blob: 7bd6a88925aebaeef587029d84045fb7bd806bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
* @author Alexander Afanasyev <>
#include "../common.hpp"
#include "buffer.hpp"
#include "tlv.hpp"
#include "encoding-buffer-fwd.hpp"
namespace boost {
namespace asio {
class const_buffer;
} // namespace asio
} // namespace boost
namespace ndn {
/** @brief Class representing a wire element of NDN-TLV packet format
class Block
typedef std::vector<Block> element_container;
typedef element_container::iterator element_iterator;
typedef element_container::const_iterator element_const_iterator;
class Error : public tlv::Error
Error(const std::string& what)
: tlv::Error(what)
public: // constructor, creation, assignment
/** @brief Create an empty Block
/** @brief Create a Block based on EncodingBuffer object
Block(const EncodingBuffer& buffer);
/** @brief Create a Block from the raw buffer with Type-Length parsing
Block(const ConstBufferPtr& buffer);
/** @brief Create a Block from a buffer, directly specifying boundaries
* of the block within the buffer
* This overload will automatically detect type and position of the value within the block
Block(const ConstBufferPtr& buffer,
const Buffer::const_iterator& begin, const Buffer::const_iterator& end,
bool verifyLength = true);
/** @brief Create a Block from the raw buffer with Type-Length parsing
Block(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t maxlength);
/** @brief Create a Block from the raw buffer with Type-Length parsing
Block(const void* buffer, size_t maxlength);
/** @brief Create a Block from the wire buffer (no parsing)
* This overload does not do any parsing
Block(const ConstBufferPtr& wire,
uint32_t type,
const Buffer::const_iterator& begin, const Buffer::const_iterator& end,
const Buffer::const_iterator& valueBegin, const Buffer::const_iterator& valueEnd);
/** @brief Create Block of a specific type with empty wire buffer
Block(uint32_t type);
/** @brief Create a Block of a specific type with the specified value
* The underlying buffer holds only value Additional operations are needed
* to construct wire encoding, one need to prepend the wire buffer with type
* and value-length VAR-NUMBERs
Block(uint32_t type, const ConstBufferPtr& value);
/** @brief Create a nested Block of a specific type with the specified value
* The underlying buffer holds only value. Additional operations are needed
* to construct wire encoding, one need to prepend the wire buffer with type
* and value-length VAR-NUMBERs
Block(uint32_t type, const Block& value);
/** @brief Create a Block from an input stream
static Block
fromStream(std::istream& is);
/** @brief Try to construct block from Buffer
* @param buffer the buffer to construct block from
* @note buffer is passed by value because the constructed block
* takes shared ownership of the buffer
* @param offset offset from beginning of \p buffer to construct Block from
* This method does not throw upon decoding error.
* This method does not copy the bytes.
* @return true and the Block, if Block is successfully created; otherwise false
static std::tuple<bool, Block>
fromBuffer(ConstBufferPtr buffer, size_t offset);
/** @deprecated use fromBuffer(ConstBufferPtr, size_t)
static bool
fromBuffer(const ConstBufferPtr& buffer, size_t offset, Block& block)
bool isOk = false;
std::tie(isOk, block) = Block::fromBuffer(buffer, offset);
return isOk;
/** @brief Try to construct block from raw buffer
* @param buffer the raw buffer to copy bytes from
* @param maxSize the maximum size of constructed block;
* @p buffer must have a size of at least @p maxSize
* This method does not throw upon decoding error.
* This method copies the bytes into a new Buffer.
* @return true and the Block, if Block is successfully created; otherwise false
static std::tuple<bool, Block>
fromBuffer(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t maxSize);
/** @deprecated use fromBuffer(const uint8_t*, size_t)
static bool
fromBuffer(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t maxSize, Block& block)
bool isOk = false;
std::tie(isOk, block) = Block::fromBuffer(buffer, maxSize);
return isOk;
public: // wire format
/** @brief Check if the Block is empty
empty() const;
/** @brief Check if the Block has fully encoded wire
hasWire() const;
/** @brief Reset wire buffer of the element
/** @brief Reset wire buffer but keep sub elements (if any)
begin() const;
end() const;
const uint8_t*
wire() const;
size() const;
public: // type and value
type() const;
/** @brief Check if the Block has value block (no type and length are encoded)
hasValue() const;
value_begin() const;
value_end() const;
const uint8_t*
value() const;
value_size() const;
public: // sub elements
/** @brief Parse wire buffer into subblocks
* This method is not really const, but it does not modify any data. It simply
* parses contents of the buffer into subblocks
parse() const;
/** @brief Encode subblocks into wire buffer
/** @brief Get the first subelement of the requested type
const Block&
get(uint32_t type) const;
find(uint32_t type) const;
remove(uint32_t type);
erase(element_iterator position);
erase(element_iterator first, element_iterator last);
push_back(const Block& element);
/** @brief Get all subelements
const element_container&
elements() const;
elements_begin() const;
elements_end() const;
elements_size() const;
blockFromValue() const;
* @brief Get underlying buffer
shared_ptr<const Buffer>
getBuffer() const;
public: // EqualityComparable concept
operator==(const Block& other) const;
operator!=(const Block& other) const;
public: // ConvertibleToConstBuffer
operator boost::asio::const_buffer() const;
shared_ptr<const Buffer> m_buffer;
uint32_t m_type;
Buffer::const_iterator m_begin;
Buffer::const_iterator m_end;
uint32_t m_size;
Buffer::const_iterator m_value_begin;
Buffer::const_iterator m_value_end;
mutable element_container m_subBlocks;
inline shared_ptr<const Buffer>
Block::getBuffer() const
return m_buffer;
inline bool
Block::empty() const
return m_type == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
inline bool
Block::hasWire() const
return m_buffer && (m_begin != m_end);
inline Buffer::const_iterator
Block::begin() const
if (!hasWire())
throw Error("Underlying wire buffer is empty");
return m_begin;
inline Buffer::const_iterator
Block::end() const
if (!hasWire())
throw Error("Underlying wire buffer is empty");
return m_end;
inline const uint8_t*
Block::wire() const
if (!hasWire())
throw Error("(Block::wire) Underlying wire buffer is empty");
return &*m_begin;
inline size_t
Block::size() const
if (hasWire() || hasValue()) {
return m_size;
throw Error("Block size cannot be determined (undefined block size)");
inline uint32_t
Block::type() const
return m_type;
inline bool
Block::hasValue() const
return static_cast<bool>(m_buffer);
inline Buffer::const_iterator
Block::value_begin() const
return m_value_begin;
inline Buffer::const_iterator
Block::value_end() const
return m_value_end;
inline const uint8_t*
Block::value() const
if (!hasValue())
return 0;
return &*m_value_begin;
inline size_t
Block::value_size() const
if (!hasValue())
return 0;
return m_value_end - m_value_begin;
inline Block::element_iterator
Block::erase(Block::element_iterator position)
return m_subBlocks.erase(position);
inline Block::element_iterator
Block::erase(Block::element_iterator first, Block::element_iterator last)
return m_subBlocks.erase(first, last);
inline void
Block::push_back(const Block& element)
inline const Block::element_container&
Block::elements() const
return m_subBlocks;
inline Block::element_const_iterator
Block::elements_begin() const
return m_subBlocks.begin();
inline Block::element_const_iterator
Block::elements_end() const
return m_subBlocks.end();
inline size_t
Block::elements_size() const
return m_subBlocks.size();
inline bool
Block::operator!=(const Block& other) const
return !this->operator==(other);
} // namespace ndn