blob: a5a1b465aa9906afee9c6ad2946d238d746b6a6f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "ndn-cxx/data.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/interest.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/interest-filter.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/detail/asio-fwd.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/detail/cancel-handle.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/encoding/nfd-constants.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/lp/nack.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/security/signing-info.hpp"
namespace ndn {
class Transport;
class PendingInterestHandle;
class RegisteredPrefixHandle;
class InterestFilterHandle;
namespace detail {
using RecordId = uint64_t;
} // namespace detail
* @brief Callback invoked when an expressed Interest is satisfied by a Data packet
using DataCallback = std::function<void(const Interest&, const Data&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when a Nack is received in response to an expressed Interest
using NackCallback = std::function<void(const Interest&, const lp::Nack&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when an expressed Interest times out
using TimeoutCallback = std::function<void(const Interest&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when an incoming Interest matches the specified InterestFilter
using InterestCallback = std::function<void(const InterestFilter&, const Interest&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when registerPrefix or setInterestFilter command succeeds
using RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback = std::function<void(const Name&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when registerPrefix or setInterestFilter command fails
using RegisterPrefixFailureCallback = std::function<void(const Name&, const std::string&)>;
* @brief Callback invoked when unregistering a prefix succeeds
using UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback = std::function<void()>;
* @brief Callback invoked when unregistering a prefix fails
using UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;
* @brief Provide a communication channel with local or remote NDN forwarder
class Face : noncopyable
class Error : public std::runtime_error
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
* @brief Exception thrown when attempting to send a packet over size limit
class OversizedPacketError : public Error
* @brief Constructor
* @param pktType packet type, 'I' for Interest, 'D' for Data, 'N' for Nack
* @param name packet name
* @param wireSize wire encoding size
OversizedPacketError(char pktType, const Name& name, size_t wireSize);
const char pktType;
const Name name;
const size_t wireSize;
public: // constructors
* @brief Create Face using the given Transport (or default transport if omitted).
* @param transport the transport for lower layer communication. If nullptr,
* a default transport will be used. The default transport is
* determined from a FaceUri in NDN_CLIENT_TRANSPORT environ,
* a FaceUri in configuration file 'transport' key, or UnixTransport.
* @throw ConfigFile::Error @p transport is nullptr, and the configuration file cannot be
* parsed or specifies an unsupported protocol
* @note shared_ptr is passed by value because ownership is shared with this class
Face(shared_ptr<Transport> transport = nullptr);
* @brief Create Face using default transport and given io_context.
* Usage examples:
* @code
* Face face1;
* Face face2(face1.getIoContext());
* // Now the following ensures that events on both faces are processed
* face1.processEvents();
* // or face1.getIoContext().run();
* @endcode
* or
* @code
* boost::asio::io_context ioCtx;
* Face face1(ioCtx);
* Face face2(ioCtx);
* @endcode
* @param ioCtx A reference to the io_context object that should control all I/O operations.
* @throw ConfigFile::Error the configuration file cannot be parsed or specifies an unsupported protocol
Face(boost::asio::io_context& ioCtx);
* @brief Create Face using TcpTransport.
* @param host IP address or hostname of the NDN forwarder
* @param port port number or service name of the NDN forwarder (**default**: "6363")
Face(const std::string& host, const std::string& port = "6363");
* @brief Create Face using the given Transport and KeyChain.
* @param transport the transport for lower layer communication. If nullptr,
* a default transport will be used.
* @param keyChain the KeyChain to sign commands
* @sa Face(shared_ptr<Transport>)
* @throw ConfigFile::Error @p transport is nullptr, and the configuration file cannot be
* parsed or specifies an unsupported protocol
* @note shared_ptr is passed by value because ownership is shared with this class
Face(shared_ptr<Transport> transport, KeyChain& keyChain);
* @brief Create Face using the given Transport and io_context.
* @param transport the transport for lower layer communication. If nullptr,
* a default transport will be used.
* @param ioCtx the io_context that controls all I/O operations
* @sa Face(boost::asio::io_context&)
* @sa Face(shared_ptr<Transport>)
* @throw ConfigFile::Error @p transport is nullptr, and the configuration file cannot be
* parsed or specifies an unsupported protocol
* @note shared_ptr is passed by value because ownership is shared with this class
Face(shared_ptr<Transport> transport, boost::asio::io_context& ioCtx);
* @brief Create Face using the given Transport, io_context, and KeyChain.
* @param transport the transport for lower layer communication. If nullptr,
* a default transport will be used.
* @param ioCtx the io_context that controls all I/O operations
* @param keyChain the KeyChain to sign commands
* @sa Face(boost::asio::io_context&)
* @sa Face(shared_ptr<Transport>, KeyChain&)
* @throw ConfigFile::Error @p transport is nullptr, and the configuration file cannot be
* parsed or specifies an unsupported protocol
* @note shared_ptr is passed by value because ownership is shared with this class
Face(shared_ptr<Transport> transport, boost::asio::io_context& ioCtx, KeyChain& keyChain);
public: // consumer
* @brief Express an Interest.
