docs: Adding a new example of how to use AnnotatedTopologyReader, as well as a new FAQ section with a couple of commonly asked questions.
diff --git a/docs/source/examples.rst b/docs/source/examples.rst
index 5ea290e..d65f4eb 100644
--- a/docs/source/examples.rst
+++ b/docs/source/examples.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+.. _simple-scenario:
 Simple scenario
@@ -45,6 +47,10 @@
       Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
       Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+      // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
+      CommandLine cmd;
+      cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
       // Creating nodes
       NodeContainer nodes;
       nodes.Create (3);
@@ -89,6 +95,8 @@
      NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer:ndn.Producer ./waf --run=ndn-simple
+.. _9-node-grid-example:
 9-node grid example
@@ -144,6 +152,10 @@
       Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
       Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("20"));
+      // Read optional command-line parameters (e.g., enable visualizer with ./waf --run=<> --visualize
+      CommandLine cmd;
+      cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
       // Creating 3x3 topology
       PointToPointHelper p2p;
       PointToPointGridHelper grid (3, 3, p2p);
@@ -195,3 +207,125 @@
     NS_LOG=ndn.Consumer:ndn.Producer ./waf --run=ndn-grid
+.. _9-node-grid-example-using-topology-plugin:
+9-node grid example using topology plugin
+Instead of defining topology directly as in :ref:`simple-scenario` or using specialized helpers as in :ref:`9-node-grid-example`, ndnSIM provides experimental extended versions of TopologyReader classes: :ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader` and :ndnsim:`RocketfuelWeightsReader`.
+While :ndnsim:`RocketfuelWeightsReader` is a specialized version intended to be used with `Rocketfuel <>`_ topology and link weights files (examples will be provided later), :ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader` is a general-use tool that allows creation of any custom topologies.  
+The based format for the input file the :ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader` expects::
+    # any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored
+    # The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the corresponding keyword
+    # router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in visualizer)
+    router
+    # each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data
+    # node  comment     yPos    xPos
+    Node0   NA          3       1
+    Node1   NA          3       2
+    Node2   NA          3       3
+    Node3   NA          2       1
+    Node4   NA          2       2
+    Node5   NA          2       3
+    Node6   NA          1       1
+    Node7   NA          1       2
+    Node8   NA          1       3
+    # Note that `node` can be any string. It is possible to access to the node by name using Names::Find, see examples.
+    # link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these links
+    link
+    # Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can be omitted)
+    # srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue
+    # bandwidth: link bandwidth
+    # metric: routing metric
+    # delay:  link delay
+    # queue:  MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)
+    Node0       Node1       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node0       Node3       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node1       Node2       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node1       Node4       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node2       Node5       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node3       Node4       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node3       Node6       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node4       Node5       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node4       Node7       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node5       Node8       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node6       Node7       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+    Node7       Node8       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+If you save the topology file to `topo.txt` in the current directory, then the following code will duplicate the functionality of :ref:`9-node-grid-example` but with the use of :ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader`:
+.. code-block:: c++
+    #include "ns3/core-module.h"
+    #include "ns3/network-module.h"
+    #include "ns3/ndnSIM-module.h"
+    using namespace ns3;
+    int 
+    main (int argc, char *argv[])
+    {
+      CommandLine cmd;
+      cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
+      AnnotatedTopologyReader topologyReader ("", 25);
+      topologyReader.SetFileName ("topo.txt");
+      topologyReader.Read (); 
+      // Install CCNx stack on all nodes
+      ndn::StackHelper ccnxHelper;
+      ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
+      // Installing global routing interface on all nodes
+      ndn::GlobalRoutingHelper ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper;
+      ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.InstallAll ();
+      // Getting containers for the consumer/producer
+      Ptr<Node> producer = Names::Find<Node> ("Node8");
+      NodeContainer consumerNodes;
+      consumerNodes.Add (Names::Find<Node> ("Node0"));
+      // Install CCNx applications
+      std::string prefix = "/prefix";
+      ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
+      consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
+      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("100")); // 100 interests a second
+      consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes);
+      ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
+      producerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
+      producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
+      producerHelper.Install (producer);
+      // Add /prefix origins to ndn::GlobalRouter
+      ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.AddOrigins (prefix, producer);
+      // Calculate and install FIBs
+      ccnxGlobalRoutingHelper.CalculateRoutes ();
+      Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20.0));
+      Simulator::Run ();
+      Simulator::Destroy ();
+      return 0;
+    }
+As you can see, scenario code became more compact and more readable.
+:ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader` provides two ways to access topology nodes.  
+First, you can use the method :ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetNodes` which returns NodeContainer.
+Alternatively, nodes can be accessed by name using `Names::Find<Node> ("nodename")` call, as in the above example.
+For this purpose,:ndnsim:`AnnotatedTopologyReader` automatically registers all created nodes with names specified in topology file.
+For more information about `Names` class, please refer to `NS-3 documentation <..>`_