blob: bf1230cd22e2e0a81fa630809341092527830436 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*-
// Copyright (c) 2006 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation;
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Author: George F. Riley<>
#include "ns3/packet.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/callback.h"
#include "ns3/ccnx-address.h"
#include "ns3/ccnx-route.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/socket.h"
#include "ns3/net-device.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h"
#include "ns3/object-vector.h"
#include "ns3/ccnx-header.h"
#include "ns3/boolean.h"
//#include "ns3/ccnx-routing-table-entry.h"
#include "arp-l3-protocol.h"
#include "ccnx-l3-protocol.h"
#include "ccnx-interface.h"
namespace ns3 {
const uint16_t CcnxL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER = 0x7777;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::CcnxL3Protocol")
.SetParent<Ccnx> ()
.AddConstructor<CcnxL3Protocol> ()
.AddTraceSource ("Tx", "Send ccnx packet to outgoing interface.",
MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_txTrace))
.AddTraceSource ("Rx", "Receive ccnx packet from incoming interface.",
MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_rxTrace))
.AddTraceSource ("Drop", "Drop ccnx packet",
MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_dropTrace))
.AddAttribute ("InterfaceList", "The set of Ccnx interfaces associated to this Ccnx stack.",
ObjectVectorValue (),
MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_interfaces),
MakeObjectVectorChecker<CcnxInterface> ())
.AddTraceSource ("SendOutgoing", "A newly-generated packet by this node is about to be queued for transmission",
MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&CcnxL3Protocol::m_sendOutgoingTrace))
return tid;
: m_identification (0)
CcnxL3Protocol::~CcnxL3Protocol ()
CcnxL3Protocol::SetNode (Ptr<Node> node)
m_node = node;
// Add a LoopbackNetDevice if needed, and an CcnxInterface on top of it
SetupLoopback ();
* This method is called by AddAgregate and completes the aggregation
* by setting the node in the ccnx stack
CcnxL3Protocol::NotifyNewAggregate ()
if (m_node == 0)
Ptr<Node>node = this->GetObject<Node>();
// verify that it's a valid node and that
// the node has not been set before
if (node != 0)
this->SetNode (node);
Object::NotifyNewAggregate ();
// void
// CcnxL3Protocol::SetRoutingProtocol (Ptr<CcnxRoutingProtocol> routingProtocol)
// {
// NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
// m_routingProtocol = routingProtocol;
// m_routingProtocol->SetCcnx (this);
// }
// Ptr<CcnxRoutingProtocol>
// CcnxL3Protocol::GetRoutingProtocol (void) const
// {
// return m_routingProtocol;
// }
CcnxL3Protocol::DoDispose (void)
for (CcnxInterfaceList::iterator i = m_interfaces.begin (); i != m_interfaces.end (); ++i)
*i = 0;
m_interfaces.clear ();
m_node = 0;
// m_routingProtocol = 0;
Object::DoDispose ();
CcnxL3Protocol::AddInterface (Ptr<NetDevice> device)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << &device);
Ptr<Node> node = GetObject<Node> ();
node->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::Receive, this),
CcnxL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, device, true);
// ccnx doesn't need arp protocol to run. Everything is broadcast!
