blob: 27012e3f6b8ede4b4f4294bed89c15e8ed16b5c4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
* Ilya Moiseenko <>
#include "ccnx-l3-protocol.h"
#include "ns3/packet.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/callback.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h"
#include "ns3/object-vector.h"
#include "ns3/pointer.h"
#include "ns3/boolean.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/simulator.h"
#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
#include "ns3/ccnx-header-helper.h"
#include "ccnx-face.h"
#include "ccnx-forwarding-strategy.h"
#include "ccnx-interest-header.h"
#include "ccnx-content-object-header.h"
#include "ccnx-fib-impl.h"
#include "ccnx-net-device-face.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
using namespace boost::tuples;
namespace ll = boost::lambda;
namespace ns3 {
const uint16_t CcnxL3Protocol::ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE = 0x7777;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::CcnxL3Protocol")
.SetParent<Ccnx> ()
.SetGroupName ("Ccnx")
.AddConstructor<CcnxL3Protocol> ()
.AddAttribute ("FaceList", "List of faces associated with CCNx stack",
ObjectVectorValue (),
MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_faces),
MakeObjectVectorChecker<CcnxFace> ())
.AddAttribute ("EnableNACKs", "Enabling support of NACKs",
BooleanValue (false),
MakeBooleanAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_nacksEnabled),
MakeBooleanChecker ())
.AddAttribute ("CacheUnsolicitedData", "Cache overheard data that have not been requested",
BooleanValue (false),
MakeBooleanAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_cacheUnsolicitedData),
MakeBooleanChecker ())
return tid;
: m_faceCounter (0)
CcnxL3Protocol::~CcnxL3Protocol ()
* This method is called by AddAgregate and completes the aggregation
* by setting the node in the ccnx stack
CcnxL3Protocol::NotifyNewAggregate ()
// not really efficient, but this will work only once
if (m_node == 0)
m_node = GetObject<Node> ();
if (m_node != 0)
NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_pit != 0 && m_fib != 0 && m_contentStore != 0 && m_forwardingStrategy != 0,
"PIT, FIB, and ContentStore should be aggregated before CcnxL3Protocol");
if (m_pit == 0)
m_pit = GetObject<CcnxPit> ();
if (m_fib == 0)
m_fib = GetObject<CcnxFib> ();
if (m_forwardingStrategy == 0)
m_forwardingStrategy = GetObject<CcnxForwardingStrategy> ();
if (m_contentStore == 0)
m_contentStore = GetObject<CcnxContentStore> ();
Object::NotifyNewAggregate ();
CcnxL3Protocol::DoDispose (void)
for (CcnxFaceList::iterator i = m_faces.begin (); i != m_faces.end (); ++i)
*i = 0;
m_faces.clear ();
m_node = 0;
// Force delete on objects
m_forwardingStrategy = 0; // there is a reference to PIT stored in here
m_pit = 0;
m_contentStore = 0;
m_fib = 0;
Object::DoDispose ();
CcnxL3Protocol::AddFace (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &face)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << &face);
face->SetId (m_faceCounter); // sets a unique ID of the face. This ID serves only informational purposes
// ask face to register in lower-layer stack
face->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::Receive, this));
m_faces.push_back (face);
return face->GetId ();
CcnxL3Protocol::RemoveFace (Ptr<CcnxFace> face)
// ask face to register in lower-layer stack
face->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeNullCallback<void,const Ptr<CcnxFace>&,const Ptr<const Packet>&> ());
// just to be on a safe side. Do the process in two steps
std::list< Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> > entriesToRemoves;
for (Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry = m_pit->Begin (); pitEntry != 0; pitEntry = m_pit->Next (pitEntry))
pitEntry->RemoveAllReferencesToFace (face);
// If this face is the only for the associated FIB entry, then FIB entry will be removed soon.
