| NDN-CPP: A Named Data Networking client library for C++ and C |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| To build in a terminal, change directory to the ndn-cpp root. Enter: |
| (There is currently no "install" step.) |
| This makes the following libraries: |
| .libs/libndn-c.a: The core C code for encoding and communication. |
| .libs/libndn-cpp.a: The C++ library API. libndn-cpp also needs libndn-c. |
| This makes the following test files: |
| bin/test-get-async: Connect to one of the NDN testbed hubs, express an interest and display the received data. |
| bin/test-encode-decode-interest: Encode and decode an interest, testing interest selectors and the name URI. |
| bin/test-encode-decode-data: Encode and decode a data packet, including signing the data packet. |
| NDN-CPP is tested on the following platforms: |
| Mac OS X 10.8.4 (clang 4.2) |
| Mac OS X 10.8.4 (gcc 4.2) |