blob: 107459a7b97f0435bc292e5d3905316b30afa5df [file] [log] [blame]
ndnSIM helpers
Helpers are very important components of ndnSIM, especially for writing simulation scenarios.
The following summarizes helpers and their basic usage.
:ndnsim:`NdnStackHelper` is used to install ndnSIM network stack on requested nodes, as well to provide a simple way configure several important parameters of NDN simulation.
NdnStackHelper ndnHelper;
NodeContainer nodes;
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
Forwarding strategy
Forwarding strategy parameter **must** be set before installing stack on a node.
Currently, there are 2 implemented forwarding strategies that can be used in simulations:
- :ndnsim:`Flooding` (default)
Interests will be forwarded to all available faces available for a route (FIB entry).
If there are no available GREEN or YELLOW faces, interests is dropped.
.. code-block:: c++
ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndnSIM::Flooding");
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
- :ndnsim:`SmartFlooding`
If GREEN face is available, Interest will be sent to the highest-ranked GREEN face.
If not, Interest will be forwarded to all available faces available for a route (FIB entry)/
If there are no available GREEN or YELLOW faces, interests is dropped.
.. code-block:: c++
ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndnSIM::SmartFlooding");
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
- :ndnsim:`BestRoute`
If GREEN face is available, Interest will be sent to the highest-ranked GREEN face.
If not, Interest will be forwarded to the highest-ranked YELLOW face.
If there are no available GREEN or YELLOW faces, interests is dropped.
.. code-block:: c++
ndnHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::ndnSIM::BestRoute");
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
Default routes
.. note::
Disabled by default
In simple topologies, like in :doc:`examples <examples>`, or when
simulating broadcast environment, it is possible to set up *default*
FIB entries using :ndnsim:`NdnStackHelper::SetDefaultRoutes` call.
More specifically, every installed NDN stack will have a FIB entry to ``/`` prefix, containing all available faces.
The following should be done before installing stack on a node:
.. code-block:: c++
ndnHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
Manually routes
Routes can be configured manually using :ndnsim:`NdnStackHelper::AddRoute` static methods of :ndnsim:`NdnStackHelper`.
These routes **should** be created **after** installing NDN stack on a node:
.. code-block:: c++
ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
Ptr<Node> node = ... // FIB entry will be added to FIB on this node
std::string prefix = ... // some prefix
Ptr<NdnFace> face = ... // NDN face that belongs to the node and through which prefix is accessible
int32_t metric = ... // some routing metric
NdnStackHelper::AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
.. Enable optional interest limiting
.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
.. EnableLimits
To simplify FIB management in large topologies, ndnSIM contains a global routing controller (:ndnsim:`helper <NdnGlobalRoutingHelper>` and :ndnsim:`special interface <NdnGlobalRouter>`), similar in spirit to ``Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper``.
There are several necessary steps, in order to take advantage of the global routing controller:
* install :ndnsim:`special interfaces <NdnGlobalRouter>` on nodes
.. code-block:: c++
NodeContainer nodes;
NdnGlobalRoutingHelper ndnGlobalRoutingHelper;
ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.Install (nodes);
* specify which node exports which prefix using :ndnsim:`NdnGlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigins`
.. code-block:: c++
Ptr<Node> producer; // producer node that exports prefix
std::string prefix; // exported prefix
ndnGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins (prefix, producer);
* calculate and install FIBs on every node using :ndnsim:`NdnGlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes`
.. code-block:: c++
cdnGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
:ndnsim:`NdnAppHelper` simplifies task of creating, configuring, and installing ndnSIM applications.
The basic usage of the :ndnsim:`NdnAppHelper`:
* Create helper for specific applications class:
.. code-block:: c++
// Create helper for the consumer generating Interests with constant rate
NdnAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::NdnConsumerCbr");
* Assign prefix on which application operates (either generating Interests using this name or satisfying Interests for this name) using :ndnsim:`NdnAppHelper::SetPrefix`:
.. code-block:: c++
consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
* Assign application-specific attributes using :ndnsim:`NdnAppHelper::SetAttribute`:
.. code-block:: c++
// Set frequency parameter
consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("10")); // 10 interests a second
* Install application on one or more nodes:
.. code-block:: c++
NodeContainer nodes;
consumerHelper.Install (nodes)