);
+  super::SetLimits(rate, delay);
   // maximum allowed burst
-  m_bucketMax = GetMaxRate () * GetMaxDelay ();
+  m_bucketMax = GetMaxRate() * GetMaxDelay();
   // amount of packets allowed every second (leak rate)
-  m_bucketLeak = GetMaxRate ();
+  m_bucketLeak = GetMaxRate();
-LimitsRate::UpdateCurrentLimit (double limit)
+LimitsRate::UpdateCurrentLimit(double limit)
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (limit >= 0.0, "Limit should be greater or equal to zero");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(limit >= 0.0, "Limit should be greater or equal to zero");
-  m_bucketLeak = std::min (limit, GetMaxRate ());
-  m_bucketMax  = m_bucketLeak * GetMaxDelay ();
+  m_bucketLeak = std::min(limit, GetMaxRate());
+  m_bucketMax = m_bucketLeak * GetMaxDelay();
-LimitsRate::IsBelowLimit ()
-  if (!IsEnabled ()) return true;
+  if (!IsEnabled())
+    return true;
   return (m_bucketMax - m_bucket >= 1.0);
-LimitsRate::BorrowLimit ()
-  if (!IsEnabled ()) return;
+  if (!IsEnabled())
+    return;
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_bucketMax - m_bucket >= 1.0, "Should not be possible, unless we IsBelowLimit was not checked correctly");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_bucketMax - m_bucket >= 1.0,
+                "Should not be possible, unless we IsBelowLimit was not checked correctly");
   m_bucket += 1;
-LimitsRate::ReturnLimit ()
   // do nothing
-LimitsRate::LeakBucket (double interval)
+LimitsRate::LeakBucket(double interval)
   const double leak = m_bucketLeak * interval;
 #ifdef NS3_LOG_ENABLE
-  if (m_bucket>1)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Leak from " << m_bucket << " to " << std::max (0.0, m_bucket - leak));
-    }
+  if (m_bucket > 1) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Leak from " << m_bucket << " to " << std::max(0.0, m_bucket - leak));
+  }
   double bucketOld = m_bucket;
-  m_bucket = std::max (0.0, m_bucket - leak);
+  m_bucket = std::max(0.0, m_bucket - leak);
-  // calculate interval so next time we will leak by 1.001, unless such interval would be more than 1 second
+  // calculate interval so next time we will leak by 1.001, unless such interval would be more than
+  // 1 second
   double newInterval = 1.0;
-  if (m_bucketLeak > 1.0)
-    {
-      newInterval = 1.001 / m_bucketLeak;
-    }
+  if (m_bucketLeak > 1.0) {
+    newInterval = 1.001 / m_bucketLeak;
+  }
-  if (m_bucketMax - bucketOld < 1.0 &&
-      m_bucketMax - m_bucket >= 1.0) // limit number of times this stuff is called
-    {
-      this->FireAvailableSlotCallback ();
-    }
+  if (m_bucketMax - bucketOld < 1.0
+      && m_bucketMax - m_bucket >= 1.0) // limit number of times this stuff is called
+  {
+    this->FireAvailableSlotCallback();
+  }
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (newInterval), &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, newInterval);
+  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(newInterval), &LimitsRate::LeakBucket, this, newInterval);
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits-rate.hpp b/utils/ndn-limits-rate.hpp
index 4b8c699..a476247 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits-rate.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits-rate.hpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #ifndef _NDN_LIMITS_RATE_H_
-#define	_NDN_LIMITS_RATE_H_
+#define _NDN_LIMITS_RATE_H_
 #include "ndn-limits.hpp"
 #include <ns3/nstime.h>
@@ -31,74 +31,74 @@
  * \ingroup ndn-fw
  * \brief Structure to manage limits for outstanding interests
-class LimitsRate :
-    public Limits
+class LimitsRate : public Limits {
   typedef Limits super;
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * \brief Constructor
    * \param prefix smart pointer to the prefix for the FIB entry
-  LimitsRate ()
-    : m_isLeakScheduled (false)
-    , m_bucketMax (0)
-    , m_bucketLeak (1)
-    , m_bucket (0)
-  { }
+  LimitsRate()
+    : m_isLeakScheduled(false)
+    , m_bucketMax(0)
+    , m_bucketLeak(1)
+    , m_bucket(0)
+  {
+  }
-  virtual
-  ~LimitsRate () { }
+  virtual ~LimitsRate()
+  {
+  }
   virtual void
-  SetLimits (double rate, double delay);
+  SetLimits(double rate, double delay);
-  virtual
-  double
-  GetMaxLimit () const
+  virtual double
+  GetMaxLimit() const
-    return GetMaxRate ();
+    return GetMaxRate();
    * @brief Check if Interest limit is reached (token bucket is not empty)
   virtual bool
-  IsBelowLimit ();
+  IsBelowLimit();
    * @brief Get token from the bucket
   virtual void
-  BorrowLimit ();
+  BorrowLimit();
    * @brief Does nothing (token bucket leakage is time-dependent only)
   virtual void
-  ReturnLimit ();
+  ReturnLimit();
-   * @brief Update normalized amount that should be leaked every second (token bucket leak rate) and leak rate
+   * @brief Update normalized amount that should be leaked every second (token bucket leak rate) and
+   * leak rate
   virtual void
-  UpdateCurrentLimit (double limit);
+  UpdateCurrentLimit(double limit);
    * @brief Get normalized amount that should be leaked every second (token bucket leak rate)
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimit () const
+  GetCurrentLimit() const
     return m_bucketLeak;
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimitRate () const
+  GetCurrentLimitRate() const
     return m_bucketLeak;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
   // from Node
-  NotifyNewAggregate ();
+  NotifyNewAggregate();
@@ -115,19 +115,21 @@
    * @param interval Time interval for leakage. Used to calculate size of the leak
-  LeakBucket (double interval);
+  LeakBucket(double interval);
   bool m_isLeakScheduled;
-  double m_bucketMax;   ///< \brief Maximum Interest allowance for this face (maximum tokens that can be issued at the same time)
-  double m_bucketLeak;  ///< \brief Normalized amount that should be leaked every second (token bucket leak rate)
-  double m_bucket;      ///< \brief Value representing current size of the Interest allowance for this face (current size of token bucket)
+  double m_bucketMax; ///< \brief Maximum Interest allowance for this face (maximum tokens that can
+  /// be issued at the same time)
+  double m_bucketLeak; ///< \brief Normalized amount that should be leaked every second (token
+  /// bucket leak rate)
+  double m_bucket; ///< \brief Value representing current size of the Interest allowance for this
+  /// face (current size of token bucket)
   Time m_leakRandomizationInteral;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits-window.cpp b/utils/ndn-limits-window.cpp
index a2630a4..c5c5098 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits-window.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits-window.cpp
@@ -22,66 +22,68 @@
 #include "ns3/log.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.Limits.Window");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-LimitsWindow::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Limits::Window")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent <Limits> () 
-    .AddConstructor <LimitsWindow> ()
-    .AddTraceSource ("CurMaxLimit",
-                     "Current maximum limit",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&LimitsWindow::m_curMaxLimit))
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::Limits::Window")
+                        .SetGroupName("Ndn")
+                        .SetParent<Limits>()
+                        .AddConstructor<LimitsWindow>()
-    .AddTraceSource ("Outstanding",
-                     "Number of outstanding interests",
-                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&LimitsWindow::m_outstanding))
-    ;
+                        .AddTraceSource("CurMaxLimit", "Current maximum limit",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&LimitsWindow::m_curMaxLimit))
+                        .AddTraceSource("Outstanding", "Number of outstanding interests",
+                                        MakeTraceSourceAccessor(&LimitsWindow::m_outstanding));
   return tid;
-LimitsWindow::UpdateCurrentLimit (double limit)
+LimitsWindow::UpdateCurrentLimit(double limit)
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (limit >= 0.0, "Limit should be greater or equal to zero");
-  m_curMaxLimit = std::min (limit, GetMaxRate () * GetMaxDelay ());
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(limit >= 0.0, "Limit should be greater or equal to zero");
+  m_curMaxLimit = std::min(limit, GetMaxRate() * GetMaxDelay());
-LimitsWindow::IsBelowLimit ()
-  if (!IsEnabled ()) return true;
+  if (!IsEnabled())
+    return true;
   return (m_curMaxLimit - m_outstanding >= 1.0);
-LimitsWindow::BorrowLimit ()
-  if (!IsEnabled ()) return; 
+  if (!IsEnabled())
+    return;
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_curMaxLimit - m_outstanding >= 1.0, "Should not be possible, unless we IsBelowLimit was not checked correctly");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_curMaxLimit - m_outstanding >= 1.0,
+                "Should not be possible, unless we IsBelowLimit was not checked correctly");
   m_outstanding += 1;
-LimitsWindow::ReturnLimit ()
-  if (!IsEnabled ()) return; 
+  if (!IsEnabled())
+    return;
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_outstanding >= (uint32_t)1, "Should not be possible, unless we decreasing this number twice somewhere");
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_outstanding >= (uint32_t)1,
+                "Should not be possible, unless we decreasing this number twice somewhere");
   m_outstanding -= 1;
-  FireAvailableSlotCallback ();
+  FireAvailableSlotCallback();
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits-window.hpp b/utils/ndn-limits-window.hpp
index 2fcea6f..b407e02 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits-window.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits-window.hpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "ndn-limits.hpp"
@@ -30,83 +30,81 @@
  * \ingroup ndn-fw
  * \brief Structure to manage limits for outstanding interests (window-based limiting)
-class LimitsWindow :
-    public Limits
+class LimitsWindow : public Limits {
   typedef Limits super;
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default Constructor
-  LimitsWindow ()
-  : m_outstanding (0)
-  { }
+  LimitsWindow()
+    : m_outstanding(0)
+  {
+  }
    * @brief Virtual destructor
-  virtual
-  ~LimitsWindow () { }
+  virtual ~LimitsWindow()
+  {
+  }
   // from ndn::Limits
   virtual void
-  SetLimits (double rate, double delay)
+  SetLimits(double rate, double delay)
-    super::SetLimits (rate, delay);
+    super::SetLimits(rate, delay);
-    m_curMaxLimit = GetMaxRate () * GetMaxDelay ();
+    m_curMaxLimit = GetMaxRate() * GetMaxDelay();
-  virtual
-  double
-  GetMaxLimit () const
-  {
-    return GetMaxRate () * GetMaxDelay ();
-  }
-  virtual void
-  UpdateCurrentLimit (double limit);
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimit () const
+  GetMaxLimit() const
+  {
+    return GetMaxRate() * GetMaxDelay();
+  }
+  virtual void
+  UpdateCurrentLimit(double limit);
+  virtual double
+  GetCurrentLimit() const
     return m_curMaxLimit;
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimitRate () const
+  GetCurrentLimitRate() const
-    return m_curMaxLimit / GetMaxDelay ();
+    return m_curMaxLimit / GetMaxDelay();
-   * @brief Check if current interest window (number of pending interests) if less than maximum 
+   * @brief Check if current interest window (number of pending interests) if less than maximum
   virtual bool
-  IsBelowLimit ();
+  IsBelowLimit();
    * @brief Increase current window of outstanding interests
   virtual void
-  BorrowLimit ();
+  BorrowLimit();
    * @brief Decrease current window of outstanding interests
   virtual void
-  ReturnLimit ();
+  ReturnLimit();
-  TracedValue< double > m_curMaxLimit;
-  TracedValue< double > m_outstanding;
+  TracedValue<double> m_curMaxLimit;
+  TracedValue<double> m_outstanding;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits.cpp b/utils/ndn-limits.cpp
index 4519500..037b313 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits.cpp
@@ -24,44 +24,40 @@
 #include "ns3/simulator.h"
 #include "ns3/random-variable.h"
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-Limits::GetTypeId ()
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::Limits")
-    .SetGroupName ("Ndn")
-    .SetParent <Object> ()
+  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::ndn::Limits").SetGroupName("Ndn").SetParent<Object>()
   return tid;
-Limits::Limits ()
-  : m_maxRate (-1)
-  , m_maxDelay (1.0)
-  , m_handler (MakeNullCallback<void> ())
-  , m_linkDelay (0)
+  : m_maxRate(-1)
+  , m_maxDelay(1.0)
+  , m_handler(MakeNullCallback<void>())
+  , m_linkDelay(0)
-Limits::RegisterAvailableSlotCallback (CallbackHandler handler)
+Limits::RegisterAvailableSlotCallback(CallbackHandler handler)
   m_handler = handler;
-Limits::FireAvailableSlotCallback ()
-  if (!m_handler.IsNull ())
-    m_handler ();
+  if (!m_handler.IsNull())
+    m_handler();
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-limits.hpp b/utils/ndn-limits.hpp
index d8f848b..ebb8d15 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-limits.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-limits.hpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #ifndef _NDN_LIMITS_H_
-#define	_NDN_LIMITS_H_
+#define _NDN_LIMITS_H_
 #include "ns3/ptr.h"
 #include "ns3/object.h"
@@ -30,45 +30,44 @@
  * \ingroup ndn-fw
- * \brief Abstract class to manage Interest limits 
+ * \brief Abstract class to manage Interest limits
-class Limits :
-    public Object
+class Limits : public Object {
   typedef Callback<void> CallbackHandler;
   static TypeId
-  GetTypeId ();
+  GetTypeId();
    * @brief Default constructor
-  Limits ();
+  Limits();
    * @brief Virtual destructor
-  virtual
-  ~Limits () {}
+  virtual ~Limits()
+  {
+  }
    * @brief Set limit for the number of outstanding interests
    * @param rate   Maximum rate that needs to be enforced
    * @param delay  Maximum delay for BDP product for window-based limits
   virtual void
-  SetLimits (double rate, double delay)
+  SetLimits(double rate, double delay)
     m_maxRate = rate;
     m_maxDelay = delay;
-  }    
+  }
    * @brief Get maximum rate that needs to be enforced
   virtual double
-  GetMaxRate () const
+  GetMaxRate() const
     return m_maxRate;
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
    * @brief Get maximum delay for BDP product for window-based limits
   virtual double
-  GetMaxDelay () const
+  GetMaxDelay() const
     return m_maxDelay;
@@ -85,15 +84,14 @@
    * @brief Get maximum limit (interpretation of the limit depends on realization)
-  virtual
-  double
-  GetMaxLimit () const = 0;
+  virtual double
+  GetMaxLimit() const = 0;
    * @brief Check whether limits are enabled or not
   virtual inline bool
-  IsEnabled () const
+  IsEnabled() const
     return m_maxRate > 0.0;
@@ -104,11 +102,12 @@
    * Note that interpretation of this value may be different in different ndn::Limit realizations
-   * All realizations will try to guarantee that if limit is larger than previously set value of maximum limit,
+   * All realizations will try to guarantee that if limit is larger than previously set value of
+   *maximum limit,
    * then the current limit will be limited to that maximum value
   virtual void
-  UpdateCurrentLimit (double limit) = 0;
+  UpdateCurrentLimit(double limit) = 0;
    * @brief Get value of the current limit
@@ -116,17 +115,18 @@
    * Note that interpretation of this value may be different in different ndn::Limit realizations
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimit () const = 0;
+  GetCurrentLimit() const = 0;
    * @brief Get value of the current limit in terms of maximum rate that needs to be enforced
-   * Compared to GetCurrentLimit, this method guarantees that the returned value is maximum number of packets
+   * Compared to GetCurrentLimit, this method guarantees that the returned value is maximum number
+   *of packets
    * that can be send out within one second (max "rate")
   virtual double
-  GetCurrentLimitRate () const = 0;
+  GetCurrentLimitRate() const = 0;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
    * @brief Realization-specific method called to check availability of the limit
   virtual bool
-  IsBelowLimit () = 0;
+  IsBelowLimit() = 0;
    * @brief "Borrow" limit
@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@
    * IsBelowLimit **must** be true, otherwise assert fail
   virtual void
-  BorrowLimit () = 0;
+  BorrowLimit() = 0;
    * @brief "Return" limit
   virtual void
-  ReturnLimit () = 0;
+  ReturnLimit() = 0;
    * @brief Set link delay (in seconds)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
    * This is a supplementary information that may or may not be useful for limits
   virtual void
-  SetLinkDelay (double delay)
+  SetLinkDelay(double delay)
     m_linkDelay = delay;
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@
    * @brief Get link delay (in seconds)
   virtual double
-  GetLinkDelay () const
+  GetLinkDelay() const
     return m_linkDelay;
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@
    * @brief Set callback which will be called when exhausted limit gets a new slot
-  RegisterAvailableSlotCallback (CallbackHandler handler);
+  RegisterAvailableSlotCallback(CallbackHandler handler);
-  FireAvailableSlotCallback ();
+  FireAvailableSlotCallback();
   double m_maxRate;
   double m_maxDelay;
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@
   double m_linkDelay;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.cpp b/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.cpp
index 9e63cef..376c4ab 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.cpp
@@ -35,220 +35,222 @@
 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
 #include "ns3/log.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.RttEstimator");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-RttEstimator::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::RttEstimator")
-    .SetParent<Object> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("MaxMultiplier",
-                   "Maximum RTO Multiplier",
-                   UintegerValue (64),
-                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&RttEstimator::m_maxMultiplier),
-                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint16_t> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("InitialEstimation",
-                   "Initial RTT estimation",
-                   TimeValue (Seconds (1.0)),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&RttEstimator::m_initialEstimatedRtt),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("MinRTO",
-                   "Minimum retransmit timeout value",
-                   TimeValue (Seconds (0.2)), // RFC2988 says min RTO=1 sec, but Linux uses 200ms. See
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&RttEstimator::SetMinRto,
-                                     &RttEstimator::GetMinRto),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
