blob: d17ae5b91112cf83d21af2284f7180382eea8395 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-tools (Named Data Networking Essential Tools).
* See for complete list of ndn-tools authors and contributors.
* ndn-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* ndn-tools, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "ndndump.hpp"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip6.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <pcap/sll.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <ndn-cxx/lp/fields.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/lp/nack.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/lp/packet.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/net/ethernet.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/scope.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/string-helper.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
namespace ndn::dump {
namespace endian = boost::endian;
class OutputFormatter : noncopyable
OutputFormatter(std::ostream& os, std::string d)
: m_os(os)
, m_delim(std::move(d))
if (!m_isEmpty) {
m_wantDelim = true;
return *this;
std::ostream& m_os;
std::string m_delim;
bool m_isEmpty = true;
bool m_wantDelim = false;
template<typename T>
friend OutputFormatter& operator<<(OutputFormatter&, const T&);
template<typename T>
operator<<(OutputFormatter& out, const T& val)
if (out.m_wantDelim) {
out.m_os << out.m_delim;
out.m_wantDelim = false;
out.m_os << val;
out.m_isEmpty = false;
return out;
if (m_pcap)
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] = {};
if (inputFile.empty() && interface.empty()) {
pcap_if_t* allDevs = nullptr;
int res = pcap_findalldevs(&allDevs, errbuf);
auto freealldevs = ndn::make_scope_exit([=] { pcap_freealldevs(allDevs); });
if (res != 0) {
if (allDevs == nullptr) {
NDN_THROW(Error("No network interface found"));
interface = allDevs->name;
std::string action;
if (!interface.empty()) {
m_pcap = pcap_open_live(, 65535, wantPromisc, 1000, errbuf);
if (m_pcap == nullptr) {
NDN_THROW(Error("Cannot open interface " + interface + ": " + errbuf));
action = "listening on " + interface;
else {
m_pcap = pcap_open_offline(, errbuf);
if (m_pcap == nullptr) {
NDN_THROW(Error("Cannot open file '" + inputFile + "' for reading: " + errbuf));
action = "reading from file " + inputFile;
m_dataLinkType = pcap_datalink(m_pcap);
const char* dltName = pcap_datalink_val_to_name(m_dataLinkType);
const char* dltDesc = pcap_datalink_val_to_description(m_dataLinkType);
std::string formattedDlt = dltName ? dltName : std::to_string(m_dataLinkType);
if (dltDesc) {
formattedDlt += " ("s + dltDesc + ")";
std::cerr << "ndndump: " << action << ", link-type " << formattedDlt << std::endl;
switch (m_dataLinkType) {
case DLT_EN10MB:
case DLT_PPP:
// we know how to handle these
NDN_THROW(Error("Unsupported link-layer header type " + formattedDlt));
if (!pcapFilter.empty()) {
if (wantVerbose) {
std::cerr << "ndndump: using pcap filter: " << pcapFilter << std::endl;
bpf_program program;
int res = pcap_compile(m_pcap, &program,, 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN);
if (res < 0) {
NDN_THROW(Error("Cannot compile pcap filter '" + pcapFilter + "': " + pcap_geterr(m_pcap)));
auto freecode = ndn::make_scope_exit([&] { pcap_freecode(&program); });
res = pcap_setfilter(m_pcap, &program);
if (res < 0) {
NDN_THROW(Error("Cannot set pcap filter: "s + pcap_geterr(m_pcap)));
auto callback = [] (uint8_t* user, const pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr, const uint8_t* payload) {
reinterpret_cast<const NdnDump*>(user)->printPacket(pkthdr, payload);
if (pcap_loop(m_pcap, -1, callback, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this)) < 0) {
NDN_THROW(Error("pcap_loop: "s + pcap_geterr(m_pcap)));
NdnDump::printPacket(const pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr, const uint8_t* payload) const
// sanity checks
if (pkthdr->caplen == 0) {
std::cout << "[Invalid header: caplen=0]" << std::endl;
if (pkthdr->len == 0) {
std::cout << "[Invalid header: len=0]" << std::endl;
else if (pkthdr->len < pkthdr->caplen) {
std::cout << "[Invalid header: len(" << pkthdr->len
<< ") < caplen(" << pkthdr->caplen << ")]" << std::endl;
std::ostringstream os;
OutputFormatter out(os, ", ");
bool shouldPrint = false;
switch (m_dataLinkType) {
case DLT_EN10MB:
shouldPrint = printEther(out, payload, pkthdr->len);
shouldPrint = printLinuxSll(out, payload, pkthdr->len);
case DLT_PPP:
shouldPrint = printPpp(out, payload, pkthdr->len);
if (shouldPrint) {
if (wantTimestamp) {
printTimestamp(std::cout, pkthdr->ts);
std::cout << os.str() << std::endl;
NdnDump::printTimestamp(std::ostream& os, const timeval& tv)
// TODO: Add more timestamp formats (time since previous packet, time since first packet, ...)
os << tv.tv_sec
<< "."
