blob: c2006c103f1af4e5ad2b87790e70de6cc307dcdd [file] [log] [blame]
nfdc [-h] COMMAND [<command options>]
``nfdc`` is a tool to manipulate routing information base (RIB), forwarding information
base (FIB), and StrategyChoices table (i.e., which strategy should be used by which
Print usage information.
Register a new or update existing routing entry in Routing Information Base (RIB).
``register [-I] [-C] [-c <cost>] <prefix> <faceId | faceUri>``
Unset CHILD_INHERIT flag from the routing entry.
Set CAPTURE flag in the routing entry.
``-c <cost>``
Cost for the RIB entry (default is 0).
A prefix of an existing or to be created RIB entry, for which routing entry is
requested to be added or updated.
An existing NFD Face ID number, which can be obtained, for example, using
``nfd-status`` command.
URI of the existing or to be created Face.
Unregister an existing routing entry from Routing Information Base (RIB).
``unregister <prefix> <faceId>``
A prefix of an existing RIB entry, from which routing entry is requested to be
An existing NFD Face ID number, which can be obtained, for example, using
``nfd-status`` command.
Create a UDP unicast or TCP Face
``create <faceUri>``
UDP unicast or TCP Face URI::
UDP unicast: udp[4|6]://<remote-IP-or-host>[:<remote-port>]
TCP: tcp[4|6]://<remote-IP-or-host>[:<remote-port>]
Create an existing UDP unicast or TCP Face.
``destroy <faceId | faceUri>``
An existing NFD Face ID number, which can be obtained, for example, using
``nfd-status`` command.
UDP unicast or TCP Face URI::
UDP unicast: udp[4|6]://<remote-IP-or-host>[:<remote-port>]
TCP: tcp[4|6]://<remote-IP-or-host>[:<remote-port>]
Select strategy to be used for the specified namespace
``set-strategy <namespace> <strategy-name>``
Namespace that will use the specified strategy.
Note that more specific namespace(s) can use different strategy or strategies.
For example, if namespace ``/A/B/C`` was using strategy
``ndn:/localhost/nfd/strategy/best-route`` before running ``set-strategy`` on
``/A`` namespace, it will continue using the same strategy no matter which
namespace was specified for ``/A``.
Name of one of the available strategies.
Currently, NFD supports the following strategies::
Unset the strategy for a given ``namespace``.
Effectively, this command select parent's namespace strategy to be used for the
specified ``namespace``.
``unset-strategy <namespace>``
Namespace from which namespace customization should be removed.
Directly add nexthop entry info NFD's Forwarding Information Base (FIB). This command
is intended only for debugging purposes. Normally, prefix-nexhop association should
be registered in Routing Information Base using ``register`` command.
``add-nexthop [-c <cost>] <prefix> <faceId | faceUri>``
``-c <cost>``
Cost for the nexthop entry to be inserted (default is 0).
A prefix of an existing or to be created FIB entry, to which nexthop
entry is requested to be added.
An existing NFD Face ID number, which can be obtained, for example, using
``nfd-status`` command
URI of the existing or to be created Face.
Directly remove nexthop entry from NFD'S FIB. This command
is intended only for debugging purposes. Normally, prefix-nexhop association should
be unregistered from Routing Information Base using ``unregister`` command.
``remove-nexthop <prefix> <faceId>``
A prefix of an existing FIB entry, from which nexthop entry is requested to be removed.
An existing NFD Face ID number, which can be obtained, for example, using
``nfd-status`` command.
Note that when ``faceId`` is the last Face associated with ``prefix`` FIB entry,
the whole FIB entry will be removed.
Add a namespace to a face uri:
nfdc register ndn:/app1/video udp://
Set strategy to a name:
nfdc set-strategy ndn:/app1/video ndn:/localhost/nfd/strategy/broadcast