blob: 812c9168a9190d0a579cb07c2e4510d312d92fa8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2014 Named Data Networking Project
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
// Name Tree (Name Prefix Hash Table)
#include "common.hpp"
#include "name-tree-entry.hpp"
namespace nfd {
namespace name_tree {
* @brief Compute the hash value of the given name prefix.
* @todo 1) have another parameter that specifies the number of components
* 2) optimize the hash function to return a list of have values for all
* the (or a certain number of, like a batch operation) prefixes. 3) move
* the hash-related code to a separate file in /core or ndn-cpp-dev lib.
hashName(const Name& prefix);
/// a predicate to accept or reject an Entry in find operations
typedef function<bool (const Entry& entry)> EntrySelector;
struct AnyEntry {
operator()(const Entry& entry)
return true;
} // namespace name_tree
* @brief Class Name Tree
class NameTree : noncopyable
NameTree(size_t nBuckets);
* @brief Get the number of occupied entries in the Name Tree
size() const;
* @brief Get the number of buckets in the Name Tree (NPHT)
* @details The number of buckets is the one that used to create the hash
* table, i.e., m_nBuckets.
getNBuckets() const;
* @brief Look for the Name Tree Entry that contains this name prefix.
* @details Starts from the shortest name prefix, and then increase the
* number of name components by one each time. All non-existing Name Tree
* Entries will be created.
* @param prefix The querying name prefix.
* @return The pointer to the Name Tree Entry that contains this full name
* prefix.
lookup(const Name& prefix);
* @brief Exact match lookup for the given name prefix.
* @return a null shared_ptr if this prefix is not found;
* otherwise return the Name Tree Entry address
findExactMatch(const Name& prefix) const;
* @brief Erase a Name Tree Entry if this entry is empty.
* @details If a Name Tree Entry contains no Children, no FIB, no PIT, and
* no Measurements entries, then it can be erased. In addition, its parent entry
* will also be examined by following the parent pointer until all empty entries
* are erased.
* @param entry The pointer to the entry to be erased. The entry pointer should
* returned by the findExactMatch(), lookup(), or findLongestPrefixMatch() functions.
eraseEntryIfEmpty(shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> entry);
* @brief Longest prefix matching for the given name
* @details Starts from the full name string, reduce the number of name component
* by one each time, until an Entry is found.
findLongestPrefixMatch(const Name& prefix,
const name_tree::EntrySelector& entrySelector = name_tree::AnyEntry());
* @brief Resize the hash table size when its load factor reaches a threshold.
* @details As we are currently using a hand-written hash table implementation
* for the Name Tree, the hash table resize() function should be kept in the
* name-tree.hpp file.
* @param newNBuckets The number of buckets for the new hash table.
resize(size_t newNBuckets);
* @brief Enumerate all the name prefixes stored in the Name Tree.
shared_ptr<std::vector<shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> > >
fullEnumerate(const name_tree::EntrySelector& entrySelector = name_tree::AnyEntry());
* @brief Enumerate all the name prefixes under a specific name prefix
* @todo It might be better to have functions like fullEnemerateFib() to reduce the
* number of entries stored in the vector.
shared_ptr<std::vector<shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> > >
partialEnumerate(const Name& prefix,
const name_tree::EntrySelector& entrySelector = name_tree::AnyEntry());
* @brief Dump all the information stored in the Name Tree for debugging.
dump(std::ostream& output);
size_t m_nItems; // Number of items being stored
size_t m_nBuckets; // Number of hash buckets
double m_loadFactor;
size_t m_resizeThreshold;
int m_resizeFactor;
name_tree::Node** m_buckets; // Name Tree Buckets in the NPHT
* @brief Create a Name Tree Entry if it does not exist, or return the existing
* Name Tree Entry address.
* @details Called by lookup() only.
* @return The first item is the Name Tree Entry address, the second item is
* a bool value indicates whether this is an old entry (false) or a new
* entry (true).
std::pair<shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry>, bool>
insert(const Name& prefix);
* @brief Helper function for partialEnumerate()
partialEnumerateAddChildren(shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> entry,
const name_tree::EntrySelector& entrySelector,
std::vector<shared_ptr<name_tree::Entry> >& results);
inline size_t
NameTree::size() const
return m_nItems;
inline size_t
NameTree::getNBuckets() const
return m_nBuckets;
} // namespace nfd