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(6) << tv.tv_usec
<< " ";
NdnDump::dispatchByEtherType(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len, uint16_t etherType) const
switch (etherType) {
return printIp4(out, pkt, len);
return printIp6(out, pkt, len);
case ethernet::ETHERTYPE_NDN:
case 0x7777: // NDN ethertype used in ndnSIM
out << "Ethernet";
return printNdn(out, pkt, len);
out << "[Unsupported ethertype " << AsHex{etherType} << "]";
return true;
NdnDump::dispatchByIpProto(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len, uint8_t ipProto) const
switch (ipProto) {
out << "[No next header]";
return true;
return printTcp(out, pkt, len);
return printUdp(out, pkt, len);
out << "[Unsupported IP proto " << static_cast<int>(ipProto) << "]";
return true;
NdnDump::printEther(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
// IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
if (len < ethernet::HDR_LEN) {
out << "Truncated Ethernet frame, length " << len;
return true;
auto ether = reinterpret_cast<const ether_header*>(pkt);
pkt += ethernet::HDR_LEN;
len -= ethernet::HDR_LEN;
return dispatchByEtherType(out, pkt, len, endian::big_to_native(ether->ether_type));
NdnDump::printLinuxSll(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
// Linux "cooked" capture encapsulation
if (len < SLL_HDR_LEN) {
out << "Truncated LINUX_SLL frame, length " << len;
return true;
auto sll = reinterpret_cast<const sll_header*>(pkt);
pkt += SLL_HDR_LEN;
len -= SLL_HDR_LEN;
return dispatchByEtherType(out, pkt, len, endian::big_to_native(sll->sll_protocol));
NdnDump::printPpp(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
// PPP, as per RFC 1661 and RFC 1662; if the first 2 bytes are 0xff and 0x03,
// it's PPP in HDLC-like framing, with the PPP header following those two bytes,
// otherwise it's PPP without framing, and the packet begins with the PPP header.
// The data in the frame is not octet-stuffed or bit-stuffed.
if (len < 2) {
out << "Truncated PPP frame, length " << len;
return true;
if (pkt[0] == 0xff && pkt[1] == 0x03) {
// PPP in HDLC-like framing, skip the Address and Control fields
if (len < 4) {
out << "Truncated PPP frame, length " << len;
return true;
pkt += 2;
len -= 2;
unsigned int proto = pkt[0];
if (proto & 0x1) {
// Protocol field is compressed in 1 byte
pkt += 1;
len -= 1;
else {
// Protocol field is 2 bytes, in network byte order
proto = (proto << 8) | pkt[1];
pkt += 2;
len -= 2;
switch (proto) {
case 0x0077: // NDN in PPP frame, used by ndnSIM pcap traces
// For some reason, ndnSIM produces PPP frames with 2 extra bytes
// between the protocol field and the beginning of the NDN packet
if (len < 2) {
out << "Truncated NDN/PPP frame";
return true;
pkt += 2;
len -= 2;
out << "PPP";
return printNdn(out, pkt, len);
out << "[Unsupported PPP proto " << AsHex{proto} << "]";
return true;
static void
printIpAddress(OutputFormatter& out, int af, const void* addr)
char addrStr[1 + std::max(INET_ADDRSTRLEN, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)] = {};
if (inet_ntop(af, addr, addrStr, sizeof(addrStr))) {
out << addrStr;
else {
out << "???";
NdnDump::printIp4(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
out.addDelimiter() << "IP ";
if (len < sizeof(ip)) {
out << "truncated header, length " << len;
return true;
auto ih = reinterpret_cast<const ip*>(pkt);
if (ih->ip_v != 4) {
// huh? link layer said this was an IPv4 packet but IP header says otherwise
out << "bad version " << ih->ip_v;
return true;
size_t ipHdrLen = ih->ip_hl * 4;
if (ipHdrLen < sizeof(ip)) {
out << "bad header length " << ipHdrLen;
return true;
size_t ipLen = endian::big_to_native(ih->ip_len);
if (ipLen < ipHdrLen) {
out << "bad length " << ipLen;
return true;
if (ipLen > len) {
out << "truncated packet, " << ipLen - len << " bytes missing";
return true;
// if we reached this point, the following is true:
