blob: 2874616152d23059fddccfaa807ada8d7e94c15c [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndnSIM. See AUTHORS for complete list of ndnSIM authors and
* contributors.
* ndnSIM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndnSIM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* ndnSIM, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
// Based on the code by Hajime Tazaki <>
#include "annotated-topology-reader.hpp"
#include "ns3/nstime.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/assert.h"
#include "ns3/names.h"
#include "ns3/net-device-container.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-helper.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
#include "ns3/internet-stack-helper.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
#include "ns3/drop-tail-queue.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-interface.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/pointer.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
#include "ns3/error-model.h"
#include "ns3/constant-position-mobility-model.h"
#include "ns3/double.h"
#include "model/ndn-l3-protocol.hpp"
#include "model/ndn-net-device-face.hpp"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <set>
#ifdef NS3_MPI
#include <ns3/mpi-interface.h>
using namespace std;
namespace ns3 {
AnnotatedTopologyReader::AnnotatedTopologyReader(const std::string& path, double scale /*=1.0*/)
: m_path(path)
, m_randX(CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>())
, m_randY(CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>())
, m_scale(scale)
, m_requiredPartitions(1)
m_randX->SetAttribute("Min", DoubleValue(0));
m_randX->SetAttribute("Max", DoubleValue(100.0));
m_randY->SetAttribute("Min", DoubleValue(0));
m_randY->SetAttribute("Max", DoubleValue(100.0));
AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetBoundingBox(double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << ulx << uly << lrx << lry);
m_randX->SetAttribute("Min", DoubleValue(ulx));
m_randX->SetAttribute("Max", DoubleValue(lrx));
m_randY->SetAttribute("Min", DoubleValue(uly));
m_randY->SetAttribute("Max", DoubleValue(lry));
AnnotatedTopologyReader::SetMobilityModel(const std::string& model)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << model);
AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode(const std::string name, uint32_t systemId)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << name);
m_requiredPartitions = std::max(m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node>(systemId);
Names::Add(m_path, name, node);
return node;
AnnotatedTopologyReader::CreateNode(const std::string name, double posX, double posY,
uint32_t systemId)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << name << posX << posY);
m_requiredPartitions = std::max(m_requiredPartitions, systemId + 1);
Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node>(systemId);
Ptr<MobilityModel> loc = DynamicCast<MobilityModel>(m_mobilityFactory.Create());
loc->SetPosition(Vector(posX, posY, 0));
Names::Add(m_path, name, node);
return node;
AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetNodes() const
return m_nodes;
const std::list<TopologyReader::Link>&
AnnotatedTopologyReader::GetLinks() const
return m_linksList;
ifstream topgen;;
if (!topgen.is_open() || !topgen.good()) {
NS_FATAL_ERROR("Cannot open file " << GetFileName() << " for reading");
return m_nodes;
while (!topgen.eof()) {
string line;
getline(topgen, line);
if (line == "router")
if (topgen.eof()) {
NS_FATAL_ERROR("Topology file " << GetFileName() << " does not have \"router\" section");
return m_nodes;
while (!topgen.eof()) {
string line;
getline(topgen, line);
if (line[0] == '#')
continue; // comments
if (line == "link")
break; // stop reading nodes
istringstream lineBuffer(line);
string name, city;
double latitude = 0, longitude = 0;
uint32_t systemId = 0;
lineBuffer >> name >> city >> latitude >> longitude >> systemId;
if (name.empty())
Ptr<Node> node;
if (abs(latitude) > 0.001 && abs(latitude) > 0.001)
node = CreateNode(name, m_scale * longitude, -m_scale * latitude, systemId);
else {
Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> var = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>();
node = CreateNode(name, var->GetValue(0, 200), var->GetValue(0, 200), systemId);
// node = CreateNode (name, systemId);
map<string, set<string>> processedLinks; // to eliminate duplications
if (topgen.eof()) {
NS_LOG_ERROR("Topology file " << GetFileName() << " does not have \"link\" section");
return m_nodes;
// SeekToSection ("link");
while (!topgen.eof()) {
string line;
getline(topgen, line);
if (line == "")
if (line[0] == '#')
continue; // comments
// NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Input: [" << line << "]");
istringstream lineBuffer(line);
string from, to, capacity, metric, delay, maxPackets, lossRate;
lineBuffer >> from >> to >> capacity >> metric >> delay >> maxPackets >> lossRate;
