blob: bc44f14287f7e9c476992311abf5f1bb6e2e83e0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013 University of California, Los Angeles
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
* Hajime Tazaki (
* Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "rocketfuel-map-reader.h"
#include "ns3/nstime.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/fatal-error.h"
#include "ns3/assert.h"
#include "ns3/names.h"
#include "ns3/net-device-container.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-helper.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
#include "ns3/internet-stack-helper.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
#include "ns3/drop-tail-queue.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-interface.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/pointer.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
#include "ns3/node-list.h"
#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-model.h"
#include <regex.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/connected_components.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("RocketfuelMapReader");
namespace ns3 {
RocketfuelMapReader::RocketfuelMapReader (const std::string &path/*=""*/, double scale/*=1.0*/, const std::string &referenceOspfRate)
: AnnotatedTopologyReader (path, scale)
, m_referenceOspfRate (boost::lexical_cast<DataRate> (referenceOspfRate))
RocketfuelMapReader::~RocketfuelMapReader ()
RocketfuelMapReader::Read ()
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Deprecated call. Use the other overloaded method instead");
return NodeContainer ();
/* uid @loc [+] [bb] (num_neigh) [&ext] -> <nuid-1> <nuid-2> ... {-euid} ... =name[!] rn */
#define REGMATCH_MAX 16
#define START "^"
#define END "$"
#define SPACE "[ \t]+"
#define MAYSPACE "[ \t]*"
START "(-*[0-9]+)" SPACE "(@[?A-Za-z0-9,+]+)" SPACE \
"(\\+)*" MAYSPACE "(bb)*" MAYSPACE \
"\\(([0-9]+)\\)" SPACE "(&[0-9]+)*" MAYSPACE \
"->" MAYSPACE "(<[0-9 \t<>]+>)*" MAYSPACE \
"(\\{-[0-9\\{\\} \t-]+\\})*" SPACE \
"=([A-Za-z0-9.!-]+)" SPACE "r([0-9])" \
RocketfuelMapReader::CreateLink (string nodeName1, string nodeName2,
double averageRtt,
const string &minBw, const string &maxBw,
const string &minDelay, const string &maxDelay)
Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, nodeName1);
Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> (m_path, nodeName2);
Link link (node1, nodeName1, node2, nodeName2);
DataRate randBandwidth
(m_randVar.GetInteger (static_cast<uint32_t> (lexical_cast<DataRate> (minBw).GetBitRate ()),
static_cast<uint32_t> (lexical_cast<DataRate> (maxBw).GetBitRate ())));
int32_t metric = std::max (1, static_cast<int32_t> (1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate () / randBandwidth.GetBitRate ()));
Time randDelay =
Time::FromDouble ((m_randVar.GetValue (lexical_cast<Time> (minDelay).ToDouble (Time::US),
lexical_cast<Time> (maxDelay).ToDouble (Time::US))),
uint32_t queue = ceil (averageRtt * (randBandwidth.GetBitRate () / 8.0 / 1100.0));
link.SetAttribute ("DataRate", boost::lexical_cast<string> (randBandwidth));
link.SetAttribute ("OSPF", boost::lexical_cast<string> (metric));
link.SetAttribute ("Delay", boost::lexical_cast<string> (ceil (randDelay.ToDouble (Time::US)))+"us");
link.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", boost::lexical_cast<string> (queue));
AddLink (link);
// NodeContainer
RocketfuelMapReader::GenerateFromMapsFile (int argc, char *argv[])
string uid;
string loc;
string ptr;
string name;
string nuid;
bool dns = false;
bool bb = false;
int num_neigh_s = 0;
unsigned int num_neigh = 0;
int radius = 0;
vector <string> neigh_list;
uid = argv[0];
loc = argv[1];
if (argv[2])
dns = true;
if (argv[3])
bb = true;
num_neigh_s = ::atoi (argv[4]);
if (num_neigh_s < 0)
num_neigh = 0;
NS_LOG_WARN ("Negative number of neighbors given");
num_neigh = num_neigh_s;
/* neighbors */
if (argv[6])
char *nbr;
char *stringp = argv[6];
while ((nbr = strsep (&stringp, " \t")) != NULL)
nbr[strlen (nbr) - 1] = '\0';
neigh_list.push_back (nbr + 1);
if (num_neigh != neigh_list.size ())
NS_LOG_WARN ("Given number of neighbors = " << num_neigh << " != size of neighbors list = " << neigh_list.size ());
/* externs */
if (argv[7])
// euid = argv[7];
/* name */
if (argv[8])
name = argv[8];
radius = ::atoi (&argv[9][1]);
if (radius > 0)
// Create node and link
if (uid.empty ())
node_map_t::iterator node = m_graphNodes.find (uid);
if (node == m_graphNodes.end ())
bool ok;
tie (node, ok) = m_graphNodes.insert (make_pair (uid, add_vertex (nodeProperty (uid), m_graph)));
NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
put (vertex_index, m_graph, node->second, m_maxNodeId);