// sizeof(ip) <= ipHdrLen <= ipLen <= len
printIpAddress(out, AF_INET, &ih->ip_src);
out << " > ";
printIpAddress(out, AF_INET, &ih->ip_dst);
pkt += ipHdrLen;
len -= ipHdrLen;
return dispatchByIpProto(out, pkt, len, ih->ip_p);
NdnDump::printIp6(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
out.addDelimiter() << "IP6 ";
if (len < sizeof(ip6_hdr)) {
out << "truncated header, length " << len;
return true;
auto ip6 = reinterpret_cast<const ip6_hdr*>(pkt);
unsigned int ipVer = (ip6->ip6_vfc & 0xf0) >> 4;
if (ipVer != 6) {
// huh? link layer said this was an IPv6 packet but IP header says otherwise
out << "bad version " << ipVer;
return true;
pkt += sizeof(ip6_hdr);
len -= sizeof(ip6_hdr);
size_t payloadLen = endian::big_to_native(ip6->ip6_plen);
if (len < payloadLen) {
out << "truncated payload, " << payloadLen - len << " bytes missing";
return true;
printIpAddress(out, AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_src);
out << " > ";
printIpAddress(out, AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_dst);
// we assume no extension headers are present
return dispatchByIpProto(out, pkt, len, ip6->ip6_nxt);
NdnDump::printTcp(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
out.addDelimiter() << "TCP";
if (len < sizeof(tcphdr)) {
out << " truncated header, length " << len;
return true;
auto th = reinterpret_cast<const tcphdr*>(pkt);
size_t tcpHdrLen = th->TH_OFF * 4;
if (tcpHdrLen < sizeof(tcphdr)) {
out << " bad header length " << tcpHdrLen;
return true;
if (tcpHdrLen > len) {
out << " truncated header, " << tcpHdrLen - len << " bytes missing";
return true;
pkt += tcpHdrLen;
len -= tcpHdrLen;
out.addDelimiter() << "length " << len;
return printNdn(out, pkt, len);
NdnDump::printUdp(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
out.addDelimiter() << "UDP";
if (len < sizeof(udphdr)) {
out << " truncated header, length " << len;
return true;
auto uh = reinterpret_cast<const udphdr*>(pkt);
size_t udpLen = endian::big_to_native(uh->UH_LEN);
if (udpLen < sizeof(udphdr)) {
out << " bad length " << udpLen;
return true;
if (udpLen > len) {
out << " truncated packet, " << udpLen - len << " bytes missing";
return true;
else {
len = udpLen;
pkt += sizeof(udphdr);
len -= sizeof(udphdr);
out.addDelimiter() << "length " << len;
return printNdn(out, pkt, len);
NdnDump::printNdn(OutputFormatter& out, const uint8_t* pkt, size_t len) const
if (len == 0) {
return false;
auto [isOk, block] = Block::fromBuffer({pkt, len});
if (!isOk) {
// if packet is incomplete, we will not be able to process it
out << "NDN truncated packet, length " << len;
return true;
lp::Packet lpPacket;
Block netPacket;
if (block.type() == lp::tlv::LpPacket) {
out << "NDNLPv2";
try {
catch (const tlv::Error& e) {
out << " invalid packet: " << e.what();
return true;
if (!lpPacket.has<lp::FragmentField>()) {
out << " idle";
return true;
auto [begin, end] = lpPacket.get<lp::FragmentField>();
std::tie(isOk, netPacket) = Block::fromBuffer({begin, end});
if (!isOk) {
// if network packet is fragmented, we will not be able to process it
out << " fragment";
return true;
else {
netPacket = std::move(block);
try {
switch (netPacket.type()) {
case tlv::Interest: {
Interest interest(netPacket);
if (!matchesFilter(interest.getName())) {
return false;
if (lpPacket.has<lp::NackField>()) {
lp::Nack nack(interest);
out << "NACK (" << nack.getReason() << "): " << interest;
else {
out << "INTEREST: " << interest;
case tlv::Data: {
Data data(netPacket);
if (!matchesFilter(data.getName())) {
return false;
out << "DATA: " << data.getName();
default: {
out << "[Unsupported NDN packet type " << netPacket.type() << "]";
catch (const tlv::Error& e) {
out << "invalid network packet: " << e.what();
return true;
NdnDump::matchesFilter(const Name& name) const
if (!nameFilter)
return true;
/// \todo Switch to NDN regular expressions
return std::regex_match(name.toUri(), *nameFilter);
} // namespace ndn::dump