if (processedLinks[to].size() != 0
&& processedLinks[to].find(from) != processedLinks[to].end()) {
continue; // duplicated link
Ptr<Node> fromNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, from);
NS_ASSERT_MSG(fromNode != 0, from << " node not found");
Ptr<Node> toNode = Names::Find<Node>(m_path, to);
NS_ASSERT_MSG(toNode != 0, to << " node not found");
Link link(fromNode, from, toNode, to);
link.SetAttribute("DataRate", capacity);
link.SetAttribute("OSPF", metric);
if (!delay.empty())
link.SetAttribute("Delay", delay);
if (!maxPackets.empty())
link.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", maxPackets);
// Saran Added lossRate
if (!lossRate.empty())
link.SetAttribute("LossRate", lossRate);
NS_LOG_DEBUG("New link " << from << " <==> " << to << " / " << capacity << " with " << metric
<< " metric (" << delay << ", " << maxPackets << ", " << lossRate
<< ")");
NS_LOG_INFO("Annotated topology created with " << m_nodes.GetN() << " nodes and " << LinksSize()
<< " links");
return m_nodes;
AnnotatedTopologyReader::AssignIpv4Addresses(Ipv4Address base)
Ipv4AddressHelper address(base, Ipv4Mask("/24"));
BOOST_FOREACH (const Link& link, m_linksList) {
address.Assign(NetDeviceContainer(link.GetFromNetDevice(), link.GetToNetDevice()));
base = Ipv4Address(base.Get() + 256);
address.SetBase(base, Ipv4Mask("/24"));
BOOST_FOREACH (const Link& link, m_linksList) {
NS_LOG_DEBUG("OSPF: " << link.GetAttribute("OSPF"));
uint16_t metric = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(link.GetAttribute("OSPF"));
Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetFromNode()->GetObject<Ipv4>();
if (ipv4 != 0) {
int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice(link.GetFromNetDevice());
NS_ASSERT(interfaceId >= 0);
ipv4->SetMetric(interfaceId, metric);
Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetFromNode()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
if (ndn != 0) {
shared_ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->getFaceByNetDevice(link.GetFromNetDevice());
NS_ASSERT(face != 0);
Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = link.GetToNode()->GetObject<Ipv4>();
if (ipv4 != 0) {
int32_t interfaceId = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice(link.GetToNetDevice());
NS_ASSERT(interfaceId >= 0);
ipv4->SetMetric(interfaceId, metric);
Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = link.GetToNode()->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
if (ndn != 0) {
shared_ptr<ndn::Face> face = ndn->getFaceByNetDevice(link.GetToNetDevice());
NS_ASSERT(face != 0);
#ifdef NS3_MPI
if (MpiInterface::IsEnabled() && MpiInterface::GetSize() != m_requiredPartitions) {
std::cerr << "MPI interface is enabled, but number of partitions (" << MpiInterface::GetSize()
<< ") is not equal to number of partitions in the topology (" << m_requiredPartitions
<< ")";
PointToPointHelper p2p;
BOOST_FOREACH (Link& link, m_linksList) {
// cout << "Link: " << Findlink.GetFromNode () << ", " << link.GetToNode () << endl;
string tmp;
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("MaxPackets", tmp)) {
NS_LOG_INFO("MaxPackets = " + link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets"));
try {
uint32_t maxPackets = boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t>(link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets"));
// compatibility mode. Only DropTailQueue is supported
p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxPackets", UintegerValue(maxPackets));
catch (...) {
typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char>> tokenizer;
std::string value = link.GetAttribute("MaxPackets");
tokenizer tok(value);
tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin();
for (token++; token != tok.end(); token++) {
boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator('\\', '=', '\"');
tokenizer attributeTok(*token, separator);
tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin();
string attribute = *attributeToken;
if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end()) {
NS_LOG_ERROR("Queue attribute [" << *token
<< "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
string value = *attributeToken;
p2p.SetQueueAttribute(attribute, StringValue(value));
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("DataRate", tmp)) {
NS_LOG_INFO("DataRate = " + link.GetAttribute("DataRate"));
p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", StringValue(link.GetAttribute("DataRate")));
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("Delay", tmp)) {
NS_LOG_INFO("Delay = " + link.GetAttribute("Delay"));
p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", StringValue(link.GetAttribute("Delay")));
NetDeviceContainer nd = p2p.Install(link.GetFromNode(), link.GetToNode());
link.SetNetDevices(nd.Get(0), nd.Get(1));
if (link.GetAttributeFailSafe("LossRate", tmp)) {
NS_LOG_INFO("LinkError = " + link.GetAttribute("LossRate"));
typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char>> tokenizer;
std::string value = link.GetAttribute("LossRate");
tokenizer tok(value);
tokenizer::iterator token = tok.begin();
ObjectFactory factory(*token);
for (token++; token != tok.end(); token++) {
boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator('\\', '=', '\"');
tokenizer attributeTok(*token, separator);
tokenizer::iterator attributeToken = attributeTok.begin();
string attribute = *attributeToken;
if (attributeToken == attributeTok.end()) {
NS_LOG_ERROR("ErrorModel attribute [" << *token
<< "] should be in form <Attribute>=<Value>");
string value = *attributeToken;
factory.Set(attribute, StringValue(value));
nd.Get(0)->SetAttribute("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue(factory.Create<ErrorModel>()));
nd.Get(1)->SetAttribute("ReceiveErrorModel", PointerValue(factory.Create<ErrorModel>()));
AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveTopology(const std::string& file)
ofstream os(file.c_str(), ios::trunc);
os << "# any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the "
"corresponding keyword\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in "
<< "router\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data\n"
<< "# node comment yPos xPos\n";
for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin(); node != m_nodes.End(); node++) {
std::string name = Names::FindName(*node);
Ptr<MobilityModel> mobility = (*node)->GetObject<MobilityModel>();
Vector position = mobility->GetPosition();
os << name << "\t"
<< "NA"
<< "\t" << -position.y << "\t" << position.x << "\n";
<< "# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these "
<< "\n"
<< "link\n"
<< "\n"
<< "# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can "
"be omitted)\n"
<< "# srcNode dstNode bandwidth metric delay queue\n"
<< "# bandwidth: link bandwidth\n"
<< "# metric: routing metric\n"
<< "# delay: link delay\n"
<< "# queue: MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)\n"
<< "# error: comma-separated list, specifying class for ErrorModel and necessary attributes\n";
for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin(); link != m_linksList.end();
link++) {
os << Names::FindName(link->GetFromNode()) << "\t";
os << Names::FindName(link->GetToNode()) << "\t";
string tmp;
if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("DataRate", tmp))
os << link->GetAttribute("DataRate") << "\t";
NS_FATAL_ERROR("DataRate must be specified for the link");
if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("OSPF", tmp))
os << link->GetAttribute("OSPF") << "\t";
os << "1\t";
if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("Delay", tmp)) {
os << link->GetAttribute("Delay") << "\t";
if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("MaxPackets", tmp)) {
os << link->GetAttribute("MaxPackets") << "\t";
if (link->GetAttributeFailSafe("LossRate", tmp)) {
os << link->GetAttribute("LossRate") << "\t";
os << "\n";
/// @cond include_hidden
template<class Names>
class name_writer {
name_writer(Names _names)
: names(_names)
template<class VertexOrEdge>
operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const
// out << "[label=\"" << names[v] << "\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"" << colors[v] << "\"]";
out << "[shape=\"circle\",width=0.1,label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"green\"]";
Names names;
template<class Names>
inline name_writer<Names>
make_name_writer(Names n)
return name_writer<Names>(n);
/// @endcond
AnnotatedTopologyReader::SaveGraphviz(const std::string& file)
typedef boost::adjacency_list_traits<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS> Traits;
typedef boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::string,
boost::property<boost::vertex_index_t, uint32_t>> nodeProperty;
typedef boost::no_property edgeProperty;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::setS, boost::undirectedS, nodeProperty,
edgeProperty> Graph;
typedef map<string, Traits::vertex_descriptor> node_map_t;
node_map_t graphNodes;
Graph graph;
for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = m_nodes.Begin(); node != m_nodes.End(); node++) {
std::pair<node_map_t::iterator, bool> retval = graphNodes.insert(
make_pair(Names::FindName(*node), add_vertex(nodeProperty(Names::FindName(*node)), graph)));
// NS_ASSERT (ok == true);
put(boost::vertex_index, graph, retval.first->second, (*node)->GetId());
for (std::list<Link>::const_iterator link = m_linksList.begin(); link != m_linksList.end();
link++) {
node_map_t::iterator from = graphNodes.find(Names::FindName(link->GetFromNode()));
node_map_t::iterator to = graphNodes.find(Names::FindName(link->GetToNode()));
// add_edge (node->second, otherNode->second, m_graph);
boost::add_edge(from->second, to->second, graph);
ofstream of(file.c_str());
boost::property_map<Graph, boost::vertex_name_t>::type names = get(boost::vertex_name, graph);
write_graphviz(of, graph, make_name_writer(names));