// Thus, we have to remove the whole PIT entry
if (pitEntry->m_fibEntry->m_faces.size () == 1 &&
pitEntry->m_fibEntry->m_faces.begin ()->m_face == face)
entriesToRemoves.push_back (pitEntry);
BOOST_FOREACH (Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> removedEntry, entriesToRemoves)
m_pit->MarkErased (removedEntry);
CcnxFaceList::iterator face_it = find (m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end(), face);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (face_it != m_faces.end (), "Attempt to remove face that doesn't exist");
m_faces.erase (face_it);
CcnxL3Protocol::GetFace (uint32_t index) const
BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called often, so linear search is fine
if (face->GetId () == index)
return face;
return 0;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetFaceByNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const
BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &face, m_faces) // this function is not supposed to be called often, so linear search is fine
Ptr<CcnxNetDeviceFace> netDeviceFace = DynamicCast<CcnxNetDeviceFace> (face);
if (netDeviceFace == 0) continue;
if (netDeviceFace->GetNetDevice () == netDevice)
return face;
return 0;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetNFaces (void) const
return m_faces.size ();
// Callback from lower layer
CcnxL3Protocol::Receive (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &face, const Ptr<const Packet> &p)
if (!face->IsUp ())
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Packet from face " << *face << " received on node " << m_node->GetId ());
Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy (); // give upper layers a rw copy of the packet
CcnxHeaderHelper::Type type = CcnxHeaderHelper::GetCcnxHeaderType (p);
switch (type)
case CcnxHeaderHelper::INTEREST:
Ptr<CcnxInterestHeader> header = Create<CcnxInterestHeader> ();
// Deserialization. Exception may be thrown
packet->RemoveHeader (*header);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (packet->GetSize () == 0, "Payload of Interests should be zero");
if (header->GetNack () > 0)
OnNack (face, header, p/*original packet*/);
OnInterest (face, header, p/*original packet*/);
case CcnxHeaderHelper::CONTENT_OBJECT:
Ptr<CcnxContentObjectHeader> header = Create<CcnxContentObjectHeader> ();
static CcnxContentObjectTail contentObjectTrailer; //there is no data in this object
// Deserialization. Exception may be thrown
packet->RemoveHeader (*header);
packet->RemoveTrailer (contentObjectTrailer);
OnData (face, header, packet/*payload*/, p/*original packet*/);
// exception will be thrown if packet is not recognized
catch (CcnxUnknownHeaderException)
NS_ASSERT_MSG (false, "Unknown CCNx header. Should not happen");
NS_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown CCNx header. Should not happen");
CcnxL3Protocol::OnNack (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &incomingFace,
Ptr<CcnxInterestHeader> &header,
const Ptr<const Packet> &packet)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (incomingFace << header << packet);
m_inNacks (header, incomingFace);
Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry = m_pit->Lookup (*header);
if (pitEntry == 0)
// somebody is doing something bad
m_dropNacks (header, NON_DUPLICATED, incomingFace);
// CcnxPitEntryIncomingFaceContainer::type::iterator inFace = pitEntry->m_incoming.find (incomingFace);
CcnxPitEntryOutgoingFaceContainer::type::iterator outFace = pitEntry->m_outgoing.find (incomingFace);
if (outFace == pitEntry->m_outgoing.end ())
// NS_ASSERT_MSG (false,
// "Node " << GetObject<Node> ()->GetId () << ", outgoing entry should exist for face " << boost::cref(*incomingFace) << "\n" <<
// "size: " << pitEntry.m_outgoing.size ());
// m_dropNacks (header, NON_DUPLICATE, incomingFace);
// This was done in error. Never, never do anything, except normal leakage. This way we ensure that we will not have losses,
// at least when there is only one client
// incomingFace->LeakBucketByOnePacket ();
NS_LOG_ERROR ("Nack on " << boost::cref(*incomingFace));
pitEntry->SetWaitingInVain (outFace);
// If NACK is NACK_GIVEUP_PIT, then neighbor gave up trying to and removed it's PIT entry.
// So, if we had an incoming entry to this neighbor, then we can remove it now
if (header->GetNack () == CcnxInterestHeader::NACK_GIVEUP_PIT)
pitEntry->RemoveIncoming (incomingFace);
pitEntry->m_fibEntry->UpdateStatus (incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_YELLOW);
// StaticCast<CcnxFibImpl> (m_fib)->modify (pitEntry->m_fibEntry,
// ll::bind (&CcnxFibEntry::UpdateStatus,
// ll::_1, incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_YELLOW));
if (pitEntry->m_incoming.size () == 0) // interest was actually satisfied
// no need to do anything
m_dropNacks (header, AFTER_SATISFIED, incomingFace);
if (!pitEntry->AreAllOutgoingInVain ()) // not all ougtoing are in vain
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Not all outgoing are in vain");
// suppress
// Don't do anything, we are still expecting data from some other face
m_dropNacks (header, SUPPRESSED, incomingFace);
Ptr<Packet> nonNackInterest = Create<Packet> ();
header->SetNack (CcnxInterestHeader::NORMAL_INTEREST);
nonNackInterest->AddHeader (*header);
bool propagated = m_forwardingStrategy->
PropagateInterest (pitEntry, incomingFace, header, nonNackInterest);
// // ForwardingStrategy will try its best to forward packet to at least one interface.