// node->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&ArpL3Protocol::Receive, PeekPointer (GetObject<ArpL3Protocol> ())),
// ArpL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, device, true);
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = CreateObject<CcnxInterface> ();
interface->SetNode (m_node);
interface->SetDevice (device);
// interface->SetForwarding (m_ipForward);
return AddCcnxInterface (interface);
CcnxL3Protocol::AddCcnxInterface (Ptr<CcnxInterface>interface)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << interface);
uint32_t index = m_interfaces.size ();
m_interfaces.push_back (interface);
return index;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetInterface (uint32_t index) const
if (index < m_interfaces.size ())
return m_interfaces[index];
return 0;
CcnxL3Protocol::GetNInterfaces (void) const
return m_interfaces.size ();
CcnxL3Protocol::GetInterfaceForDevice (
Ptr<const NetDevice> device) const
int32_t interface = 0;
for (CcnxInterfaceList::const_iterator i = m_interfaces.begin ();
i != m_interfaces.end ();
i++, interface++)
if ((*i)->GetDevice () == device)
return interface;
return -1;
CcnxL3Protocol::Receive ( Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p, uint16_t protocol, const Address &from,
const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << &device << p << protocol << from);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Packet from " << from << " received on node " <<
m_node->GetId ());
uint32_t interface = 0;
Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy ();
Ptr<CcnxInterface> ccnxInterface;
for (CcnxInterfaceList::const_iterator i = m_interfaces.begin ();
i != m_interfaces.end ();
i++, interface++)
ccnxInterface = *i;
if (ccnxInterface->GetDevice () == device)
if (ccnxInterface->IsUp ())
m_rxTrace (packet, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping received packet -- interface is down");
CcnxHeader ipHeader;
packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_INTERFACE_DOWN, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
CcnxHeader ipHeader;
if (Node::ChecksumEnabled ())
ipHeader.EnableChecksum ();
packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
// Trim any residual frame padding from underlying devices
if (ipHeader.GetPayloadSize () < packet->GetSize ())
packet->RemoveAtEnd (packet->GetSize () - ipHeader.GetPayloadSize ());
if (!ipHeader.IsChecksumOk ())
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping received packet -- checksum not ok");
m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_BAD_CHECKSUM, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
for (SocketList::iterator i = m_sockets.begin (); i != m_sockets.end (); ++i)
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Forwarding to raw socket");
Ptr<CcnxRawSocketImpl> socket = *i;
socket->ForwardUp (packet, ipHeader, ccnxInterface);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_routingProtocol != 0, "Need a routing protocol object to process packets");
if (!m_routingProtocol->RouteInput (packet, ipHeader, device,
MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::IpForward, this),
MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::IpMulticastForward, this),
MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::LocalDeliver, this),
MakeCallback (&CcnxL3Protocol::RouteInputError, this)
NS_LOG_WARN ("No route found for forwarding packet. Drop.");
m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// void
// CcnxL3Protocol::SendWithHeader (Ptr<Packet> packet,
// CcnxHeader ipHeader,
// Ptr<CcnxRoute> route)
// {
// NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << ipHeader << route);
// SendRealOut (route, packet, ipHeader);
// }
CcnxL3Protocol::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet,
Ptr<CcnxRoute> route)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << route);
// CcnxHeader ipHeader;
// bool mayFragment = true;
// uint8_t ttl = m_defaultTtl;
// SocketIpTtlTag tag;
// bool found = packet->RemovePacketTag (tag);
// if (found)
// {
// ttl = tag.GetTtl ();
// }
// // Handle a few cases:
// // 1) packet is destined to limited broadcast address
// // 2) packet is destined to a subnet-directed broadcast address
// // 3) packet is not broadcast, and is passed in with a route entry
// // 4) packet is not broadcast, and is passed in with a route entry but route->GetGateway is not set (e.g., on-demand)
// // 5) packet is not broadcast, and route is NULL (e.g., a raw socket call, or ICMP)
// // 1) packet is destined to limited broadcast address or link-local multicast address
// if (destination.IsBroadcast () || destination.IsLocalMulticast ())
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send case 1: limited broadcast");
// ipHeader = BuildHeader (source, destination, protocol, packet->GetSize (), ttl, mayFragment);
// uint32_t ifaceIndex = 0;
// for (CcnxInterfaceList::iterator ifaceIter = m_interfaces.begin ();
// ifaceIter != m_interfaces.end (); ifaceIter++, ifaceIndex++)
// {
// Ptr<CcnxInterface> outInterface = *ifaceIter;
// Ptr<Packet> packetCopy = packet->Copy ();
// NS_ASSERT (packetCopy->GetSize () <= outInterface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu ());
