blob: 085078b0142669968bfb6e73750cc22abb664926 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011 UCLA
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
* Ilya Moiseenko <>
#include "ns3/assert.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/object.h"
#include "ns3/names.h"
#include "ns3/packet-socket-factory.h"
#include "ns3/config.h"
#include "ns3/simulator.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/net-device.h"
#include "ns3/channel.h"
#include "ns3/callback.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/core-config.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-helper.h"
#include "ns3/callback.h"
#include "../model/ndn-net-device-face.h"
#include "../model/ndn-l3-protocol.h"
#include "ns3/ndn-forwarding-strategy.h"
#include "ns3/ndn-fib.h"
#include "ns3/ndn-pit.h"
#include "ns3/ndn-name.h"
#include "ns3/ndn-content-store.h"
#include "ns3/node-list.h"
// #include "ns3/loopback-net-device.h"
#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
#include "ndn-face-container.h"
#include "ndn-stack-helper.h"
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.StackHelper");
namespace ns3 {
namespace ndn {
StackHelper::StackHelper ()
: m_limitsEnabled (false)
, m_needSetDefaultRoutes (false)
m_ndnFactory. SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::L3Protocol");
m_strategyFactory. SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::fw::Flooding");
m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru");
m_fibFactory. SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::fib::Default");
m_pitFactory. SetTypeId ("ns3::ndn::pit::Persistent");
m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back (std::make_pair (PointToPointNetDevice::GetTypeId (), MakeCallback (&StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback, this)));
// default callback will be fired if non of others callbacks fit or did the job
StackHelper::~StackHelper ()
StackHelper::SetStackAttributes (const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
if (attr1 != "")
m_ndnFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
if (attr2 != "")
m_ndnFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
if (attr3 != "")
m_ndnFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
if (attr4 != "")
m_ndnFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
StackHelper::SetForwardingStrategy (const std::string &strategy,
const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
m_strategyFactory.SetTypeId (strategy);
if (attr1 != "")
m_strategyFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
if (attr2 != "")
m_strategyFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
if (attr3 != "")
m_strategyFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
if (attr4 != "")
m_strategyFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
StackHelper::SetContentStore (const std::string &contentStore,
const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
m_contentStoreFactory.SetTypeId (contentStore);
if (attr1 != "")
m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
if (attr2 != "")
m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
if (attr3 != "")
m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
if (attr4 != "")
m_contentStoreFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
StackHelper::SetPit (const std::string &pitClass,
const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
m_pitFactory.SetTypeId (pitClass);
if (attr1 != "")
m_pitFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
if (attr2 != "")
m_pitFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
if (attr3 != "")
m_pitFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
if (attr4 != "")
m_pitFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
StackHelper::SetFib (const std::string &fibClass,
const std::string &attr1, const std::string &value1,
const std::string &attr2, const std::string &value2,
const std::string &attr3, const std::string &value3,
const std::string &attr4, const std::string &value4)
m_fibFactory.SetTypeId (fibClass);
if (attr1 != "")
m_fibFactory.Set (attr1, StringValue (value1));
if (attr2 != "")
m_fibFactory.Set (attr2, StringValue (value2));
if (attr3 != "")
m_fibFactory.Set (attr3, StringValue (value3));
if (attr4 != "")
m_fibFactory.Set (attr4, StringValue (value4));
StackHelper::SetDefaultRoutes (bool needSet)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << needSet);
m_needSetDefaultRoutes = needSet;
StackHelper::EnableLimits (bool enable/* = true*/,
Time avgRtt/*=Seconds(0.1)*/,
uint32_t avgData/*=1100*/,
uint32_t avgInterest/*=40*/)
NS_LOG_INFO ("EnableLimits: " << enable);
m_limitsEnabled = enable;
m_avgRtt = avgRtt;
m_avgDataSize = avgData;
m_avgInterestSize = avgInterest;
StackHelper::Install (const NodeContainer &c) const
Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer> ();
for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
faces->AddAll (Install (*i));
return faces;
StackHelper::InstallAll () const
return Install (NodeContainer::GetGlobal ());
StackHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node) const
// NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_forwarding, "SetForwardingHelper() should be set prior calling Install() method");
Ptr<FaceContainer> faces = Create<FaceContainer> ();
if (node->GetObject<L3Protocol> () != 0)
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("StackHelper::Install (): Installing "
"a NdnStack to a node with an existing Ndn object");
return 0;
// Create L3Protocol
Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = m_ndnFactory.Create<L3Protocol> ();
// Create and aggregate FIB
Ptr<Fib> fib = m_fibFactory.Create<Fib> ();
ndn->AggregateObject (fib);
// Create and aggregate PIT
ndn->AggregateObject (m_pitFactory.Create<Pit> ());
// Create and aggregate forwarding strategy
ndn->AggregateObject (m_strategyFactory.Create<ForwardingStrategy> ());
// Create and aggregate content store
ndn->AggregateObject (m_contentStoreFactory.Create<ContentStore> ());
// Aggregate L3Protocol on node
node->AggregateObject (ndn);
for (uint32_t index=0; index < node->GetNDevices (); index++)
Ptr<NetDevice> device = node->GetDevice (index);
// This check does not make sense: LoopbackNetDevice is installed only if IP stack is installed,
// Normally, ndnSIM works without IP stack, so no reason to check
// if (DynamicCast<LoopbackNetDevice> (device) != 0)
