| ``ndnsec-cert-install`` is a tool to install a certificate into **Public Information Base (PIB)**. |
| ndnsec-cert-install [-h] [-IKN] cert-source |
| ``ndnsec-cert-install`` can insert a certificate into PIB. By default, the installed certificate |
| will be set as the default certificate of its corresponding identity and the identity is set as |
| the system default identity. |
| ``cert-source`` could be a filesystem path or an HTTP URL of a file containing to certificate to |
| install or . If ``cert-file`` is ``-``, the certificate will be read from standard input. |
| Set the certificate as the default certificate of its corresponding identity, but do not change |
| the system default identity. |
| Set the certificate as the default certificate of its corresponding key, but do not change the |
| corresponding identity's default key and the system default identity. |
| Install the certificate but do not change any default settings. |
| Install a certificate and set it as the system default certificate: |
| $ ndnsec-cert-install cert_file.cert |
| Install a certificate with HTTP URL and set it as the system default certificate: |
| $ ndnsec-install-cert "http://ndncert.domain.com/cert/get/my-certificate.ndncert" |
| Install a certificate but do not change any default settings: |
| $ ndnsec-cert-install -N cert_file.cert |