blob: 1885cb3c69749580510c9b683e78a24741566386 [file] [log] [blame]
* Author: Jeff Thompson
* BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information.
#include <stdexcept>
#include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLStructureDecoder.h"
namespace ndn {
* A BinaryXMLStructureDecoder wraps a C ndn_BinaryXMLStructureDecoder struct and related functions.
class BinaryXMLStructureDecoder {
* Continue scanning input starting from getOffset() to find the element end.
* If the end of the element which started at offset 0 is found, then return true and getOffset() is the length of
* the element. Otherwise return false, which means you should read more into input and call again.
* @param input the input buffer. You have to pass in input each time because the buffer could be reallocated.
* @param inputLength the number of bytes in input.
* @return true if found the element end, false if need to read more. (This is the same as returning gotElementEnd().)
bool findElementEnd(unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
char *error;
if (error = ndn_BinaryXMLStructureDecoder_findElementEnd(&base_, input, inputLength))
throw std::runtime_error(error);
return gotElementEnd();
unsigned int getOffset() { return base_.offset; }
bool gotElementEnd() { return base_.gotElementEnd != 0; }
struct ndn_BinaryXMLStructureDecoder base_;