blob: 1b5671f97821d152d1db4c685b5e16246e474e22 [file] [log] [blame]
.. ns3-theme documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jun 15 12:53:37 2012.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
The files in this directory customize the Doxygen and Sphinx
layout and rendering to give a common look.
The basic color scheme is taken from the ns3 homepage,
Since Sphinx provides more flexible layout and configuration control,
the Doxygen layout and images are used as the basis.
The top bar design is derived from Doxygen's default when a logo,
project name and description are given in the Doxygen configuration file.
The files ``layout.html`` and ``ns3_doxy_header.html`` should kept in sync.
Sphinx Files
``layout.html`` (:ref:`static filename <sphinx-static-filenames>`)
Augments the default page layout, including the top bar.
``theme.conf`` (:ref:`static filename <sphinx-static-filenames>`)
Configuration parameters for ``layout.html`` and ``default.css_t``.
Angle bracket in Sphinx relbar, taken from the Doxygen html output.
``static/default.css_t`` (:ref:`static filename <sphinx-static-filenames>`)
Default Sphinx CSS template, copied from the default theme.
Background image for headings, taken from the Doxygen html output.
``static/sidebar.js`` (:ref:`static filename <sphinx-static-filenames>`)
Sidebar script, copied from the default theme.
Background image for the Sphinx relbar, taken from the Doxygen html output.
.. _sphinx-static-filenames:
.. note:: **Static Filenames**
Sphinx uses hard-coded file names (and the ``static`` directory name).
The files referenced above can't be renamed.
Doxygen Files
Defines the page footer.
Defines the page header, including the top bar.
Default Doxygen CSS file, obtained by the ``doxygen -w html ...``
Shared Files
This file, not used by Doxygen or Sphinx.
Background image for the top bar, resized from the ns-3 homepage.
Browser location bar favicon, referenced in ``layout.html`` and
``ns3_doxy_header.html``, taken from the ns-3 homepage.
Logo used in the top bar, taken from the ns-3 media kit.
Style customizations for both Doxygen and Sphinx.