blob: da948d17a4d46796541bec0fbb0cc098f476f5b5 [file] [log] [blame]
ndnpingserver [-h] [-V] [-x freshness] [-p satisfy] [-t] [-s size] prefix
``ndnpingserver`` listens for the specified Interest prefix and sends Data packets when an Interest
under that prefix is received. Once ``ndnpingserver`` either reaches the specified total number of
Interests to be satisfied or receives an interrupt signal, it prints the number of Data packets
``prefix`` is interpreted as the Interest prefix to listen for. The FreshnessPeriod of Data packets
is set with the -x option (default 1000ms). The content is by default empty, but if a size is
specified with the '-s' option, it contains the specified number of the letter "a". Finally, the
Data is signed with an SHA256 digest.
Print help and exit.
Print version and exit.
Set freshness period in milliseconds (minimum 1000ms).
Set maximum number of pings to satisfy.
Prints a timestamp with received Data and timeouts.
Specify the size of the response payload.
Listen on ``ndn:/edu/arizona`` and response to at most 4 pings, printing timestamp on each received
ndnpingserver -p 4 -t ndn:/edu/arizona