blob: 1f4f3fb3c3d7925a7130f09858f5d740045490b6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
* This file licensed under New BSD License. See COPYING for detailed information about
* ndn-cxx library copyright, permissions, and redistribution restrictions.
#include "interest-filter.hpp"
#include "util/regex/regex-pattern-list-matcher.hpp"
namespace ndn {
InterestFilter::InterestFilter(const Name& prefix, const std::string& regexFilter)
: m_prefix(prefix)
, m_regexFilter(ndn::make_shared<RegexPatternListMatcher>(regexFilter,
InterestFilter::doesMatch(const Name& name) const
if (name.size() < m_prefix.size())
return false;
if (hasRegexFilter()) {
// perform prefix match and regular expression match for the remaining components
bool isMatch = m_prefix.isPrefixOf(name);
if (!isMatch)
return false;
return m_regexFilter->match(name, m_prefix.size(), name.size() - m_prefix.size());
else {
// perform just prefix match
return m_prefix.isPrefixOf(name);
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InterestFilter& filter)
os << filter.getPrefix();
if (filter.hasRegexFilter()) {
os << "?regex=" << filter.getRegexFilter();
return os;
} // namespace ndn