blob: 5f704ee9672d32f5e978d81bd3d0ca19390fc7dc [file] [log] [blame]
**ndnpoke** [-h] [-u] [-F] [-x *freshness*] [-i *identity*\|\ -D] [-w *timeout*] [-v] [-V] *name*
:program:`ndnpoke` is a simple producer program that reads a payload from the standard
input and publishes it as a single Data packet. The Data packet is either sent as a
response to an incoming Interest matching *name*, or immediately pushed to the local
NDN forwarder as "unsolicited Data" if the **-u** flag is specified.
``-h, --help``
Print help and exit.
``-u, --unsolicited``
Send the Data packet without waiting for an incoming Interest.
``-F, --final``
Set the ``FinalBlockId`` to the last component of *name*.
``-x, --freshness <freshness>``
Set ``freshness`` (in milliseconds) as the ``FreshnessPeriod``.
``-i, --identity <identity>``
Use ``identity`` to sign the Data packet.
``-D, --digest``
Use ``DigestSha256`` signature type instead of the default ``SignatureSha256WithRsa``.
``-w, --timeout <timeout>``
Quit the program after ``timeout`` milliseconds, even if no Interest has been received.
``-v, --verbose``
Turn on verbose output.
``-V, --version``
Print version and exit.
Exit Status
0: Success
1: An unspecified error occurred
2: Malformed command line
3: No Interests received before the timeout
5: Prefix registration failed
Create a Data packet with content ``hello`` and name ``/app/video`` and wait at
most 3 seconds for a matching Interest to arrive::
echo "hello" | ndnpoke -w 3000 /app/video