blob: 56291eabe84d1402610e5eded42b622ddcee73a0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
* Alexander Afanasyev
* BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "blob.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace name {
* @brief Class to representing binary blob of NDN name component
* This class is based on std::vector<char> and just provides several helpers
* to work with name components, as well as operator to apply canonical
* ordering on name components
class Component : public Blob
* @brief Default constructor an empty exclude
Component ();
* @brief Create component from URI encoded string
* @param uri URI encoded name component (convert escaped with % characters)
Component (const std::string &uri);
* @brief Create component from URI encoded string, with string specified by a pair of iterators
* @param begin begin iterator pointing to the URI encoded name
* @param end end iterator
Component (std::string::const_iterator begin, std::string::const_iterator end);
* @brief Create component using a binary blob
* @param buf pointer to first byte of binary blob to store as a name component
* @param length length of the binary blob
Component (const void *buf, size_t length);
* @brief Apply canonical ordering on component comparison
* @return 0 They compare equal
* <0 If *this comes before other in the canonical ordering
* >0 If *this comes after in the canonical ordering
* @see
compare (const Component &other) const;
* @brief Apply canonical ordering on component comparison (less or equal)
* @see
inline bool
operator <= (const Component &other) const;
* @brief Apply canonical ordering on component comparison (less)
* @see
inline bool
operator < (const Component &other) const;
* @brief Apply canonical ordering on component comparison (greater or equal)
* @see
inline bool
operator >= (const Component &other) const;
* @brief Apply canonical ordering on component comparison (greater)
* @see
inline bool
operator > (const Component &other) const;
// Component construction helpers //
* @brief Create network-ordered numeric component
* @param number number to be encoded and added as a component
* Number is encoded and added in network order. Tail zero-bytes are not included.
* For example, if the number is 1, then 1-byte binary blob will be added 0x01.
* If the number is 256, then 2 binary blob will be added: 0x01 0x01
* If the number is zero, an empty component will be created
static Component
fromNumber (uint64_t number);
* @brief Create network-ordered numeric component to the name with marker
* @param number number to be encoded and added as a component
* @param marker byte marker, specified by the desired naming convention
* Currently defined naming conventions of the marker:
* - 0x00 sequence number
* - 0xC1 control number
* - 0xFB block id
* - 0xFD version number
* This version is almost exactly as appendNumber, with exception that it adds initial marker.
* The number is formatted in the exactly the same way.
* @see fromNumber
static Component
fromNumberWithMarker (uint64_t number, unsigned char marker);
// helpers
* @brief Convert binary blob name component to std::string (no conversion is made)
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asUriString
toBlob () const;
* @brief Write blob of the name component to the specified output stream
* @param os output stream
toBlob (std::ostream &os) const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component to std::string, escaping all non-printable characters in URI format
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asString
toUri () const;
* @brief Write name as URI to the specified output stream
* @param os output stream
toUri (std::ostream &os) const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component (network-ordered number) to number
* @param comp name component to be converted
toNumber () const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component (network-ordered number) to number, using appropriate marker from the naming convention
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @param marker required marker from the naming convention
* If the required marker does not exist, an exception will be thrown
toNumberWithMarker (unsigned char marker) const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component, assuming sequence number naming convention (marker = 0x00)
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asNumberWithMarker
inline uint64_t
toSeqNum () const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component, assuming control number naming convention (marker = 0xC1)
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asNumberWithMarker
inline uint64_t
toControlNum () const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component, assuming block ID naming convention (marker = 0xFB)
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asNumberWithMarker
inline uint64_t
toBlkId () const;
* @brief Convert binary blob name component, assuming time-stamping version naming convention (marker = 0xFD)
* @param comp name component to be converted
* @see asNumberWithMarker
inline uint64_t
toVersion () const;
Component::operator <= (const Component &other) const
return (compare (other) <= 0);
Component::operator < (const Component &other) const
return (compare (other) < 0);
Component::operator >= (const Component &other) const
return (compare (other) >= 0);
Component::operator > (const Component &other) const
return (compare (other) > 0);
inline uint64_t
Component::toSeqNum () const
return toNumberWithMarker (0x00);
inline uint64_t
Component::toControlNum () const
return toNumberWithMarker (0xC1);
inline uint64_t
Component::toBlkId () const
return toNumberWithMarker (0xFB);
inline uint64_t
Component::toVersion () const
return toNumberWithMarker (0xFD);
* @brief Stream output operator (output in escaped URI format)
operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Component &name);
} // name