m_maxNodeId ++;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < neigh_list.size (); ++i)
nuid = neigh_list[i];
if (nuid.empty ())
node_map_t::iterator otherNode = m_graphNodes.find (nuid);
if (otherNode == m_graphNodes.end ())
bool ok;
tie (otherNode, ok) = m_graphNodes.insert (make_pair (nuid, add_vertex(nodeProperty (nuid), m_graph)));
NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
put (vertex_index, m_graph, otherNode->second, m_maxNodeId);
m_maxNodeId ++;
// cout << node->second << " <-> " << otherNode->second << endl;
// parallel edges are disabled in the graph, so no need to worry
add_edge (node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
void RocketfuelMapReader::assignGw (Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex, uint32_t degree, node_type_t nodeType)
graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator u, endu;
for (tie (u, endu) = adjacent_vertices (vertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++)
if (get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *u) != UNKNOWN)
put (vertex_rank, m_graph, *u, nodeType);
put (vertex_color, m_graph, *u, "green");
uint32_t u_degree = out_degree (*u, m_graph);
if (u_degree < degree)
assignGw (*u, degree, BACKBONE);
RocketfuelMapReader::AssignClients (uint32_t clientDegree, uint32_t gwDegree)
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
uint32_t degree = out_degree (*v, m_graph);
if (degree == clientDegree)
put (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v, CLIENT);
put (vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "red");
assignGw (*v, gwDegree+1, GATEWAY);
RocketfuelMapReader::Read (RocketfuelParams params, bool keepOneComponent/*=true*/, bool connectBackbones/*=true*/)
m_maxNodeId = 0;
ifstream topgen; (GetFileName ().c_str ());
//NodeContainer nodes;
UniformVariable var;
istringstream lineBuffer;
string line;
int lineNumber = 0;
char errbuf[512];
if (!topgen.is_open ())
NS_LOG_WARN ("Couldn't open the file " << GetFileName ());
return m_nodes;
while (!topgen.eof ())
int ret;
int argc;
char *argv[REGMATCH_MAX];
char *buf;
line.clear ();
lineBuffer.clear ();
getline (topgen, line);
buf = (char *)line.c_str ();
regmatch_t regmatch[REGMATCH_MAX];
regex_t regex;
if (ret != 0)
regerror (ret, &regex, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf));
regfree (&regex);
ret = regexec (&regex, buf, REGMATCH_MAX, regmatch, 0);
if (ret == REG_NOMATCH)
NS_LOG_WARN ("match failed (maps file): %s" << buf);
regfree (&regex);
line = buf;
argc = 0;
/* regmatch[0] is the entire strings that matched */
for (int i = 1; i < REGMATCH_MAX; i++)
if (regmatch[i].rm_so == -1)
argv[i - 1] = NULL;
line[regmatch[i].rm_eo] = '\0';
argv[i - 1] = &line[regmatch[i].rm_so];
argc = i;
GenerateFromMapsFile (argc, argv);
regfree (&regex);
if (keepOneComponent)
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Before eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ();
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("After eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
for (int clientDegree = 1; clientDegree <= params.clientNodeDegrees; clientDegree++)
AssignClients (clientDegree, std::min (clientDegree, 3));
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
if (type == UNKNOWN)
put (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v, BACKBONE);
put (vertex_color, m_graph, *v, "blue");
if (connectBackbones)
ConnectBackboneRouters ();
graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator e, ende;
for (tie (e, ende) = edges (m_graph); e != ende; )
u = source (*e, m_graph),
v = target (*e, m_graph);
u_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, u),
v_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE)
// ok
else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == BACKBONE) ||
(u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY ))
// ok
else if (u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == GATEWAY)
// ok
else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == CLIENT) ||
(u_type == CLIENT && v_type == GATEWAY ))
// ok
// not ok
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type << " (deleting the link)");
graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator tmp = e;
remove_edge (*e, m_graph);
e = tmp;
if (keepOneComponent)
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Before 2 eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ();
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("After 2 eliminating disconnected nodes: " << num_vertices(m_graph));
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
string nodeName = get (vertex_name, m_graph, *v);
Ptr<Node> node = CreateNode (nodeName, 0);
