blob: 277628f9c55e5c2c216d34dfdfd330c3beaa7902 [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Jeff Thompson
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#ifndef NDN_NODE_HPP
#define NDN_NODE_HPP
#include "common.hpp"
#include "interest.hpp"
#include "transport/udp-transport.hpp"
#include "encoding/binary-xml-element-reader.hpp"
namespace ndn {
* An OnData function object is used to pass a callback to expressInterest.
typedef func_lib::function<void(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data> &)> OnData;
* An OnTimeout function object is used to pass a callback to expressInterest.
typedef func_lib::function<void(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &)> OnTimeout;
class Face;
class Node : public ElementListener {
* Create a new Node for communication with an NDN hub with the given Transport object and connectionInfo.
* @param transport A shared_ptr to a Transport object used for communication.
* @param transport A shared_ptr to a Transport::ConnectionInfo to be used to connect to the transport.
Node(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport> &transport, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Transport::ConnectionInfo> &connectionInfo)
: transport_(transport), connectionInfo_(connectionInfo)
* Create a new Node for communication with an NDN hub at host:port using the default UdpTransport.
* @param host The host of the NDN hub.
* @param port The port of the NDN hub.
Node(const char *host, unsigned short port)
: transport_(new UdpTransport()), connectionInfo_(new UdpTransport::ConnectionInfo(host, port))
* Create a new Node for communication with an NDN hub at host with the default port 9695 and using the default UdpTransport.
* @param host The host of the NDN hub.
Node(const char *host)
: transport_(new UdpTransport()), connectionInfo_(new UdpTransport::ConnectionInfo(host, 9695))
* Send the Interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param interest A reference to the Interest. This copies the Interest.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
* @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
* This copies the function object, so you may need to use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Interest &interest, const OnData &onData, const OnTimeout &onTimeout);
* Send the Interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param interest A reference to the Interest. This copies the Interest.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Interest &interest, const OnData &onData) {
expressInterest(interest, onData, OnTimeout());
* Encode name as an Interest. If interestTemplate is not 0, use its interest selectors.
* Send the interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param name A reference to a Name for the interest. This copies the Name.
* @param interestTemplate if not 0, copy interest selectors from the template. This does not keep a pointer to the Interest object.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
* @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
* This copies the function object, so you may need to use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Name &name, const Interest *interestTemplate, const OnData &onData, const OnTimeout &onTimeout);
* Encode name as an Interest, using a default interest lifetime.
* Send the interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param name A reference to a Name for the interest. This copies the Name.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
* @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
* This copies the function object, so you may need to use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Name &name, const OnData &onData, const OnTimeout &onTimeout)
expressInterest(name, 0, onData, onTimeout);
* Encode name as an Interest. If interestTemplate is not 0, use its interest selectors.
* Send the interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param name A reference to a Name for the interest. This copies the Name.
* @param interestTemplate if not 0, copy interest selectors from the template. This does not keep a pointer to the Interest object.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Name &name, const Interest *interestTemplate, const OnData &onData)
expressInterest(name, interestTemplate, onData, OnTimeout());
* Encode name as an Interest, using a default interest lifetime.
* Send the interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
* @param name A reference to a Name for the interest. This copies the Name.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
void expressInterest(const Name &name, const OnData &onData)
expressInterest(name, 0, onData);
* Process any data to receive. For each element received, call onReceivedElement.
* This is non-blocking and will return immediately if there is no data to receive.
* You should repeatedly call this from an event loop, with calls to sleep as needed so that the loop doesn't use 100% of the CPU.
* @throw This may throw an exception for reading data or in the callback for processing the data. If you
* call this from an main event loop, you may want to catch and log/disregard all exceptions.
void processEvents();
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport> &getTransport() { return transport_; }
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Transport::ConnectionInfo> &getConnectionInfo() { return connectionInfo_; }
void onReceivedElement(const unsigned char *element, unsigned int elementLength);
void shutdown();
class PitEntry {
* Create a new PitEntry and set the timeoutTime_ based on the current time and the interest lifetime.
* @param interest A shared_ptr for the interest.
* @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received. This copies the function object, so you may need to
* use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
* @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out. If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
* This copies the function object, so you may need to use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
PitEntry(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest, const OnData &onData, const OnTimeout &onTimeout);
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &getInterest() { return interest_; }
const OnData &getOnData() { return onData_; }
* Get the struct ndn_Interest for the interest_.
* WARNING: Assume that this PitEntry was created with new, so that no copy constructor is invoked between calls.
* This class is private to Node and only used by its methods, so this should be OK.
* TODO: Doesn't this functionality belong in the Interest class?
* @return A reference to the ndn_Interest struct.
* WARNING: The resulting pointers in are invalid uses getInterest() to manipulate the object which could reallocate memory.
const struct ndn_Interest &getInterestStruct()
return interestStruct_;
* If this interest is timed out, call onTimeout_ (if defined) and return true.
* @param parent The parent Node for the UpcallInfo.
* @param nowMilliseconds The current time in milliseconds from gettimeofday.
* @return true if this interest timed out and the timeout callback was called, otherwise false.
bool checkTimeout(Node *parent, double nowMilliseconds);
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> interest_;
std::vector<struct ndn_NameComponent> nameComponents_;
std::vector<struct ndn_ExcludeEntry> excludeEntries_;
struct ndn_Interest interestStruct_;
const OnData onData_;
const OnTimeout onTimeout_;
double timeoutTimeMilliseconds_; /**< The time when the interest times out in milliseconds according to gettimeofday, or -1 for no timeout. */
* Find the entry from the pit_ where the name conforms to the entry's interest selectors, and
* the entry interest name is the longest that matches name.
* @param name The name to find the interest for (from the incoming data packet).
* @return The index in pit_ of the pit entry, or -1 if not found.
int getEntryIndexForExpressedInterest(const Name &name);
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport> transport_;
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Transport::ConnectionInfo> connectionInfo_;
std::vector<ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PitEntry> > pit_;