blob: 2c4585a838226eb33dae3c2cb7a8f9b138ff119c [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "ndn-cxx/face.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/encoding/block.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/ims/in-memory-storage-fifo.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/mgmt/control-response.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/mgmt/control-parameters.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/mgmt/status-dataset-context.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace ndn::mgmt {
// ---- AUTHORIZATION ----
/** \brief A function to be called if authorization is successful.
* \param requester a string that indicates the requester, whose semantics is determined by
* the Authorization function; this value is intended for logging only,
* and should not affect how the request is processed
using AcceptContinuation = std::function<void(const std::string& requester)>;
* \brief Indicates how to reply in case authorization is rejected.
enum class RejectReply {
* \brief Do not reply.
* \brief Reply with a ControlResponse where StatusCode is 403.
* \brief A function to be called if authorization is rejected.
using RejectContinuation = std::function<void(RejectReply)>;
/** \brief A function that performs authorization.
* \param prefix top-level prefix, e.g., `/localhost/nfd`;
* This argument can be inspected to allow Interests only under a subset of
* top-level prefixes (e.g., allow "/localhost/nfd" only),
* or to use different trust model regarding to the prefix.
* \param interest incoming Interest
* \param params parsed ControlParameters for ControlCommand, otherwise nullptr;
* This is guaranteed to be not-null and have correct type for the command,
* but may not be valid (e.g., can have missing fields).
* Either \p accept or \p reject must be called after authorization completes.
using Authorization = std::function<void(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest,
const ControlParameters* params,
const AcceptContinuation& accept,
const RejectContinuation& reject)>;
* \brief Return an Authorization that accepts all Interests, with empty string as requester.
// ---- CONTROL COMMAND ----
/** \brief A function to validate input ControlParameters.
* \param params parsed ControlParameters;
* This is guaranteed to have correct type for the command.
using ValidateParameters = std::function<bool(const ControlParameters& params)>;
/** \brief A function to be called after ControlCommandHandler completes.
* \param resp the response to be sent to requester
using CommandContinuation = std::function<void(const ControlResponse& resp)>;
/** \brief A function to handle an authorized ControlCommand.
* \param prefix top-level prefix, e.g., "/localhost/nfd";
* \param interest incoming Interest
* \param params parsed ControlParameters;
* This is guaranteed to have correct type for the command,
* and is valid (e.g., has all required fields).
using ControlCommandHandler = std::function<void(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest,
const ControlParameters& params,
const CommandContinuation& done)>;
// ---- STATUS DATASET ----
/** \brief A function to handle a StatusDataset request.
* \param prefix top-level prefix, e.g., "/localhost/nfd";
* \param interest incoming Interest; its Name doesn't contain version and segment components
* This function can generate zero or more blocks and pass them to \p append,
* and must call \p end upon completion.
using StatusDatasetHandler = std::function<void(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest,
StatusDatasetContext& context)>;
* \brief A function to post a notification.
using PostNotification = std::function<void(const Block& notification)>;
// ---- DISPATCHER ----
* \brief Implements a request dispatcher on server side of NFD Management protocol.
class Dispatcher : noncopyable
/** \brief Constructor.
* \param face the Face on which the dispatcher operates
* \param keyChain a KeyChain to sign Data
* \param signingInfo signing parameters to sign Data with \p keyChain
* \param imsCapacity capacity of the internal InMemoryStorage used by dispatcher
Dispatcher(Face& face, KeyChain& keyChain,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo(),
size_t imsCapacity = 256);
/** \brief Add a top-level prefix.
* \param prefix a top-level prefix, e.g., "/localhost/nfd"
* \param wantRegister whether prefix registration should be performed through the Face
* \param signingInfo signing parameters to sign the prefix registration command
* \throw std::out_of_range \p prefix overlaps with an existing top-level prefix
* Procedure for adding a top-level prefix:
* 1. if the new top-level prefix overlaps with an existing top-level prefix
* (one top-level prefix is a prefix of another top-level prefix), throw std::domain_error.
* 2. if \p wantRegister is true, invoke Face::registerPrefix for the top-level prefix;
* the returned RegisteredPrefixHandle shall be recorded internally, indexed by the top-level
* prefix.
* 3. for each `relPrefix` from ControlCommands and StatusDatasets,
* join the top-level prefix with `relPrefix` to obtain the full prefix,
* and invoke non-registering overload of Face::setInterestFilter,
* with the InterestHandler set to an appropriate private method to handle incoming Interests
* for the ControlCommand or StatusDataset; the returned InterestFilterHandle shall be
* recorded internally, indexed by the top-level prefix.
addTopPrefix(const Name& prefix, bool wantRegister = true,
const security::SigningInfo& signingInfo = security::SigningInfo());
/** \brief Remove a top-level prefix.
