blob: ac4150f2b5743e24379af8df4c47e5fdd1b94cc7 [file] [log] [blame]
ndnSIM applications
ndnSIM includes a few reference applications that can be used as a base for NDN simulations.
Reference applications
:ndnsim:`ConsumerCbr` an application that generates Interest traffic with predefined pattern (constant frequency, constant average rate with inter-Interest gap distributed uniformly at random, exponentially at random, etc.).
.. code-block:: c++
// Create application using the app helper
ndn::AppHelper helper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
This applications has the following attributes:
* Frequency
.. note::
default: ``1.0`` (1 per second)
Either exact (for contant version) or expected (for randomized version) frequency with which Interests are generated
.. code-block:: c++
// Set attribute using the app helper
helper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", DoubleValue (1.0));
* Randomize
.. note::
default: ``"none"``
Specify whether to do randomization for inter-Interest gap or not. The following variants are currently supported:
- ``"none"``: no randomization
- ``"uniform"``: uniform distribution in range (0, 1/Frequency)
- ``"exponential"``: exponential distribution with mean 1/Frequency
.. code-block:: c++
// Set attribute using the app helper
helper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("uniform"));
:ndnsim:`ConsumerBatches` is an on-off-style application gen- erating a specified number of Interests at specified points of simulation.
.. code-block:: c++
// Create application using the app helper
ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerBatches");
This applications has the following attributes:
* Batches
.. note::
default: Empty
Specify exact pattern of Interest packets, specifying when and how many Interest packets should be sent.
The following example defines that 1 Interest should be requested at time 1s, 5 Interests at time 5s, and 2 Interests at time 10s.:
.. code-block:: c++
// Set attribute using the app helper
helper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue ("1s 1 2s 5 10s 2"));
:ndnsim:`ConsumerWindow` is an application generating a variable rate Interest traffic. It relies on an optional NACK-Interest feature and implements a simple sliding-window-based Interest generation mechanism.
.. code-block:: c++
// Create application using the app helper
ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::ConsumerWindow");
This applications has the following attributes:
* Window
.. note::
default: ``1``
Initial number of Interests that will be send out without waiting for the data (number of outstanding Interests)
* PayloadSize
.. note::
default: ``1040``
Expected size of the Data payload (necessary only when Size is specified)
* Size
.. note::
default: ``-1``
Amount of data to be requested (will stop issuing Interests after ``Size`` data is received)
If ``Size`` is set to -1, Interests will be requested till the end of the simulation.
:ndnsim:`Producer` a simple Interest-sink application, which replying every incoming Interest with Data packet with a specified size and name same as in Interest.
.. code-block:: c++
// Create application using the app helper
ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::ndn::Producer");
Custom applications
Applications interact with the core of the system using :ndnsim:`AppFace` realization of Face abstraction.
To simplify implementation of specific NDN application, ndnSIM provides a base :ndnsim:`App` class that takes care of creating :ndnsim:`AppFace` and registering it inside the NDN protocol stack, as well as provides default processing for incoming Interest and Data packets.
.. Base App class
.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Customer example
The following code shows how a simple ndnSIM application can be created.
For details refer to API documentation of ndnSIM and NS-3.
.. code-block:: c++
class CustomApp : public ndn::App
// overridden from ndn::App
// Processing upon start of the application
virtual void
StartApplication ()
// initialize ndn::App
ndn::App::StartApplication ();
// Create a name components object for name ``/prefix/sub``
Ptr<ndn::NameComponents> prefix = Create<ndn::NameComponents> (); // now prefix contains ``/``
prefix->Add ("prefix"); // now prefix contains ``/prefix``
prefix->Add ("sub"); // now prefix contains ``/prefix/sub``
// Creating FIB entry that ensures that we will receive incoming Interests //
// Get FIB object
Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode ()->GetObject<ndn::Fib> ();
// Add entry to FIB
// Note that ``m_face`` is cretaed by ndn::App
ndn::fib::EntryContainer::type::iterator fibEntry = fib->Add (*prefix, m_face, 0);
// Sending one Interest packet out //
// Create and configure ndn::InterestHeader
ndn::InterestHeader interestHeader;
UniformVariable rand (0,std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max ());
interestHeader.SetNonce (rand.GetValue ());
interestHeader.SetName (prefix);
interestHeader.SetInterestLifetime (Seconds (1.0));
// Create packet and add ndn::InterestHeader
Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();
packet->AddHeader (interestHeader);
// Forward packet to lower (network) layer
m_protocolHandler (packet);
// Call trace (for logging purposes)
m_transmittedInterests (&interestHeader, this, m_face);
// Processing when application is stopped
virtual void
StopApplication ()
// cleanup ndn::App
ndn::App::StopApplication ();
// Callback that will be called when Interest arrives
virtual void
OnInterest (const Ptr<const ndn::InterestHeader> &interest, Ptr<Packet> packet)
// Create and configure ndn::ContentObjectHeader and ndn::ContentObjectTail
// (header is added in front of the packet, tail is added at the end of the packet)
ndn::ContentObjectHeader data;
data.SetName (Create<ndn::NameComponents> (interest->GetName ())); // data will have the same name as Interests
ndn::ContentObjectTail trailer; // doesn't require any configuration
// Create packet and add header and trailer
Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> (1024);
packet->AddHeader (data);
packet->AddTrailer (trailer);
// Forward packet to lower (network) layer
m_protocolHandler (packet);
// Call trace (for logging purposes)
m_transmittedInterests (&interestHeader, this, m_face);
m_transmittedContentObjects (&data, packet, this, m_face);
// Callback that will be called when Data arrives
virtual void
OnContentObject (const Ptr<const ndn::ContentObjectHeader> &contentObject,
Ptr<Packet> payload)
std::cout << "DATA received for name " << contentObject->GetName () << std::endl;
Producer example (Interest hijacker)
The following code demonstrates how to implement a basic producer application that "hijacks" all incoming Interests.
.. code-block:: c++
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/ndnSIM-module.h"
using namespace ns3;
class Hijacker : public ndn::App
static TypeId
GetTypeId ();
Hijacker ()
// inherited from NdnApp
void OnInterest (const Ptr<const ndn::InterestHeader> &interest, Ptr<Packet> packet)
ndn::App::OnInterest (interest, packet); // forward call to perform app-level tracing
// do nothing else (hijack interest)
// inherited from Application base class.
virtual void
StartApplication ()
App::StartApplication ();
// equivalent to setting interest filter for "/" prefix
Ptr<ndn::Fib> fib = GetNode ()->GetObject<ndn::Fib> ();
Ptr<ndn::fib::Entry> fibEntry = fib->Add ("/", m_face, 0);
fibEntry->UpdateStatus (m_face, ndn::fib::FaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
virtual void
StopApplication ()
App::StopApplication ();
// Necessary if you are planning to use ndn::AppHelper
Hijacker::GetTypeId ()
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ndn::Hijacker")
.SetParent<ndn::App> ()
.AddConstructor<Hijacker> ()
return tid;
After defining this class, you can use it with :ndnsim:`ndn::AppHelper`. For example:
.. code-block:: c++
ndn::AppHelper producerHelper ("ndn::Hijacker");
producerHelper.Install (producerNode);