blob: e45ee70a2a18a71601dc0bea05d2e7d61f9dd8d7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/ndnSIM-module.h"
#include <boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
// Allow customization for payload
template<typename Payload>
struct pointer_payload_traits
typedef Payload* pointer_type;
typedef const Payload* const_pointer_type;
static const Payload* empty_payload;
template<typename Payload>
const Payload*
pointer_payload_traits<Payload>::empty_payload = 0;
template<typename Payload>
struct smart_pointer_payload_traits
typedef ns3::Ptr<Payload> pointer_type;
typedef ns3::Ptr<const Payload> const_pointer_type;
static const ns3::Ptr<const Payload> empty_payload;
template<typename Payload>
const ns3::Ptr<const Payload>
smart_pointer_payload_traits<Payload>::empty_payload = 0;
// forward declarations
template<typename FullKey,
typename Payload,
typename PayloadTraits = pointer_payload_traits<Payload>,
typename PolicyHook = bi::list_member_hook<> >
class trie;
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline std::ostream&
operator << (std::ostream &os,
const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
operator== (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b);
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook >
hash_value (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
// actual definition
template<typename FullKey,
typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits,
typename PolicyHook >
class trie
typedef typename FullKey::partial_type Key;
typedef trie* iterator;
typedef const trie* const_iterator;
trie (const Key &key, size_t bucketSize = 10, size_t bucketIncrement = 10);
~trie ();
// actual entry
friend bool
operator== <> (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b);
friend std::size_t
hash_value <> (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node);
inline std::pair<iterator, bool>
insert (const FullKey &key,
typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type payload);
* @brief Removes payload (if it exists) and if there are no children, prunes parents trie
inline void
erase ();
* @brief Do exactly as erase, but without erasing the payload
inline void
prune ();
* @brief Perform the longest prefix match
* @param key the key for which to perform the longest prefix match
* @return ->second is true if prefix in ->first is longer than key
inline boost::tuple<iterator, bool, iterator>
find (const FullKey &key);
* @brief Find next payload of the sub-trie
* @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration )
inline iterator
find ();
* @brief Find next payload of the sub-trie satisfying the predicate
* @param pred predicate
* @returns end() or a valid iterator pointing to the trie leaf (order is not defined, enumeration )
template<class Predicate>
inline iterator
find_if (Predicate pred);
iterator end ()
return 0;
const_iterator end () const
return 0;
typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type
payload () const
return payload_;
set_payload (typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type payload)
payload_ = payload;
inline void
PrintStat (std::ostream &os) const;
//The disposer object function
struct trie_delete_disposer
void operator() (trie *delete_this)
// std::cout << "Deleting " << delete_this << "\n";
delete delete_this;
template<class D>
struct array_disposer
void operator() (D *array)
delete [] array;
operator<< < > (std::ostream &os, const trie &trie_node);
PolicyHook policy_hook_;
bi::unordered_set_member_hook<> unordered_set_member_hook_;
// necessary typedefs
typedef trie self_type;
typedef bi::member_hook< trie,
bi::unordered_set_member_hook< >, &trie::unordered_set_member_hook_ > member_hook;
typedef bi::unordered_set< trie, member_hook > unordered_set;
typedef typename unordered_set::bucket_type bucket_type;
typedef typename unordered_set::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
// Actual data
Key key_; ///< name component
size_t initialBucketSize_;
size_t bucketIncrement_;
size_t bucketSize_;
typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr< bucket_type, array_disposer<bucket_type> > buckets_array;
buckets_array buckets_;
unordered_set children_;
typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type payload_;
trie *parent_; // to make cleaning effective
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::trie (const trie::Key &key, size_t bucketSize, size_t bucketIncrement)
: key_ (key)
, initialBucketSize_ (bucketSize)
, bucketIncrement_ (bucketIncrement)
, bucketSize_ (initialBucketSize_)
, buckets_ (new bucket_type [bucketSize_]) //cannot use normal pointer, because lifetime of buckets should be larger than lifetime of the container
, children_ (bucket_traits (buckets_.get (), bucketSize_))
, payload_ (PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
, parent_ (0)
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::~trie ()
payload_ = PayloadTraits::empty_payload; // necessary for smart pointers...