* @param interest the Interest; a copy will be made, so that the caller is not
* required to maintain the argument unchanged
* @param afterSatisfied function to be invoked if Data is returned
* @param afterNacked function to be invoked if Network NACK is returned
* @param afterTimeout function to be invoked if neither Data nor Network NACK
* is returned within InterestLifetime
* @return A handle for canceling the pending Interest.
* @throw OversizedPacketError Encoded Interest size exceeds #MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE.
expressInterest(const Interest& interest,
const DataCallback& afterSatisfied,
const NackCallback& afterNacked,
const TimeoutCallback& afterTimeout);
* @brief Cancel all previously expressed Interests.
* @brief Get number of pending Interests.
getNPendingInterests() const;
public: // producer
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder.
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param filter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param signingInfo Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters used in the
* signature will be used.
* @param flags Prefix registration flags
* @return A handle for unregistering the prefix and unsetting the Interest filter.
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& filter, const InterestCallback& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Set InterestFilter to dispatch incoming matching interest to onInterest
* callback and register the filtered prefix with the connected NDN forwarder.
* This version of setInterestFilter combines setInterestFilter and registerPrefix
* operations and is intended to be used when only one filter for the same prefix needed
* to be set. When multiple names sharing the same prefix should be dispatched to
* different callbacks, use one registerPrefix call, followed (in onSuccess callback) by
* a series of setInterestFilter calls.
* @param filter Interest filter (prefix part will be registered with the forwarder)
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param signingInfo Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters used in the
* signature will be used.
* @param flags Prefix registration flags
* @return A handle for unregistering the prefix and unsetting the Interest filter.
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& filter, const InterestCallback& onInterest,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Set an InterestFilter to dispatch matching incoming Interests to @p onInterest callback.
* @param filter Interest filter
* @param onInterest A callback to be called when a matching interest is received
* This method modifies library's FIB only, and does not register the prefix with the
* forwarder. It will always succeed. To register a prefix with the forwarder, use
* registerPrefix() or one of the other two setInterestFilter() overloads.
* @return A handle for unsetting the Interest filter.
setInterestFilter(const InterestFilter& filter, const InterestCallback& onInterest);
* @brief Register prefix with the connected NDN forwarder.
* This method only modifies forwarder's RIB and does not associate any
* onInterest callbacks. Use setInterestFilter method to dispatch incoming Interests to
* the right callbacks.
* @param prefix A prefix to register with the connected NDN forwarder
* @param onSuccess A callback to be called when prefixRegister command succeeds
* @param onFailure A callback to be called when prefixRegister command fails
* @param signingInfo Signing parameters. When omitted, a default parameters used in the
* signature will be used.
* @param flags Prefix registration flags
* @return A handle for unregistering the prefix.
* @see nfd::RouteFlags
registerPrefix(const Name& prefix,
const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
uint64_t flags = nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT);
* @brief Publish a Data packet.
* @param data The Data packet; a copy will be made, so that the caller is not required to
* maintain the argument unchanged.
* This method can be called to satisfy incoming Interests, or to add Data packet into the cache
* of the local NDN forwarder if forwarder is configured to accept unsolicited Data.
* @throw OversizedPacketError Encoded Data size exceeds #MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE.
put(const Data& data);
* @brief Send a %Network Nack.
* @param nack The Nack packet; a copy will be made, so that the caller is not required to
* maintain the argument unchanged.
* @throw OversizedPacketError Encoded Nack size exceeds #MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE.
put(const lp::Nack& nack);
public: // event loop routines
* @brief Run the event loop to process any pending work and execute completion handlers.
* This call will block forever (with the default @p timeout of 0) to process I/O on the face.
* To exit cleanly on a producer, clear any Interest filters and wait for processEvents() to
* return. To exit after an error, one can call shutdown().
* In consumer applications, processEvents() will return when all expressed Interests have been
* satisfied, Nacked, or timed out. To terminate earlier, a consumer application should cancel
* all previously expressed and still-pending Interests.
* If @p timeout is a positive value, then processEvents() will return after the specified
* duration has elapsed, unless the event loop is stopped earlier with shutdown() or runs
* out of work to do.
* If a negative @p timeout is specified, then processEvents() will not block and will process
* only handlers that are ready to run.
* processEvents() can be called repeatedly, if desired.
* @param timeout Maximum amount of time to block the event loop (see above).
* @param keepRunning Keep thread in a blocked state (in event processing), even when
* there are no outstanding events (e.g., no Interest/Data is expected).
* Ignored if @p timeout is negative. If @p timeout is 0 and @p keepRunning
* is true, the only way to stop processEvents() is to call shutdown().
* @note This may throw an exception for reading data or in the callback for processing
* the data. If you call this from an main event loop, you may want to catch and
* log/disregard all exceptions.
* @throw OversizedPacketError Encoded packet size exceeds #MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE.
processEvents(time::milliseconds timeout = 0_ms, bool keepRunning = false)
this->doProcessEvents(timeout, keepRunning);
* @brief Shutdown face operations.
