blob: 424885099f0dd8c7243276fd81a7dcfd836160c8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Yingdi Yu <>
* @author: Jeff Thompson <>
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#include "../data.hpp"
#include "../face.hpp"
#include "identity/identity-manager.hpp"
#include "encryption/encryption-manager.hpp"
#include "policy/validation-request.hpp"
namespace ndn {
class PolicyManager;
* KeyChain is the main class of the security library.
* The KeyChain class provides a set of interfaces to the security library such as identity management, policy configuration
* and packet signing and verification.
class KeyChain {
(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<IdentityManager>& identityManager, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PolicyManager>& policyManager);
* Identity Management *
* Create an identity by creating a pair of Key-Signing-Key (KSK) for this identity and a self-signed certificate of the KSK.
* @param identityName The name of the identity.
* @return The key name of the auto-generated KSK of the identity.
createIdentity(const Name& identityName)
return identityManager_->createIdentity(identityName);
* Get the default identity.
* @return The default identity name.
return identityManager_->getDefaultIdentity();
* Generate a pair of RSA keys for the specified identity.
* @param identityName The name of the identity.
* @param isKsk true for generating a Key-Signing-Key (KSK), false for a Data-Signing-Key (KSK).
* @param keySize The size of the key.
* @return The generated key name.
generateRSAKeyPair(const Name& identityName, bool isKsk = false, int keySize = 2048)
return identityManager_->generateRSAKeyPair(identityName, isKsk, keySize);
* Set a key as the default key of an identity.
* @param keyName The name of the key.
* @param identityName the name of the identity. If not specified, the identity name is inferred from the keyName.
setDefaultKeyForIdentity(const Name& keyName, const Name& identityName = Name())
return identityManager_->setDefaultKeyForIdentity(keyName, identityName);
* Generate a pair of RSA keys for the specified identity and set it as default key for the identity.
* @param identityName The name of the identity.
* @param isKsk true for generating a Key-Signing-Key (KSK), false for a Data-Signing-Key (KSK).
* @param keySize The size of the key.
* @return The generated key name.
generateRSAKeyPairAsDefault(const Name& identityName, bool isKsk = false, int keySize = 2048)
return identityManager_->generateRSAKeyPairAsDefault(identityName, isKsk, keySize);
* Create a public key signing request.
* @param keyName The name of the key.
* @returns The signing request data.
createSigningRequest(const Name& keyName)
return identityManager_->getPublicKey(keyName)->getKeyDer();
* Install an identity certificate into the public key identity storage.
* @param certificate The certificate to to added.
installIdentityCertificate(const IdentityCertificate& certificate)
* Set the certificate as the default for its corresponding key.
* @param certificateName The certificate.
setDefaultCertificateForKey(const IdentityCertificate& certificate)
* Get a certificate with the specified name.
* @param certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @return the requested certificate which is valid.
getCertificate(const Name& certificateName)
return identityManager_->getCertificate(certificateName);
* Get a certificate even if the certificate is not valid anymore.
* @param certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @return the requested certificate.
getAnyCertificate(const Name& certificateName)
return identityManager_->getAnyCertificate(certificateName);
* Get an identity certificate with the specified name.
* @param certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @return the requested certificate which is valid.
getIdentityCertificate(const Name& certificateName)
return identityManager_->getCertificate(certificateName);
* Get an identity certificate even if the certificate is not valid anymore.
* @param certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @return the requested certificate.
getAnyIdentityCertificate(const Name& certificateName)
return identityManager_->getAnyCertificate(certificateName);
* Revoke a key
* @param keyName the name of the key that will be revoked
revokeKey(const Name & keyName)
//TODO: Implement
* Revoke a certificate
* @param certificateName the name of the certificate that will be revoked
revokeCertificate(const Name & certificateName)
//TODO: Implement
getIdentityManager() { return identityManager_; }
* Policy Management *
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PolicyManager>&
getPolicyManager() { return policyManager_; }
* Sign/Verify *
* Wire encode the Data object, sign it and set its signature.
* Note: the caller must make sure the timestamp is correct, for example with
* data.getMetaInfo().setTimestampMilliseconds(time(NULL) * 1000.0).
* @param data The Data object to be signed. This updates its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding.
* @param certificateName The certificate name of the key to use for signing. If omitted, infer the signing identity from the data packet name.