node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
switch (type)
Names::Rename (nodeName, "bb-" + nodeName);
put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "bb-" + nodeName);
m_backboneRouters.Add (node);
case CLIENT:
Names::Rename (nodeName, "leaf-" + nodeName);
put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "leaf-" + nodeName);
m_customerRouters.Add (node);
Names::Rename (nodeName, "gw-" + nodeName);
put (vertex_name, m_graph, *v, "gw-" + nodeName);
m_gatewayRouters.Add (node);
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Should not happen");
for (tie (e, ende) = edges (m_graph); e != ende; e++)
u = source (*e, m_graph),
v = target (*e, m_graph);
u_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, u),
v_type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, v);
u_name = get (vertex_name, m_graph, u),
v_name = get (vertex_name, m_graph, v);
if (u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == BACKBONE)
CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
params.minb2bBandwidth, params.maxb2bBandwidth,
params.minb2bDelay, params.maxb2bDelay);
else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == BACKBONE) ||
(u_type == BACKBONE && v_type == GATEWAY ))
CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
params.minb2gDelay, params.maxb2gDelay);
else if (u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == GATEWAY)
CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
params.minb2gBandwidth, params.maxb2gBandwidth,
params.minb2gDelay, params.maxb2gDelay);
else if ((u_type == GATEWAY && v_type == CLIENT) ||
(u_type == CLIENT && v_type == GATEWAY ))
CreateLink (u_name, v_name,
params.ming2cBandwidth, params.maxg2cBandwidth,
params.ming2cDelay, params.maxg2cDelay);
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Wrong link type between nodes: " << u_type << " <-> " << v_type);
ApplySettings ();
NS_LOG_INFO ("Clients: " << m_customerRouters.GetN ());
NS_LOG_INFO ("Gateways: " << m_gatewayRouters.GetN ());
NS_LOG_INFO ("Backbones: " << m_backboneRouters.GetN ());
NS_LOG_INFO ("Links: " << GetLinks ().size ());
return m_nodes;
const NodeContainer &
RocketfuelMapReader::GetBackboneRouters () const
return m_backboneRouters;
const NodeContainer &
RocketfuelMapReader::GetGatewayRouters () const
return m_gatewayRouters;
const NodeContainer &
RocketfuelMapReader::GetCustomerRouters () const
return m_customerRouters;
RocketfuelMapReader::SaveTopology (const std::string &file)
ofstream os (file.c_str (), ios::trunc);
os << "# any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the corresponding keyword\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in visualizer)\n"
<< "router\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data\n"
<< "# node comment yPos xPos\n";
auto nodeWriter = [&os](NodeContainer& m) {
for_each (m.Begin (), m.End (), [&os](Ptr<Node> node)
std::string name = Names::FindName (node);
os << name << "\t" << "NA" << "\t" << 0 << "\t" << 0 << "\n";
nodeWriter (m_backboneRouters);
nodeWriter (m_gatewayRouters);
nodeWriter (m_customerRouters);
os << "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these links\n"
<< "\n"
<< "link\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can be omitted)\n"
<< "# srcNode dstNode bandwidth metric delay queue\n"
<< "# bandwidth: link bandwidth\n"
<< "# metric: routing metric\n"
<< "# delay: link delay\n"
<< "# queue: MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)\n";
for_each (m_linksList.begin (), m_linksList.end (), [&](const Link &link) {
string src = Names::FindName (link.GetFromNode ());
string dst = Names::FindName (link.GetToNode ());
os << src << "\t";
os << dst << "\t";
string tmp;
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("DataRate", tmp))
os << link.GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("DataRate must be specified for the link");
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("OSPF", tmp))
os << link.GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
DataRate rate = boost::lexical_cast<DataRate> (link.GetAttribute("DataRate"));
int32_t cost = std::max (1, static_cast<int32_t> (1.0 * m_referenceOspfRate.GetBitRate () / rate.GetBitRate ()));
os << cost << "\t";
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("Delay", tmp))
os << link.GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe ("MaxPackets", tmp))
os << link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
os << "\n";
template <class Names, class Colors>
class name_color_writer {
name_color_writer(Names _names, Colors _colors) : names(_names), colors(_colors) {}
template <class VertexOrEdge>
