blob: 7398d4489385eb9f44e04acc8e44063dfe335289 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
* Alexander Afanasyev
* GNU v3.0 license, See the LICENSE file for more information
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include <boost/intrusive/options.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <ns3/nstime.h>
#include <ns3/simulator.h>
namespace ns3 {
namespace ndn {
namespace detail {
* @brief Traits for timeouts policy
struct timeouts_policy_traits
/// @brief Name that can be used to identify the policy (for NS-3 object model and logging)
static std::string GetName () { return "Timeouts"; }
struct policy_hook_type : public boost::intrusive::set_member_hook<> { Time timeWhenShouldExpire; };
template<class Container>
struct container_hook
typedef boost::intrusive::member_hook< Container,
&Container::policy_hook_ > type;
template<class Base,
class Container,
class Hook>
struct policy
static Time& get_timeout (typename Container::iterator item)
return static_cast<typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
static const Time& get_timeout (typename Container::const_iterator item)
return static_cast<const typename policy_container::value_traits::hook_type*>
template<class Key>
struct MemberHookLess
bool operator () (const Key &a, const Key &b) const
return get_timeout (&a) < get_timeout (&b);
typedef boost::intrusive::multiset< Container,
boost::intrusive::compare< MemberHookLess< Container > >,
Hook > policy_container;
class type : public policy_container
typedef policy policy_base; // to get access to get_timeout methods from outside
typedef Container parent_trie;
type (Base &base)
: m_base (base)
inline void
update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
// do nothing
inline bool
insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
Time timeout = item->payload ()->GetInterest ()->GetInterestLifetime ();
if (timeout.IsZero ()) timeout = Seconds (4.0);
get_timeout (item) = Simulator::Now () + timeout;
policy_container::insert (*item);
if (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item) == policy_container::begin ())
if (m_timeoutEvent.IsRunning ())
Simulator::Remove (m_timeoutEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
m_timeoutEvent = Simulator::Schedule (timeout, &type::ProcessTimeoutEntry, this, item);
return true;
inline void
lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
// do nothing. it's random policy
inline void
erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
if (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item) == policy_container::begin ())
if (m_timeoutEvent.IsRunning ())
Simulator::Remove (m_timeoutEvent); // just canceling would not clean up list of events
// erase only if freshness is non zero (otherwise an item is not in the policy
policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
if (!policy_container::empty ())
Time timeout = get_timeout (&*policy_container::begin ()) - Simulator::Now ();
m_timeoutEvent = Simulator::Schedule (timeout, &type::ProcessTimeoutEntry, this, &*policy_container::begin ());
inline void
clear ()
policy_container::clear ();
inline void
ProcessTimeoutEntry (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
item->payload ()->m_timeoutCallback (item->payload ()->GetInterest ());
m_base.erase (item);
type () : m_base (*((Base*)0)) { };
Base &m_base;
EventId m_timeoutEvent;
} // detail
} // ndn
} // ns3