* \param prefix a top-level prefix, e.g., "/localhost/nfd"
* Procedure for removing a top-level prefix:
* 1. if the top-level prefix has not been added, abort these steps.
* 2. if the top-level prefix has been added with `wantRegister`, unregister the prefix.
* 3. clear all Interest filters set during addTopPrefix().
removeTopPrefix(const Name& prefix);
public: // ControlCommand
* \brief Register a ControlCommand.
* \tparam ParametersType Concrete subclass of ControlParameters used by this command.
* \param relPrefix The name prefix for this command relative to the top-level prefix,
* e.g., "faces/create". The prefixes across all ControlCommands,
* StatusDatasets, and NotificationStreams must not overlap (no relPrefix
* is a prefix of another relPrefix).
* \param authorize Callback to authorize the incoming commands
* \param validate Callback to validate parameters of the incoming commands
* \param handle Callback to handle the commands
* \pre No top-level prefix has been added.
* \throw std::out_of_range \p relPrefix overlaps with an existing relPrefix.
* \throw std::domain_error One or more top-level prefixes have been added.
* Procedure for processing a ControlCommand:
* 1. Extract the NameComponent containing ControlParameters (the component after relPrefix),
* and parse ControlParameters into ParametersType; if parsing fails, abort these steps.
* 2. Perform authorization; if the authorization is rejected, perform the RejectReply action
* and abort these steps.
* 3. Validate ControlParameters; if validation fails, create a ControlResponse with
* StatusCode 400 and go to step 5.
* 4. Invoke the command handler, wait until CommandContinuation is called.
* 5. Encode the ControlResponse into one Data packet.
* 6. Sign the Data packet.
* 7. If the Data packet is too large, abort these steps and log an error.
* 8. Send the signed Data packet.
template<typename ParametersType,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<ParametersType*, ControlParameters*>, int> = 0>
addControlCommand(const PartialName& relPrefix,
Authorization authorize,
ValidateParameters validate,
ControlCommandHandler handle)
ControlParametersParser parse = [] (const name::Component& comp) -> shared_ptr<ControlParameters> {
return make_shared<ParametersType>(comp.blockFromValue());
m_handlers[relPrefix] = [this, relPrefix,
parse = std::move(parse),
authorize = std::move(authorize),
validate = std::move(validate),
handle = std::move(handle)] (const auto& prefix, const auto& interest) {
processCommand(prefix, relPrefix, interest, parse, authorize, validate, handle);
public: // StatusDataset
* \brief Register a StatusDataset or a prefix under which StatusDatasets can be requested.
* \param relPrefix The name prefix for this dataset relative to the top-level prefix,
* e.g., "faces/list". The prefixes across all ControlCommands,
* StatusDatasets, and NotificationStreams must not overlap (no relPrefix
* is a prefix of another relPrefix).
* \param authorize should set identity to Name() if the dataset is public
* \param handle Callback to process the incoming dataset requests
* \pre No top-level prefix has been added.
* \throw std::out_of_range \p relPrefix overlaps with an existing relPrefix.
* \throw std::domain_error One or more top-level prefixes have been added.
* The payload of the returned status dataset data packet is at most half of the maximum
* data packet size.
* Procedure for processing a StatusDataset request:
* 1. If the request Interest contains version or segment components, abort these steps
* (note: the request may contain more components after relPrefix, e.g., a query condition).
* 2. Perform authorization; if the authorization is rejected, perform the RejectReply action
* and abort these steps.
* 3. Invoke the handler, store blocks passed to StatusDatasetAppend calls in a buffer,
* wait until StatusDatasetEnd is called.
* 4. Allocate a version.
* 5. Segment the buffer into one or more segments under the allocated version,
* such that the Data packets will not become too large after signing.
* 6. Set FinalBlockId on at least the last segment.
* 7. Sign the Data packets.
* 8. Send the signed Data packets.
* As an optimization, a Data packet may be sent as soon as enough octets have been collected
* through StatusDatasetAppend calls.
addStatusDataset(const PartialName& relPrefix,
Authorization authorize,
StatusDatasetHandler handle);
public: // NotificationStream
* \brief Register a NotificationStream.
* \param relPrefix The name prefix for this notification stream relative to the top-level prefix,
* e.g., "faces/events". The prefixes across all ControlCommands,
* StatusDatasets, and NotificationStreams must not overlap (no relPrefix
* is a prefix of another relPrefix).
* \return A function into which notifications can be posted.
* \pre No top-level prefix has been added.
* \throw std::out_of_range \p relPrefix overlaps with an existing relPrefix.
* \throw std::domain_error One or more top-level prefixes have been added.
* Procedure for posting a notification:
* 1. If no top-level prefix has been added, or more than one top-level prefixes have been
* added, abort these steps and log an error.
* 2. Assign the next sequence number to the notification.
* 3. Place the notification block into one Data packet under the sole top-level prefix.
* 4. Sign the Data packet.
