blob: 5a0d896889f3c66632485f61c12406888bfd23ca [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
* Alexander Afanasyev
* BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "trie.h"
namespace ndn {
namespace trie {
template<typename FullKey,
typename PayloadTraits,
typename PolicyTraits
class trie_with_policy
typedef trie< FullKey,
typename PolicyTraits::policy_hook_type > parent_trie;
typedef typename parent_trie::iterator iterator;
typedef typename parent_trie::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename parent_trie::payload_traits payload_traits;
typedef typename PolicyTraits::template policy<
trie_with_policy<FullKey, PayloadTraits, PolicyTraits>,
typename PolicyTraits::template container_hook<parent_trie>::type >::type policy_container;
trie_with_policy (size_t bucketSize = 10, size_t bucketIncrement = 10)
: trie_ ("", bucketSize, bucketIncrement)
, policy_ (*this)
inline std::pair< iterator, bool >
insert (const FullKey &key, typename PayloadTraits::insert_type payload)
std::pair<iterator, bool> item =
trie_.insert (key, payload);
if (item.second) // real insert
bool ok = policy_.insert (s_iterator_to (item.first));
if (!ok)
item.first->erase (); // cannot insert
return std::make_pair (end (), false);
return std::make_pair (s_iterator_to (item.first), false);
return item;
inline void
erase (const FullKey &key)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
return; // nothing to invalidate
erase (lastItem);
inline void
erase (iterator node)
if (node == end ()) return;
policy_.erase (s_iterator_to (node));
node->erase (); // will do cleanup here
inline void
clear ()
policy_.clear ();
trie_.clear ();
template<typename Modifier>
modify (iterator position, Modifier mod)
if (position == end ()) return false;
if (position->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload) return false;
mod (*position->payload ());
policy_.update (position);
return true;
* @brief Find a node that has the exact match with the key
inline iterator
find_exact (const FullKey &key)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
if (!reachLast || lastItem->payload () == PayloadTraits::empty_payload)
return end ();
return lastItem;
* @brief Find a node that has the longest common prefix with key (FIB/PIT lookup)
inline iterator
longest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
if (foundItem != trie_.end ())
policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
return foundItem;
* @brief Find a node that has the longest common prefix with key (FIB/PIT lookup)
template<class Predicate>
inline iterator
longest_prefix_match_if (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find_if (key, pred);
if (foundItem != trie_.end ())
policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
return foundItem;
// /**
// * @brief Const version of the longest common prefix match
// * (semi-const, because there could be update of the policy anyways)
// */
// inline const_iterator
// longest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key) const
// {
// return static_cast<trie_with_policy*> (this)->longest_prefix_match (key);
// }
* @brief Find a node that has prefix at least as the key (cache lookup)
inline iterator
deepest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
// guard in case we don't have anything in the trie
if (lastItem == trie_.end ())
return trie_.end ();
if (reachLast)
if (foundItem == trie_.end ())
foundItem = lastItem->find (); // should be something
policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
return foundItem;
{ // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
return trie_.end ();
* @brief Find a node that has prefix at least as the key
template<class Predicate>
inline iterator
deepest_prefix_match (const FullKey &key, Predicate pred)
iterator foundItem, lastItem;
bool reachLast;
boost::tie (foundItem, reachLast, lastItem) = trie_.find (key);
// guard in case we don't have anything in the trie
if (lastItem == trie_.end ())
return trie_.end ();
if (reachLast)
foundItem = lastItem->find_if (pred); // may or may not find something
if (foundItem == trie_.end ())
return trie_.end ();
policy_.lookup (s_iterator_to (foundItem));
return foundItem;
{ // couldn't find a node that has prefix at least as key
return trie_.end ();
iterator end () const
return 0;
const parent_trie &
getTrie () const { return trie_; }
parent_trie &
getTrie () { return trie_; }
const policy_container &
getPolicy () const { return policy_; }
policy_container &
getPolicy () { return policy_; }
static inline iterator
s_iterator_to (typename parent_trie::iterator item)
if (item == 0)
return 0;
return &(*item);
parent_trie trie_;
mutable policy_container policy_;
} // trie
} // ndn