-    .AddAttribute ("MaxRTO",
-                   "Maximum retransmit timeout value",
-                   TimeValue (Seconds (200.0)),
-                   MakeTimeAccessor (&RttEstimator::SetMaxRto,
-                                     &RttEstimator::GetMaxRto),
-                   MakeTimeChecker ())
-  ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::RttEstimator")
+      .SetParent<Object>()
+      .AddAttribute("MaxMultiplier", "Maximum RTO Multiplier", UintegerValue(64),
+                    MakeUintegerAccessor(&RttEstimator::m_maxMultiplier),
+                    MakeUintegerChecker<uint16_t>())
+      .AddAttribute("InitialEstimation", "Initial RTT estimation", TimeValue(Seconds(1.0)),
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&RttEstimator::m_initialEstimatedRtt), MakeTimeChecker())
+      .AddAttribute("MinRTO", "Minimum retransmit timeout value",
+                    TimeValue(
+                      Seconds(0.2)), // RFC2988 says min RTO=1 sec, but Linux uses 200ms. See
+                    //
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&RttEstimator::SetMinRto, &RttEstimator::GetMinRto),
+                    MakeTimeChecker())
+      .AddAttribute("MaxRTO", "Maximum retransmit timeout value", TimeValue(Seconds(200.0)),
+                    MakeTimeAccessor(&RttEstimator::SetMaxRto, &RttEstimator::GetMaxRto),
+                    MakeTimeChecker());
   return tid;
-RttEstimator::SetMinRto (Time minRto)
+RttEstimator::SetMinRto(Time minRto)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << minRto);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << minRto);
   m_minRto = minRto;
-RttEstimator::GetMinRto (void) const
+RttEstimator::GetMinRto(void) const
   return m_minRto;
-RttEstimator::SetMaxRto (Time maxRto)
+RttEstimator::SetMaxRto(Time maxRto)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << maxRto);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << maxRto);
   m_maxRto = maxRto;
-RttEstimator::GetMaxRto (void) const
+RttEstimator::GetMaxRto(void) const
   return m_maxRto;
-RttEstimator::SetCurrentEstimate (Time estimate)
+RttEstimator::SetCurrentEstimate(Time estimate)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << estimate);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << estimate);
   m_currentEstimatedRtt = estimate;
-RttEstimator::GetCurrentEstimate (void) const
+RttEstimator::GetCurrentEstimate(void) const
   return m_currentEstimatedRtt;
-//RttHistory methods
-RttHistory::RttHistory (SequenceNumber32 s, uint32_t c, Time t)
-  : seq (s), count (c), time (t), retx (false)
+// RttHistory methods
+RttHistory::RttHistory(SequenceNumber32 s, uint32_t c, Time t)
+  : seq(s)
+  , count(c)
+  , time(t)
+  , retx(false)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RttHistory::RttHistory (const RttHistory& h)
-  : seq (h.seq), count (h.count), time (h.time), retx (h.retx)
+RttHistory::RttHistory(const RttHistory& h)
+  : seq(h.seq)
+  , count(h.count)
+  , time(h.time)
+  , retx(h.retx)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
 // Base class methods
-RttEstimator::RttEstimator ()
-  : m_next (1),
-    m_nSamples (0),
-    m_multiplier (1),
-    m_history ()
+  : m_next(1)
+  , m_nSamples(0)
+  , m_multiplier(1)
+  , m_history()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  //note next=1 everywhere since first segment will have sequence 1
+  // note next=1 everywhere since first segment will have sequence 1
   // We need attributes initialized here, not later, so use the
   // ConstructSelf() technique documented in the manual
-  ObjectBase::ConstructSelf (AttributeConstructionList ());
+  ObjectBase::ConstructSelf(AttributeConstructionList());
   m_currentEstimatedRtt = m_initialEstimatedRtt;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Initialize m_currentEstimatedRtt to " << m_currentEstimatedRtt.GetSeconds () << " sec.");
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Initialize m_currentEstimatedRtt to " << m_currentEstimatedRtt.GetSeconds()
+                                                      << " sec.");
-RttEstimator::RttEstimator (const RttEstimator& c)
-  : Object (c), m_next (c.m_next),
-    m_maxMultiplier (c.m_maxMultiplier),
-    m_initialEstimatedRtt (c.m_initialEstimatedRtt),
-    m_currentEstimatedRtt (c.m_currentEstimatedRtt), m_minRto (c.m_minRto), m_maxRto (c.m_maxRto),
-    m_nSamples (c.m_nSamples), m_multiplier (c.m_multiplier),
-    m_history (c.m_history)
+RttEstimator::RttEstimator(const RttEstimator& c)
+  : Object(c)
+  , m_next(c.m_next)
+  , m_maxMultiplier(c.m_maxMultiplier)
+  , m_initialEstimatedRtt(c.m_initialEstimatedRtt)
+  , m_currentEstimatedRtt(c.m_currentEstimatedRtt)
+  , m_minRto(c.m_minRto)
+  , m_maxRto(c.m_maxRto)
+  , m_nSamples(c.m_nSamples)
+  , m_multiplier(c.m_multiplier)
+  , m_history(c.m_history)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RttEstimator::~RttEstimator ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RttEstimator::GetInstanceTypeId (void) const
+RttEstimator::GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
-  return GetTypeId ();
+  return GetTypeId();
-void RttEstimator::SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size)
+RttEstimator::SentSeq(SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << seq << size);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << seq << size);
   // Note that a particular sequence has been sent
-  if (seq == m_next)
-    { // This is the next expected one, just log at end
-      m_history.push_back (RttHistory (seq, size, Simulator::Now () ));
-      m_next = seq + SequenceNumber32 (size); // Update next expected
-    }
-  else
-    { // This is a retransmit, find in list and mark as re-tx
-      for (RttHistory_t::iterator i = m_history.begin (); i != m_history.end (); ++i)
-        {
-          if ((seq >= i->seq) && (seq < (i->seq + SequenceNumber32 (i->count))))
-            { // Found it
-              i->retx = true;
-              // One final sure this re-tx does not extend "next"
-              if ((seq + SequenceNumber32 (size)) > m_next)
-                {
-                  m_next = seq + SequenceNumber32 (size);
-                  i->count = ((seq + SequenceNumber32 (size)) - i->seq); // And update count in hist
-                }
-              break;
-            }
+  if (seq == m_next) { // This is the next expected one, just log at end
+    m_history.push_back(RttHistory(seq, size, Simulator::Now()));
+    m_next = seq + SequenceNumber32(size); // Update next expected
+  }
+  else { // This is a retransmit, find in list and mark as re-tx
+    for (RttHistory_t::iterator i = m_history.begin(); i != m_history.end(); ++i) {
+      if ((seq >= i->seq) && (seq < (i->seq + SequenceNumber32(i->count)))) { // Found it
+        i->retx = true;
+        // One final sure this re-tx does not extend "next"
+        if ((seq + SequenceNumber32(size)) > m_next) {
+          m_next = seq + SequenceNumber32(size);
+          i->count = ((seq + SequenceNumber32(size)) - i->seq); // And update count in hist
+        break;
+      }
+  }
-Time RttEstimator::AckSeq (SequenceNumber32 ackSeq)
+RttEstimator::AckSeq(SequenceNumber32 ackSeq)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ackSeq);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << ackSeq);
   // An ack has been received, calculate rtt and log this measurement
   // Note we use a linear search (O(n)) for this since for the common
   // case the ack'ed packet will be at the head of the list
-  Time m = Seconds (0.0);
-  if (m_history.size () == 0) return (m);    // No pending history, just exit
-  RttHistory& h = m_history.front ();
-  if (!h.retx && ackSeq >= (h.seq + SequenceNumber32 (h.count)))
-    { // Ok to use this sample
-      m = Simulator::Now () - h.time; // Elapsed time
-      Measurement (m);                // Log the measurement
-      ResetMultiplier ();             // Reset multiplier on valid measurement
-    }
+  Time m = Seconds(0.0);
+  if (m_history.size() == 0)
+    return (m); // No pending history, just exit
+  RttHistory& h = m_history.front();
+  if (!h.retx && ackSeq >= (h.seq + SequenceNumber32(h.count))) { // Ok to use this sample
+    m = Simulator::Now() - h.time;                                // Elapsed time
+    Measurement(m);                                               // Log the measurement
+    ResetMultiplier(); // Reset multiplier on valid measurement
+  }
   // Now delete all ack history with seq <= ack
-  while(m_history.size () > 0)
-    {
-      RttHistory& h = m_history.front ();
-      if ((h.seq + SequenceNumber32 (h.count)) > ackSeq) break;               // Done removing
-      m_history.pop_front (); // Remove
-    }
+  while (m_history.size() > 0) {
+    RttHistory& h = m_history.front();
+    if ((h.seq + SequenceNumber32(h.count)) > ackSeq)
+      break;               // Done removing
+    m_history.pop_front(); // Remove
+  }
   return m;
-void RttEstimator::ClearSent ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   // Clear all history entries
   m_next = 1;
-  m_history.clear ();
+  m_history.clear();
-void RttEstimator::IncreaseMultiplier ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  m_multiplier = (m_multiplier*2 < m_maxMultiplier) ? m_multiplier*2 : m_maxMultiplier;
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Multiplier increased to " << m_multiplier);
+  m_multiplier = (m_multiplier * 2 < m_maxMultiplier) ? m_multiplier * 2 : m_maxMultiplier;
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Multiplier increased to " << m_multiplier);
-void RttEstimator::ResetMultiplier ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   m_multiplier = 1;
-void RttEstimator::Reset ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   // Reset to initial state
   m_next = 1;
   m_currentEstimatedRtt = m_initialEstimatedRtt;
-  m_history.clear ();         // Remove all info from the history
+  m_history.clear(); // Remove all info from the history
   m_nSamples = 0;
-  ResetMultiplier ();
+  ResetMultiplier();
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.hpp b/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.hpp
index 8da703b..58cc754 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-rtt-estimator.hpp
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
 class RttHistory {
-  RttHistory (SequenceNumber32 s, uint32_t c, Time t);
-  RttHistory (const RttHistory& h); // Copy constructor
+  RttHistory(SequenceNumber32 s, uint32_t c, Time t);
+  RttHistory(const RttHistory& h); // Copy constructor
-  SequenceNumber32  seq;  // First sequence number in packet sent
-  uint32_t        count;  // Number of bytes sent
-  Time            time;   // Time this one was sent
-  bool            retx;   // True if this has been retransmitted
+  SequenceNumber32 seq; // First sequence number in packet sent
+  uint32_t count;       // Number of bytes sent
+  Time time;            // Time this one was sent
+  bool retx;            // True if this has been retransmitted
 typedef std::deque<RttHistory> RttHistory_t;
@@ -60,110 +60,127 @@
 class RttEstimator : public Object {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId(void);
-  RttEstimator (const RttEstimator&);
+  RttEstimator(const RttEstimator&);
   virtual ~RttEstimator();
-  virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const;
+  virtual TypeId
+  GetInstanceTypeId(void) const;
    * \brief Note that a particular sequence has been sent
    * \param seq the packet sequence number.
    * \param size the packet size.
-  virtual void SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size);
+  virtual void
+  SentSeq(SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size);
    * \brief Note that a particular ack sequence has been received
    * \param ackSeq the ack sequence number.
    * \return The measured RTT for this ack.
-  virtual Time AckSeq (SequenceNumber32 ackSeq);
+  virtual Time
+  AckSeq(SequenceNumber32 ackSeq);
    * \brief Clear all history entries
-  virtual void ClearSent ();
+  virtual void
+  ClearSent();
    * \brief Add a new measurement to the estimator. Pure virtual function.
    * \param t the new RTT measure.
-  virtual void  Measurement (Time t) = 0;
+  virtual void
+  Measurement(Time t) = 0;
    * \brief Returns the estimated RTO. Pure virtual function.
    * \return the estimated RTO.
-  virtual Time RetransmitTimeout () = 0;
+  virtual Time
+  RetransmitTimeout() = 0;
-  virtual Ptr<RttEstimator> Copy () const = 0;
+  virtual Ptr<RttEstimator>
+  Copy() const = 0;
    * \brief Increase the estimation multiplier up to MaxMultiplier.
-  virtual void IncreaseMultiplier ();
+  virtual void
+  IncreaseMultiplier();
    * \brief Resets the estimation multiplier to 1.
-  virtual void ResetMultiplier ();
+  virtual void
+  ResetMultiplier();
    * \brief Resets the estimation to its initial state.
-  virtual void Reset ();
+  virtual void
+  Reset();
    * \brief Sets the Minimum RTO.
    * \param minRto The minimum RTO returned by the estimator.
-  void SetMinRto (Time minRto);
+  void
+  SetMinRto(Time minRto);
    * \brief Get the Minimum RTO.
    * \return The minimum RTO returned by the estimator.
-  Time GetMinRto (void) const;
+  Time
+  GetMinRto(void) const;
    * \brief Sets the Maximum RTO.
    * \param minRto The maximum RTO returned by the estimator.
-  void SetMaxRto (Time maxRto);
+  void
+  SetMaxRto(Time maxRto);
    * \brief Get the Maximum RTO.
    * \return The maximum RTO returned by the estimator.
-  Time GetMaxRto (void) const;
+  Time
+  GetMaxRto(void) const;
    * \brief Sets the current RTT estimate (forcefully).
    * \param estimate The current RTT estimate.
-  void SetCurrentEstimate (Time estimate);
+  void
+  SetCurrentEstimate(Time estimate);
    * \brief gets the current RTT estimate.
    * \return The current RTT estimate.
-  Time GetCurrentEstimate (void) const;
+  Time
+  GetCurrentEstimate(void) const;
-  SequenceNumber32 m_next;    // Next expected sequence to be sent
+  SequenceNumber32 m_next; // Next expected sequence to be sent
   uint16_t m_maxMultiplier;
   Time m_initialEstimatedRtt;
-  Time         m_currentEstimatedRtt;     // Current estimate
-  Time         m_minRto;                  // minimum value of the timeout
-  Time         m_maxRto;                  // maximum value of the timeout
-  uint32_t     m_nSamples;                // Number of samples
-  uint16_t     m_multiplier;              // RTO Multiplier
+  Time m_currentEstimatedRtt; // Current estimate
+  Time m_minRto;              // minimum value of the timeout
+  Time m_maxRto;              // maximum value of the timeout
+  uint32_t m_nSamples;        // Number of samples
+  uint16_t m_multiplier;      // RTO Multiplier
   RttHistory_t m_history;     // List of sent packet
diff --git a/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.cpp b/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.cpp
index 8e99069..c6c7218 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.cpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
 #include "ns3/log.h"
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.RttMeanDeviation");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
@@ -40,143 +40,147 @@
 // A modified version of Mean-Deviation Estimator optimized for NDN packet delivery
-RttMeanDeviation::GetTypeId (void)
-  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::ndn::RttMeanDeviation")
-    .SetParent<RttEstimator> ()
-    .AddConstructor<RttMeanDeviation> ()
-    .AddAttribute ("Gain",
-                   "Gain used in estimating the RTT (smoothed RTT), must be 0 < Gain < 1",
-                   DoubleValue (0.125),
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&RttMeanDeviation::m_gain),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-    .AddAttribute ("Gain2",
-                   "Gain2 used in estimating the RTT (variance), must be 0 < Gain2 < 1",
-                   DoubleValue (0.25),
-                   MakeDoubleAccessor (&RttMeanDeviation::m_gain2),
-                   MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
-  ;
+  static TypeId tid =
+    TypeId("ns3::ndn::RttMeanDeviation")
+      .SetParent<RttEstimator>()
+      .AddConstructor<RttMeanDeviation>()
+      .AddAttribute("Gain", "Gain used in estimating the RTT (smoothed RTT), must be 0 < Gain < 1",
+                    DoubleValue(0.125), MakeDoubleAccessor(&RttMeanDeviation::m_gain),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>())
+      .AddAttribute("Gain2", "Gain2 used in estimating the RTT (variance), must be 0 < Gain2 < 1",
+                    DoubleValue(0.25), MakeDoubleAccessor(&RttMeanDeviation::m_gain2),
+                    MakeDoubleChecker<double>());
   return tid;
-RttMeanDeviation::RttMeanDeviation() :
-  m_variance (0)
+  : m_variance(0)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RttMeanDeviation::RttMeanDeviation (const RttMeanDeviation& c)
-  : RttEstimator (c), m_gain (c.m_gain), m_gain2 (c.m_gain2), m_variance (c.m_variance)
+RttMeanDeviation::RttMeanDeviation(const RttMeanDeviation& c)
+  : RttEstimator(c)
+  , m_gain(c.m_gain)
+  , m_gain2(c.m_gain2)
+  , m_variance(c.m_variance)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-RttMeanDeviation::GetInstanceTypeId (void) const
+RttMeanDeviation::GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
-  return GetTypeId ();
+  return GetTypeId();
-void RttMeanDeviation::Measurement (Time m)
+RttMeanDeviation::Measurement(Time m)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << m);
-  if (m_nSamples)
-    { // Not first
-      Time err (m - m_currentEstimatedRtt);
-      double gErr = err.ToDouble (Time::S) * m_gain;
-      m_currentEstimatedRtt += Time::FromDouble (gErr, Time::S);
-      Time difference = Abs (err) - m_variance;
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("m_variance += " << Time::FromDouble (difference.ToDouble (Time::S) * m_gain2, Time::S));
-      m_variance += Time::FromDouble (difference.ToDouble (Time::S) * m_gain2, Time::S);
-    }
-  else
-    { // First sample
-      m_currentEstimatedRtt = m;             // Set estimate to current
-      //variance = sample / 2;               // And variance to current / 2
-      // m_variance = m; // try this  why????
-      m_variance = Seconds (m.ToDouble (Time::S) / 2);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("(first sample) m_variance += " << m);
-    }
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << m);
+  if (m_nSamples) { // Not first
+    Time err(m - m_currentEstimatedRtt);
+    double gErr = err.ToDouble(Time::S) * m_gain;
+    m_currentEstimatedRtt += Time::FromDouble(gErr, Time::S);
+    Time difference = Abs(err) - m_variance;
+      "m_variance += " << Time::FromDouble(difference.ToDouble(Time::S) * m_gain2, Time::S));
+    m_variance += Time::FromDouble(difference.ToDouble(Time::S) * m_gain2, Time::S);
+  }
+  else {                       // First sample
+    m_currentEstimatedRtt = m; // Set estimate to current
+    // variance = sample / 2;               // And variance to current / 2
+    // m_variance = m; // try this  why????