// m_sendOutgoingTrace (ipHeader, packetCopy, ifaceIndex);
// packetCopy->AddHeader (ipHeader);
// m_txTrace (packetCopy, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), ifaceIndex);
// outInterface->Send (packetCopy, destination);
// }
// return;
// }
// // 2) check: packet is destined to a subnet-directed broadcast address
// uint32_t ifaceIndex = 0;
// for (CcnxInterfaceList::iterator ifaceIter = m_interfaces.begin ();
// ifaceIter != m_interfaces.end (); ifaceIter++, ifaceIndex++)
// {
// Ptr<CcnxInterface> outInterface = *ifaceIter;
// for (uint32_t j = 0; j < GetNAddresses (ifaceIndex); j++)
// {
// CcnxInterfaceAddress ifAddr = GetAddress (ifaceIndex, j);
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Testing address " << ifAddr.GetLocal () << " with mask " << ifAddr.GetMask ());
// if (destination.IsSubnetDirectedBroadcast (ifAddr.GetMask ()) &&
// destination.CombineMask (ifAddr.GetMask ()) == ifAddr.GetLocal ().CombineMask (ifAddr.GetMask ()) )
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send case 2: subnet directed bcast to " << ifAddr.GetLocal ());
// ipHeader = BuildHeader (source, destination, protocol, packet->GetSize (), ttl, mayFragment);
// Ptr<Packet> packetCopy = packet->Copy ();
// m_sendOutgoingTrace (ipHeader, packetCopy, ifaceIndex);
// packetCopy->AddHeader (ipHeader);
// m_txTrace (packetCopy, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), ifaceIndex);
// outInterface->Send (packetCopy, destination);
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// // 3) packet is not broadcast, and is passed in with a route entry
// // with a valid CcnxAddress as the gateway
// if (route && route->GetGateway () != CcnxAddress ())
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send case 3: passed in with route");
// ipHeader = BuildHeader (source, destination, protocol, packet->GetSize (), ttl, mayFragment);
// int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (route->GetOutputDevice ());
// m_sendOutgoingTrace (ipHeader, packet, interface);
// SendRealOut (route, packet->Copy (), ipHeader);
// return;
// }
// // 4) packet is not broadcast, and is passed in with a route entry but route->GetGateway is not set (e.g., on-demand)
// if (route && route->GetGateway () == CcnxAddress ())
// {
// // This could arise because the synchronous RouteOutput() call
// // returned to the transport protocol with a source address but
// // there was no next hop available yet (since a route may need
// // to be queried).
// NS_FATAL_ERROR ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send case 4: This case not yet implemented");
// }
// // 5) packet is not broadcast, and route is NULL (e.g., a raw socket call)
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send case 5: passed in with no route " << destination);
// Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
// Ptr<NetDevice> oif (0); // unused for now
// ipHeader = BuildHeader (source, destination, protocol, packet->GetSize (), ttl, mayFragment);
// Ptr<CcnxRoute> newRoute;
// if (m_routingProtocol != 0)
// {
// newRoute = m_routingProtocol->RouteOutput (packet, ipHeader, oif, errno_);
// }
// else
// {
// NS_LOG_ERROR ("CcnxL3Protocol::Send: m_routingProtocol == 0");
// }
// if (newRoute)
// {
// int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (newRoute->GetOutputDevice ());
// m_sendOutgoingTrace (ipHeader, packet, interface);
// SendRealOut (newRoute, packet->Copy (), ipHeader);
// }
// else
// {
// NS_LOG_WARN ("No route to host. Drop.");
// m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), 0);
// }
CcnxL3Protocol::SendRealOut (Ptr<CcnxRoute> route,
Ptr<Packet> packet,
CcnxHeader const &ipHeader)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << &ipHeader);
// if (route == 0)
// {
// NS_LOG_WARN ("No route to host. Drop.");
// m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), 0);
// return;
// }
// packet->AddHeader (ipHeader);
// Ptr<NetDevice> outDev = route->GetOutputDevice ();
// int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (outDev);
// NS_ASSERT (interface >= 0);
// Ptr<CcnxInterface> outInterface = GetInterface (interface);
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Send via NetDevice ifIndex " << outDev->GetIfIndex () << " ccnxInterfaceIndex " << interface);
// NS_ASSERT_MSG (packet->GetSize () <= outInterface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu (),
// "Packet size " << packet->GetSize () << " exceeds device MTU "
// << outInterface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu ()
// << " for Ccnx; fragmentation not supported");
// if (!route->GetGateway ().IsEqual (CcnxAddress ("")))
// {
// if (outInterface->IsUp ())
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Send to gateway " << route->GetGateway ());
// m_txTrace (packet, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// outInterface->Send (packet, route->GetGateway ());
// }
// else
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping -- outgoing interface is down: " << route->GetGateway ());
// CcnxHeader ipHeader;
// packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
// m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_INTERFACE_DOWN, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (outInterface->IsUp ())
