blob: e48b00d28cfb0f6936c44e6c8eaab80e25192da4 [file] [log] [blame]
ndn-cxx version 0.3.1
Release date: March 3, 2015
Changes since version 0.3.0:
New features
- **Management**
- Add isConnected() in :ndn-cxx:`signal::Connection` and :ndn-cxx:`signal::ScopedConnection`
- Extend :ndn-cxx:`DummyClientFace` to process ``LocalControlHeader`` (:issue:`2510`)
- Add CachingPolicy to ``LocalControlHeader`` (:issue:`2183`)
Updates and bug fixes
- **Wire encoding**
- Refactoring of :ndn-cxx:`EncodingImpl` class template (``EncodingBuffer`` and
``EncodingEstimator``) (:issue:`2494`, :issue:`2490`)
- Change :ndn-cxx:`Block::fromBuffer` return type (:issue:`2553`)
- **Miscellaneous tools**
- Mark ``Digest<Hash>::operator==`` as unsuitable in a security sensitive context
- Restrict destruction of Signal from handler (:issue:`2313`)
- **Documentation**
- Correct function names in security library tutorial (:issue:`2474`)
- Remind users to reinstall ports after OSX upgrade (:issue:`2284`)
- **Tests**
- Fix global buffer overflow in ``ImplicitSha256Digest`` test case (:issue:`2307`)
- Change naming conventions for unit test files and test suite names (:issue:`2497`)
- **Build**
- Explicitly define ``_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP``, necessary for gcc < 4.8 in some environments
- Delete deprecated ``Block(std::istream&)`` constructor (:issue:`2241`)
- Delete deprecated ``ndn::ptr_lib``, ``ndn::func_lib`` (:issue:`2110`)
- Delete deprecated ``MetaInfo::TYPE_*`` (:issue:`2170`)