blob: ecc87b188eeccd97dce4ac6e3047719281b21925 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
* Alexander Afanasyev
* BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "name-component.h"
#include "ndn-cpp/error.h"
#include "ndn-cpp/helpers/uri.h"
using namespace std;
namespace ndn
namespace name
Component::Component ()
Component::Component (const std::string &uri)
Uri::fromEscaped (uri.begin (), uri.end (), back_inserter (*this));
catch (error::Uri &err)
// re-throwing different exception
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (error::name::Component ()
<< error::msg (uri)
<< error::pos (error::get_pos (err)));
Component::Component (std::string::const_iterator begin, std::string::const_iterator end)
Uri::fromEscaped (begin, end, back_inserter (*this));
catch (error::Uri &err)
// re-throwing different exception
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (error::name::Component ()
<< error::msg (string (begin, end))
<< error::pos (error::get_pos (err)));
Component::Component (const void *buf, size_t length)
copy (static_cast<const char*> (buf),
static_cast<const char*> (buf)+length,
back_inserter (*this));
Component::compare (const Component &other) const
if (size () < other.size ())
return -1;
if (size () > other.size ())
return +1;
// now we know that sizes are equal
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> diff = mismatch (begin (), end (), other.begin ());
if (diff.first == end ()) // components are actually equal
return 0;
return (std::lexicographical_compare (diff.first, end (), diff.second, other.end ())) ? -1 : +1;
Component::fromNumber (uint64_t number)
Component comp;
while (number > 0)
comp.push_back (static_cast<unsigned char> (number & 0xFF));
number >>= 8;
std::reverse (comp.begin (), comp.end ());
return comp;
Component::fromNumberWithMarker (uint64_t number, unsigned char marker)
Component comp;
comp.push_back (marker);
while (number > 0)
comp.push_back (static_cast<unsigned char> (number & 0xFF));
number >>= 8;
std::reverse (comp.begin () + 1, comp.end ());
return comp;
Component::toBlob () const
return std::string (begin (), end ());
Component::toBlob (std::ostream &os) const
os.write (buf (), size ());
Component::toUri () const
ostringstream os;
toUri (os);
return os.str ();
Component::toUri (std::ostream &os) const
Uri::toEscaped (begin (), end (), ostream_iterator<char> (os));
Component::toNumber () const
uint64_t ret = 0;
for (const_iterator i = begin (); i != end (); i++)
ret <<= 8;
ret |= static_cast<unsigned char> (*i);
return ret;
Component::toNumberWithMarker (unsigned char marker) const
if (empty () ||
static_cast<unsigned char> (*(begin ())) != marker)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (error::name::Component ()
<< error::msg ("Name component does not have required marker [" + toUri () + "]"));
uint64_t ret = 0;
for (const_iterator i = begin () + 1; i != end (); i++)
ret <<= 8;
ret |= static_cast<unsigned char> (*i);
return ret;
} // name
} // ndn