blob: 6472cf2f75bf85aa03e13c4e027d901bb3bced83 [file] [log] [blame]
ndn-cxx version 0.6.5
Release date: February 4, 2019
New features
- More support for `NDN packet format version 0.3
<>`__ (:issue:`4527`)
* Stop using ``ChildSelector`` in ``NotificationSubscriber`` (:issue:`4664`)
* Stop using ``ChildSelector`` in ``CertificateBundleFetcher`` (:issue:`4665`)
- Support floating point numbers in TLV-VALUE (:issue:`4612`)
- Scoped prefix registration, scoped Interest filter, and scoped pending Interest
(:issue:`3919`, :issue:`4316`)
- Counters for satisfied and unsatisfied Interests in :ndn-cxx:`ForwarderStatus`
- :ndn-cxx:`random::getRandomNumberEngine` in the public API
- :ndn-cxx:`MetadataObject` class to encode/decode RDR-style metadata (:issue:`4707`)
- :ndn-cxx:`SegmentFetcher::stop` (:issue:`4692`)
Improvements and bug fixes
- Switch to AES-256 for private key encryption in PKCS #8 export
- Use OpenSSL-based routines for PKCS #8 decoding/decryption when exporting keys from the
macOS Keychain (:issue:`4450`)
- Forbid unrecognized TLVs before ``Name`` (:issue:`4667`)
- Stop accepting NonNegativeInteger as sequence number in NDNLP (:issue:`4598`)
- Add exponential backoff in :ndn-cxx:`CertificateFetcherFromNetwork` (:issue:`4718`,
- Throw exception when loading an orphaned ``ValidationPolicyConfig`` (API violation)
- Prevent memory pool size from becoming zero in :ndn-cxx:`InMemoryStorage` (:issue:`4769`)
- Clean up fetchers when destructing :ndn-cxx:`nfd::Controller` (:issue:`4775`)
- Fix ``SegmentFetcher`` undefined behavior caused by uncanceled pending interest
- Seed the PRNG with more entropy (:issue:`4808`)
- Backport C++17 ``std::any`` and ``std::variant`` as ``ndn::any`` and ``ndn::variant``
- Reimplement ``scheduler::EventId`` with ``CancelHandle`` (:issue:`4698`)
- ``ndn-cxx/util/scheduler-scoped-event-id.hpp`` header, as it is now sufficient to use
``ndn-cxx/util/scheduler.hpp`` header (:issue:`4698`)
- Implicit conversion from nullptr to ``scheduler::EventId`` (:issue:`4698`)
- ``ndn::ip::address{,V6}FromString``
- ``SegmentFetcher::fetch`` (:issue:`4464`)
- ``{get,set}FinalBlockId()``
- Headers that were already considered internal implementation details have been explicitly
moved to a ``detail/`` subdir to more clearly separate private and public headers