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Send to destination " << ipHeader.GetDestination ());
// m_txTrace (packet, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// outInterface->Send (packet, ipHeader.GetDestination ());
// }
// else
// {
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping -- outgoing interface is down: " << ipHeader.GetDestination ());
// CcnxHeader ipHeader;
// packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
// m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_INTERFACE_DOWN, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// }
// }
// This function analogous to Linux ip_forward()
// void
// CcnxL3Protocol::IpForward (Ptr<CcnxRoute> rtentry, Ptr<const Packet> p, const CcnxHeader &header)
// {
// NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << rtentry << p << header);
// NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Forwarding logic for node: " << m_node->GetId ());
// // Forwarding
// CcnxHeader ipHeader = header;
// Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy ();
// int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (rtentry->GetOutputDevice ());
// ipHeader.SetTtl (ipHeader.GetTtl () - 1);
// if (ipHeader.GetTtl () == 0)
// {
// // Do not reply to ICMP or to multicast/broadcast IP address
// if (ipHeader.GetProtocol () != Icmpv4L4Protocol::PROT_NUMBER &&
// ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsBroadcast () == false &&
// ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsMulticast () == false)
// {
// Ptr<Icmpv4L4Protocol> icmp = GetIcmp ();
// icmp->SendTimeExceededTtl (ipHeader, packet);
// }
// NS_LOG_WARN ("TTL exceeded. Drop.");
// m_dropTrace (header, packet, DROP_TTL_EXPIRED, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), interface);
// return;
// }
// m_unicastForwardTrace (ipHeader, packet, interface);
// SendRealOut (rtentry, packet, ipHeader);
// }
// Will be called from CcnxRoutingProtocol if prefix is locally registered
// Local interest will be satisfied inside CcnxInterface::Send call
CcnxL3Protocol::LocalDeliver (Ptr<const Packet> packet, CcnxHeader const&ip, uint32_t iif)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << &ip);
Ptr<Packet> p = packet->Copy (); // need to pass a non-const packet up
// m_localDeliverTrace (ip, packet, iif);
// Ptr<CcnxL4Protocol> protocol = GetProtocol (ip.GetProtocol ());
// if (protocol != 0)
// {
// // we need to make a copy in the unlikely event we hit the
// // RX_ENDPOINT_UNREACH codepath
// Ptr<Packet> copy = p->Copy ();
// enum CcnxL4Protocol::RxStatus status =
// protocol->Receive (p, ip, GetInterface (iif));
// switch (status) {
// case CcnxL4Protocol::RX_OK:
// // fall through
// case CcnxL4Protocol::RX_ENDPOINT_CLOSED:
// // fall through
// case CcnxL4Protocol::RX_CSUM_FAILED:
// break;
// case CcnxL4Protocol::RX_ENDPOINT_UNREACH:
// if (ip.GetDestination ().IsBroadcast () == true ||
// ip.GetDestination ().IsMulticast () == true)
// {
// break; // Do not reply to broadcast or multicast
// }
// // Another case to suppress ICMP is a subnet-directed broadcast
// bool subnetDirected = false;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < GetNAddresses (iif); i++)
// {
// CcnxInterfaceAddress addr = GetAddress (iif, i);
// if (addr.GetLocal ().CombineMask (addr.GetMask ()) == ip.GetDestination ().CombineMask (addr.GetMask ()) &&
// ip.GetDestination ().IsSubnetDirectedBroadcast (addr.GetMask ()))
// {
// subnetDirected = true;
// }
s// }
// if (subnetDirected == false)
// {
// GetIcmp ()->SendDestUnreachPort (ip, copy);
// }
// }
// }
CcnxL3Protocol::SetMetric (uint32_t i, uint16_t metric)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << i << metric);
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (i);
interface->SetMetric (metric);
CcnxL3Protocol::GetMetric (uint32_t i) const
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (i);
return interface->GetMetric ();
CcnxL3Protocol::GetMtu (uint32_t i) const
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (i);
return interface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu ();
CcnxL3Protocol::IsUp (uint32_t i) const
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (i);
return interface->IsUp ();
CcnxL3Protocol::SetUp (uint32_t i)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << i);
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (i);
interface->SetUp ();
if (m_routingProtocol != 0)
m_routingProtocol->NotifyInterfaceUp (i);
CcnxL3Protocol::SetDown (uint32_t ifaceIndex)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ifaceIndex);
Ptr<CcnxInterface> interface = GetInterface (ifaceIndex);
interface->SetDown ();
if (m_routingProtocol != 0)
m_routingProtocol->NotifyInterfaceDown (ifaceIndex);
CcnxL3Protocol::GetNetDevice (uint32_t i)
return GetInterface (i)->GetDevice ();
CcnxL3Protocol::RouteInputError (Ptr<const Packet> p, const CcnxHeader & ipHeader, Socket::SocketErrno sockErrno)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << ipHeader << sockErrno);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route input failure-- dropping packet to " << ipHeader << " with errno " << sockErrno);
m_dropTrace (ipHeader, p, DROP_ROUTE_ERROR, m_node->GetObject<Ccnx> (), 0);
} //namespace ns3