blob: 8585352a4990b5ebe415ae16e993a227e262a2cd [file] [log] [blame]
# inspired by code by Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012
import os
from waflib import Node, Task, TaskGen, Errors, Logs, Build, Utils
class sphinx_build(Task.Task):
color = 'BLUE'
def __str__(self):
env = self.env
src_str = ' '.join([a.path_from(a.ctx.launch_node()) for a in self.inputs])
tgt_str = ' '.join([a.path_from(a.ctx.launch_node()) for a in self.outputs])
if self.outputs: sep = ' -> '
else: sep = ''
return'%s [%s]: %s%s%s\n'%(self.__class__.__name__.replace('_task',''),
self.env['BUILDERNAME'], src_str, sep, tgt_str)
@TaskGen.extension('.py', '.rst')
def sig_hook(self, node):
def apply_sphinx(self):
"""Set up the task generator with a Sphinx instance and create a task."""
inputs = []
for i in Utils.to_list(self.source):
if not isinstance(i, Node.Node):
node = self.path.find_node(node)
node = i
if not node:
raise ValueError('[%s] file not found' % i)
task = self.create_task('sphinx_build', inputs)
conf = self.path.find_node(self.config)
confdir = conf.parent.abspath()
buildername = getattr(self, 'builder', 'html')
srcdir = getattr(self, 'srcdir', confdir)
outdir = self.path.find_or_declare(getattr(self, 'outdir', buildername)).get_bld()
doctreedir = getattr(self, 'doctreedir', os.path.join(outdir.abspath(), '.doctrees'))
task.env['BUILDERNAME'] = buildername
task.env['SRCDIR'] = srcdir
task.env['DOCTREEDIR'] = doctreedir
task.env['OUTDIR'] = outdir.abspath()
task.env['VERSION'] = 'version=%s' % self.version
task.env['RELEASE'] = 'release=%s' % getattr(self, 'release', self.version)
import imp
confData = imp.load_source('sphinx_conf', conf.abspath())
if buildername == 'man':
for i in confData.man_pages:
target = outdir.find_or_declare('%s.%d' % (i[1], i[4]))
if self.install_path:
self.bld.install_files('%s/man%d/' % (self.install_path, i[4]), target)
def configure(conf):
conf.find_program('sphinx-build', var='SPHINX_BUILD', mandatory=False)
# sphinx docs
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
class sphinx(BuildContext):
cmd = "sphinx"
fun = "sphinx"