// continue; // don't create face for a LoopbackNetDevice
Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face;
for (std::list< std::pair<TypeId, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback> >::const_iterator item = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin ();
item != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end ();
if (device->GetInstanceTypeId () == item->first ||
device->GetInstanceTypeId ().IsChildOf (item->first))
face = item->second (node, ndn, device);
if (face != 0)
if (face == 0)
face = DefaultNetDeviceCallback (node, ndn, device);
if (m_needSetDefaultRoutes)
// default route with lowest priority possible
AddRoute (node, "/", StaticCast<Face> (face), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max ());
face->SetUp ();
faces->Add (face);
return faces;
StackHelper::AddNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, StackHelper::NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
m_netDeviceCallbacks.push_back (std::make_pair (netDeviceType, callback));
StackHelper::UpdateNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin (); i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end (); i++)
if (i->first == netDeviceType)
i->second = callback;
StackHelper::RemoveNetDeviceFaceCreateCallback (TypeId netDeviceType, NetDeviceFaceCreateCallback callback)
for (NetDeviceCallbackList::iterator i = m_netDeviceCallbacks.begin (); i != m_netDeviceCallbacks.end (); i++)
if (i->first == netDeviceType)
m_netDeviceCallbacks.erase (i);
StackHelper::DefaultNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Creating default NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId ());
Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace> (node, netDevice);
ndn->AddFace (face);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node " << node->GetId () << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
return face;
StackHelper::PointToPointNetDeviceCallback (Ptr<Node> node, Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn, Ptr<NetDevice> device) const
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Creating point-to-point NetDeviceFace on node " << node->GetId ());
Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = CreateObject<NetDeviceFace> (node, device);
ndn->AddFace (face);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node " << node->GetId () << ": added NetDeviceFace as face #" << *face);
if (m_limitsEnabled)
Ptr<Limits> limits = face->GetObject<Limits> ();
if (limits == 0)
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Limits are enabled, but the selected forwarding strategy does not support limits. Please revise your scenario");
exit (1);
NS_LOG_INFO ("Limits are enabled");
Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2p = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (device);
if (p2p != 0)
// Setup bucket filtering
// Assume that we know average data packet size, and this size is equal default size
// Set maximum buckets (averaging over 1 second)
DataRateValue dataRate; device->GetAttribute ("DataRate", dataRate);
TimeValue linkDelay; device->GetChannel ()->GetAttribute ("Delay", linkDelay);
NS_LOG_INFO("DataRate for this link is " << dataRate.Get());
double maxInterestPackets = 1.0 * dataRate.Get ().GetBitRate () / 8.0 / (m_avgDataSize + m_avgInterestSize);
// NS_LOG_INFO ("Max packets per second: " << maxInterestPackets);
// NS_LOG_INFO ("Max burst: " << m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) * maxInterestPackets);
NS_LOG_INFO ("MaxLimit: " << (int)(m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S) * maxInterestPackets));
// Set max to BDP
limits->SetLimits (maxInterestPackets, m_avgRtt.ToDouble (Time::S));
limits->SetLinkDelay (linkDelay.Get ().ToDouble (Time::S));
return face;
StackHelper::Install (const std::string &nodeName) const
Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
return Install (node);
StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Face> face, int32_t metric)
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("[" << node->GetId () << "]$ route add " << prefix << " via " << *face << " metric " << metric);
Ptr<Fib> fib = node->GetObject<Fib> ();
NameValue prefixValue;
prefixValue.DeserializeFromString (prefix, MakeNameChecker ());
fib->Add (prefixValue.Get (), face, metric);
StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric)
Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace (faceId);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node [" << node->GetId () << "]");
AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
StackHelper::AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, uint32_t faceId, int32_t metric)
Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace (faceId);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "Face with ID [" << faceId << "] does not exist on node [" << nodeName << "]");
AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
StackHelper::AddRoute (Ptr<Node> node, const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> otherNode, int32_t metric)
for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < node->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> netDevice = DynamicCast<PointToPointNetDevice> (node->GetDevice (deviceId));
if (netDevice == 0)
Ptr<Channel> channel = netDevice->GetChannel ();
if (channel == 0)
if (channel->GetDevice (0)->GetNode () == otherNode ||
channel->GetDevice (1)->GetNode () == otherNode)
Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Ndn stack should be installed on the node");
Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFaceByNetDevice (netDevice);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (face != 0, "There is no face associated with the p2p link");
AddRoute (node, prefix, face, metric);
NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Cannot add route: Node# " << node->GetId () << " and Node# " << otherNode->GetId () << " are not connected");
StackHelper::AddRoute (const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &otherNodeName, int32_t metric)
Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, "Node [" << nodeName << "] does not exist");
Ptr<Node> otherNode = Names::Find<Node> (otherNodeName);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (otherNode != 0, "Node [" << otherNodeName << "] does not exist");
AddRoute (node, prefix, otherNode, metric);
} // namespace ndn
} // namespace ns3