+    m_variance = Seconds(m.ToDouble(Time::S) / 2);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("(first sample) m_variance += " << m);
+  }
-Time RttMeanDeviation::RetransmitTimeout ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  double retval = std::min (m_maxRto.ToDouble (Time::S),
-                            std::max (m_multiplier*m_minRto.ToDouble (Time::S),
-                                      m_multiplier*(m_currentEstimatedRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) + 4 * m_variance.ToDouble (Time::S))));
+  double retval = std::min(m_maxRto.ToDouble(Time::S),
+                           std::max(m_multiplier * m_minRto.ToDouble(Time::S),
+                                    m_multiplier * (m_currentEstimatedRtt.ToDouble(Time::S)
+                                                    + 4 * m_variance.ToDouble(Time::S))));
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("RetransmitTimeout:  return " << retval);
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("RetransmitTimeout:  return " << retval);
-  return Seconds (retval);
+  return Seconds(retval);
-Ptr<RttEstimator> RttMeanDeviation::Copy () const
+RttMeanDeviation::Copy() const
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  return CopyObject<RttMeanDeviation> (this);
+  return CopyObject<RttMeanDeviation>(this);
-void RttMeanDeviation::Reset ()
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
   // Reset to initial state
-  m_variance = Seconds (0);
-  RttEstimator::Reset ();
+  m_variance = Seconds(0);
+  RttEstimator::Reset();
-void RttMeanDeviation::Gain (double g)
+RttMeanDeviation::Gain(double g)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG( (g > 0) && (g < 1), "RttMeanDeviation: Gain must be less than 1 and greater than 0" );
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG((g > 0) && (g < 1),
+                "RttMeanDeviation: Gain must be less than 1 and greater than 0");
   m_gain = g;
-void RttMeanDeviation::SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << seq << size);
+RttMeanDeviation::SentSeq(SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << seq << size);
   RttHistory_t::iterator i;
-  for (i = m_history.begin (); i != m_history.end (); ++i)
-  {
-      if (seq == i->seq)
-      { // Found it
-          i->retx = true;
-          break;
-      }
+  for (i = m_history.begin(); i != m_history.end(); ++i) {
+    if (seq == i->seq) { // Found it
+      i->retx = true;
+      break;
+    }
   // Note that a particular sequence has been sent
   if (i == m_history.end())
-      m_history.push_back (RttHistory (seq, size, Simulator::Now () ));
+    m_history.push_back(RttHistory(seq, size, Simulator::Now()));
-Time RttMeanDeviation::AckSeq (SequenceNumber32 ackSeq)
+RttMeanDeviation::AckSeq(SequenceNumber32 ackSeq)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ackSeq);
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << ackSeq);
   // An ack has been received, calculate rtt and log this measurement
   // Note we use a linear search (O(n)) for this since for the common
   // case the ack'ed packet will be at the head of the list
-  Time m = Seconds (0.0);
-  if (m_history.size () == 0) return (m);    // No pending history, just exit
+  Time m = Seconds(0.0);
+  if (m_history.size() == 0)
+    return (m); // No pending history, just exit
-  for (RttHistory_t::iterator i = m_history.begin (); i != m_history.end (); ++i)
-  {
-      if (ackSeq == i->seq)
-      { // Found it
-          if (!i->retx) {
-              m = Simulator::Now () - i->time;// Elapsed time
-              Measurement (m);                // Log the measurement
-              ResetMultiplier ();             // Reset multiplier on valid measurement
-          }
-          m_history.erase(i);
-          break;
+  for (RttHistory_t::iterator i = m_history.begin(); i != m_history.end(); ++i) {
+    if (ackSeq == i->seq) { // Found it
+      if (!i->retx) {
+        m = Simulator::Now() - i->time; // Elapsed time
+        Measurement(m);                 // Log the measurement
+        ResetMultiplier();              // Reset multiplier on valid measurement
+      m_history.erase(i);
+      break;
+    }
   return m;
@@ -184,4 +188,3 @@
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.hpp b/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.hpp
index 428bff8..fdb6144 100644
--- a/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.hpp
+++ b/utils/ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.hpp
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 // Georgia Tech Network Simulator - Round Trip Time Estimation Class
 // George F. Riley.  Georgia Tech, Spring 2002
@@ -37,7 +36,8 @@
  * \ingroup ndn-apps
- * \brief The modified version of "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed by Van Jacobson that better suits NDN communication model
+ * \brief The modified version of "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed by Van Jacobson that
+ *better suits NDN communication model
  * This class implements the "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed
  * by Van Jacobson and Michael J. Karels, in
@@ -46,25 +46,34 @@
 class RttMeanDeviation : public RttEstimator {
-  static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
+  static TypeId
+  GetTypeId(void);
-  RttMeanDeviation ();
-  RttMeanDeviation (const RttMeanDeviation&);
+  RttMeanDeviation();
+  RttMeanDeviation(const RttMeanDeviation&);
-  virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const;
+  virtual TypeId
+  GetInstanceTypeId(void) const;
-  void SentSeq (SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size);
-  Time AckSeq (SequenceNumber32 ackSeq);
-  void Measurement (Time measure);
-  Time RetransmitTimeout ();
-  Ptr<RttEstimator> Copy () const;
-  void Reset ();
-  void Gain (double g);
+  void
+  SentSeq(SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t size);
+  Time
+  AckSeq(SequenceNumber32 ackSeq);
+  void
+  Measurement(Time measure);
+  Time
+  RetransmitTimeout();
+  Ptr<RttEstimator>
+  Copy() const;
+  void
+  Reset();
+  void
+  Gain(double g);
-  double       m_gain;       // Filter gain
-  double       m_gain2;      // Filter gain
-  Time         m_variance;   // Current variance
+  double m_gain;   // Filter gain
+  double m_gain2;  // Filter gain
+  Time m_variance; // Current variance
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.cpp
index 41ae00b..f5c4d22 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.cpp
@@ -34,153 +34,150 @@
 using namespace boost;
 using namespace std;
 namespace ns3 {
-static std::list< boost::tuple< boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L2RateTracer> > > > g_tracers;
+static std::list<boost::tuple<boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L2RateTracer>>>>
+  g_tracers;
 template<class T>
 static inline void
-NullDeleter (T *ptr)
+NullDeleter(T* ptr)
-L2RateTracer::Destroy ()
-  g_tracers.clear ();
+  g_tracers.clear();
-L2RateTracer::InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L2RateTracer::InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  std::list<Ptr<L2RateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L2RateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node: " << lexical_cast<string> ((*node)->GetId ()));
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-      Ptr<L2RateTracer> trace = Create<L2RateTracer> (outputStream, *node);
-      trace->SetAveragingPeriod (averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node: " << lexical_cast<string>((*node)->GetId()));
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+    Ptr<L2RateTracer> trace = Create<L2RateTracer>(outputStream, *node);
+    trace->SetAveragingPeriod(averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L2RateTracer::L2RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
-  : L2Tracer (node)
-  , m_os (os)
+L2RateTracer::L2RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
+  : L2Tracer(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  SetAveragingPeriod (Seconds (1.0));
+  SetAveragingPeriod(Seconds(1.0));
-L2RateTracer::~L2RateTracer ()
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
-L2RateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period)
+L2RateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period)
   m_period = period;
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L2RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L2RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L2RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter ()
-  Print (*m_os);
-  Reset ();
+  Print(*m_os);
+  Reset();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L2RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L2RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L2RateTracer::PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const
+L2RateTracer::PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "Time" << "\t"
+  os << "Time"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Node" << "\t"
-     << "Interface" << "\t"
+     << "Node"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Interface"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Type" << "\t"
-     << "Packets" << "\t"
-     << "Kilobytes" << "\t"
-     << "PacketsRaw" << "\t"
+     << "Type"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Packets"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Kilobytes"
+     << "\t"
+     << "PacketsRaw"
+     << "\t"
      << "KilobytesRaw";
-L2RateTracer::Reset ()
-  m_stats.get<0> ().Reset ();
-  m_stats.get<1> ().Reset ();
+  m_stats.get<0>().Reset();
+  m_stats.get<1>().Reset();
 const double alpha = 0.8;
-#define STATS(INDEX) m_stats.get<INDEX> ()
-#define RATE(INDEX, fieldName) STATS(INDEX).fieldName / m_period.ToDouble (Time::S)
+#define STATS(INDEX) m_stats.get<INDEX>()
+#define RATE(INDEX, fieldName) STATS(INDEX).fieldName / m_period.ToDouble(Time::S)
-#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName, interface)                        \
-STATS(2).fieldName = /*new value*/alpha * RATE(0, fieldName) + /*old value*/(1-alpha) * STATS(2).fieldName; \
-STATS(3).fieldName = /*new value*/alpha * RATE(1, fieldName) / 1024.0 + /*old value*/(1-alpha) * STATS(3).fieldName; \
-                                                                        \
- os << time.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"                                  \
- << m_node << "\t"                                                      \
- << interface << "\t"                                                  \
- << printName << "\t"                                                   \
- << STATS(2).fieldName  << "\t"                                         \
- << STATS(3).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
- << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
- << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
+#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName, interface)                                                   \
+  STATS(2).fieldName =                                                                             \
+    /*new value*/ alpha * RATE(0, fieldName) + /*old value*/ (1 - alpha) * STATS(2).fieldName;     \
+  STATS(3).fieldName = /*new value*/ alpha * RATE(1, fieldName) / 1024.0                           \
+                       + /*old value*/ (1 - alpha) * STATS(3).fieldName;                           \
+                                                                                                   \
+  os << time.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t" << interface << "\t" << printName << "\t" \
+     << STATS(2).fieldName << "\t" << STATS(3).fieldName << "\t" << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t"     \
+     << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
-L2RateTracer::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+L2RateTracer::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  Time time = Simulator::Now ();
+  Time time = Simulator::Now();
-  PRINTER ("Drop", m_drop, "combined");
+  PRINTER("Drop", m_drop, "combined");
-L2RateTracer::Drop (Ptr<const Packet> packet)
+L2RateTracer::Drop(Ptr<const Packet> packet)
   // no interface information... this should be part of this L2Tracer object data
-  m_stats.get<0> ().m_drop ++;
-  m_stats.get<1> ().m_drop += packet->GetSize ();
+  m_stats.get<0>().m_drop++;
+  m_stats.get<1>().m_drop += packet->GetSize();
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.hpp
index 275b213..79f16c4 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/l2-rate-tracer.hpp
@@ -38,28 +38,29 @@
  * @todo Finish implementation
-class L2RateTracer : public L2Tracer
+class L2RateTracer : public L2Tracer {
    * @brief Network layer tracer constructor
-  L2RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
-  virtual ~L2RateTracer ();
+  L2RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
+  virtual ~L2RateTracer();
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on all simulation nodes
    * @param file File to which traces will be written
    * @param averagingPeriod Defines averaging period for the rate calculation,
-   *        as well as how often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   *        as well as how often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Explicit request to remove all statically created tracers
@@ -68,26 +69,26 @@
    * or if it is desired to do a postprocessing of the resulting data
   static void
-  Destroy ();
+  Destroy();
-  SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period);
+  SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period);
   virtual void
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual void
-  Drop (Ptr<const Packet>);
+  Drop(Ptr<const Packet>);
-  PeriodicPrinter ();
+  PeriodicPrinter();
-  Reset ();
+  Reset();
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> m_os;
diff --git a/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.cpp
index 631db7c..bf1fcf1 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.cpp
@@ -32,31 +32,29 @@
 namespace ns3 {
-L2Tracer::L2Tracer (Ptr<Node> node)
-: m_nodePtr (node)
+L2Tracer::L2Tracer(Ptr<Node> node)
+  : m_nodePtr(node)
-  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string> (m_nodePtr->GetId ());
+  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_nodePtr->GetId());
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-  string name = Names::FindName (node);
-  if (!name.empty ())
-    {
-      m_node = name;
-    }
+  string name = Names::FindName(node);
+  if (!name.empty()) {
+    m_node = name;
+  }
-L2Tracer::Connect ()
-  for (uint32_t devId = 0; devId < m_nodePtr->GetNDevices (); devId ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2pnd = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (m_nodePtr->GetDevice (devId));
-      if (p2pnd)
-        {
-          p2pnd->GetQueue ()->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("Drop", MakeCallback (&L2Tracer::Drop, this));
-        }
+  for (uint32_t devId = 0; devId < m_nodePtr->GetNDevices(); devId++) {
+    Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2pnd =
+      DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice>(m_nodePtr->GetDevice(devId));
+    if (p2pnd) {
+      p2pnd->GetQueue()->TraceConnectWithoutContext("Drop", MakeCallback(&L2Tracer::Drop, this));
+  }
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.hpp
index e6378b5..a2cd3a6 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/l2-tracer.hpp
@@ -35,23 +35,22 @@
  * @todo Finish implementation
-class L2Tracer : public SimpleRefCount<L2Tracer>
+class L2Tracer : public SimpleRefCount<L2Tracer> {
-  L2Tracer (Ptr<Node> node);
-  virtual ~L2Tracer () { };
+  L2Tracer(Ptr<Node> node);
+  virtual ~L2Tracer(){};
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
   virtual void
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
   virtual void
-  Drop (Ptr<const Packet>) = 0;
+  Drop(Ptr<const Packet>) = 0;
   // Rx/Tx is NetDevice specific
   // please refer to in order to extend this tracer
@@ -60,9 +59,9 @@
   std::string m_node;
   Ptr<Node> m_nodePtr;
-  struct Stats
-  {
-    void Reset ()
+  struct Stats {
+    void
+    Reset()
       m_in = 0;
       m_out = 0;
@@ -76,12 +75,12 @@
 inline std::ostream&
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const L2Tracer &tracer)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const L2Tracer& tracer)
   os << "# ";
-  tracer.PrintHeader (os);
+  tracer.PrintHeader(os);
   os << "\n";
-  tracer.Print (os);
+  tracer.Print(os);
   return os;
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.cpp
index 01a5af4..666f945 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.cpp
@@ -37,162 +37,143 @@
 #include <fstream>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.AppDelayTracer");
 using namespace std;
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-static std::list< boost::tuple< boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer> > > > g_tracers;
+static std::list<boost::tuple<boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer>>>>
+  g_tracers;
 template<class T>
 static inline void
-NullDeleter (T *ptr)
+NullDeleter(T* ptr)
-AppDelayTracer::Destroy ()
-  g_tracers.clear ();
+  g_tracers.clear();
-AppDelayTracer::InstallAll (const std::string &file)
+AppDelayTracer::InstallAll(const std::string& file)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-AppDelayTracer::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file)
+AppDelayTracer::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-AppDelayTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file)
+AppDelayTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<AppDelayTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install (node, outputStream);
-  tracers.push_back (trace);
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Install(node, outputStream);
+  tracers.push_back(trace);
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-AppDelayTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node,
-                         boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream)
+AppDelayTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Create<AppDelayTracer> (outputStream, node);
+  Ptr<AppDelayTracer> trace = Create<AppDelayTracer>(outputStream, node);
   return trace;
@@ -201,86 +182,86 @@
-AppDelayTracer::AppDelayTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
-: m_nodePtr (node)
-, m_os (os)
+AppDelayTracer::AppDelayTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
+  : m_nodePtr(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string> (m_nodePtr->GetId ());
+  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_nodePtr->GetId());
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-  string name = Names::FindName (node);
-  if (!name.empty ())
-    {
-      m_node = name;
-    }
+  string name = Names::FindName(node);
+  if (!name.empty()) {
+    m_node = name;
+  }
-AppDelayTracer::AppDelayTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node)
-: m_node (node)
-, m_os (os)
+AppDelayTracer::AppDelayTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node)
+  : m_node(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-AppDelayTracer::~AppDelayTracer ()
-AppDelayTracer::Connect ()
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/"+m_node+"/ApplicationList/*/LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay",
-                                 MakeCallback (&AppDelayTracer::LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay, this));
+  Config::ConnectWithoutContext("/NodeList/" + m_node
+                                  + "/ApplicationList/*/LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay",
+                                MakeCallback(&AppDelayTracer::LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay,
+                                             this));
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/"+m_node+"/ApplicationList/*/FirstInterestDataDelay",
-                                 MakeCallback (&AppDelayTracer::FirstInterestDataDelay, this));
+  Config::ConnectWithoutContext("/NodeList/" + m_node + "/ApplicationList/*/FirstInterestDataDelay",
+                                MakeCallback(&AppDelayTracer::FirstInterestDataDelay, this));
-AppDelayTracer::PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const
+AppDelayTracer::PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "Time" << "\t"
-     << "Node" << "\t"
-     << "AppId" << "\t"
-     << "SeqNo" << "\t"
+  os << "Time"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Node"
+     << "\t"
+     << "AppId"
+     << "\t"
+     << "SeqNo"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Type" << "\t"
-     << "DelayS" << "\t"
-     << "DelayUS" << "\t"
-     << "RetxCount" << "\t"
-     << "HopCount"  << "";
+     << "Type"
+     << "\t"
+     << "DelayS"
+     << "\t"
+     << "DelayUS"
+     << "\t"
+     << "RetxCount"
+     << "\t"
+     << "HopCount"
+     << "";
-AppDelayTracer::LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay (Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, int32_t hopCount)
+AppDelayTracer::LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay(Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay,
+                                                   int32_t hopCount)
-  *m_os << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"
-        << m_node << "\t"
-        << app->GetId () << "\t"
+  *m_os << Simulator::Now().ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t" << app->GetId() << "\t"
         << seqno << "\t"
-        << "LastDelay" << "\t"
-        << delay.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"
-        << delay.ToDouble (Time::US) << "\t"
-        << 1 << "\t"
+        << "LastDelay"
+        << "\t" << delay.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << delay.ToDouble(Time::US) << "\t" << 1 << "\t"
         << hopCount << "\n";
-AppDelayTracer::FirstInterestDataDelay (Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, uint32_t retxCount, int32_t hopCount)
+AppDelayTracer::FirstInterestDataDelay(Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, uint32_t retxCount,
+                                       int32_t hopCount)
-  *m_os << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"
-        << m_node << "\t"
-        << app->GetId () << "\t"
+  *m_os << Simulator::Now().ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t" << app->GetId() << "\t"
         << seqno << "\t"
-        << "FullDelay" << "\t"
-        << delay.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"
-        << delay.ToDouble (Time::US) << "\t"
-        << retxCount << "\t"
-        << hopCount << "\n";
+        << "FullDelay"
+        << "\t" << delay.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << delay.ToDouble(Time::US) << "\t" << retxCount
+        << "\t" << hopCount << "\n";
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.hpp
index d911fc9..64b695a 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-app-delay-tracer.hpp
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-tracers
  * @brief Tracer to obtain application-level delays
-class AppDelayTracer : public SimpleRefCount<AppDelayTracer>
+class AppDelayTracer : public SimpleRefCount<AppDelayTracer> {
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on all simulation nodes
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
-   * 
+   *
   static void
-  InstallAll (const std::string &file);
+  InstallAll(const std::string& file);
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on the selected simulation nodes
@@ -65,39 +65,44 @@
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file);
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file);
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file);
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file);
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param outputStream Smart pointer to a stream
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static Ptr<AppDelayTracer>
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream);
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream);
    * @brief Explicit request to remove all statically created tracers
@@ -106,26 +111,26 @@
    * or if it is desired to do a postprocessing of the resulting data
   static void
-  Destroy ();
+  Destroy();
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to all applications on the node using node's pointer
    * @param os    reference to the output stream
    * @param node  pointer to the node
-  AppDelayTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
+  AppDelayTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to all applications on the node using node's name
    * @param os        reference to the output stream
    * @param nodeName  name of the node registered using Names::Add
-  AppDelayTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node);
+  AppDelayTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node);
    * @brief Destructor
-  ~AppDelayTracer ();
+  ~AppDelayTracer();
    * @brief Print head of the trace (e.g., for post-processing)
@@ -133,18 +138,19 @@
    * @param os reference to output stream
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const;
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-  void 
-  LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay (Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, int32_t hopCount);
-  void 
-  FirstInterestDataDelay (Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, uint32_t rextCount, int32_t hopCount);
+  void
+  LastRetransmittedInterestDataDelay(Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, int32_t hopCount);
+  void
+  FirstInterestDataDelay(Ptr<App> app, uint32_t seqno, Time delay, uint32_t rextCount,
+                         int32_t hopCount);
   std::string m_node;
   Ptr<Node> m_nodePtr;
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.cpp
index 74fa3dd..bc5d8de 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.cpp
@@ -38,164 +38,146 @@
 #include <fstream>
 using namespace std;
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-static std::list< boost::tuple< boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<CsTracer> > > > g_tracers;
+static std::list<boost::tuple<boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<CsTracer>>>> g_tracers;
 template<class T>
 static inline void
-NullDeleter (T *ptr)
+NullDeleter(T* ptr)
-CsTracer::Destroy ()
-  g_tracers.clear ();
+  g_tracers.clear();
-CsTracer::InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  using namespace boost;
-  using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer> > tracers;
-  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
-    }
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
-CsTracer::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+CsTracer::InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-CsTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+CsTracer::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file,
+                  Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install (node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-  tracers.push_back (trace);
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
+CsTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file,
+                  Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+  using namespace boost;
+  using namespace std;
+  std::list<Ptr<CsTracer>> tracers;
+  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
+    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
+  Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Install(node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+  tracers.push_back(trace);
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-CsTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node,
-                   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
-                   Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+CsTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+                  Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Create<CsTracer> (outputStream, node);
-  trace->SetAveragingPeriod (averagingPeriod);
+  Ptr<CsTracer> trace = Create<CsTracer>(outputStream, node);
+  trace->SetAveragingPeriod(averagingPeriod);
   return trace;
@@ -204,106 +186,101 @@
-CsTracer::CsTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
-: m_nodePtr (node)
-, m_os (os)
+CsTracer::CsTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
+  : m_nodePtr(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string> (m_nodePtr->GetId ());
+  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_nodePtr->GetId());