* @param wireFormat A WireFormat object used to encode the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
sign(Data& data, const Name& certificateName, WireFormat& wireFormat = *WireFormat::getDefaultWireFormat());
* Sign the byte array using a certificate name and return a Signature object.
* @param buffer The byte array to be signed.
* @param bufferLength the length of buffer.
* @param certificateName The certificate name used to get the signing key and which will be put into KeyLocator.
* @return The Signature.
sign(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t bufferLength, const Name& certificateName);
* Sign the byte array using a certificate name and return a Signature object.
* @param buffer The byte array to be signed.
* @param certificateName The certificate name used to get the signing key and which will be put into KeyLocator.
* @return The Signature.
sign(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer, const Name& certificateName)
return sign(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), certificateName);
* Wire encode the Data object, sign it and set its signature.
* Note: the caller must make sure the timestamp is correct, for example with
* data.getMetaInfo().setTimestampMilliseconds(time(NULL) * 1000.0).
* @param data The Data object to be signed. This updates its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding.
* @param identityName The identity name for the key to use for signing. If omitted, infer the signing identity from the data packet name.
* @param wireFormat A WireFormat object used to encode the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
signByIdentity(Data& data, const Name& identityName = Name(), WireFormat& wireFormat = *WireFormat::getDefaultWireFormat());
* Sign the byte array using an identity name and return a Signature object.
* @param buffer The byte array to be signed.
* @param bufferLength the length of buffer.
* @param identityName The identity name.
* @return The Signature.
signByIdentity(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t bufferLength, const Name& identityName);
* Sign the byte array using an identity name and return a Signature object.
* @param buffer The byte array to be signed.
* @param identityName The identity name.
* @return The Signature.
signByIdentity(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer, const Name& identityName)
return signByIdentity(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), identityName);
* Check the signature on the Data object and call either onVerify or onVerifyFailed.
* We use callback functions because verify may fetch information to check the signature.
* @param data The Data object with the signature to check. It is an error if data does not have a wireEncoding.
* To set the wireEncoding, you can call data.wireDecode.
* @param onVerified If the signature is verified, this calls onVerified(data).
* @param onVerifyFailed If the signature check fails, this calls onVerifyFailed(data).
(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data>& data, const OnVerified& onVerified, const OnVerifyFailed& onVerifyFailed, int stepCount = 0);
* Encrypt/Decrypt *
* Generate a symmetric key.
* @param keyName The name of the generated key.
* @param keyType The type of the key, e.g. KEY_TYPE_AES
generateSymmetricKey(const Name& keyName, KeyType keyType)
encryptionManager_->createSymmetricKey(keyName, keyType);
* Encrypt a byte array.
* @param keyName The name of the encrypting key.
* @param data The byte array that will be encrypted.
* @param dataLength The length of data.
* @param useSymmetric If true then symmetric encryption is used, otherwise asymmetric encryption is used.
* @param encryptMode the encryption mode
* @return the encrypted data as an immutable Blob.
encrypt(const Name &keyName, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLength, bool useSymmetric = true,
EncryptMode encryptMode = ENCRYPT_MODE_DEFAULT)
return encryptionManager_->encrypt(keyName, data, dataLength, useSymmetric, encryptMode);
* Decrypt a byte array.
* @param keyName The name of the decrypting key.
* @param data The byte array that will be decrypted.
* @param dataLength The length of data.
* @param useSymmetric If true then symmetric encryption is used, otherwise asymmetric encryption is used.
* @param encryptMode the encryption mode
* @return the decrypted data as an immutable Blob.
decrypt(const Name &keyName, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLength, bool useSymmetric = true,
EncryptMode encryptMode = ENCRYPT_MODE_DEFAULT)
return encryptionManager_->decrypt(keyName, data, dataLength, useSymmetric, encryptMode);
* Set the Face which will be used to fetch required certificates.
* @param face A pointer to the Face object.
setFace(Face* face) { face_ = face; }
(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data> &data, ptr_lib::shared_ptr<ValidationRequest> nextStep);
(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest, int retry, const OnVerifyFailed& onVerifyFailed,
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data> &data, ptr_lib::shared_ptr<ValidationRequest> nextStep);
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<IdentityManager> identityManager_;
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PolicyManager> policyManager_;
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<EncryptionManager> encryptionManager_;
Face* face_;
const int maxSteps_;