* This method cancels all pending operations and closes the connection to the NDN forwarder.
* Note that this method does not stop the io_context if it is shared between multiple Faces or
* with other I/O objects (e.g., Scheduler).
* @warning Calling this method may cause outgoing packets to be lost. Producers that shut down
* immediately after sending a Data packet should instead clear all Interest filters to
* shut down cleanly.
* @sa processEvents()
* @brief Returns a reference to the io_context used by this face.
getIoContext() const noexcept
return m_ioCtx;
* @deprecated Use getIoContext()
[[deprecated("use getIoContext")]]
getIoService() const noexcept
return m_ioCtx;
* @brief Returns the underlying transport.
getTransport() const
return *m_transport;
virtual void
doProcessEvents(time::milliseconds timeout, bool keepRunning);
* @throw Face::Error on unsupported protocol
construct(shared_ptr<Transport> transport, KeyChain& keyChain);
onReceiveElement(const Block& blockFromDaemon);
/// The io_context owned by this Face, may be null if using an externally provided io_context.
unique_ptr<boost::asio::io_context> m_internalIoCtx;
/// The io_context used by this Face.
boost::asio::io_context& m_ioCtx;
shared_ptr<Transport> m_transport;
* @brief If not null, a pointer to an internal KeyChain owned by this Face.
* @note If a KeyChain is supplied to constructor, this pointer will be null,
* and the supplied KeyChain is passed to Face::Impl constructor;
* currently Face does not keep a ref to the provided KeyChain
* because it's not needed, but this may change in the future.
unique_ptr<KeyChain> m_internalKeyChain;
class Impl;
shared_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
friend PendingInterestHandle;
friend RegisteredPrefixHandle;
friend InterestFilterHandle;
/** \brief Handle for a pending Interest.
* \code
* PendingInterestHandle hdl = face.expressInterest(interest, satisfyCb, nackCb, timeoutCb);
* hdl.cancel(); // cancel the pending Interest
* \endcode
class PendingInterestHandle : public detail::CancelHandle
PendingInterestHandle() noexcept = default;
PendingInterestHandle(weak_ptr<Face::Impl> impl, detail::RecordId id);
friend Face;
/** \brief Scoped handle for a pending Interest.
* Upon destruction of this handle, the pending Interest is canceled automatically.
* Most commonly, the application keeps a ScopedPendingInterestHandle as a class member field,
* so that it can cleanup its pending Interest when the class instance is destructed.
* \code
* {
* ScopedPendingInterestHandle hdl = face.expressInterest(interest, satisfyCb, nackCb, timeoutCb);
* } // hdl goes out of scope, canceling the pending Interest
* \endcode
using ScopedPendingInterestHandle = detail::ScopedCancelHandle<PendingInterestHandle>;
/** \brief Handle for a registered prefix.
class RegisteredPrefixHandle : public detail::CancelHandle
RegisteredPrefixHandle() noexcept = default;
/** \brief Unregister the prefix.
unregister(const UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess = nullptr,
const UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure = nullptr);
RegisteredPrefixHandle(weak_ptr<Face::Impl> impl, detail::RecordId id);
static void
unregister(const weak_ptr<Face::Impl>& impl, detail::RecordId id,
const UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure);
weak_ptr<Face::Impl> m_weakImpl;
detail::RecordId m_id = 0;
friend Face;
/** \brief Scoped handle for a registered prefix.
* Upon destruction of this handle, the prefix is unregistered automatically.
* Most commonly, the application keeps a ScopedRegisteredPrefixHandle as a class member field,
* so that it can cleanup its prefix registration when the class instance is destructed.
* The application will not be notified whether the unregistration was successful.
* \code
* {
* ScopedRegisteredPrefixHandle hdl = face.registerPrefix(prefix, onSuccess, onFailure);
* } // hdl goes out of scope, unregistering the prefix
* \endcode
using ScopedRegisteredPrefixHandle = detail::ScopedCancelHandle<RegisteredPrefixHandle>;
/** \brief Handle for a registered Interest filter.
* \code
* InterestFilterHandle hdl = face.setInterestFilter(prefix, onInterest);
* hdl.cancel(); // unset the Interest filter
* \endcode
class InterestFilterHandle : public detail::CancelHandle
InterestFilterHandle() noexcept = default;
InterestFilterHandle(weak_ptr<Face::Impl> impl, detail::RecordId id);
friend Face;
/** \brief Scoped handle for a registered Interest filter.
* Upon destruction of this handle, the Interest filter is canceled automatically.
* Most commonly, the application keeps a ScopedInterestFilterHandle as a class member field,
* so that it can cleanup its Interest filter when the class instance is destructed.
* \code
* {
* ScopedInterestFilterHandle hdl = face.setInterestFilter(prefix, onInterest);
* } // hdl goes out of scope, unsetting the Interest filter
* \endcode
using ScopedInterestFilterHandle = detail::ScopedCancelHandle<InterestFilterHandle>;
} // namespace ndn
#endif // NDN_CXX_FACE_HPP