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-  string name = Names::FindName (node);
-  if (!name.empty ())
-    {
-      m_node = name;
-    }
+  string name = Names::FindName(node);
+  if (!name.empty()) {
+    m_node = name;
+  }
-CsTracer::CsTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node)
-: m_node (node)
-, m_os (os)
+CsTracer::CsTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node)
+  : m_node(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-CsTracer::~CsTracer ()
-CsTracer::Connect ()
-  Ptr<ContentStore> cs = m_nodePtr->GetObject<ContentStore> ();
-  cs->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("CacheHits",   MakeCallback (&CsTracer::CacheHits,   this));
-  cs->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("CacheMisses", MakeCallback (&CsTracer::CacheMisses, this));
+  Ptr<ContentStore> cs = m_nodePtr->GetObject<ContentStore>();
+  cs->TraceConnectWithoutContext("CacheHits", MakeCallback(&CsTracer::CacheHits, this));
+  cs->TraceConnectWithoutContext("CacheMisses", MakeCallback(&CsTracer::CacheMisses, this));
-  Reset ();  
+  Reset();
-CsTracer::SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period)
+CsTracer::SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period)
   m_period = period;
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &CsTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &CsTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-CsTracer::PeriodicPrinter ()
-  Print (*m_os);
-  Reset ();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &CsTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  Print(*m_os);
+  Reset();
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &CsTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-CsTracer::PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const
+CsTracer::PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "Time" << "\t"
+  os << "Time"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Node" << "\t"
+     << "Node"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Type" << "\t"
-     << "Packets" << "\t";
+     << "Type"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Packets"
+     << "\t";
-CsTracer::Reset ()
-#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName)           \
-  os << time.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"         \
-  << m_node << "\t"                             \
-  << printName << "\t"                          \
-  << m_stats.fieldName << "\n";
+#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName)                                                              \
+  os << time.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t" << printName << "\t" << m_stats.fieldName \
+     << "\n";
-CsTracer::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+CsTracer::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  Time time = Simulator::Now ();
+  Time time = Simulator::Now();
-  PRINTER ("CacheHits",   m_cacheHits);
-  PRINTER ("CacheMisses", m_cacheMisses);
+  PRINTER("CacheHits", m_cacheHits);
+  PRINTER("CacheMisses", m_cacheMisses);
-CsTracer::CacheHits (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Data>)
+CsTracer::CacheHits(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Data>)
-  m_stats.m_cacheHits ++;
+  m_stats.m_cacheHits++;
-CsTracer::CacheMisses (Ptr<const Interest>)
+CsTracer::CacheMisses(Ptr<const Interest>)
-  m_stats.m_cacheMisses ++;
+  m_stats.m_cacheMisses++;
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.hpp
index eb07585..939df9b 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-cs-tracer.hpp
@@ -49,80 +49,87 @@
 namespace cs {
 /// @cond include_hidden
-struct Stats
-  inline void Reset ()
+struct Stats {
+  inline void
+  Reset()
-    m_cacheHits   = 0;
+    m_cacheHits = 0;
     m_cacheMisses = 0;
   double m_cacheHits;
   double m_cacheMisses;
 /// @endcond
  * @ingroup ndn-tracers
  * @brief NDN tracer for cache performance (hits and misses)
-class CsTracer : public SimpleRefCount<CsTracer>
+class CsTracer : public SimpleRefCount<CsTracer> {
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on all simulation nodes
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
-   * 
+   *
   static void
-  InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on the selected simulation nodes
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param outputStream Smart pointer to a stream
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static Ptr<CsTracer>
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+          Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Explicit request to remove all statically created tracers
@@ -131,26 +138,26 @@
    * or if it is desired to do a postprocessing of the resulting data
   static void
-  Destroy ();
+  Destroy();
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node pointer
    * @param os    reference to the output stream
    * @param node  pointer to the node
-  CsTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
+  CsTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node name
    * @param os        reference to the output stream
    * @param nodeName  name of the node registered using Names::Add
-  CsTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node);
+  CsTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node);
    * @brief Destructor
-  ~CsTracer ();
+  ~CsTracer();
    * @brief Print head of the trace (e.g., for post-processing)
@@ -158,7 +165,7 @@
    * @param os reference to output stream
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const;
    * @brief Print current trace data
@@ -166,28 +173,28 @@
    * @param os reference to output stream
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
-  void
-  Connect ();
-  void 
-  CacheHits (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Data>);
-  void 
-  CacheMisses (Ptr<const Interest>);
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
-  SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period);
+  Connect();
-  Reset ();
+  CacheHits(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Data>);
-  PeriodicPrinter ();
+  CacheMisses(Ptr<const Interest>);
+  void
+  SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period);
+  void
+  Reset();
+  void
+  PeriodicPrinter();
   std::string m_node;
   Ptr<Node> m_nodePtr;
@@ -196,19 +203,19 @@
   Time m_period;
   EventId m_printEvent;
-  cs::Stats m_stats;  
+  cs::Stats m_stats;
  * @brief Helper to dump the trace to an output stream
 inline std::ostream&
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const CsTracer &tracer)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CsTracer& tracer)
   os << "# ";
-  tracer.PrintHeader (os);
+  tracer.PrintHeader(os);
   os << "\n";
-  tracer.Print (os);
+  tracer.Print(os);
   return os;
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.cpp
index 556a792..d9fc671 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.cpp
@@ -36,388 +36,349 @@
 #include <fstream>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.L3AggregateTracer");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-static std::list< boost::tuple< boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> > > > g_tracers;
+static std::list<boost::tuple<boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer>>>>
+  g_tracers;
 template<class T>
 static inline void
-NullDeleter (T *ptr)
+NullDeleter(T* ptr)
-L3AggregateTracer::Destroy ()
-  g_tracers.clear ();
+  g_tracers.clear();
-L3AggregateTracer::InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3AggregateTracer::InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3AggregateTracer::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3AggregateTracer::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file,
+                           Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3AggregateTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3AggregateTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file,
+                           Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3AggregateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install (node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-  tracers.push_back (trace);
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Install(node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+  tracers.push_back(trace);
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3AggregateTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node,
-                            boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
-                            Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3AggregateTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+                           Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Create<L3AggregateTracer> (outputStream, node);
-  trace->SetAveragingPeriod (averagingPeriod);
+  Ptr<L3AggregateTracer> trace = Create<L3AggregateTracer>(outputStream, node);
+  trace->SetAveragingPeriod(averagingPeriod);
   return trace;
-L3AggregateTracer::L3AggregateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
-  : L3Tracer (node)
-  , m_os (os)
+L3AggregateTracer::L3AggregateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
+  : L3Tracer(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  Reset ();
+  Reset();
-L3AggregateTracer::L3AggregateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node)
-  : L3Tracer (node)
-  , m_os (os)
+L3AggregateTracer::L3AggregateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node)
+  : L3Tracer(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  Reset ();
+  Reset();
-L3AggregateTracer::~L3AggregateTracer ()
-L3AggregateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period)
+L3AggregateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period)
   m_period = period;
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L3AggregateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L3AggregateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L3AggregateTracer::PeriodicPrinter ()
-  Print (*m_os);
-  Reset ();
+  Print(*m_os);
+  Reset();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L3AggregateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L3AggregateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L3AggregateTracer::PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const
+L3AggregateTracer::PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "Time" << "\t"
+  os << "Time"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Node" << "\t"
-     << "FaceId" << "\t"
-     << "FaceDescr" << "\t"
+     << "Node"
+     << "\t"
+     << "FaceId"
+     << "\t"
+     << "FaceDescr"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Type" << "\t"
-     << "Packets" << "\t"
+     << "Type"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Packets"
+     << "\t"
      << "Kilobytes";
-L3AggregateTracer::Reset ()
-  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.begin ();
-       stats != m_stats.end ();
-       stats++)
-    {
-      stats->second.get<0> ().Reset ();
-      stats->second.get<1> ().Reset ();
-    }
+  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats = m_stats.begin();
+       stats != m_stats.end(); stats++) {
+    stats->second.get<0>().Reset();
+    stats->second.get<1>().Reset();
+  }
+#define STATS(INDEX) stats->second.get<INDEX>()
-#define STATS(INDEX) stats->second.get<INDEX> ()
-#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName) \
-  os << time.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"                                 \
-  << m_node << "\t";                                                    \
-  if (stats->first)                                                     \
-    {                                                                   \
-      os                                                                \
-        << stats->first->GetId () << "\t"                               \
-        << *stats->first << "\t";                                       \
-    }                                                                   \
-  else                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-      os << "-1\tall\t";                                                \
-    }                                                                   \
-  os                                                                    \
-  << printName << "\t"                                                  \
-  << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
-  << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
+#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName)                                                              \
+  os << time.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t";                                          \
+  if (stats->first) {                                                                              \
+    os << stats->first->GetId() << "\t" << *stats->first << "\t";                                  \
+  }                                                                                                \
+  else {                                                                                           \
+    os << "-1\tall\t";                                                                             \
+  }                                                                                                \
+  os << printName << "\t" << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t" << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
-L3AggregateTracer::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+L3AggregateTracer::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  Time time = Simulator::Now ();
+  Time time = Simulator::Now();
-  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.begin ();
-       stats != m_stats.end ();
-       stats++)
-    {
-      if (!stats->first)
-        continue;
+  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats = m_stats.begin();
+       stats != m_stats.end(); stats++) {
+    if (!stats->first)
+      continue;
-      PRINTER ("InInterests",   m_inInterests);
-      PRINTER ("OutInterests",  m_outInterests);
-      PRINTER ("DropInterests", m_dropInterests);
+    PRINTER("InInterests", m_inInterests);
+    PRINTER("OutInterests", m_outInterests);
+    PRINTER("DropInterests", m_dropInterests);
-      PRINTER ("InNacks",   m_inNacks);
-      PRINTER ("OutNacks",  m_outNacks);
-      PRINTER ("DropNacks", m_dropNacks);
+    PRINTER("InNacks", m_inNacks);
+    PRINTER("OutNacks", m_outNacks);
+    PRINTER("DropNacks", m_dropNacks);
-      PRINTER ("InData",   m_inData);
-      PRINTER ("OutData",  m_outData);
-      PRINTER ("DropData", m_dropData);
-    }
+    PRINTER("InData", m_inData);
+    PRINTER("OutData", m_outData);
+    PRINTER("DropData", m_dropData);
+  }
-    std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.find (Ptr<const Face> (0));
-    if (stats != m_stats.end ())
-      {
-        PRINTER ("SatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
-        PRINTER ("TimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
-      }
+    std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats =
+      m_stats.find(Ptr<const Face>(0));
+    if (stats != m_stats.end()) {
+      PRINTER("SatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
+      PRINTER("TimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
+    }
-L3AggregateTracer::OutInterests  (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::OutInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::InInterests   (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::InInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::DropInterests (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::DropInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::OutNacks  (Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::OutNacks(Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outNacks ++;
-  if (nack->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outNacks += nack->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outNacks++;
+  if (nack->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outNacks += nack->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::InNacks   (Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::InNacks(Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inNacks ++;
-  if (nack->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inNacks += nack->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inNacks++;
+  if (nack->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inNacks += nack->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::DropNacks (Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::DropNacks(Ptr<const Interest> nack, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropNacks ++;
-  if (nack->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropNacks += nack->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropNacks++;
+  if (nack->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropNacks += nack->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::OutData  (Ptr<const Data> data, 
-                             bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::OutData(Ptr<const Data> data, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::InData   (Ptr<const Data> data, 
-                             Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::InData(Ptr<const Data> data, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::DropData (Ptr<const Data> data, 
-                             Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3AggregateTracer::DropData(Ptr<const Data> data, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3AggregateTracer::SatisfiedInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>)
+L3AggregateTracer::SatisfiedInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>)
-  m_stats[0].get<0> ().m_satisfiedInterests ++;
+  m_stats[0].get<0>().m_satisfiedInterests++;
   // no "size" stats
-L3AggregateTracer::TimedOutInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>)
+L3AggregateTracer::TimedOutInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>)
-  m_stats[0].get<0> ().m_timedOutInterests ++;
+  m_stats[0].get<0>().m_timedOutInterests++;
   // no "size" stats
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.hpp
index a94d2f5..bedfccc 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-aggregate-tracer.hpp
@@ -39,49 +39,54 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-tracers
  * @brief NDN network-layer tracer for aggregate packet counts
-class L3AggregateTracer : public L3Tracer
+class L3AggregateTracer : public L3Tracer {
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on all simulation nodes
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on the selected simulation nodes
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static void
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Explicit request to remove all statically created tracers
@@ -90,91 +95,93 @@
    * or if it is desired to do a postprocessing of the resulting data
   static void
-  Destroy ();
+  Destroy();
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node pointer
    * @param os    reference to the output stream
    * @param node  pointer to the node
-  L3AggregateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
+  L3AggregateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node name
    * @param os        reference to the output stream
    * @param nodeName  name of the node registered using Names::Add
-  L3AggregateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &nodeName);
+  L3AggregateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& nodeName);
    * @brief Destructor
-  virtual ~L3AggregateTracer ();
+  virtual ~L3AggregateTracer();
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param outputStream Smart pointer to a stream
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static Ptr<L3AggregateTracer>
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+          Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
   // from L3Tracer
   virtual void
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual void
-  OutInterests  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InInterests   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropInterests (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  OutNacks  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InNacks   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropNacks (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  OutData  (Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutData(Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InData   (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropData (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  SatisfiedInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
+  SatisfiedInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
   virtual void
-  TimedOutInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
+  TimedOutInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
-  SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period);
+  SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period);
-  Reset ();
+  Reset();
-  PeriodicPrinter ();
+  PeriodicPrinter();
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> m_os;
@@ -182,7 +189,7 @@
   Time m_period;
   EventId m_printEvent;
-  mutable std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats> > m_stats;
+  mutable std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats>> m_stats;
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.cpp
index ca80bef..38170bc 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.cpp
@@ -39,433 +39,392 @@
 using namespace boost;
 using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.L3RateTracer");
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-static std::list< boost::tuple< boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer> > > > g_tracers;
+static std::list<boost::tuple<boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>, std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer>>>>
+  g_tracers;
 template<class T>
 static inline void
-NullDeleter (T *ptr)
+NullDeleter(T* ptr)
-L3RateTracer::Destroy ()
-  g_tracers.clear ();
+  g_tracers.clear();
-L3RateTracer::InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3RateTracer::InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-       node != NodeList::End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3RateTracer::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3RateTracer::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file,
+                      Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install (*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-      tracers.push_back (trace);
-    }
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install(*node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+    tracers.push_back(trace);
+  }
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3RateTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3RateTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file,
+                      Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
   using namespace boost;
   using namespace std;
-  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer> > tracers;
+  std::list<Ptr<L3RateTracer>> tracers;
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream;
-  if (file != "-")
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os (new std::ofstream ());
-      os->open (file.c_str (), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
+  if (file != "-") {
+    boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> os(new std::ofstream());
+    os->open(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-      if (!os->is_open ())
-        {
-          NS_LOG_ERROR ("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
-          return;
-        }
-      outputStream = os;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> (&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+    if (!os->is_open()) {
+      NS_LOG_ERROR("File " << file << " cannot be opened for writing. Tracing disabled");
+      return;
-  Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install (node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
-  tracers.push_back (trace);
+    outputStream = os;
+  }
+  else {
+    outputStream = boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, NullDeleter<std::ostream>);
+  }
-  if (tracers.size () > 0)
-    {
-      // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
-      tracers.front ()->PrintHeader (*outputStream);
-      *outputStream << "\n";
-    }
+  Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Install(node, outputStream, averagingPeriod);
+  tracers.push_back(trace);
-  g_tracers.push_back (boost::make_tuple (outputStream, tracers));
+  if (tracers.size() > 0) {
+    // *m_l3RateTrace << "# "; // not necessary for R's read.table
+    tracers.front()->PrintHeader(*outputStream);
+    *outputStream << "\n";
+  }
+  g_tracers.push_back(boost::make_tuple(outputStream, tracers));
-L3RateTracer::Install (Ptr<Node> node,
-                            boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
-                            Time averagingPeriod/* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
+L3RateTracer::Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+                      Time averagingPeriod /* = Seconds (0.5)*/)
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Create<L3RateTracer> (outputStream, node);
-  trace->SetAveragingPeriod (averagingPeriod);
+  Ptr<L3RateTracer> trace = Create<L3RateTracer>(outputStream, node);
+  trace->SetAveragingPeriod(averagingPeriod);
   return trace;
-L3RateTracer::L3RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
-  : L3Tracer (node)
-  , m_os (os)
+L3RateTracer::L3RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node)
+  : L3Tracer(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  SetAveragingPeriod (Seconds (1.0));
+  SetAveragingPeriod(Seconds(1.0));
-L3RateTracer::L3RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node)
-  : L3Tracer (node)
-  , m_os (os)
+L3RateTracer::L3RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node)
+  : L3Tracer(node)
+  , m_os(os)
-  SetAveragingPeriod (Seconds (1.0));
+  SetAveragingPeriod(Seconds(1.0));
-L3RateTracer::~L3RateTracer ()
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
-L3RateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period)
+L3RateTracer::SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period)
   m_period = period;
-  m_printEvent.Cancel ();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L3RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent.Cancel();
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L3RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L3RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter ()
-  Print (*m_os);
-  Reset ();
+  Print(*m_os);
+  Reset();
-  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_period, &L3RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
+  m_printEvent = Simulator::Schedule(m_period, &L3RateTracer::PeriodicPrinter, this);
-L3RateTracer::PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const
+L3RateTracer::PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "Time" << "\t"
+  os << "Time"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Node" << "\t"
-     << "FaceId" << "\t"
-     << "FaceDescr" << "\t"
+     << "Node"
+     << "\t"
+     << "FaceId"
+     << "\t"
+     << "FaceDescr"
+     << "\t"
-     << "Type" << "\t"
-     << "Packets" << "\t"
-     << "Kilobytes" << "\t"
-     << "PacketRaw" << "\t"
+     << "Type"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Packets"
+     << "\t"
+     << "Kilobytes"
+     << "\t"
+     << "PacketRaw"
+     << "\t"
      << "KilobytesRaw";
-L3RateTracer::Reset ()
-  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.begin ();
-       stats != m_stats.end ();
-       stats++)
-    {
-      stats->second.get<0> ().Reset ();
-      stats->second.get<1> ().Reset ();
-    }
+  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats =
+         m_stats.begin();
+       stats != m_stats.end(); stats++) {
+    stats->second.get<0>().Reset();
+    stats->second.get<1>().Reset();
+  }
 const double alpha = 0.8;
-#define STATS(INDEX) stats->second.get<INDEX> ()
-#define RATE(INDEX, fieldName) STATS(INDEX).fieldName / m_period.ToDouble (Time::S)
+#define STATS(INDEX) stats->second.get<INDEX>()
+#define RATE(INDEX, fieldName) STATS(INDEX).fieldName / m_period.ToDouble(Time::S)