children_.clear_and_dispose (trie_delete_disposer ());
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
std::pair<typename trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::iterator, bool>
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::insert (const FullKey &key, typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type payload)
trie *trieNode = this;
BOOST_FOREACH (const Key &subkey, key)
typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find (subkey);
if (item == trieNode->children_.end ())
trie *newNode = new trie (subkey, initialBucketSize_, bucketIncrement_);
// std::cout << "new " << newNode << "\n";
newNode->parent_ = trieNode;
if (trieNode->children_.size () >= trieNode->bucketSize_)
trieNode->bucketSize_ += trieNode->bucketIncrement_;
buckets_array newBuckets (new bucket_type [trieNode->bucketSize_]);
trieNode->children_.rehash (bucket_traits (newBuckets.get (), trieNode->bucketSize_));
trieNode->buckets_.swap (newBuckets);
std::pair< typename unordered_set::iterator, bool > ret =
trieNode->children_.insert (*newNode);
trieNode = &(*ret.first);
trieNode = &(*item);
if (trieNode->payload_ == 0)
trieNode->payload_ = payload;
return std::make_pair (trieNode, true);
return std::make_pair (trieNode, false);
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
boost::tuple<typename trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::iterator,
typename trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::iterator>
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::find (const FullKey &key)
trie *trieNode = this;
iterator foundNode = (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload) ? this : 0;
bool reachLast = true;
BOOST_FOREACH (const Key &subkey, key)
typename unordered_set::iterator item = trieNode->children_.find (subkey);
if (item == trieNode->children_.end ())
reachLast = false;
trieNode = &(*item);
if (trieNode->payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
foundNode = trieNode;
return boost::make_tuple (foundNode, reachLast, trieNode);
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline typename trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::iterator
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::find ()
if (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
return this;
typedef trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits> trie;
BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
iterator value = subnode.find ();
if (value != 0)
return value;
return 0;
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
template<class Predicate>
inline typename trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::iterator
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>
::find_if (Predicate pred)
if (payload_ != PayloadTraits::empty_payload && pred (payload_))
return this;
typedef trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
iterator value = subnode.find ();
if (value != 0)
return value;
return 0;
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline void
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::erase ()
payload_ = PayloadTraits::empty_payload;
prune ();
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline void
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::prune ()
if (payload_ == 0 && children_.size () == 0)
if (parent_ == 0) return;
trie *parent = parent_;
parent->children_.erase_and_dispose (*this, trie_delete_disposer ()); // delete this; basically, committing a suicide
parent->prune ();
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline std::ostream&
operator << (std::ostream &os, const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node)
os << "# " << trie_node.key_ << ((trie_node.payload_ != 0)?"*":"") << std::endl;
typedef trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, trie_node.children_)
os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\"" << " [label=\"" << trie_node.key_ << ((trie_node.payload_ != 0)?"*":"") << "\"]\n";
os << "\"" << &subnode << "\"" << " [label=\"" << subnode.key_ << ((subnode.payload_ != 0)?"*":"") << "\"]""\n";
os << "\"" << &trie_node << "\"" << " -> " << "\"" << &subnode << "\"" << "\n";
os << subnode;
return os;
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline void
trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook>::PrintStat (std::ostream &os) const
os << "# " << key_ << ((payload_ != 0)?"*":"") << ": " << children_.size() << " children" << std::endl;
for (size_t bucket = 0, maxbucket = children_.bucket_count ();
bucket < maxbucket;
os << " " << children_.bucket_size (bucket);
os << "\n";
typedef trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> trie;
BOOST_FOREACH (const trie &subnode, children_)
subnode.PrintStat (os);
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline bool
operator == (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &a,
const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &b)
return a.key_ == b.key_;
template<typename FullKey, typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits, typename PolicyHook>
inline std::size_t
hash_value (const trie<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, PolicyHook> &trie_node)
return boost::hash_value (trie_node.key_);
template<typename FullKey,
typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits
struct lru_policy_traits
typedef trie< FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits, bi::list_member_hook<> > parent_trie;
typedef typename bi::list< parent_trie,
bi::member_hook< parent_trie,
&parent_trie::policy_hook_ > > policy_container;
class policy : public policy_container
policy ()
: max_size_ (100)
inline void
update (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
// do relocation
policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
inline void
insert (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
if (policy_container::size () >= max_size_)
typename parent_trie::iterator oldItem = &(*policy_container::begin ());
policy_container::pop_front ();
oldItem->erase ();
policy_container::push_back (*item);
inline void
lookup (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
// do relocation
policy_container::splice (policy_container::end (),
policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
inline void
erase (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
policy_container::erase (policy_container::s_iterator_to (*item));
inline void
set_max_size (size_t max_size)
max_size_ = max_size;
size_t max_size_;
template<typename FullKey,
typename Payload, typename PayloadTraits = pointer_payload_traits<Payload>,
typename policy_traits = lru_policy_traits<FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits>
class indexed_trie
typedef trie< FullKey, Payload, PayloadTraits > parent_trie;
typedef typename parent_trie::iterator iterator;
indexed_trie (size_t bucketSize = 10, size_t bucketIncrement = 10)
: trie_ ("", bucketSize, bucketIncrement)
inline std::pair< iterator, bool >
insert (const FullKey &key, typename PayloadTraits::const_pointer_type payload)
std::pair<iterator, bool> item =
trie_.insert (key, payload);
if (item.second) // real insert
policy_.insert (s_iterator_to (item.first));
item.first->set_payload (payload);
// policy_traits::update (*item.first);
return item;
inline void
erase (iterator node)
if (node == end ()) return;
policy_.erase (s_iterator_to (node));
node->erase (); // will do cleanup here
* @brief Perform the longest prefix match
* @param key the key for which to perform the longest prefix match
* For subsequent direct searches, policy_.lookup () should be called manually
* @return ->second is true if prefix in ->first is longer than key
* ->third is always last node searched
inline boost::tuple< iterator, bool, iterator >
find (const FullKey &key)
boost::tuple< iterator, bool, iterator > item = trie_.find (key);
if (item.template get<0> () != trie_.end ())
policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (item.template get<0> ()));
return boost::make_tuple (s_iterator_to (item.template get<0> ()),
item.template get<1> (),
s_iterator_to (item.template get<2> ()));
iterator end ()
return 0;
const parent_trie &
getTrie () const { return trie_; }
const typename policy_traits::policy &
getPolicy () const { return policy_; }
typename policy_traits::policy &
getPolicy () { return policy_; }
static inline iterator
s_iterator_to (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
if (item == 0)
return 0;
return &(*item);
parent_trie trie_;
typename policy_traits::policy policy_;