* 5. If the Data packet is too large, abort these steps and log an error.
* 6. Send the signed Data packet.
addNotificationStream(const PartialName& relPrefix);
using InterestHandler = std::function<void(const Name& prefix, const Interest&)>;
using AuthorizationAcceptedCallback = std::function<void(const std::string& requester,
const Name& prefix,
const Interest&,
const shared_ptr<ControlParameters>&)>;
using AuthorizationRejectedCallback = std::function<void(RejectReply, const Interest&)>;
* @brief The parser for extracting control parameters from a name component.
* @return A shared pointer to the extracted ControlParameters.
* @throw tlv::Error if the name component cannot be parsed as ControlParameters
using ControlParametersParser = std::function<shared_ptr<ControlParameters>(const name::Component&)>;
checkPrefix(const PartialName& relPrefix) const;
* @brief Process unauthorized request.
* @param act action to reply
* @param interest the incoming Interest
afterAuthorizationRejected(RejectReply act, const Interest& interest);
* @brief Query Data in the in-memory storage for a given Interest.
* If the query fails, invoke @p missContinuation to process @p interest.
* @param prefix the top-level prefix
* @param interest the request
* @param missContinuation the handler of request when the query fails
queryStorage(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest, const InterestHandler& missContinuation);
enum class SendDestination {
NONE = 0,
FACE = 1,
IMS = 2,
* @brief Send data to the face and/or in-memory storage.
* Create a Data packet with the given @p dataName, @p content, and @p metaInfo,
* set its FreshnessPeriod to 1 second, and then send it out through the face
* and/or insert it into the in-memory storage as specified by @p destination.
* If it's toward the in-memory storage, set its CachePolicy to NO_CACHE and limit
* its FreshnessPeriod in the storage to 1 second.
* @param dataName the name of this piece of data
* @param content the content of this piece of data
* @param metaInfo some meta information of this piece of data
* @param destination where to send this piece of data
sendData(const Name& dataName, const Block& content, const MetaInfo& metaInfo,
SendDestination destination);
* @brief Send out a Data packet through the face.
sendOnFace(const Data& data);
* @brief Process an incoming control command Interest before authorization.
* @param prefix the top-level prefix
* @param relPrefix the relative prefix
* @param interest the incoming Interest
* @param parse function to extract the control parameters from the command
* @param authorize function to determine whether the command is authorized
* @param validate function to validate the command parameters
* @param handler function to execute the command after authorization and validation
processCommand(const Name& prefix,
const Name& relPrefix,
const Interest& interest,
const ControlParametersParser& parse,
const Authorization& authorize,
const ValidateParameters& validate,
const ControlCommandHandler& handler);
* @brief Process an authorized control command.
* @param requester the requester
* @param prefix the top-level prefix
* @param interest the incoming Interest
* @param parameters control parameters of this command
* @param validate function to validate the command parameters
* @param handler function to execute the command after authorization and validation
processAuthorizedCommand(const std::string& requester,
const Name& prefix,
const Interest& interest,
const shared_ptr<ControlParameters>& parameters,
const ValidateParameters& validate,
const ControlCommandHandler& handler);
sendControlResponse(const ControlResponse& resp, const Interest& interest, bool isNack = false);
* @brief Process a StatusDataset Interest before authorization.
* @param prefix the top-level prefix
* @param interest the incoming Interest
* @param authorize function to process verification
* @param accepted callback for successful authorization
* @param rejected callback for failed authorization
processStatusDatasetInterest(const Name& prefix,
const Interest& interest,
const Authorization& authorize,
const AuthorizationAcceptedCallback& accepted,
const AuthorizationRejectedCallback& rejected);
* @brief Process an authorized StatusDataset request.
* @param prefix the top-level prefix
* @param interest the incoming Interest
* @param handler function to process this request
processAuthorizedStatusDatasetInterest(const Name& prefix,
const Interest& interest,
const StatusDatasetHandler& handler);
* @brief Send a segment of StatusDataset.
* @param dataName the name of this piece of data
* @param content the content of this piece of data
* @param isFinalBlock indicates whether this piece of data is the final block
sendStatusDatasetSegment(const Name& dataName, const Block& content, bool isFinalBlock);
postNotification(const Block& notification, const PartialName& relPrefix);
struct TopPrefixEntry
ScopedRegisteredPrefixHandle registeredPrefix;
std::vector<ScopedInterestFilterHandle> interestFilters;
std::unordered_map<Name, TopPrefixEntry> m_topLevelPrefixes;
Face& m_face;
KeyChain& m_keyChain;
security::SigningInfo m_signingInfo;
std::unordered_map<PartialName, InterestHandler> m_handlers;
// NotificationStream name => next sequence number
std::unordered_map<Name, uint64_t> m_streams;
InMemoryStorageFifo m_storage;
} // namespace ndn::mgmt