-#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName) \
-  STATS(2).fieldName = /*new value*/alpha * RATE(0, fieldName) + /*old value*/(1-alpha) * STATS(2).fieldName; \
-  STATS(3).fieldName = /*new value*/alpha * RATE(1, fieldName) / 1024.0 + /*old value*/(1-alpha) * STATS(3).fieldName; \
-                                                                        \
-  os << time.ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"                                 \
-  << m_node << "\t";                                                    \
-  if (stats->first)                                                     \
-    {                                                                   \
-      os                                                                \
-        << stats->first->GetId () << "\t"                               \
-        << *stats->first << "\t";                                       \
-    }                                                                   \
-  else                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-      os << "-1\tall\t";                                                \
-    }                                                                   \
-  os                                                                    \
-  << printName << "\t"                                                  \
-  << STATS(2).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
-  << STATS(3).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
-  << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t"                                         \
-  << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
+#define PRINTER(printName, fieldName)                                                              \
+  STATS(2).fieldName =                                                                             \
+    /*new value*/ alpha * RATE(0, fieldName) + /*old value*/ (1 - alpha) * STATS(2).fieldName;     \
+  STATS(3).fieldName = /*new value*/ alpha * RATE(1, fieldName) / 1024.0                           \
+                       + /*old value*/ (1 - alpha) * STATS(3).fieldName;                           \
+                                                                                                   \
+  os << time.ToDouble(Time::S) << "\t" << m_node << "\t";                                          \
+  if (stats->first) {                                                                              \
+    os << stats->first->GetId() << "\t" << *stats->first << "\t";                                  \
+  }                                                                                                \
+  else {                                                                                           \
+    os << "-1\tall\t";                                                                             \
+  }                                                                                                \
+  os << printName << "\t" << STATS(2).fieldName << "\t" << STATS(3).fieldName << "\t"              \
+     << STATS(0).fieldName << "\t" << STATS(1).fieldName / 1024.0 << "\n";
-L3RateTracer::Print (std::ostream &os) const
+L3RateTracer::Print(std::ostream& os) const
-  Time time = Simulator::Now ();
+  Time time = Simulator::Now();
-  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.begin ();
-       stats != m_stats.end ();
-       stats++)
-    {
-      if (!stats->first)
-        continue;
+  for (std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats =
+         m_stats.begin();
+       stats != m_stats.end(); stats++) {
+    if (!stats->first)
+      continue;
-      PRINTER ("InInterests",   m_inInterests);
-      PRINTER ("OutInterests",  m_outInterests);
-      PRINTER ("DropInterests", m_dropInterests);
+    PRINTER("InInterests", m_inInterests);
+    PRINTER("OutInterests", m_outInterests);
+    PRINTER("DropInterests", m_dropInterests);
-      PRINTER ("InNacks",   m_inNacks);
-      PRINTER ("OutNacks",  m_outNacks);
-      PRINTER ("DropNacks", m_dropNacks);
+    PRINTER("InNacks", m_inNacks);
+    PRINTER("OutNacks", m_outNacks);
+    PRINTER("DropNacks", m_dropNacks);
-      PRINTER ("InData",   m_inData);
-      PRINTER ("OutData",  m_outData);
-      PRINTER ("DropData", m_dropData);
+    PRINTER("InData", m_inData);
+    PRINTER("OutData", m_outData);
+    PRINTER("DropData", m_dropData);
-      PRINTER ("InSatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
-      PRINTER ("InTimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
+    PRINTER("InSatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
+    PRINTER("InTimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
-      PRINTER ("OutSatisfiedInterests", m_outSatisfiedInterests);
-      PRINTER ("OutTimedOutInterests", m_outTimedOutInterests);
-    }
+    PRINTER("OutSatisfiedInterests", m_outSatisfiedInterests);
+    PRINTER("OutTimedOutInterests", m_outTimedOutInterests);
+  }
-    std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats> >::iterator stats = m_stats.find (Ptr<const Face> (0));
-    if (stats != m_stats.end ())
-      {
-        PRINTER ("SatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
-        PRINTER ("TimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
-      }
+    std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats>>::iterator stats =
+      m_stats.find(Ptr<const Face>(0));
+    if (stats != m_stats.end()) {
+      PRINTER("SatisfiedInterests", m_satisfiedInterests);
+      PRINTER("TimedOutInterests", m_timedOutInterests);
+    }
-L3RateTracer::OutInterests  (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::OutInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::InInterests   (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::InInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::DropInterests (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::DropInterests(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropInterests ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropInterests += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropInterests++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropInterests += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::OutNacks  (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::OutNacks(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outNacks ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outNacks += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outNacks++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outNacks += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::InNacks   (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::InNacks(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inNacks ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inNacks += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inNacks++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inNacks += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::DropNacks (Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::DropNacks(Ptr<const Interest> interest, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropNacks ++;
-  if (interest->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropNacks += interest->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropNacks++;
+  if (interest->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropNacks += interest->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::OutData  (Ptr<const Data> data,
-                        bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::OutData(Ptr<const Data> data, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_outData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_outData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_outData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_outData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::InData   (Ptr<const Data> data,
-                        Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::InData(Ptr<const Data> data, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_inData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_inData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_inData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_inData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::DropData (Ptr<const Data> data,
-                        Ptr<const Face> face)
+L3RateTracer::DropData(Ptr<const Data> data, Ptr<const Face> face)
-  m_stats[face].get<0> ().m_dropData ++;
-  if (data->GetWire ())
-    {
-      m_stats[face].get<1> ().m_dropData += data->GetWire ()->GetSize ();
-    }
+  m_stats[face].get<0>().m_dropData++;
+  if (data->GetWire()) {
+    m_stats[face].get<1>().m_dropData += data->GetWire()->GetSize();
+  }
-L3RateTracer::SatisfiedInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry> entry)
+L3RateTracer::SatisfiedInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry> entry)
-  m_stats[0].get<0> ().m_satisfiedInterests ++;
+  m_stats[0].get<0>().m_satisfiedInterests++;
   // no "size" stats
-  for (pit::Entry::in_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetIncoming ().begin ();
-       i != entry->GetIncoming ().end ();
-       i++)
-    {
-      m_stats[i->m_face].get<0> ().m_satisfiedInterests ++;
+  for (pit::Entry::in_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetIncoming().begin();
+       i != entry->GetIncoming().end(); i++) {
+    m_stats[i->m_face].get<0>().m_satisfiedInterests++;
+  }
-  for (pit::Entry::out_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetOutgoing ().begin ();
-       i != entry->GetOutgoing ().end ();
-       i++)
-    {
-      m_stats[i->m_face].get<0> ().m_outSatisfiedInterests ++;
-    }
+  for (pit::Entry::out_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetOutgoing().begin();
+       i != entry->GetOutgoing().end(); i++) {
+    m_stats[i->m_face].get<0>().m_outSatisfiedInterests++;
+  }
-L3RateTracer::TimedOutInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry> entry)
+L3RateTracer::TimedOutInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry> entry)
-  m_stats[0].get<0> ().m_timedOutInterests ++;
+  m_stats[0].get<0>().m_timedOutInterests++;
   // no "size" stats
-  for (pit::Entry::in_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetIncoming ().begin ();
-       i != entry->GetIncoming ().end ();
-       i++)
-    {
-      m_stats[i->m_face].get<0> ().m_timedOutInterests ++;
-  for (pit::Entry::out_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetOutgoing ().begin ();
-       i != entry->GetOutgoing ().end ();
-       i++)
-    {
-      m_stats[i->m_face].get<0> ().m_outTimedOutInterests ++;
-    }
+  for (pit::Entry::in_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetIncoming().begin();
+       i != entry->GetIncoming().end(); i++) {
+    m_stats[i->m_face].get<0>().m_timedOutInterests++;
+  }
+  for (pit::Entry::out_container::const_iterator i = entry->GetOutgoing().begin();
+       i != entry->GetOutgoing().end(); i++) {
+    m_stats[i->m_face].get<0>().m_outTimedOutInterests++;
+  }
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.hpp
index 1a6a401..21bb06c 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-rate-tracer.hpp
@@ -39,38 +39,40 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-tracers
  * @brief NDN network-layer rate tracer
-class L3RateTracer : public L3Tracer
+class L3RateTracer : public L3Tracer {
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on all simulation nodes
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
    * @param averagingPeriod Defines averaging period for the rate calculation,
-   *        as well as how often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   *        as well as how often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
   static void
-  InstallAll (const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  InstallAll(const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on the selected simulation nodes
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
   static void
-  Install (const NodeContainer &nodes, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(const NodeContainer& nodes, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param file File to which traces will be written.  If filename is -, then std::out is used
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
   static void
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, const std::string& file, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
    * @brief Explicit request to remove all statically created tracers
@@ -79,98 +81,101 @@
    * or if it is desired to do a postprocessing of the resulting data
   static void
-  Destroy ();
+  Destroy();
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node pointer
    * @param os    reference to the output stream
    * @param node  pointer to the node
-  L3RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
+  L3RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node name
    * @param os        reference to the output stream
    * @param nodeName  name of the node registered using Names::Add
-  L3RateTracer (boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string &node);
+  L3RateTracer(boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os, const std::string& node);
    * @brief Destructor
-  virtual ~L3RateTracer ();
+  virtual ~L3RateTracer();
    * @brief Helper method to install tracers on a specific simulation node
    * @param nodes Nodes on which to install tracer
    * @param outputStream Smart pointer to a stream
-   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half second)
+   * @param averagingPeriod How often data will be written into the trace file (default, every half
+   *second)
-   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This tuple needs to be preserved
+   * @returns a tuple of reference to output stream and list of tracers. !!! Attention !!! This
+   *tuple needs to be preserved
    *          for the lifetime of simulation, otherwise SEGFAULTs are inevitable
   static Ptr<L3RateTracer>
-  Install (Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream, Time averagingPeriod = Seconds (0.5));
+  Install(Ptr<Node> node, boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> outputStream,
+          Time averagingPeriod = Seconds(0.5));
   // from L3Tracer
   virtual void
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const;
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   // from L3Tracer
   virtual void
-  OutInterests  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InInterests   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropInterests (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  OutNacks  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InNacks   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropNacks (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  OutData  (Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>);
+  OutData(Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  InData   (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  InData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  DropData (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
+  DropData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>);
   virtual void
-  SatisfiedInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
+  SatisfiedInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
   virtual void
-  TimedOutInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
+  TimedOutInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>);
-  SetAveragingPeriod (const Time &period);
+  SetAveragingPeriod(const Time& period);
-  PeriodicPrinter ();
+  PeriodicPrinter();
-  Reset ();
+  Reset();
   boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> m_os;
   Time m_period;
   EventId m_printEvent;
-  mutable std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats> > m_stats;
+  mutable std::map<Ptr<const Face>, boost::tuple<Stats, Stats, Stats, Stats>> m_stats;
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.cpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.cpp
index c69a4d3..8d59eb0 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.cpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.cpp
@@ -38,52 +38,50 @@
 namespace ns3 {
 namespace ndn {
-L3Tracer::L3Tracer (Ptr<Node> node)
-: m_nodePtr (node)
+L3Tracer::L3Tracer(Ptr<Node> node)
+  : m_nodePtr(node)
-  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string> (m_nodePtr->GetId ());
+  m_node = boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_nodePtr->GetId());
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-  string name = Names::FindName (node);
-  if (!name.empty ())
-    {
-      m_node = name;
-    }
+  string name = Names::FindName(node);
+  if (!name.empty()) {
+    m_node = name;
+  }
-L3Tracer::L3Tracer (const std::string &node)
-: m_node (node)
+L3Tracer::L3Tracer(const std::string& node)
+  : m_node(node)
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
-L3Tracer::~L3Tracer ()
-L3Tracer::Connect ()
-  Ptr<ForwardingStrategy> fw = m_nodePtr->GetObject<ForwardingStrategy> ();
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("OutInterests",  MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::OutInterests, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("InInterests",   MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::InInterests, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("DropInterests", MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::DropInterests, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("OutData",  MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::OutData, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("InData",   MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::InData, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("DropData", MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::DropData, this));
+  Ptr<ForwardingStrategy> fw = m_nodePtr->GetObject<ForwardingStrategy>();
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("OutInterests", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::OutInterests, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("InInterests", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::InInterests, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("DropInterests", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::DropInterests, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("OutData", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::OutData, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("InData", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::InData, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("DropData", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::DropData, this));
   // only for some strategies
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("OutNacks",  MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::OutNacks, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("InNacks",   MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::InNacks, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("DropNacks", MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::DropNacks, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("OutNacks", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::OutNacks, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("InNacks", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::InNacks, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("DropNacks", MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::DropNacks, this));
   // satisfied/timed out PIs
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("SatisfiedInterests", MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::SatisfiedInterests, this));
-  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("TimedOutInterests", MakeCallback (&L3Tracer::TimedOutInterests, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("SatisfiedInterests",
+                                 MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::SatisfiedInterests, this));
+  fw->TraceConnectWithoutContext("TimedOutInterests",
+                                 MakeCallback(&L3Tracer::TimedOutInterests, this));
 } // namespace ndn
diff --git a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.hpp b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.hpp
index 2f132bd..d3534fa 100644
--- a/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.hpp
+++ b/utils/tracers/ndn-l3-tracer.hpp
@@ -49,25 +49,24 @@
  * @ingroup ndn-tracers
  * @brief Base class for network-layer (incoming/outgoing Interests and Data) tracing of NDN stack
-class L3Tracer : public SimpleRefCount<L3Tracer>
+class L3Tracer : public SimpleRefCount<L3Tracer> {
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node pointer
    * @param node  pointer to the node
-  L3Tracer (Ptr<Node> node);
+  L3Tracer(Ptr<Node> node);
    * @brief Trace constructor that attaches to the node using node name
    * @param nodeName  name of the node registered using Names::Add
-  L3Tracer (const std::string &node);
+  L3Tracer(const std::string& node);
    * @brief Destructor
-  virtual ~L3Tracer ();
+  virtual ~L3Tracer();
    * @brief Print head of the trace (e.g., for post-processing)
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@
    * @param os reference to output stream
   virtual void
-  PrintHeader (std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+  PrintHeader(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
    * @brief Print current trace data
@@ -83,63 +82,62 @@
    * @param os reference to output stream
   virtual void
-  Print (std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+  Print(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
-  Connect ();
+  Connect();
   virtual void
-  OutInterests  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  OutInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  InInterests   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  InInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  DropInterests (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  DropInterests(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  OutNacks  (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  OutNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  InNacks   (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  InNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  DropNacks (Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  DropNacks(Ptr<const Interest>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  OutData  (Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  OutData(Ptr<const Data>, bool fromCache, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  InData   (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  InData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  DropData (Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
+  DropData(Ptr<const Data>, Ptr<const Face>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  SatisfiedInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>) = 0;
+  SatisfiedInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>) = 0;
   virtual void
-  TimedOutInterests (Ptr<const pit::Entry>) = 0;
+  TimedOutInterests(Ptr<const pit::Entry>) = 0;
   std::string m_node;
   Ptr<Node> m_nodePtr;
-  struct Stats
-  {
-    inline void Reset ()
+  struct Stats {
+    inline void
+    Reset()
-      m_inInterests   = 0;
-      m_outInterests  = 0;
+      m_inInterests = 0;
+      m_outInterests = 0;
       m_dropInterests = 0;
-      m_inNacks       = 0;
-      m_outNacks      = 0;
-      m_dropNacks     = 0;
-      m_inData        = 0;
-      m_outData       = 0;
-      m_dropData      = 0;
+      m_inNacks = 0;
+      m_outNacks = 0;
+      m_dropNacks = 0;
+      m_inData = 0;
+      m_outData = 0;
+      m_dropData = 0;
       m_satisfiedInterests = 0;
       m_timedOutInterests = 0;
@@ -167,12 +165,12 @@
  * @brief Helper to dump the trace to an output stream
 inline std::ostream&
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const L3Tracer &tracer)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const L3Tracer& tracer)
   os << "# ";
-  tracer.PrintHeader (os);
+  tracer.PrintHeader(os);
   os << "\n";
-  tracer.Print (os);
+  tracer.Print(os);
   return os;
diff --git a/utils/trie/aggregate-stats-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/aggregate-stats-policy.hpp
index ce466dd..b2cb0bd 100644
--- a/utils/trie/aggregate-stats-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/aggregate-stats-policy.hpp
@@ -32,80 +32,84 @@
  * @brief Traits for policy that just keeps track of number of elements
  * It's doing a rather expensive job, but just in case it needs to be extended later
-struct aggregate_stats_policy_traits
+struct aggregate_stats_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "AggregateStats"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type { };
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    struct type { };
+    return "AggregateStats";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy
-  {
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    struct type {
+    };
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
     // typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type
-    {
+    class type {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , m_updates (0)
-        , m_inserts (0)
-        , m_lookups (0)
-        , m_erases (0)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , m_updates(0)
+        , m_inserts(0)
+        , m_lookups(0)
+        , m_erases(0)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        m_updates ++;
+        m_updates++;
         // do nothing
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        m_inserts ++;
+        m_inserts++;
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        m_lookups ++;
+        m_lookups++;
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        m_erases ++;
+        m_erases++;
-      inline void
-      set_max_size (uint32_t) {}
+      inline void set_max_size(uint32_t)
+      {
+      }
       inline uint32_t
-      get_max_size () const { return 0; }
+      get_max_size() const
+      {
+        return 0;
+      }
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
         // is called only at the end of simulation
       inline void
-      ResetStats ()
+      ResetStats()
         m_updates = 0;
         m_inserts = 0;
@@ -114,23 +118,36 @@
       inline uint64_t
-      GetUpdates () const { return m_updates; }
+      GetUpdates() const
+      {
+        return m_updates;
+      }
       inline uint64_t
-      GetInserts () const { return m_inserts; }
+      GetInserts() const
+      {
+        return m_inserts;
+      }
       inline uint64_t
-      GetLookups () const { return m_lookups; }
+      GetLookups() const
+      {
+        return m_lookups;
+      }
       inline uint64_t
-      GetErases () const { return m_erases; }
+      GetErases() const
+      {
+        return m_erases;
+      }
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       uint64_t m_updates;
       uint64_t m_inserts;
       uint64_t m_lookups;
diff --git a/utils/trie/counting-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/counting-policy.hpp
index 2c8656c..a44c290 100644
--- a/utils/trie/counting-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/counting-policy.hpp
@@ -32,76 +32,75 @@
  * @brief Traits for policy that just keeps track of number of elements
  * It's doing a rather expensive job, but just in case it needs to be extended later
-struct counting_policy_traits
+struct counting_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Counting"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    // could be class/struct implementation
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                             policy_hook_type,
-                             &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Counting";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    // could be class/struct implementation
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/detail/functor-hook.hpp b/utils/trie/detail/functor-hook.hpp
index f34969c..b0daadd 100644
--- a/utils/trie/detail/functor-hook.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/detail/functor-hook.hpp
@@ -29,36 +29,43 @@
 namespace detail {
 template<class BaseHook, class ValueType, int N>
-struct FunctorHook
+struct FunctorHook {
   typedef typename BaseHook::template index<N>::type hook_type;
-  typedef hook_type*            hook_ptr;
-  typedef const hook_type*      const_hook_ptr;
-  typedef ValueType             value_type;
