blob: bebfbd1445f79df45b8ddc6197ad20ea06314cc8 [file] [log] [blame]
**ndnpeek** [-h] [-P] [-f] [-l *lifetime*] [-A *parameters*] [-p] [-w *timeout*] [-v] [-V] *name*
:program:`ndnpeek` is a simple consumer program that sends one Interest and
expects one Data packet in response. By default, the full Data packet (in TLV
format) is written to the standard output.
*name* is interpreted as the Interest name.
``-h, --help``
Print help and exit.
``-P, --prefix``
If specified, include ``CanBePrefix`` element in the Interest packet.
``-f, --fresh``
If specified, include ``MustBeFresh`` element in the Interest packet.
``--link-file <file>``
Read Link object from ``file`` and add it as ``ForwardingHint`` to the Interest packet.
``-l, --lifetime <lifetime>``
Set ``lifetime`` (in milliseconds) as the ``InterestLifetime``.
``-A, --app-params <parameters>``
Set the Interest's ``ApplicationParameters`` from a base64-encoded string.
``--app-params-file <file>``
Set the Interest's ``ApplicationParameters`` from the specified file.
``-p, --payload``
If specified, print the received payload only, not the full packet.
``-w, --timeout <timeout>``
Quit the program after ``timeout`` milliseconds, even if no reply has been received.
``-v, --verbose``
Turn on verbose output.
``-V, --version``
Print version and exit.
Exit Status
0: Success
1: An unspecified error occurred
2: Malformed command line
3: Operation timed out
4: Nack received
Send an Interest for ``/app1/video`` and print the received payload only::
ndnpeek -p /app1/video
Send an Interest for ``/app2/foo``, requesting fresh content, with an InterestLifetime
of 8 seconds, and with the ApplicationParameters containing the ASCII string "hello";
print the performed operations verbosely but discard the received Data packet::
ndnpeek -vf -l 8000 -A "aGVsbG8=" /app2/foo >/dev/null