| /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ |
| * Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California. |
| * @author: Yingdi Yu <yingdi@cs.ucla.edu> |
| * @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu> |
| * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information. |
| namespace CryptoPP { class BufferedTransformation; } |
| OID(const std::string& oid); |
| OID(const std::vector<int>& oid) |
| setIntegerList(const std::vector<int>& value){ |
| bool operator == (const OID& oid) const |
| bool operator != (const OID& oid) const |
| encode(CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation& out) const; |
| decode(CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation& in); |
| construct(const std::string& value); |
| equal(const OID& oid) const; |