-  typedef value_type*           pointer;
-  typedef const value_type*     const_pointer;
-  //Required static functions
-  static hook_ptr to_hook_ptr (value_type &value)
-  {  return &value.policy_hook_.template get<N> (); }
-  static const_hook_ptr to_hook_ptr(const value_type &value)
-  {  return &value.policy_hook_.template get<N> (); }
-  static pointer to_value_ptr(hook_ptr n)
+  typedef hook_type* hook_ptr;
+  typedef const hook_type* const_hook_ptr;
+  typedef ValueType value_type;
+  typedef value_type* pointer;
+  typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
+  // Required static functions
+  static hook_ptr
+  to_hook_ptr(value_type& value)
-    return
-      boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<value_type>
-      (static_cast<BaseHook*> (boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member< wrap<hook_type> >(n, &wrap<hook_type>::value_)),
-       &value_type::policy_hook_);
+    return &value.policy_hook_.template get<N>();
-  static const_pointer to_value_ptr(const_hook_ptr n)
+  static const_hook_ptr
+  to_hook_ptr(const value_type& value)
-    return
-      boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<value_type>
-      (static_cast<const BaseHook*> (boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member< wrap<hook_type> >(n, &wrap<hook_type>::value_)),
-       &value_type::policy_hook_);
+    return &value.policy_hook_.template get<N>();
+  }
+  static pointer
+  to_value_ptr(hook_ptr n)
+  {
+    return boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<value_type>(
+      static_cast<BaseHook*>(
+        boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<wrap<hook_type>>(n, &wrap<hook_type>::value_)),
+      &value_type::policy_hook_);
+  }
+  static const_pointer
+  to_value_ptr(const_hook_ptr n)
+  {
+    return boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<value_type>(
+      static_cast<const BaseHook*>(
+        boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member<wrap<hook_type>>(n, &wrap<hook_type>::value_)),
+      &value_type::policy_hook_);
diff --git a/utils/trie/detail/multi-policy-container.hpp b/utils/trie/detail/multi-policy-container.hpp
index c1251e9..00bfbf1 100644
--- a/utils/trie/detail/multi-policy-container.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/detail/multi-policy-container.hpp
@@ -29,144 +29,180 @@
 namespace ndnSIM {
 namespace detail {
-template< class Base, class Value >
-struct policy_wrap
-  policy_wrap (Base &base) : value_ (base) { }
+template<class Base, class Value>
+struct policy_wrap {
+  policy_wrap(Base& base)
+    : value_(base)
+  {
+  }
   Value value_;
-template< class Base, class Super/*empy_wrap/previous level*/, class Value/*policy_wrap< element in vector >*/ >
-struct inherit_with_base : Super, Value
-  inherit_with_base (Base &base) : Super (base), Value (base) { }
+template<class Base, class Super /*empy_wrap/previous level*/,
+         class Value /*policy_wrap< element in vector >*/>
+struct inherit_with_base : Super, Value {
+  inherit_with_base(Base& base)
+    : Super(base)
+    , Value(base)
+  {
+  }
-  update (typename Base::iterator item)
+  update(typename Base::iterator item)
-    Value::value_.update (item);
-    Super::update (item);
+    Value::value_.update(item);
+    Super::update(item);
-  insert (typename Base::iterator item)
+  insert(typename Base::iterator item)
-    bool ok = Value::value_.insert (item);
+    bool ok = Value::value_.insert(item);
     if (!ok)
       return false;
-    ok = Super::insert (item);
-    if (!ok)
-      {
-        Value::value_.erase (item);
-        return false;
-      }
+    ok = Super::insert(item);
+    if (!ok) {
+      Value::value_.erase(item);
+      return false;
+    }
     return true;
-  lookup (typename Base::iterator item)
+  lookup(typename Base::iterator item)
-    Value::value_.lookup (item);
-    Super::lookup (item);
+    Value::value_.lookup(item);
+    Super::lookup(item);
-  erase (typename Base::iterator item)
+  erase(typename Base::iterator item)
-    Value::value_.erase (item);
-    Super::erase (item);
-  }  
+    Value::value_.erase(item);
+    Super::erase(item);
+  }
-  clear ()
+  clear()
-    Value::value_.clear ();
-    Super::clear ();
+    Value::value_.clear();
+    Super::clear();
-template< class Base >
-struct empty_policy_wrap
-  empty_policy_wrap (Base &base) { }
+template<class Base>
+struct empty_policy_wrap {
+  empty_policy_wrap(Base& base)
+  {
+  }
-  void update (typename Base::iterator item) {}
-  bool insert (typename Base::iterator item) { return true; }
-  void lookup (typename Base::iterator item) {}
-  void erase (typename Base::iterator item) {}
-  void clear () {}
+  void
+  update(typename Base::iterator item)
+  {
+  }
+  bool
+  insert(typename Base::iterator item)
+  {
+    return true;
+  }
+  void
+  lookup(typename Base::iterator item)
+  {
+  }
+  void
+  erase(typename Base::iterator item)
+  {
+  }
+  void
+  clear()
+  {
+  }
-template< class Base, class Vector >
+template<class Base, class Vector>
 struct multi_policy_container
-  : public boost::mpl::fold< Vector,
-                      empty_policy_wrap<Base>,
-                      inherit_with_base<Base,
-                                        boost::mpl::_1/*empty/previous*/,
-                                        policy_wrap<Base, boost::mpl::_2>/*element in vector*/>
-                      >::type
-  typedef typename boost::mpl::fold< Vector,
-                              empty_policy_wrap<Base>,
-                              inherit_with_base<Base,
-                                                boost::mpl::_1/*empty/previous*/,
-                                                policy_wrap<Base, boost::mpl::_2>/*element in vector*/>
-                              >::type super;
+  : public boost::mpl::
+      fold<Vector, empty_policy_wrap<Base>,
+           inherit_with_base<Base, boost::mpl::_1 /*empty/previous*/,
+                             policy_wrap<Base, boost::mpl::_2> /*element in vector*/>>::type {
+  typedef typename boost::mpl::
+    fold<Vector, empty_policy_wrap<Base>,
+         inherit_with_base<Base, boost::mpl::_1 /*empty/previous*/,
+                           policy_wrap<Base, boost::mpl::_2> /*element in vector*/>>::type super;
   typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, 0>::type::iterator iterator;
   typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, 0>::type::const_iterator const_iterator;
-  iterator begin ()             { return this->get<0> ().begin (); }
-  const_iterator begin () const { return this->get<0> ().begin (); }
+  iterator
+  begin()
+  {
+    return this->get<0>().begin();
+  }
+  const_iterator
+  begin() const
+  {
+    return this->get<0>().begin();
+  }
-  iterator end ()             { return this->get<0> ().end (); }
-  const_iterator end () const { return this->get<0> ().end (); }
+  iterator
+  end()
+  {
+    return this->get<0>().end();
+  }
+  const_iterator
+  end() const
+  {
+    return this->get<0>().end();
+  }
-  size_t size () const { return this->get<0> ().size (); }
-  multi_policy_container (Base &base)
-  : super (base)
-  { }
+  size_t
+  size() const
+  {
+    return this->get<0>().size();
+  }
+  multi_policy_container(Base& base)
+    : super(base)
+  {
+  }
   template<int N>
-  struct index
-  {
+  struct index {
     typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type type;
   template<class T>
-  T &
-  get ()
+  T&
+  get()
-    return static_cast< policy_wrap<Base, T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<policy_wrap<Base, T>&>(*this).value_;
   template<class T>
-  const T &
-  get () const
+  const T&
+  get() const
-    return static_cast< const policy_wrap<Base, T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<const policy_wrap<Base, T>&>(*this).value_;
   template<int N>
-  typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type &
-  get ()
+  typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type&
+  get()
     typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type T;
-    return static_cast< policy_wrap<Base, T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<policy_wrap<Base, T>&>(*this).value_;
   template<int N>
-  const typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type &
-  get () const
+  const typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type&
+  get() const
     typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type T;
-    return static_cast< const policy_wrap<Base, T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<const policy_wrap<Base, T>&>(*this).value_;
 } // detail
 } // ndnSIM
 } // ndn
diff --git a/utils/trie/detail/multi-type-container.hpp b/utils/trie/detail/multi-type-container.hpp
index d4971c4..56dc89e 100644
--- a/utils/trie/detail/multi-type-container.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/detail/multi-type-container.hpp
@@ -30,54 +30,51 @@
 namespace ndnSIM {
 namespace detail {
-template <class T>
-struct wrap
+template<class T>
+struct wrap {
   T value_;
-template< class Vector >
+template<class Vector>
 struct multi_type_container
-  : public boost::mpl::inherit_linearly< Vector, boost::mpl::inherit<wrap<boost::mpl::_2>, boost::mpl::_1 >
-  >::type
+  : public boost::mpl::inherit_linearly<Vector, boost::mpl::inherit<wrap<boost::mpl::_2>,
+                                                                    boost::mpl::_1>>::type {
   template<int N>
-  struct index
-  {
+  struct index {
     typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type type;
   template<class T>
-  T &
-  get ()
+  T&
+  get()
-    return static_cast< wrap<T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<wrap<T>&>(*this).value_;
   template<class T>
-  const T &
-  get () const
+  const T&
+  get() const
-    return static_cast< const wrap<T> &> (*this).value_;
-  }
-  template<int N>
-  typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type &
-  get ()
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type T;
-    return static_cast< wrap<T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<const wrap<T>&>(*this).value_;
   template<int N>
-  const typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type &
-  get () const
+  typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type&
+  get()
     typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type T;
-    return static_cast< const wrap<T> &> (*this).value_;
+    return static_cast<wrap<T>&>(*this).value_;
+  }
+  template<int N>
+  const typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type&
+  get() const
+  {
+    typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<Vector, N>::type T;
+    return static_cast<const wrap<T>&>(*this).value_;
 } // detail
 } // ndnSIM
 } // ndn
diff --git a/utils/trie/empty-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/empty-policy.hpp
index c610717..7d077b6 100644
--- a/utils/trie/empty-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/empty-policy.hpp
@@ -28,29 +28,47 @@
  * @brief Traits for empty (bogus) replacement policy
-struct empty_policy_traits
+struct empty_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return ""; }
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
+  {
+    return "";
+  }
   typedef void* policy_hook_type;
-  template<class Container> struct container_hook { typedef void* type; };
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef void* type;
+  };
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    struct type
-    {
-      inline type (Base &base) {}
-      inline void update (typename Container::iterator) { }
-      inline bool insert (typename Container::iterator) { return true; }
-      inline void lookup (typename Container::iterator item) { }
-      inline void erase (typename Container::iterator item) { }
-      inline void clear () { }
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    struct type {
+      inline type(Base& base)
+      {
+      }
+      inline void update(typename Container::iterator)
+      {
+      }
+      inline bool insert(typename Container::iterator)
+      {
+        return true;
+      }
+      inline void
+      lookup(typename Container::iterator item)
+      {
+      }
+      inline void
+      erase(typename Container::iterator item)
+      {
+      }
+      inline void
+      clear()
+      {
+      }
diff --git a/utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp
index 7ab4ec7..2527c16 100644
--- a/utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/fifo-policy.hpp
@@ -31,94 +31,92 @@
  * @brief Traits for First In First Out replacement policy
-struct fifo_policy_traits
+struct fifo_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Fifo"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    // could be class/struct implementation
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                             policy_hook_type,
-                             &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Fifo";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    // could be class/struct implementation
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
-          {
-            base_.erase (&(*policy_container::begin ()));
-          }
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size() >= max_size_) {
+          base_.erase(&(*policy_container::begin()));
+        }
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp
index c6d6108..897dc49 100644
--- a/utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/lfu-policy.hpp
@@ -31,124 +31,125 @@
  * @brief Traits for LFU replacement policy
-struct lfu_policy_traits
+struct lfu_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Lfu"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> { double frequency; };
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Lfu";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> {
+    double frequency;
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy
-  {
-    static double& get_order (typename Container::iterator item)
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    static double&
+    get_order(typename Container::iterator item)
-      return static_cast<policy_hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->frequency;
+      return static_cast<policy_hook_type*>(policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))
+        ->frequency;
-    static const double& get_order (typename Container::const_iterator item)
+    static const double&
+    get_order(typename Container::const_iterator item)
-      return static_cast<const policy_hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->frequency;
+      return static_cast<const policy_hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->frequency;
     template<class Key>
-    struct MemberHookLess
-    {
-      bool operator () (const Key &a, const Key &b) const
+    struct MemberHookLess {
+      bool
+      operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const
-        return get_order (&a) < get_order (&b);
+        return get_order(&a) < get_order(&b);
-    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset< Container,
-                                   boost::intrusive::compare< MemberHookLess< Container > >,
-                                   Hook > policy_container;
+    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset<Container,
+                                       boost::intrusive::compare<MemberHookLess<Container>>,
+                                       Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_order methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
-        get_order (item) += 1;
-        policy_container::insert (*item);
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
+        get_order(item) += 1;
+        policy_container::insert(*item);
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        get_order (item) = 0;
+        get_order(item) = 0;
-        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
-          {
-            // this erases the "least frequently used item" from cache
-            base_.erase (&(*policy_container::begin ()));
-          }
+        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size() >= max_size_) {
+          // this erases the "least frequently used item" from cache
+          base_.erase(&(*policy_container::begin()));
+        }
-        policy_container::insert (*item);
+        policy_container::insert(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
-        get_order (item) += 1;
-        policy_container::insert (*item);
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
+        get_order(item) += 1;
+        policy_container::insert(*item);
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/lru-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/lru-policy.hpp
index a248117..77a65ca 100644
--- a/utils/trie/lru-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/lru-policy.hpp
@@ -31,99 +31,95 @@
  * @brief Traits for Least Recently Used replacement policy
-struct lru_policy_traits
+struct lru_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Lru"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Lru";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do relocation
-        policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
-                                  *this,
-                                  policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::splice(policy_container::end(), *this,
+                                 policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
-          {
-            base_.erase (&(*policy_container::begin ()));
-          }
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size() >= max_size_) {
+          base_.erase(&(*policy_container::begin()));
+        }
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do relocation
-        policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
-                                  *this,
-                                  policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
-      }
-      inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::splice(policy_container::end(), *this,
+                                 policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      clear()
+      {
+        policy_container::clear();
+      }
+      inline void
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/multi-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/multi-policy.hpp
index 125df02..170f691 100644
--- a/utils/trie/multi-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/multi-policy.hpp
@@ -40,144 +40,148 @@
 namespace ndnSIM {
 template<typename Policies> // e.g., mpl::vector1< lru_policy_traits >
-struct multi_policy_traits
+struct multi_policy_traits {
   typedef Policies policy_traits;
-  struct getHook { template<class Item> struct apply { typedef typename Item::policy_hook_type type; }; };
-  typedef detail::multi_type_container< typename boost::mpl::transform1<policy_traits, getHook>::type > policy_hook_type;
+  struct getHook {
+    template<class Item>
+    struct apply {
+      typedef typename Item::policy_hook_type type;
+    };
+  };
+  typedef detail::multi_type_container<
+    typename boost::mpl::transform1<policy_traits, getHook>::type> policy_hook_type;
   template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
-  {
+  struct container_hook {
     typedef policy_hook_type type;
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value> policies_range;
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value>
+      policies_range;
-    struct getPolicy
-    {
+    struct getPolicy {
       template<class Number>
-      struct apply
-      {
-        typedef
-        typename boost::mpl::at_c<policy_traits, Number::value>::type::
-        template policy<Base,
-                        Container,
-                        boost::intrusive::function_hook< detail::FunctorHook <Hook,
-                                                                              Container,
-                                                                              Number::value> > >::type
-        type;
+      struct apply {
+        typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<policy_traits, Number::value>::type::
+          template policy<Base, Container,
+                          boost::intrusive::function_hook<detail::FunctorHook<Hook, Container,
+                                                                              Number::value>>>::type
+            type;
-    typedef
-    typename boost::mpl::transform1<policies_range,
-                                    getPolicy,
-                                    boost::mpl::back_inserter< boost::mpl::vector0<> > >::type policies;
-    typedef detail::multi_policy_container< Base, policies > policy_container;
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    typedef typename boost::mpl::transform1<policies_range, getPolicy,
+                                            boost::mpl::back_inserter<boost::mpl::vector0<>>>::type
+      policies;
+    typedef detail::multi_policy_container<Base, policies> policy_container;
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_time methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : policy_container (base)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : policy_container(base)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::update (item);
+        policy_container::update(item);
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        return policy_container::insert (item);
-      }
-      inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        policy_container::lookup (item);
-      }
-      inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        policy_container::erase (item);
-      }
-      inline void
-      clear ()
-      {
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        return policy_container::insert(item);
-      struct max_size_setter
+      inline void
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        max_size_setter (policy_container &container, size_t size) : m_container (container), m_size (size) { }
-        template< typename U > void operator() (U index)
+        policy_container::lookup(item);
+      }
+      inline void
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      {
+        policy_container::erase(item);
+      }
+      inline void
+      clear()
+      {
+        policy_container::clear();
+      }
+      struct max_size_setter {
+        max_size_setter(policy_container& container, size_t size)
+          : m_container(container)
+          , m_size(size)
-          m_container.template get<U::value> ().set_max_size (m_size);
+        }
+        template<typename U>
+        void
+        operator()(U index)
+        {
+          m_container.template get<U::value>().set_max_size(m_size);
-        policy_container &m_container;
+        policy_container& m_container;
         size_t m_size;
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
-        boost::mpl::for_each< boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value> >
-          (max_size_setter (*this, max_size));
+        boost::mpl::for_each<boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0,
+                                                 boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value>>(
+          max_size_setter(*this, max_size));
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         // as max size should be the same everywhere, get the value from the first available policy
-        return policy_container::template get<0> ().get_max_size ();
+        return policy_container::template get<0>().get_max_size();
-  struct name_getter
-  {
-    name_getter (std::string &name) : m_name (name) { }
-    template< typename U > void operator() (U index)
+  struct name_getter {
+    name_getter(std::string& name)
+      : m_name(name)
-      if (!m_name.empty ())
-        m_name += "::";
-      m_name += boost::mpl::at_c< policy_traits, U::value >::type::GetName ();
-    std::string &m_name;
+    template<typename U>
+    void
+    operator()(U index)
+    {
+      if (!m_name.empty())
+        m_name += "::";
+      m_name += boost::mpl::at_c<policy_traits, U::value>::type::GetName();
+    }
+    std::string& m_name;
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName ()
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
     // combine names of all internal policies
     std::string name;
-    boost::mpl::for_each< boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value> > (name_getter (name));
+    boost::mpl::for_each<boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, boost::mpl::size<policy_traits>::type::value>>(
+      name_getter(name));
     return name;
diff --git a/utils/trie/payload-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/payload-policy.hpp
index a474afd..9193442 100644
--- a/utils/trie/payload-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/payload-policy.hpp
@@ -32,96 +32,88 @@
  * @brief Traits for policy that keeps items in a sorted order using payload member
 template<class Member>
-struct payload_policy_traits
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
-  {
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+struct payload_policy_traits {
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do relocation
-        policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
-                                  *this,
-                                  policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::splice(policy_container::end(), *this,
+                                 policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
-          {
-            base_.erase (&(*policy_container::begin ()));
-          }
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        if (policy_container::size() >= max_size_) {
+          base_.erase(&(*policy_container::begin()));
+        }
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do relocation
-        policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
-                                  *this,
-                                  policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
-      }
-      inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-      {
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::splice(policy_container::end(), *this,
+                                 policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      clear()
+      {
+        policy_container::clear();
+      }
+      inline void
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/payload-with-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/payload-with-policy.hpp
index 7db278b..4010511 100644
--- a/utils/trie/payload-with-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/payload-with-policy.hpp
@@ -25,32 +25,29 @@
 namespace ndn {
 namespace ndnSIM {
-template<typename PayloadTraits,
-         typename IndexTraits>
-class payload_with_index
+template<typename PayloadTraits, typename IndexTraits>
+class payload_with_index {
   typedef PayloadTraits::pointer_type iterator;
-  typedef typename IndexTraits::template index<
-    PayloadTraits,
-    typename IndexTraits::template container_hook<parent_trie>::type >::type index_container;
-  inline
-  payload_with_index ()
-    : index_ (*this)
+  typedef typename IndexTraits::
+    template index<PayloadTraits,
+                   typename IndexTraits::template container_hook<parent_trie>::type>::type
+      index_container;
+  inline payload_with_index()
+    : index_(*this)
-  inline std::pair< iterator, bool >
-  insert (typename iterator payload)
+  inline std::pair<iterator, bool>
+  insert(typename iterator payload)
-    bool ok = policy_.insert (s_iterator_to (item.first));
-    if (!ok)
-      {
-        item.first->erase (); // cannot insert
-        return std::make_pair (end (), false);
-      }
+    bool ok = policy_.insert(s_iterator_to(item.first));
+    if (!ok) {
+      item.first->erase(); // cannot insert
+      return std::make_pair(end(), false);
+    }
     return item;
@@ -61,7 +58,7 @@
   //   iterator foundItem, lastItem;
   //   bool reachLast;
   //   boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
   //   if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
   //     return; // nothing to invalidate
diff --git a/utils/trie/persistent-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/persistent-policy.hpp
index 9b706b0..c8f116c 100644
--- a/utils/trie/persistent-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/persistent-policy.hpp
@@ -32,84 +32,83 @@
  * @brief Traits for persistent replacement policy
  * In this policy entries are added until there is a space (controlled by set_max_size call).