// // If no interests was propagated, then there is not other option for forwarding or
// // ForwardingStrategy failed to find it.
if (!propagated)
m_dropNacks (header, NO_FACES, incomingFace); // this headers doesn't have NACK flag set
GiveUpInterest (pitEntry, header);
// Processing Interests
// !!! Key point.
// !!! All interests should be answerred!!! Either later with data, immediately with data, or immediately with NACK
void CcnxL3Protocol::OnInterest (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &incomingFace,
Ptr<CcnxInterestHeader> &header,
const Ptr<const Packet> &packet)
m_inInterests (header, incomingFace);
Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry = m_pit->Lookup (*header);
if (pitEntry == 0)
pitEntry = m_pit->Create (header);
if (pitEntry == 0)
// if it is still not created, then give up processing
m_dropInterests (header, PIT_LIMIT, incomingFace);
bool isNew = pitEntry->m_incoming.size () == 0 && pitEntry->m_outgoing.size () == 0;
bool isDuplicated = true;
if (!pitEntry->IsNonceSeen (header->GetNonce ()))
pitEntry->AddSeenNonce (header->GetNonce ());
isDuplicated = false;
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (header->GetName () << header->GetNonce () << boost::cref (*incomingFace) << isDuplicated);
// //
// !!!! IMPORTANT CHANGE !!!! Duplicate interests will create incoming face entry !!!! //
// //
// Data is not in cache
CcnxPitEntry::in_iterator inFace = pitEntry->m_incoming.find (incomingFace);
CcnxPitEntry::out_iterator outFace = pitEntry->m_outgoing.find (incomingFace);
bool isRetransmitted = false;
if (inFace != pitEntry->m_incoming.end ())
// CcnxPitEntryIncomingFace.m_arrivalTime keeps track arrival time of the first packet... why?
isRetransmitted = true;
// this is almost definitely a retransmission. But should we trust the user on that?
inFace = pitEntry->AddIncoming (incomingFace);
if (isDuplicated)
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Received duplicatie interest on " << *incomingFace);
m_dropInterests (header, DUPLICATED, incomingFace);
* This condition will handle "routing" loops and also recently satisfied interests.
* Every time interest is satisfied, PIT entry (with empty incoming and outgoing faces)
* is kept for another small chunk of time.
if (m_nacksEnabled)
header->SetNack (CcnxInterestHeader::NACK_LOOP);
Ptr<Packet> nack = Create<Packet> ();
nack->AddHeader (*header);
incomingFace->Send (nack);
m_outNacks (header, incomingFace);
Ptr<Packet> contentObject;
Ptr<const CcnxContentObjectHeader> contentObjectHeader; // used for tracing
Ptr<const Packet> payload; // used for tracing
tie (contentObject, contentObjectHeader, payload) = m_contentStore->Lookup (header);
if (contentObject != 0)
NS_ASSERT (contentObjectHeader != 0);
NS_LOG_LOGIC("Found in cache");
OnDataDelayed (contentObjectHeader, payload, contentObject);
// update PIT entry lifetime
pitEntry->UpdateLifetime (header->GetInterestLifetime ());
if (outFace != pitEntry->m_outgoing.end ())
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Non duplicate interests from the face we have sent interest to. Don't suppress");
// got a non-duplicate interest from the face we have sent interest to
// Probably, there is no point in waiting data from that face... Not sure yet
// If we're expecting data from the interface we got the interest from ("producer" asks us for "his own" data)
// Mark interface YELLOW, but keep a small hope that data will come eventually.
// ?? not sure if we need to do that ?? ...
pitEntry->m_fibEntry->UpdateStatus (incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_YELLOW);
// StaticCast<CcnxFibImpl> (m_fib)->modify(pitEntry->m_fibEntry,
// ll::bind (&CcnxFibEntry::UpdateStatus,
// ll::_1, incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_YELLOW));
if (!isNew && !isRetransmitted)
// Suppress this interest if we're still expecting data from some other face
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Suppress interests");
m_dropInterests (header, SUPPRESSED, incomingFace);
// Propagate
bool propagated = m_forwardingStrategy->
PropagateInterest (pitEntry, incomingFace, header, packet);
if (!propagated && isRetransmitted) //give another chance if retransmitted
// increase max number of allowed retransmissions
pitEntry->IncreaseAllowedRetxCount ();
// try again
propagated = m_forwardingStrategy->
PropagateInterest (pitEntry, incomingFace, header, packet);
// ForwardingStrategy will try its best to forward packet to at least one interface.