void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const {
// out << "[label=\"" << names[v] << "\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
out << "[shape=\"circle\",width=0.1,label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
Names names;
Colors colors;
template <class Names, class Colors>
inline name_color_writer<Names, Colors>
make_name_color_writer(Names n, Colors c) {
return name_color_writer<Names, Colors>(n, c);
RocketfuelMapReader::SaveGraphviz (const std::string &file)
ofstream of (file.c_str ());
property_map<Graph, vertex_name_t>::type names = get (vertex_name, m_graph);
property_map<Graph, vertex_color_t>::type colors = get (vertex_color, m_graph);
write_graphviz(of, m_graph, make_name_color_writer (names, colors));
RocketfuelMapReader::KeepOnlyBiggestConnectedComponent ()
std::map<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, int> temp;
associative_property_map< std::map<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, int> > components (temp);
// //check if topology has breaks in its structure and trim it if yes
// property_map<Graph, vertex_index1_t>::type components = get (vertex_index1, m_graph);
int num = connected_components (m_graph, components);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Topology has " << num << " components");
vector<int> sizes (num, 0);
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
sizes[ get (components, *v) ] ++;
int largestComponent = max_element (sizes.begin (), sizes.end ()) - sizes.begin ();
// cout << "Largest: " << largestComponent << endl;
// for (int i =0 ; i < num; i++) cout << sizes[i] << " ";
// cout << endl;
// remove nodes and edges from smaller components //
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
if (get (components, *v) == largestComponent)
clear_vertex (*v, m_graph);
// this works only if vertices are organized in listS or setS (iterator is not invalidated on remove)
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; )
if (get (components, *v) == largestComponent)
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator tmp = v;
remove_vertex (*v, m_graph);
v = tmp;
int index = 0;
// renumber nodes
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
put (vertex_index, m_graph, *v, index++);
RocketfuelMapReader::ConnectBackboneRouters ()
// not the tricky part. we want backbone to be a fully connected component,
// so traffic doesn't bounce from backbone to gateway and back
typedef adjacency_list< setS, setS, boost::undirectedS,
property<vertex_name_t, Traits::vertex_descriptor, property
< vertex_index_t, int, property
< vertex_index1_t, int > > > > BbGraph;
BbGraph bbGraph;
map<Traits::vertex_descriptor, graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor> nodeMap;
int index = 0;
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, endv;
for (tie(v, endv) = vertices(m_graph); v != endv; v++)
node_type_t type = get (vertex_rank, m_graph, *v);
if (type == BACKBONE)
graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor newv = add_vertex (*v, bbGraph);
put (vertex_index, bbGraph, newv, index++);
nodeMap[*v] = newv;
graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_iterator bb, endBb;
for (tie (bb, endBb) = vertices (bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++)
Traits::vertex_descriptor actualVertex = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, *bb);
graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator u, endu;
for (tie (u, endu) = adjacent_vertices (actualVertex, m_graph); u != endu; u++)
if (nodeMap.find (*u) != nodeMap.end ())
add_edge (nodeMap [actualVertex], nodeMap[*u], bbGraph);
property_map<BbGraph, vertex_index1_t>::type components = get (vertex_index1, bbGraph);
int num = connected_components (bbGraph, components);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Backbone has " << num << " components");
if (num == 1)
return; // nothing to do
vector< vector<graph_traits<BbGraph>::vertex_descriptor> > subgraphs (num);
for (tie (bb, endBb) = vertices (bbGraph); bb != endBb; bb++)
int component = get (vertex_index1, bbGraph, *bb);
subgraphs [component].push_back (*bb);
UniformVariable randVar;
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
int node1 = randVar.GetInteger (0, subgraphs[i-1].size ()-1);
int node2 = randVar.GetInteger (0, subgraphs[i].size ()-1);
v1 = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i-1][node1]),
v2 = get (vertex_name, bbGraph, subgraphs[i ][node2]);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Connecting " << get (vertex_name, m_graph, v1) << "[" << node1 << "] with "
<< get (vertex_name, m_graph, v2) << "[" << node2 << "]");
add_edge (v1, v2, m_graph);
} /* namespace ns3 */