- * If maximum is reached, new entries will not be added and nothing will be removed from the container
+ * If maximum is reached, new entries will not be added and nothing will be removed from the
+ *container
-struct persistent_policy_traits
+struct persistent_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Persistent"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {};
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Persistent";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> {
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list< Container, Hook > policy_container;
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    typedef typename boost::intrusive::list<Container, Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , max_size_ (100) // when 0, policy is not enforced
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , max_size_(100) // when 0, policy is not enforced
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
+        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size() >= max_size_)
           return false;
-        policy_container::push_back (*item);
+        policy_container::push_back(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
       // type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/random-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/random-policy.hpp
index 1a7308c..7264bed 100644
--- a/utils/trie/random-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/random-policy.hpp
@@ -33,130 +33,129 @@
  * @brief Traits for random replacement policy
-struct random_policy_traits
+struct random_policy_traits {
   /// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
-  static std::string GetName () { return "Random"; }
-  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> { uint32_t randomOrder; };
-  template<class Container>
-  struct container_hook
+  static std::string
+  GetName()
-    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
-                                           policy_hook_type,
-                                           &Container::policy_hook_ > type;
+    return "Random";
+  }
+  struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> {
+    uint32_t randomOrder;
-  template<class Base,
-           class Container,
-           class Hook>
-  struct policy 
-  {
-    static uint32_t& get_order (typename Container::iterator item)
+  template<class Container>
+  struct container_hook {
+    typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<Container, policy_hook_type, &Container::policy_hook_>
+      type;
+  };
+  template<class Base, class Container, class Hook>
+  struct policy {
+    static uint32_t&
+    get_order(typename Container::iterator item)
-      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->randomOrder;
+      return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->randomOrder;
-    static const uint32_t& get_order (typename Container::const_iterator item)
+    static const uint32_t&
+    get_order(typename Container::const_iterator item)
-      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
-        (policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->randomOrder;
+      return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>(
+               policy_container::value_traits::to_node_ptr(*item))->randomOrder;
     template<class Key>
-    struct MemberHookLess
-    {
-      bool operator () (const Key &a, const Key &b) const
+    struct MemberHookLess {
+      bool
+      operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const
-        return get_order (&a) < get_order (&b);
+        return get_order(&a) < get_order(&b);
-    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset< Container,
-                                   boost::intrusive::compare< MemberHookLess< Container > >,
-                                   Hook > policy_container;
+    typedef boost::intrusive::multiset<Container,
+                                       boost::intrusive::compare<MemberHookLess<Container>>,
+                                       Hook> policy_container;
     // could be just typedef
-    class type : public policy_container
-    {
+    class type : public policy_container {
       typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_order methods from outside
       typedef Container parent_trie;
-      type (Base &base)
-        : base_ (base)
-        , u_rand (0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ())
-        , max_size_ (100)
+      type(Base& base)
+        : base_(base)
+        , u_rand(0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+        , max_size_(100)
       inline void
-      update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      update(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
       inline bool
-      insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      insert(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        get_order (item) = u_rand.GetValue ();
+        get_order(item) = u_rand.GetValue();
-        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
-          {
-            if (MemberHookLess<Container>() (*item, *policy_container::begin ()))
-              {
-                // std::cout << "Cannot add. Signaling fail\n";
-                // just return false. Indicating that insert "failed"
-                return false;
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                // removing some random element
-                base_.erase (&(*policy_container::begin ()));
-              }
+        if (max_size_ != 0 && policy_container::size() >= max_size_) {
+          if (MemberHookLess<Container>()(*item, *policy_container::begin())) {
+            // std::cout << "Cannot add. Signaling fail\n";
+            // just return false. Indicating that insert "failed"
+            return false;
+          else {
+            // removing some random element
+            base_.erase(&(*policy_container::begin()));
+          }
+        }
-        policy_container::insert (*item);
+        policy_container::insert(*item);
         return true;
       inline void
-      lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      lookup(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
         // do nothing. it's random policy
       inline void
-      erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+      erase(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
-        policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
+        policy_container::erase(policy_container::s_iterator_to(*item));
       inline void
-      clear ()
+      clear()
-        policy_container::clear ();
+        policy_container::clear();
       inline void
-      set_max_size (size_t max_size)
+      set_max_size(size_t max_size)
         max_size_ = max_size;
       inline size_t
-      get_max_size () const
+      get_max_size() const
         return max_size_;
-      type () : base_(*((Base*)0)) { };
+      type()
+        : base_(*((Base*)0)){};
-      Base &base_;
+      Base& base_;
       ns3::UniformVariable u_rand;
       size_t max_size_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/trie-with-policy.hpp b/utils/trie/trie-with-policy.hpp
index f09f13b..790dd0f 100644
--- a/utils/trie/trie-with-policy.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/trie-with-policy.hpp
@@ -27,93 +27,86 @@
 namespace ndn {
 namespace ndnSIM {
-template<typename FullKey,
-         typename PayloadTraits,
-         typename PolicyTraits
-         >
-class trie_with_policy
+template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyTraits>
+class trie_with_policy {
-  typedef trie< FullKey,
-                PayloadTraits,
-                typename PolicyTraits::policy_hook_type > parent_trie;
+  typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, typename PolicyTraits::policy_hook_type> parent_trie;
   typedef typename parent_trie::iterator iterator;
   typedef typename parent_trie::const_iterator const_iterator;
-  typedef typename PolicyTraits::template policy<
-    trie_with_policy<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyTraits>,
-    parent_trie,
-    typename PolicyTraits::template container_hook<parent_trie>::type >::type policy_container;
+  typedef typename PolicyTraits::
+    template policy<trie_with_policy<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyTraits>, parent_trie,
+                    typename PolicyTraits::template container_hook<parent_trie>::type>::type
+      policy_container;
-  inline
-  trie_with_policy (size_t bucketSize = 1, size_t bucketIncrement = 1)
-    : trie_ (name::Component (), bucketSize, bucketIncrement)
-    , policy_ (*this)
+  inline trie_with_policy(size_t bucketSize = 1, size_t bucketIncrement = 1)
+    : trie_(name::Component(), bucketSize, bucketIncrement)
+    , policy_(*this)
-  inline std::pair< iterator, bool >
-  insert (const FullKey &key, typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
+  inline std::pair<iterator, bool>
+  insert(const FullKey& key, typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
-    std::pair<iterator, bool> item =
-      trie_.insert (key, payload);
+    std::pair<iterator, bool> item = trie_.insert(key, payload);
     if (item.second) // real insert
-      {
-        bool ok = policy_.insert (s_iterator_to (item.first));
-        if (!ok)
-          {
-            item.first->erase (); // cannot insert
-            return std::make_pair (end (), false);
-          }
+    {
+      bool ok = policy_.insert(s_iterator_to(item.first));
+      if (!ok) {
+        item.first->erase(); // cannot insert
+        return std::make_pair(end(), false);
-    else
-      {
-        return std::make_pair (s_iterator_to (item.first), false);
-      }
+    }
+    else {
+      return std::make_pair(s_iterator_to(item.first), false);
+    }
     return item;
   inline void
-  erase (const FullKey &key)
+  erase(const FullKey& key)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
-    if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
+    if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload() == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
       return; // nothing to invalidate
-    erase (lastItem);
+    erase(lastItem);
   inline void
-  erase (iterator node)
+  erase(iterator node)
-    if (node == end ()) return;
+    if (node == end())
+      return;
-    policy_.erase (s_iterator_to (node));
-    node->erase (); // will do cleanup here
+    policy_.erase(s_iterator_to(node));
+    node->erase(); // will do cleanup here
   inline void
-  clear ()
+  clear()
-    policy_.clear ();
-    trie_.clear ();
+    policy_.clear();
+    trie_.clear();
   template<typename Modifier>
-  modify (iterator position, Modifier mod)
+  modify(iterator position, Modifier mod)
-    if (position == end ()) return false;
-    if (position->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload) return false;
+    if (position == end())
+      return false;
+    if (position->payload() == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
+      return false;
-    mod (*position->payload ());
-    policy_.update (position);
+    mod(*position->payload());
+    policy_.update(position);
     return true;
@@ -121,14 +114,14 @@
    * @brief Find a node that has the exact match with the key
   inline iterator
-  find_exact (const FullKey &key)
+  find_exact(const FullKey& key)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
-    if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
-      return end ();
+    if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload() == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
+      return end();
     return lastItem;
@@ -137,15 +130,14 @@
    * @brief Find a node that has the longest common prefix with key (FIB/PIT lookup)
   inline iterator
-  longest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key)
+  longest_prefix_match(const FullKey& key)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
-    if (foundItem != trie_.end ())
-      {
-        policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
-      }
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
+    if (foundItem != trie_.end()) {
+      policy_.lookup(s_iterator_to(foundItem));
+    }
     return foundItem;
@@ -154,15 +146,14 @@
   template<class Predicate>
   inline iterator
-  longest_prefix_match_if (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
+  longest_prefix_match_if(const FullKey& key, Predicate pred)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find_if (key, pred);
-    if (foundItem != trie_.end ())
-      {
-        policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
-      }
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find_if(key, pred);
+    if (foundItem != trie_.end()) {
+      policy_.lookup(s_iterator_to(foundItem));
+    }
     return foundItem;
@@ -180,29 +171,26 @@
    * @brief Find a node that has prefix at least as the key (cache lookup)
   inline iterator
-  deepest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key)
+  deepest_prefix_match(const FullKey& key)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
     // guard in case we don't have anything in the trie
-    if (lastItem == trie_.end ())
-      return trie_.end ();
+    if (lastItem == trie_.end())
+      return trie_.end();
-    if (reachLast)
-      {
-        if (foundItem == trie_.end ())
-          {
-            foundItem = lastItem->find (); // should be something
-          }
-        policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
-        return foundItem;
+    if (reachLast) {
+      if (foundItem == trie_.end()) {
+        foundItem = lastItem->find(); // should be something
-    else
-      { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
-        return trie_.end ();
-      }
+      policy_.lookup(s_iterator_to(foundItem));
+      return foundItem;
+    }
+    else { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
+      return trie_.end();
+    }
@@ -210,30 +198,27 @@
   template<class Predicate>
   inline iterator
-  deepest_prefix_match_if (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
+  deepest_prefix_match_if(const FullKey& key, Predicate pred)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
     // guard in case we don't have anything in the trie
-    if (lastItem == trie_.end ())
-      return trie_.end ();
+    if (lastItem == trie_.end())
+      return trie_.end();
-    if (reachLast)
-      {
-        foundItem = lastItem->find_if (pred); // may or may not find something
-        if (foundItem == trie_.end ())
-          {
-            return trie_.end ();
-          }
-        policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
-        return foundItem;
+    if (reachLast) {
+      foundItem = lastItem->find_if(pred); // may or may not find something
+      if (foundItem == trie_.end()) {
+        return trie_.end();
-    else
-      { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
-        return trie_.end ();
-      }
+      policy_.lookup(s_iterator_to(foundItem));
+      return foundItem;
+    }
+    else { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
+      return trie_.end();
+    }
@@ -244,51 +229,61 @@
   template<class Predicate>
   inline iterator
-  deepest_prefix_match_if_next_level (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
+  deepest_prefix_match_if_next_level(const FullKey& key, Predicate pred)
     iterator foundItem, lastItem;
     bool reachLast;
-    boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
+    boost::tie(foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find(key);
     // guard in case we don't have anything in the trie
-    if (lastItem == trie_.end ())
-      return trie_.end ();
+    if (lastItem == trie_.end())
+      return trie_.end();
-    if (reachLast)
-      {
-        foundItem = lastItem->find_if_next_level (pred); // may or may not find something
-        if (foundItem == trie_.end ())
-          {
-            return trie_.end ();
-          }
-        policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
-        return foundItem;
+    if (reachLast) {
+      foundItem = lastItem->find_if_next_level(pred); // may or may not find something
+      if (foundItem == trie_.end()) {
+        return trie_.end();
-    else
-      { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
-        return trie_.end ();
-      }
+      policy_.lookup(s_iterator_to(foundItem));
+      return foundItem;
+    }
+    else { // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
+      return trie_.end();
+    }
-  iterator end () const
+  iterator
+  end() const
     return 0;
-  const parent_trie &
-  getTrie () const { return trie_; }
+  const parent_trie&
+  getTrie() const
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
-  parent_trie &
-  getTrie () { return trie_; }
+  parent_trie&
+  getTrie()
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
-  const policy_container &
-  getPolicy () const { return policy_; }
+  const policy_container&
+  getPolicy() const
+  {
+    return policy_;
+  }
-  policy_container &
-  getPolicy () { return policy_; }
+  policy_container&
+  getPolicy()
+  {
+    return policy_;
+  }
   static inline iterator
-  s_iterator_to (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
+  s_iterator_to(typename parent_trie::iterator item)
     if (item == 0)
       return 0;
@@ -297,7 +292,7 @@
-  parent_trie      trie_;
+  parent_trie trie_;
   mutable policy_container policy_;
diff --git a/utils/trie/trie.hpp b/utils/trie/trie.hpp
index 1e37cbd..9afc8d1 100644
--- a/utils/trie/trie.hpp
+++ b/utils/trie/trie.hpp
@@ -40,33 +40,32 @@
 // Allow customization for payload
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload = Payload>
-struct pointer_payload_traits
-  typedef Payload         payload_type; // general type of the payload
-  typedef Payload*        storage_type; // how the payload is actually stored
-  typedef Payload*        insert_type;  // what parameter is inserted
+struct pointer_payload_traits {
+  typedef Payload payload_type;  // general type of the payload
+  typedef Payload* storage_type; // how the payload is actually stored
+  typedef Payload* insert_type;  // what parameter is inserted
-  typedef Payload*        return_type;  // what is returned on access
-  typedef const Payload*  const_return_type; // what is returned on const access
+  typedef Payload* return_type;             // what is returned on access
+  typedef const Payload* const_return_type; // what is returned on const access
-  typedef BasePayload*       base_type;       // base type of the entry (when implementation details need to be hidden)
-  typedef const BasePayload* const_base_type; // const base type of the entry (when implementation details need to be hidden)
+  typedef BasePayload*
+    base_type; // base type of the entry (when implementation details need to be hidden)
+  typedef const BasePayload*
+    const_base_type; // const base type of the entry (when implementation details need to be hidden)
   static Payload* empty_payload;
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload>
-pointer_payload_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = 0;
+Payload* pointer_payload_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = 0;
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload = Payload>
-struct smart_pointer_payload_traits
-  typedef Payload                 payload_type;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload>       storage_type;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload>       insert_type;
+struct smart_pointer_payload_traits {
+  typedef Payload payload_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload> storage_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload> insert_type;
-  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload>       return_type;
+  typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload> return_type;
   typedef ns3::Ptr<const Payload> const_return_type;
   typedef ns3::Ptr<BasePayload> base_type;
@@ -76,51 +75,44 @@
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload>
-smart_pointer_payload_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = 0;
+ns3::Ptr<Payload> smart_pointer_payload_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = 0;
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload = Payload>
-struct non_pointer_traits
-  typedef Payload         payload_type;
-  typedef Payload         storage_type;
-  typedef const Payload & insert_type; // nothing to insert
+struct non_pointer_traits {
+  typedef Payload payload_type;
+  typedef Payload storage_type;
+  typedef const Payload& insert_type; // nothing to insert
-  typedef Payload&        return_type;
-  typedef const Payload & const_return_type;
+  typedef Payload& return_type;
+  typedef const Payload& const_return_type;
-  typedef BasePayload&       base_type;
+  typedef BasePayload& base_type;
   typedef const BasePayload& const_base_type;
   static Payload empty_payload;
 template<typename Payload, typename BasePayload>
-non_pointer_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = Payload ();
+Payload non_pointer_traits<Payload, BasePayload>::empty_payload = Payload();
 // forward declarations
-template<typename FullKey,
-         typename PayloadTraits,
-         typename PolicyHook >
+template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 class trie;
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 inline std::ostream&
-operator << (std::ostream &os,
-             const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& trie_node);
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
-operator== (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
-            const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b);
+operator==(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& a,
+           const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& b);
-template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook >
+template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
-hash_value (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
+hash_value(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& trie_node);
 // actual definition
@@ -131,15 +123,12 @@
 template<class T>
 class trie_point_iterator;
-template<typename FullKey,
-	 typename PayloadTraits,
-         typename PolicyHook >
-class trie
+template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
+class trie {
   typedef typename FullKey::partial_type Key;
-  typedef trie*       iterator;
+  typedef trie* iterator;
   typedef const trie* const_iterator;
   typedef trie_iterator<trie, trie> recursive_iterator;
@@ -150,126 +139,119 @@
   typedef PayloadTraits payload_traits;
-  inline
-  trie (const Key &key, size_t bucketSize = 1, size_t bucketIncrement = 1)
-    : key_ (key)
-    , initialBucketSize_ (bucketSize)
-    , bucketIncrement_ (bucketIncrement)
-    , bucketSize_ (initialBucketSize_)
-    , buckets_ (new bucket_type [bucketSize_]) //cannot use normal pointer, because lifetime of buckets should be larger than lifetime of the container
-    , children_ (bucket_traits (buckets_.get (), bucketSize_))
-    , payload_ (PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
-    , parent_ (0)
+  inline trie(const Key& key, size_t bucketSize = 1, size_t bucketIncrement = 1)
+    : key_(key)
+    , initialBucketSize_(bucketSize)
+    , bucketIncrement_(bucketIncrement)
+    , bucketSize_(initialBucketSize_)
+    , buckets_(new bucket_type[bucketSize_]) // cannot use normal pointer, because lifetime of
+                                             // buckets should be larger than lifetime of the
+                                             // container
+    , children_(bucket_traits(buckets_.get(), bucketSize_))
+    , payload_(PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
+    , parent_(0)
-  inline
-  ~trie ()
+  inline ~trie()
     payload_ = PayloadTraits::empty_payload; // necessary for smart pointers...