// If no interests was propagated, then there is not other option for forwarding or
// ForwardingStrategy failed to find it.
if (!propagated)
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Not propagated");
m_dropInterests (header, NO_FACES, incomingFace);
GiveUpInterest (pitEntry, header);
CcnxL3Protocol::OnDataDelayed (Ptr<const CcnxContentObjectHeader> header,
Ptr<const Packet> payload,
const Ptr<const Packet> &packet)
// 1. Lookup PIT entry
Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry = m_pit->Lookup (*header);
if (pitEntry != 0)
//satisfy all pending incoming Interests
BOOST_FOREACH (const CcnxPitEntryIncomingFace &incoming, pitEntry->m_incoming)
incoming.m_face->Send (packet->Copy ());
m_outData (header, payload, false, incoming.m_face);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Satisfy " << *incoming.m_face);
// successfull forwarded data trace
if (pitEntry->m_incoming.size () > 0)
// All incoming interests are satisfied. Remove them
pitEntry->ClearIncoming ();
// Remove all outgoing faces
pitEntry->ClearOutgoing ();
// Set pruning timout on PIT entry (instead of deleting the record)
m_pit->MarkErased (pitEntry);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Pit entry not found (was satisfied and removed before)");
return; // do not process unsoliced data packets
// Processing ContentObjects
CcnxL3Protocol::OnData (const Ptr<CcnxFace> &incomingFace,
Ptr<CcnxContentObjectHeader> &header,
Ptr<Packet> &payload,
const Ptr<const Packet> &packet)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (incomingFace << header->GetName () << payload << packet);
m_inData (header, payload, incomingFace);
// 1. Lookup PIT entry
Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry = m_pit->Lookup (*header);
if (pitEntry != 0)
// Note that with MultiIndex we need to modify entries indirectly
CcnxPitEntry::out_iterator out = pitEntry->m_outgoing.find (incomingFace);
// If we have sent interest for this data via this face, then update stats.
if (out != pitEntry->m_outgoing.end ())
pitEntry->m_fibEntry->UpdateFaceRtt (incomingFace, Simulator::Now () - out->m_sendTime);
// StaticCast<CcnxFibImpl> (m_fib)->modify (pitEntry->m_fibEntry,
// ll::bind (&CcnxFibEntry::UpdateFaceRtt,
// ll::_1,
// incomingFace,
// Simulator::Now () - out->m_sendTime));
// Unsolicited data, but we're interested in it... should we get it?
// Potential hole for attacks
if (m_cacheUnsolicitedData)
// Optimistically add or update entry in the content store
m_contentStore->Add (header, payload);
NS_LOG_ERROR ("Node "<< m_node->GetId() <<
". PIT entry for "<< header->GetName ()<<" is valid, "
"but outgoing entry for interface "<< boost::cref(*incomingFace) <<" doesn't exist\n");
// ignore unsolicited data
// Update metric status for the incoming interface in the corresponding FIB entry
pitEntry->m_fibEntry->UpdateStatus (incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN);
// StaticCast<CcnxFibImpl>(m_fib)->modify (pitEntry->m_fibEntry,
// ll::bind (&CcnxFibEntry::UpdateStatus, ll::_1,
// incomingFace, CcnxFibFaceMetric::NDN_FIB_GREEN));
// Add or update entry in the content store
m_contentStore->Add (header, payload);
pitEntry->RemoveIncoming (incomingFace);
if (pitEntry->m_incoming.size () == 0)
// Set pruning timout on PIT entry (instead of deleting the record)
m_pit->MarkErased (pitEntry);
OnDataDelayed (header, payload, packet);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Pit entry not found");
if (m_cacheUnsolicitedData)
// Optimistically add or update entry in the content store
m_contentStore->Add (header, payload);
// Drop data packet if PIT entry is not found
// (unsolicited data packets should not "poison" content store)
//drop dulicated or not requested data packet
m_dropData (header, payload, UNSOLICITED, incomingFace);
return; // do not process unsoliced data packets
CcnxL3Protocol::GiveUpInterest (Ptr<CcnxPitEntry> pitEntry,
Ptr<CcnxInterestHeader> header)
if (m_nacksEnabled)
Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();
header->SetNack (CcnxInterestHeader::NACK_GIVEUP_PIT);
packet->AddHeader (*header);
BOOST_FOREACH (const CcnxPitEntryIncomingFace &incoming, pitEntry->m_incoming)
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Send NACK for " << boost::cref (header->GetName ()) << " to " << boost::cref (*incoming.m_face));
incoming.m_face->Send (packet->Copy ());
m_outNacks (header, incoming.m_face);
// All incoming interests cannot be satisfied. Remove them
pitEntry->ClearIncoming ();
// Remove also outgoing
pitEntry->ClearOutgoing ();
// Set pruning timout on PIT entry (instead of deleting the record)
m_pit->MarkErased (pitEntry);
} //namespace ns3