blob: 9dc86050602cc3f58c011460da719b78b61ba21d [file] [log] [blame]
; "unix_socket" specifies the location of the NFD unix socket
; "protocol" determines the protocol for prefix registration
; it has a value of:
; nfd-0.1
; nrd-0.1
; ndnd-tlv-0.7
; ndnx-0.7
; "pib" determines which Public Info Base (PIB) should used by default in applications.
; If "pib" is not specified, the default PIB will be used.
; Note that default PIB could be different on different system.
; If "pib" is specified, it may have a value of:
; sqlite3
; pib=sqlite3
; "tpm" determines which Trusted Platform Module (TPM) should used by default in applications.
; If "tpm" is not specified, the default TPM will be used.
; Note that default TPM could be different on different system.
; If "tpm" is specified, it may have a value of:
; file
; osx-keychain
; tpm=file