-    children_.clear_and_dispose (trie_delete_disposer ());
+    children_.clear_and_dispose(trie_delete_disposer());
-  clear ()
+  clear()
-    children_.clear_and_dispose (trie_delete_disposer ());
+    children_.clear_and_dispose(trie_delete_disposer());
   template<class Predicate>
-  clear_if (Predicate cond)
+  clear_if(Predicate cond)
-    recursive_iterator trieNode (this);
-    recursive_iterator end (0);
+    recursive_iterator trieNode(this);
+    recursive_iterator end(0);
-    while (trieNode != end)
-      {
-        if (cond (*trieNode))
-          {
-            trieNode = recursive_iterator (trieNode->erase ());
-          }
-        trieNode ++;
+    while (trieNode != end) {
+      if (cond(*trieNode)) {
+        trieNode = recursive_iterator(trieNode->erase());
+      trieNode++;
+    }
   // actual entry
-  friend bool
-  operator== <> (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
-                 const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b);
+  friend bool operator==<>(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& a,
+                           const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& b);
   friend std::size_t
-  hash_value <> (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
+  hash_value<>(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& trie_node);
   inline std::pair<iterator, bool>
-  insert (const FullKey &key,
-          typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
+  insert(const FullKey& key, typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
-    trie *trieNode = this;
+    trie* trieNode = this;
-    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key &subkey, key)
-      {
-        typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find (subkey);
-        if (item == trieNode->children_.end ())
-          {
-            trie *newNode = new trie (subkey, initialBucketSize_, bucketIncrement_);
-            // std::cout << "new " << newNode << "\n";
-            newNode->parent_ = trieNode;
+    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key& subkey, key) {
+      typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find(subkey);
+      if (item == trieNode->children_.end()) {
+        trie* newNode = new trie(subkey, initialBucketSize_, bucketIncrement_);
+        // std::cout << "new " << newNode << "\n";
+        newNode->parent_ = trieNode;
-            if (trieNode->children_.size () >= trieNode->bucketSize_)
-              {
-                trieNode->bucketSize_ += trieNode->bucketIncrement_;
-                trieNode->bucketIncrement_ *= 2; // increase bucketIncrement exponentially
+        if (trieNode->children_.size() >= trieNode->bucketSize_) {
+          trieNode->bucketSize_ += trieNode->bucketIncrement_;
+          trieNode->bucketIncrement_ *= 2; // increase bucketIncrement exponentially
-                buckets_array newBuckets (new bucket_type [trieNode->bucketSize_]);
-                trieNode->children_.rehash (bucket_traits (newBuckets.get (), trieNode->bucketSize_));
-                trieNode->buckets_.swap (newBuckets);
-              }
+          buckets_array newBuckets(new bucket_type[trieNode->bucketSize_]);
+          trieNode->children_.rehash(bucket_traits(newBuckets.get(), trieNode->bucketSize_));
+          trieNode->buckets_.swap(newBuckets);
+        }
-            std::pair< typename unordered_set::iterator, bool > ret =
-              trieNode->children_.insert (*newNode);
+        std::pair<typename unordered_set::iterator, bool> ret =
+          trieNode->children_.insert(*newNode);
-            trieNode = &(*ret.first);
-          }
-        else
-          trieNode = &(*item);
+        trieNode = &(*ret.first);
+      else
+        trieNode = &(*item);
+    }
-    if (trieNode->payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
-      {
-        trieNode->payload_ = payload;
-        return std::make_pair (trieNode, true);
-      }
+    if (trieNode->payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload) {
+      trieNode->payload_ = payload;
+      return std::make_pair(trieNode, true);
+    }
-      return std::make_pair (trieNode, false);
+      return std::make_pair(trieNode, false);
    * @brief Removes payload (if it exists) and if there are no children, prunes parents trie
   inline iterator
-  erase ()
+  erase()
     payload_ = PayloadTraits::empty_payload;
-    return prune ();
+    return prune();
    * @brief Do exactly as erase, but without erasing the payload
   inline iterator
-  prune ()
+  prune()
-    if (payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload &&
-        children_.size () == 0)
-      {
-        if (parent_ == 0) return this;
+    if (payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload && children_.size() == 0) {
+      if (parent_ == 0)
+        return this;
-        trie *parent = parent_;
-        parent->children_.erase_and_dispose (*this, trie_delete_disposer ()); // delete this; basically, committing a suicide
+      trie* parent = parent_;
+      parent->children_
+        .erase_and_dispose(*this,
+                           trie_delete_disposer()); // delete this; basically, committing a suicide
-        return parent->prune ();
-      }
+      return parent->prune();
+    }
     return this;
@@ -277,16 +259,17 @@
    * @brief Perform prune of the node, but without attempting to parent of the node
   inline void
-  prune_node ()
+  prune_node()
-    if (payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload &&
-        children_.size () == 0)
-      {
-        if (parent_ == 0) return;
+    if (payload_ == PayloadTraits::empty_payload && children_.size() == 0) {
+      if (parent_ == 0)
+        return;
-        trie *parent = parent_;
-        parent->children_.erase_and_dispose (*this, trie_delete_disposer ()); // delete this; basically, committing a suicide
-      }
+      trie* parent = parent_;
+      parent->children_
+        .erase_and_dispose(*this,
+                           trie_delete_disposer()); // delete this; basically, committing a suicide
+    }
   // inline boost::tuple<const iterator, bool, const iterator>
@@ -302,30 +285,27 @@
    * @return ->second is true if prefix in ->first is longer than key
   inline boost::tuple<iterator, bool, iterator>
-  find (const FullKey &key)
+  find(const FullKey& key)
-    trie *trieNode = this;
+    trie* trieNode = this;
     iterator foundNode = (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? this : 0;
     bool reachLast = true;
-    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key &subkey, key)
-      {
-        typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find (subkey);
-        if (item == trieNode->children_.end ())
-          {
-            reachLast = false;
-            break;
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            trieNode = &(*item);
-            if (trieNode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
-              foundNode = trieNode;
-          }
+    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key& subkey, key) {
+      typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find(subkey);
+      if (item == trieNode->children_.end()) {
+        reachLast = false;
+        break;
+      else {
+        trieNode = &(*item);
-    return boost::make_tuple (foundNode, reachLast, trieNode);
+        if (trieNode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
+          foundNode = trieNode;
+      }
+    }
+    return boost::make_tuple(foundNode, reachLast, trieNode);
@@ -336,55 +316,50 @@
   template<class Predicate>
   inline boost::tuple<iterator, bool, iterator>
-  find_if (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
+  find_if(const FullKey& key, Predicate pred)
-    trie *trieNode = this;
+    trie* trieNode = this;
     iterator foundNode = (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? this : 0;
     bool reachLast = true;
-    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key &subkey, key)
-      {
-        typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find (subkey);
-        if (item == trieNode->children_.end ())
-          {
-            reachLast = false;
-            break;
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            trieNode = &(*item);
-            if (trieNode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload &&
-                pred (trieNode->payload_))
-              {
-                foundNode = trieNode;
-              }
-          }
+    BOOST_FOREACH (const Key& subkey, key) {
+      typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find(subkey);
+      if (item == trieNode->children_.end()) {
+        reachLast = false;
+        break;
+      else {
+        trieNode = &(*item);
-    return boost::make_tuple (foundNode, reachLast, trieNode);
+        if (trieNode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload && pred(trieNode->payload_)) {
+          foundNode = trieNode;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return boost::make_tuple(foundNode, reachLast, trieNode);
    * @brief Find next payload of the sub-trie
-   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration )
+   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration
+   * )
   inline iterator
-  find ()
+  find()
     if (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
       return this;
     typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
-    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin ();
-         subnode != children_.end ();
-         subnode++ )
-      // BOOST_FOREACH (trie &subnode, children_)
-      {
-        iterator value = subnode->find ();
-        if (value != 0)
-          return value;
-      }
+    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin();
+         subnode != children_.end(); subnode++)
+    // BOOST_FOREACH (trie &subnode, children_)
+    {
+      iterator value = subnode->find();
+      if (value != 0)
+        return value;
+    }
     return 0;
@@ -392,25 +367,25 @@
    * @brief Find next payload of the sub-trie satisfying the predicate
    * @param pred predicate
-   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration )
+   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration
+   * )
   template<class Predicate>
   inline const iterator
-  find_if (Predicate pred)
+  find_if(Predicate pred)
-    if (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload && pred (payload_))
+    if (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload && pred(payload_))
       return this;
     typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
-    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin ();
-         subnode != children_.end ();
-         subnode++ )
-      // BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
-      {
-        iterator value = subnode->find_if (pred);
-        if (value != 0)
-          return value;
-      }
+    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin();
+         subnode != children_.end(); subnode++)
+    // BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
+    {
+      iterator value = subnode->find_if(pred);
+      if (value != 0)
+        return value;
+    }
     return 0;
@@ -421,84 +396,83 @@
    * This version check predicate only for the next level children
-   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration )
+   * @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration
+   *)
   template<class Predicate>
   inline const iterator
-  find_if_next_level (Predicate pred)
+  find_if_next_level(Predicate pred)
     typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
-    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin ();
-         subnode != children_.end ();
-         subnode++ )
-      {
-        if (pred (subnode->key ()))
-          {
-            return subnode->find ();
-          }
+    for (typename trie::unordered_set::iterator subnode = children_.begin();
+         subnode != children_.end(); subnode++) {
+      if (pred(subnode->key())) {
+        return subnode->find();
+    }
     return 0;
-  iterator end ()
+  iterator
+  end()
     return 0;
-  const_iterator end () const
+  const_iterator
+  end() const
     return 0;
   typename PayloadTraits::const_return_type
-  payload () const
+  payload() const
     return payload_;
   typename PayloadTraits::return_type
-  payload ()
+  payload()
     return payload_;
-  set_payload (typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
+  set_payload(typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
     payload_ = payload;
-  Key key () const
+  Key
+  key() const
     return key_;
   inline void
-  PrintStat (std::ostream &os) const;
+  PrintStat(std::ostream& os) const;
-  //The disposer object function
-  struct trie_delete_disposer
-  {
-    void operator() (trie *delete_this)
+  // The disposer object function
+  struct trie_delete_disposer {
+    void
+    operator()(trie* delete_this)
       delete delete_this;
   template<class D>
-  struct array_disposer
-  {
-    void operator() (D *array)
+  struct array_disposer {
+    void
+    operator()(D* array)
-      delete [] array;
+      delete[] array;
-  friend
-  std::ostream&
-  operator<< < > (std::ostream &os, const trie &trie_node);
+  friend std::ostream& operator<<<>(std::ostream& os, const trie& trie_node);
   PolicyHook policy_hook_;
@@ -508,12 +482,11 @@
   // necessary typedefs
   typedef trie self_type;
-  typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< trie,
-                                         boost::intrusive::unordered_set_member_hook< >,
-                                         &trie::unordered_set_member_hook_ > member_hook;
+  typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook<trie, boost::intrusive::unordered_set_member_hook<>,
+                                        &trie::unordered_set_member_hook_> member_hook;
-  typedef boost::intrusive::unordered_set< trie, member_hook > unordered_set;
-  typedef typename unordered_set::bucket_type   bucket_type;
+  typedef boost::intrusive::unordered_set<trie, member_hook> unordered_set;
+  typedef typename unordered_set::bucket_type bucket_type;
   typedef typename unordered_set::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
   template<class T, class NonConstT>
@@ -532,204 +505,267 @@
   size_t bucketIncrement_;
   size_t bucketSize_;
-  typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr< bucket_type, array_disposer<bucket_type> > buckets_array;
+  typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<bucket_type, array_disposer<bucket_type>> buckets_array;
   buckets_array buckets_;
   unordered_set children_;
   typename PayloadTraits::storage_type payload_;
-  trie *parent_; // to make cleaning effective
+  trie* parent_; // to make cleaning effective
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 inline std::ostream&
-operator << (std::ostream &os, const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node)
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& trie_node)
-  os << "# " << trie_node.key_ << ((trie_node.payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)?"*":"") << std::endl;
+  os << "# " << trie_node.key_ << ((trie_node.payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? "*" : "")
+     << std::endl;
   typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
-  for (typename trie::unordered_set::const_iterator subnode = trie_node.children_.begin ();
-       subnode != trie_node.children_.end ();
-       subnode++ )
+  for (typename trie::unordered_set::const_iterator subnode = trie_node.children_.begin();
+       subnode != trie_node.children_.end(); subnode++)
   // BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, trie_node.children_)
-    {
-      os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\"" << " [label=\"" << trie_node.key_ << ((trie_node.payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)?"*":"") << "\"]\n";
-      os << "\"" << &(*subnode) << "\"" << " [label=\"" << subnode->key_ << ((subnode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)?"*":"") << "\"]""\n";
+  {
+    os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\""
+       << " [label=\"" << trie_node.key_
+       << ((trie_node.payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? "*" : "") << "\"]\n";
+    os << "\"" << &(*subnode) << "\""
+       << " [label=\"" << subnode->key_
+       << ((subnode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? "*" : "") << "\"]"
+                                                                              "\n";
-      os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\"" << " -> " << "\"" << &(*subnode) << "\"" << "\n";
-      os << *subnode;
-    }
+    os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\""
+       << " -> "
+       << "\"" << &(*subnode) << "\""
+       << "\n";
+    os << *subnode;
+  }
   return os;
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 inline void
-trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
-::PrintStat (std::ostream &os) const
+trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::PrintStat(std::ostream& os) const
-  os << "# " << key_ << ((payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)?"*":"") << ": " << children_.size() << " children" << std::endl;
-  for (size_t bucket = 0, maxbucket = children_.bucket_count ();
-       bucket < maxbucket;
-       bucket++)
-    {
-      os << " " << children_.bucket_size (bucket);
-    }
+  os << "# " << key_ << ((payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? "*" : "") << ": "
+     << children_.size() << " children" << std::endl;
+  for (size_t bucket = 0, maxbucket = children_.bucket_count(); bucket < maxbucket; bucket++) {
+    os << " " << children_.bucket_size(bucket);
+  }
   os << "\n";
   typedef trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
-  for (typename trie::unordered_set::const_iterator subnode = children_.begin ();
-       subnode != children_.end ();
-       subnode++ )
+  for (typename trie::unordered_set::const_iterator subnode = children_.begin();
+       subnode != children_.end(); subnode++)
   // BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
-    {
-      subnode->PrintStat (os);
-    }
+  {
+    subnode->PrintStat(os);
+  }
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 inline bool
-operator == (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
-             const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b)
+operator==(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& a,
+           const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& b)
   return a.key_ == b.key_;
 template<typename FullKey, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
 inline std::size_t
-hash_value (const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node)
+hash_value(const trie<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>& trie_node)
-  return boost::hash_value (trie_node.key_);
+  return boost::hash_value(trie_node.key_);
 template<class Trie, class NonConstTrie> // hack for boost < 1.47
-class trie_iterator
+class trie_iterator {
-  trie_iterator () : trie_ (0) {}
-  trie_iterator (typename Trie::iterator item) : trie_ (item) {}
-  trie_iterator (Trie &item) : trie_ (&item) {}
-  Trie & operator* () { return *trie_; }
-  const Trie & operator* () const { return *trie_; }
-  Trie * operator-> () { return trie_; }
-  const Trie * operator-> () const { return trie_; }
-  bool operator== (trie_iterator<const Trie, NonConstTrie> &other) const { return (trie_ == other.trie_); }
-  bool operator== (trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie> &other) { return (trie_ == other.trie_); }
-  bool operator!= (trie_iterator<const Trie, NonConstTrie> &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
-  bool operator!= (trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie> &other) { return !(*this == other); }
-  trie_iterator<Trie,NonConstTrie> &
-  operator++ (int)
+  trie_iterator()
+    : trie_(0)
-    if (trie_->children_.size () > 0)
-      trie_ = &(*trie_->children_.begin ());
+  }
+  trie_iterator(typename Trie::iterator item)
+    : trie_(item)
+  {
+  }
+  trie_iterator(Trie& item)
+    : trie_(&item)
+  {
+  }
+  Trie& operator*()
+  {
+    return *trie_;
+  }
+  const Trie& operator*() const
+  {
+    return *trie_;
+  }
+  Trie* operator->()
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
+  const Trie* operator->() const
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator==(trie_iterator<const Trie, NonConstTrie>& other) const
+  {
+    return (trie_ == other.trie_);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator==(trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie>& other)
+  {
+    return (trie_ == other.trie_);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator!=(trie_iterator<const Trie, NonConstTrie>& other) const
+  {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator!=(trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie>& other)
+  {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie>&
+  operator++(int)
+  {
+    if (trie_->children_.size() > 0)
+      trie_ = &(*trie_->children_.begin());
-      trie_ = goUp ();
+      trie_ = goUp();
     return *this;
-  trie_iterator<Trie,NonConstTrie> &
-  operator++ ()
+  trie_iterator<Trie, NonConstTrie>&
+  operator++()
     return *this;
-  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< boost::is_same<Trie, NonConstTrie>,
-                                    typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator,
-                                    typename Trie::unordered_set::const_iterator>::type set_iterator;
+  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_same<Trie, NonConstTrie>,
+                                   typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator,
+                                   typename Trie::unordered_set::const_iterator>::type set_iterator;
-  Trie* goUp ()
+  Trie*
+  goUp()
-    if (trie_->parent_ != 0)
-      {
-        // typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator item =
-        set_iterator item = const_cast<NonConstTrie*>(trie_)->parent_->children_.iterator_to (const_cast<NonConstTrie&> (*trie_));
-        item++;
-        if (item != trie_->parent_->children_.end ())
-          {
-            return &(*item);
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            trie_ = trie_->parent_;
-            return goUp ();
-          }
+    if (trie_->parent_ != 0) {
+      // typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator item =
+      set_iterator item = const_cast<NonConstTrie*>(trie_)
+                            ->parent_->children_.iterator_to(const_cast<NonConstTrie&>(*trie_));
+      item++;
+      if (item != trie_->parent_->children_.end()) {
+        return &(*item);
+      else {
+        trie_ = trie_->parent_;
+        return goUp();
+      }
+    }
       return 0;
-  Trie *trie_;
+  Trie* trie_;
 template<class Trie>
-class trie_point_iterator
+class trie_point_iterator {
-  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< boost::is_same<Trie, const Trie>,
-                                    typename Trie::unordered_set::const_iterator,
-                                    typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator>::type set_iterator;
+  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_same<Trie, const Trie>,
+                                   typename Trie::unordered_set::const_iterator,
+                                   typename Trie::unordered_set::iterator>::type set_iterator;
-  trie_point_iterator () : trie_ (0) {}
-  trie_point_iterator (typename Trie::iterator item) : trie_ (item) {}
-  trie_point_iterator (Trie &item)
+  trie_point_iterator()
+    : trie_(0)
-    if (item.children_.size () != 0)
-      trie_ = &*item.children_.begin ();
+  }
+  trie_point_iterator(typename Trie::iterator item)
+    : trie_(item)
+  {
+  }
+  trie_point_iterator(Trie& item)
+  {
+    if (item.children_.size() != 0)
+      trie_ = &*item.children_.begin();
       trie_ = 0;
-  Trie & operator* () { return *trie_; }
-  const Trie & operator* () const { return *trie_; }
-  Trie * operator-> () { return trie_; }
-  const Trie * operator-> () const { return trie_; }
-  bool operator== (trie_point_iterator<const Trie> &other) const { return (trie_ == other.trie_); }
-  bool operator== (trie_point_iterator<Trie> &other) { return (trie_ == other.trie_); }
-  bool operator!= (trie_point_iterator<const Trie> &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
-  bool operator!= (trie_point_iterator<Trie> &other) { return !(*this == other); }
-  trie_point_iterator<Trie> &
-  operator++ (int)
+  Trie& operator*()
-    if (trie_->parent_ != 0)
-      {
-        set_iterator item = trie_->parent_->children_.iterator_to (*trie_);
-        item ++;
-        if (item == trie_->parent_->children_.end ())
-          trie_ = 0;
-        else
-          trie_ = &*item;
-      }
-    else
-      {
+    return *trie_;
+  }
+  const Trie& operator*() const
+  {
+    return *trie_;
+  }
+  Trie* operator->()
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
+  const Trie* operator->() const
+  {
+    return trie_;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator==(trie_point_iterator<const Trie>& other) const
+  {
+    return (trie_ == other.trie_);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator==(trie_point_iterator<Trie>& other)
+  {
+    return (trie_ == other.trie_);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator!=(trie_point_iterator<const Trie>& other) const
+  {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  bool
+  operator!=(trie_point_iterator<Trie>& other)
+  {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  trie_point_iterator<Trie>&
+  operator++(int)
+  {
+    if (trie_->parent_ != 0) {
+      set_iterator item = trie_->parent_->children_.iterator_to(*trie_);
+      item++;
+      if (item == trie_->parent_->children_.end())
         trie_ = 0;
-      }
+      else
+        trie_ = &*item;
+    }
+    else {
+      trie_ = 0;
+    }
     return *this;
-  trie_point_iterator<Trie> &
-  operator++ ()
+  trie_point_iterator<Trie>&
+  operator++()
     return *this;
-  Trie *trie_;
+  Trie* trie_;
 } // ndnSIM
 } // ndn
 } // ns3